Before Li Fan entered the small world to practice in seclusion, Wang He told him that it was best to be mentally prepared.

Now all the attention of all parties is on him, and the postponement of the competition for three days is the result of a multi-party game.

And suddenly a message appeared in the competition, saying that Li Fan was determined to be the first place, because someone inside was specifically targeting him.

He may be questioned later, and someone will definitely ask him to publicly conduct spell ratings to ensure that no details are falsified.

This satisfies some people's anti-counterfeiting mentality. At that time, the attention of the entire competition may be focused on him, which requires a good psychological quality.

However, Wang He told Li Fan not to worry too much. At present, competition officials generally prefer to protect him.

Li Fan expressed his gratitude to Wang He for talking to him so much, and the postponement of the competition just gave him a buffer period.

Wang He also asked him with a smile, are you mentally prepared to be number one in the competition and accept the spotlight?

This is a normal thing for people from aristocratic families, but it is rare to see people like Li Fan. His current potential performance far exceeds that of the geniuses of the aristocratic family, surpassing the original number one, and receiving unprecedented attention.

As he spoke, Wang He showed his eyes looking at the prehistoric treasure again, his eyes blazing.

Who would have thought that a player who was diagnosed with a complete failure of meridians in the qualifying round would be directly confirmed as the first person who does not need to compete anymore on the first day of the official competition in just one month?


Unlike the turbulent outside world, Li Fan's place is very quiet, which is very suitable for his inspiration.

Li Fan himself did not expect that he would deduce a heaven-level spell on his first try, attracting the attention of the world's high-end combat power - the Sky Mage.

It's impossible to say that I'm not nervous, but I'll take it as it comes. As a time traveler with a system cheat, this is not necessarily a bad thing or a dead end.

At the moment, the spells he most wants to deduce are escape-type spells and other types of spells.

Li Fan is studying how to make full use of this system.

Because he found that this system was a little different, a semi-intelligent system.

Except for a brief introduction to the system's functions when activating the system for the first time, there was no additional interaction.

No matter how he called the system later, there seemed to be no interaction.

This system does not have many system panels, any mall, and no rewards, so I have no choice but to explore everything by myself.

It would only give feedback, and the belief value was insufficient to deduce it. It also did not tell Li Fan how much belief value he needed to deduce it.

The advantage of this system is that it will not issue tasks or force you to do tasks, everything is very free.

The disadvantage is that there is no extra guidance, it is all on your own.

In other words, what kind of results you achieve and what kind of upper limit you have depends on your own imagination.

As Li Fan experimented again and again, he gradually figured out that this system is not just a matter of your imagination.

Rather than saying that this system is a deduction, it is better to say that it is a deduction, an evolution, and a complement.

It requires you to have some basic low-level details.

Just like in the past life, if you want to solve advanced mathematics, it requires you to at least understand elementary school mathematics. It will deduce a path for you to make up for the missing parts from elementary school mathematics to advanced mathematics.

The understanding in this world is that if you want to deduce a big flame spell, you have to understand what the flames in this world look like, what the basic temperature is, and how lethal it is.

There is also the image, temperature, lethality, effect, etc. of the flame you want to deduce. The more detailed it is, the easier it is to deduce it.

Therefore, Li Fan had his own speculation about his successful deduction of the Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus and his heaven-level evaluation.

First, the Buddha's Furious Lotus is very easy to understand and imagine. Even in the previous life, just reading novels, it is easy to come up with a picture. The Buddha's Furious Lotus is the product of the forcible fusion of several mutually exclusive flames of violent energy..

Second, the original owner had a foundation in spiritual practice. He had a basic understanding of fire spells and meridians. This affected the phenomenon Li Fan's subconscious, and he would unconsciously participate in the imaginative fusion process during the deduction process.

Based on the above two points, the system can deduce a"Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus".

As for why he deduced heaven-level spells, it was because Li Fan didn't know enough about the power system of this world to specifically imagine it.

So during the deduction process, he overestimated the power of the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus, and finally formed a"heaven-level spell" that he didn't even know about.

As his understanding of the power of this world and the cultivation system deepens, the spells he deduces should become more and more consistent with a certain cultivation level.

This is also related to his mental strength. Deduction also requires mental strength. If the mental strength is insufficient, the deduction will fail. He has already tried it.

For example, now that he understands the conventional power of a Qi Refiner in this world, he can deduce the so-called fire spell - the Qi Refiner's version.

Once he understands the existence of the little mage in this world, he will be able to deduce the fire spell - the little mage version accordingly.

If he doesn't restrict anything and simply deduce it to a larger level, it will be related to his original owner's past experience and understanding of the world's extreme power, temperature, climate, etc., and it will deduce a level that he cannot control. of spells.

The heaven-level version of Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus was created under this situation.

This may also explain why he cannot deduce the Heavenly Emperor Fist in the Zhetian system?

On the surface it is a lack of faith and imagination.

In fact, Li Fan still has some abstract concepts in his mind about the Heavenly Emperor Fist. For example, is it so powerful that it can shatter the planet with one punch? It's just that the details are lacking.

But the problem is that the original owner’s past experience and cognition are limited to a certain extent.���Stunned, he couldn't instinctively believe in the power of blasting the planet with one punch. Coupled with this lack of mental strength, the deduction failed.

This made Li Fan sigh, success depends on imagination, and failure depends on imagination.

When you don't understand the world, your imagination is endless, and you can deduce any spells.

However, there is no way to accurately control the results of the deduction. We can only confirm that the rating must be very high.

As he understands the world more and more, it is also the time when his imagination is most constrained, but he can also control and deduce various levels of spells.

However, Li Fan had a curious idea here. If he hypnotized himself and changed his cognition, would it be possible to break through the constraints of common sense while he was under hypnosis?

I'll try this later when I get a chance.

Therefore, the upper limit that he can use this system to reach in this world depends entirely on whether he can make full use of this system.

Of course, this is just his speculation based on the current situation. Whether it will always be like this depends on whether there will be any new changes in the system later.

For a moment, Li Fan had a magical feeling. He had traveled to a fantasy world and had a golden finger, but he was doing scientific logical reasoning? Looking at problems from a developmental perspective?

What a wonderful combination is this?

(Ps: I woke up today and found that I was rewarded. Thank you very much. It gave me the motivation to write down. There is no possibility of system message delay and no reward information.)

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