Southern Territory.

Celestial Beast Mountain Range.

It is called one of the three most dangerous mountains in the Southern Territory by people in the Southern Territory.

The Heavenly Beast Mountain Range is located outside the northern part of Yuanfang City and stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

The depths of the mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist all day long, the sky is dark, and monsters are rampant. It is a forbidden area for mages.

Master Tian went in and narrowly escaped death.

There were once three Jiuxingtian mages who led a team into the depths of the mountains. In the end, no news came back, and they disappeared into the deepest depths forever.

Only the outer areas are slightly safer.

But it is only slightly safer. There are also many ferocious birds and beasts outside. They have been bathed in the light of the sun and moon all year round and have already become spirits.

Even the Archmage can't protect himself, and almost no one comes close to him on weekdays.

But now, four uninvited guests are welcomed.

Four figures fell from the sky, and strangely, the last figure was trapped in a cage.

This was none other than Huang Tianxu and his party, and they finally arrived at the Tianshou Mountain Range.

As they approached, they heard a roar coming from the mountains, as if a prehistoric beast was roaring.

I looked very small, and I felt like I would be roared to death in the next second.

The Huang Tian brothers felt it very clearly. Their faces were a little pale and pale, which showed that they had never been here before.

Huang Tianxu acted a little better. Although his old face was a little unnatural at first, he quickly covered it up.

"Let's go, they're waiting."

Several people soon arrived at a large stone cave. At first glance, the interior was quite spacious. There were already more than a dozen figures there.

Some were standing, some were sitting on the big rocks, and some were sitting cross-legged.

Without exception, They are all dressed in black and have white masks on their faces.

"finally come."

Seeing the appearance of Huang Tianxu and others, one of these people said, because through the mask, his voice was very dull.

"Who do I think I am? It turns out that they are all people who hide their heads and show their tails?"

"Don't you even dare to show your face?"

What no one else expected was that before Huang Tianxu could speak, Li Fan spoke first.

This made the two brothers Huang Tianxu and Huang Ming stunned.

"Boy, you are really looking for death."

Although Huang Ming and Huang Tian ridiculed Li Fan along the way, he didn't say anything, thinking that he was just pretending.

I didn't expect that when I got here, he would not stop talking as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Li Fan, you don't seem to realize what situation you are in now."

Huang Tianxu's old face also darkened. Even Li Xiaoyou's title changed. He had already released Li Fan from his prison. Now Li Fan can walk back and forth.

"It’s interesting. They say we are the people who hide our heads and show our tails."

"It’s so interesting. This is the first time such a little mage says this. Is this the arrogance of a genius?"

"Did you think someone would come to save you?"

"Do you want to use provocation to reveal our true colors?"

"Actually, there is no need. I will let you understand whose hands you died by."

"Look at my face carefully and remember my name. My name is Zhou Hao"

"If Lin Tian doesn't protect you, I'm not interested in killing you yet."

A yin side voice sounded, and a person slowly took off his mask, revealing his true face.

This person was a young man about twenty years old, with a scar across his cheek, which was very obvious and looked very...

He was getting more and more excited as he spoke.

"Zhou Hao, don't get excited."

Another man with a white face and white clothes said with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice. He felt that Zhou Hao was too imprudent and too excited.

They knew that Zhou Hao regarded Lin Tian as his enemy, but they were still worried that he would ruin a good thing.

"I say, gentlemen, since people have arrived, sooner or later we have to take off the mask and see who is who."

"Otherwise how do we allocate it? Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope."

Zhou Hao looked around and said disapprovingly, and finally stared at Li Fan.

"First check whether the three of them are marked by divine thoughts."

Someone reminded that they suspected that Huang Tianxu and others might have been marked as tracking, and they had methods to check.

Soon, Li Fan and others were checked and confirmed that there was no doubt.

These dozen figures appeared one after another. Don't worry, take off your mask. Under the mask, there are old people, young people, and women.

After taking off their masks, they all greeted each other, and it felt like a recognition scene.

"Then we should decide how to distribute it."

An elder of the Zhou family named Zhou Ming said what they were most concerned about.

"I think our Huang family has given the most and deserves the most."

Another elder of the Huang family, named Huang Chen, immediately answered the call.

He believed that people from his family were the ones who brought people to the competition site. If their family is exposed, the first one will be suspected..

So they deserve the most

"You can’t say that. In this world, it’s not whoever puts in the most effort who gets the most. What do you think, Elder Huang?"

Wu Zhen from another aristocratic family, the Wu family, spoke up. His aura was very strong, and the other families were silent for a moment.

Li Fan, on the other hand, kept staring at them, silently memorizing their looks and appearance. The represented aristocratic families. These dozen people represent the Huang family, Zhou family, Mo family, Han family, Wang family, and Wu family in Yuanfang City in the Southern Region.

"No, have you asked me for my opinion?"

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