A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 156 I Hate Bards (Second update please subscribe)

Seeing this group of people thinking about the whole thing as a conspiracy between Bertorgas and the Dragon Worship Cult in a few words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a playful smile that was not easy to detect.

You don't need to ask to know that this is exactly the effect he tried every means to achieve.

Now that the Dragon Cult, a well-known evil organization, is taking the blame, basically no one will doubt Wilmes.

Just as Zuo Si was secretly thinking about how to use the complete dragon corpse in front of him, Count Wicks Targett finally finished discussing the possible threats posed by the Dragon Worship Cult with several priests of kind gods, and immediately came over to solemnly discuss it. He put one hand on his chest and bowed.

"Your Excellency Soth. Please allow me to express my most sincere gratitude to you on behalf of all the residents of Mailatma City and my own family. Without you, I really don't know how bad the results would be."

"You're welcome. After all, isn't it just to solve these troubles that you paid to hire me?" Zuo Si responded with a smile.

“Although I said that, I actually didn’t have high expectations at the time.

I just wanted to weaken this monster army a little bit.

But you didn't just destroy this monster army of staggering proportions.

And they also killed their master, a powerful and evil red dragon, as well as members of the Dragon Cult who had colluded with the red dragon.

As an extra thank you, I will hire the most famous bards in the kingdom of Tethyr to write a song about your feats and sing it throughout Faerûn. "

When he said these words, Count Wicks Targett's expression and tone were full of sincerity.

In his eyes, having a local lord come forward to publicize someone's achievements and reputation is a treatment that almost all adventurers and mercenaries dream of getting.

After all, in Faerun, reputation is sometimes more important than wealth and power.

For example, let's say the lord or ruling class of a certain city wants to hire powerful adventurers to help them solve a difficult problem.

Then the first thing they will consider must be those adventure teams with a certain reputation.

Because these people have successful experience in handling similar situations, even if they do not do well, the situation will not worsen.

But that's not necessarily the case for teams that are not famous but are equally strong.

The latter may complete the task neatly, or it may completely mess up.

In order to avoid risks, it is usually impossible for risk-takers and teams without a certain reputation to be trusted.

But the problem is that Zuo Si is not from this world. His way of thinking and values ​​are completely different. He refused without even thinking about it: "Please don't do this. If there is something in this world that I hate the most, Yes, it must be the bards and the stories they sing. I hate being famous, and I don’t want to be someone else’s conversation piece.”


Count Wicks Targett was stunned for a moment.

He never dreamed that instead of being grateful for his kindness, he would actually show an expression of extreme disgust.

"If you really want to express your gratitude, you can choose to give me more rewards, or additional magic items, scrolls and books. In short, don't ask for any bards. Just the opposite! You'd better order not to allow any People don’t tell the truth about tonight.”

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the other party's reaction, took out a scalpel made of fine gold from his bag, and walked straight to Bertorgas' body.

Then, in full view of everyone, he carefully poked into the "back door" of the red dragon, and cut a slit along the most vulnerable part of the body, extending to the end of the tail.

After finishing all this, he started to peel off the tail's leather bit by bit, all the way down to the underlying skin and muscles.

The whole process went smoothly without causing even the slightest damage to the integrity of the dragon skin.

After peeling off the tail, Zuo Si also started from the "back door" and cut along the relatively delicate scale texture of the abdomen until he reached the lower jaw of the dragon head.

Finally, skin the body and wings along the abdominal incision.

In less than fifteen minutes, he completely skinned a mature red dragon.

Except for the dragon wings that were damaged to a certain extent in the battle, other parts are very complete.

According to the standard body shape of most humans, these dragon skins are enough to make at least four sets of full-body heavy armor and six sets of soft-skin light armor.

As for dragon horn, it is one of the best materials for making weapons and staffs.

In addition, during the skinning process, Zuo Si also collected a large amount of dragon blood, which made the old mage on the side look envious.

Not only the old mage, but many priests, warriors, and knights present also showed extremely longing eyes.

But unfortunately, according to convention, this dragon was killed by Zuo Si, so the ownership of the spoils belongs to him.

No matter how much others want a piece of the pie, they can only endure it honestly.

Even if some guys have evil intentions, when they see the desert environment around them, they will immediately think of the terrifying chaotic magic storm before, and eventually reason will defeat greed.

In this way, everyone watched Zuo Si skinning, cramping, and eviscerating a dragon. Finally, even the skeleton was cleaned and dismantled, stuffed into dimensional bags, and packed away.

The only thing that has no use value is the dragon meat that is randomly discarded on the ground.

Different from the "big tonic" dragon meat mentioned in some gossips, although this thing is not poisonous, it will not kill anyone if eaten. At most, it will cause diarrhea.

But the taste is really not that bad.

After all, the dragon itself is a magical creature, and its muscles contain a large number of elements when alive.

Take the red dragon as an example. The fire element contained in the muscles will make the meat hard, old and full of spicy taste that cannot be described in words.

Even more than ten times scarier than the hottest devil pepper.

It's easy to choke just by smelling it, let alone eating it after it's cooked.

This is clearly documented in the book "Guide to Cooking Dragons (Five Color Evil Dragons Only)" written by Elminster himself.

But there is no shortage of “warriors” in the world who dare to try new things.

Several young people who had fantasies about dragon meat picked up a few pieces from the ground and hung them under the saddle. It seemed that they planned to go back and have a taste.

Zuo Si sincerely hoped that they would not have gastrointestinal cramps, convulsions, or chrysanthemum residue after eating.

Moreover, the spiciness of red dragon meat does not end when it is excreted, but will last for several days or even more than a week.

In fact, eating the flesh of any kind of dragon involves taking considerable risks.

Those with weaker constitutions might die suddenly after just two bites.

As for the magic items carried by members of the Dragon Worship Cult, Zuo Si didn't keep any of them. He simply drained the magic energy and threw it away.

Who knows if the magic items these guys are carrying can be tracked.

He has enough troubles now, and he doesn't want to get into trouble with those crazy people from the Dragon Worship Cult.

After finishing these trivial matters, Zuo Si just made an excuse, left everyone's sight, and went deep into the woods alone.

Wilmes, who had been waiting there for a long time, immediately stood up and asked: "How was it? Did the plan succeed? Is Bertorgas dead?"

Zuo Si nodded without thinking: "Yes. The plan was successful.

Now everyone in Mylatma believes that Bertorgas and his Dragon Cult allies are behind the entire incident.

As for himself, he has now become leather, bones, entrails and blood, contained in this dimensional bag.

By the way, how are Rhett and Soldier doing now? "

"I'm sorry, your summoned creature was too seriously injured and probably won't be saved.

I noticed that the blood in his body seemed to exude a little aura of red dragon blood.

If nothing else, it should be that when the blood-sucking sword penetrated Bertorgas' body, it absorbed his boiling blood full of fire element energy.

As for the orc, although he fell hard and suffered some internal bleeding, he managed to hold on.

If you have a healing potion, giving him one should wake him up. "

After saying that, Wilmes pointed to Rhett, who was lying on the ground not far away and moaning softly, as well as the soldier who was motionless, his whole body covered with melted and cooled metal, and his skin turned dark red.

The latter's breathing and heartbeat were even weak enough to be considered dead.

In fact, his ability to hold on until now has far exceeded Zuo Si's expectations.

After all, it was the flaming breath of a mature red dragon that was eaten head-on.

Although various protective spells and potions have offset part of the power, the remaining part is still enough to easily burn a person to ashes.

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