A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 202: Yawning Gate Tavern and Leyline Maze City (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Using the little cash left to buy a house, Zuo Si finally had a fixed foothold in Waterdeep City.

Although daily maintenance, cleaning, food, and wages to servants cost about one hundred gold coins every month.

But compared to being able to travel between two cities through teleportation magic in an instant, this little money is really nothing.

"Master. According to your request, I have arranged for the servants to clean the cellar and the secret room first. As for the general cleaning of the rooms on the first and second floors, it may take two or three days. However, the master bedroom has been cleaned and is almost habitable. In the end There are also yards and gardens that are overgrown with weeds, and we need to wait until next spring before we can start planting some flowers and plants."

The butler Ivis Harlin, who looked about forty years old and always maintained a serious and meticulous image, took the initiative to come to Zuo Si to report on the progress of his work.

As a registered member of the Waterdeep City Butler Guild, my grandfather has even served a certain nobleman for decades. He knows very well what his job content is, and he also understands what kind of attitude and service can satisfy his employer to the greatest extent. .

"Good job. Just take your time at this pace. Anyway, I probably won't live here most of the time. Oh, by the way, this is a money order for one thousand gold coins. You can exchange it later at the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth. , and then used as daily expenses.”

With that said, Zuo Si took out a money order with a security mark and handed it over.

Since Waterdeep City has a very mature guild system, he has no worries that the other party will take the money and run away secretly, or do something to line their own pockets.

Because every registered member of the guild will have a very clear resume, and even evaluations of his work ability and attitude by previous employers.

The level of detail is comparable to a headhunting firm's investigation of a senior executive of a large company in modern society.

Ives had worked for more than one employer since he was twenty-five years old.

Almost all employers, without exception, gave his work perfect marks.

And the reason why he was fired was mostly because his employer left Waterdeep City, so there was no longer a need for a housekeeper.

In fact, not only housekeepers, but also male servants, maids, dog trainers, gardeners, chefs, and guards are all hired through the guild without exception.

Waterdeep is different from Askatra.

The latter is ruled by a group of wealthy merchants, so they will naturally do their best to suppress various guild forces and prevent them from doing all kinds of things when they get bigger, thus affecting business prosperity and trade profits.

In the early days of the establishment of the former, the political situation was very turbulent and chaotic, resulting in people from all walks of life having to work together to fight for their own interests.

Over time, an extremely advanced guild system was developed.

Here, you need to find the corresponding guild to hire a housekeeper, you need to find the corresponding guild to buy real estate, and you also need to find the corresponding guild to hire servants and guards.

All guild organizations will not only provide guests with the talents and services they most urgently need, but will also strive for better salaries for members who accept employment.

If an employer beats, assaults or mistreats a servant, the guild will not hesitate to stand up and use legal or illegal means to seek justice for the victim and obtain a large amount of compensation.

Because of this, Waterdeep has become a place of miracles in the eyes of many kind and righteous people.

At least here, employers and servants, nobles and commoners are equal in law and social status.

The nobles of Waterdeep City basically have no other privileges except that they can retain a private armed force of no more than seventy people.

You must know that even in the commercial empire of Amn, where the feudal system has begun to gradually disintegrate, a noble can still decide the marriage and even the life and death of his servants in his own territory.

They can punish their men who steal and make mistakes at will, even if they just steal a few gold coins or accidentally lose a few sheep while grazing.

Similarly, these people can also marry the beautiful maid who has served them for many years to a Calishan merchant who she doesn't like at all, but is willing to pay a few hundred gold coins as a "betrothal gift", even if the merchant may turn the maid into a slave.

This is true for Amn, not to mention those countries and regions that still implement feudal systems and slavery.

Therefore, Waterdeep City is at least at the forefront of the entire Faerûn continent in terms of law, and can even be said to be quite humane.

"Thank you very much for your trust. Please be assured that I will keep detailed records of every expenditure."

Ives quickly took the money order and bowed deeply.

He originally thought that the operating capital of two to three hundred gold coins would be quite good for him as a new employee.

After all, trust takes time to build slowly.

But now it's good, I've directly received enough funds to last ten months to a year.

"As for the daily management and cleaning, you can take care of it. I only have one request, and that is that no one is allowed to approach the secret room in the cellar."

Zuo Si gave the death order in a tone that left no room for doubt.

Because the moment a spellcaster performs long-distance teleportation is often the most vulnerable, least protected, and most vulnerable to attack.

He didn't want something unexpected to happen because someone was too close to the teleportation point he set.

"Understood. I will inform all the servants right now."

Ives did not ask why, but directly chose to obey.

As an experienced professional butler, he knows one thing very well, that is, to control his mouth and curiosity, and not to inquire too much about his master's privacy.

no doubt!

Zuo Si was very satisfied with the professionalism displayed by this middle-aged man.

Similarly, he also understands why they are all large trading city-states, but Baldur's Gate is suppressed by Amn, while Waterdeep can always maintain its advantage in the fierce trade competition.

The powerful mage group is certainly a very important reason, but in addition there is the enviable talent pool in Waterdeep City.

There are a large number of professional training institutions and colleges in the city, which can continuously provide the city with talents from all walks of life.

The enlightened system and relatively fair laws will continue to attract those who are eager to get rid of oppression, slavery and gain dignity.

This also means that Waterdeep City has never been truly defeated by the merchants of Amn in terms of culture, art, magic, and processing technology of various high-value-added goods.

Although there are big problems in governance capabilities and governance methods, the social level has always maintained confidence and vitality.

No matter what race you are, as long as you are willing to abide by the laws of Waterdeep City, you may be accepted and become one of them.

This can be seen from the large number of adventurers, mercenaries, merchants, and craftsmen from all over the world in the city.

"It truly deserves to be a glorious city. No wonder everyone describes this place as a place of miracles." Zuo Si sighed slightly.

The more he learns about Waterdeep, the more he feels the city's unique charm.

If he hadn't met Bernard by chance, maybe settling down in Waterdeep City would also be a good choice.

And you can also go to "Maze of the Earth" every now and then to pick up the wool of the mad mage Halaster Blackrobe.

After going to the underground secret room and setting up a teleportation point, and getting some magic traps, mechanisms and alarms near the only entrance, Zuo Si comforted Isadora a little and left her at home, and then took Davian and started to swim in the deep water. Check in at various famous places in the city.

Including the "curiosities" shop on the east side of Sword Street, near the south of Seldus Street, which specializes in selling various badges, coins and other small items;

The "Golden Key" store on Warrior Road sells locks and keys;

Haramba's Lute and Harp, the largest musical instrument store in Waterdeep loved by bards and music lovers;

An "Olhazan Gem" store, managed and run by the top brass of the Gemstone Craftsmen's Guild, with countless rare and expensive gemstones on its shelves;

"Faranthar's Medicine" which acquires and sells spices, herbs, poisons and precious magical plants;

Finally, there is the armor shop opened by the most famous armor master in the North, Hillmore.

It is said that it would cost at least four thousand to six thousand gold coins to order a set of steel plate armor from this master.

And this price can already buy a pretty good low-level enchanted armor.

In addition, Zuo Si also dropped by the "Crawling Spider" pub that Imogen mentioned.

Of course, it was just out of curiosity, wanting to see what a place that could attract countless people would be like.

It has to be said that this tavern, which is specially built in the style of the Underdark, is indeed unique.

Whether it is the young waitresses who are covered in black translucent tights like stockings from neck to feet, always twisting their waists and buttocks when walking, and wearing black gauze masks above the nose, or the slightly dim lights in the surrounding environment , are enough to make the hearts of those men who come here to speed up and secrete a lot of hormones.

Coupled with the effects of alcohol on the brain...

At this moment, if a certain waitress is making a little jumping movement, or whispering in the ear full of temptation and hints.

Guests will quickly lose their minds and quickly empty their pockets to the last coin just to have some "in-depth" and intimate communication with the waitress.

But Zuo Si, who was not affected by hormones at all, found that the prices of food and drinks in the "Crawling Spider" pub were astonishingly expensive.

A simple meal cost a silver coin, and the drinks were not only equally expensive, but also of very poor quality.

But considering that the people who are willing to come here to spend money are basically not here for the drinks and food, it is reasonable that the price is several times higher.

By the time we walked out of the tavern, it was completely dark.

Zuo Si stood on the still bustling street and asked the dragon knight beside him with great interest: "What do you think of this tavern?"

"Hahahaha! Pretty good. Especially the waitresses. Sometimes they are so enthusiastic that I can't breathe."

Davian laughed and wiped the numerous red lip marks on his face and neck, quickly putting his helmet back on.

Obviously, with his tall stature and strong physique, he not only easily won the welcome of the waitresses, but even received free special services.

Especially the pair of dragon-like vertical pupils, which made many women with special fetishes feel unprecedented stimulation, and they took the initiative to throw themselves into his arms.

The fierce collisions and gasps could be heard clearly even through a wall.

"Do you still have enough physical strength to fight now?" Zuo Si joked with a smile.

Davian answered without thinking: "Of course! Since becoming a Dragonborn, I have never experienced what it feels like to be tired."

"In that case, let's go to Dunan's Yawning Gate Hotel as our next stop to see the most famous attraction in Waterdeep City - Leyline Maze."

Zuo Si made a quick decision after thinking about it for a while.

Because making a spare land card has always been the most important task of this trip to Waterdeep City.

In this way, the two walked through the intricate streets and alleys, and soon found the only entrance to the Waterdeep City that was not restricted and open to everyone in an inconspicuous corner.

In addition to this place, the cellar well of the Blue Mermaid Tavern in the dock area, the underground wine cellar of Waterdeep Castle, and the unknown secret passage under the Shadow Knight Tavern can all lead directly to different levels of Leyline City.

But in comparison, the entrance to the "Yawning Gate" hotel is relatively safe.

Just like the information provided by Imogen, the largest number of adventurers come and go here every day.

Therefore, generally speaking, monsters and traps within a few kilometers have been cleared away.

At least you don't have to worry about being ambushed by scary monsters as soon as you get down.

Although the location of the "Yawning Gate" hotel is not great, it is always full of guests.

A large number of adventurers, bards, and young people eager to seek excitement gather here.

Almost every once in a while, someone will spend a gold coin to grab the rope and enter the entrance of the dark maze underground to find the valuable treasure hidden inside.

Occasionally, a lucky person who returns from an adventure will pay a gold coin and let the shopkeeper pull him up from below.

Unlike the high morale when they set out, most of the people who came back were dejected.

Many teams started out with four or five people, but only two, three or even one or two were left when they came back.

As for those who didn't come back, you knew they must have died in the maze without asking.

After all, similar situations happen almost every day, and everyone is accustomed to it.

Some teams that are planning to enter the maze will take the opportunity to spend some money to buy wine and food for these losers, and get as much information as possible from the other party so that they can be prepared when they arrive in that area.

In addition, there are a large number of "fun people" who set up gambling games to bet on whether the adventure team that just went down can come back alive.

All in all, the Yawning Door pub is a typical mixed bag.

There is no struggle here between good and evil, order and chaos.

Some are just a group of greedy adventurers who dare to risk their lives for wealth and fame.

“What a nice place.”

Zuo Si obviously liked the atmosphere in the tavern and the guests who did not hide their inner desires.

Dunan, the innkeeper who was standing at the bar, heard this and immediately grinned with a proud smile: "Of course! I assure you, no one in Waterdeep City knows the Lost City better than me, and no one knows it better than me. I understand better what adventurers need. More than half of these customers come because of the fame I gained during my adventures."

"So you just watch them enter the Lost City of Earth Lines one after another to die?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"There is always a price to pay for taking risks. What's more, this is their own choice. In Faerun, if you want to gain fame and wealth, you have to risk your life. After all, not everyone is as lucky as you to be favored by the gods and become A powerful electorate.”

When saying this, Dunan deliberately lowered his voice to avoid being heard by other guests nearby.

Obviously, he had recognized Zuo Si's identity.

After all, this guy is no ordinary tavern owner. He is also a very powerful warrior. He once explored the Lost City of Earth and successfully brought back a huge amount of wealth.

In addition, according to rumors, he is also a very close friend with his former adventure teammate "Moneylender", who is now one of the secret lords of Waterdeep City.

So being relatively well-informed is not a big deal.

Zuo Si looked at this strong man who had grown a belly, and sighed slightly: "To put it bluntly, it's just luck.

I bet that more than 90% of those who dare to enter Leyline City believe that they are special to this world.

Even if you encounter a powerful monster, you can save the day and return safely with valuable loot.

As everyone knows, people who have this idea are often the ones who die the fastest.

At least when I first became an apprentice, I would never enter a place full of scary monsters and traps like Leyline Maze. "

Du Nan nodded in agreement: "I completely agree. In fact, just by observing the preparations of the adventurers who enter the Lost City, you will know which ones are going to die and which ones are likely to come back alive."

"Which adventure team in the hotel do you think is the most prepared right now?"

Zuo Si scanned the various adventurers in the hall with the corner of his eye, and almost immediately targeted those with the most equipment and magic items.

Because generally speaking, a team with more magic items often means a higher professional level and richer adventure experience.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some rich children acquire powerful magical equipment just to seek excitement when going out on adventures.

After all, the composition of the adventurer group has always been very complex, and they even occasionally encounter dragons that transform into humans or elves, or princes and princesses of a certain country.

"Are you going to enter the Lost City of Earth?" Dunan asked in surprise.

Zuo Si nodded casually: "That's right. I'm going to find a team to go down with. Do you have any good recommendations?"

“See that table sitting in the corner on the right?

The leader of the bearded dwarf is called Luger, and he is a very powerful defender.

It is said that during a battle, he successfully blocked a full blow from a fire giant with the shield in his hand.

The female halfling thief next to him is named Cora. ​​She is not only good at detection, unlocking and dismantling traps, but she can also sneak up behind monsters and cut their necks silently.

The last man, who was carrying a lute and was somewhat dissolute, was called Kers. He was a bard of a high level and was quite good at illusion magic.

Now, they are looking for a healer, either a cleric or a druid.

In addition, this team has entered Leyline Maze City many times, reaching the tenth floor underground, which is a pretty good achievement.

If you're interested, go talk to them. "

Dunan quickly gave his advice without trying to find out the purpose of entering the Lost City of the Talona electorate.

As a senior adventurer, he knows better than anyone that if you want to live a long life, it is best to get less involved in things related to gods and elects.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will not even know how you died.


Zuo Si took out a hundred gold coins and left them on the bar as an introduction fee to the hotel owner Dunan. Then he stood up and walked straight over.

The very vigilant dwarf Luger saw someone approaching, immediately put down his glass and asked: "Is something wrong?"

"I heard your team is looking for a healer?"

Zuo Si bluntly stated his intention.

"Yes! We do need a healer. But not a novice, but a priest or druid who can at least cast three-ring magic."

Luger also explained the recruitment criteria equally succinctly.

Since he had been in Faerun for quite some time, and he was very well-nourished, Zuo Si's height also jumped from just over 1.3 meters at the beginning to 1.45 meters. He looked different from the common people who didn't eat well. The fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy is almost the same.

Although he will still be looked down upon for being too young, at least he will no longer be treated like a child.

What's more, the three-ring magic means that you must reach at least LV5.

And this level happens to be the minimum prerequisite for entering Leyline Labyrinth and coming back alive.

If you don't reach this level, you may die suddenly at any time even on the first level, which is the easiest to deal with.

No nonsense!

Zuo Si chanted a spell directly in front of his face and quickly successfully released a magical spell.


Including the dwarf defenders, halfling thieves and human bards, they all instantly felt an invisible force field surrounding themselves.

"Three-ring magic [anti-evil magic circle]! He is a priest!"

Kers, the only bard in the team with the ability to recognize spells, quickly said the name of the magic in a tone full of surprise.

This spell has the same effect as [Protection from Evil].

But the difference is that it can take effect on all friendly targets within a three-meter radius, and it lasts longer.

"Really? Are all the priests who can cast three-ring magic so young now? Or does he have halfling or dwarf blood, so he just looks smaller?" The halfling Cora widened her eyes in surprise.

However, Luger didn't care about this. He stretched out his rough hand and said with a grin: "Welcome to join the team. I think we can start to talk about the distribution of spoils in detail."

After all, people with healing abilities are definitely a scarce resource among the vast number of adventurers.

Especially in places like Leyline Labyrinth, which are particularly prone to injury and poisoning, it is definitely an indispensable member of the adventure team who wants to explore deeper.

As for those guys who gathered together a group of warriors and one or two thieves and then rushed to die, they couldn't get very far before becoming food for various monsters and beasts.

"Don't worry. Before we talk about this, I have an additional request, which is to bring a guard of my own."

With that said, Zuo Si pointed at Davian who was left beside the bar.

The poet Kers followed the direction of his finger and soon saw the dragonborn knight and the conspicuous red scale armor on his body. He exclaimed in a slightly shocked tone: "Red... red dragon armor? !”


The dwarf was also startled. He quickly turned around and looked around, and immediately opened his mouth subconsciously.

You must know that any warrior who can wear this level of armor is either a strong man who has participated in dragon slaying, or a person with strong financial resources and profound background.

What makes them even more puzzling is that if such a person can be used as a guard, what is Zuo Si's identity?

Suddenly, the three people in the team began to exchange glances.

After about a minute, Luger, as the leader of the team, cautiously tried: "If you don't mind, can you tell me your purpose of entering the Lost City?"

"I want to find the magic network nodes hidden in the Leyline Maze City."

Zuo Si openly stated his purpose.

Because there is nothing worth hiding.

He believed that many mages and warlocks had searched for this magic network node, and were eager to obtain powerful power from it, or to pry into the deeper mysteries of the magic network.

"In addition to being a priest, you are also a mage?"

Kers was very keenly aware of the large number of magic items equipped on Zuo Si.

Especially the ram's ring and magic storage ring worn on the finger, anyone with a little ability to identify magic items can easily recognize them.

"That's right."

Zuo Si answered in the affirmative simply and neatly.

Not only that!

He also deliberately exposed the Holy Emblem of the Goddess of Magic that he had previously obtained from Kelben for the other party to see.

The sharp-eyed halfling thief Cora saw this without any surprise, and immediately made a vague gesture to the two companions.

The poet and the dwarf also quickly discovered this, and their originally tense emotions immediately relaxed.

After all, everyone in Faerûn knows that the newly appointed goddess of magic, Midnight, is of the good camp, so her priests are generally not bad people.

In addition, it sounds very logical for a priest of the Goddess of Magic to go to the Mysterious City of Earth to find magic network nodes.

Finally, after a brief silence, the team leader Luger stood up and said: "No problem, we agreed. Since you brought a powerful guard, plus you are a priest and a mage, you can kill two people by yourself." So the spoils will be divided into two, the three of us will get half, and you and your guards will get half."

"It's fair. I'll do as you say." Zuo Si agreed without hesitation.

The reason why he chose to join the adventure team instead of relying on a large number of summoned creatures in the cards to break through alone was because the other party knew the way.

You must know that Earthline Maze is not as simple as an ordinary huge underground maze.

The mad mage Halaster Blackrobe used powerful magical power to create it into a "mysterious lock" similar to the elves' high magic.

When inside Leyline Maze, almost all teleportation and prophecy magic will be completely ineffective.

Even spells such as expelling alien creatures are prohibited.

This means that you can only walk on your own feet whether you are going in or out.

At the same time, there is no way to predict what kind of monsters and traps are hidden ahead, and where the entrance to the next level is. We can only search for it bit by bit.

At this time, if you can lead an adventure team that knows the way, you can naturally save a lot of time.

With the conditions agreed upon, the impatient dwarf Luger immediately decided to set off.

After paying a gold coin, the hotel owner Dunan personally turned the lifting device and sent down the group of five people plus a little devil who remained invisible.

When he arrived deep underground, Zuo Si, who was very sensitive to magic, instantly felt that the surrounding environment was filled with unimaginable and amazing energy.

Through the supply of these energy, whether it is the walls around the maze, the ceiling above the head, or the ground under the feet, a large number of protective spells are attached.

It is estimated that even if magic or high explosives are used to destroy it, it will be completely repaired in just a few seconds.

Obviously, the mad mage Halaster Blackrobe took into account the existence of the "kick-off group", so he directly blocked the adventurers from the source and demolished the wall or directly dug down in place in order to take a "shortcut" to reach deeper layers. possibility.

Although Zuo Si can destroy these protections through the ability of the creator, he is not sure whether he can destroy it faster than Leyline Maze itself can be repaired.

Moreover, doing so can easily attract the attention of the "Crazy Mage" himself, so it is no longer considered from the beginning.

In addition, some kind of strong interference also makes many prophecy spells completely ineffective.

"Sure enough, it is using the energy overflowing from the Rubik's Cube nodes..."

Zuo Si whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

Through personal experience, he finally realized how ridiculous those claims were that mistook Leyline Maze for Elf Maze.

Because the mythical chains constructed by the elves essentially re-weave the rules of the magic network within a certain range around them through high-level mages voluntarily sacrificing their own lives as a price (permanent death, unable to be resurrected).

Building a huge Mystery Lock that could cover an entire elven city often meant sacrificing more than double digits of high-level mages.

Given the size of the Earthline Lost City, if it were an Elf Lost City, a dozen or even dozens of people would probably die.

However, the mad mage found another way, using the energy overflowing from the magic network nodes to permanently enchant it at intervals, causing it to produce an effect similar to a mystery lock.

It is conservatively estimated that such a huge amount of work will take at least hundreds of years of non-stop construction day and night.

To put it in a simpler way, the Elf Mystery Lock is like a top-notch magic work that is molded in one go with a 3D printer without any flaws, while the Leyline Mystery City is more like a rough imitation that is carved bit by bit by hand.

"I will take the lead, Korra will be the second, Kels will be the third, Soth will be the fourth, and Davian will be the rear."

Dwarf Luger quickly made arrangements as the team leader.

Although most places in the underground maze are spacious enough, even accommodating five people can pass through them side by side.

However, in order to prevent being ambushed by traps and monsters, experienced adventurers will still keep a certain distance between team members.

In this way, even if one of them has an accident, others can rush to the rescue quickly without being wiped out all at once.

As the saying goes, leave professional matters to professionals.

Zuo Si obeyed the order given by the team leader quite simply and followed the team at the back together with the Dragonborn Knight.

Since this was not the first time to enter the Lost City of Earth, the original three people in the team were already familiar with the journey.

Soon he was traveling through the intricate tunnels, avoiding places where monsters and bandits might gather.

If you accidentally bump into it, the dwarf will wave his shield and ax to attract the opponent's attention, allowing the sneaking thief to find an opportunity to sneak attack from behind.

Or he could signal the bard to release illusion magic to confuse the enemy, and then let Davian wield the flaming sword to kill them.

In short, there is basically no need for Zuo Si to take action.

After all, the priest's magic is precious and needs to be used in the most critical places.

For ordinary small-scale encounters like this, you can basically save what you can.

Otherwise, once the priest uses light healing magic, the team must stop and find a relatively safe place to rest.

Anyone who knows something about Leyline Maze knows how risky it is to rest in such a place.

In about an hour or so, the five people successfully arrived at the entrance to the second floor.

Looking at the still fresh manticore carcass on the ground, the poet Kers couldn't help but whistle immediately: "Great! It seems that someone helped us eliminate this threat first."

"Who could have done it? Those rookies who came down before?" Korra squatted down and checked the wounds on the body.

It turned out that the cause of death of this monster was that a half-meter-deep gash was opened in its stomach, and the blood, internal organs, and intestines inside were scattered all over the floor.

The weapons that can cause such wounds are basically either double-edged axes or two-handed swords.

Anyone who uses this kind of weapon to kill a manticore in one hit is definitely not a weakling.

"Damn it! It's Deathstalker Warren!"

Luger's face suddenly changed after seeing clearly the evil energy radiating around the wound.

"Death hunter?" Zuo Si showed a curious expression.

The dwarf explained through gritted teeth: "Warren was originally a dark guard who served Bane, the god of tyranny. He has always been known for his insidiousness, cunning and ruthlessness.

However, after Bane's death in the Year of Troubles, he completely fell into madness.

Constantly wandering between Leyline Maze City and Skull Harbor, hunting all living creatures in sight.

Almost all adventure teams that encountered him would be massacred if they survived.

According to a survivor's report, the guy seemed to cut out the hearts of the people he killed and eat them. "

"Then should we change a way? If we enter the second floor through this entrance, there is a high possibility of running into Warren." Cora suggested in an uncertain tone.

But Luger thought for a moment and shook his head: "No. The other way down is too close to the camp of the dark elves. I would rather fight Warren with a real sword than face those The cunning drow."

"I also think it's better to go down directly. After all, our team's strength has improved a lot this time, and there is no need to be afraid of the death hunter. And if we can kill him, we can get an additional reward of 30,000 gold coins when we go back." Kers's eyes flashed with greed.

Because in the previous few short encounters, the powerful combat power displayed by the dragon knights far exceeded that of the dwarf defenders.

Especially his amazing arm strength, he can even smash the head of an orc robber with a shield.

Although Zuo Si never took action from beginning to end.

But with such a guard, his strength is definitely not much different.

Coupled with mastering arcane and divine arts at the same time, the improvement that can bring to the overall strength of the team is absolutely unimaginable.

"Sos, which side do you support?" Ruger raised his head and asked.

In most adventuring parties, if there is a disagreement, it is usually decided by a vote of all members.

Zuo Si spread his hands with an indifferent expression: "I'm free to do it, you just make the decision."

Hearing this, Kerr suddenly smiled: "Ha! It's two against one now. Let's go down and see if Warren is waiting for us on the second floor."

"Stop talking nonsense! Be smart! If you encounter a death hunter, don't hesitate. Use your broken piano to play music immediately [boost morale]."

After saying that, the dwarf took a deep breath and took the lead down the steps.

Since he was born with dark vision, he quickly discovered the blood stains remaining on the steps.

When they arrived at the second underground floor about two or three minutes later, everyone in the team was shocked by the bloody scene in front of them.

I saw more than fifteen or six corpses lying densely packed in a corridor about four meters wide, and each one had a bloody hole in its chest.

It was obvious that his heart had been ripped out.

"It seems that all the teams entering the Earthline Maze City tonight except us are here."

The poet Kers walked up to a young girl around twenty years old, looked at her eyes that still retained fear and despair after death, and sighed helplessly.

It is not difficult to see from the scene that this is definitely a massacre with great disparity in strength.

The fourteen adventurers put together could not pose even the slightest threat to Death Hunter Warren.

And all the dead were killed in one blow.

Some even had their necks broken by the enemy's hands while they were still alive.

"I can only blame them for their bad luck. Stop looking and let's go."

Luger urged, stepping on the blood on the ground and continuing to move forward.

Regarding death, he is obviously not as sentimental as the poet.

In other words, most adventurers have long been accustomed to death.

Let alone a group of strangers, maybe even the death of teammates would not show too much sadness.

Just when the dwarf was about to reach the first fork in the road, a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out from the corner.

He didn't even have time to make any defensive moves, so he could only raise his shield to protect his body.

The next second...


The huge force directly caused Luger's feet to fly back more than ten meters away from the ground, and then rolled on the ground like a ball, finally stopping.

You must know that although the dwarf looks only about 1.4 meters, his weight is quite amazing. He is basically a heavy meaty dumpling.

Coupled with its high strength and low enough "chassis", it is difficult for even the ogre to repel it head-on.

But now, the enemy that suddenly appeared was able to knock Luger away so far, and its strength attribute would never be lower than 26 points.

Through the faint light provided by the torches on both sides of the wall, one could vaguely see a man over two meters tall, with a strong build and wearing a black full-body armor.

In his hand he held a dark red two-handed sword stained with blood.

There is a skull-shaped mark on the hilt of the sword, which constantly emits a chilling black light to the surroundings.

No need to ask, you know that this guy is the instigator of the massacre, Warren, who is called the "Death Hunter" by adventurers.

Judging from the intensity of the [Aura of Despair] emanating from his body, he is at least a black guard with level LV15 or above.

Especially the "magic sword" that killed countless lives is no longer as simple as an ordinary magic weapon.

In addition, in the process of devouring the hearts of living people for a long time, some unknown curses and distortions occurred.

He looked like a monster now. Both his appearance and his red eyes proved that he was no longer a simple human being.

"Praise Bane! You are the eternal true god of this world! Please allow me to offer these humble souls to you as sacrifices! The great god of tyranny will surely return!"

With a cry like a lunatic, Warren suddenly attached a layer of evil dark energy to the sword, and then rushed directly to kill everyone.

Such a terrifying scene instantly made Kers change his color. He immediately played the lute in his hand and played a magical tune to "boost morale" for everyone in the team.

This is a power unique to bards.

Although singing, dancing, and playing music during battle can give people a rather awkward feeling.

But the magic effect is still quite good.

At least Korra, who was affected by the [Aura of Despair], no longer had the fear in her eyes.

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