A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 222: Dignity never relies on charity from others (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapt

In the early morning of the next day, a group of children, the youngest being six years old and the oldest being no more than thirteen years old, were personally led by the priest of the God of Suffering to the door. The Mage Tower finally welcomed its first batch of guests since its completion. .

This man, who was in his early forties, slightly bald and prematurely aging, was obviously not very confident about handing over these suffering orphans to Zuo Si.

Therefore, he ran over from the slums without any trouble and had a nutritious and hearty breakfast with the children. At the same time, he also listened to an arithmetic lesson given by the consciousness of the Mage Tower - "Xiao Zhi" to confirm that this place was really After being able to learn something and having a very high level of eating, I left with satisfaction.

Before leaving, he did not forget to distribute the small bag of candy he brought to all the children, including the little werewolves, and told them to get along well with their new friends and not to quarrel or fight.

In this regard, the werewolf girl Fangus was quite dismissive.

Because with these malnourished "little ones" from the slums, she could easily knock them to the ground even without transforming into a half-human, half-wolf form. .

You must know that these days, she and her tribe do not just eat and do nothing all day long.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the cultural classes in the morning. For those who don’t like studying, it is as difficult as living in hell, and there are also assessments every once in a while.

In the afternoon, there was extremely intense combat training.

Whether it is unarmed fighting after transformation or armed fighting with various weapons, there are very professional and powerful warrior teachers for one-on-one guidance.

The half-orc Rhett, the old dwarf Korgan, and Mural will also join in when they have time.

Because werewolves have powerful self-healing abilities, the intensity of the battle is far more brutal and bloody than most people imagine.

Especially after Zuo Si came back, even if he was injured or had his limbs broken, he could be easily picked back up. Therefore, every battle often ended with one of the people falling in a pool of blood and unable to get up again.

Such high-intensity and extremely realistic simulated battles allowed the little werewolves to gain experience that other warrior training institutions could not provide, as well as the courage to face injury and death.

According to the old dwarf Korgan, it won't take long for these little wolf cubs to grow up, and even if he encounters them, he will feel headaches and troubles.

Fanges can guarantee that if these newcomers dare to cause trouble, they will all be beaten down in minutes.

Of course, in order not to embarrass her master, she would not actively look for trouble, let alone rely on her status to bully these poor weaklings.

As for the orphans, after watching the actual combat training of the little werewolves in the afternoon, they were all frightened. How could they dare to provoke these terrible lycanthropes?

In this way, the two groups of people get along without conflict, and occasionally they get together to say a few words, but that's it.

Because of the identity of werewolves, only a few people in this world are willing to accept them.

Zuo Si didn't pay too much attention to these children. He just let them go and handed them over to the consciousness of Mage Tower for education and management.

I calmed down, completed reading the second Netherese scroll, and added the rewards obtained after reading to the [Arch Mage] profession, and obtained the high arcana by permanently sacrificing an eighth-level spell slot. Magic ability - elemental control.

As the name suggests, elemental control is to replace the original elemental attributes of the spell with other ones.

For example, the third-ring fireball technique originally released fire damage.

But if he encounters a hell devil who is immune to fire, he can use "elemental control" to transform his original fireball into ice balls, electric balls, acid balls, sound waves, etc. to avoid the opponent's immunity.

With this ability, you no longer have to worry about some amazingly powerful evocation magic, which will be unable to cause damage due to the enemy's strong immunity.

And like "Form Control", "Element Control" is also effective for all arcane magic and crafted cards.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Si frantically drew out mana and upgraded the [Mystic] profession to LV10, which was the highest limit, in one breath.

[Name: Zuo Si (Sos)]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: 10+7 (17)]

[Agility: 11+7 (18)]

[Physique: 16+7 (23)]

[Perception: 19+4 (23)]

[Intelligence: 21+5 (26)]

[Charm: 13]


[Creator (mimicry effect) - LV11]

[Mage/Mystic (mimicry effect) - LV5/LV10]

[Archmage (reward for reading Netheril scrolls) - LV2]

[Priest (voter reward) - LV5]

[Spell slots (counted as equipment and arranged from low to high): 9/9/7/7/6/5/5/3/2]

[Divinity slot: 9/9/8/7/7/6/4/3]

As the [Mystic] profession reached its full level, Zuo Si's total magic casting level suddenly reached LV15, and he obtained the highest level of eight-level magic.

As for the arcane spell casting level, due to the two additional levels of [Arch Mage], it reached an astonishing LV17, and successfully obtained the ninth-level spell slot.

This also means that he can finally start to learn skills like [Time Stops], [Great Disintegration], [Gate to Another World], [Bigby's Shattering Palm], [Astral Projection], [Banshee's Wail], [Wish Spell] and a series of powerful arcane magics of the highest level.

At the same time, the seventh-level magic [Resurrection] no longer requires a relatively complete corpse like the fifth-level [Resurrection of the Dead].

Only a small part of the remaining limbs, bones, and minced meat can complete the resurrection.

Even the powder left behind after being hit by the [Dissociation Technique] is no problem.

And after resurrection, it is as if he had never died, and he will directly return to his healthiest state.

If it is a spell caster, the spells that have been prepared will be completely preserved and can be released at any time.

However, the cost is that the diamonds worth 5,000 gold coins have become diamonds worth 10,000 gold coins, and the cost of casting materials has doubled.

Of course, the casting materials of [Wish Spell] and the price to be paid are also not cheap.

"Oh - it seems that I have to prepare a spell-casting material package for myself again."

Seeing that some arcane and divine spells were made using expensive materials, Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly.

The [Spell Casting Free of Materials] feat can obviously only offset those materials that are not very expensive (worth less than one gold coin). Materials like this that play a key role in spell casting cannot be exempted.

In fact, the main purpose of learning to cast spells without materials is to avoid stuffing strange things into your mouth, and to ensure that even if you forget to replenish the material package, it will not cause too much impact.

According to the original plan, Zuo Si also planned to be the first to learn the [Wish-making Technique] after obtaining the ninth-level spell slot, and then increase his intelligence attribute to more than thirty points by making wishes.

But now it seems that it is better to wait.

Rather than improving basic attributes, what is more important right now is to learn eight-ring and nine-ring arcana, and at the same time use the power of the mage tower to detect other worlds.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si immediately went to the library and sorted out several eight-ring and nine-ring magic that he had collected so far.

Although there are not many, they have everything that should be there.

Among them, Lei Yin alone contributed seven nine-ring spells, fully reflecting the powerful foundation of the entangled talisman.

Just when he was considering whether to prepare a new spell book and copy all these spells into it, Aisha, the magic item merchant, suddenly sent a message through [SMS].

After Zuo Si received it, he immediately passed through the huge portal between the teleporters, directly across a distance of thousands of kilometers, and appeared in the Mage Tower in Calim Port.

"Huh? You came so quickly this time!"

Elsa, who was resting on the sofa, had an expression of surprise on her face.

Since she had been given the permission to teleport before, she was very calm about Zuo Si appearing directly in her mage tower. On the contrary, she was surprised by the speed of such an immediate response.

"Where is the Book of Blessings of Bocabu?"

Zuo Si went straight to the topic without any politeness.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why he moved so quickly was entirely for the sake of the "Bokabu Blessing Book".

After all, with the first "Bokabu Blessing Book" completely filled, Zuo Si urgently needed a new spell book to copy the eight-ring and nine-ring magic.

As for ordinary spell books, they only have one or two hundred pages at best, and no more than three hundred pages, which is really not enough.

"Ha! You are as impatient as ever when it comes to things you are interested in. Here, I have brought it back. But the price... I don't want money, but the alchemy items you provided last time."

As she spoke, Aisha casually took out an iron-clad silver spell book from the bag beside her.

From the appearance point of view, it is almost the same as the one I got from Xi Manmeng before.

Zuo Si picked it up casually, opened it and flipped through it. After confirming that it was a blank "Bokabu Blessing Book" that did not record any spells, he immediately nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad! Just what I want."

"When will my things be delivered?" Aisha asked with interest.

It is not difficult to tell from those expectant eyes that the magic item merchant made several times as much profit from its transactions with Zuo Si as it did from transactions with other customers.

Moreover, when Zuo Si makes magic items, he is not like most mages and warlocks who worry that making too many will affect his lifespan, spellcasting ability and body aging rate.

Just the opposite!

Not only are the number of magic items he creates extremely large, but their quality and level are also getting higher and higher over time.

It is this unusual speed and frequency of manufacturing. Only then will Elsa regard her as a "hen that lays golden eggs."

"I can give it to you now. I happened to bring one with me when I came here."

As he spoke, Zuo Si opened the dimensional bag he carried with him and poured out a large cylindrical crystal that was about half a meter in diameter and one meter in height, with a tray and four insect-like legs underneath as supports.

Obviously, this thing is an improved and upgraded version of the electrical energy storage device.

Since he studied the production process and principles of the mage tower element pool, he gained new knowledge and gains about energy storage devices.

Therefore, without significantly increasing the cost, a device that can move on its own and understand the caster's commands was created.

To put it simply, this is a gadget that combines a structure with an energy storage device, somewhat similar to a moving "lightning defense tower."

The main inspiration comes from the [Blue Dragon Bane] that was previously made for the Entangled Talisman.

However, [Blue Dragon Nemesis] is a high-end magic item made regardless of cost. Some rare raw materials are not easy for even Zuo Sisi to obtain.

So this "castrated version" came into being and became the most traded item with magic item merchants.

After all, it can absorb lightning damage and store electrical energy to serve as an attack point when needed.

The most important thing is that the lower half of this thing is a construct, which can move in various complex terrains, so it is very popular among spellcasters.

If it weren't for the fact that controlling this device requires at least LV1 spellcasting level, even those wealthy warriors, businessmen, and nobles would probably be tempted to buy one to protect themselves.

Looking at this little thing that continuously brought profits to her, Aisha suddenly showed a satisfied smile: "Not bad! Now we are clear.

Remember to say hello to me in advance if you need anything next time.

Also, can’t you open up the supply of this kind of thing?

You know, I still have many customers who are waving a lot of gold coins and want to buy in bulk.

Especially those countries and royal families with relatively wealthy finances often order more than ten of them at the first opening. "

"Open the supply? Do you want me to waste my precious time on making these boring things? Although money is a good thing, in essence it is still just a tool to obtain knowledge and power. If the order and focus are wrong Well, what’s the use of earning more gold coins?”

Zuo Si sneered and dismissed the excessive demands of this greedy magic item merchant.

Because he knew very well that if he opened this hole, a large number of orders would fly in like snow flakes.

There is nothing else to do then, just spend all day building these small lightning defense towers, which in his opinion have no technical content at all.

As for charging, it is also very easy to solve.

When it rains and thunders on a cloudy day, just get a high-point lightning rod and connect it to the surface of the cylindrical crystal.

Aisha shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "This is the biggest difference between you and me. I regard making money as a pursuit, and I like to hear the jingling sound of those gold coins falling into my pocket."

"So we have never been the same kind of people. By the way, have you acquired anything interesting here recently?"

Zuo Si asked while getting ready to open the portal and go back.

Ever since he learned that he was being targeted by the Entangled Talisman, he would not stay too long every time he came to Calimport.

"I guess you don't like ordinary magic items, so I solemnly recommend an enchanted arrow [explosive arrow] to you. After it is shot out and hits the target, it will instantly release an astonishingly powerful explosion, which includes both fire damage and It also has impact damage caused by the explosion, and is a very good alchemy item. The price of each one is equivalent to that of a three-ring fireball scroll."

Elsa quickly took out several uniquely shaped magic arrows from another dimensional bag.

The difference from ordinary enchanted arrows is that there is a ball that is as big as a walnut behind the arrowhead.

Not surprisingly, this round ball is the reason why it can produce violent explosions.

When the arrow hits the target and generates a reaction force backwards, some device hidden inside will be activated, and then the entire sphere will explode instantly.

However, considering that the killing radius is only six meters, it is really not very interesting.

After all, although the three-ring fireball technique has the same range, the flame temperature can reach thousands of degrees Celsius and can even melt many metals.

If you use super magic techniques such as spell enhancement and spell maximum effectiveness, its temperature can continue to increase.

It is estimated that reaching the limit of 2,000 to 3,000 degrees Celsius is not a big problem.

This kind of power is simply not comparable to light modern weapons such as grenades and incendiary bombs.

It is estimated that only heavy bombs such as cloud burst bombs and thermobaric bombs can reach such terrifying high temperatures.

So in the end, Zuo Si just bought ten of them for research, then opened the portal and disappeared.

When he returned to his mage tower, he immediately took apart the sphere behind the arrow tip, only to find that it was filled with processed gem dust.

Obviously, a certain alchemist added magical energy to the gem dust, so that these arrows would produce an astonishingly powerful explosion when they hit the target.

You must know that gem magic is also an important branch of magic in this world.

Those who master this skill can not only store spells in corresponding gems, but also add various attributes and energy to the gems, and throw them like bombs in battle.

But Zuo Si was not very interested in what kind of technology.

In his opinion, using valuable gems as one-time props was simply a waste of money. He decisively gave up his plan to continue research and began to concentrate on strengthening a certain point in his memory in the newly built detection room. parts and try to establish a stable connection.

Since he had some experience in exploring the planet Toril in the previous world, Zuo Si was not impatient, but methodically used the power of sparks to sense it bit by bit.

After confirming the location of the new world, it will try to locate it.

As for ultra-long-distance transmission across planes, crystal walls, and even the universe, it can only be carried out after the spark is completely connected to the world.

And the first teleportation must not be done in person.

Zuo Sike remembered clearly that he was the first unlucky man to pass through the portal and arrive at the continent of Faerûn under the orders of the Necromancer Asta, but he fell freely from a height of more than a thousand meters.

Due to the sudden change in the spell-casting environment, he couldn't even release a spell like [Slow Fall] in mid-air, and finally hit the ground and turned into a puddle of flesh.

It was this incident that made Zuo Si confirm that the two sparks in his body would affect each other.

Otherwise, generally speaking, planeswalkers should be very safe when performing this kind of teleportation.

In this way, Zuo Si set aside four hours a day to explore other worlds, and continued his study and research the rest of the time.

The peaceful days passed like this day by day.

About half a month later, Lei Yin, who had disappeared for a while, suddenly sent a code phrase that the two parties had agreed on long ago through magic.

And this phrase code means that Shangla, the Lord of Symbols, has successfully obtained the LV1 creator level through the contents of that notebook, at the cost of permanently losing all spellcasting abilities.

After getting this big news, Zuo Si didn't hesitate for even a second and immediately approached Zeranora, who had previously established a cooperative relationship with him.

When the last monarch of the Shane Dynasty, who had taken over the body of the Moon Elf, heard the news, he suddenly fell into deep thought.

After about two or three minutes, he asked in a very serious tone: "Are you 100% sure of the accuracy and reliability of the intelligence source?"

"Of course! I'm 100% sure!"

Zuo Si replied in the affirmative without hesitation.

The reason why he came to this suspicious ally for help was mainly to deal with the possibility that Shangla would immediately summon other talisman masters to come for support the moment he was attacked.

"Then you mean to take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack?" Xia En VII asked meaningfully, touching his chin.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. In the many years since Lagon came to power, no talisman master has ever been killed.

That's why they become so rampant and unscrupulous.

Especially in Calishite, you can get almost anything you want instantly.

I think it's time to teach them an impressive lesson.

Let those lichs, dracolichs and vampires understand that they are not gods, nor can they be killed. "

"In other words, this time you want to use your own name to give a strong warning to all the talisman owners in the entire Entangled Talisman?" Xia En VII pursed his lips with a playful smile.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si and the Entangling Talisman completely turned against each other and even developed into unrelenting enemies, which was exactly what he wanted to see.

"Well. Nothing can compare to the permanent death of a talisman master to shock the entire entangled talisman. Although this may create a powerful enemy, I think it is worth it. After all, dignity is something that will last forever. None of it is won by charity from others. It is won by naked and unabashed violence, and the blood, killing and death that violence brings.”

When he said these words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a sharp cold light.

He was fed up with the feeling of being watched and calculated all day long, and was ready to make a big splash so that all the organizations and forces in Faerûn could clearly see the heavy price they would pay for being his enemy.

Most importantly, prove to everyone that he has the power to hunt down legendary spellcasters.

"Hahahaha! Well said! If you want to win respect and awe, you must prove to everyone that you are a strong person. I am glad that you can realize this and make the right choice at the same time."

Shane VII laughed and clapped.

Because the last sentence about dignity is really in line with the appetite of this undead emperor.

He ignored this at the beginning, so he tried to negotiate with Ivicola Sagram's "Sharp Tooth" and paid some treasures in exchange for the other party to stop attacking his country.

But what's the result?

This ancient blue dragon became even more aggressive and even ambitious to take his place and become the legal ruler of Calimshan, Tethyr, and Amn.

Since then, Xia En VII gave up the previous idea of ​​​​reconciliation and began an all-out war with the other party, causing it to pay an extremely heavy price.

If he hadn't been betrayed by one of his own people after being injured, it's still unclear who would win.

It was through that series of battles that he won the title of "Emperor of the Undead".

"Then your answer is..." Zuo Si deliberately dragged out his voice.

Xia En VII replied without thinking: "Yes, I agree to join your operation and help block those talisman masters who may come to support, ensuring that you will not be disturbed in any way before you completely eliminate Shangla. .”

"Thank you very much. In that case, let's leave quickly. You know, Shangla is furious now, losing her temper like crazy, and she doesn't even dare to tell anyone that she has lost her ability to cast spells."

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth, full of gloating.

"Of course! The Entangling Talisman is, to put it bluntly, just a loose alliance of a group of undead spellcasters. There are also many unknown conflicts within the Talisman Masters. If it were me, I wouldn't Tell anyone about losing your ability to cast spells."

After saying that, Xia En VII stood up and began to prepare for this battle where he might encounter multiple legendary spellcasters.

As a demilich with a LV31 mage/LV5 archmage professional level, he is not afraid to engage in spell confrontations with several talisman masters at the same time, and even can't wait to test the level of these enemies.

Anyway, outsiders will now only mistake her for Zenora of the Masked Mage Guild.

Just when Zuo Si and Xia En VII began to gather their men and prepare to directly raid the lair of a talisman lord through magic teleportation, far away in the underground base in Calimshan, Shangra was roaring crazily at his most trusted disciple. .

"Asshole! I need an explanation now! What happened to the content recorded in this notebook? It...it actually caused me to lose all my ability to cast spells."

"Sorry, mentor. I don't know either."

Lei Yin suppressed her smile and pretended to be frightened.

Just now, she had left a mark on the door of her house in the Ascotla Bridge area.

It won't be long before Zuo Si will lead people to launch a direct attack here through the hidden portal.

It's a pity that Shangela hasn't realized that his apprentice has betrayed him, and his eyes are flashing with a frightening red light.

Even the vampire with LV13 warrior level and a powerful LV19 human warrior nearby quickly lowered their heads and did not dare to look at their master.

The beholder's adjutant, Vaxor, cautiously consoled him: "Great Lord of Talisman, please calm down. The situation is not so bad that it cannot be undone. According to my speculation, the special profession and ability you obtained are very important." There may be a conflict with the original spellcasting profession, so every spellcasting will inevitably fail."

"You mean... let me find a way to abolish this newly acquired creator profession?" Shangela asked in an uncertain tone.

"That's right! As long as this profession is completely stripped from you, then I think the problem of being unable to cast spells can be solved. What's more, that notebook is most likely a trap. Maybe this guy named Soth has noticed something, I guess I want to plot against you with the help of Lei Yin." Vaxor analyzed carefully with his eyes wide open.

"Then how do you plan to peel it off? I can't even perform a zero-ring trick now!" Shangela's tone revealed strong annoyance.

Because he never dreamed that Zuo Si would trick him in this way.

"It's very simple! Use your ability to do your best to continuously create magic items, and achieve the purpose of downgrading by consuming your own magic power. As long as your professional level drops, the LV1 creator level you just obtained will naturally follow. disappear."

It has to be said that this beholder adjutant is indeed very smart, and he immediately came up with a very feasible solution.

Because no matter what kind of magic item is made, as long as it involves enchantment and spell constancy, it will inevitably consume a considerable amount of magic power and even vitality of the maker.

This is why many archmages are unwilling to make magic items themselves, but instead find ways to exploit their apprentices.

If too many are produced and insufficient guarantee is obtained, the casting level will decrease instead of rising.

Because Zuo Si has the profession of planeswalker, he will be very aware of the mana he consumes every time he makes magic items, so there will be no chance of losing levels.

But others are not so lucky.

"Very useful advice! Why didn't I think of that just now!"

Shangela's furious mood was immediately wiped away, and she walked straight to the workbench, intending to try to use the creator ability to make some low-level magic items.

When Lei Yin saw this, she immediately wanted to say something to delay the time.

But before she could speak, the portal runes in this secret base suddenly flashed with a dazzling light.

The next second...

The magic alarm set up to resist foreign invasion suddenly sounded a piercing sound!

A large number of skulls created by magic poured in from all corners towards the location of the portal.

This is a necromancy spell that can emit a violent explosion when it touches an enemy, and cause terrifying large-scale non-attribute magic damage.

With so many magic skeletons, even if an ancient dragon came, it would be blown up alive on the spot.

But what is surprising is that the first thing to come out of the portal is not a powerful enemy at all, but a rabbit covered with gray hair.

I saw this little animal jumping and rushing into the area covered by the magic skeleton.


All the skeletons were triggered on the spot, and terrible magical energy instantly released an explosion around them that could tear everything apart.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The poor rabbit didn't even have time to scream, before it completely turned into a blood mist that filled the sky, and even a slightly complete piece of minced meat, bones, and fur could not be found.

When the last magic trap was triggered, Zuo Si led his men out of the portal and said in a slightly joking tone: "Hello, Shangla, the Lord of Talisman. Although strictly speaking, this is This is our first meeting, but you must be impressed by the gift I gave you, right?”

"How did you find the portal I set up in Askatra?" Shangla asked in a gloomy tone.

At this moment, no matter how stupid he was, he understood that starting from that note, the other party was planning an attack against him.

And among the most trusted subordinates, there must be someone inside.

Otherwise, those magic skeleton traps just now would never be easily broken by a rabbit.

"It's very simple. I instigated the rebellion of the people you sent to monitor and approach me. Lei Yin, come here, there is no need to pretend anymore at this time. After all, we are dealing with a talisman who can't even perform a zero-ring trick. Lord, it would be too despicable to carry out sneak attacks from behind."

With that said, Zuo Sichong waved to the Tiefling Archmage beside him.

"As you wish, Master."

The latter immediately put on protective magic without saying a word, and walked straight to the opposite side.

Shangela was not the only one shocked by this scene.

Even the beholder adjutants, vampires, human warriors, and assassins hiding in the corners opened their mouths in disbelief, completely unable to believe what they were seeing.

Because they really couldn't think of any reason why Lei Yin would betray her teacher.

You must know that Shangela put all his efforts into cultivating her, and even gave it to her to use the sub-artifact [Arch Mage's Staff] that she made with her own hands.

"Leyin!!! Tell me why?"

Shangela broke her guard instantly and asked loudly in a tone full of anger, disappointment and sadness.

"Sorry, mentor. Soth is my master, and obeying the orders given by the master is the only reason for my existence." Reine gave the answer confidently.

Although this answer left many people present a little confused.

"good, very good!"

Shangela was so angry that all the bones in her body were shaking.

At this moment, he had realized that it was impossible to deal with Zuo Si, who was deliberately planning to launch a surprise attack, and Lei Yin, who had betrayed him, with just his few men.

After all, just an archmage's staff is enough to absorb a lot of spells and convert them into a variety of powerful summoned creatures and attack magic.

What's more, the really dangerous Zuo Si is the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease.

So there was no time to think too much. Shangla activated the Symbol Master ring on her hand for the first time and sent a signal for help to other Symbol Masters, including Lagon.

Zuo Si was keenly aware of this small movement and raised his hand to snap his fingers.


With crisp sounds echoing in this sealed underground space, a fierce and endless battle finally officially started.

Wilmes directly transformed into a red dragon, opened his mouth and breathed out flames, spitting out all the assassins hiding in dark corners on the spot.

The astonishingly powerful burning made it impossible for them to hide any longer. They jumped out screaming, trying to escape by rolling and jumping.

Unfortunately, because the space was too small, there wasn't much room for them to escape.

Before he could run a few steps, he was within range of the red dragon's close combat.

Wilmes immediately spread his powerful wings and flapped with a dragon wing, sending one of the unlucky ones with his face covered flying more than ten meters away. He hit the wall behind with a bang and his neck was broken into ninety pieces on the spot. degree, and then fell to the ground motionless, dying.

Not only that!

She also used her whip-like tail to whip anyone who tried to get closer in the narrow space.

The vampires and human warriors were just about to rush forward and fight hand-to-hand, but were knocked away with a thud by their thick tails.

When they got up from the ground, they were surrounded by the half-orc Rhett, the old dwarf Korgan and Mural.

Among them, Mural is responsible for dealing with the more difficult vampires, while the first two start a duel between pure warriors with the heavily armored Revanak.

As for the beholder's adjutant, Vaxor, he had already been seriously injured in the first round of the red dragon's breath.

Not only did the main eye temporarily lose the ability to release an anti-magic force field, but most of the eye-stalks were also lost. It was unable to emit any decent magic rays at all. It took only a few seconds to be easily eliminated by Lei Yin, who knew everything.

Facts have once again proved how important intelligence is in the battle between spellcasters.

Since Lei Yin had already mastered the detailed information of all the important people in this secret base, Zuo Si formulated many targeted strategies.

Therefore, as soon as the battle began, the situation immediately showed a one-sided trend.

Although Shangla still used this base with some wizard tower capabilities to summon some [Mage Swords] and released spells such as fireballs, lightning, and acid to resist, these resistances were meaningless in front of Zuo Si, and they were all destroyed. The protective magic blessed on the body is offset.

And the magic items on his body, such as the magic storage ring, were all quickly consumed in the short battle.

At the same time, because he was hit by the [Dimensional Anchor], he couldn't use the portal to escape.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to this world?"

Zuo Si slowly raised the scepter [Talona's Favor], preparing to send the lich to his death.

After all, when it comes to breaking bones, a mace is definitely much better than a sword.

"Don't think you won! Just wait! Wait until I come back again! I will definitely make you and Lei Yin pay the price for this." Shangla threatened viciously.

Since he has a phylactery that allows him to be reborn, he is obviously not afraid of death.

But Zuo Si's next words immediately plunged the lich into boundless fear and panic.

"Your phylactery should be given to your former lover, Jimana, the other master of talismans, for safekeeping, right? It doesn't matter, I'll go back to find her right away."

After saying that, Zuo Si ignored Shangla and suddenly slammed down the scepter raised high.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking one after another, the skull of the Lord of Symbols soon turned into a pile of broken bone fragments.

It's a pity that the lich has already sealed his soul in the phylactery, so [Talona's Favor] has no way of capturing the opponent's soul.

After all this was done, Zuo Si unceremoniously recovered all the magic equipment left on the broken bones of Shangla.

Including a protective cloak made of black dragon skin, a highest-level magic storage ring that can store ten levels, a witchcraft ring that increases spell slots, an evil archmage's robe, and a magic ring that can increase the number of people dying. The Mage's Crown with the power of spiritual magic is a metal ring worn on the head like a crown, a belt that increases magic resistance, and a pair of boots of protection that are immune to the effects of dispelling magic.

In short, as a legendary mage, every piece of equipment on Shangla's body is of a very high level.

But now they are all Zuo Si's trophies.

Moreover, the death of the Lord of Talisman also made those who were still resisting desperately become very frightened.

As a result, after a while, Revanak, who had a warrior level of up to LV19, was chopped to the ground by Old Corgan and Rhett.

Since the weapons they used were axes, the poor guy had deep wounds all over his body.

However, Zuo Si didn't seem to have any intention of making it into a card. Instead, he let the two of them kill it completely, and only put the body into a dimensional bag to take back to do something.

On the other side, the vampire was quickly defeated by Mural's fierce attack, and was eventually pierced through the heart by the [Day Star], turning into a pile of gray dust like burning embers.

As for the assassins, they had all been wiped out by Wilmes' attack, and even their bodies were burned into black charcoal.

Seeing that the enemies in the lair had been cleared away, Lei Yin immediately walked to a portal rune and said: "Master, this is the lair leading to Jimana, the other master of runes. If nothing else, Shangla's life The box should be stored there."

Zuo Si sneered and urged: "In that case, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and lead the way. I can't wait to let these undead casters who are entangled in the talisman understand that killing a talisman master is not as difficult as they imagined. difficulty……"

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