A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 227 I really like the atmosphere here (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

The sorting ceremony for freshmen ended, followed by a "lavish" dinner.

Of course, this "richness" is only for the "food desert" British Isles.

Because in addition to simple and crude meats such as various barbecues, steaks, sausages, and other side dishes such as boiled potatoes, French fries, and pea sprouts, the taste is really hard to describe.

In particular, there are very few types of green leafy vegetables, there seem to be only three or four types.

Although it is far from unpalatable, it is definitely not close to delicious.

Moreover, some dishes are basically tasteless and must be served with tomato sauce, pudding, meat sauce, carrot juice, and pumpkin juice.

For someone with a sensitive palate, this is a disaster.

There is no other added original pumpkin juice and carrot juice, whoever drinks it will definitely know.

What is even more incomprehensible is that there are mints and other candies and desserts on the dinner table.

no doubt!

Zuo Si only had four words to comment on the famous Hogwarts opening dinner, which was very disappointing.

He didn't even touch any food or drinks at all, planning to make a hero's feast for dinner after returning to the dormitory.

Since acquiring this six-ring magic, he has obviously become more and more picky about food.

However, this behavior of not eating anything turned into nervousness and fear in the eyes of others.

Especially the "venomous" Master Malfoy, who chewed the steak deliberately and sneered: "Are you not eating because you are afraid that you will vomit later?"

Regarding this boring provocation, Zuo Si just smiled and shook his head contemptuously: "No, I just think it's too unpalatable to swallow.


Now I'm starting to wonder if you've ever tasted real food, so much so that you can enjoy eating something so bad.

If the pure-blood families in the wizarding world are so pitiful and have never even tasted decent and delicious food, please allow me to express my pity to you.

Because this is so sad.

After all, food not only represents a sensory enjoyment, but also represents the cultural heritage of a region, country, and even nation.

Counting down the civilizations and empires that have left great and glorious chapters in history, all of them, without exception, have their own eating habits and specialties.

It's a pity that I don't see even a little bit of similar residue in you.

It seems that the so-called pure-blood wizard families in Europe are just a group of nouveau riche who were born around 1,000 AD.

Just like the nobles in the Muggle world were transformed from those stupid and ignorant barbarians.

The founder of your family may have been just a farmer, servant or slave, and was later taken in as a disciple by a wizard.

After several generations of development and growth, it was ridiculous to start imitating the noble lords of the Muggle world and start a lineage theory, and then use it to prove their superiority?

Or do you want to establish your own solid dominance in the wizarding world by relying on this clichéd accent?

Don't be naive!

wake up!

The days of blood theory and pure-blood families are long over.

Look at the magic world today, how many pure-blood wizards are left?

How many half-blood wizards and Muggle-born wizards are there?

Remember, dear Draco Malfoy.

The essence of the wizarding world has never been about power play or interpersonal relationships.

Whether a wizard is respected or not does not depend on his origin, bloodline, wealth, or other random things, but only on the strength of his magical power.

For example, do you think Voldemort, Gellert Grindelwald, or our Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, even if they were alone, would anyone dare to make a mistake?

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it yet, anyway, I will prove it with practical actions later.


Eat more while you can now, otherwise you may not have a good appetite in the next few days or even half a month. "

After that, Zuo Si pretended to be kind and added another piece of steak to Master Malfoy's plate. His smiling eyes made all the Slytherin students around him feel terrified.

They have never seen first-year students be so calm when surrounded by malicious people, and even start making fun of them unscrupulously.

Anyone who dares to do this basically either has something to rely on or is a complete lunatic.

Some precocious senior students showed alert and thoughtful expressions, obviously understanding the meaning of some of the words.

Dumbledore undoubtedly noticed the strange atmosphere at the Slytherin House table, and whispered to Snape beside him: "The opening ceremony will be over soon, and you'd better return to the Slytherin common room immediately. I have a hunch that that First-year students from Muggle families can be in big trouble."

"I know this even if you don't tell me. Those students from pure-blood families have always been unfriendly to Muggle-born students. But what makes me wonder is why he was considered suitable for Slytherin House by the Sorting Hat. ." Snape frowned subconsciously.

Since he himself graduated from the "Snake Yard", he is very aware of how Muggle-born students will be discriminated against, bullied, and even abused here.

Almost no young wizard born as a Muggle can graduate safely and smoothly.

Basically, they either died in various "accidents" or were tortured to the point of mental breakdown, and finally gave up on staying at Hogwarts to learn magical knowledge.

"What's your impression of the child named Soth? If I remember correctly, it was you who was responsible for contacting his family and making explanations." Dumbledore asked casually.

Snape replied without thinking: "The overall impression he gives me is that he is smart and quiet, and he knows how to exercise self-restraint. He does not show impulsive or stupid personalities like his peers. Oh, by the way, he is buying When I was looking for books and textbooks, I bought all the "Standard Spells" from grade one to grade six at once."

"All?!" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That's right! That's everything!" Snape nodded slightly.

The conversation between the two was heard by Professor McGonagall who was sitting next to him. The latter immediately added: "Just now at the gate, this young man named Soth used the sleeping spell to knock down Draco Malfoy and Clara. Boo and Gower.

He is very talented in the use of spells, even as good as those senior students or adult wizards, which makes people feel that he does not come from a Muggle family.

At least I have never seen a few freshmen in my life who can learn and use spells so skillfully just after entering school. "

"What? He used the sleeping spell to attack three students at the door? Why?" Snape's brows furrowed even more.

"Because Malfoy called him a Mudblood. You know, the descendants of some pure-blood families have a very bad attitude towards Muggles and Muggle-born wizards." Professor McGonagall sighed slightly.

"Well, at least you don't have to worry about him not being able to fight back when he is attacked by a spell. It seems that the Slytherin common break will be very lively tonight."

There was a strange light in Snape's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As a master of Occlumency, no one can read thoughts and memories from his mind, not even Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Although Professor McGonagall also wanted to say something, she did not say it in the end.

After all, this is an internal matter within Slytherin House, and outsiders have no right to dictate.

After the dinner was over, Principal Dumbledore publicly announced the precautions for the new semester, and also took the lead in directing everyone to sing a messy school song.

Then, under the leadership of their prefects, the freshmen went to the common rest rooms and dormitories of their respective colleges.

Since Slytherin takes its common break at the bottom of the lake beneath the castle, it was separated from the other three houses early.

When they arrived near the entrance, the leading female prefect Gemma Farley suddenly stopped and stared at Zuo Si with a slightly amused look. After several seconds, she asked with a half-smile: "Are you ready?" Ok?"

"Of course! I can't wait to teach these losers a lesson."

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth and showed an expectant smile.

"Good. I like your confidence and craziness. I hope I don't see you being carried out for a while."

After saying this, Gemma Farley said the password directly to the door of the Slytherin common room.


A secret door hidden in a damp stone wall suddenly opened automatically, revealing a dark space like an aquarium inside.

Especially the large transparent crystals around and above the head reflect the gorgeous scenery of the lake bottom around Hogwarts Castle.

Occasionally, you can see giant octopuses or other strange underwater creatures.

You don't need to ask to know that these are all magical creatures, or they can be called magical animals.

The walls and floors are made of black marble, showing a Gothic art style, with huge green lights hanging from chains above the head.

If I had to use one word to describe the Slytherin common room, it would be weird.

All the Slytherin students stayed where they were. No one crossed the threshold and walked in, as if waiting for something.

Seeing this, Zuo Si immediately turned around and said with a smile to those classmates who exuded malice: "I'll go in first and wait for you. Remember to move quickly and don't let me wait too long. As for those who don't want to be my enemy , please just wait here for a moment. Don’t worry, it won’t take too long.”

"It really won't take too long! Because you will be carried out soon covered in blood!" A senior student threatened viciously.

"Haha, I admit that someone will be carried out, but that person will definitely not be me."

After that, Zuo Si ignored these "naughty kids" and walked into the public rest room alone, pulled out his wand and stood in the middle.

After a while, more than thirty senior Slytherin students, as well as Master Malfoy and his two followers, rushed in.

Prefect Gemma Farley stared at the remaining guys standing at the door without moving, and asked directly: "Is there anyone else who wants to join?"

After a brief silence, several more people walked in.

You don't need to ask to know that these guys are 100% supporters of the pure-blood sect, and many of them and even their family elders are members of the Death Eaters.

It's just that after the fall of Voldemort, he escaped the punishment he deserved by jumping back quickly like Lucius.

After all the purebloods entered, Gemma Farley immediately chose to close the entrance door.

The moment the stone wall fell down, it was equivalent to the signal to take action.

But what everyone found unbelievable was that the first one to take action was not the Slytherin senior who was outnumbered, but Zuo Si, who seemed to be alone.

"A salvo of ten thousand bullets!"

Before the former could react, countless golden birds appeared out of thin air and rushed over like a violent storm.

As we all know, when people are attacked from the front, they will subconsciously avoid it.

Especially when the face and eyes are threatened, they will subconsciously cover their faces with their arms.

When a flock of birds flew over, the Slytherin students were surprised to find that Zuo Si, who was standing in the common room a few seconds ago, had completely disappeared.

"Damn it! Where did that mudblood hide?"

"Did you run to the dormitory upstairs?"

"Quick! Go up and catch him! No matter what, you have to give him some color today!"

Suddenly, the group of Slytherin students became excited and rushed toward the stairs leading to the dormitory.

The moment they all squeezed into the narrow passage, they suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind.




The next second...

Bolts of dazzling light shot out from the air in the corner, directly hitting the last few unlucky ones.

These guys didn't even know what happened, so they fell to the ground and lost consciousness completely.

The position where they fell just blocked the exits of the stairs and passages, making it impossible for those squeezed in the middle to go up or down.

"It's so stupid that you can..."

Zuo Si commented while removing his invisibility.

You don't need to ask to know that he just deliberately used a salvo of thousands of bullets to block the opponent's sight, and then secretly used the Disguise Charm, which is the invisibility magic of this world, to hide himself.

As for the effect, it is basically not much different from the second-level invisibility technique.

It has to be said that compared with the cunning and cunning spellcasters trained in the cruel environment of Faerûn, these Hogwarts students are really silly and cute, and have no sense of combat or experience at all.

Otherwise, they would never crowd into narrow places like stairs and passages.

Since Apparition is not possible at Hogwarts, the consequences are self-evident.

If Zuo Si didn't have murderous intentions and threw in a fireball just now, it is estimated that the number of people in Slytherin College would have dropped by almost half.

Many pure-blood families may die because of this.

But considering that the British wizarding world has maintained peace for ten years, and even some extremely lethal spells have been labeled "dark magic" and are prohibited from public learning and teaching, it is not worth it for the students of Hogwarts to show their hips. What a fuss.

After all, the survival pressures faced by the two worlds are completely different.

If students like Hogwarts were thrown into Faerun or the floating city tower, it is estimated that one out of every 100 people would survive, which is a very high ratio.

In order to let these "greenhouse flowers" feel what a real magic user is, Zuo Si raised his wand without hesitation and pointed it at the blocked staircase.

"The flames are blazing!"

boom! ! ! ! !

A ball of burning flames directly ignited the clothes of the Slytherin students crowded in the corridor.

The pain caused by the burning made them panic instantly, and they quickly tore off all the clothes on their bodies like crazy.

After a while, the painting style became very eye-catching.

However, Zuo Si obviously did not intend to let the other party go so easily, and once again released the smoke spell on the burning clothes on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, thick black smoke came out from inside.

Several senior guys who had been blessed with the Iron Armor Curse tried to rush out with brute force. Without exception, they were first stripped of their protection by the Stop Curse, and then hit by the Obstacle Curse and unable to move. Finally, they choked under the torment of the thick smoke. Fainted.

After about a few minutes, violent coughing, crying, desperate shouts and pleas for mercy filled the entire Slytherin common room.

Obviously, when faced with threats that may cause severe pain or even death, the descendants of these pure-blood families are far less strong than they imagined.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si had no intention of letting them out, but allowed them to cry until their voices became hoarse. Then he put away his wand and turned around to open the door to the common room.

But the first thing he saw was not prefect Gemma Farley, but Severus Snape.

The headmaster of Slytherin first glanced at the miserable situation in the lounge near the dormitory stairs, and then narrowed his eyes and asked: "You did all this?"

"No, professor. I was just defending myself." Zuo Si replied calmly.


A scrutinizing look came over Snape's face.

"I have never seen anyone who can knock down dozens of classmates, most of whom are older than themselves, in the corridor in self-defense.

And judging from their condition, you should have used stun spells, fire spells, smoke spells and obstacle spells.

As a new student of Muggle origin, I'm surprised at your spell skills.

At least in all my years of vocational teaching, I have never met a genius like you. "

"This is all thanks to the standard spell books you took me to Diagon Alley to buy. All these spells I learned from books."

Zuo Si deliberately pretended to be humble and bowed slightly.

"Self-taught? Without the guidance of any adult wizard?" A trace of doubt flashed in Snape's eyes.

Because this is so abnormal.

He could guarantee that even wizards at the level of Voldemort and Dumbledore could not master more magic and be more proficient than the boy in front of him when they first entered school.

Zuo Si undoubtedly noticed the other party's reaction, and explained with a smile: "Yes, it is self-study. If you don't believe it, you can just specify the content of any page from standard spells one to six, and I can recite it to you now Come out. Not only that, I can also recite it letter by letter backwards."

After hearing these words, Snape's expression finally changed.

He was a genius and master of potions himself, and he knew exactly what such an exaggerated "photographic memory" meant.

In order to confirm this, the Slytherin headmaster conducted an assessment on the spot and randomly selected a page from standard spells one to six for Zuo Si to recite.

After trying more than twenty times, he found that Zuo Si could really recite letter by letter backwards, and he was extremely shocked.

He didn't even bother to pay attention to the idiots who fell on the ground. He waved his wand and released the Cleansing and Revival spells to wake them up. At the same time, he humiliated everyone with a very harsh and mean tone and classified them as "The Shame of Slytherin". ", and issued a silence order to prevent anyone from mentioning the matter to other colleges.

After finishing all this, Snape hurried to the principal's office.

Dumbledore, who was looking through the documents, immediately stopped what he was doing, raised his head and asked, "Is the child okay?"

"It's okay. To be exact, he settled all the troubles by himself when I arrived. About forty Slytherin students were knocked to the ground, including many students in the fifth, sixth and even seventh grades. ." Snape reported expressionlessly.

"Oh? How did he do it?" Dumbledore's eyes widened curiously.

If you are an outstanding student in the fourth grade or above, it is understandable that you can do this.

After all, there is a huge gap in strength between wizards and wizards.

When he and Voldemort were in fourth grade, they were both capable of defeating senior students who were older than themselves, and even most adult wizards, even if they were outnumbered.

But the problem is that Zuo Si comes from a Muggle family and has never been taught by anyone.

Snape pondered for a moment, organized his words, and then explained: "I think... this year's Hogwarts may not only usher in the famous Harry Potter, but also usher in a terrifying... of magical genius.

This young man named Soth has mastered many spells just through self-study.

Moreover, he can also recite standard spells one to six backwards and forwards.

Please note! Memorizing everything here is not an exaggerated description, it is just a common and appropriate description. "


Even though Dumbledore had been through so many things, he was also shocked by this news.

You must know that the thickness and size of each standard spell book are astonishing. Even he dare not say that he can memorize them all, let alone "recite them backwards and forwards".

If someone could really do this, his intelligence and magical talent would most likely surpass himself, Gellert Grindelwald and Voldemort.

"It's scary, isn't it? If you don't believe it, you can personally give him a spell that is not included in the standard spell to test. I have a hunch that he might be able to imitate it just by looking at it. Compared to Stupid Potter, I think Soth is more like the savior who can defeat You-Know-Who."

After saying this, Snape turned and left the principal's office without looking back.

It was easy to tell from his unhappy attitude that he was quite dissatisfied with Dumbledore's intention to train Harry Potter to deal with Voldemort.

But Dumbledore didn't have any intention of explaining. He just sat on the chair with his hands crossed on his chest, his eyes showing vicissitudes of life and wisdom, as if he was thinking about something.

At the same time, in the Slytherin common room on the other side.

Zuo Si, who had just beaten up almost half of the students in Slytherin House, was sitting leisurely at the table drinking tea with prefect Gemma Farley.

Surrounding the two people were many mixed-race students.

They were often suppressed, ostracized and bullied by pure-blood factions, so after seeing a new student who had defeated those domineering guys on the first day of school, they immediately came together and wanted to surround them. This "ruthless" classmate formed a new small group to counter the dominance of the pure-blood faction in the Slytherin family.

After all, almost every student who can enter this college has a high IQ, and they know how rare such an opportunity is.

As for the little wizards who had lost their status as adults and now had big eyes, they had all gone to the dormitory upstairs to play the role of ostriches burying their heads in the sand.

They were even too embarrassed to go to the school doctor to treat their own burns, so they could only make do by applying a little burn healing ointment left by Snape on each other.

"You really don't look like a student from a Muggle family." Gemma Farley sighed slightly.

Although she did not see the specific battle process, she could easily judge from the shocking scene when the door was opened and the way Zuo Si was able to do so without any injuries, that it was definitely a one-sided crushing match. .

And judging from the simple tests conducted by Dean Snape in public, the oriental boy in front of him had terrifying intelligence and magical talent that ordinary people could not match.

Zuo Si smiled and shrugged: "Doesn't this just prove the absurdity of the pure blood theory to a certain extent?

The higher my achievements and the better my performance in the future, the more embarrassing those pure-blood families who support the blood theory will be.

And these fools seem to have overlooked one thing...

That is our headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of our time, who is actually an opponent of blood theory.

Therefore, their persistence and clamor are nothing more than the incompetent barking of a defeated dog in this era. "

"Now I finally know why you were sent to Slytherin by the Sorting Hat.

Whether it's the magic talent that surprised the professors, the monster-like memory, or the ruthless style of treating enemies, they all perfectly fit the temperament of this academy.

no doubt!

You are a born Slytherin, although not quite what those guys think. "

Gemma Farley gave her evaluation seriously.

"Thank you for the compliment. But you specifically asked me to stay and talk. Is that what you want to say?" Zuo Si raised his head and looked into the other person's eyes.

Gemma Farley replied meaningfully: "Of course not. After what happened today, I think we might be able to join forces and do something in Slytherin House. After all, Slytherin is not a pure-blood world. , and there are many mixed-blood wizards.”

While saying this, she looked around with a pointing look.

All the students who were seen stood up straight immediately, as if responding to this ambitious female prefect.

But Zuo Si sneered and refused: "Sorry, I'm not interested in this kind of children's play house game, and I won't waste my precious time and energy on such boring things.

I don’t know if you have ever heard of the saying that the strong are alone and the weak are in groups.

Only the weak will think about how to consolidate the poor wealth and power in their hands all day long by forming gangs.

For the strong, these things are as easy to get as weeds on the roadside, and they are not attractive at all. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si completely ignored the shocked and stunned reactions of everyone, including Gemma Farley, and stood up directly and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

Emulating Voldemort's behavior as a student under Dumbledore's nose?

What a joke!

He didn't want to be stared at all day long, and he might have to take an ideological education class every now and then.

Seeing Zuo Si's figure disappearing at the end of the stairs in the boys' dormitory, a fourth-grade girl cautiously tried: "Gemma, he doesn't seem to be interested in our proposal. What should we do now? What if those pure-blood guys find out? , will definitely cause trouble."

"Don't worry. It doesn't matter whether Soss agrees or not. What's important is that we let the other party know that he is ours now."

Gemma Farley touched her chin and calmly came up with a solution.

It was easy to see from the flash of confusion in her eyes that she didn't understand why Zuo Si would refuse such a good offer.

You must know that most students in Slytherin House will inevitably have a strong desire for power and power, even first-year freshmen.

Just look at Draco Malfoy trying to make friends with the "savior" Harry Potter before the Sorting Ceremony to see how precocious the "little snakes" are in this regard.

It's a pity that although Zuo Si looks like an eleven-year-old boy on the surface, he is actually an adult in his heart, a planeswalker with the ability to travel between different worlds.

Not to mention a school like Hogwarts with a total enrollment of less than 300 people, he didn't even think highly of the so-called British wizarding world.

The reason why I chose to come to this world was, on the one hand, because of its relatively safe environment, where I could safely and boldly conduct some research and experiments that were not convenient in Faerûn.

On the other hand, this world not only has magic, but also has a complete technological system, which is very suitable for management as a rear area.

Of course, before that, some means must be used to build a reputation, so that the entire magical world will realize that a "genius" has appeared.

Only in this way can we proceed to the second step of the entire plan.

Going down the dim steps, Zuo Si soon found his own dormitory.

As expected, there were no roommates in the room, and only two suitcases were placed beside the bed.

You don't need to ask to know that the freshmen who just entered the school are too scared to approach this madman who knocked almost half of the senior students of the college to the ground on the first day of admission.

But it cannot be ruled out that the Slytherin students who were beaten deliberately used this method to isolate him.

Zuo Si didn't care about this situation. Instead, he was happy to be quiet. He quickly opened the box with a wave of his wand and sorted the contents into various corners of the room.

Unlike Faerun's magic system, which is more focused on combat, most of the magic spells in this world have been improved over the past few hundred years and have gradually become very close to life.

And because of the "magic wand", an amplifier specifically used to enhance the wizard's perception and control, casting spells is far simpler, faster, and more convenient than in Faerun.

In the blink of an eye, the originally slightly dirty and dusty dormitory was cleaned up.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si used the six-ring magic to summon the [Heroes' Banquet] and sat down to enjoy the food.

After filling his stomach, he lay on the bed and read for a while. He estimated that the curfew was about to start, so he immediately created a phantom through the planeswalker card to hide it from others.

With the help of invisibility magic, he quietly came to the common room, and when the other person opened the door, he sneaked out and went straight to the library.

Although at the beginning, the intricate passages and a large number of moving stairs caused a lot of trouble.

But not long after, Zuo Si used his super memory to outline a three-dimensional map of the entire Hogwarts Castle in his brain.

When the time came to around midnight, we finally arrived at the library entrance located next to the corridor on the first floor.

Through simple magic detection, he confirmed that no protective measures were taken including the door, so he walked in confidently and closed the door ajar.

Due to the blessing of [Dark Vision] in advance, Zuo Si does not need to carry an oil lamp in his hand like other students who travel at night, or use a wand to release fluorescent flashes for lighting, and the whole person is directly hidden In the dark.

Unless you get very close, it is basically impossible to detect.

Soon, Zuo Si began to move along the bookshelf, touching the covers of the books one by one with his fingers, and stored all the non-magical books in the [Thinking Library].

When he finds a book that cannot be instantly read and memorized by [Scholar's Touch], he will open it and read the contents carefully.

Before I knew it, a few hours passed like this.

When the sky outside started to get a little white, Zuo Si realized that he had been soaking in the library for nearly six hours.

If he didn't leave, he would probably be caught by Mrs. Irma Pince.

"Well, it looks like we have to come back tonight."

Zuo Si sighed slightly, closed the book in his hand and put it back on the second bookshelf in the restricted book area. He blessed himself with invisibility magic again and walked quickly towards the Slytherin common room.

It had to be said that although the opening dinner at Hogwarts made him extremely disappointed, the library was the complete opposite.

These include theoretical explanations of everything, various unknown spells and magic, as well as advanced potion formulas and production processes, and books dedicated to introducing magical animals...

Whether it is available on the market or not, you can find it all here.

Among them is a book that emits scalding heat that can burn one's hands, and even details how to use and manipulate the severe fire.

In short, a lot of knowledge that will never be taught in the classroom is basically kept intact in the restricted book area.

No wonder borrowing books here requires a note from the professor.

If students with strong curiosity and lack of self-control are allowed to borrow books at will, the entire Hogwarts may become extremely dangerous.

However, for Zuo Si, who has studied necromancy magic in depth, the so-called "forbidden book" only records slightly dangerous knowledge, nothing more.

Compared with necromancy magic, which easily cuts living people into pieces, corpses are made into various undead creatures, constructs, and physical golems, and souls are transformed into wraiths and imprisoned as magical parts that can operate automatically. Most black magic Not even close to the edge of the word evil.

Even the method of making Horcruxes, which Dumbledore regarded as extremely evil and cruel, was nothing more than a witch.

Apart from the fact that the cost of tearing his soul apart was a bit high, Zuo Si really didn't see the evil and cruelty.

As for killing as a premise, it doesn't matter in the face of real necromancy magic.

Instead of killing ordinary people and innocent people, can't we also kill those scum who have committed crimes that are outraged by both humans and gods?

In short, Zuo Si returned to his single-room dormitory safely in the early morning when everyone had not gotten up yet.

After briefly cleaning up his personal hygiene and eating some of the leftover hero's banquet from last night, he took the books he needed for class during the day and appeared in the hall on the first floor where the opening ceremony was held yesterday.

As the largest area in the entire Hogwarts Castle, this is not only a restaurant, but also functions as a study room.

The little wizards who usually don't have any classes gather here to do homework and discuss topics of interest in small groups.

Since it was already close to eight o'clock, there was only one hour left before the first class started at eight-thirty.

You can see many people sitting sleepily at the table, stuffing food into their mouths one bite at a time, and checking the class schedule for the new semester to prevent accidentally going to the wrong class.

The freshmen who had just spent their first night at Hogwarts were obviously overly excited and were gathering together to discuss something.

It seems that everything is so normal and full of vitality.

But the moment Zuo Si appeared at the door, the entire hall felt as if the mute button had been pressed. Everyone stopped talking in unison, raised their heads and stared at the unharmed man who walked out of the Slytherin College common room. "legend".

Not only that!

They also suddenly discovered that many senior students in Slytherin House seemed to have large areas of redness on their faces, necks, hands, etc., and their skin color looked very abnormal.

For some reason, all of his hair and eyebrows disappeared, leaving him with a bare head.

What's even more abnormal is that when Zuo Si walked in, all these people lowered their heads and pretended to be eating, not daring to look at him at all.

Especially Master Malfoy, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

"Oh my god! You...you're still alive?!"

Ron happened to have just walked in from the other side of the passage and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Not only him, but Harry on the side also opened his mouth in disbelief.

Because they had just heard the twin brothers Fred and George tell a lot of scary legends about Slytherin House last night, they thought that the boy who was sitting in the same carriage with them was going to be in trouble.

"What do you mean I'm still alive?"

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily, thinking at the same time that this unlucky kid really couldn't speak.

No wonder some people jokingly call the protagonist trio "Hermione and her two silly sons."

This emotional intelligence is so low that I can no longer watch it.

Compared with the youngest son of the Weasley family, the "Savior"'s emotional intelligence was obviously much higher. He quickly explained: "What Ron means is that you were not targeted in the Slytherin common room last night, right?" ?”

"Targeted? Well... It seems that there was a little conflict last night, but it has been resolved. After all, this is a school, and as classmates we should love each other and live in harmony."

Speaking of this, Zuo Si suddenly paused, then turned around and walked to Master Malfoy, pretending to be affectionate and put his arm around his shoulders, with a dangerous smile on his face.

"Dear classmate Draco. Do you have any objections to me now? If you do, please tell me. It doesn't matter. I am a very kind person and will not retaliate against you for this."

"No! No...no! Absolutely not!"

Like a frightened rabbit, Master Malfoy jumped up from his seat and shook his head desperately.

The fear revealed in his eyes was like seeing a living devil appearing in front of him.

He will never forget the suffocating feeling of oppression that emanated from his whole body when the other party cast the fire spell.

Seeing Master Malfoy being so polite, Zuo Si suddenly showed a satisfied expression, patted him on the shoulder gently and said to Ron and Harry: "Look! My dear classmate Draco Malfoy is still very reasonable. In fact, not only him, but all the seniors and seniors in Slytherin House are very enthusiastic and nice to talk to. I like the atmosphere here very much."

While saying this, Zuo Si slapped the bare heads of the Slytherin students who participated in the siege yesterday one after another.

Everyone who was photographed had expressions in their eyes that were too angry to express, and some even bent the forks they used to eat.

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