A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 329 Ivonne Baery (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Lirael, have you seen this mark in Menzoberranzan?"

Zuo Si showed the clues he got through prophecy magic in front of the dark elf girl and asked.

Ever since the two met, this "little princess of the Banre family" who was somewhat spoiled by her archmage father has been running here often, and often stays there all day long, completely disregarding the strict rules of the Spider Academy. Take it seriously.

What's even more outrageous is that the Spider Academy and the Banre Family didn't send anyone to capture him and give him a severe lesson.

You must know that the Spider Church is not only a school used to train priests and priestesses, but also a place to train the city's future highest ruling class.

All the matrons and high-ranking priestesses of noble families came from here.

Generally speaking, women who are sent to spider academies for further study and training need to undergo completely closed training that lasts for several years or even decades.

To ensure that their bodies and minds are completely controlled by the Spider Goddess Rose, and to reach a certain level of priesthood, they can graduate through a very special ceremony.

And this ritual is for the best chief to receive the blessing of the goddess, mate with the summoned enchanted devil, and then give birth to a hybrid demon drow.

But in the face of the powerful power of Archmage Gonfu, even the Spider Academy can only turn a blind eye and allow Lirael to freely enter and exit this place that they regard as extremely sacred, even on a regular basis. Skipping classes and skipping classes.

Especially Triel, the matron of the Baenre family, also knows that Lirael's thoughts and consciousness have long been more inclined to arcane magic under the influence of her father.

So there was no expectation that this dark elf girl who had just passed puberty could become a qualified priestess.

She simply used this method to announce to other noble members of the entire family that she had replaced the old mistress as the supreme controller of the Baenre family. Even the eldest son, the Archmage Gonfu, must obey the authority of the new mistress. , nothing more.

After all, when the old mistress was killed by Drizzt, the entire Baenre family and even the city of Menzoberranzan fell into chaos.

If some extraordinary measures were not used, House Baenre might completely disappear from Menzoberranzan due to internal and external troubles.

This is no joke!

But the situation at that time was really dangerous!

Although the Baenre family has fifty or sixty noble members, they almost have the highest number in the entire city of Menzoberranzan.

Among them, there are sixteen high-level priestesses above LV13, forty-seven low-level priestesses, twelve male mages, and four warriors...

The strength of the noble members alone is enough to crush more than half of the noble families in the city.

If you include more than 2,500 dark elf soldiers and countless slave cannon fodder, it can even surpass the second-ranked Barisan'ango family by an order of magnitude.

But the problem is that the internal stability of the Banre family for a long time was achieved under the suppression of the old matron's legendary priest level of up to LV25 and the unparalleled favor from the goddess.

Following the death of the old mistress, the entire Banre family instantly fell into fierce internal fighting.

Many high-level priestesses with noble status and inheritance rights have jumped out and want to kill the sister in front of them so that they can become the new matron.

Therefore, the huge strength of his family is actually divided into countless small parts, and the relationship between them is still hostile.

At the same time, the Barisan'ango family, which has always been ranked second to the Banre family, also had some small thoughts at this time, wanting to incite and expand the internal struggle of the Banre family.

As the second family in Menzoberranzan, the Barisan'angor family also has forty-eight noble members, more than a thousand dark elf soldiers, and as many slave cannon fodder as the Baenre family.

If Mother Trill had failed to end the internal fighting with an iron fist, the other party might have taken the opportunity to attack, and the Baenre family would have disappeared forever from the long history of history, just like those families that failed in the struggle.

But Archmage Gonfu obviously saw this, so he took the initiative to form an alliance with the new mistress and quickly suppressed those ambitious sisters.

It can be said that the reason why the Baenre family was able to survive the violent turmoil and continue to maintain the glory of the first family in Menzoberranzan was basically due to the contributions of Mother Trill and Gonfu.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are arrangements by the Spider Goddess Rose.

As for Lirael being forced to undergo training at the Spider Academy, it was probably just to correct her thoughts and values ​​that were incompatible with the entire dark elf society.

You must know that since the alien Drizzt was born, various noble families in Menzoberranzan have intensified their education for their children, especially their hatred of the surface world and various races.

They didn't want the tragedy of House Do'Urden's downfall to happen again to them.

"Eh? I really want to see this symbol somewhere..." Lirael took the parchment and frowned, lost in thought.

After about two or three minutes, she slapped her thigh hard, jumped up and exclaimed: "Ah! I remembered! I saw this mark on a book from the Spider Academy."

"Oh? What is the content of this book?" Zuo Si asked quickly.

Lirael touched her chin and recalled for a few seconds, then quickly said in an uncertain tone: "I remember it seemed to be related to religion and demons, but I can't remember the specific content. By the way, why are you interested in the Fungus Forest? So interested? Is there anything interesting and interesting hidden in it? "

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "I don't know if there is anything interesting or interesting for the moment, but there must be some unknown secrets hidden deep in this fungus forest. Can you do me a little favor?"

"No problem! I'll go to the Spider Academy to help you find this book."

Without saying a word, Lirael stood up and walked out.

In her opinion, Zuo Si taught her so many interesting spells and combat experiences, and as a friend, it was only natural for her to lend a little help.

Watching this girl who was completely different from most dark elves disappear into the street, Vinal suddenly emerged from the darkness and joked in a slightly playful tone: "Your method is really powerful, you actually used This little princess of the Banrei family was taken care of in such a short time. With her help, I think gathering information will be more effective."

"Don't have high expectations. The reason why Lirael can still collect some information now is all with the tacit approval of the Baenre family and the archmage. If I guessed correctly, Gromph should have been targeting us. Yes." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

"Target us? What do you mean..." Wei Na suddenly showed a nervous expression.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes! I think the other party should have exposed the lies I made up and are trying to figure out my true identity. Compared with those matrons who are immersed in power and conspiracy battles all day long, Archmage Gonfu is the one who really needs to pay more attention to. By the way, the invisible magic eyes around this building must have been planted by him."

Hearing these words, Vinal's expression suddenly changed, and she immediately hid in the shadow next to her, and revealed the curtains to look out cautiously.

She simply couldn't believe that there were people in this world who could quietly lay down magical eyes for surveillance one after another under her high-intensity vigilance.

Seeing the overreaction of the dark elf assassin, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and waved his hand: "Okay, there is no need to be so nervous. Those magic eyes are located far away and will not observe the situation in the room. . Otherwise, I would have removed them all right away."

"Do you know their location?" Vinal's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I not only know the location, but I also know who placed these magical eyes around. There is no other person in Menzoberranzan who can do this except the Chief Mage Gromph. But I I'm very curious about what his attitude is towards us now." Zuo Si touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

Because as far as he knew, Gromph Baenre was a very special person, and he was also a typical neutral evil camp. The reason why he helped Mother Trill stabilize the Banre family was just to ensure his own status and power. Not affected.

This also means that the archmage is not completely loyal to the Baenre family. He is also very perfunctory about his belief in the spider goddess Rose. Even if he knows some secrets, he will not easily reveal them to others.

"Damn! This is a big trouble! Gromph is the most dangerous man in the entire city of Menzoberranzan. It is said that the magical power he masters is enough to easily destroy a city."

Vinal was visibly frightened.

Because for her, a legendary mage like Gonfu has gone far beyond the limits of her imagination.

Not to mention being his enemy, even hearing his name will make him feel cold all over.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Don't worry, Gonfu is not the kind of person who makes enemies for himself casually. I think he investigated me because of Lirael's relationship. So as long as we don't do anything Anything that is detrimental to Lirael, he will always stand aside and watch, and will not easily interfere."

"Okay, I hope your judgment is right. Here, this is the information that my subordinates just found out about Dayet's independent mercenary group."

Vinal took out a piece of old, crumpled leather paper from his pocket and it was still on the table.

Zuo Si quickly picked it up and glanced at it twice, then asked with a surprised look on his face: "How many people are there in the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group in Menzoberranzan City?"

Vinal replied without thinking: "According to the information obtained so far, it is estimated that there are at least 150 people. About 60 of them are active in the open, mainly accepting employment from the Banre family. The remaining thieves are scattered In every corner of Menzoberranzan, just like the tavern owner you turned into an undead servant, he uses various identities as a cover to secretly engage in intelligence gathering, delivering news, and collecting money."

"How does Jarlaxle ensure the loyalty of these people?" Zuo Si asked in confusion.

In his view, the composition of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group is too complex, and each one of them is cunning and ambitious.

No matter how powerful Jarlaxle's personal strength is, it may be difficult to manage and control so many subordinates.

"Loyalty? There is no such thing in the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group.

Jarlaxle is very careful in selecting and recruiting members, only allowing those wretches who have lost everything and have nothing left to join.

Because these people had nothing, the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group naturally became their only home and shelter. Once they left, independent survival would become a problem.

However, after so many years of development, different factions, large and small, have been formed within the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group.

Jarlaxle, the nominal leader, has secretly experienced more than one conspiracy, betrayal, and evasion.

But he seems to be quite lucky, and he can regain the leadership at the last moment every time.

It is said that Jarlaxle had a very close relationship with Gromph when he was serving the Baenre family. This requires special attention. "

Vinal quickly told all the information collected by his men.

Because the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group has a very wide range of activities, they can be found in both the Underdark and the Landmark World. In addition, the city of Menzoberranzan was originally one of its most important strongholds, so it is very convenient here. It's easy to find out a lot of information about these guys.

In fact, if Jarlaxle can find an effective management method, it is entirely possible to establish a huge organization that connects the Underdark and the surface world.

But unfortunately, for dark elves, conspiracy and betrayal are as frequent as eating and drinking.

In addition, he does not have the spider goddess Rose behind him like the high priestess, so it is almost impossible to have 100% control over all his subordinates.

After realizing what the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group was, Zuo Si immediately lost interest and casually lit the collected intelligence and threw it into the brazier aside to burn it.

Just when Vinal was about to say something, she suddenly discovered that there was an extra person in the room at some point.

To be precise, she is a beautiful dark elf girl.

She appears to be younger than Lirael, and she also wears the noble insignia that symbolizes her status as a member of House Baenre.

"How did you get in!"

Vinal quickly pulled out the dagger and dagger hanging from her waist, her eyes flashing dangerously.

But the girl didn't panic at all. Instead, she bowed gracefully to Zuo Si with a smile: "I'm glad to see you, the double chosen one of the goddess of poison and disease and the goddess of magic. A mortal of the same status, the noble Lord Thos."

"Do you know my identity?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows with a surprised expression.

"Of course I know you, because the great Queen Lolth has told me about your deeds in advance. What's more... you also brought Drizzt Do'Urden back this time."

When mentioning the Dark Elf Ranger, the girl's eyes shone with unabashed admiration and admiration.

"Who are you? The Spider Queen's chosen one? Or the envoy she temporarily selected?" Zuo Si probed with interest.

The girl lifted up her skirt, smiled and saluted, and responded: "My name is Yvonne Baenre, and my current identity is the daughter of Gromph and the sister of Lirael. But in addition, I have another identity, She was the former mistress of the Baenre family."

As these words blurted out, Vinal was stunned.

Because there are only two people who are qualified to be called the matron of the Baenre family. One is the current Tril Baenre, and the other is the mother of the chief mage Gromph, who has ruled the city of Menzoberranzan for hundreds of years. Old mistress.

And this old mistress should have been killed long ago when she led the army to attack Mithril Hall.

Otherwise, the subsequent turmoil and chaos in Menzoberranzan would not have occurred.

In contrast, Zuo Si's reaction was much calmer, and he didn't even show any shock or suspicion.

Because he vaguely remembered that Gonfu did have such a daughter, and when she was still a fetus, he asked the mind flayer to inject the memory of his old mistress into her.

This also plays right into the hands of the Spider Goddess Rose.

In other words, the girl in front of her who calls herself Ivonai Baenre is most likely the reincarnation of the old mistress Bare.

Not only did he inherit all of his memories, experience, and knowledge, he even inherited some of his priest abilities and magical talents at the same level as Gonfu.

Another typical "Shennoh" double cultivation.

This can be glimpsed from the energy and aura emanating from his body.

Especially those eyes that have experienced the vicissitudes of the world, they can't be disguised at all.

After realizing this, a very strange expression suddenly appeared on Zuo Si's face, and he continued to ask calmly: "Did Rose send you here to say something to me?"

Ivonai Baenre shook his head slightly: "No, the goddess does not seem to have any direct contact with you. It's just that I want to see with my own eyes that I can threaten the gods in the Pantheon, and that I can also What does a mortal look like when he escapes intact?"

"Pantheon? Threatened the gods? And escaped unscathed?"

Vinal opened her mouth and turned around to stare at the young human being she had sworn allegiance to. She was so frightened that she sat down on the ground with a plop.

Although she already knew some information about Zuo Si from Drizzt and the terrifying power possessed by this new master, she never expected that the other party would be so crazy.

You must know that the gods of Faerun are not bad people!

Not to mention those evil gods, even the gods of the neutral and good camp will do some things that make mortals extremely frightened after being angered.

For example, the Zasman sect, a sect that extremely hated gods and was active in the Netheril era, once used self-sacrifice to create a weapon specifically designed to kill gods - the Zasman dagger.

It is said that this dagger can ignore the powerful defense and immunity brought by divine power and divinity, and directly damage the core of the incarnation of the god.

So just after the sect made the Zasman Dagger, the ancient god of death, Yeager, personally took action, trapping all the remaining members of the sect in a large arena and transforming them into ghouls in an extremely cruel way. , and then allowed them to kill and devour each other under the control of hunger and fear until they all died.

In addition, the group of crazy mages who summoned the ancient evil "God Killers" and tried to use them as bargaining chips to negotiate with the gods also suffered almost the same fate.

It can be seen that when the gods face something that threatens them, their first reaction is often not to compromise or negotiate, but to directly deal a devastating blow with thunderous force and completely eliminate the threat.

If Zuo Si threatens the gods in the Pantheon and escapes unscathed, it means that he has certain abilities that prevent even the gods from joining forces to hurt him at all, but will trigger even more violent revenge.

And this kind of revenge is something the gods are unwilling and unable to bear.

After thinking about this, Vinal's eyes began to shine, and she quickly realized that she was hugging a thick and strong thigh this time.

Of course, Ivonne Baery didn't care at all about her reaction to a "minor role". He just stared at Zuo Si for a long time, and then said with a smile: "You are indeed very special. You are better than I have ever seen." Every mortal is special. Especially the madness hidden under calmness and reason, and the evil fragrance exuding from the depths of the soul, even most devils and demons are willing to bow down. "

"Is this a compliment?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"Praise? No, no, no, I don't dare, nor am I qualified to make any comments about people like you. But I'm curious, what kind of power do you have that can actually make the gods throw away their enemies?" Ivonai ·Ban Rui's tone was filled with strong curiosity.

"Because I can open a passage in the dark void and travel to other known planes, crystal walls, and even the universe in an instant without any hindrance. Not even the gods can stop me."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and openly showed his power as a planeswalker.

Because with the speech of Io, the god above the gods, in the Pantheon, the gods already knew that he was a planeswalker. This was no longer a secret.

"Transport across dimensions at will? And it cannot be stopped by any external force? That's it!"

Ivonai Baery instantly realized how terrifying this ability was.

It can even be said that as long as you are careful, you can always be invincible.

After all, if you can't fight and run, why don't you know how?

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood.

What's more, Zuo Si doesn't just know how to escape, he also has a method to summon the Eldrazi Titan that can destroy the world.


Yvonne Baenre understood why the Spider Queen was so afraid of the mortal in front of her, and even warned herself repeatedly not to provoke in any way, or to act with a hostile tendency.

Similarly, Zuo Si also took the opportunity to look at the old mistress of Ban Rui who had just completed her reincarnation.

I have to say that the genes of the Banre family are indeed good.

And Gonfu must have been a handsome dark elf boy when he was young.

In addition, most of the mistresses he found were beautiful women, so both Ivonai and Lirael were very beautiful.

Especially Ivonai, who is only over ten years old in human terms, coupled with the mature temperament and strong aura accumulated after living for centuries, is full of an astonishing charm that cannot be described in words.

If Zuo Si remembers correctly, Ivonai Baenre should also have a crazy obsession with Drizzt.

Later, he learned that Drizzt had found true love. Although he shed tears and sent blessings, he still wanted to sneak into his bed and have an intimate relationship with her.

You must know that it was Drizzt and his dwarf friend Bruno who killed the old matron of the Baenre family.

But after reincarnation, instead of hating him, Ivonai became his fanatical fan.

It can only be said that the values ​​​​and way of thinking of the dark elves have nothing to do with the word "normal", and there is no rationality or logic at all.

After several minutes, Zuo Si finally broke the silence and asked, "You came today just to see me, right?"

Ivonai shook his head slightly: "No, of course not. I want to tell you that Jarlaxle returned to Menzoberranzan not long ago and is currently hiding in the city, planning to deal with you."

"Jarlaxle is in the city and he is preparing to deal with me?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"It's surprising, isn't it? In fact, ever since Jarlaxle took some mercenaries to venture out onto the surface, the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group has been in a state of semi-out of control. He should be targeting you this time. I want to lend your hand to clean up some people who are out of control or disobeying orders." Ivonai Baery solved the mystery straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Zuo Si couldn't help but laugh: "Hahahaha! Interesting. This guy Jarlaxle is indeed as bold as the rumors say. But I don't understand, why are you telling me this?"

"Because I don't want to see the entire city of Menzoberranzan flow into a river of blood, or simply turn into ruins. From today on, I will provide you with all the information and actions about the various forces in Menzoberranzan, as In return, I hope you can try to restrain yourself and at least not spread the magic plague in this city."

After wandering around for a long time, Ivonai Banre finally spoke out the truest thoughts in his heart.


She was afraid that Zuo Si would go on a killing spree in Menzoberranzan and unleash a terrible plague.

You must know that although the proportion of priests in the dark elves is very high, they can even use divine magic to cure all diseases that cannot be done in the surface world.

But the question is, what if we kill a large number of high-level priestesses first?

Maybe others can't do it easily, but Ivonai Baenre believes that Zuo Si, who is a elect of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, can definitely do it.

"make a deal!"

Zuo Si agreed without even thinking about it.

Because he knew that the attitude of the old matron of the Banre family who had completed the reincarnation in front of him was actually equivalent to the attitude of the spider goddess Rose.

Especially the extremely obvious divine grace on the other party, he might even be Rose's chosen one.

"Thank you very much. First of all, to show my sincerity, I will tell you where Jarlaxle is currently staying."

As he spoke, Ivonai Baenre picked up the pen and paper on the table and quickly wrote an address in dark elf writing.

After finishing all this, she bowed gracefully and instantly used teleportation magic to disappear.

After half a minute, Vinal suddenly regained consciousness and quickly got up from the ground. She asked in a tone of awe: "Master... master, are the contents of the conversation just now true? This girl from the Banre family, Are you really the old grandmother Baenre who ruled Menzoberranzan for centuries? Did you really threaten the gods in the Pantheon and escape unscathed?"

"Ah! It's all true. But I suggest you not to disclose it to anyone, including your subordinates. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee your life safety." Zuo Si gave a half-serious warning.

"Understood! I swear that I will keep it a secret." Vinal hurriedly promised.

She was no fool and understood what these breaking news meant.

Just when the atmosphere in the house became a little depressing, the dark elf ranger who went out for reconnaissance finally came back.

Before he could take off his cloak and take a breath, Zuo Si sent out an invitation with a smile: "Dear Drizzt, are you interested in visiting an old friend with me?"

"Old friend? I don't remember having any friends in Menzoberranzan." Drizzt rolled his eyes angrily.

Not to mention being friends, it is estimated that more than 90% of the people in this dark elf city want to capture him alive and then send him to the temple to sacrifice to Queen Rose.

"Then do you remember Jarlaxle?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

Hearing this familiar name, Drizzt's originally nonchalant expression finally changed, becoming serious and alert: "You mean... Jarlaxle is in Menzoberranzan right now?"

"That's right! I just got the address of his hiding place. Let's go and meet the mercenary leader together, and ask him how he plans to deal with me."

After saying that, Zuo Si slowly stood up from the chair, his eyes shining with anticipation.

After all, as one of the legends of Menzoberranzan, Jarlaxle once had a brilliant record of suppressing Drizzt and defeating Zaknafein, the former number one warrior in Menzoberranzan.

In a fair one-on-one duel, it would be difficult for evenly matched opponents Drizzt and Entreri to gain anything from Jarlaxle.

Since he was going to hit the door, Vinal quickly summoned all his men back.

It didn't take long for Zuo Si to lead all the people to an inconspicuous building.

No hesitation!

He directly gave an offensive gesture to his dark elf warriors and assassins.

In the blink of an eye!

The members of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group who were ambushing nearby were eliminated one by one.

Because he was prepared and unprepared, his speed was unbelievable.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen bloody corpses were dragged out silently.

Judging from the wounds, it was obvious that they were all killed in one blow.

The sharp daggers and daggers penetrated the jaw, back of the heart, neck and other vital parts from behind.

After pulling out these informants, Vinal immediately ordered his men to surround the entire building to ensure that no matter where the people inside ran out, they would be shot by at least three powerful crossbows immediately.

With everything ready in front of him, Zuo Si immediately smiled and said to the ranger beside him: "Let's go in and say hello."

"You mean...knock on the door?" Drizzt asked in an uncertain tone.

"No! No! No! Knocking on doors is not my style. I prefer to bang on doors."

The words have not yet been spoken!

Zuo Si raised his hands and began to chant a jerky spell.

Then Drizzt saw a huge and hot fireball fly out and hit the door where several magic traps were placed.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

With violent explosions, noises and vibrations, the entire door and its frame flew directly into the house.

A dark elf warrior guarding the door had no time to dodge, and could only watch as the steel door swallowed him up with the scalding heat wave.

The intense burning and pain made him scream like a slaughtering pig.


"Damn! It's an attack! We're under attack!"

Another dark elf hiding slightly inside immediately shouted a warning.



Several windows used for ventilation were broken on the spot, and about six or seven people jumped out of the house.

Just when they landed and before they could stand firm, the crossbowman hiding in the dark immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Those with high agility attributes immediately began to roll on the spot to avoid the poisonous arrows glowing with cold light.

But those guys whose agility attribute was not high enough were more unlucky. Two of them were shot through the eye sockets and died instantly.

Three more were shot in the abdomen by poisoned arrows. After a while, half of their bodies fell into a state of numbness, and their faces became extremely ugly. Finally, they fell to the ground unwillingly.


Simple and fast kill!

From the very beginning, Vinal and her men had no intention of leaving anyone alive.

After the last guy who tried to resist was cut into pieces by random blades under siege, Zuo Si calmly stepped on several charred corpses into the house, and said to the most gorgeously dressed man with a smile: " You must be Jarlaxle, the leader of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group, right?"

"Are you Soth?"

Jarlaxle subconsciously dug into the weapon in his hand, his eyes full of fear.

He couldn't believe that he was so easily discovered and surrounded by the opponent in the safe house in Menzoberranzan.

"Yes, it's me. And I brought you an old friend."

With that said, Zuo Sichong made a gesture of invitation to the dark elf ranger beside him.

Drizzt slowly took off his hood, revealing his handsome face, and greeted in a slightly complicated tone: "Long time no see, Jarlaxle. You have provoked an enemy you shouldn't have provoked this time."

"Drizzt Do'Urden?"

The moment he saw the ranger, Jarlaxle's pupils immediately dilated several times to show the unrest in his master's heart.

"How about it, isn't it a surprise? If Entreri is here, the three of you can get together and catch up on old times."

As Zuo Si spoke, he began to look at the few guys following Jarlaxle who did not rush out.

Among them, the woman who was a mixture of dark elf and ogre caught his attention as expected.

After all, the muscles on a woman's body can be developed to a level that would put even an orc warrior to shame, and it would be difficult not to attract attention.

What's more, this woman didn't have any weapons in her hands, just clenched fists.

In addition, there is also a dark elf male wearing a robe and holding a staff that is also worth noting.

After all, spellcasters are always more dangerous than warriors. This is the consensus of the entire Faerûn continent.

"Jarlaxle! What should we do now?" The woman with exaggerated muscles asked first.

Jarlaxle spread his hands helplessly: "What else can we do? Of course we have to fight. Haven't you noticed that our house has been surrounded. Unless we can find a way out, it will include me." You will all die here today."

"Hmph! If that's the case, then what are you waiting for?"

With the last word blurted out, the female hybrid ogre suddenly took the first step and rushed out at lightning speed.

After seeing it, Vinal immediately signaled his men to shoot.

In an instant, seven or eight arrows were shot from different angles.

Just when she was filled with joy and wanted to see this "silly big guy" fall in a pool of blood, the mixed-blood ogre suddenly waved his arms at a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and accurately shot all the arrows away. None of them could penetrate its airtight defenses.

"This...how is this possible!" Vinal was dumbfounded for a moment.

But the mixed-blood ogre obviously would not miss this opportunity. He rushed towards Zuo Si and instantly wrapped his arm with a layer of magical energy visible to the naked eye.

There is no doubt that whether she blocked the arrow just now or the blow she is about to strike now, it proves that she is a very high-level monk.

Just when the hybrid ogre monk thought he could break Zuo Si's heart with one blow, he suddenly saw a chilling smile on his face.

As a result, just before the fist exerted force, I felt that my body suddenly inflated like a balloon, and my whole body was lifting off the ground with my feet floating on the ceiling above my head.

"What...what's going on? You...what did you do to me?" the hybrid ogre shouted in panic.

At this moment, let alone a fatal blow, he couldn't even control the direction in which his body was floating upward.

You must know that after giving up all armor and protection, the monk gained extremely powerful magic resistance and immunity.

With her monk level, she can resist most spells.

"Nothing, just a swelling charm. Don't worry, this spell won't kill you, at least not until I change my mind."

Zuo Si casually pushed the inflated woman aside, stared at Jarlaxle's slightly flustered face, and asked with interest: "Are you sure you want to continue with the final death struggle? You know how much patience I have. There is a limit! If you and your people do even the slightest bit of hostility, the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group will completely become history."

"What exactly do you want to do?" Jarlaxle probed cautiously.

"You should ask yourself this question. After all, it was you who made the first move, and I was simply forced to fight back."

Zuo Si walked straight to the chair and sat down in a very relaxed and comfortable posture like his master, as if he didn't pay attention to the enemy who was close at hand.

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