A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 364 Crazy Woman Nahiri (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that building a new civilization from scratch is definitely a very tempting thing for this group of geniuses with super high IQs and a lot of professional knowledge and skills.

Especially in this world, we no longer need to pay attention to those shameless politicians who have little scientific knowledge at all, but control the most important funds and resources for scientific research.

Likewise, there are no farces or jokes like lay leaders who don’t know shit and blindly direct professionals.

It can even be said that all resources are completely based on the principle of giving top priority to magic and technology research and development.

As long as there is something in the warehouse of Plantia Floating City, they can apply to use it.

The approval speed is so fast that it often only takes a few minutes, instead of the approval process that takes months or even years in Congress, parliament, and relevant departments like on earth.

After the project is established, some people may use their own hands to embezzle most of it or even more.

More importantly, these people gained enormous power that they had never had before.

Everyone's words and deeds can directly affect the future development direction of the entire civilization, and even shape the inner core of its spirit, ideology, social order, economic structure and values.

A psychologist once said that you should not treat high-level talents as stingily as you treat ordinary people. Either give them money, status, honor, or give them power and the opportunity to realize their self-worth.

In this way, they will work hard wholeheartedly to create more value.

Obviously, Zuo Si not only gave all these things in one go, but also taught the other party countless magical knowledge, broadening the horizons of these professionals.

Therefore, at the meeting, everyone was actively speaking, debating, and quarreling, wanting to contribute to this civilization that was about to be restarted, and their subjective initiative was brought into full play.

The two experts, who held opposite views on economics and statistical methods, got into a heated argument during the meeting, and almost had to use their newly acquired magical powers to compete in a duel.

After all, when there is no way to tell who is right and who is wrong academically, violence is always the fastest and most effective way to solve the problem.

Just listen to the saying "Thoughts are not afraid of bullets". In the history of mankind on earth, there are countless thoughts that have been suppressed or even eliminated by physical means.

In addition, the necromancer wizard Lu Dewei, the biologist Dr. White, and the mechanical engineer David also believed that the current efficiency of the floating city in using low-level necromantic creatures was too low, so they jointly proposed a crazy idea.

That is to create some professional undead workers by integrating necromancy magic, corpse embedding technology and mechanical limbs.

For example, a corpse-embedded giant that is over six meters tall and has multiple functions and a certain level of intelligence.

The biggest feature of this thing is that it has six to eight plug-and-play multifunctional interfaces all over the body. It can not only undertake complex tasks in agriculture such as sowing, transplanting, turning soil, and harvesting, but it can also perform tasks such as mining. , transportation, construction, metal smelting, logging and other heavy and very dangerous labor.

If you need to go to the battlefield, you only need to replace those tool arms with brutal chainsaws, heavy machetes, hammers, or various powerful long-range weapons.

Due to their amazing strength, these big guys are very suitable whether they are used as human shields and sharp soldiers to rush into the enemy's formation, or as operators of large machinery.

There is no doubt that this is a timely help for Plantia Floating City, which has been in a state of "serious labor shortage".

The most important thing is that making large quantities of corpse-embedded giants does not require consuming too many resources. All you have to do is catch the undead wandering in various towns and villages on this continent and dismember, assemble, transform and sew them up.

To this end, Ludwei has built an automated production workshop of amazing scale.

On the other side, mechanical engineer David, with the help of the lichs, built an industrial assembly line that can produce different tools, weapons and parts by replacing some modules.

The terrifying electromagnetic cannons on the floating island outside were forged by him himself.

Dr. White teamed up with several other experts, the mastermind Isadora, and the mind flayers to complete an important technology, which is to realize the transmission of life and magical energy through psychic devices.

With this technology, players who are members of the Fourth Natural Disaster no longer have to worry about the characters they control having their levels reset to zero after death.

Just the opposite!

The mastermind Isadora can drain the energy from the body at the moment of death and then inject it into the next clone, allowing it to retain most of its original professional level and basic attribute enhancements obtained through upgrades.

Of course, there will definitely be some loss during the transmission process, such as level degradation.

However, as long as it is not directly cleared, it can be interpreted as the "death penalty" in the game.

In this way, these players will think carefully about whether it is worth it when they want to become a monster.

A psychologist even designed a complete reward and punishment mechanism, honor system and upgrade system specifically for this purpose.

To put it simply, it is to split the real professional levels, so that the original LV1 becomes LV10, and the improvement of various basic attributes is also changed from the original product multiple to the simplest addition.

In short, the goal is to allow players as a group to continue to feel the excitement and pleasure brought by upgrading and becoming stronger as much as possible.

At the same time, they must be firmly bound to the floating city through the reward and punishment mechanism and the honor system, so that they will have a sense of belonging and subconsciously think that they are one of them.

As long as they contribute enough, players can obtain various titles, thereby gaining "privileges" such as purchasing real estate in the floating city, opening various shops, hiring NPCs, and building their own union strongholds and mage towers.

Individuals with high contribution and certain talents may have the opportunity to be promoted to commanders of an army, or governors of certain strongholds in other worlds.

Anyway, with the input of these experts, a complete system was built from scratch.

Coupled with the extensive re-planning and renovation of the area, Plantia Floating City is ready to welcome a group of visitors from another world.

Because they were so excited, they even forgot that they had signed a contract to sell their souls.

And the holder of this contract is the young man who sits on the main seat and always remains calm, calm and smiling.

After the meeting ended and everyone left, Vanessa, a lich, couldn't help but smile and sighed: "What a group of terrifying geniuses!

I really can't believe that they have adapted to a completely different environment in such a short period of time, and even their spellcasting levels are increasing at an unimaginable speed.

Maybe it won't be long before the Floating City will have a group of talented archmages.

Moreover, each of these guys has a wild imagination, is not restricted by any tradition, and dares to try things that we traditional mages simply dare not do. "

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "You have to understand that each of these talents introduced from another world stands out among a huge population of hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. They have been trained since childhood. After receiving more than ten to twenty years of systematic education.

During this period, they do not need to worry about the huge expenses during their studies, let alone worry about trivial matters in life. Even after showing extraordinary intelligence and talent, they can immediately receive preferential treatment and resource allocation that ordinary people cannot reach.

In the end, after decades of brutal competition and elimination among peers who are as smart as themselves, they stand out and become the best and top few winners in their respective industries.

Believe me, if all the current core members of the organization were turned back into children and then thrown into another world to compete with these geniuses, most of them, including you, would not even have a chance to get ahead. Was eliminated.

This does not mean that we are not good enough, but is the result of the huge gap in population, productivity and education between the two worlds.

Because the birth of genius is an accident, it is difficult to mass-produce it through genetics or other artificial intervention methods.

In this way, if you want to obtain enough geniuses, you need to expand the population as much as possible.

Similarly, expanding the population requires improving the overall level of agriculture to ensure that there are enough grains, meats, and vegetables to feed so many people, and that children receive adequate nutrition as they grow and develop.

In order to prevent geniuses from being buried, a complete universal education system needs to be established to identify them from ordinary people.

It can be said that it is very, very difficult to achieve any of the above conditions.

But luckily, I found a world that had all of these conditions.

When these geniuses die due to aging, disease, and various accidents, a contract can be made to allow them to serve me.

No cost!

No need to pay any price!

Have you seen those giant electromagnetic cannons out there with astonishing power and range, as well as super artillery shells that can easily kill thousands of people?

Trust me, this is just the beginning.

In the future, more and more powerful weapons, equipment, technologies and magic will be developed.

One day...

We will stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods, or even surpass them! "

Hearing these words, Vanessa, the first lich to take refuge and swear allegiance, immediately put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply, her eyes flashing with a terrifying light and whispered: "Can It will be the greatest honor of my life to follow you on this grand plan, and I look forward to that day."

"Then let us work hard for this goal together. By the way, what has Isadora been doing recently?"

Zuo Si couldn't help but asked casually.

Since the shell ship was transferred to the floating city, four Isadoras followed collectively from the mage tower.

Because he was really psychologically affected by this problematic girl twice, so he had to throw it all over here for Vanessa to keep an eye on.

Since the latter personally taught Isadora arcane magic knowledge, she still maintained the most basic respect for this teacher.

"Which one are you referring to?"

Vanessa raised her head and asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si rubbed his brows and answered bluntly: "All of them! Including the one who transformed himself into the mind flayer mastermind."

"The mastermind hasn't done much. It has been absorbing and fusing the recently donated mind flayer brains to strengthen itself. Every now and then, it will also tamper with the group memory of those people who were forcibly captured from another continent.

As for the other three, they basically implement population migration plans on the land across the sea.

Because psychic powers can silently control a person's thinking and memory, it is often possible to avoid violence and bloody conflicts and directly control the leader of the tribe to order cooperation in immigration.

So far, we have relocated almost 100,000 people, half of whom have been placed in the port city of Hull, and the other half in surrounding towns and villages.

But the problem is that these people generally have no education and can only engage in some basic manual labor and primitive handicrafts. Their efficiency is not even as good as those low-level undead who never tire.

To be honest, I think their value may not be as good as those of domesticated goblins.

At least those goblins eat less, and they can use it to death without having to worry about loss.

In addition, I also sent people to conduct intelligence tests on the children and teenagers, and brought 600 of them who met the requirements to the floating city for training as apprentices.

According to your requirements, one-third of these people will be trained to become creators, and the rest will become mages or alchemists. "

Vanessa reported the progress of various plans during this period without thinking.

Among them, the forced migration of people from another continent was an idea proposed by Tyrantir.

After all, since being hit by the super magic [Starfall], the surviving people on the land there have long regressed to the primitive tribal system and are fighting against the harsh natural environment all the time.

Rather than letting them fight each other for the meager survival resources, it would be better for them all to move over and live a life that can at least fill their stomachs.

The most important thing is that the influx of these people can greatly alleviate the strong sense of loneliness and crisis awareness among the survivors in Hull Port.

It doesn't matter at all whether the other party is willing or not, or whether it will cause social unrest or the like.

Because the mind flayer mastermind can easily tamper with the memories of hundreds of ordinary people, giving these survivors a new identity and self-perception.

This is why there are often thousands of slaves in the Mind Flayer cities in the underground world, but riots are almost never heard of.

To be precise, except for a few special cases with strong will and determination, most slaves do not even need to maintain long-term charm and mind control.

Just a one-time, extensive memory tampering is enough to ensure its loyalty to its mind flayer master.

Coupled with the fact that there are mountains of grain and other materials piled up in the warehouse, more than tens of millions of people can eat in a year or two, it is impossible for anything to go wrong.

"What's the total population of that continent now?" Zuo Si asked, touching his chin.

"Based on what we have detected, it is estimated to be about four million. Most of them live on the southern coast farthest from the [Starfall] magic impact point. Some of the more powerful tribes have even established small city-states. "

Vanessa gave the answer without thinking.

It has to be said that for a supercontinent with an area equivalent to the Earth's North and South America combined, this population is really pitifully small.

But it also reflects from a certain aspect the horrific destructive power caused by the [Star Meteor] impact back then.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and the haze that covered the sky for several years almost caused a devastating blow to mankind on this continent and almost wiped out the world.

After a hundred years of reproduction and reproduction, it finally recovered to a population of more than four million.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some tribes hidden deep in the dense jungles and mountains that are not easily discovered and have not been included in the statistics.

After Zuo Si thought for a moment, he immediately ordered: "Try to digest and absorb all this population in a short time.

I don’t need them to create any value. It doesn’t even matter if they are raised like pigs and do nothing, as long as they can reproduce and increase the population size.

In addition, all newborns and teenagers must receive the most basic education together.

What's more, we also have a massive influx of players coming soon.

When the time comes, the two parties will exchange genes and produce more offspring.

In this way, after all the older generations of this world die, the civilization we shape will enter a new era. "

"Understood! I will gather a few more core members of the organization to take charge of this matter."

After saying this, Vanessa immediately turned around and left, planning to discuss with Tyrantir to see if she could find a suitable place to establish a stronghold on the other side of the sea, or even build a permanent portal to increase the number of people. The efficiency of migratory populations.

As for Zuo Si, he set off for a trip to the shell ship, communicated with Isadora, who had become the mastermind, for more than an hour, and handed over all the knowledge and secrets of the [Spiritual Arcanist] profession to her.

After doing all this, he returned to the mage tower and turned the box full of dragon eggs and half-dragon creatures into a card, directly activating the power of the spark and leaving the universe where Toril was located.

Just like last time, a huge rift connected to the dark void appeared in the sky of Askatra.

The indescribable storm of chaos and destruction immediately made the top brass of the Masked Mage Guild and the Six-person Council of Amn feel numb, and their eyes showed endless fear.

Only the clone left behind by Shane VII, Zeranora, stood by the tower window and raised her head to look at the dark void, with an expression of obsession and longing on her face.

Almost at the same time, the eyes of all the gods were directed here again.

Tempus, the god of war, and Talos, the god of storms, even descended directly into the incarnation, and rushed in while the rift was not closed, trying to figure out what was inside.

But unfortunately, just a few seconds later, the gods and the residents of Askatra heard a terrible roar as if the entire world collapsed.

Then fragments of divine power shimmering with golden light spewed out from the dark cracks that were invisible.

At this moment, anyone who is not a fool realizes that the two incarnations of powerful divine power have been destroyed by some unknown and terrifying force.

After these fragments floated in the sky for about a few minutes, they were quickly recovered by the God of War and the God of Storms.

Obviously, their almost reckless attempt this time directly made the gods clearly realize that there is definitely some powerful power in the dark void that can devour or even kill themselves. Qi inevitably became more frightened.

After all, Tempus, the god of war, and Talos, the god of storms, are both very ancient and powerful gods, and their combat prowess is considered to be among the best among the gods.

In addition, what was lowered was the most powerful fighting incarnation, but it collapsed after a few seconds.

This shows how dangerous it is inside the dark void.

However, in order to get first-hand information about the Dark Void, all the gods who had a good relationship with these two people chose to visit them as soon as possible, hoping to learn from their mouths what happened.

Only Ogma, the god of knowledge, Midnight, the goddess of magic, and Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, chose to sit on the sidelines.

Because these three people have already obtained some information about the dark void from Zuo Si, and even a small amount of matter and energy brought out from the dark void.

Of course, Zuo Si no longer cares so much about the reactions of the gods.

I don't know if it's because of the limitations of the universe where Zendikar's time and space is located, or the distance between the two universes. In short, every time he teleports from Faerun, he consumes a terrifying amount of energy, and even drains the mana pool directly. He could only half-kneel on the ground to absorb magical power from the surrounding environment and slowly recover.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours...

When he opened his eyes again, Zuo Si was surprised to find a familiar figure standing in front of him.

A black and brown suspender leather tube top with almost no coverage above the hemisphere. The arms are covered with arm guards of the same material and color. The lower body is a pair of tight leather pants that can highlight the figure and the graceful curves of women, coupled with the unique Kou White marble skin and short silver hair…

Ancient planeswalker - Lithomancer Nahiri!

Zuo Si instantly confirmed the other party's identity and secretly increased his vigilance.

Because this woman is not a light-hearted person. She is the kind of crazy woman who will completely disown her relatives once she turns dark.

"Yo! Are you awake?"

Nahiri took the initiative to say hello with a playful and playful smile on her face.

"how did you find me?"

Zuo Si slowly stood up from the ground, doubts and confusion in his eyes.

After all, Zendikar is so big. There is obviously something wrong with him being caught by the opponent not long after he teleported here. Normally, he shouldn't be discovered easily.

Nahiri raised the corner of her mouth and pointed to the huge square rock at her feet and explained: "Because you are standing on top of my creation, and you are still drawing magical energy from the surrounding environment. Unless I am blind, otherwise you will definitely Come over and see what’s going on.”

"Damn it! Why didn't I notice it earlier?"

Zuo Si glanced down and found that he was standing on the top of a giant rock engraved with runes.

If nothing else, this thing is also part of the seal used to seal the three Eldrazi Titans.

In other words, the entire Zendikar space-time is filled with large and small conglomerate creations.

They are like Nahiri's eyes and ears, able to perceive various situations happening in the world.

"Haha, relax, don't be so nervous. No matter what, you helped me escape from the prison of that bastard Solin, so I came here to express my gratitude. What's more, you also stopped Nico... Bolas's conspiracy did not let the Eldrazi Titans escape and ensured the safety of Zendikar."

As Nahiri spoke, she stepped around and stretched out a hand to touch Zuo Si's neck, and whispered in her ear in a seductive voice: "You tell me...how should I repay you?"

"There's no need to repay anything. After all, I'm just looking for allies who can fight Nicol Bolas together." Zuo Si responded calmly.

"That won't work! What I hate the most is owing a large debt of gratitude. Besides - you look delicious."

As the last word blurted out, Nahiri suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked Zuo Si from his earlobe to his cheek without any warning. The movement was so fast that the latter had no time to react.

When she came back to her senses, the Kou woman, who was obviously a little nervous, had jumped four or five meters away in an instant, holding her stomach and laughing unbridled as if she was crazy.

"Ma'am, what on earth are you doing?"

Zuo Si frowned, pulled out his wand, and cast a cleaning spell on the area that had been licked and had saliva stuck on it.

He really couldn't figure out whether the Lithomancer was really crazy, or whether he was deliberately making fun of himself.

"Don't call me Ma'am so outgoing. You can call me Nana, Lili, or sister."

Nahiri casually shaped a chair made of solid rock and sat on it, crossing her legs in a very relaxed manner.




Hearing these outrageous names, Zuo Si's whole face twisted.

You must know that as one of the ancient planeswalkers who participated in the sealing of the Eldrazi, the Kor woman in front of her is at least five or six thousand years old, and she can be an ancestor.

Although she looks like a beautiful woman in her twenties, he really can't say the name sister to a person of this age.

Nahiri obviously noticed Zuo Si's reaction and couldn't help but smile and tease: "Why, my little request makes you feel embarrassed?"

"Madam, can you please stop making trouble? My time is very precious. I have many plans to complete when I come to Zendikar this time." Zuo Si sighed helplessly.

Nahiri stretched out a finger and shook it gently in front of her: "No, no, no, I am not joking, but to confirm our future relationship. If you don't mind, can you tell me Did you and I talk to Thorin about anything when you were in Innistrad? You know he is my enemy now! He is the one I want to take revenge on."

"I simply worshiped him as my teacher, studied the magic of creating life for a period of time, and also conducted simple fighting training. As for the grudge between you and him, I will not get involved, nor will I help anyone."

Zuo Si expressed his position clearly.

Because the grudge between these two people was indeed Sorin Markov's fault.

Even if they didn't fulfill the agreement and promise made by the three of them, they also imprisoned Nahiri who came to ask for an explanation, leaving the Eldrazi sealed in Zendikar's time and space unsupervised, leaving a huge Incomparable hidden dangers.

No matter who does this, they will definitely do something to "thank" the other party for their "warm hospitality" after getting out of trouble.

"Oh? Sorin has also become your teacher?" Nahiri's eyes instantly lit up. Not only did she stand up from the chair, but she also constructed a handgun out of thin air at extremely fast speeds that shimmered with astonishing temperature and heat. The rock sword. "In that case, how about we discuss it? Just think of it as a way to improve our understanding of each other."

"Does it have to be like this?" Zuo Si asked, narrowing his eyes.

"That's right! Come on, delicious little cutie. Don't be shy. I promise to be gentle and try not to hurt you too much."

After saying these harsh words, Nahiri rushed over at an extremely fast speed with a malicious smile on her face.

You don't need to ask to know that when she studied with Sorin Markov, she must also have included close combat skills.

Coupled with the rich experience accumulated over the years, it is estimated that he will be a difficult opponent in close combat.

What's more, Nahiri is the famous "Boulder Warlock", who can incorporate various magical effects into the rocks she shapes.

Even Sorin Markov will be trapped by the rock he created if he is not careful, turning it into the famous tourist attraction of Innistrad - "Solin Rock".

Normally, Zuo Si would never allow such a dangerous person to get close to him. Instead, he would use endless magic and planeswalker cards to slowly consume them, always keeping a relatively safe distance.

But the problem is that his current mana pool has only recovered a little, which is not enough to support a spell confrontation with the ancient planeswalker.

And judging from Nahiri's posture, it was obvious that she didn't want to use magic, she just wanted to practice swordsmanship.

So after thinking for a tenth of a second, Zuo Si decisively chose to go forward, pulling out the holy sword behind his back with one hand, and holding [Talona's Favor] tightly with the other hand.

With the strength attribute he currently possesses, even a two-handed giant sword can be used as a one-handed sword.

Not to mention the two-handed giant swords designed according to human standards, the giant "dragon-slaying swords" and "giant axes" built according to the shapes of fire giants and frost giants can also be swung with one hand.

Since both sides were planeswalkers with superhuman strength, agility, and physical attributes, a deafening loud noise immediately erupted the moment they collided.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The shock wave visible to the naked eye spread rapidly around the impact point.

Many bushes, stones and weeds were quickly lifted up under the impact of the shock wave, and then rolled and slid back.

But there is obviously a certain gap between Nahiri and the vampire Sorin Markov in terms of strength attributes, and she cannot resist Zuo Si, who has the power of the ancient dragon.

So after a brief confrontation, she was immediately hit by an incredible brute force and took several steps back before she managed to steady herself. She raised her eyebrows in surprise and asked, "Are you really a human? "

"Replace it if it's fake!"

Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a subtle hint of insidiousness, and he answered directly in the affirmative.

Because he keenly noticed that the opponent's two rock swords shaped by magic were obviously far inferior in hardness and toughness to the artifacts in his hands.

The violent collision just now has caused tiny cracks on the sword body that are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

If you're lucky, a few more collisions like this can cause the blade to shatter, creating a chance for victory.

"Hehehe, you have the same power as a monster? I find that I like you more and more. Be careful, I will be a little more serious next time."

Nahiri stuck out her tongue and licked her lips seductively.

Because her attention was completely attracted by Zuo Si's amazing power, she didn't notice the damage to the conglomerate sword in her hand for the time being.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's have a big fight!" Zuo Si deliberately opened his arms and provoked.

Nahiri showed her strength as always and asked with a smile: "A big fight? What kind of "fight" are you referring to?"


Zuo Si was shocked by the speed at which the "female driver" in front of him drove through the curve, and he didn't know how to respond.

Likewise, he began to wonder if his so-called "bad woman attraction physique" was starting to kick in again.

You must know that when they were in the Mage Tower in the Floating City, those ruthless female apprentices once started a secret war to fight for a seat close to him.

Four of them were poisoned to death, and two "lost their feet" while going to the toilet and fell into a cesspit and choked to death.

Another person passed by the cage where the [Demon Soul Corpse] was imprisoned and suddenly discovered that the door was unlocked. As a result, he was killed on the spot and turned into a low-level zombie controlled by this terrible undead creature.

Taking advantage of Zuo Si's stunned time, Nahiri unceremoniously took the initiative to attack again.

But this time, she did not choose to fight head-on. Instead, she used a dazzling pace, constantly changing directions during tentative attacks.

Some actions are not even possible for normal people to do.

But Zuo Si keenly observed that the reason why this crazy woman could constantly change directions and attack angles was because the rocky ground she stepped on formed different tilt angles in an instant.

This tilt angle can not only change the direction of force and force, but also adjust the center of gravity and fulcrum.

It's like most people rely on the friction generated by their toes and soles stepping on the ground, as well as the coordinated operation of muscles in all parts of the body.

But Nahiri doesn't have to.

When she attacks forward, she will dent the ground within a tenth of a second, forming a slope similar to the starting pedals of track and field.

In this way, you can gain stronger speed and impact by pedaling hard to make up for your lack of strength attributes.

Not only that!

This ability can also be used to stop suddenly, change direction suddenly, or even shape a stone pillar out of thin air as a support point.

In short, compared to Sorin Markov's upright and gorgeous swordsmanship, Nahiri is closer to a weird assassin up close. She combines her own abilities with swordsmanship, which is simply impossible to guard against.

After only a few rounds, Zuo Si started to want to curse.

After all, hand-to-hand combat was originally the area he was least good at. Although he was forced to learn from Solin for a while, he could only barely handle it. He usually relied on strength and agility to bully others.

Once you encounter a real master who reveals his true form every minute, you can only guard and wait for the only opportunity to come.

However, Nahiri fought more and more vigorously. Not only did the frequency of attacks continue to increase, but the angles became more and more tricky. At the same time, she did not forget to tease: "My little cutie, why don't you fight back? You didn't mean to follow me." Do you want to have a big fight? Defense alone can't defeat me."

"Don't worry, ma'am, my counterattack will begin soon."

While Zuo Si tried his best to defend in a panic, he carefully observed the expanding cracks in the opponent's two conglomerate swords.

It had to be said that as a creation of ancient planeswalkers, this stone weapon could withstand so many violent collisions with artifacts, which was really beyond his expectation.

Normally, when ordinary granite is knocked by [Talona's Favor], it will immediately crack and break into dozens of pieces on the spot.

Obviously, Nahiri's boulder spell is not magic in the ordinary sense, but comes from the special power given by sparks.

"Ha! The way you talk so hard now is really cute. It fills me with the desire to conquer."

Nahiri instantly changed the terrain under her feet, moving sideways for one meter at lightning speed, and then changed the terrain again, stepping on the sloping ground and cutting into the inside of the defense radius.

From the excited and crazy eyes on her face, it was easy to tell that she was planning to directly attack her soft abdomen with her rock-wrapped fist. One blow would make Zuo Si lose the ability to fight back.

But just when the Kou planeswalker thought he was about to succeed, he suddenly saw Zuo Si, who was clumsy before, showing a creepy smile.

Time speeds up!

The next second...

A piece of white light flashed before my eyes!

Nahiri couldn't see clearly and didn't know what was going on. She only felt that the conglomerate sword in her hand suddenly suffered countless consecutive and violent blows, so that her hands were shaken and numb. , and even his forearm lost feeling.

Before he had time to react, the two long conglomerate swords, which were comparable to artifacts, collapsed and shattered with a bang, and countless fragments scattered to the ground.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si used the ability of [Hourglass of Time] to activate the time acceleration effect, impacting two conglomerate swords more than twenty times in less than one second, completely destroying them without mercy. .

When Nahiri came back to her senses, she immediately felt a chill on her neck.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the holy sword exuding dazzling light had been placed on his neck at some point, and the sharp blade gently cut open the skin. Blood beads slowly flowed down the delicate collarbone and fell deep into the chest. Bottomless ravine.

"I won this contest!"

Zuo Si declared his victory unceremoniously.

Although he used a magic item related to time, the other party also used the boulder technique.

"Yes! You win! If you don't mind, can you tell me what happened at the last moment?"

Nahiri stretched out her fingers to touch the blood flowing from her neck, then put it into her mouth and sucked it, letting out a strange moan from her nose, as if she was enjoying the ultimate pleasure, with an extremely satisfied expression on her face.

There is no doubt that her current mental state is definitely not normal, and her mental health is probably a big problem.

After all, anyone who has been locked up with a group of extremely twisted and evil demons for hundreds or thousands of years, and constantly perceives and accepts the other party's chaotic thinking without any sense, will inevitably fall into hysterical madness.

"Sorry, this has to do with trump cards and some secrets. I don't plan to tell anyone for the time being." Zuo Si put away his weapon and refused very simply.

But Nahiri was not angry because of this. Instead, she nodded slightly: "It's understandable. Everyone has their own secrets, especially for a planeswalker. In addition, from now on, I recognize you To be an equal ally, at least we are on the same side against Nicol Bolas."

"Thank you very much, that's exactly what I wanted."

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"Do you have any special purpose for coming to Zendikar this time? If it's convenient, as a local snake, I can give you some useful suggestions."

While she was talking, Nahiri suddenly came forward again and moved closer to hug Zuo Si's neck and started to move her hands and feet.

"Madam, the blood you shed rubbed against my clothes." Zuo Si reminded me with a serious expression.

"What does it matter! Don't you think this pungent smell of blood and sticky feeling can stimulate the nerves and make people extra excited?"

As she spoke, Nahiri raised her hand to shape a rock knife, cut a rather deep wound in her palm, and then stuck out her tongue to lick and suck the blood flowing out like a madman.

The originally silver pupils were flashing with a red light...

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