A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 405 Come on, accept this gift and gift (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

The bottomless abyss, the three realms of Dark Lord Graz'zt.

At this moment, these three levels have been turned into scorched earth and ruins as the Eldrazi and other demon armies continue to fight.

If it weren't for the will of the abyss constantly pumping blood into the demon army, and each layer here is equivalent to a complete main material world, with an area many times that of Zendikar's time and space, otherwise the defense line would have collapsed long ago. .

Especially near the ruins of the Silver Palace where the Eldrazi descended, a huge "Hive Bloodline" factory has been erected.

All demons killed or captured in the war will be thrown in by slave beasts and larvae for forced transformation, and eventually become members of the Eldrazi army.

As the core of Emrakul, Ulamog and Kozilek, the former has completely stopped all movements and is floating motionless in mid-air, frantically creating slave beasts while enjoying the huge energy and energy brought back by the larvae. substance.

You don't need to ask to know that Emrakul, as the "eldest sister", is quite satisfied with the abyss, a plane that is full of energy and is equivalent to the sum of the energy of hundreds of other time and space.

Although it was a little harder to chew and the will of the plane was a little too strong, it was still a small problem for her.

If it is difficult to chew, chew it slowly. If the will of the plane is strong, gradually eat away and weaken it.

Anyway, I have endless life and time.

The "third brother" Ulamog enjoys fighting against those powerful abyss demon lords. He often rushes to the front alone to severely injure or even kill those sub-lords who are not strong enough, and absorbs the abyss energy injected into the opponent's body.

Occasionally, living prisoners will be brought back and transformed into super-giant humanoid creatures called "pathbreakers" with four arms and a head wrapped in huge white bones.

This is a kind of super slave with no thought, no consciousness, and no plan.

The only thing they possess is an unquenchable, insatiable hunger like their Creator.

On the battlefield, all demons caught by the "Barbarians" and other descendants of Ulamog were basically eaten alive without exception.

In order to prevent too much of its own energy from being taken away, Will of the Abyss even gives demons fighting against the Eldrazi an additional "self-destruct" ability.

It can be clearly seen on the battlefield that the devoured demons will soon detonate themselves, or release dazzling lightning, or erupt blazing flames, and some will inject strong acid and explosives into their bodies. The poisonous blood is used as a weapon to kill those large and giant slave beasts from the inside.

As for the three Titans…

Although the demon lords also organized a suicide attack, they wanted to let the opponent swallow a large number of demons at once and then explode them from the inside.

But the result was not ideal, and it only caused some indigestion to Ulamog.

In contrast, the "second brother" Kozilek is using his ability to burrow into the ground to continuously dig out passages connecting other levels, so that the demon army has to distract its energy to contain it.

After all, the lords do not want these indescribable twisted creatures to spread their descendants throughout the abyss, eventually threatening the level of their rule.

Of course, if it was just a battle, the demon army, which had already experienced the baptism of bloody battles, would naturally be fearless.

Because their numbers are endless, they can completely overwhelm the opponent with their numbers.

But the problem is that the power of the Eldrazi far exceeds the scope of the will of the abyss.

Any demon killed on the battlefield will be quickly absorbed and transformed by the opponent, and the three Titans are still continuously absorbing material and energy from the Triple Territory.

Some of the most terrifying slave beasts can even easily eliminate the spell-like abilities of high-level demons, rendering them completely ineffective, or simply draining away the energy used to form spells.

Even if most mid-level and low-level demons just look directly at Emrakul, their minds will be corrupted in a very short period of time, and they will quickly become Eldrazi. Even if they are protected by the will of the abyss, they will hardly be able to survive.

This means that the demon's greatest advantage - quantity, is completely meaningless in front of Emrakul, Ulamog and Kozilek. Instead, it will become a source of materials for them to create various slave beasts.

And Eldrazi Titans also have a huge advantage, that is, their ability to learn quickly that cannot be described in words.

You can learn new magic and biological technologies from the captured demons, and then use them on your descendants.

Similarly, the Will of the Abyss also learned the advantages of the Eldrazi creations from the slaves they captured and rebelled against.

The two sides are like two superpowers at war and confrontation, constantly learning from each other and rising up, launching an unprecedented technological and arms race.

Countless new types of demons that have never appeared before on this side of the abyss, including super-giant abyssal war beasts and semi-constructed siege equipment, have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain in just a few days.

The Eldrazi are not to be outdone. There are hundreds of types of slave beasts, and the largest ones are even thousands of meters high. Every time they appear, they can cause unimaginable damage and destruction to the demons.

Emrakul even captured many celestial beings from the upper planes, including a ruler from the "Seven Spirits" of Mount Heaven, whose power and status were comparable to the plane lords of Hell.

She twisted this powerful celestial creature with several lesser demon lords, forming a form that even the will of the abyss was afraid of.

At this moment, this creature was standing in the sky above the third realm. With just one blow, it tore apart the entire demon army that had just gathered to attack, turning it into black and red meat sauce flying all over the sky, as if it was raining blood.

"How dare you take the initiative to provoke the supreme demon prince in the abyss? I will devour your soul!"

Demogorgon, who was gathering his troops, was undoubtedly irritated. He opened his big mouth and let out a hysterical roar. The head on the right named "Haisladi" had a crazy gaze in his eyes.

If it were an ordinary creature, facing the crazy gaze of the most powerful demon in the abyss, most likely it would freeze on the spot and be unable to move.

But this powerful Eldrazi slave beast, second only to the three Titans, was not affected at all. The seven heads on its neck simultaneously shot out chaotic mana from the dark void, leaving a loud bang on Demogorgon's body. There was a huge scar deep into the bone.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Go to hell!"

Demogorgon in his rage is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying beings in the entire abyss and even the multiverse.

I saw him suddenly raising his arm that looked like a tentacle and a whip, and whipped hard at the Eldrazi slave in front of him.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The violent sound and vibration directly shook everything within a radius of hundreds of meters into powder.

What's even more terrifying is that after the Eldrazi slave beast's huge body was drawn, the entire contact surface suddenly withered and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, exuding a desperate smell of decay.

There is no doubt that this is Demogorgon's most powerful ability.

It was also the reason why he was able to reach the top surrounded by many demon lords and win the title of "Demon Prince".

All creatures attacked by Demogorgon's tentacles, whether they are mortals, devils, demons, or gods, will wither and wither from the inside.

To put it into a more understandable explanation, it is that a large amount of physical attributes will be lost at the moment of hit, and it will continue to take effect like a DBUFF until the physical attributes return to zero and cause death.

Therefore, few people dare to confront this demon prince head-on.

Because no matter how powerful it is, it will quickly collapse and disintegrate after several rounds of withering attacks, and eventually fall at its feet.

But facing such an attack, the Eldrazi slave beast did not have the slightest fear. Instead, it rushed forward in response to the second tentacle whip, waving its huge twisted claws, tearing away the heavy weight on Demogorgon's body. Tough fur.

You must know that the toughness of the latter's hair is not comparable to that of wild beasts or other animals.

Most magic weapons can only leave a white mark and shallow marks when slashed.

As for non-magical weapons, they can't even break defenses.

What's more, Demogorgon's body is always protected by a field of magical force that cannot be dispelled.

This shows how powerful this super slave twisted by the eldest sister Emrakul is.


The severe pain made Demogorgon even more crazy, and the two baboon heads with independent consciousness instantly began to fight back.

Not only did they wildly wave their tentacles to whip the guy who dared to hurt them, they also opened their big mouths full of fangs to bite, and even their tails pierced the opponent's body to extract life energy to restore themselves.

During the close fight, Demogorgon also gave full play to the advantage of having two independent consciousnesses, and at the same time blessed himself with [Advanced Magic Fang Technique] so that he could inflict greater damage to the enemy.

In addition, his relatively calm personality "Amul" will constantly summon demons to help him.

The aftermath of the battle between the two sides changed the terrain of dozens of kilometers in radius, turning it from a hill into a super crater tens of thousands of meters deep.

Every time the Eldrazi slave beast attacks, it will draw chaotic mana from the dark void, leaving horrific wounds on the body of the demon prince.

Under normal circumstances, Demogorgon would obviously not be able to recover in a short time just relying on his own recovery ability.

But fortunately, the Will of the Abyss took action at the critical moment and helped his favorite demon lord.


An evil and filthy energy spurted out from the mouths of the two baboons' heads, completely devouring the Eldrazi slave beasts.

Having won the battle, Demogorgon immediately pounced on him, biting and devouring this powerful enemy crazily.

After a while, his belly swelled as if he was pregnant, slowly forming a huge group of embryos.

Obviously, just as the Eldrazi Titans are twisting demons to create more powerful descendants, the Will of the Abyss is also using the Demon Prince to step up the breeding of a new generation of demons.

Because the tanar'ri demons that replaced Obiris could no longer meet the needs of this protracted war.

It needs more, faster, and more powerful new demon species to fight against the encroaching and expanding Eldrazi.

In fact, there is not just one lord like Demogorgon who is giving birth to a new generation of demons, but hundreds or even thousands.

If you look past the brutal battlefields of constant fighting, you can see that hundreds of thousands or millions of eggs are hatching in full swing in several makeshift fortresses located in the rear area.

There are also a large number of new demons with obvious Eldrazi characteristics, who have also grown and evolved rapidly under the enslavement and training of tanar'ri demons.

It won't be long before they head into battle to give the Eldrazi Titans a little surprise.

On the other side, the Eldrazi Titans also created countless slave beasts with demonic characteristics in the core area behind, and the number was no less than the former.

“What a crazy and terrifying sight!

I can't believe that the guy named Soth actually created a war that was more intense, bloody and cruel than the bloody war.

Dear daughter, do you feel that the war force from the entire multiverse is constantly gathering here?

This is an unparalleled feast for any god of war. "

Tempus looked down at the war between the demons of the three realms and the Eldrazi, his eyes shining with excitement and excitement.

Because to him, there was no sight more wonderful and wonderful than this.

If it weren't for the fear of being attacked by the Will of the Abyss and the Eldrazi Titan at the same time, the most powerful God of War in Faerûn would not be able to help but go straight to the battlefield and fight happily.

The goddess of strategy Yin Hong Knight nodded slightly: "Of course I feel it, father.

But is it really okay to just let them fight endlessly?

Looking at the demons and slave beasts that are constantly evolving, I worry that if they continue to develop like this, they will give birth to the most terrifying legions in the entire multiverse.

When the war between the two sides stops, who can stop them from invading other planes?

An army of elements on the inner plane?

I don't think those elements, which themselves contain amazing energy, will be a match for the three Eldrazi Titans who feed on energy. "

"Ha ha ha ha!

You have too much to worry about, kid.

It is impossible to determine the outcome of this war in a short while.

What's more, Soth still has the method to seal the Eldrazi.

I think that after the Will of the Abyss is weakened to a certain extent, he will personally take action to suppress or even seal the Eldrazi.

Compared to these things, I am more looking forward to the upcoming decisive battle with Anho, the god of war in the Mulhorad pantheon.

To do this, I need more strength from this war. "

As he spoke, Tempus raised his right hand and made a fist, his face filled with high fighting spirit.

Although in the eyes of the gods of Faerûn, this war between demons and Eldrazi is too dangerous, and it is best to stay away.

But he saw an opportunity in it, an opportunity to take himself to the next level.

"You mean...helping the devil?" The Yin Red Knight's eyes widened in shock.

Tempus grinned and nodded: "That's right!

The essence of war and fighting is chaos. There are no permanent winners and no permanent losers.

If it were in the past, intervening in the bloody battle without authorization might result in retaliation from the will of the abyss.

But now, the demons are clearly at a disadvantage, and this is a good opportunity for me to intervene.

I believe that the Will of the Abyss will not refuse the joining of an ally at this time.

But before that, I need to observe for a while and learn more about this strange creature called the Eldrazi.

do you know?

If Soth hadn't already been the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic and Poison and Disease, I would have wanted him to be my chosen one.

Because I found that no matter where he went, there would be war, killing and destruction. "

Hearing these words, the Yin Red Knight immediately shook his head helplessly and said, "Father, Soth is a planeswalker with special powers, and there are too many gods who want to get him.

The only ones I know about are the God of Knowledge, the God of Craftsmen, the God of Mage, the Goddess of Torture and Abuse, the God of Storms, and the Goddess of Wealth who just escaped from trouble.

And he is a very cautious person, and it takes a long time to win his trust and favor.

After Talona forcibly granted her the identity and abilities of her electorate, she even continued to unilaterally provide strength and benefits in an almost flattering manner. It took her two or three years to finally gain her approval.

So I don't think Zuo Si will easily accept your kindness, otherwise he should have been the chosen one of the God of Knowledge. "

“How will you know if you don’t try?

I've heard that he is very fond of collecting all kinds of magical knowledge, items, and artifacts.

In this case, then give him this [War Chain] as a meeting gift.

After all, he created an unprecedented and huge war from which I can benefit a lot. "

As he spoke, Tempus raised his hand and created a chain out of thin air that exuded a dark magical halo.

Although it looks very inconspicuous, it is an out-and-out advanced artifact, bred from the priesthood of war and powerful divine power.

It has only one purpose, and that is to bind the warring parties so that no one can escape until the winner is determined.

Even if you use interdimensional teleportation, you will be forcibly pulled back by the power of the artifact.

"I will give this artifact to Soth according to your wishes. But it is difficult to say whether he will accept your kindness."

The Yin Red Knight took the [Chain of War] and bowed slightly.

But Tempus shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter. No matter whether he is willing to be my voter or not, as long as he can continue to cause wars, it is enough. By the way, where is this guy currently?"

“He was seen in Hell before, and later in Shendilavil, the territory of Malcanthet.

If nothing else, Asmodeus should be planning to fulfill the secret agreement he made with the Succubus Queen.

You know, the Lord of Hell has always wanted to obtain Malcanthet and her army of succubi in order to make up for the devil's last shortcoming.

I even suspect that the fact that Malcantheat is angered by the will of the abyss and Shendiravel is besieged by the demon army are actually part of Asmodeus's huge conspiracy. "

The Yin Red Knight expressed his thoughts and inferences.

As the goddess of strategy, the biggest difference between her and her father Tempus is that she has a calm, rational and calculating brain.

It is precisely because of having such a daughter to assist and remind him that Tempus can always stand firm in the intrigues of the gods.

"Want to take the opportunity to dig into the corner of the Will of the Abyss?

This is really Asmodeus's style.

But why didn't he do it himself instead of letting Soth do it for him?

Is there some unknown secret hidden in it? "

Tempus rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression.

"If you are interested in this, let me go to Shendilawil myself to check it out."

After saying that, the Yin Red Knight used his power as a god and disappeared directly.

At the same time, far away on the 570th floor of the abyss.

Malcanthet was busy commanding the army to resist the demonic armies pouring into his territory from all directions.

She could not believe in her dreams that one day she would be affected by the wrath of the will of the abyss.

You must know that at the beginning, the succubus queen was still excited about Zuo Si summoning a powerful legion and turning the entire three realms into ruins and battlefields.

But after witnessing the arrival of the three Eldrazi Titans and the wrath of the Abyssal Will, she immediately stopped laughing.

Because all the succubi involved in this incident, including the controlled [Sister of Radiance], were torn apart by the energy storm and died tragically.

Before Malcanthet could react to what was happening, an uncountable army of demons invaded Shendilawil from two entrances.

At the same time, her originally loyal men also rebelled, causing the situation in front of them to become chaotic.

Except that the area near the palace and its surroundings was relatively calm, the outside had already turned into a pot of porridge.

Rebels and invaders, invaders and invaders, rebels and rebels, as well as those mortals and strong men who come from other planes to enjoy the beauty...

Anyway, due to the lack of unified command, the chaotic nature of the devil completely broke out, and they would fight each other as long as they didn't like each other.

That frenzied attitude completely regarded everyone except himself as an enemy.

A devilish version of the "Chicken Eating Contest" was staged that was full of entertainment.

Standing in the room on the top floor of the luxurious palace, watching his most beloved garden in the distance being destroyed by the fireballs and flames released by the Balor Balrog, Mecanshut was trembling with anger, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Asmodeus Si! And Soth!

These two bastards definitely teamed up to drag me down!

They must have known that summoning those three terrifying monsters would anger the will of the abyss, so they hid the most critical part.

I am definitely hiding in the corner now, peeking and laughing at my embarrassed appearance. "

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do now? More and more demons are pouring in from other dimensions, and more and more people are participating in the rebellion under the influence of the will of the abyss. It won't be long before our last line of defense will be lost." Sister Huiyao asked cautiously.

"What else can we do? Send all the reserves to me! Before reinforcements arrive, we must hold the last fortress. Remember, it is at all costs." Malcantheat roared angrily.

"Reinforcements? We still have reinforcements!"

An undisguised joy instantly appeared on the face of another Sister Huiyao.

But the Succubus Queen responded with a sullen face: "Don't be too happy. This reinforcement has to pay a price! The price is ten times or a hundred times heavier than you think."

Just when Sister Huiyao wanted to ask something, the demon guarding the entrance suddenly walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee and reported: "Your Majesty, a human who calls himself Soth is outside requesting to talk to you. Meet. He...he said he came on behalf of the devil from hell."


The atmosphere in the palace became tense and depressing.

Whether it is Sister Hui Yao or other demons and succubus, they can feel that the anger of their queen is rising sharply, and her two eyes are bursting with terrifying murderous intent, as if they may reveal their hidden beauty and beauty at any time. There is another side beneath the surface of temptation and desire.

But in the end, Malcantheut forced down his anger and ordered in a tone full of hatred: "Bring him in!"

"As you wish..."

The devil didn't dare to raise his head and look at his queen, and quickly exited the palace and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

After about seven or eight minutes, she led her guests in through the only entrance.

"Ah! I haven't seen you for a few days, and you have become more and more beautiful again, my dear Malcanthet."

Zuo Si was the first to say hello with a smile on his face.

It is easy to see from the joking smile on his face that he is quite satisfied with the current situation of Shendilavel.

Because only when the pressure from the will of the abyss is strong enough, will the Succubus Queen succumb more easily.

"Do you still have the nerve to come?" Melcanshut asked, suppressing his anger.

Of course, as the most beautiful creature in the entire abyssal plane, she is full of strange temptation and beauty even when she is angry, making people unable to help but want to conquer and possess her.

"Why don't I have the nerve to come?

Don’t forget, it was your personal wish to join this operation in the first place.

It's not me or Asmodeus forcing you to do this.

As an abyss lord, you should know best that no matter what you do, you must bear the corresponding risks.

The reason why it is like this now is entirely the result of your own insufficient estimation of risks and failure to prepare accordingly.

What's more, I helped you deal with your biggest enemy, Lord Grazt of Darkness.

I believe that he will not have the time or energy to threaten and harass you for a long time from now on.

So not only should you not blame me, but you should thank me. "

Zuo Si retorted plausibly.

You must know that in terms of shirking responsibility, stealing concepts and sophistry, only Asmodeus in the entire hell can compete with him.

"Very good! You are really very good! You are worthy of being the prince of hell, the great devil second only to Asmodeus."

Malcantheat was instantly out of anger. He was so angry that he was shaking all over, and his eyes were about to burst out with fire.

This succubus queen boasts that she has seen many despicable and shameless people, and she is even one of them.

But this is the first time I have seen someone who can confidently portray despicable and shameless people as noble and selfless.

She finally understood why Asmodeus was so interested in Soth.

The words and deeds of the guy in front of him are simply like a demon in human skin, even closer to the essence of the devil than most real demons.

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly: "Thank you for your compliment, I really feel a little ashamed of it.

In fact, Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, discovered the predicament you encountered, so he commissioned me to send you another contract, one that can help you get out of trouble.

Now, you just need to sign this contract, and everything will be settled.

Don't hesitate because this is the only way to deal with the siege of the endless demonic hordes outside.

Of course, just like before, we won't force you.

After all, free will is more precious than life.

But remember, once you sign your name on the contract, it means that you must strictly abide by the terms above. "

After saying that, Zuo Si handed over the heavy parchment scroll he was holding.

"I wasn't complimenting you just now!"

Malcantheat glared fiercely, took the scroll and spread it out.


The other side of the scroll rolled directly along the smooth marble floor for more than ten meters, revealing densely written small characters on it.

There is no doubt that this contract contains at least hundreds of thousands of items.

And each item is equipped with a large number of explanations and explanations, ensuring that there are almost no loopholes for signers to exploit.

Obviously, this is a typical devil's contract, and its strictness far exceeds the limits that any mortal in the legal profession can imagine.

There are some unpronounceable nouns and sentences. Without explanation below, even those who are proficient in Purgatory language will not be able to understand their meaning.

But if you think these explanations are the good intentions of the devils, you are totally wrong.

This is because hundreds of clauses that seem flawless at first glance actually form systemic rule constraints that are overwhelmingly unfavorable to the signatories.

It is precisely through these extremely complex word games that Hell has become the force best at using legal means to solve problems in the entire multiverse.

Even the Seventh Heaven Mountain and the Mechanical Realm, which are also famous for their order, are slightly inferior to the former in this regard.

You don't need to ask to know that reading such a contract is obviously not an easy task.

So while Merchant was concentrating on reading the terms, Zuo Si looked at the radiant nuns created through quasi-divine power with great interest, as well as the mixed-blood demons surrounding them as servants.

Judging by their appearance, the latter can be roughly divided into two types.

One type is Cambion, which is born from the union of male succubi and mortals. They always have only one gender, that is male, and act as soldiers and servants in Shendilaville.

Rumor has it that whenever a Cambion is born, it means that the mortal mother who gave birth to him will die.

As for the other type, it is the Almo that is born from the union of a female succubus and a mortal.

The latter also has only one gender, and that is female.

They usually have a very beautiful appearance and attractive figure, and will inherit the spellcasting talent from the succubus bloodline. With a little training, they can become excellent warlocks, mages, bards, thieves or priests.

Since countless old people come to Shendilaville every day, the number of mixed-blood demons has even reached a very alarming level.

Almo and Cambion together even accounted for most of the Succubus Queen's army.

Although they do not have innate power like pure demons, they can acquire power that is not inferior to the latter through acquired learning and training.

In addition, there is a very interesting demon on the 570th floor of the abyss - the Lomara Demon.

This is an incorporeal creature that has no entity and is closer to a resentful spirit or an evil spirit.

However, they do not hate the living. Instead, they like to occupy the bodies of living creatures, taste and savor the sins and vices of these creatures, and gain powerful power from them.

The history of the birth of Lomara Demon is very short. It originated from the "by-product" of a certain pantheon being destroyed by the power of the abyss and then slowly devouring it.

To put it simply, death, destruction and chaos gathered together, distorting the believers and petitioners in the original kingdom of gods.

Strictly speaking, they are not demons, and some even retain fragments of their previous memories.

Just when Zuo Si was bored and started flirting with those radiant nuns to pass the time, Malcantheat finally read all the contents of the terms and asked with surprise: "Asmodeus actually asked me to be loyal to you, and Not him?"

Zuo Si nodded meaningfully: "That's right. If you sign this agreement, then I will be your lord.

In return, you can continue to rule Shendiravel and your legions as a plane lord.

Don't worry, I'm not a harsh master, and I'm not interested in boring tricks like infiltration and annexation.

Just the opposite!

I will give you plenty of autonomy. "

"What if I refuse?" The Succubus Queen narrowed her eyes and asked.

"Well - then I will sit here and watch the demon army outside come in and destroy everything you have worked so hard to get.

Although I know that succubus characters are naturally more or less naughty and rebellious, I advise you not to have an attack now.

Don't forget, what you have offended this time is the Will of the Abyss, the absolute ruler above all demon lords.

When it begins to dislike a certain demon lord, the only thing the latter can do is to escape from the abyss as soon as possible and find another way to live. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's tone contained a strong warning.

There was clearly a look of struggle on Melcanshut's face, and his eyes were staring at the contract scroll in front of him.

After more than ten minutes, she finally made up her mind and signed her name on the last line of the contract.


A red light symbolizing lawful evil directly enveloped the entire plane.

The demons in the chaotic camp immediately began to feel that their power was being suppressed, and the will of the abyss was directly cleared from this level.

"I have already signed! Now fulfill your promise! Where is the devil army? I will kill all these damn invaders now."

Malcanthet spread his wings and let out a shrill scream.

It can be seen that after signing the agreement, her camp began to slowly transform from chaos to neutrality.

This is true not only of the Succubus Queen herself, but also of the vast number of succubi and demi-demons throughout the plane.

"Don't worry, dear Malcantheat.

In fact, there is no need to dispatch the Devil Legion to deal with these invaders. I have prepared a big gift package for you and your men.

Now you only need to bathe in the shimmering oil, and you will immediately gain unimaginable power.

Come, accept this gift and gift.

Soon you will realize how much potential you have untapped. "

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly took out the new sparkling oil prepared in advance from the suitcase, and gently waved the wand to make it rush towards the location of the Succubus Queen.

Before anyone in the palace had time to react, a surge of black glittering oil swept everything.

"Damn! What the hell is this...?"

Feeling that the microorganisms contained in the shimmering oil were invading the body at an extremely fast speed, Mecanshut panicked and immediately wanted to use his magic-like abilities or even divine-like powers to clean them out.

It is a pity that she obviously forgot that from the moment she signed the contract, her connection with the will of the abyss was completely severed.

Now, Zuo Si is her superior lord.

This also means that according to the strict hierarchy of the hell plane, as long as Zuo Si has not yet given her formal appointment authorization, the Succubus Queen does not have even a little bit of divine power.

As a result, he could only watch his body being infected by the oil.

Not only Malcanthet, but all the radiant nuns, demons, succubi, and hybrid demons in the hall began to mutate under the influence of the shimmering oil.

In addition, the glittering oil that spewed out of the box also surged into the sky, and then fell from the sky like raindrops, falling on the entire battlefield of Shendilaville.

In just a few minutes, both warring parties began to stop fighting in unison, trying like crazy to get the black grease off their bodies, or trying to activate teleportation magic to escape.

But unfortunately, all this struggle is in vain.

Because Zuo Si, as the prince of hell under one person and above ten thousand people, had sealed off this plane that was nominally subordinate to the devil to prevent Shuoyou's secret from leaking out.

And he himself walked directly to the Succubus Queen, stretched out his hand to gently caress her beautiful and delicate face, and comforted her softly: "Relax, don't be so afraid.

The pain is only temporary, and you will understand after a few hours at most that I am actually doing it for your own good.

After all, hell is a lawful plane, and the devil should also be a model of lawfulness.

You and your succubi are too free-spirited and find it difficult to truly integrate into this warm family.

To avoid this, Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, has authorized me to make some minor changes to you.

This transformation can not only make you more lawful, but also give individuals greater power.

The most important thing is that in order to preserve the beautiful appearance of the succubus, I specially processed the shimmering oil to ensure that the metalized part can be hidden and adjusted at any time according to my own needs.

You're welcome, this is what I should do.

Who told me to become your master soon? "

"Damn bastard! There was no such clause in the contract just now! Let me go! I order you to get these damn black oils away from me immediately!"

Malcantheut struggled like crazy.

The reason is also very simple!

She had already felt the oil pouring into her body from her ears, nostrils, eyes and mouth, and began to affect her nerves, brain and even her soul.

Especially the erosion of the soul made the succubus queen feel unprecedented fear for the first time.

You must know that when she was serving the demon prince Demogorgon, she had never been as scared as she is now.

"Haha, but there is no explicit prohibition against doing this in the contract?

Have you forgotten that anything that is not expressly prohibited in the Devil's Pact means that a loophole was intentionally left open.

Sorry, dear Malcantheat, it's all your fault.

But don’t worry, this kind of transformation is not to destroy your soul or tamper with your will. It is just to delete some shortcomings and make the already beautiful and charming you more perfect.

After the transformation is over, you will still be yourself.


The only change is that you will be loyal to me, worship me like a god, and be willing to do anything for me, even to die.

Okay, having said all that, Shuoyou should have filled your brain by now.

Next, please close your eyes and take a nap. I'm looking forward to what you will look like when you wake up. "

After that, Zuo Si used a very gentle movement to lay the succubus queen, who was completely unable to move, flatly on the metal throne, completely ignoring the other party's pitiful and pleading eyes.

After doing all this, he raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


With the crisp sound echoing in the palace, the black glistening oil immediately completely enveloped Melcanthet and the metal throne, causing it to squirm continuously.

No one knows what happened inside.

But in the next few minutes, the screams and wailings that echoed in Shendilaville completely turned this place into a horrific purgatory...

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