A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 410 The results of training (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The capital of the commercial empire Amn—Askatra.

Since the return of Watkin, the goddess of wealth, the church, merchants and people here have held carnivals for several weeks.

Whether it is the six-member Council as the highest authority, the upper-class ruling class rooted here, or the common people from the bottom, they are all immersed in an atmosphere of joy and unable to extricate themselves.

Because the patron saint they relied on and worshiped the most was finally back.

And after disappearing for so many years, the incarnation image that descended during the celebration is still so beautiful and noble, and its divine power and influence have not faded much.

The only thing that makes the people regretful is that as the absolute "protagonist" who contributed the most in this dangerous rescue operation in the triple realm of Graz'zt in the bottomless abyss, he is also the pride, protector and greatest hero of the city beneath his feet - Thor Si, he actually never showed up from beginning to end.

On the contrary, the "supporting actors" frequently showed up at the celebrations, enjoying the compliments and praises from the church and government of the Goddess of Wealth, as well as the awards issued by Watkin himself.

Of course, this does not mean that the people in the Gold Coin Capital are not grateful, or that they feel that the electors and messengers of these gods have contributed too little.

They were just fighting for Zuo Si.

After all, in the eyes of the public, other members of the team are "outsiders", but Zuo Si, who has settled here, is "one of his own."

Some businessmen and nobles even spontaneously organized a so-called "Thanksgiving Donation" event.

The family's treasured magic items, materials, magical animals, plants, and rare objects were taken out and sent to the Mage Tower as gifts.

Because Zuo Si's interest in such things goes far beyond gold coins, it has long been known to the entire Amn people.

The simulacrum of Shane VII who stayed in the Masked Mage Guild, Zenora, was currently standing on the high tower looking at the lively scene on the street outside, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "Enter The abyss challenges Graz'zt, Lord of Darkness, and rescues Wojin, the goddess of wealth?

He even summoned the Eldrazi, a terrifying monster from the dark void that could swallow everything and destroy everything.

Soth, my young friend, your movements are really getting bigger and bigger.

But this also proves that the choice I made was correct.

As long as you have the power of the Planeswalker Spark, you have everything.

As for the price you have to pay for this, it is nothing compared to what you get. "

Just when the simulated clone was about to cast a detection magic or wishing spell to try to confirm Zuo Si's location, the closed door was suddenly pushed open.

Then a middle-aged man wearing a signature gray robe and hood walked in from outside.

It is not difficult to see from the badge he wears that his status in the Masked Mage Guild is quite high, second only to those archmages at the apex of power, and he is even qualified to obtain independent rooms and laboratories within the headquarters.

But in front of Xia En VII, this high-status mage still showed extremely humility and took the initiative to lower his head and bow deeply.

"Master, according to your instructions, I have given that thing to Vera Salem Quant.

If nothing unexpected happens, she should choose to take action within three days at most.

By then, the Salem Quant family, the most powerful in Amn and the actual controller of the Masked Mage Guild, will become a plaything and puppet in your hands.

The souls of those who died will be twisted by the corruption of the Death Orb.

Unless it is the wishing spell of the ninth circle, no arcane or divine spell can resurrect it. "

Upon hearing these words, Xia En VII immediately turned around with a satisfied expression.

"You did very well.

Remember, you must be 100% sure to capture Selzer Salem Quant, the patriarch of his family and the leader of the six-person council, alive.

Only in this way can we get the magic contract and become the true master of the Masked Mage Guild. "

The man nodded vigorously: "Understood!

Please rest assured that I will personally lead a team to launch a raid with your undead servants.

Whatever Selzer-Salem's trump cards were, they were doomed this time.

But I don't quite understand why you would choose to take action during such a sensitive period?

Knowing that the incarnation of the Goddess of Wealth is still in the temple, our actions will most likely trigger violent reactions from her church and the paladins of the Knights of the Fiery Heart. "

Shane VII replied meaningfully: "Because the value of Amn as a country and the Masked Mage Guild is constantly depreciating in the eyes of Soth.

I must ensure that the value of these two things falls below the bottom line and is handed over to him, otherwise everything will become meaningless.

It's like you have a large amount of money in your hand. If you give it to someone with only tens of thousands of gold coins, the effect will be very different from if you give it to someone with millions of gold coins.

What's more, isn't there Vera Salem, a crazy and ambitious woman, as a scapegoat?

If it doesn't work out then, just arrange for her to die at the hands of the Knights of the Burning Heart.

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, the remaining five guys in the six-member council will immediately close the case impatiently.

After all, for them, how to ensure that the regime and society do not undergo violent instability after losing their leader is the top priority.

As for the goddess of wealth, Woking, and her church, they would not be involved in this kind of thing at all. "

"I see, I think I know what to do."

After saying that, the man once again put his hand on his chest and bowed deeply, then turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor outside the door.

Less than a minute after his front foot left, Xia En VII turned around and bowed slightly to the figure that had just descended from the sky on the balcony, exuding bright golden light from head to toe, and took the initiative to say hello: "Welcome to your presence, distinguished sir Goddess of Wealth.”

"Tianhao, the last legitimate emperor of the ancient Xia En Empire."

Waking responded with kindness and at the same time stepped into this exquisite room that exuded the unique aesthetics of moon elves.

"I didn't know you were here unexpectedly. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Xia En VII looked at the goddess and probed cautiously.

Although he did not think that the other party was here to cause trouble for him, he still subconsciously raised his guard due to his instinctive fear of the powerful power of the gods.

But Wojin shook his head slightly and said straight to the point: "I found that you and your men are planning to deal with the Salem Quant family, and then seize control of the entire Masked Mage Guild and even Amn. If not If you mind, can you tell me do you plan to restore the territory and territory of the Xia En Empire?"

After realizing the purpose of the Goddess of Wealth's visit, Xia En VII immediately smiled and explained while smiling back: "Yes and no.

I am indeed restoring the empire's former territory and territory.

But not in the way you imagine.

Just the opposite!

I plan to unify Calimshan and Tethyr in the south myself, while Thosth will integrate Amn, Baldur's Gate and West Heartland in the north.

Finally, through marriage, he became the ruler of this huge empire. "

"So... you are seizing the dominance of Amn for Soth?"

A look of surprise appeared on Watkin's face.

Although after she returned, she had already learned about a series of major actions carried out by the "Emperor of the Undead" and Zuo Si in the south.

But he never expected that the relationship between the two would actually get to this extent.

"That's right!

This was the promise I made when I wanted to win over my mortal enemy, Ivicola Sagram, in order to deal with him.

Now it's finally time to deliver.

What, do you and your church want to get involved?

Or are you opposed to this? "

Xia En VII asked calmly.

Waking covered his mouth gracefully and responded with a smile: "No, you misunderstood.

I didn't mean to interfere, I was just curious.

In addition, if Soth were to rule Amn, not only would I not object, but I could also provide some necessary support.

After all, he not only helped me escape from prison, but also taught Graz'zt, a treacherous demon, an unforgettable lesson.

What's more, a strong and unified empire will promote the prosperity and development of trade, and a stable society will be conducive to the accumulation of wealth.

Most importantly, I think many of Soth's ideas in business coincide with mine.

If your plan succeeds, then within his rule, my followers and influence will inevitably increase significantly. "

Hearing what the goddess of wealth said, Xia En VII immediately relaxed a lot, and joked in a half-joking tone: "This is exactly what I want to say.

Soth is a very special and interesting man.

He seems to have an innate talent. He can easily see through the deepest desires of others, and he can always make offers that people and even gods cannot refuse.

Even lawful good gods such as Tyr, the god of justice, Thom, the loyal god of courage, and Ilmat, the god of suffering, who are completely opposite to their alignments, can live in harmony with him and even cooperate with him on a large scale and in depth.

Although Soth himself does not believe in any gods at all, he is deeply loved by many gods. "


Which god wouldn't want to gain a powerful elect who could bring him huge benefits and even provide a deeper interpretation of the priesthood and doctrines.

It's a pity that there is only one Soth.

And the goddess of magic and the goddess of poison and disease standing behind him are not easy to mess with.

But it doesn’t matter, I can also establish friendship and good cooperation with him in other ways, what do you think? "

Wojin stared meaningfully into the eyes of Shane VII.

The latter immediately understood and took the initiative to bend down and salute: "This is my honor. With the help of you and your church, I think this operation will definitely become easier and smoother."

"Now let's talk about the specific steps. You must know that there are many gods watching Askatra right now, and we must be extra careful."

As he spoke, Waking waved his hand lightly and directly projected on the smooth white wall the list of the entire upper-class ruling class families in Amn, as well as their inextricable connections with the Salem Quant family.

Countless guys who are still celebrating the return of the goddess of wealth are unaware that a conspiracy and storm are about to come.

On the other side, Zuo Si, who had just activated the clone stored in the mage tower, was teasing those cute furry animals in his "happy house" to relax his tense nerves.

Especially the white bear cub, which is an animal companion, has grown up several times in a while, and many of its movements look clumsy and naive, very funny and cute.

A sub-adult tiger with black stripes wanted to get closer to its owner, but was slapped to the ground by the owner, fully demonstrating its unshakable "bully" status among this group of animals.

Although the tiger looks larger and stronger, its strength attribute is obviously far inferior to that of the white bear whose body structure is already an "abnormal" and has been blessed by the natural power of the legendary druid.

Just when this guy was sitting on the tiger's head and feeling proud, he suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind, and he immediately turned his head in fear.

As a result, he found that Zuo Si, the owner, was staring at him with a very strange look.

"Well - let me tell you, Atio (white bear's name), are you old enough to cut eggs?" Zuo Si asked with interest, touching his chin.

The excitement in his eyes immediately caused the white bear cub to clamp its legs together and shake its head.

Cut eggs?

What a joke!

This is its dignity and pride as a male.

I also hope to find a few more female bears to reproduce in the future.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't intend to let Atio go easily. He immediately got up and walked closer, touched the white bear's head and continued to comfort him in a bewitching tone: "Don't resist so much.

Trust me, cutting it off early is actually good for you too.

Without these two obstacles, you will have no fatal weakness, and you will not have to go into heat every year. From then on, you will lose that low-level desire to reproduce, and you can focus all your energy on training and cooking.

And my skills are really good, I guarantee that I will cut it cleanly and without any pain at all. "

After saying that, Zuo Si picked up the cutting and dissecting knife placed on the table and made a gesture out of thin air. Instantly, the white bear cub shivered in fright, and kept letting out a series of whining screams from its mouth.

You don't need to ask to know that this is due to some unknown little quirk of his.

When he was an apprentice in the Floating City Tower in his early years, Zuo Si harmed countless experimental rats in order to practice his "craft".

Since these mice had other uses, he couldn't cut them into pieces. He could only cut off the "lychees" of the mice while he was free, and then peeled and dismantled them to ensure that he could complete it without damaging the organs. This series of complex and delicate operations.

During that time, all the male rats in the entire mage tower were basically eggless males.

For this reason, Zuo Si also earned the nickname "Egg Splitting Maniac".

Many male apprentices shuddered subconsciously after seeing him, and then experienced uncontrollable slight phantom pain in their lower bodies.

Over time, he also developed a special hobby, that is, he couldn't help but want to cut off the big furry "lychees" on animals.

When the condition was at its most serious, even male cats, dogs and other male animals passing near the location of the Master's Tower were captured and anesthetized.

Then he was directly sterilized without knowing it.

There are many demon pets of some low-level mages...

Later, some mages couldn't bear it anymore and came to visit. Zuo Si himself was warned by Asta personally, and then he became a little more restrained.

But now, White Bear's two big, fluffy, shiny "lychees" have aroused his desire to open eggs again.

Just when one person and one bear were in a stalemate, a red figure suddenly appeared in the room. It was Wilmes who had transformed into a human form.

When she saw the strange postures and movements of the first two, she immediately asked with confusion on her face: "What...are you doing?"

"Ah! It's nothing. I'm just discussing with Atio whether we can cut off its lychees to prevent it from going into heat every year in the future."

Zuo Si quickly stood up from the ground and pretended that nothing happened.

The white bear cub on the side was obviously relieved and hurriedly ran out of the room and disappeared into the intricate corridors of the Mage Tower.

"Cut the egg?"

Wilmes raised his eyebrows in disbelief, his eyes seeming to say "Are you a pervert?"


This is a necessary measure to prevent animals from being impulsive, irritable, and too aggressive during estrus.

After all, Atio will often follow me in and out of some densely populated cities or important occasions.

What should I do if it accidentally hurts or even kills someone when it is in estrus?

Things like this are best addressed directly to the source of the problem. "

Zuo Si forcefully explained with a straight face.

He obviously also knew that his hobby of opening eggs was indeed not good, so he decisively chose to cover up the truth.

Anyway, white bear cubs can't talk, so there's no need to worry about leaking out.

However, Wilmes obviously didn't believe a word of it. He was just not interested in it, so he didn't delve into it. Instead, he threw a skull-shaped ring over and said bluntly: "Here, you asked me to investigate that gang." Something worn by the leader of men.”

"The ring of the Church of the Dark Sun?"

With just one glance, Zuo Si immediately recognized Cyric's unique holy symbol.

After all, in Faerûn, there are not many gods who use skulls as symbols. Usually, the priesthood is related to death.

Among them, Baal, the god of murder, inherited part of the priesthood of death, so his holy symbol looks like a skull surrounded by blood dots.

Melkor, the second generation god of death, has a triangle pattern with a skull and red eyes.

Cyric, who has now inherited all the power and priesthood of the three gods of death, is marked by a combination of a skull and a black or purple sun.

Although the main patterns are skulls, they can still be easily recognized by people with certain religious knowledge and common sense.

What's more, the mithril ring carved out of a hollow method is a symbol that only senior members of Cyric Church are qualified to wear, representing their identity and status.

Not only can it add an additional five-ring divine spell slot, but it also permanently adds [Protection from Goodness] and [Elemental Shield].

"That's right! Those sneaky guys who are gathering towards Zhentil Castle are basically, without exception, members of the Church of the Dark Sun.

There were many of them, and they seemed to have received the same oracle, so there was a large gathering.

Moreover, during the prayer ceremony, these fanatical believers shouted like crazy that Dark Sun is the only true god in the world.

Maybe your previous judgment was right, that madman is probably going to make some big move. "

Wilmes bluntly told what he saw and heard.

You must know that in the history of Faerûn, no god has ever dared to give himself the title of "the only true god".

Because this is basically equivalent to directly declaring war on all other gods. It is typical that he wants to speed up his death because he wants to die slowly.

"The only true God? Hahahaha!"

Without any warning, Zuo Si suddenly held his forehead and burst into laughter. At the same time, he sighed happily: "Has it finally begun? It seems that the powerful, evil and chaotic divine book has been compiled."

"You seem to know something?"

Wilmes' eyes flashed with intense curiosity.

There is no way not to be curious.

Because just the fact that the followers of the Cyric Church gathered on a large scale to the Zhentarim and the strongest base of the Church of Bane, the God of Tyranny - Zhentil Keep, is enough to illustrate the huge conspiracy that may be hidden behind it.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows that after Cyric obtained all the power and priesthood of the three gods of death, he almost effortlessly gained the support of most members of the church of Melkor, the god of death, and Baal, the god of murder.

But only the church of Bane, the god of tyranny, refused to obey.

Not only did they refuse to convert, but they also pushed Bane's Son of God out as a shield to continue to maintain their internal unity.

The church, which has a strong tendency to be lawful and strictly organized, has shown its most powerful side at this time.

So over the years, Cyric has been trying to infiltrate Zhentil Castle in various ways, hoping to make those stubborn mortals surrender.

Wilmes felt that if the two churches really fought, he might consider joining them as a mercenary first and make a lot of money.

Then he would seize the opportunity and directly loot the entire Zhentil Fort, which had accumulated astonishing wealth for hundreds of years.

At that time, not only can he make a name for himself in one fell swoop, but he can also expand the scale of his wealth several times or even ten times.

Seeing the undisguised greed in the red dragon's eyes, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and warn: "I suggest you give up those unrealistic thoughts. Because this time is not a small fight between churches, but A head-on collision between gods.”

"You mean... there will be a divine war?"

Wilmes' pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again to show the unrest in his master's heart.

After all, the battles among the gods in Faerûn generally involve proxy wars, where believers and churches fight each other.

As for gods, there is usually no direct collision between them.

Because the destructive power is so terrifying and astonishing.

Just look at the several divine battles that broke out when the gods were walking in the form of the weakest saints in the turbulent years, and you will know how terrifying the power of creatures like gods is.

If a material plane or planet is not protected by Io, the god of gods, it is not like Toril.

Even if the two weakest gods fight with all their strength, it may directly cause the entire planet or plane to collapse.

"It's not certain that a divine war will break out, but it's very likely that a guy with an abnormal mind will descend into an incarnation. It seems that I need to give Fu Zouer Chamberry a warning."

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his hand and directly used the [Short Message Technique] to tell the other party about the strange changes in the Cyric Church and the secrets about the evil artifact "Cyric Scripture".

After doing all this, he raised his head and stared at the red dragon close at hand, and asked with a half-smile: "Are you interested in adding a purgatory bloodline to yourself?"

"Purgatory bloodline?!"

Wilmes's eyes instantly shone, and his head instantly leaned towards him out of habit, completely forgetting that he was in human form and not in dragon form.

Through the fiery red low-cut long skirt, you can clearly see the well-toned figure underneath that has been rigorously trained, as well as the rich and generous bust.

Especially the latter, who almost hit Zuo Si directly in the face, causing suffocation and oppression.

Fortunately, Zuo Si reacted quickly and directly stretched out a finger to press on the red dragon's forehead. Only then did the "murder weapon" stop at a safe distance, and said meaningfully: "That's right.

I can now give you a powerful purgatory bloodline and promote you from an ordinary red dragon to a purgatory red dragon.

Not only will there be extra bonuses in terms of size and strength, but the breath will also bring additional evil damage unique to the hell's breath. "

"This is impossible! Only the dragon god Tiamat, who has served as the lord of the plane, and a very small number of top devils who control an entire plane have such ability!" Wilmes screamed uncontrollably.

You must know that one of the biggest wishes of most five-color evil dragons in this life is to go to hell to receive Tiamat's blessing and obtain purgatory blood.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to participate in extremely dangerous bloody battles and fight in bloody battles with endless demons.

This not only means gaining greater strength, but also means breaking the limit of one's own lifespan.

As long as you don't get killed, you can continue to live and become stronger and stronger.

In Wilmes's understanding, this is not a power that mortals can control at all, so he reacted so violently.

"Haha, then why do you think I'm not a big devil now?"

With that said, Zuo Si showed his devil form to the female red dragon that had been following him for a long time.

When the unique form that was a mixture of dragon and devil characteristics completely changed, Wilmes fell into a sluggish state and was unable to recover for a long time.

Because the lawful hell is not a place like the bottomless abyss where there are all kinds of weird things.

Each type of devil clearly represents a social class and strict hierarchy.

In other words, the types of devils are limited.

You can basically guess pretty much just by looking at the appearance.

And the unique external form often represents only one thing, and that is the dimension lord who stands at the apex of power and power in Baator Hell.



Unable to understand!

Wilmes' not-so-smart mind was working rapidly, and it took several minutes before he stammered and asked: "When did you surrender to the devil in hell?"


No, no, no, I am not seeking refuge, but Asmodeus personally invited me to join.

By the way, to correct you, the Lord of Hell is just one of my many identities, not all of them.

If you want to travel or sightsee there in the future, you can directly reach my territory, the brand new ninth level of hell, through the portal at any time.

Okay, enough chatting.

Are you now ready to receive the blessings from the hell plane? "

As he spoke, Zuo Si raised his right hand, which was as sharp as a dragon's claw, with a faint mark flashing in the palm of his hand.

You don't need to ask to know that the mark is the unique mark of a dimension lord, and its essence is also a devil's contract.

Once this mark is imprinted on the red dragon's soul, Wilmes will be completely his property, whether it is body or soul.

"Damn it! It seems that I have no hope of escaping your clutches in this life."

Wilmes cursed in a slightly frustrated voice.

Although she is not the kind of smart and studious red dragon, she still knows what this soul imprint means.

But the problem is that the current strength gap between the two sides is too big, and she has no choice at all.

After struggling for a moment, Wilmes finally looked resigned and tore his clothes open, exposing his entire chest.

"I'm ready! Come on! Put your mark on my body and soul!"

"Don't make it sound like I'm doing something unspeakable to you."

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily, and then pressed his entire palm on the other person's chest.

The next second...

Tsk tsk tsk tsk!

A creepy burning sound sounded instantly, and a pungent burnt smell emitted.

Wilmes, who had endured the power of hell, couldn't help but let out a heart-rending scream.


In just a few seconds, a large number of flashing red patterns appeared out of thin air on the skin. Whether it was the face, limbs, or smooth back, they were all densely covered with symbols that exuded an evil aura.

The long red dress she was wearing was burned in the process, and not even a speck of dust remained.

But soon these symbols gradually cooled down, turning black like tattoos, and finally disappeared completely.

After everything calmed down, Wilmes, who was covered in sweat, struggled to get up from the ground, and suddenly hot red flames erupted from his body.

In an instant, he seamlessly transitioned from human form to dragon form.

She immediately made a mess of the tables, chairs, bookshelves, experimental equipment, decorations, etc. in the room, and most of them were reduced to ashes under the flames.

Fortunately, most of these things are decorative and not worth much money.

When the transformation was completely completed, Wilmes' amazing size was fully revealed, and at the same time, the burning flames of hell disappeared without a trace.

Her scales, which had begun to darken, were now as bright red as a young dragon, but her wings were a bright black color close to obsidian, and her eyes changed from lava-like fireballs to inky jade-like ones. Similarly, the horns on the top of the head are almost the same color, and have an obviously uneven and jagged shape.

You don't need to ask to know that this is what the red dragon looks like after being strengthened by purgatory energy.

The most important thing is that the length, height, and weight of the body have all been greatly improved.

Zuo Si had returned to his human form at this moment, looking at his work and nodding with satisfaction: "Not bad! This is what a purgatory red dragon should look like.

Compared with ordinary red dragons, its strength, physique, charm, intelligence, magic resistance and protective power of scales have been greatly improved.

Now with your strength, you won't suffer too much even if you fight against those real dragon kings.

In addition, you can also obtain divine magic from me by believing in and worshiping me.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Since you are already my property from body to soul, there should be no need for this strange thing. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly cast a spell and took out the intelligent magic item made from the mind flayer's brain hidden in the skull.

Looking at this tentacle monster, which was obviously much larger than when it was stuffed in, Wilmes asked with a complicated expression: "What are you going to do with it?"

"It's very simple! Find a dragon that is strong enough, pry open its head and stuff it in. In this way, I will have a new toy that I can slowly train."

Zuo Si grinned and revealed a chilling and sinister smile.

"Training? Toy?"

Wilmes suddenly felt that these two words were very harsh, and he blew out two dark red sparks from his nose to express his dissatisfaction.

"Ah! Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to you. Because you are my friend and ally, unlike other dragons."

Zuo Si undoubtedly noticed the little mood of the Purgatory Red Dragon, and immediately comforted him in a very perfunctory manner.

Wilmes obviously dared to be angry but dared not speak. He glared fiercely with his two big black eyes. It took him a long time to suppress his anger, and asked through gritted teeth: "What are your plans next? Watching Anri and Anhui helplessly. Did his group of madmen destroy Zhentil Keep? Or..."

"Don't worry, keep calm.

Zhentil Keep was not defenseless.

Haven't you seen that Fu Zouer Chambery hasn't even responded at all after receiving the text message I sent?

If I guessed correctly, he probably wants to make a big move this time. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and guessed.

"Okay. If a battle or war breaks out, remember to call me. I can't wait to show my power and prestige to the entire Faerûn."

After saying this, Wilmes quickly transformed into a human form and left the messy room.

Perhaps due to the purgatory bloodline, her original red dress has now become red and black, and her hair and pupils have also changed from red to black.

It looks arrogant, cold and noble, but also adds a sense of mystery and sexiness out of thin air.

Staring at Wilmes's retreating back, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and comment: "This guy has really improved a lot after my training, what do you think?"

Qiwu immediately responded through the spiritual connection: "Of course.

Most true dragons are so lazy that they waste almost countless hours on pointless sleeping, treasure collecting, and personal hobbies.

If they can make full use of this time, they can easily crush other races and create an unprecedentedly powerful empire. "


As far as I know, the elves seem to be facing similar problems.

Lack of sense of time and urgency is a common problem among almost all long-lived races.

By the way, this time I plan to let you directly devour a dragon's brain and seize his body and soul.

Eventually transformed into a special creature like a brain-stealing dragon.

Not sure if you are sure of success? "

Zuo Si asked with interest.

"I don't know, Master. Maybe you should send me to the mastermind, Miss Isadora, to strengthen it. Maybe you can slightly increase the success rate."

Strange Thing quickly gave his own advice.

Because the brain-stealing dragon is so rare and special.

It is both an aberration and a true dragon.

Some scholars believe that this is a dragon transformed by a mind flayer larvae;

Some scholars believe that this is the victory of the dragon's will over the mind flayer's larvae;

Some scholars believe that this is the result of the mind flayer being successfully transformed but then being snatched back by the dragon's powerful soul, or some unexplainable fusion between the two.

In short, almost all research reports fail to give a convincing and accurate answer.

Even the mind flayer himself doesn't know what a brain flayer is.

But one thing is certain, the latter never considered the mind flayers to be their own kind, nor would they be controlled by the mastermind.

Almost as soon as the two sides meet, they will attack without hesitation to kill each other.

The Mind Flayer wants to destroy this huge threat with powerful psychic abilities but no control over it;

The Brain Flayers simply hate and loathe the Mind Flayers, and want to rip out their brains and feast on them.

Just as Zuo Si was about to send the strange objects to the floating city through the portal, he suddenly noticed that the succubus loli turned into a cocoon in one of the boxes - Atona, suddenly had a very strong life reaction.

So, he had to stuff the strange object into a jar full of viscous solution, then opened the box and took out the little guy.

I saw that the originally smooth outer wall of the cocoon was now densely covered with cracks that looked like spider webs.

Not only that!

Through the translucent membrane, you can still see the succubus Loli inside emitting golden light that symbolizes divinity and divine power.

There is no doubt that the latter were taken from the body of the half-demon son of Woking, the goddess of wealth.

The so-called divinity is actually just like the spark that the planeswalker has not yet ignited, it is a potential qualification that is superior to all living beings.

In other words, all creatures with divinity can exercise, perceive and understand this power, and finally ignite it into a spark of divinity and become a true god worthy of the name.

Of course, this is not an easy task.

Because there are not many divine creatures at all, but there are only a handful of them who can truly become gods.

Especially those sons of God who have been born with divinity, almost most of their lives are full of fateful tragedy.

This is true of the Sons of Baal, and so is the Son of God Bane, the god of tyranny.

But Atona is obviously lucky.

All the divine power she absorbed has been transformed by Zuo Si, and it no longer has any relationship with its original owner, the goddess of wealth, Wojin.

As these divinities were integrated into the body and soul little by little, the entire cocoon suddenly shattered with a snap.

Following closely behind, the succubus Loli floating in mid-air finally slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

She first looked around vigilantly, and then asked in an uncertain tone: "Master, how long have I been sleeping? And, where is this place?"

"You have been sleeping for a long time. As for this place, it is the continent of Faerûn on the planet Toril on the main material plane."

Zuo Si stretched out his hand and gently touched the little guy's head, and then began to perform a physical examination on him.

Among them, the compatibility between soul and divinity is even more important.

Atona cooperated very well and took off her tight-fitting leather armor, wearing only a tight-fitting vest and shorts. At the same time, she said cautiously: "Master, I seem to be able to clearly feel your presence."

"Oh? Did you pray?" Zuo Si asked with a smile.

Succubus Loli nodded: "Well! I have obtained the special profession [Knight of Truth] you gave me, as well as all its knowledge and training methods. Now I can release three first-level magic spells every day, and two more Lesser spell-like abilities."

"That's right, keep working hard. You must know that I have high expectations for you. Here, you can use it as a medium for your magical spells in the future."

With that said, Zuo Si handed Atona a emblem made of cold iron.

"Thank you very much! Master, can I give you a hug?"

The succubus Loli held the Holy Emblem in both hands, raised her head and kept blinking her big, smart and longing eyes.


Zuo Si smiled and replied in the affirmative.

The next second...

Atona jumped up and hugged Zuo Si's neck tightly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the indescribable sense of security. At the same time, she was secretly glad that she had finally escaped from the terrifying abyss.

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