A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 418 The last piece of the puzzle (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Come on! Kill these demons! Otherwise none of us will be able to complete this month's target!"

"Damn! Is it over yet? This is already the seventh time today that a demon has rushed in to snatch souls, right?"

"Did Cyric, the new god of death in Toril, grow up eating shit? How come he doesn't even care? He's not as good as Melkor, the god of death of the previous generation!"

"That's right! This guy who just rose from mortal to god is simply unreliable! I have been working here for thousands of years. From the era when Jaeger was in power to the era when Melkor was in power, the Realm of Obscurity has never been like it is now. It’s been such a mess.”

"I can't get through this day! I waste my time killing demons every day, how can I find time to sign a contract with a mortal soul? If I can't meet the target, I won't be promoted, and I might even be demoted. No, I have to Hurry up and find a way to apply for a change to another main material plane."

"Don't waste your efforts. Do you think there are not enough transfer applications received during this period? But have you ever seen any of them approved? So stop daydreaming and kill more demons quickly to prove that we are not lazy at least."

Accompanied by crazy complaints and curses, several groups of demons rushed out from the bottomless abyss to plunder souls. They would soon be driven out and killed by demons who were organized, disciplined, and knew how to work together.

Since the main force of the demons is currently focused on fighting a war of attrition against the Eldrazi in the third realm, all the incoming demons are low-level demons with no brains.

But in order to better lure mortals into signing contracts, Hell usually sends out middle- and lower-level devils with sufficient intelligence and patience.

Therefore, in terms of strength, they have an overwhelming advantage.

The only thing that makes the devils dissatisfied is that the devils killed here will not really die, but will return to their hometown in the abyss to wait for rebirth.

This is not as satisfying as killing the enemy once and for all on the bloody battlefield.

Some grumpy guys took advantage of the seriously injured demon who fell to the ground before he died, and stepped on his head to spit in his face to vent his inner dissatisfaction and anger.

You must know that in hell, failing to achieve the performance targets assigned by superiors is a very serious matter.

At least they will be reprimanded and ridiculed, at worst they will be forcibly demoted and become the laughing stock in the eyes of their colleagues.

But now with the chaotic situation in the Hazy Realm, it is not easy to achieve the almost demanding target.

If it weren't for the fact that the devil had to strictly abide by all the contracts he signed, he would have been able to grab it like his arch-enemy, the devil.

Anyway, no one cares about the life and death of these mortal souls now.

When the last demon fell into a pool of blood, and all the plundered souls were rescued and were left shivering in place, the demons who looked fierce one second began to show off their unique skills in the next second.

I saw these guys putting on what they thought were "amiable" and "friendly" smiles, taking out contract scrolls from nowhere, and began to sell the mortals who were still in fear to join the great hell camp. the benefits of.

A deceiver from the ninth level of the new life is currently transforming into a professional wearing a dress and gold-rimmed glasses. While showing the magnificent scene of a huge cyberpunk city through illusion, he talks endlessly with words full of incitement. The language of sex tells the various benefits that signing a contract can bring.

To this end, he also compared the kingdoms of many gods, and vividly described the sensory impact and spiritual enjoyment that those fine wines, food, beauty and chemical bliss can bring.

As for the price required to obtain these, as well as the hidden dangers, they were ignored as expected.

"My dear family!

What are you still hesitating about?

Look at this city with beautiful scenery, comfortable environment, and extremely advanced magic and technology!

Look again at the citizenship and voting rights granted by the great lord Soth!

I can guarantee that you can experience unprecedented freedom and democracy here, which is a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times better than serving those selfish and authoritarian gods!

Moreover, there are special preferential policies for signing the contract now, and you can get a house for free, a three-day experience card that can be used in any entertainment venues in the city, and a mobile terminal that can bring you great convenience!

There is no need to even enter the torture chamber to undergo painful torture and eventually be transformed into one of the devils.

Quite the opposite!

You can maintain your current state, obtain a new real body in the ninth level of hell, and enjoy all the happiness just like you did before you were alive.

You can also decide who can become the official with power by casting your sacred vote according to your own preferences.

He even participated in the election campaign to realize his inner ideals and ambitions.

There is no strict hierarchy or hierarchy!

There is no need for a good background and noble blood!

There is no backward system where the father dies and the son succeeds!

Everything is decided by people like you!

I swear!

How big your heart is, how big your dream is.

Because there are endless possibilities here! "

Along with the impassioned speech, countless mortal souls whose beliefs were not so firm in the first place were moved.

After all, that's what it means to be a petitioner in the kingdom of gods.

Not only must they continue to serve the gods or even participate in wars, but they may also be dragged into the star realm as the gods decline and die.

But going to the ninth level of hell obviously does not require you to fulfill these obligations. On the contrary, you can vent and indulge your desires to your heart's content, and do all the tricks you have not enjoyed in your life.

In addition, the system of elections through voting also gave these people who were used to strict class social forms such as feudalism, slavery, parliamentary system, oligarchic dictatorship, etc., the first time they felt the hope of getting ahead.

So soon, hundreds of souls, under the bewitchment and instigation of the Deception Demon, signed contracts that were too complicated for mortals to understand, and were eventually escorted by the Indulgence Demon to Baator Hell through a specific portal.

They simply don't understand that the reason why Zuo Si lets mortal souls live in the cyberpunk city in the form of bodies is actually to make them corrupt and degenerate more completely.

In this way, if you throw it into the torture chamber and squeeze it, you can often squeeze out several times, ten times or even dozens of times more energy than before.

Because the higher the degree of corruption and depravity of a soul, the more happy memories it gains from indulging in desires, and the stronger the power that the hell plane can get from the original contract.

Therefore, Zuo Si is not like other devil lords who immediately want to squeeze out the souls of mortals after getting them.

He chose a completely different path of raising pigs, which was to give these souls a little sweetness first and let them sink in endless desires and longings. Becoming more and more "fat" little by little, while using it as free labor to create value.

After the fruits of depravity are completely mature, they will be sent to the torture chamber one after another with the help of the cannibalistic nature of capital and the systems and laws established at its core.

Want to keep your soul body and enjoy a good life?

What a joke!

How can there be a free lunch in this world?

If so, the trap hidden behind it will definitely make you pay a very heavy price.

And those "special talents" who stand out in the brutal competition will have the opportunity to be directly transformed into high-level devils.

As the devil who is best at propaganda and misleading in the entire hell force, the deception devil's verbal expression ability and emotional incitement ability are undoubtedly the best, so he is the core executor of this process.

What's more, they didn't lie or cheat, they just told the truth selectively.

Looking at the envy-filled eyes of devils from other levels at this moment, as well as the large number of souls who have signed contracts and are being sent to the ninth level, you will know how amazing the advantage of the deception devil is in this regard.

Of course, the huge city full of futuristic technology also played a huge role.

"Did you create those funny devils?"

Ogma, the God of Knowledge who happened to be passing by, saw this scene and asked with interest.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes. How about it, isn't the fraud demon's work efficiency very good?

They are better at social psychology than the primitive devils who are well versed in personal psychology.

That is to take advantage of the herd mentality of mortals, sign as many contracts as possible at once, and then send souls to hell in batches.

You know, I put a lot of thought into making them.

As for combat, the Deception Demon is a typical spellcaster, good at large-scale control, immobilization, charm, mind invasion and various emotional manipulation spells.

In addition, there is fire magic, which the devil is best at.

In close combat, the sharp claws and tail, as well as the countless mouths all over the body, can pose a huge threat to the enemy.

Especially the pair of fly-like compound eyes, which can accurately lock and capture multiple targets at the same time.

Most of the enemy's attack movements seem to be in slow motion in their eyes. "

"It is indeed quite perfect. It seems that you have extraordinary and unique insights into the concepts of the evil lawful camp and the behavior of the devils." Ogma commented, stroking the beard on his chin.

You must know that the devil's form is not a strange thing that can be created casually like the abyss.

Under the strong lawful tendency, if you want to create a new type of devil, you must get the approval of the will of the hell plane.

In other words, this new type of devil must be distinctly representative, either allowing mortals to corrupt more and faster, or corresponding to the weaknesses and evil aspects of human nature.

Both the Deception Demon and the Lust Demon take care of both, so they are easily accepted by the Will of Hell.

In contrast, the Zerg Demon, a top-level devil born purely for fighting, was not completely accepted by the will of hell.

This can be seen from the stringent requirements for its transformation and its inability to be mass produced.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and responded: "I can't speak of opinions, I just prefer the devil's nature of doing things according to rules.

In addition, don’t you think the current situation in the Hazy Realm is too disorderly and chaotic?

It's actually reduced to the point where it relies on the devil to maintain order.

It’s fine that Dark Sun doesn’t care about anything, but as the ancient god of death, Yeager, he also didn’t make any move. Isn’t it a little too weird? "

Ogma smiled and replied: "Haha, believe me, this is not because Jaeger is inactive, but because he is preparing to make a big move.

do you know?

In Toril, no other god of death is as favored as he is by the Death Priesthood and the entire Realm of Obscurity.

As long as Jaeger is willing, he can take back all the priesthoods he gave up at any time and return to the formidable and powerful ancient god of death again.

You have to understand that things like priesthood and divine power are not 100% effective once they are obtained.

It requires a process of adaptation and the formation of its own understanding and philosophy.

Only when a god understands his own priesthood far better than all other gods can this priesthood truly belong to him.

Otherwise, it will be like the current Anri, who will instantly lose a large number of priests if he is gently pulled.

Because apart from lying, this guy's understanding of other clergy is simply superficial to the extreme. "

"So, Jaeger is training the next generation of Shinigami?"

Zuo Si's mind instantly thought of the former lover of the current goddess of magic, Midnight, the man whom Cyric hated so much that he wanted to destroy his soul - Cranvor Lyonsban.

"Your insight is always so sharp.

Yes, my old friend is plotting to tear the Order of Death from the Dark Sun and replace him with a new one.

Ahead is the City of Judgment, and when you get there you will see the truth. "

After saying that, Ogma quickened his pace.

Side by side, the two quickly passed through a large chaotic land that had completely lost order, and finally successfully arrived at the only city in this plane.

Of course, as a city of the dead, it certainly cannot be as noisy and bustling as a city of the living.

On the contrary, it feels not only dark, boring, and depressing, but also densely packed with numb souls and countless undead creatures.

In the center of the city, stands a huge tower made of transparent crystal and shining with dazzling light.

This was originally a place where the ancient god of death, Yeager, used to rule and judge souls, but it has now been occupied by Cyric and was renamed the Castle of Bones.

The skulls of thousands of humanoid creatures were hanging densely on the outside of the crystal tower, and a mountain of bones was piled below.

The aura of death and evil alone is enough to make most living people feel a biting chill and a shiver from the depths of their souls.

Every once in a while, a force will randomly select a "lucky" soul in the City of Judgment and throw it directly out of the entire plane.

The Chaos Demon Dog Kozif, who has been waiting for a long time, will immediately rush forward, swallow the poor victim, and let it howl in despair before dying.

And to Cyric, who had fallen into madness, this wailing was simply the most beautiful music in the world.

More importantly, any soul that is eaten can never be resurrected by any means.

Whether it is the wishing technique of the Nine Rings or the complete resurrection technique, it is no exception.

Not to mention spells, not even the gods themselves could save the believers who were eaten by the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif.

Just as Zuo Si was looking at this place full of abundant and pure black mana with great interest, and considering whether to make a land card, an undead creature wearing a black linen robe blocked the way of the two of them.

He looked like an ancient mummy lord or a demigod mummy, but he was not wrapped in any bandages. His dark skin tightly wrapped his thin body, and his bulbous eyes showed a strange light yellow color. The mandible is as sharp as a combination of a human and a praying mantis, and the nose and ears cannot be distinguished from the skeletal face.

As for the dim cloak behind him, it was like a black hole constantly absorbing the surrounding light, as if it wanted to suck the air dry as well.

no doubt!

This is the ancient god of death, the current recorder of death - Yeager.

Because the power of death contained in his body cannot be faked at all.

"Long time no see, respected King of Knowledge. Welcome to you too, the young planeswalker from another world."

Jaeger took the initiative to say hello in a cold voice full of low, empty and void.

Ogma responded with a smile: "It's been a long time indeed.

I remember the last time I visited the City of Judgment, it was not long after you distributed the priesthood and divine power to Baal, Melkor and Bane.

At that time, I concluded that if these three ambitious guys became gods, there would definitely be a lot of trouble.

Not long after, they stole the Stone of Destiny, which aroused the wrath of His Majesty Io, the god above the gods. As a result, the gods were forcibly knocked down from the mortal world in the Year of Turmoil.

Although the three gods of death also paid a heavy price for this, many other gods were also implicated.

What's even worse is that the newly appointed God of Death is a complete madman and psychopath.

With his ignorant and shallow knowledge and understanding, he is simply not enough to control so many priestly duties, let alone fulfill his obligations.

Dear old friend, look at the chaotic situation in the world of the dead today, don’t you still think you are wrong? "

"Please, can you please don't mention that matter? Aren't I already trying my best to undo the mistakes I made and strive to restore the Hazy Realm to its proper state as soon as possible?"

When saying this, Yeager finally tore off his previous disguise as an ancient god of death and showed the emotions that a normal intelligent creature should have.

There is no doubt that in front of the God of Knowledge, he has no need to disguise himself.

Because when Ogma came to Toril, the entire crystal wall system was still in chaos and instability.

It was he who gave names to everything and gradually made it what it is today.

At that time, Jaeger, the God of Death, didn't know where he was.

It is estimated that only Shar and Selun, as well as the Earth Mother Goddess Changdea as the consciousness of the planet, are older than Ogma.

As for the goddess of magic and the god of war, who were born from the battle between the two creation goddesses, they may both be ranked behind the god of knowledge.

Therefore, Ogma may be one of the few gods in the world who knows the true origin and details of Yeager.

"Oh, if you don't mind, could you tell me who this lucky guy is who is about to ascend the throne of Death?"

Ogma's eyes flashed with curiosity.

He obviously knew very well that Jaeger would never assume the responsibility of being a god of death again, and preferred to cooperate with "juniors" and give them certain guidance.

Yeager did not answer directly, but turned his attention to the young figure sitting in the open space looking up at the sky in the distance.

He has short black hair, a slightly melancholy handsome face, and is still wearing the blood-stained armor and a gray shabby cloak, with the shadow of a sword tightly clutched in his hand.

There was no doubt that for a mortal soul he looked so different.

There is neither the uneasiness and fear that ordinary mortals show after death, nor the sluggishness and numbness of souls that have stayed in the City of Judgment for a long time.

"who is he?"

Ogma asked in a low voice.

Yeager answered without thinking: "He is Kelanvor, the enemy that the Dark Sun has been looking for.

However, Dark Sun was completely incapable of mastering the Death Priesthood, so much so that he couldn't even find a soul in his own domain, which was extremely embarrassing.

If I were him, I would have surrendered all my priesthoods and powers and committed suicide in shame.

What's even more ridiculous is that the fool also released the chaos demon dog Kozif, hoping to use the power of ancient evil objects to track him.

But he obviously forgot that the City of Judgment is not a place where just anything can come in. "

"Kranvor?" Ogma raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Isn't that the former lover of the Mother of Magic? I remember when she asked you, you replied that you didn't find this person's soul entering the world of the dead."

Yeager explained calmly: "I did not find him at the time, but I found him later in an accident.

Did you see it?

The forces of death throughout the plane are angry at the inaction of the current god of death, and are constantly gathering towards Kelanvor.

This has been going on for a long time.

It won't be long before he gains enough power to tear apart the Dark Sun's clergy related to death.

Moreover, this young man has his own understanding of death. I think he should be able to become a qualified god of death. "

"Sos, what do you think?"

Ogma suddenly asked without looking back.

"For most mortals, Kelanvor, who has no evil tendencies, would be a good death god, at least much better than the current one and the previous Melkor. However, with his character and values, I am afraid that he will not be able to tolerate undead creatures. It will be very low.”

Zuo Si thought for a while and quickly gave a relatively objective answer.

After all, as far as he knew, Kelanvor was the only God of Death who did not create an atmosphere of mystery and terror, and seriously explained the importance of death to ordinary people.

Based on this alone, in the minds of mortals, he is much better than the image of the ancient death god Yeager.

As for Melkor and Cyric, they are not even worthy of wearing shoes for Kelanvor.

"Oh, you think highly of Kelanvor?"

Yeager glanced at Zuo Si in surprise.

Although he has completely faded out of the sight of the gods most of the time and will not even participate in those boring meetings and discussions, this does not mean that he is isolated from the world. On the contrary, he has obtained a lot of important information from other channels.

Including the extremely special group of planeswalkers, and the power called Spark.

The most important thing is that the arrival of three Eldrazi Titans in the Abyss brought huge shock to the entire multiverse, making the ancient God of Death very interested in Zuo Si, an alien.

Zuo Si also noticed this and immediately nodded with a smile: "That's right. The world of death needs order to maintain, and Kelanvor's strong tendency toward order perfectly meets the requirements.

His personality is neutral and slightly inclined towards kindness, which is enough to offset the fear that death brings to mortals.

It is foreseeable that the new Death God will soon be widely recognized by people after taking office.

In addition, Cranvor's relationship with the Mother of Magic during his lifetime will become an important bargaining chip for him to secure the throne of Death.

At least when Dark Sun went crazy because of this, the deterrence produced by the two powerful gods joining forces was enough to keep him in the madness with the last trace of sanity. "

"Hahaha! I like your sense of humor."

Yeager laughed happily, as if he had seen Cyric's incompetent rage.

In contrast, the smile on Ogma's face was much more reserved, and then he asked in a low voice: "When do you plan to take action?"

"Maybe in a few days. I have to pick the right moment to make sure the process is uninterrupted."

There was a chilling coldness in Yeager's eyes.

He was undoubtedly full of naked and undisguised contempt and disgust for Cyric, who had never respected himself and made the Realm of Twilight a mess.

If he hadn't been worried about triggering a war between gods and causing the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif to rush in during the chaos, he would have already started trying to strip Cyric of his death ministry.

But Zuo Si took the initiative and suggested: "Great Lord of the End of All Things, if you don't mind, could you please postpone the time a little?"

"Oh why?"

Jaeger asked in a slightly confused tone.

"Because I am planning a big move, intending to pull Dark Sun down from the throne of powerful divine power in one fell swoop, and stripping him of his death priesthood is the most important part of it."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything and openly stated his plan.

In his opinion, although this kind of "cutting with a dull knife" approach of stripping off one priesthood today and another tomorrow can make Cyric feel pain and despair to the greatest extent, the risk he has to take is too great.

It is far better to gather them all together, without giving the latter any time to react, and completely defeat him with a combination of punches.

“Thos plans to strip Dark Sun of all its clergy except Lies.

To this end, he even contacted me, including myself, for a total of three powerful powers, several medium powers and many weak powers.

We plan to do it together when the time is right.

If you include the new God of Death in the future and the soon-to-be resurrected God of Tyranny, Bane, there are five powerful gods.

In the face of this power, Anri has no chance of winning.

What's more, he is now driven crazy because of the dangerous artifact he made. He openly declares that he is the only true god in the world, which is equivalent to declaring war on all gods.

It won't be long before Tempus, the god of war, Suna, the god of love and beauty, and even the elven, dwarf, dwarf and halfling pantheons will join in denouncing him.

The longer it takes, the better it is for us. "

Ogma added something meaningful.

When Yeager heard these words, he immediately showed an expression of shock and disbelief: "The only true god? How dare this guy say it! Could he have forgotten that the reason why he can become a god is entirely the work of His Majesty Io, the God above God?" Give generously?”

Ogma sighed helplessly and said: "Sorry, although I know countless secret knowledge, I cannot guess the thoughts of a madman and psychopath.

Although Anri's behavior was related to reading that evil divine book.

But I guarantee you, he definitely showed the truest thoughts in his heart when he produced that book.

This guy is not satisfied with his current status and wants to be above all the gods.

Regarding this kind of irrational lunatic, my point of view is the same as Soth's, which is to suppress him as much as possible to the extent that he cannot cause too much damage. "

"Okay, then I will postpone the timing of taking action a little bit. Anyway, it can't be delayed for a few days."

Jaeger agreed readily.

In this way, the last piece of the puzzle to overthrow Cyric was finally completed.

All we have to wait for now is the battle that is about to break out in Zhentil Castle.

After finishing their business, Zuo Si and Ogma did not leave immediately.

Instead, at the invitation of the ancient God of Death, he went to where he lived as a guest and talked about some topics about planeswalkers, the Dark Void, Eldrazi, and other times and spaces.

In return, Jaeger gave him knowledge, records, and magic items from the days of Netherese.

In addition, he also allowed Zuo Si to make several land cards around the City of Judgment and extract the inexhaustible negative energy here at will.

After the visit ended and he left the Hazy Realm and returned to the material world, the face of the God of Knowledge Ogma suddenly became serious and serious, and he solemnly issued a warning: "Be careful of the Lord of the End of All Things! Don't be fooled by the kindness he shows. Confused! In some aspects, this person is no less dangerous than the dark goddess of creation."

"You mean...he can't be considered an ally?"

A strange light flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.


Ogma smiled sarcastically.

"I don't dare to be an ally with a god like him. I just need to maintain the current relationship of friends who are neither far nor close.

Because the last person he admired and regarded as an ally was the ancient sun god Amaunata.

But when Netheril was destroyed, the god died inexplicably.

The speed is simply jaw-dropping.

Although there is no evidence, I think it is probably the result of his joining forces with the Dark Goddess.

After all, for the latter, the Sun God is one of the gods she hates and is most hostile to. "

"That's it." Zuo Si nodded thoughtfully: "I think I know what to do."

"As long as you have an idea. Also, don't tell the Mother of Magic about Kelanvor. I'm worried that she will make some irrational and impulsive behaviors because of her remaining mortal character." Ogma specially warned her. road.

"Understood. I know almost as much as you do about the grievances and hatreds between these three people. But if you think about it carefully, it is an exaggeration that three of the original four-person adventure team succeeded in the end."

Zuo Si couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

Compared with the childish way of becoming gods of the three gods of death, the experiences of Kelanvor, Midnight and Cyric are simply a legend.

Two of them had personally participated in the battle to kill the gods, and both survived and became the final victors.

Ogma smiled and sighed: "Well, it is indeed a bit exaggerated.

But I suspect that all this is a script designed by His Majesty Io, the God above God.

On the one hand, it punished the three gods of death who stole the tablet of destiny, and on the other hand, it also rewarded the three mortals who contributed the most in retrieving the tablet.

In addition, according to my observation, the Slate of Destiny actually does not have power over the gods, but is closer to a rule and an oath.

By forging these rules and oaths, all gods can perform their duties and make the entire world run normally.

It's a pity that there will never be a shortage of ambitious and never-satisfied people in this world.

Especially the new gods who have just been promoted from mortals.

Okay, that's it for this meeting.

I believe you still have a lot to do next, and I am just about to go to the abyss to observe the changes in the Eldrazi. "

After saying that, the God of Knowledge turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

"Is there some kind of unknown secret and alliance between the ancient God of Death and the Goddess of Darkness? Maybe the sun god Amaunata died in a conspiracy between the two? Interesting..."

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth turned up slightly with a playful expression, and then he used teleportation magic and returned to the mage tower.

But when he just walked out of the teleportation room, he suddenly found that the natural god servant he had just created, Nimidona, was sitting on the head of the red dragon Wilmes of Purgatory in a very elegant posture.

The latter's whole body was tied directly into a rice dumpling by some kind of magic vine growing from the ground, and he could not break free no matter how hard he struggled.

Not to mention breaking free, he couldn't even open his mouth, let alone breathe out deadly flames. He could only constantly blow out sparks and black smoke from his nostrils to vent the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart.

Succubus Loli Atona stood by with an innocent look on her face, showing no intention of stepping forward to help.

The little werewolves and the Wolf Goblins gathered in a circle and stared, not knowing what to do.

"Uh-who can tell me what happened?"

Zuo Si glanced at the traces of fighting in the dragon's nest and asked in an uncertain tone.

"It's no big deal, father. Your pet has a bad temper, so I helped you teach her a lesson." Nimedona stood up and explained with a smile.

"Pet? Lesson!"

Zuo Si seemed to understand something in an instant, and immediately turned his attention to Succubus Loli.

The latter immediately understood and hurried over to report in a low voice: "Master, it was Wilmes who took the initiative and said that he wanted to teach this angel sister a lesson and let her understand who is the number two person in this tower. As a result …”

"In the end, he was beaten by Nimidona?"

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably, and at the same time, he secretly held a second of silence for Wilmes.

Speaking of which, this guy is quite unlucky.

With her current power as the Purgatory Red Dragon, she can barely reach the first level in Faerûn.

But it was not easy to choose anyone to establish his power, so he chose the advanced version of the Divine Attendant of Blazing Sky - the Divine Attendant of Nature.

That's standard divine power!

Why did you provoke her when you were full?

If you don’t know why, you won’t be happy for yourself!

In the material world, even the incarnations and projections of demon lords of the level of the Three Giants of the Abyss will inevitably be beaten on the head.

Combat effectiveness cannot be measured according to common sense.

With Zuo Si's current LV14 planeswalker spark level, he can't even make it into a card, which shows how amazing his power is.

Atona nodded her little head vigorously: "Yes, that's it. It only took less than a minute for Sister Angel to turn Wilmes into what he is now. Master, who is she and why does she call you Father?"

"I created her."

After figuring out the situation, Zuo Si reached out and touched Succubus Loli's hair, then walked straight to the Purgatory Red Dragon and asked in a slightly joking tone: "How do you feel now?"


Wilmes struggled desperately and wildly sprayed sparks from his nostrils and teeth. His emotion was beyond words.

"Alas - how many times have I told you that in this world there is heaven and God above man.

No matter what you do, don't be so arrogant. It's safest to keep a low profile.

But you're fine, you just can't listen.

Are you honest now after being taught a lesson?

Remember next time, don't provoke anyone easily.

Even if you want to kill him in your heart, keep smiling and being friendly now until the last second when you decide to launch a surprise attack. "

Zuo Si took the opportunity to criticize the purgatory red dragon in front of him, and kicked the opponent's huge dragon head with his feet from time to time.

Wilmes was obviously holding back his anger, his stomach was bulging with anger, and he kept rolling his eyes.

Although she doesn't have the whites of her eyes at all, every time she flips around it makes people feel very happy.

After about three to five minutes, Zuo Si asked Nimedona to cancel those extremely tough magic vines.

The moment he regained his freedom, Wilmes suddenly jumped up from the ground and roared sternly: "I don't accept it! That was a sneak attack just now! It doesn't count!"

"So you want to fight again? It doesn't matter, I'm more than happy to accompany you."

As she spoke, Nimidona slowly drew out the Blade of Life, with a cat-and-mouse smile on her face.

"I...I am too tired today and need to rest. I will let you know how good I am some other time."

Wilmes was obviously cowed and knew that he could not defeat the guy in front of him who was suspected to be a high-level angel.

But as the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose. You can't admit defeat with your mouth.

Otherwise, how can we hang out in the mage tower in the future?

What would those goblin werewolves, dire wolves, mephits, half-dragons and other magical creatures think of me?

So face must be saved no matter what.

Anyway, as the same camp, there is no need to worry about the other party being cruel.

Seeing the "arrogant" face of this guy Wilmes, Zuo Si couldn't help but sneered and joked: "Hurry up! Don't save face and suffer.

You have been tied to the ground like a dead pig, unable to move. According to actual combat standards, your head should have been chopped off right now. Why fight another day?

Even if you hit it a thousand times or ten thousand times, the result will still be the same.

Let me tell you directly, Nimidona is a natural god servant, an enhanced and advanced version of the blazing god servant.

She has power that rivals that of a god to a certain extent, so don't think about revenge.

Otherwise, you will make a fool of yourself every time you get hit. "

"What? Attendant of the God of Blazing Sky!"

When Wilmes heard the name, he opened his mouth in shock, stared at Nimedona dumbfounded, and even rubbed his eyes with his paws.

Although she is a muscular dragon with no knowledge or skills, she still knows something about the top alien creatures.

"My name is Nimedona, a natural god created by my father. Nice to meet you, dear Wilmes, let us get along well and be friends in the future."

Nimedona winked playfully.

Obviously, compared with those serious and rigid Seraph Gods, she has a more lively personality due to the addition of a large amount of green mana that symbolizes life and nature.

The absolutely neutral camp also gives it a flexible moral bottom line that will not be bound by anything.

"Hmph! What's wrong with the Divine Attendant of Blazing Sky! I don't want to be friends with you."

Wilmes raised his chin proudly, then staggered to his pile of treasures, lay down and pretended to yawn, then curled up into a ball and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Of course, only she knows whether she is really sleeping or pretending to sleep.

Anyway, it would have been impossible for another evil and violent red dragon to be beaten up in public like this and tied to the ground unable to move.

Regarding the almost childish behavior of the Purgatory Red Dragon, the only thing Zuo Si could do was to sigh helplessly, then dismissed all the melon-eating werewolves who were watching, and returned to the upper level with the Attendant of Nature and the Succubus Loli Atona.

He doesn't have time to play this kind of house game with Wilmes now. He must speed up to arm Nimedona and make it a powerful fighting force.

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