A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 429 The Beginning of the Trade Alliance (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

After sending out the two enhanced and upgraded purgatory dragons, Zuo Si immediately issued new orders to Xi Manmeng through the terminal in his hand.

The content is also very simple, that is, while assisting Wilmes, it also provides some intelligence support to Culremos.

After sending the message, he walked into the workshop carrying the [Chengyang Sword] and began to think about what materials and magic to use to forge a "god-killing sword" that would make all gods fearful.

As a person with a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder and perfectionism, Zuo Si obviously could not accept the version forged by Heliod, the sun god of Theros time and space.

There are two reasons.

One is that the energy attribute is too single, consisting entirely of white mana that purely symbolizes order, and there may also be a little divine power unique to the Sun God.

As a god-killing weapon, accepting divine power itself is a huge flaw and mistake.

This is why Heliod easily killed Elspeth for the first time and even broke the [Chengyang Sword] into two pieces on the spot.

Another reason is that the original metal properties of [Chengyang Sword] are too fragile. It is basically at the level of higher-grade fine steel, and its hardness is far inferior to metals such as ethyl gold and fine gold that can be repeatedly strengthened under the influence of magic.

After careful consideration, Zuo Si made a bold decision, which was to use an ancient evil object from the universe where the planet Toril is located, plus part of the power of the Eldrazi Titan, and finally forge this weapon in the dark void that could kill people. A weapon that kills everything.

However, as everyone knows, the strength of ancient evil creatures varies widely, and most of them are demigods or have just surpassed the level of demigods.

Only a handful of the oldest, most evil, and twisted existences truly have the terrifying power to destroy a pantheon of gods or even several material worlds.

Through the relevant records obtained from the Candlekeep Library and Hell Database, Zuo Si quickly selected a suitable target from more than thirty known ancient evil objects.

Its name is Pandorym, also known as the God-Slayer.

The reason for choosing Pandorim is also very simple.

On the one hand, it is relatively easy to find.

At the end of the ancient Imaskar Empire, when it was about to perish, the crazy artificers relied on their powerful portal technology to successfully summon the "God Killer" to Faerûn.

But before they had time to engage in war and die together with the gods who came across planes to destroy themselves, the gods sensed the danger and buried it and the entire city in the deepest underground with a thunderous force.

In other words, as long as the underground weapons depot of the Imperial Palace, the capital of the Imasca Empire, can be found, there is a high probability that this hidden terrifying creature can be unearthed.

On the other hand, when Pandorim was summoned, his consciousness and body were separated and imprisoned in two completely different dimensional prisons. It can be said that the danger has been reduced to the lowest point.

Zuo Si could completely search for the body first and fuse it with the power that originally existed in the [Chengyang Sword].

In this way, the power of this sword when directed against gods will reach a very terrifying level.

As for the consciousness of the God-Slayer, you can decide whether to seal it in together or simply give up based on the situation.

In comparison, the power of the Eldrazi Titans is much easier to obtain.

Just use the will of the abyss and the power of the demons to separate the three Eldrazi Titans, and then control one of the crystals engraved with runes to seal them.

Of course, since the difficulty of obtaining the above two raw materials is not very high, and it is also accompanied by very huge risks, Zuo Si did not rush to take action, but instead patiently made a long-term plan.

It is planned to take at least a few years or even ten or twenty years to complete it bit by bit.

At this stage, what he has to do is simply use the existing resources at hand and the magical power at his disposal to recast the sword embryo of [Chengyang Sword] so that it has the potential to carry huge energy.

About two or three hours later, a deafening roar came from the workshop of the Mage Tower, as well as a slight vibration that was enough to be transmitted to the deepest cave underground.

The white bear Atio was lying curiously in the corridor, watching carefully through the crack in the door as the owner swung the forging hammer made entirely of energy, beating the mixture of a large number of magic metals, gems and rare materials with two small eyes. Revealing unparalleled shock and fear.

Because it can clearly feel that if even a little bit of that huge power falls on itself, Xiong Sheng will probably end early.

In fact, this bear cub, which has been transformed by magical creatures and has almost grown to 1.8 meters in size, has been avoiding Zuo Si ever since he was almost forced to be sterilized, for fear that his eggs would be dismantled accidentally.

Just when Atio was secretly trying to use his claws to open the crack in the door a little further, he suddenly felt a hand strangle his destiny's neck from behind.

The next second...

The bear, which weighed more than 250 kilograms, was dragged along the ground for more than ten meters by a girl who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that it was a succubus loli who had just completed her daily combat training course.

Although Atona looks petite and cute in appearance, she always gives people a feeling of elegance, beauty, well-behaved and frail.

But deep down, he is an out-and-out devil, and he is also the kind with powerful divinity.

In addition, he had followed Zuo Si on an adventure into the abyss and participated in the Battle of Zhentil Castle, so he had already absorbed an unknown amount of life and magical energy.

Even without the blessing of any magic equipment, its original strength attribute is as high as 28 points.

Not to mention a mere 250-kilogram white bear, even a medium-sized steel structure weighing one or two tons would be overturned directly to the ground.

What's more, Atio knew very well that the "little ancestor" in front of him, who was deeply loved by his master, was a magic star.

All the creatures in this mage tower, whether they are intelligent magic bats, goblin werewolves, dryads, wargs, winter wolves, half-dragons, or ordinary animals that Zuo Si kept as pets, have all suffered from the charm. The devil loli is causing trouble and causing harm.

Not long ago, the other party deliberately and accidentally burned off a large piece of fur on its tail, and it is still a black patch to this day.

Therefore, the white bear cub did not dare to resist at all, and even if it resisted, it would not be able to defeat it. It could only keep making low-pitched whining sounds to beg for mercy.

"It's not a good boy to disturb the master's work. So - you must accept the punishment."

Atona stopped, turned around and stared at Atio's two pitiful little eyes, showing an innocent smile.

Immediately afterwards, she dragged the white bear cub into the combat training room by its neck.

After a while, the former's miserable wails echoed in the corridor.

Attracted by the sound, Goddess of Nature Nimidona stood at the door and took a look. She quickly sighed with a smile: "They are really two energetic little guys. It seems that it is better for me not to disturb them."

So, she ignored the white bear cub's eyes asking for help, turned around and disappeared into the intricate passages inside the tower.

Immediately following Atio's cry, he suddenly became more miserable and desperate, and he even began to hope that Zuo Si, as the master, could rescue him.

Even if the price is to pay two fluffy eggs...

At the same time, far away in a natural cave in the Star Spiral Mountains at the junction of the southern border of the Amn Empire and the Kingdom of Tethyr.

A dwarf clan that had just been violently conquered by Wilmes was working hard with its head down to build a new lair for this incredibly powerful infernal red dragon.

Especially the well-informed leader of the clan, Todak Haudeheck, was 100% sure that he had never seen such a huge and terrifying dragon.

Even the ancient red dragon Balagas "Flying Flame" that rules this mountain range is obviously much smaller in comparison.

Therefore, before the other party launched a real attack, he immediately announced his surrender and swore eternal loyalty, successfully saving the lives of more than 3,000 people in the entire tribe.

But the price was that the entire dwarf clan became Wilmes' subordinates.

From now on, they must satisfy all the demands made by this purgatory red dragon at all costs, no matter how outrageous and difficult the demands are.

But the advantage is that as the first tribe to take refuge, the dwarves can gain a relatively high status and no longer have to worry about being threatened by monsters such as orcs, goblins, kobolds, trolls, and earth trolls.

Because from now on, they are the ones who should be worried and afraid.

"Todak, are you sure we really want to serve this terrifying red dragon? Maybe we can consider secretly sending someone down the mountain, hiring some adventurers in the big cities, or asking paladins or priests from the Church of the Good God to help him. She drove away."

Another stout dwarf warrior holding a hammer came over and cautiously suggested.

But what he got was Todak's vicious and threatening eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you want to die, don't drag the entire clan, men, women, and children with you.

Keep your eyes open to see how huge this dragon is!

How sharp are her claws and teeth!

And that deadly flame breath that can easily open a skylight in the rock formations above your head!

No matter how many adventurers, paladins, and priests from the Church of the Good God come, they cannot pose even the slightest threat to it.

Wilmes' power is too powerful, even more terrifying than Balagas' "Flying Flame".

If she finds out that any of us are doing something secretly, the entire clan will be reduced to ashes under her wrath.

So stop talking nonsense and quickly bring people to work hard for me.

As long as we work hard enough and show loyalty, we can gain the trust of this powerful dragon, and then quickly grow and build our own kingdom on the Star Swirl Mountains.

By then all other races and monsters will be our slaves. "

When he said these words, Todak Haudekh's eyes shone with the light of ambition.

Although in the eyes of ordinary dwarves, being enslaved by a fiendish red dragon may be a rather tragic thing.

But in his opinion, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Just when the dwarf warrior on the side was about to say something, he suddenly saw a large group of compatriots holding tools running out of the passage leading to another huge cave.

Upon seeing this, Todak immediately asked loudly at the top of his voice: "What's going on? Why are you all coming out?"

"It's that dragon! She said she was sleepy and wanted to sleep and didn't want to hear too much noise, so she kicked us out." An old dwarf craftsman responded with a wry smile.

"Damn it! Go and notify everyone who is working and ask them to be quieter. Don't forget, if we want to survive and develop, we need to please this terrible new master as much as possible."

After saying that, Todak immediately walked quickly towards the tribesmen who were working and solemnly told them to reduce the noise as much as possible.

However, the leader did not know that the reason why those dwarf craftsmen were kicked out before had nothing to do with the noise, but that Wilmes needed to meet a special guest secretly.

"Nice to meet you, the great Purgatory Red Dragon. Under the order of Lord Soth, I will be responsible for the next intelligence and action planning work."

Xi Manmeng put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply, while also indicating his identity.

Although when Zhentil Keep was attacked, he had seen the horrifying scene of Wilmes flying through the sky and spitting fire towards the place where Cyric's followers gathered on the ground.

But now that he was getting closer, the vampire archmage truly understood why the defenders of Zhentil Castle and Fuzor Chambery turned a blind eye to Wilmes' taking the opportunity to loot the wealth. Turn a blind eye.

It's not that they don't want to take care of it, but they really don't dare to take care of it.

Just the power of the dragon unintentionally released by the other party is enough to make most people suffocate instantly, and strong fear emerges from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, Ximanmeng also discovered that Wilmes was several times larger than the last time he saw him.

He wasn't quite sure whether this was his imagination, or whether the observation distance was too far to confirm the specific length and height.

"Soss said that you are a smart man who is good at playing tricks. But I don't really like to use my brain. So the cooperation model between us is that you are responsible for making plans and I am responsible for executing them. Is that okay?"

Wilmes held his chin and yawned boredly.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why she chose the Xingxuan Mountains for her nest is to kill Balagas "Flying Flame" as soon as possible, then make a name for herself, and seize the opportunity to seize the title of Dragon King.

With this title, it will become much easier to conquer other monsters or barbarian tribes, or ask those five-color evil dragons to obey your orders.

Xi Manmeng quickly put on a humble look and replied: "Of course, no problem!

In fact, when I came, I had already prepared a piece of information.

Including records of the recent appearance of the "Flying Flame" in Baragas, as well as the Sons of Baal riot that is breaking out at the junction of the kingdoms of Kalimshan and Tethyr.

Especially the latter, even Xia En VII felt a little headache. "

"Son of Baal?!"

A strange glint flashed in Wilmes's eyes.

She had heard Zuo Si mention this group of descendants deliberately left in the mortal world by Baal, the god of murder, more than once, and knew how dangerous and troublesome these guys were.

"Yes. A woman who calls herself Melissa is planning to gather all the Sons of Baal.

Although I haven't investigated her purpose yet.

But this behavior will undoubtedly accelerate the speed at which these sons of gods kill each other.

In other words, the bloody game predicted by the wise man to compete for the throne of the King of Slaughter will soon be staged.

I think now would be a really good time to jump in if you're interested.

We can secretly form alliances with those potential Sons of Baal and provide them with some help within our capabilities.

Once they emerge powerful in this killing contest, you're sure to reap huge rewards. "

Ximanmeng quickly gave his advice.

But after thinking about it for a few minutes, Wilmes quickly shook his head and refused: "No, the situation of the Sons of Baal is too confusing. I don't think now is a good opportunity to intervene. It is better to find a way to catch Balagas first." Homura "killed him better."

"As you wish!"

Xi Manmeng bowed gracefully, and there was no hint of anger or displeasure on his face that his suggestion was rejected.

After all, he had previously served arbitrary and domineering tyrants such as Manson and Fozol Chambery, so he had long developed the composure of being unfazed by favors and humiliations.

In the next few minutes, Ximanmeng took out the mobile terminal he carried with him and transmitted a large amount of information about Balagas' "Flying Flame" to the Purgatory Red Dragon.

It is not difficult to see from that skillful operation how much he relies on this epoch-making magical technological creation.

Even if I don't take it out for a while, I will feel uncomfortable all over if I don't take it out to look at or play with it. It's just like the mobile phone addiction patients in the mobile Internet era.

But the difference is that Ximanmeng uses this thing to record and transmit important information, and uses its powerful simulation and processing functions to transform dry text descriptions into 3D projection maps.

In addition, he also uses this thing as a spell book, which stores all the arcane magic he has learned.

When you need to recall it and re-memorize it, you only need to enter a few key letters on the search engine and you will be able to find the corresponding spell immediately.

This is much more convenient than spending time flipping through those parchment spell books.

For Ximanmeng, Shuoyou mobile terminal has long become an indispensable and important tool in life and work.

And after in-depth research, he also found that this thing can generate a pinhole camera only the size of a wheat grain, which can be installed very discreetly in some inconspicuous places.

As long as the distance is not too far, you can observe the area covered by the surveillance camera through the terminal screen.

Obviously, this discovery made Ximanmeng fall into ecstasy, and he frantically arranged for his spies and some secret rooms in Zhentil Castle.

Once he is free, he will find a place where no one is around to spy on the private images captured by these cameras, and will also feel a kind of indescribable spiritual joy and satisfaction.

You don't need to ask to know that this guy has completely changed his mind and turned into a voyeur who is shouted at by everyone in modern society.

Not only that!

Ximanmeng will also save those parts that he considers valuable, and then use them to threaten the person to obey him.

Eventually, he built a more subtle, less detectable shadow network around the Zhentarim's dark network.

After ending his first contact with Wilmes, the vampire headed to the North without stopping to meet with Culremus.

The result was no surprise. The two insidious and cunning guys hit it off immediately, cherished each other, and reached a large number of cooperation intentions in a very short period of time, more than one-third of which were aimed at the Harper Alliance.

no way!

Who made the Harpers too active in the Northland.

If they were not suppressed, many of Kurremos's ideas and plans would not be implemented at all.

Therefore, this "filial dragon" did not hesitate to regard the Harper Alliance as the biggest enemy in the first stage.

As for the famous Dragon of the North, "Scar" Klaus was placed in second place.

Compared to Wilmes, who likes simple and crude solutions to problems, Kurremos undoubtedly prefers to hide in the dark and play tricks.

He does not intend to confront Klaus head-on, but to instigate the Harper Alliance to launch a bloody battle to the death with this ancient red dragon.

When both sides are exhausted and suffer heavy losses, the Purgatory Brass Dragon will appear as the final BOSS and kill both groups of enemies at once.

After all, with the support of the Zhentarim's intelligence network, he is confident that he can play with all potential enemies at the palm of his hand, making them dance to his own rhythm like puppets, and finally jump into the carefully prepared choreography one after another. trap.

Just as the two giant dragons under Zuo Si began to implement their plans, the large airship, which had been flying in inaccessible forests, swamps, and mountains for several days, finally arrived safely at Silvermoon City, the capital of the Silvermoon Federation.

From the large areas of blackened areas on the surface of the pod and airbag, as well as the dense and obvious scratches, as well as the scratches left by arrows, javelins, and spears, it is not difficult to see how intense and exciting it has been through along the way. emergency.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and we finally crossed safely through this area, which can be said to be the most dangerous area along the west coast of Faerûn.

Whether it was the evil dragons who wanted to rush over to rob, or the monsters and barbarians riding gryphons, pterosaurs, and manticores, they were all eventually killed or repelled by the self-defense weapons on the Shuoyou airship.

Especially the huge lightning launcher extending from the side of the pod.

One blow can often cause unimaginable damage to large enemies.

Coupled with his own self-healing ability, Flame Dragon Knight David didn't take any action at all. He just sat at a table by the window and marked all the attacked locations on a map.

If nothing else happens, the monsters, dragons and barbarian tribes in these places will soon be annihilated.

Because he knew that his planeswalker master had never been a person who liked to reason, especially when dealing with enemies.

So no matter what good reasons these guys have, it is impossible to escape the coming pursuit.

When the huge airship appeared in the sky over Silvermoon City, the residents of the city were completely excited. They gathered in groups on the street and looked up at the sky.

There were also many children screaming and running wildly after the airship to vent their inner excitement.

The frightened passengers on the airship also walked onto the deck outside, waving and shouting condescendingly at the people underground.

There were even a few Amn merchants who made a fool of themselves by throwing a piece of cloth with the goods and prices written on it from the guardrail, and fixed the other side to the railing, intending to use the free advertising space on the airship. .

In addition to their method, some businessmen took out flyers printed in advance on the cheapest straw paper and started scattering flowers without hesitation.

In short, as the country with the largest capital, the most prosperous and developed commerce on the continent of Faerûn, the Amn people have fully demonstrated their creativity in this area. It can be said that the eight immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers.

The priest of the Goddess of Wealth Church who was on board the ship recorded all these operations without saying a word and planned to hand them over to the senior management after returning.

When it is managed and operated by the church in the future, all of these can be used as part of paid advertising.

"Oh my God! This is so crazy!"

Golden Dragon Queen Veramalandes opened her mouth wide and grabbed a leaflet floating from the sky. The whole dragon was shocked and speechless.

You must know that compared with the small airship that I rode in Luskan before, the one above me at the moment is simply ridiculously big.

It is many times longer and wider than any giant ship on the sea!

It's completely like a small floating city!

It is estimated that tens of thousands of people can be crammed in without feeling crowded!

Alustriel's eyes on the side also shone with wonder, and he joked with a smile: "What is the madness you are referring to? This plan of Soth, or the super airship he built, or those who are trying to do something..." An Amn merchant who is unscrupulous in business and advertising?"

At this moment, she was standing on the pre-built take-off and landing platform, preparing to deliver a congratulatory speech for the opening of this unprecedented air trade transportation route.

After all, whether it is for Silver Moon City or the Silver Moon Alliance, the significance of this route is extraordinary.

Because it is the first time that this land is located in the far interior of the Northland. To the north is the extremely cold Polar Pole, to the east is the Great Desert of Enook, to the south is the Nether Mountains and the High Forest, and to the west is the Eternal Wasteland. It can almost be said that it is The land that is isolated from the civilized world has become part of an extremely large trade network that is about to merge.

Whether from the perspective of cultural exchange or political and economic considerations, its significance is extraordinary.

"You should know what I'm referring to." Vera Marandais rolled her eyes at her partner and ally angrily. "It's easy to see from those black areas that the airship was attacked quite horribly when it came. But I'm curious as to how it can repel such troublesome dragons, griffins, pterosaurs, and manticores. flying creatures."

“Don’t worry, I think we’ll find out soon.

Look, it stopped flying and was slowly losing altitude.


Get your girls and boys to cheer up!

I hope to hear you playing music as soon as the first person steps out of the pod to welcome these guests from afar and let them feel the warmth and hospitality of Silvermoon City. "

Alustriel turned and shouted at a half-elf carrying an instrument.

The so-called Boyhild bowed gracefully and replied with a smile: "Don't worry, dear mother. I swear on my reputation as the leader of the Silver Moon City Natural Sound Orchestra, I will definitely let these guests hear the most beautiful words." Warm, most beautiful, feel-good music.”

"That's right! Madam! Just take a look!"

"In terms of musical and artistic attainments, we will not lose to those countries and towns in the south!"

"Silver Moon Alliance is the best!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen bards holding different musical instruments clapped their chests and gave assurances.

Behind them, there were a group of elves, half-elves and human girls in long skirts, holding flowers, garlands, flower baskets and the like.

Everyone's faces were filled with excitement and excitement, as if they were celebrating some kind of festival.

After all, this airship contained more than two thousand people and a variety of cargo worth dozens of river ships combined.

For Silver Moon City, which has a population of less than 40,000, it is an unparalleled carnival.

Some of the guys who got the flyers even prepared gold coins and planned to buy more spices, silk, cane sugar, salt and other goods that were extremely scarce in the North.

Soon, as the huge airship slowly descended to less than fifty meters, all the local residents present gasped involuntarily.


It's too big!

The strong sense of oppression caused by blocking out the sky and the sun made many people subconsciously hold their breath.

The moment the pod landed completely, everyone cheered and clapped vigorously.

The passengers standing on the deck could not help but smile with joy and wave vigorously to greet the crowd.

After it came to a stop, the mechanical consciousness of the oil-shining airship quickly completed the inspection and opened the closed hatch with a click.

Davian, who was wearing dragon scale armor, was the first to come out.

Following closely behind were the accompanying priests from the Church of Woking, the Goddess of Wealth.

The moment the two took the first step, cheerful music immediately echoed in everyone's ears.

The next second...

Girls holding flowers, garlands and flower baskets swarmed over.

Some put garlands on them, some started scattering flower petals, and some gave them fragrant bouquets.

A few of the more enthusiastic and bold half-elves even left red lip marks on the Flame Dragon Knight's face or armor.

After finally getting rid of these overly unrestrained girls, Davian walked directly in front of Alustriel and Verama Landas, put one hand on his chest and bowed.

"Good afternoon, two distinguished ladies.

Following the master's orders, I safely escorted the airship to Silvermoon City.

As for the rest of the business and trade matters, you can talk to the messenger of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth.

I won't get involved. "

"Are you escorting it? No wonder it was attacked by so many evil dragons and was fine."

A look of realization appeared on Villamarandez's face.

She had seen with her own eyes how brave and fearless Davian was in battle.

Especially the control over the fire element is simply not comparable to that of ordinary red dragons.

Davian smiled and shook his head: “No, you misunderstood.

I didn’t pull any punches on this trip.

All defenses are completed by the weapons system that comes with the airship.

Please ask passengers for specific information.

They should be more than happy to share this exciting experience. "

"Purchased weapon system?"

Alustriel keenly grasped a key word.


The airship you see is actually equivalent to a magic activation item.

It has certain thinking and judgment, and can operate weapons to launch counterattacks against enemies that attack it.

In addition to some dragon hunting crossbow shooting holes, it is also equipped with a magical lightning launching device.

Generally speaking, as long as the dragon enters the spitting range, it is almost 100% likely to be hit twice.

Believe me, it doesn't feel good at all.

Among them, the dragon-hunting crossbow arrows are also smeared with deadly toxins made by the owner himself. Even an adult dragon who consumes excessive amounts will be poisoned and die instantly. "

Davian did not hide anything and gave a general introduction to the weapon systems on the airship.

Because the opening of this route is to prove to everyone how reliable the safety of airships is.

So instead of covering it up, it’s better to just open it up and let others see.

"What about the price? Can civilians afford a ticket to travel between the Silver Moon Federation and Askatra?" Alustriel asked with concern.

Davian nodded without thinking: "Yes! The current tentative third-class ticket price is five silver coins. As long as ordinary people work hard and live frugally, they can afford a ticket in two to three months. "

"Awesome! No wonder Soth said that the airship is an epoch-making invention that will change the world forever."

Alustriel immediately became very happy when he heard that civilians could also afford it.

She seemed to be able to see that in the near future, intelligent beings from different regions and races would arrive in Silvermoon City on airships, injecting unprecedented vitality into this sparsely populated land.

By then, his desire to rebuild a city like Myth Drannor will also be realized.

"Dear Ms. Alustriel, I would like to make an appointment with you to discuss trade issues."

The priest of the Goddess of Wealth Church interrupted the beautiful fantasy of the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic with a slightly cautious speech.

But fortunately, Alustriel is a very gentle person and did not show any displeasure. Instead, he smiled and replied: "Of course, no problem. Let's set the time for tomorrow afternoon for the time being. You know, Silvermoon City has There are many specialty products that sell for high prices in the south. Similarly, we also have many products that need to be imported."

"Then it's settled. Oh, by the way, I also have a small personal gift from the church for you. They are some cheap Amn specialties. Please be sure to accept them. Don't think it's too shabby."

With that said, the pastor presented a gift list with both hands.

Alustriel took it and glanced at it before he couldn't help but said in a half-joking tone: "You are too humble, a follower of the goddess of wealth, Woking. If this can be called shabby, then I'm afraid there aren't many gifts in this world. It can be called precious.”

“A ton of spice?

Half a ton of cocoa beans?

Two tons of sugar?

And a hundred barrels of corn wine from the Maztec continent and an equal amount of rum from the Nelanthel Islands?

This... this is too exaggerated!

Are the gifts given by your Goddess of Wealth Church so exaggerated? "

Villamarandez glanced at the gift list and couldn't help but exclaimed.

You must know that if calculated according to today's market prices, the price of this gift list alone may be enough to cover a year's tax in many countries.

Especially luxury goods such as spices, cocoa beans, and sugar, which are in short supply and are monopolized by Amn merchants.

Even she, the Golden Dragon Queen, finally got a little bit from Zuo Si when she went to Luskan to attend the Northland Lords Alliance meeting last time, and was deeply attracted by the rich fragrance.

But now the Church of the Goddess of Wealth comes out by the ton, which directly breaks her perception that such things are very scarce.

The man, who looked to be about forty years old, was obviously very satisfied with the other party's reaction, and immediately explained calmly: "Your Majesty Veramalandes.

In fact, there are many commodities that are expensive, and they are not caused by scarcity as many people imagine.

But the risks and costs involved in transporting it are terrifyingly high.

Just imagine, in the past, if you wanted to transport the spices rich in Kalingshan in the south to Silvery Moon City, what route would you need to take?

Among them, the lowest cost is definitely sea transportation.

First transport them to Luskan or Waterdeep City, and then send them to Silvermoon City via rivers and land.

In this process, merchants need to avoid being hunted by pirates, pay protection fees to gangs in various ports, and hire adventurers and mercenaries to ensure the safety of the caravan.

In addition, every time you pass through a territory, you need to pay expensive tolls to the local government or lord.

Not to mention that there is a very high probability that you may be robbed or even lose your life.

After all these layers are peeled off, if merchants want to avoid losing money and make profits, they naturally have no choice but to increase the price when selling.

In the most exaggerated cases, the price difference between the sales location and the production location of a commodity can even be dozens, hundreds or even thousands of times.

But it's different now!

With airships, not only transportation is faster and safer, but there are no tolls to pay.

So many things that were previously expensive due to high transportation costs will soon become very cheap.

This is a good thing for businessmen.

Because the risk is lower, it is easier to make money.

Likewise, it is also a good thing for the people.

Because many things that they could not afford to eat or use before can now be afforded without changing their income.

To put it simply, it is a process in which luxury goods become necessities and the quality of life is greatly improved.

This is why Lord Soth proposed to include all important towns on the west coast, integrate them into a unified market, issue a unified currency, and establish a unified tariff distribution.

Only in this way will our business enter unprecedented prosperity, and various industries will develop rapidly under this strong consumption stimulus, creating huge wealth and allowing people to become rich from poverty. "

Villamarandez and Alustriel's eyes shone slightly after hearing these words, and they were completely immersed in the beautiful scene described by the priest.

After a full minute, the latter said in a slightly emotional voice: "If this can be achieved, then Soth will definitely become the undisputed supreme emperor from the Northland to the entire west coast.

Because no one will refuse to live in such a country, and the people will support and love him crazily.

Tell me, what is the real purpose of your visit?

I guess it's definitely not just trade, right? "

"Haha, you are indeed as discerning as the rumors say.

In fact, the real purpose of my trip is to hope that you and the Silver Moon Federation that you rule will be the first to respond to the call and join the trade alliance founded by Lord Soth.

Here, this is a rough cooperation framework. You can take it back and read it slowly and discuss it with your staff.

If you are willing to sign above, in return we will equip two small airships in addition to the current large airship, specifically for internal trade in various towns in the Silver Moon Federation. "

After saying that, the priest handed over several parchment scrolls that he had prepared.

This time, Alustriel did not rush to open it to check, but put it away and smiled and extended an invitation to the silent Flame Dragon Knight beside him.

"Hey! Davian, are you interested in having a meal with me and taking a bath by the way?"

"Uh - thanks for the favor, but forget it."

Davian scratched his nose in embarrassment.

He remembered very clearly that the charming lady in front of him was a chosen one of the Goddess of Magic just like his master, and they had a very good relationship and had taken several baths together. God knows if something indescribable happened.

If the invitation was given by the Golden Dragon Queen Vera Marendis next to him, he wouldn't mind cuckolding Diszedroden "Silver Wing".

Anyway, this ancient silver dragon, who is the husband of the Golden Dragon Queen, often disguises himself as women including Alustriel in the palace of Silvermoon City. What a little-known special XP.

"Yeah, that's such a shame."

With a slightly aggressive look, Alustriel looked at Davian's strong muscles hidden under the armor from top to bottom. He soon returned to his usual appearance and began to look at those Amn who had come from afar. Businessmen welcome.

About ten minutes later, hundreds of people received her invitation and went to the palace to attend the banquet.

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