A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 432 I am very disappointed (please order a 10,000-word chapter)

"Hahahaha! She is indeed Zariel, the daughter of war!

No wonder that when you died in the bloody battle, Asmodeus immediately mobilized his army to dig out your soul essence from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

If it were me, I'd probably do the same thing.

Because your desire for war and killing even surpasses the importance of the continuation of your own life, viewing it as a supreme enjoyment.

You are a born warrior!

It is also a certain embodiment of war!

He is also the spokesperson of cruelty and Khorne!

I'm looking forward to your performance in this battle of gods! "

Along with the thunderous roar, the eyes of Tempus, the God of War, burst out with naked and undisguised appreciation.

He could feel that Zariel was completely different from all the other beings who wanted to start a war for ambition or other purposes.

This crazy woman didn't think too much or consider her own interests. She just simply enjoyed the process of war and the joy of winning.

How could such a pure, noble, unadulterated soul not be liked by the God of War?

If the opponent wasn't already a big devil, Tempus would definitely find ways to take him under his command, and even give him a higher status than the goddess of strategy, the Red Knight.

"Hmph! My legion and I will show you what real war is."

Zariel did not lower his attitude at all just because the opponent was a powerful god of war, but instead showed an almost provocative attitude.

After all, her character is like this, even when facing Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, she still looks like this unruly.

When Bayer usurped power and successfully lost his strength and power, the crazy Zariel even led a handful of his remaining subordinates to launch a desperate charge.

And he didn't care about his own life or death at all during the battle, and used extremely contemptuous and sharp language to degrade Bayer into being worthless.

That kind of attitude of being indifferent to life and death and just taking action if you don't accept it is one of the reasons why the latter always remains fearful and jealous of him.

Any sane person has good reason to fear a madman with strong violent tendencies.

In Zarrell's opinion, Bayer's extreme defensive strategy of hiding behind castles and fortresses was not worthy of being called a war. It was simply an insult to the holy bloody war.

But Tempus didn't care about this rude offense. He showed his chaotic nature to his fullest. After a few words of encouragement, he quickly drove his two beloved horses into the air and patrolled the gathering coalition forces.

Although the war has not really started yet, legions composed of petitioners with different camp tendencies are already ready to go.

All that is needed next is for Shar, the goddess of the night, to use her powerful control over the entire shadow plane to open the portal to Cyric's kingdom, the High Throne.

Fortunately, unlike Tempus, who is not doing anything serious, the Red Knight, the goddess of strategy, is fulfilling her duties seriously.

Not only were good and evil, law and chaos quickly separated from each other based on alignment, but they also allowed absolute neutrality to fill the blank space in between.

The Red Knight obviously knows very well that the opposition between chaos and law is more serious than good and evil.

After all, countless good people degenerate into bad people every day in this world, and there is also no shortage of examples of bad people turning into good people after discovering their conscience.

But have you ever seen a funny person from the chaotic camp suddenly transform into someone who strictly abides by the rules and has a rigid personality?

Or just the other way around?

The answer is obviously no.

So the opposition between law and chaos is much higher than the opposition between good and evil.

This is why lawful good and lawful evil people more often than not start fighting when they meet.

Instead, they will try to refute the opponent from philosophical and logical points of view through debate.

Because in their eyes, the other party may just be on the wrong path, or have deviations in their cognition, worldview, and values, but they may still be worth saving.

But if you try it with a funny person from the chaotic camp...

Even people who are not obviously evil, such as chaotic good and chaotic neutral, will be rejected and disgusted by the paladins.

Therefore, the demon army under Zuo Si was not surprisingly placed in the same position as the armies of gods from the lawful evil camp such as Bane, the god of tyranny, and Lavita, the goddess of abuse.

Next to it are the lawful and neutral armies of gods such as the God of Guards Heim, the God of Mage Azuth, the God of Vengeance Howl, the ancient God of Death Yeager, and the new God of Death Klenvor.

The one on the other side of Lawful Neutral is Lawful Good.

It can be seen that the Yin Hong Knight has really put a lot of effort into how to divide the areas.

She uses absolute neutrality to separate lawful chaos, and she uses neutral lawfulness and neutral chaos to separate evil from good.

In this way, the conflicts between adjacent camps will not be so obvious, and there will be no situation where internal strife begins.

After the powerful and medium-power armies participating in the war were assembled, Tempus, the God of War, finally raised the black giant sword in his hand and announced the start of the war to everyone and the gods with an almost roaring voice.

In less than a second, Shar used her evil, deep, claustrophobic, and mysterious dark power to open more than two hundred super-large interdimensional portals in the open space on the edge of the shadow plane.

"What a spectacular sight. I hope Cyric, who claims to be the only true god, will not be scared to death."

Zuo Si pursed his lips and teased in a low voice, then nodded to his Khorne Angel Zariel.

The latter understood it instantly, suddenly started the oil engine and took off into the air, leading the Mechanical Angel Legion to be the first to rush into the nearest portal.

Countless war machines and thirty demon legions followed closely behind.

Since most of the mechanical angels have the ability to fly at high speeds thanks to their jet engines, thousands of them rushed in before the armies of other gods had time to react.

Regarding the declaration of war by the gods, Cyric, who fell into hysteria and madness, undoubtedly already knew about it and was prepared to deal with it.

The moment Zariel appeared, he was immediately faced with the roaring wind, as well as those crazy petitioners who were twisted and strengthened by the dark power.

There is no doubt that after learning that he was about to face the coalition of gods, Cyric moved his kingdom, the High Throne, to the most barren, harsh, and difficult-to-attack plane in the entire multiverse—the Noisy Tunnel.

Because of the plane characteristics here - madness, it can bring additional home blessing.

And since no sane god would choose to settle here except Erysnu who lives in the Killing Fortress, Cyric can gather those crazy petitioners, demons, black dragons, Bodas, Creatures such as Kanoroth, Soul Prisoner, Giant Toad, Mezoros, Nikkaroth, White Dragon, Red Dragon, Storm Giant, Titan, Chaos Beast form an army to serve themselves.

As for the Prince of Lies' own followers, all of them, without exception, were transformed into the terrifying forms needed to cope with the war.

Although some traces of the former humanoid form can still be seen, overall they are not much different from demons, devils or yugoloths from the lower planes.

However, due to the lack of organization and discipline caused by their chaotic nature, these guys tend to pile up in a mess, constantly roaring with anger or madness, and occasionally a small conflict breaks out between each other.

The moment they saw the Mechanical Angel Legion pouring in, they immediately stopped fighting among themselves and rushed forward, howling like mad dogs.

"That's right! That's right! That's it! Come on! Let's fight to our heart's content and drink each other's blood!"

Zariel laughed maniacally and swooped down with the enchanted chainsaw that made a harsh roar, causing a terrifying bloody storm.

The crushing sound of the sharp saws cutting into the skin, muscles, and bones, as well as the splattering of blood, short limbs, and internal organs, instantly made her feel the ultimate pleasure.

Of course, Zariel is not the only commander who enjoys war and killing so much.

Basically, every one of the mechanical angels under his command is like a complete lunatic, enjoying the intense stimulation brought by tearing the enemy into pieces and bathing in sticky plasma.

In just a short while, the one and a half million mechanical angels as the vanguard used their discipline and superb tactical skills to tear a huge gap in the defensive position set up by Cyric.

The thirty demon legions that followed quickly expanded, and under the command of two of the eight demon generals, they quickly expanded their results.

As one of the war machines, the logistics machine supply vehicle built a production base and began to continuously extract energy and materials from this plane to produce artillery shells.

The Shuoyou self-propelled electromagnetic guns were directly arranged on the high ground for quick calibration.

Before the coalition forces who arrived later could realize what this thing was, tens of thousands of stubby cannons were aimed at the enemy's rear and began to bombard them endlessly.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Along with the earth-shaking explosion and the fire that shot up into the sky, hundreds of thousands or millions of enemies disappeared from sight.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand that continuously wiped them off the map.

The originally flat ground was filled with craters from the explosion, and even the roar of the wind, the most famous roar of the noisy tunnel, had been completely suppressed by the explosion at this moment.

Except for those creatures with strong enough vitality and complete immunity to fire damage that could survive, the rest were basically turned into dust by the seemingly endless rounds of bombardment.

By the time Zuo Si also passed through the portal, there was no sign of the enemy anywhere within sight.

Only a few seriously wounded and captured dragons, giants, demons, and a few Titans remained, as well as tens of thousands of cannon fodder petitioners stunned by shelling.

You don't need to ask to know that they are waiting to be either taken back and thrown into shimmering oil to be transformed, or thrown into a torture chamber to extract energy and then transform into the lowest level of lemures.

You must know that the true definition of petitioners is "the collective name for the resurrection form of mortal souls in the outer plane."

It is not the form that many people think is exclusive to the rebirth of god believers after death.

Like the larvae in the bottomless abyss and the soul body in the hell plane, their roots can be regarded as a form of petitioner.

The most important thing is that as the petitioner deeply integrates with the plane, it will eventually lose its original appearance and evolve towards a more advanced direction.

In the abyss, you evolve into a higher-level devil, and in hell, you evolve into a higher-level devil.

In addition, petitioners from the Elysian Realm will be promoted to the Love Thorn Celestial Clan, those from Paradise Mountain will be promoted to the Yakon Celestial Clan, and those from the Sea of ​​Chaos will be promoted to the Phantom Snake...

Nearly every Outer Plane has a path of advancement specifically for these petitioners.

In contrast, petitioners in the mechanical realm are particularly interesting, and their bodies after rebirth will be covered with black text.

If a reforger can read, understand and find the answer, the petitioner will be reforged into a form of construct called the Punisher.

The biggest characteristics of the noisy and empty tunnel petitioners are their skininess and mental and ideological madness.

They feed on the strong winds whizzing past them, wandering around from time to time and doing things related to their lives, until they no longer have a trace of reason and are completely integrated with this crazy plane, transforming into a special kind of evil demon.

Since mortals who are reincarnated as petitioners after death do not retain their memories completely, the memories of these souls exist in scattered fragments.

Even among believers who have entered the kingdom of gods, only a very small number who have made great contributions or are important figures are qualified to fully retain their memories of their lifetimes with the permission of gods.

Another area where it is easier to get into misunderstandings is that, unless permission is granted by the gods, in principle, petitioners will not retain their career level and the knowledge and power they acquired during their lifetime, but will be directly reshaped from the root.

When a petitioner is killed, he disappears permanently.

Its remaining life energy may be sent to the positive energy plane, or it may lead to the birth of another alien creature under the intervention of some unknown force.

In other words, the petitioner itself does not have any power, but needs God to consume the divine power.

Therefore, the essence of the current all-out divine war is to consume each other's divine power until one of them cannot hold on anymore and begins to end personally.

Generally speaking, the one who ends first will have a greater chance of losing.

"My lord, Archduke Zariel led the army to crush the enemy's blockade like a tornado. Now we have a position where we can continuously transport troops over."

A tall Hell Fiend knelt on one knee and reported with joy.

He is none other than Focas, one of the eight demon generals, and the supreme commander of the fifteen demon legions in this operation.

"In that case, let's keep pushing forward. Don't stop until you encounter strong resistance." Zuo Si ordered casually.

Focas nodded quickly: "I just issued such an order.

Although the Noisy Tunnel is a barren and harsh plane, there are not many petitioners and souls here.

As long as we move fast enough, we can penetrate directly into the base camp of Cyric's kingdom and take away all the souls of those crazy believers.

Such a large number of souls can not only squeeze out enough energy, but also hatch millions, tens of millions, billions of additional evil spirits. "

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "You are right.

This is one of the reasons why I signed this contract with the gods.

But I'm curious.

How will Cyric react now when he learns that the legion he finally pulled up to block the coalition's landing was so easily defeated? "

"Ha! He must be hiding in his own castle in a rage of incompetence. The contradictory character created by the mixture of extreme inferiority and extreme arrogance determines that he has no way to become a qualified god."

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Bane, the god of tyranny, descended from the sky, grinning with a mocking smile.

Feeling the strong sense of oppression emanating from this dark monarch, Focas did not dare to show his respect at all, and immediately put his hand on his chest and bowed to show respect.

Because there are really too many similarities between Bane and the Hell Devil.

Although the latter did not establish his own kingdom in the hell plane, some devils still fell at his feet and became his most loyal admirers and believers.

"Your power has become greater than before."

Zuo Si stared at the aura of the God of Tyranny surrounding his body and commented.

As a planeswalker, he was originally particularly sensitive to things like energy.

And divine power happens to be a type of energy.

Ben raised his iron fist with black gloves and said in a cold voice: "This is all thanks to you.

Your redefinition of tyranny and tyrant last time gave me a new breakthrough in my understanding of my own priesthood.

Since tyranny is prevalent in order, is all rule equivalent to tyranny?

I thought about this question for a long time and finally found that the answer is yes.

Not only that!

I also realized that the oppression of the minority by the majority is actually a kind of tyranny.

The more countries and city-states where gods from the good camp brag about the superiority of the referendum electoral system, the more likely it is that the interesting phenomenon of tyranny of the majority will occur.

In the city of Neverwinter, which believes in Tyr, the god of justice, there have been situations where the ruler was forced to compromise with the mob more than once;

Waterdeep, also seen as a place of hope, also appeared;

Even Silvermoon City, ruled by Alustriel, is no exception.

So now every thing and every decision made by all the countries and towns in the entire world of Toril is equivalent to continuously increasing my power. "

“Government itself is the dictatorship of one class over another.

Since it is a dictatorship, there must be some tyranny.

So if nothing else happens, you should become the god that all the ruling classes believe in in the future.

Because no matter how the nobles, merchants and lords who are the ruling class beautify themselves, they will inevitably implement some tyranny to a greater or lesser extent.

And as the god of tyranny, you will continue to gain influence from it.

Compared to this, I am more curious about why the number of troops you brought this time seems a bit small. "

As he said that, Zuo Si turned his attention to the legions wearing black armor who were walking out of the huge interdimensional portal.

Although these soldiers strengthened by the petitioners have reached millions, they are obviously far behind the accumulation of the Dark Lord in the previous thousands of years.

Bann said meaningfully: "The number of troops is not better.

What I have brought this time are the best of the best.

Although there is no way to compare with those demon legions under your command for the time being.

But it can definitely crush the rabble that Cyric put together.

Most importantly, I was planning on getting into the final fight against that idiot, so I wasn't planning on wasting too much energy on all this foreplay. "

"Do you think Cyric would still dare to appear on the battlefield under such circumstances?" Zuo Si was slightly surprised.

"Don't underestimate the madness of that lunatic. If he is pushed into a hurry, God knows what he will do..."

Before Ben could finish his words, a familiar figure fell from the sky instantly, followed by hysterical laughter that echoed in the sky.

"Hahahaha! I have to say, you did a good job, even a little beyond my expectations, bastards!"

Cyric laughed wildly and jeered.

Under the influence of the "Cyric Sutra", he was still so crazy and without a trace of reason. He was completely immersed in the illusion that he was the only true god in the country and could not extricate himself. He did not realize what this divine war meant at all.

But less than a second later, several incarnations of powerful divine power descended from the sky, surrounding this crazy god with abnormal brains.

Since this is a noisy tunnel, Cyric's power is stronger than all other gods with the blessing of the will of the plane, so no god dares to take action easily.

"King of Lies! You have been found guilty in the Council of Gods! Now give up your struggle and follow me back to accept the punishment, and maybe you will get a lighter sentence." Tyr, the God of Justice, scolded sternly.


Who gave you such power!

No! ! ! ! ! !

No one can convict me!

I am the supreme and only true God!

The only thing you false gods should do is crawl at my feet and beg for forgiveness!

And can you defeat me together? "

Speaking of this, Cyric suddenly paused and showed a creepy evil smile.

The next second...

He suddenly raised his hand and released an unknown summoning spell.

Before the magic goddess Midnight had time to react, a huge canine creature appeared out of thin air in front of the coalition of gods.

This guy looks like a grotesque, vicious, huge mastiff with red eyes and a rat tail. The tattered and rotten fur is covered with maggots, crawling along the muscles and bones that are barely covered. Flesh oozes from old wounds like pus.

When its claws step on the ground, it will leave a burning mark, which extends behind it until it converges into a burning pool. Its sharp teeth sparkle under the refraction of dim light, and the outer layer is wrapped with energy similar to divine power.

Ancient evil creature - Chaos Demon Dog Kozif!

All the gods present recognized the true identity of this terrifying creature in an instant.

"Come on, little cutie, look at what a great feast I have prepared for you. The army of petitioners composed of followers of false gods will provide you with endless food. Hahahaha!"

After a piercing scream, Cyric disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif as a troublesome enemy.

The reason I have a headache is because this extremely evil, ferocious, and greedy Chaos Demonic Dog is, to a certain extent, like a god, and is very, very difficult to kill.

Otherwise, Tyr, the God of Justice, would not have allowed Kozev to chew off one of his hands, and would have tried to find ways to completely seal it.

It was precisely that time that his hand was bitten off that gave Tyr the title of the Crippled God.

Some people suspect that the reason why Tyr lost his hand and never grew it back was because the Chaos Demon Dog had the power to truly harm the essence of a god;

Others say that this is the price paid by the God of Justice for not abiding by his agreement.

But no matter what, there is absolutely no doubt that this thing has the ability to hurt or even kill gods.

What's even more terrifying is that Kozev is originally closely bound to the noisy tunnel.

After it is killed elsewhere, it will be reborn in this plane within a few days at most.

This also means that for it, the Noisy Tunnel is its home field in an absolute sense, and it can receive the blessing of a lot of additional power.

"Damn it! This bastard Cyric originally wanted to use the power of ancient evil things to deal with us, so he moved the country to this hellish place."

Musk, the God of Thieves, couldn't help but curse in a low voice, while his eyes were filled with fear.

Because not long ago, his leg was bitten by the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif, so he knew very well what kind of threat this guy would pose to him.

"Kozif! Do you want to join forces with Cyric to make enemies of the gods in the kingdom?" Tyr, the God of Justice, asked loudly.

"Hehehehe! Enemy? No, I just want to have a good meal. Also, how is your right hand?"

The Chaos Demon Dog grinned and let out a low laugh.

It is not difficult to see from its attitude that it is not afraid of these gods present, and is even somewhat eager to taste the divine essence derived from the gods again.

Because Kozev has a special ability, that is, when fighting against gods, he can always discern opportunities and gain the upper hand.

This also means that no matter which god takes the initiative to attack, he will definitely be bitten hard first.

In this regard, Musk, the god of thieves, can be said to have a deep understanding.

He originally wanted to use stealth and sneak attacks to get rid of this ancient evil thing that had been chasing him.

But at the moment when the backstab was activated, the opponent bit him directly on the leg, causing him to let out a heart-rending scream. He has not fully recovered yet.

With several lessons learned from the past, it is obvious that no one among the gods is willing to take action against the Chaos Demon Dog, let alone being bitten in full view of the public.

When Kozev saw this, he immediately let out a burst of mocking laughter, and then rushed to the battlefield and bit him to death first and swallowed the soul of a believer belonging to Musk.

The God of Thieves obviously dares to be angry but dare not speak out. He dare not even express his incompetent rage, for fear that this terrifying chaotic demon dog will rush up and bite him.

Those petitioners who did not know Kozif thought that this strange vicious dog was an enemy summoned by Cyric, and they all raised their weapons and rushed forward to kill him with their numerical advantage.

But they obviously underestimated the power of ancient evil things.

Many magical weapons with high levels of enchantment were unable to cause even a tiny bit of damage to the festering skin and muscles.

Often you will feel a soft feedback like water at the moment of impact, and then it will undergo violent deformation to remove the force.

Only weapons of legendary or even artifact quality can barely do any damage to it.

But the price is that you need to withstand the burning of the hot and hot blood splashed out.

At the same time, when dealing with group battles, the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif will emit a deafening howl, causing fear, confusion and other magical effects to everyone who hears it, including the gods.

Moreover, it is extremely resistant to various magics. Many nine-ring and even legendary magics can only cause less than one-third of the original damage when hit on Koziv.

Even divine attacks can be saved by almost half.

Magic such as poison, immobilization, fear, charm, illusion, psychic energy, instant death and other types of magic are completely ineffective.

Coupled with its own super-fast self-healing ability and the continuous strength enhancement gained after devouring souls, even two or three gods may not be able to stop it.

Seeing that the gods were frightened by the ancient evil and did not dare to step forward, Cyric's arrogant side of his character broke out again, unscrupulously mocking, sarcastically, and satirizing the gods he hated the most.

Even Shar, the goddess of the night, whom she had a brief alliance with, did not spare her, and loudly called her a pretentious and slutty bitch.

The latter's face turned black with anger, and his pupils were flashing with overwhelming anger and malice.

It has to be said that Cyric never disappoints when it comes to killing in silence.

"We must find a way to deal with Kozev! Otherwise, this war will not be able to continue."

Seeing that more and more believers were being devoured and the power of the Chaos Demonic Dogs began to become more and more powerful, Kelanvor was the first to couldn't help but stand up.

As a god of death, one of his duties is to protect the souls of mortals after death, so he is full of hatred and hostility towards ancient evil creatures like Kozif that can permanently destroy souls.

"If I remember correctly, the first generation of Magic Goddess once made a dog-killing sword specifically for Chaos Demon Dogs. If we can find it, we can repel or even kill Koziv under the premise of making certain sacrifices. .”

Ogma, the god of knowledge, provided important information at a critical moment.

"Dog-killing sword?"

Midnight was stunned for a moment, trying to find relevant information from the inherited memory of the gods.

But before she could think of anything, Azuth, the mage god on the side, immediately explained: "That is a powerful weapon shaped with the help of the energy and divine power of the deep magic network.

It can easily pierce Koziv's highly defensive skin and muscles, directly causing damage to the essence of his existence.

Chaos also knows the existence of this sword and is extremely afraid of it.

If he could find it, then there wouldn't even be a need to fight, as long as it was shown to him, Kozev would immediately run away. "

Ogma nodded approvingly: "That's right! As something closely related to the energy of the deep magic network, I think as the mother of magic, you should be able to sense its location easily."

"Wait for me to try..."

Midnight closed her eyes and tried to search for this artifact that was crucial to the alliance of gods through the magic priesthood.

But before she could sense anything, she noticed a huge amount of divine power suddenly pouring out from not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light spurted out directly from the divine impact scepter in Zuo Si's hand, hitting Kozev's head like a hammer.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying power was such that it destroyed everything within several kilometers, leaving only a bottomless pit.

For a moment, all the gods and their legions who saw this scene were stunned, as if they couldn't believe that Zuo Si dared to provoke this troublesome ancient evil.

You must know that Kozev has a very strong sense of revenge.

Whether it was biting off Till's right hand without mercy, or later chasing Musk to break his leg, it was a very intuitive manifestation.

"What is it that makes you stop moving forward and be scared like this by a mere Chaos Demon Dog, Kozif?

Is Kozev really so powerful that so many gods are helpless?

Or is it capable of killing any powerful god?

The answer is neither!

This guy is actually nothing more than a weak divine power that can be reborn infinitely.

As long as you join forces, you can easily kill it a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times!

Instead of allowing a vicious dog to provoke unscrupulously!

To deal with disobedient mad dogs, I always recommend using the most extreme and violent methods to educate them so that they can understand their identity and status.

If killing once is not enough, kill twice; if killing twice is not enough, kill three times, four times, a hundred times, a thousand times...

Until it learns what reverence and obedience are.

But you are lucky enough to be afraid of endless retaliation.

To be honest, this scene made me very disappointed, very, very disappointed. "

Zuo Si fiddled with the divine impact scepter in his hand that had completely exhausted its energy, not hiding the dissatisfaction in his heart at all.

Obviously, in order to severely injure Kozev and inspire the courage of these timid gods, he directly exhausted the power of faith that he had just replenished not long ago.

Just look at the bottomless pit and you will know how powerful this attack is.

Fortunately, the Noisy Tunnel is an outer plane, otherwise if it were placed on the earth, it would be enough to directly penetrate the earth's crust and stage a solo star explosion on the spot.

You must know that among the many ancient evil creatures, the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif is actually the weakest.

Zuo Si dared to bet that any powerful god present would have enough power to kill him several times as long as he was willing to pay a small price.

But after being killed several times, Kozev would not dare to be as arrogant as he is now, or even directly threaten the gods.

But what's the result?

The gods of the world of Toril took the most stupid approach from the beginning, betting, deceiving, and even sacrificing one of Tyr's hands before imprisoning him in the Noisy Tunnel.

And this just gave Kozev the illusion that the gods were afraid of his own power.

As long as it is careful not to be caught, it can attack any lone god unscrupulously and try to kill it.

"You do not understand!

Kozif was one of the ancient immortal evil creatures born from before the dawn of the planet Toril, older than many of the gods.

It is driven by primitive instinctive desires and will continue to hunt souls, no matter how many times it is killed, it will have no meaning. "

Tyr, the God of Justice, frowned and explained.

"Haha, we have to give it a try to find out if it makes sense. At least I don't think blind compromise and concession are the best ways to deal with Kozev."

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his hand and activated several amazingly powerful magic cards, and also activated the Yingqi Orb.


The meteorite rain and comets that covered the sky directly tore the sky and smashed into the huge pit on the ground.

The Chaos Demon Dog managed to climb up with its heavily injured body, only to be slammed back again and howl in pain and anger as it fell.

Obviously, it has not been treated like this since birth.

Even those high-ranking gods before talked to him politely and on an equal footing.

But now suddenly a mortal appeared out of nowhere and dared to attack the great Kozev without saying a word. He was simply impatient to live.

With unparalleled fury, this ancient evil object directly transformed into a ghost form, passed through the huge comet above his head, jumped into the air, and flew towards Zuo Si's position.

Because in this state, it can theoretically accelerate endlessly, and can even easily exceed the speed of sound several times.

Kelanvor had walked for several years, but this guy only spent less than an hour tracking it.

So at this speed, even gods have a hard time reacting in time, let alone mortals.

After Kozev accelerated to the extreme, his whole body was like a stream of light, and he successfully rushed forward in less than 0.01 seconds.

"Soth! Be careful!"

Talona was the first to realize that the situation was not good, and wanted to release her divine power to protect her Plague Son.

The goddess of magic Midnight, the god of tyranny Bane and the god of knowledge Ogma also took action at the same time.

But the problem is, without exception, they are all one step late.

The Chaos Demonic Dog successfully passed through the barrier formed by the divine power by virtue of its speed. It opened its big mouth full of fangs and prepared to spray out the corrosive acid mist first, and then bite the head of the young human in front of it and devour it hidden in the flesh. soul.

Just when it thought it was about to succeed, it suddenly saw a sinister and cold smile appear on the corner of Zuo Si's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a long sword exuding a terrifying aura and dazzling white light appeared out of thin air in the latter's hand.

The next second...

Kozev suddenly felt that the flow of time around him had changed, becoming extremely slow and viscous, as if he had entered some kind of slow motion.

Time magic?

It seemed to understand something, but it could do nothing about it. It could only watch Zuo Si stabbing the terrifying sword into his body cleanly.

The skin and muscles that could resist legendary weapons and even artifacts to a certain extent before seemed to not exist at this moment, being penetrated almost instantly.

The internal organs and bones were experiencing severe pain that they had never experienced before during the violent stirring process.

Kozev wanted to cry out, but found that in this ultra-slow time flow, he couldn't cry out at all, let alone struggle or dodge.

"I think you must be confused now as to why, as an ancient evil being, you are actually affected by time magic, right?"

Zuo Si suddenly pulled out his sword, inserted it into the edge of the Chaos Demon Dog's eye socket in a cruel way, dug out the huge eyeball and its optic nerve bit by bit, and put it into a prepared container.

Immediately afterwards, he dug out the other eyeball and treated it the same way.

Obviously, the severe pain caused by gouging the eyes is much more painful than having the internal organs punctured and smashed.

But unfortunately, Kozev was still unable to scream, and he could no longer even see his surroundings.

After all this was done, Zuo Si continued to calmly dismember the Chaos Demon Dog, randomly taking the parts he was interested in from the other party's body, and at the same time explained with a sneer: "Because this is not time in the ordinary sense at all. Stop, but a special kind of time acceleration.

It does not affect the individual, but the cylindrical space with a radius of ten meters under my feet.

Even the incarnations of the gods are not immune to this effect.

Because from the moment it is launched, you and I are already in another space and universe.

What’s more interesting is that due to the characteristics of ancient evil objects, your current perception, thinking and soul will not be affected, but your body will be locked in place and unable to move.

In other words, during this period of time, no matter what I do to you, you can clearly feel it, but you can't resist.

By the way, the sword in my hand is not a dog-killing sword, but a Chengyang sword.

A god-killing weapon that can directly cause huge damage to the spiritual essence of gods, although it is not yet complete.

But now it seems that it should be quite useful against you.

Next, let me see what is unique about your physical structure.

After all, these are the trump cards I specially prepared for Cyric, you should feel honored..."

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