A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 439 This is really just a coincidence (please order a 10,000-word chapter)

What does it feel like to steal something right under the nose of an extremely ferocious-looking white bear that has apparently killed dozens of bandits?

Just look at the nervous expression on Aimon's face and the uncontrollable trembling of her hands.

If she hadn't been penniless and hungry for several days, during which she only ate half-cooked and unsalted fish once, she would have sworn she would never do such a dangerous and crazy thing.

Because from the horrific wounds on the corpse, we can see how dangerous the white bear lying lazily on the stone was.

Whether it was the places bitten by sharp teeth or the head smashed by claws, which was full of brains, all of them proved its terrifying power.

Imoen didn't think that the small dagger on his waist or the short bow on his back could pose any threat to a beast of this level.

Although she doesn't know why there are white bears that only exist in the polar regions south of Baldur's Gate, which is relatively warm.

Maybe they came from the Yunwu Mountains further south?

From the mouths of Candlekeep visitors, the girl knew that the cloud and mist mountains in Amn have always been home to many creatures that can only be seen in cold areas, such as winter wolves, white dragons, centipede monsters, ice trolls, etc.

At this moment, she was extremely grateful that she had developed good thief skills such as stealth, pickpocketing, sliding doors and locks, as well as very keen senses and reflex nerves.

Otherwise, when you walk over, you will accidentally step on the dry branches and make a sound, eventually exposing yourself to the attack range of a terrible beast.

Of course, even if he successfully approaches the target, Imoen does not dare to relax at all. Every time he touches a corpse, he will raise his head and glance at it.

But soon, the large amount of gold coins and gems obtained by the robbers through robbery dazzled the eyes of this inexperienced girl, making her unknowingly relax her vigilance, and her appetite became bigger and bigger.

She completely forgot that she originally just wanted to steal a few or a dozen gold coins so that after arriving at the Friendly Arms, she could go to the local hotel to have a hot meal, drink two glasses of wine to relax, and get a soft bed. Take a bath in the room and have a good sleep.

After a while, the belt was filled with a large number of heavy money bags.

He even took a piece of good quality +1 enchanted leather armor from an unknown female thief, preparing to replace the leather armor on his body that was sewn together with tattered leather.

After all, Aimeng is just a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old cardamom girl. Like most of her peers, she has a serious lack of self-control, and she also has some rebellious, greedy, and naughty traits in her character.

Although Winthrop, the innkeeper of Candlekeep, had not treated her badly, he did not give her any pocket money.

Now that I suddenly see so much wealth, I naturally want to get as much as possible.

As we all know, tragedy often begins when people cannot restrain their greedy thoughts.

When the pink-haired girl was about to retreat with her money bag hanging all over her body and a piece of leather armor in her hand, she suddenly accidentally stepped on a stone hidden in the dense grass. She suddenly lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground.


Although a thick layer of weeds acts as a buffer and does not make much sound, it is enough to alert animals with keen hearing.

Atio, who was blessed by the power of the beast king, woke up immediately. He looked at Imoen who was lying on the ground with a slightly surprised look and didn't dare to move. He stretched out and jumped from the boulder without haste. Come down.

Although it didn't show any attack posture, it was like sounding the alarm to the other two people.

Aberdare, who was hiding in the woods behind, rushed out immediately and shouted, trying to attract the attention of the white bear so that the girl could have time to escape.

But unfortunately, this trick may work well on ordinary beasts, but it is completely useless against Atio, who has a very high IQ and has been trained by a succubus loli.

The white bear didn't even pay attention to Aberdare at all. Instead, he came closer and sniffed lightly with his wet nose, and then stretched out his tongue to lick the girl's face.

This action instantly frightened Aimeng so much that he almost peed his pants. His muscles all over his body were tense and stiff. He asked in horror, "It...is it trying to taste the taste and texture before eating me?"

"Don't move! Don't move! I think it's not hungry, it's just curious about you. Otherwise, it will attack when it wakes up."

While Aberdare approached cautiously with a weapon in hand, he comforted this playmate who had grown up with him in as gentle a voice as possible.

It may be that he has encountered creatures such as ogres, wolves, and wild apes in recent days, which has made his courage and nerves stronger. Instead of showing any panic, he quickly calmed down and thought about how to get out of the situation. Dangerous situation.

“But I’m so scared!

If this bear suddenly snaps my neck or crushes my head, could you please go to Askatra and ask Thos to help resurrect me?

When he left Candlekeep a few years ago, he promised that no matter what trouble I encounter in the future, I can go to him for help. "

Imoen begged with a sad face, and her voice was obviously trembling.

After all, anyone would feel viscerally frightened if a large, strong white bear licked their face and neck.

Especially the one in front of him had hunted and killed more than thirty bandits who had robbed him on the road.

The bloody and stinky corpse on the ground was enough to prove how ferocious and powerful it was when it was angry.

"Don't worry, I will never let you die." Aberdare assured.

Just as the two were in a confrontation, a piercing scream suddenly broke the calm.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of ape-like creatures that were almost the same size as humans and covered with thick hair rushed out of the dense forest.

With them were a nimble halfling and a human dressed as a wizard.

There is no doubt that the former is the mad ape, a specialty of the forests around Baldur's Gate, a social monster that is extremely aggressive and possesses certain intelligence.

As for individual strength, it is probably about the same as ordinary goblins, maybe slightly stronger.

If you encounter one or two or three or five, adventurers with a little experience or adults with combat training can easily deal with them.

But once it reaches a large scale, it can cause unimaginable damage to villages and small towns with a small population.

And the difference between this thing and goblins is that when they see their companions being killed, instead of running away, they will become more violent, bloodthirsty and cruel because of their anger.

Aberdare: "????"

Imoen: "????"

Atio: "????"

This group of intruders burst in and instantly bewildered two Sons of Baal and a white bear.

But the halfling thief and human mage who were being chased by the mad ape and fled were instantly relieved. The latter immediately shouted for help: "Hey! Can you help me? For the sake of us being adventurers and civilized people, superior!"

"Helping me? Do you think I can move now?"

Imoen rolled his eyes angrily.

"Uh-could it be that the bear is not the druid or ranger's animal companion but a wild one? Then why is it wearing a collar around its neck?"

The man dressed as a mage was stunned for a moment, and his face gradually became ugly.

"You ask me? How could I know! You want to find someone to help, and I also want to find someone to help."

Imoen swallowed nervously, forcing herself to stay calm and not to make any moves that might irritate the giant creature in front of her.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but after the initial panic and nervousness, she suddenly felt that the white bear in front of her had no ill intentions towards her.

"Damn! The situation seems a little more complicated than you think, doesn't it?"

The halfling thief evaded the attacks of the two mad apes and retreated quickly.

The mage gritted his teeth and defended: "You can't blame me. Who would have thought that such an unexpected situation would happen? Look at that white bear, it is definitely capable of killing us all."

"Ha! Why don't you brag about your magic skills at this time? I remember the last time we were drinking, you boasted that you used greasy spells and burning hands to kill a dozen goblins in an instant." The halfling thief sneered. said sarcastically.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Aberdare finally couldn't help but roared: "That's enough! Please take a look at our current situation! If you don't want to die here, you'd better think of a solution quickly."

"A way? What can we do now! The only thing we can do is to pray that the bear will side with us and attack the crazy ape. Otherwise, today next year will be our memorial day!"

While saying these words, the human mage suddenly shot a magic missile from his fingertips through a simple spell, knocking the rushing ape to the ground with a bang.

The half-human thief quickly rushed forward and struck a blow to ensure that he could never get up again.

As the encirclement of the mad ape shrank smaller and smaller, and kept roaring and screaming with its fangs exposed, Atio finally figured out the situation with its not-so-smart little head.

Especially after confirming that the pink-haired girl and the tall human youth were the targets that the owner had asked him to wait for, the white bear cub whose age could not be seen immediately turned around and let out a deafening roar at the group of wild apes. Then it rushed out like a heavy tank.

The next second...


An unlucky guy was knocked out more than ten meters away on the spot, and was hit hard on the branch of a tree. His abdomen was penetrated by the sharp part of the front end, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out with a loud sound, and then he wailed in pain and swallowed his last breath.

Before anyone else could react to what was happening, Atio stood up with the strength of his hind limbs, waving his two bear paws like a god of war and shooting his bow left and right.

Basically, you can smash the head of a mad ape with one slap, or use the sharp claws at the front to open horrific fatal wounds on the chest and abdomen, allowing the intestines, internal organs and the like to flow out.

The scene was once so bloody that Imond, who had never seen such a scene before, lay on the ground and vomited, her eyes filled with excitement and joy of surviving the disaster.

She obviously knew very well that if she had been slapped just now, she would have turned into a lifeless corpse now.

It is a universally recognized truth in nature that the larger the body, the stronger the power. At the same time, a large body also means more tenacious vitality and can withstand more attacks from enemies.

At this moment, Atio fully demonstrated his physical advantage.

You must know that although it is still a cub less than one year old, with the dual blessing of the power of the beast king and the natural power of the legendary druid, it is already three orders of magnitude larger than its counterpart in the far north.

Coupled with the magical transformation, its essence is already an aberration rather than a beast.

So let alone low-level monsters like the Crazy Ape that can only be used as cannon fodder, even if they rush into the dark elves holding adamantine weapons, they can kill seven in and seven out.

Especially the metallic skin hidden under the white fur. Ordinary non-magical weapons would not even leave a mark when struck.

In just a few minutes, most of the dozens of wild apes were dead or injured. The remaining ones finally collapsed and lost their fighting consciousness, and turned around and fled deep into the dense forest.


Atio, whose white hair was stained red with blood, let out a threatening roar in the direction where the mad ape fled, then turned around and jumped into the river nearby to start cleaning the blood.

Although it has not been taken in by Zuo Si for a long time, it has already developed good habits of being clean and hygienic like other pets kept in the Mage Tower.

When I was clean and climbed up to shake off the water drops, I suddenly found that the four people who were there just now had disappeared.


This white bear cub was dumbfounded.

What about trust between humans and bears?

I clearly saved you just now, but this is how you repay me?

Can't this world be more sincere and less clichéd?

Just when it started to feel a little overwhelmed, it suddenly heard the voice of its owner in its head.

"You stupid bear really opened my eyes!

He can't even handle such a small thing!

Forget it, I might as well hope that a sow can climb a tree.

Give me full control of your body, and I'll teach you how to get along with humans. "

After that, Zuo Si ignored Atio's voice to defend himself, and took over the body of the white bear through the control terminal, and quickly reduced the size to a standard that could be regarded as "cute" and "cute".

Because only in this way, they will not be regarded as a threat after entering relatively densely populated villages and towns.

Just the opposite!

Countless furikons will rush up like wolves and tigers to feed or masturbate wildly.

After completing the miniaturization, he immediately used the bear's sense of smell, which is several times more sensitive than that of canines, to quickly locate the scent of Imoen, and chased after him with four short legs.

At the same time, the four people who took the opportunity to run more than a kilometer away were now sitting in the open space some way away from the friendly arm, breathing heavily.

"Fortunately! We finally escaped alive!"

Aberdare lay facelessly on the ground, sticking out his tongue like a dog, trying to quickly cool down his burning lungs after strenuous exercise.

The human mage nodded with deep understanding: "Yes! That white bear is really terrifying!

I suspect it may have been blessed and blessed by the natural spirits of this forest.

By the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Thrall, and the halfling thief over there is my companion, named Montaro. "

"Nice to meet you. My name is Aberdare, and next to me is my friend and playmate Imoen, who I grew up with."

The Son of Baal responded in a very friendly tone.

Maybe it's because they experienced a thrilling escape together, or maybe it's due to the teachings of his adoptive father Gloria, but in short, his upbringing is actually not too bad.

It’s just that many times when you are young and energetic, you are easily overwhelmed by anger and do some impulsive things.

"Hehehehe! You don't have to introduce yourself because we know your name, Son of God."

Montaro, the little thief, let out a laugh that seemed to have a strong nervousness.

"God's son?"

A look of confusion appeared on Aberdare's face.

But just when he was about to ask, Sal immediately interrupted: "Don't worry. This guy Montaro is like a lunatic with abnormal brains. He often makes some weird actions and starts talking from his mouth." There were some incomprehensible words coming out of it.”

"I see. No wonder his laughter is always so charming."

Aberdare nodded slightly to express his understanding.

However, he didn't notice that Thrall glared at his fellow thief with a very hidden look.

After receiving the warning, Montaro did not say anything more, but spread his hands in an innocent manner.

Just when Thrall was about to ask the son of Baal to accompany him, Imoen, who was so tired that he had been rolling his eyes just now, finally recovered and took off the money bags tied to his belt one by one and threw them in the air, cheering excitedly. : "Get rich! Dear Aberdare! We are really going to get rich this time! Look at these gold coins, silver coins and gems. I bet they are worth at least hundreds or even thousands of gold coins together."

"What? Really!"

Aberdare's eyes instantly lit up. He quickly got up, picked up the purse, opened it and checked. He was soon attracted by the golden and silver light. He couldn't help but hug the girl and kissed her hard on the top of her head. , praised without hesitation: "Well done! With this money, we don't have to continue to eat and sleep in the open. When we arrive at the Friendly Arms, we will eat and drink first, and then look at buying some better weapons, Armor, and buy two horses for transportation."

"Yeah, yeah! I need a short sword as a weapon, and a more powerful compound bow. It's best to buy some poison that can be applied to arrows and weapons."

Imoen also expressed his thoughts.

"Potion! Don't forget to buy two bottles of magic potion for healing and other effects." Aberdare quickly added.

The two of them just talked to each other and started to enjoy how they wanted to spend the money, completely unaware that they were now completely exposed to the eyes of many behind-the-scenes bosses.

Among them are Elminster himself who has set off from the Valley of Shadows and is coming, as well as the Harpers Alliance who are closely related to him, and the Zhentarim who are in tit-for-tat opposition to the Harpers Alliance.

To be precise, Montaro and Thrall who are currently in the team are spies sent by the Zhentarim.

They take orders directly from Xi Manmeng, the head of the dark intelligence network.

Zuo Si even controlled the bodies of his animal companions and was standing in the distant woods watching every move of the two Sons of Baal. After a while, he told Atio: "Keep an eye on them. Remember, If you follow me again, I will cut off your two eggs and perform forced sterilization."

With the last word blurted out, he finally handed control of his body back to the white bear cub.

The latter was obviously frightened by the word "egg breaking" and subconsciously covered his crotch with two bear paws. He no longer dared to be distracted at all and stared at the figure in the distance.

After Aberdare, Eamonn and others rested on the spot for half an hour, they quickly set off again and planned to reach Friendly Arm before dark.

After spending several days living in the wild in fear, they longed for a relatively safe and comfortable environment.

But the two sons of Baal did not know that Sarevok had already used the chamber of commerce led by his adoptive father to secretly issue high rewards.

All the towns and villages around Baldur's Gate are filled with bounty hunters looking to make a killing.

One of them, a mage named Tanisin, had received the news in advance and was waiting for the arrival of his prey in the Friendly Arm.

He believed that his own strength was more than enough to deal with two fledgling rookies, and there was absolutely no way he would miss.

Also waiting anxiously at the Friendly Arms for the arrival of the Sons of Baal were Jasira and Khalid.

This half-elf couple has been active in the Northland in recent years, carrying out orders issued by the Harper Alliance, and often breaking out in bloody conflicts with spies and agents of the Zhentarim. They have made great progress in terms of strength and experience.

Especially Jasila, who is now a LV9 druid and LV5 warrior, with a total career level of up to LV14.

This person can definitely be regarded as a well-known figure in the continent of Faerûn.

If she wants, she can establish a small to medium-sized organization at any time by her own strength, and then become the leader of a force.

"Damn it! How many days is it already? Why hasn't Gillian's adopted son arrived yet?"

Jasira's eyes flashed with anger, and she almost crushed the wine glass in her hand.

"Chill...calm down, honey."

Khalid, who had a stuttering problem, rushed to comfort his wife.

"Gen...according to the intelligence received by the organization's spies not long ago, no other corpses were found at the scene of Gillian's murder and in the surrounding woods.

This...this means that he escaped.

As long as...we are asked to wait patiently here, he...he will always come to our door.

It's useless for you to worry now. Why not drink something and take a good rest to recharge your batteries.

Bi...after all, you haven't had a good sleep for several days. "

"Gillian was killed! His adopted son's life and death are unknown! How can you let me sleep?"

Jasira raised her head to reveal a pair of bloodshot eyes.

You must know that when she first learned the news, her first reaction was to be extremely shocked, and she even felt that there was something wrong with the Harper Alliance's intelligence.

Gillian is a very powerful mage and a priest of Ogma, the god of knowledge. When he was young, he often went on missions and went on adventures with Elminster and Kelburn, the chosen ones of the goddess of magic.

When he broke into the sacrificial ceremony to rescue the sons of Baal who were about to be killed, Gillian killed twenty followers of the evil god by himself, and also fought back and forth with several high-level enemy priests. Successfully Valuable time was bought for the Harper's rescue operation.

"I...I can understand your mood. I am also sad to hear the news of Gillian's death, but...but we still shoulder the responsibility of finding and guiding the child. Don't let sadness and hatred blind you. ” Khalid persuaded him earnestly.

Unfortunately, Jasira didn't even listen to half of the words, and quickly left the noisy hall and returned to the guest room to be alone.

Not long after she left, a man dressed as a bard came over and thrust a note into Khalid's hand with a very subtle movement.

The latter knew very well that this was a message sent to him by the Harper Alliance, so he opened it without thinking much and took a look. His face instantly lost color, and he was so panicked that he almost knocked the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

"Is this...is this news true?!"

Khalid opened his mouth wide and asked in an uncertain tone.

The bard nodded solemnly: "It's true, our people have confirmed it.

Just two or three days ago, Zhentil Keep and the current leader of the Zhentarim Order - Fuzor Chambery, led an army of monsters from the Moon Sea, southward along the Dragon Bay and into the Dragon Lake. Several cities on the Dragon Coast launched an attack.

By the time the news came out, the four coastal port cities including Ximen, Taysil, Pros, and Ilip had all fallen.

They are heading inland along the road, apparently intending to conquer the entire West Heartland region.

By the way, Zhentil Keep's stronghold in the Sunset Mountains, the Darkhold, also sent troops. "

"Oh my God! Is Fozor Chamberry crazy? Zhen... Could Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim have just been severely damaged by Cyric and his crazy followers? They Where will the troops and equipment supplies come from?”

Khalid was obviously a little crazy about this sudden bad news. He took off his helmet and pulled his hair vigorously.

After all, the situation in the area around Baldur's Gate is complicated and tense enough right now.

He simply could not imagine how chaotic and dangerous this land would become if Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim came again.

"I don't know whether Fozor Chamberry is crazy or not. Anyway, the merchants and dukes of Baldur's Gate are going crazy, and the top leaders of the organization are also going crazy.

Because once Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim take control of West Heartland, Baldur's Gate will be completely blocked from both land and sea.

They would either fall to the Nelanthel Islands and become their subordinates and give up land trade, or surrender to the feet of Bane, the god of tyranny, to preserve land trade. It would be impossible for them to continue to remain independent. "

When saying these words, the bard who came to deliver the information revealed a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Then the Kingdom of Cormyr on the other side of Long Lake, could it be that they just watched Fu Zouer Chanberry launch a large-scale invasion without taking any action?" Khalid asked with some unwillingness to give up.

In the eyes of many people from the good camp in Faerûn, Cormyr, the earliest human kingdom established, has always upheld a style of fairness, justice and lawful goodness.

In the year when Zuo Sigang crossed over, it was the current king of Cormyr, Asan IV, who led an army to expedition to Leatherman, defeated the army of nomads who rushed out from the endless wilderness in the far east, and killed them on the battlefield. The enemy's supreme commander.

That's why Khalid believes that the Kingdom of Cormyr should never sit back and watch a large-scale military invasion and conquest like Zhentil Fort.

The bard smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't mention it.

The Kingdom of Cormyr now has too much time to take care of itself, and it still has the energy to take care of things outside its borders.

Due to unknown reasons, a large amount of cheap grain flowing out from neighboring Sambia is frantically impacting the grain market in Cormyr.

Countless farmers found that not only were they unable to earn even a copper penny in profit from the crops they grew, such as wheat, barley, oats, and other beans, but they also had to lose money.

Many homesteaders who borrowed money to plant seeds and wait for the autumn harvest to repay their debts have now gone bankrupt. The number is enough to affect the stability of Cormyr's social structure.

In addition, this situation also brought about a series of chain reactions, and the nobles who also suffered huge losses were quarreling in order to make up for the losses.

What is even more frightening is that some Sambian businessmen have begun to infiltrate the Kingdom of Cormyr, and the lunatics of the Dragon Worship Cult are also showing signs of recovery and are frequently active around some cities.

Goblins, bandits, and orcs who originally hid in the mountains and dense forests also appeared and wreaked havoc near the main roads.

So don’t expect that the Kingdom of Cormyr will stand up for justice this time. "

"This... this is really extremely bad news. At the moment, we can only hope... hope that the Dukes of Baldur's Gate can temporarily put aside their internal disputes and join forces to fight against the large-scale invasion of Zhentil Keep. "

Khalid picked up the cup and raised his head to drink the amber liquid inside, a bitter smile appeared on his rather handsome face.

You don't need to ask to know that the civil strife that broke out in the Kingdom of Cormyr this time is actually an economic war launched by Zuo Si and the Amn government in Sambia, which can also be called a food war.

However, compared with the Sambian oligopoly ruling class that can completely ignore the life and death of serfs, and even directly turn them into slaves for trading to make profits, the royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Cormyr are relatively conscientious and will not let these Bankrupt farmers were reduced to starving to death or selling their children.

But precisely because of this, they will bear a heavy financial burden, instead of traveling lightly like the Sambian government.

no way!

No matter what kind of world we are in, being a good person often requires paying a more painful price than being a bad person.

What's more, most of the world's rulers seriously lack research and understanding of the laws of economic operation, and have almost zero defense capabilities against many insidious tricks.

The most outrageous and magical thing is that in Sambia, which is currently suffering the serious consequences of the collapse of food prices, the nobles and wealthy businessmen not only did not suffer any losses, but instead opened their bloody mouths to wildly devour the wealth that bankrupt civilians had finally accumulated. , one by one is full of fat.

Bernard, who was involved in grain dumping, also became a guest at high-class banquets and dances.

He even became famous as a "good person" because he distributed free hot porridge made from livestock feed such as cracked corn, barley, oats, and beans to the poor who could not afford to eat every day.

It makes you bankrupt, but you still have to kneel on the ground and cry loudly to say thank you.

Bernard has undoubtedly learned the essence of monopoly and capital operation from Zuo Si, and is enjoying the sense of accomplishment of completely destroying a country through money and trade, and then controlling it.

In the eyes of this young businessman, the profit-seeking Sambian ruling class is like fattened pigs, and he thinks he has made unimaginable profits from it.

Little did they know, they had already put the noose around their necks with their own hands.

Now as long as the inflow of cheap grains stops in a few months and starts to use the money on hand to purchase grains at high prices, then the entire Sambia will instantly fall into an unprecedented famine, and the Kingdom of Cormyr next door will also suffer along with it.

Zuo Si probably never would have thought that the agreement he had reached with the six-person council would actually play an unexpected additional role at this time.

It is estimated that if someone finds out in the future, it will become one of the ironclad evidences of his cunning and cunning.

Even if you explain that this is really just a coincidence, no one will believe it.

Otherwise, with the Kingdom of Cormyr blocking the way, it would not be easy for the monster army recruited by Fuzor Chamberry to invade on such a large scale.

Even if they could successfully land and occupy coastal port cities through sneak attacks, they would still have to leave a considerable number of troops to guard the rear to prevent Assan IV from directly leading his troops across the strait to stab him in the anus.

But now, the Tyrant of the Moon Sea does not have to worry about being attacked from the rear, and can send out all the troops to advance quickly.

Because he has learned through the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network that the Kingdom of Cormyr currently does not have enough financial resources to support a war.

Especially the famous War Mage Legion, which is simply a huge money-burning machine.

Every time they are dispatched, everyone from the king to the noble council feels pain.

Often the materials consumed by a large-scale joint casting can consume one-fifth or more of the country's tax revenue.

Not to mention the staggering cost of maintaining this mage army, as well as the sky-high additional compensation that needs to be paid when dispatched.

At this moment, Fuzor Chamberry was standing on the city wall of Ivanso, condescendingly watching this legion composed of humans, orcs, hobgoblins, ogres, giants and various monsters escorting the defeated people. The prisoners were put into prison, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

"Not bad! Another clean conquest. The great Bane will be happy with it."


Not only would the god of tyranny be happy about this, but Soth would also be happy about it.

Because it won't take long for him to become the legal ruler of West Heartland and Dragon Coast with the support of these stupid people who know nothing about the truth.

Compared with simple and crude conquest and enslavement, this is a truly brilliant method. "

Ximanmeng pursed his lips and said meaningfully.

Since he had a new backstage and a backer, he has returned to his previous calm, rational and elegant appearance.

And not long ago, he had just passed an evil magic ritual to promote himself to a more advanced vampire form.

Now even if exposed to the sun, it will not be instantly destroyed like ordinary vampires, but will only feel a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, the Church of the Dark Lord will take root in this land and gain the faith and awe of countless mortals. This is enough."

Fzoll Chamberry deliberately pretended to be indifferent.

But in his heart, he had already developed a very strong jealousy towards Zuo Si.

Especially the [Tyrant Scepter] he holds in his hand, which can make people obey absolutely, is the artifact he desires most.

It's a pity that this elector of Benn is very clear that in the mind of the god he serves, his status and importance are far inferior to that of the other party.

If you look for trouble and cause trouble at this time, there is a high probability that you will be dealt with like your friend Manson, or you will lose control of Zhentil Castle and the church.

As a god of tyranny who emphasizes obedience and lawfulness, what Bane hates most is believers and followers going against their own will.

"Oh - really? It seems that your mind and tolerance are much broader than I imagined."

Xi Manmeng bent down and bowed with an almost exaggerated movement.

But in the ears of Fu Zuoer Qianberry, this sentence was quite harsh, more like a mockery.

After all, anyone who has had contact with this guy knows how arbitrary, bossy, and narrow-minded he is.

But the Tyrant of the Moon Sea did not become angry because of this. Instead, he smiled and asked with interest: "If I remember correctly, you seem to be paying attention to the descendants of Baal, the God of Murder recently, right?"

Simon nodded slightly: "That's right. Whether it's Aberdare, whose adoptive father has just died, or Sarevok, who has secretly gathered a large number of forces and is ambitious to start a war to inherit his father's inheritance. , all within the scope of my observation.”

"Sarovok? I think I've heard of this name!"

Fuzor Chambery stroked the beard on his chin and fell into deep thought.

"He is the adopted son of Rita, the leader of the Iron Throne Chamber of Commerce. He has activated the divinity in his body through some cruel and bloody killings and sacrifice rituals, and even has his own followers.

Even if you meet Sarevok, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get any benefits.

In addition, if nothing else happens, he will most likely replace Duke Iltan and lead the Baldur's Gate army to fight you.

Because killing, especially death related to violence, can best inspire and strengthen the divine power and divinity of Baal, the god of murder.

If I were Sarevok, I would never let go of such a golden opportunity.

After all, Waterdeep in the north is too powerful for Baldur's Gate, and it is definitely unwise to launch a war against it.

As for Amn in the south, Thos is in charge. Sarevok would never provoke such a powerful enemy as long as he had some sense and was not crazy.

So we are the most suitable opponent for him. "

Xi Manmeng is worthy of being the person in charge of the dark intelligence network. He easily told the development direction of the entire incident that originally seemed very complicated but was actually extremely simple.

Fuzoul Chanbury was obviously also a good player in conspiracy. He immediately noticed something from these words. He raised his head and asked in an uncertain tone: "Do you think Soss asked me to launch an invasion at this time? Have you discovered this son of Baal named Sarevok a long time ago, so you plan to kill two birds with one stone?"

Ximanmeng grinned and replied: "Ah! Did you finally notice it?

In my opinion, whether it is letting you lead the army of Zhentil Keep to launch a full-scale invasion, or using Sarevok to continue to weaken the political and military power of Baldur's Gate, or the trade alliance that is in full swing to recruit members.

Essentially, they are all part of Lord Soth's huge and meticulous plan.

In addition, he also placed two key pieces in some unknown places.

After this war is over, the west coast, which occupies one-fifth or more of Faerûn, will completely become the property of Lord Soth.

Perhaps behind this, he also hid some other more hidden purposes.

So I sincerely suggest that you should not engage in those little tricks, otherwise the consequences may be very serious.

in addition--

My dear mentor Manson is here.

He must be here to find you..."

After hearing the last two sentences, Fuzoul Chanbury's face suddenly became a little ugly, and he turned his head with a very stiff movement. Sure enough, he saw the last surviving Manson clone flying towards him from a distance with a red face. Without saying a word, he gave him a warm hug, and one of his hands suddenly grabbed his butt from behind.

Xi Manmeng bowed gracefully, with a joking smile on his face, and quickly turned around and left without even stopping for a second.

Because he knew that some eye-catching scenes might happen next.

In order to prevent Fuzoul Chamberry from becoming angry, it would be better to avoid it a little.

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