A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 445 Ideal and Reality (a big chapter of 10,000 words, there was a sudden power outage for mo

"So...you are going to rule this country as the King of Amn?"

After leaving the administrative area, Feide, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't help but ask.

As a "minion" who entered the council for the first time and watched the whole process, she couldn't believe that she would hear such exciting news.

I even saw with my own eyes that the person representing the top brass of the Shadow Thieves was overwhelmed and then kicked out like a lost dog.

At this moment, the demon elf assassin finally understood how strong the young human in front of him, who always maintained a gentle smile, was in his heart.

Especially when he releases that kind of terrifying momentum, he is simply an out-and-out tyrant, and he will never allow anyone to defy his will, otherwise he will suffer immediate disaster.

"why not?"

Zuo Si casually threw a copper plate to the hawker at the roadside stall to buy it, then took a few oranges from the other person's hand, and gave half of them to the demon elves behind him, and continued to wander in the bustling market without any headaches. He asked without replying: "What do you think of the gold coin capital at our feet now?"

“Uh… I think it’s pretty good.

At least it's better than when I first came here when there were ragged children everywhere.

Nowadays most of the poor and common people can find jobs and put food on the table.

Especially in the past two years, the city hall has ordered rectification of the slums and dock areas.

Many residents who used to live on the streets or in dilapidated shanties now have houses that can protect them from wind and rain, as well as relatively clean drinking water.

I believe that many ordinary people, like me, can feel that Askatra is getting better and better. "

When saying these words, Feide had a hint of emotion in his tone.

At least of all the large towns she had seen during her years as a slave on the run, none could compare to what Askatra is today.

Even the poor at the bottom of society have a light called "hope" shining in their eyes, instead of being cold and numb like other cities, like walking zombies who have long since lost their souls.

Because of this, the demon elf assassin did not choose to leave even after being wanted by the Shadow Thieves Guild. Instead, he wanted to live here forever until the end of his life.

"Then do you know how these policies and the current economic prosperity came about?"

Zuo Si peeled open an orange, put one segment into his mouth, savored the sour and sweet taste, and continued to ask with a smile.

Feide was stunned for a moment, then asked in an uncertain tone: "Because of you?"

Zuo Si nodded unceremoniously: "Yes, it's because of me.

Otherwise, do you think the powerful families that control Ascaltra would suddenly become so kind-hearted overnight?

I am the one who provides this city with more, better and cheaper products.

It was also me who stabilized the relationship with the local indigenous people of the Maztec continent, avoiding possible contradictions and conflicts between the two parties, and causing the trade volume between the two parties to increase year by year.

This indirectly led to a large number of workshops springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and began to absorb a large number of laborers, providing people at the bottom of society with job opportunities that could support their families.

The most important thing is that the goblin slaves I raised took care of all the dirty, tiring and extremely dangerous work at an extremely low price.

This also means that the original exploitation of civilians and poor people by the nobles and wealthy businessmen has been transferred to a certain extent.

After all, exploiting humans, elves, dwarves, dwarfs, and halflings, races that are generally considered to be advanced intelligent creatures, has to bear pressure from many aspects, including public opinion.

But goblins are different.

Even in academia, there are many scholars who believe that they should not be classified as intelligent creatures, and are not even as intelligent and social as magical creatures such as winter wolves and wargs.

So as long as they are not deliberately mistreating, torturing, or depriving them of food, no one will care about their life or death.

In addition, I have very strict control over goblin slaves and do not allow them to enter the fields of agriculture, handicrafts, and service industries. I deliberately create an environment where labor is scarce today, forcing merchants to increase their wages.

Hence all the scenes you see.

Why do you think the Council spends a lot of tax money to renovate slums, dock areas, and bridge areas where poor people gather, build spacious and bright buildings for them, and even introduce clean domestic water?

This was due to the boom in trade attracting a large number of merchants from outside the city, which caused the price of land in the city to soar, so that even the dirty and messy areas that they had previously looked down upon began to become profitable, and the profits were astonishing.

And I just happen to be able to provide a cheap building material that can build buildings with several or even more than ten floors, and use very little land to house a lot of civilians.

Guess who’s pockets ended up with the land that was left vacant after the renovation, and the money from selling it?

Compared to the few families that control the council, I have the ability, strength, and willingness to make this city and even the entire country better.

In this case, why can't I be the King of Amn?

Do you think that ordinary people really care who rules this country and what kind of political system it adopts? "

Fede quickly shook his head: "No, of course they don't care. As far as I know, most ordinary people only care about how much money they can earn, and whether there is too much bread, butter, cheese, eggs and sausages on the table. ”

"Ha ha ha ha!

See, that's the problem.

Most people do not care about politics and do not have the ability to participate in politics.

Therefore, the legitimacy of rule does not come from family, bloodline, and inheritance as many traditional land aristocrats preach.

Rather, it comes from whether the ruler or the ruling class can provide the people with a fair and stable social environment, a good life, and sufficient protection against the invasion of various monsters and foreign enemies.

As far as I know, in many villages near remote mountainous areas and wastelands, local residents would rather swear allegiance to the giant dragons nesting nearby than to swear allegiance to human nobles.

Do you know why? "

When raising this question, Zuo Si put a joking smile on his face and threw the orange peel in his hand into the trash can not far away.


The demon elf assassin asked back with a puzzled look.

Zuo Si replied meaningfully: "Because compared to those dragons who are only interested in gold, silver and gems and occasionally ask for some labor, the greedy noble lords will even take away the rations they depend on for survival.

In addition, after swearing allegiance to the dragon, your safety is guaranteed, and you don't have to worry too much about being invaded by monsters and wild beasts.

Especially under the rule of dragons who are not so evil, cruel, and tyrannical, the villagers in many villages live a very wealthy and stable life.

This just proves my point about the legitimacy of rule.

Since people don't mind letting a dragon with destructive power rule them, how can they take the so-called noble blood as the same thing.

What's more, I'm playing this game of power according to the rules.

Through Vera's efforts, I have obtained crucial military power.

The next thing to do is to reorganize a powerful army and watch Baldur's Gate completely defeated and fallen, and the entire Sword Coast is shrouded in the shadow of Zhentil Keep's army.

When everyone felt fear and despair, I stood up as a savior to crush this huge shadow and became a hero in everyone's eyes who could turn the tide.

Finally, he was crowned king with the cheers and support of the people, ruling all the lands south of Baldur's Gate to the borders of Amn.

Complying with public opinion is the most correct way to obtain power in the process of human beings moving from wilderness to civilization. "

"What about the nobles and wealthy businessmen like Amn who monopolize wealth and power? What will happen to them in the future?"

Feide's eyes flashed with intense curiosity.

“If they are smart enough and obey the new laws and rules honestly, they will only be suppressed and restricted to a certain extent at most.

I don't do anything too extreme.

After all, a prosperous country needs businessmen and even more capital accumulation.

But if there is anyone who doesn’t know what to do and wants to challenge my political skills...

I don't mind letting them completely withdraw from the stage of history first, and do it in a way that is reviled and infamous by thousands of people.

By the way, why don't you eat oranges?

Is it because you don't like it? "

Zuo Si stopped and glanced with interest at the fruit that the demon elf assassin had been holding in his arms for a long time.

Feide smiled and shrugged his shoulders and explained: "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I'm not used to eating in such a crowded place.

On the one hand, this will interfere with my reaction and judgment;

On the other hand, the smell of orange peel after being peeled is too strong, and it can easily leave a smell on the body, which is not conducive to sneaking and escaping.

On the other hand, you seem to be relaxed no matter what you do, which is really a bit strange.

As far as I know, you should also have many enemies, right?

Why can I shop and eat so casually on the street, as if I don't have any fear of being suddenly attacked? "

Zuo Si replied casually: "Because all my enemies know very well that attacks and assassinations in the ordinary sense have no effect on me.

Not to mention how low the success rate is and the serious consequences it may cause.

Even if the assassination is successful by luck, do you think I haven't prepared some means to divert fatal damage and revive?

What's more, have you ever seen legendary spellcasters such as Elminster, Kelben, Simbu, Alustriel, and Lezhastan being attacked frequently?

High-level spellcasters are not professions such as warriors and thieves who do not master magical power. It is not easy to kill them.

So I never worried about being attacked or assassinated.

Because my enemies would never do something so stupid.

If anyone does it, he does not deserve to be my enemy. "

"Why do I sense from your words a kind of naked discrimination against warriors, thieves, assassins and other professions?"

Feder raised his head suddenly, with a suspicious expression on his face.

"You're too sensitive. I'm just stating the facts. It's far from being discrimination." Zuo Si responded with a sneer.

If he really wants to engage in professional discrimination, he can tell a dozen different jokes in a row to describe the miserable conditions of warriors, thieves, and assassins.

Putting aside everything else, just being able to master the ability to fly is enough to widen the gap between spell casters and non-spell casters.

Take the famous "Tarrasque Behemoth" as an example.

If ordinary melee professions want to defeat this kind of monster with a huge size, a solid shell, a terrifying regeneration ability, a vitality comparable to the legendary Dragon King, and a lot of immunity characteristics, and can only be killed by wishing or miracles, at least It requires a very high professional level or even crossing the legendary threshold to do it.

But for a spellcaster who has the ability to fly, he only needs to stand outside the attack range above its head, and then bombard it with spells unscrupulously.

After all, the Tarrasque can't fly.

Apart from passive beatings and incompetent rage, there was no way to fight back.

It is said that arcanists in the Netheril era often went to find this giant beast, bombed it into a half-dead coma, and then calmly descended to disembowel it and extract the spellcasting materials they needed.

Later, after the wish and miracle spells were invented, the high-level mages even reached a private agreement that no one would be allowed to kill the Tarrasque beast.

A secret supervision and protection organization was even established privately.

Prevent this "baby" that can provide unlimited amounts of precious spellcasting materials from being killed by ignorant fools.

For a long time, the Tarrasque was basically a living material extraction machine, and it couldn't be more miserable.

And because it has the properties of immortality and infinite regeneration, no matter how many kidneys, hearts, stomach pouches, eyeballs are removed, how many times the skin is peeled off, and how many times the bones are removed, it can eventually recover as before.

Thanks to its only three points of intelligence, it is basically a super giant magical beast that moves on instinct.

Otherwise, we must launch an "Animal Lives Matter" movement to severely accuse those greedy and evil mages for their inhumane behavior towards us.

High-level elf magic archers who also have the ability to fly can even use kite flying tactics to walk the Tarrasque beast to death.

Zuo Si had a lot of precious materials on hand, which he had stripped from this magical beast by asking his follower, Storm Archer Lantis, to attack from time to time.

So far, there are almost a hundred complete skeleton structures alone.

Especially the mechanical Tarrasque behemoth made from these skeletons, flesh, viscera and shining oil, it is simply an out-and-out war machine.

Although its size is not as terrifying as the completed Earthshaker, its combat power is not weak at all.

In terms of flexibility, speed and nearly unlimited regeneration ability, it is unmatched by the Earthshaking Elephant.

Now Storm Archer Lantis is following behind the Tarrasque beast.

As soon as it recovers from the near-death coma, the former will immediately appear and press it to the ground with a blaster, twitching and peeling off the skin, knocking the bones and sucking the marrow, and repeat until it has accumulated an army of mechanical behemoths.

Of course, Zuo Si didn't care at all about the tragic current situation of the Tarrasque beast.

What he was thinking about at the moment was how to use the Chaos Demon Dog-Kozev, which was broken into parts and sealed in a container.

Obviously, it is definitely unrealistic to complete Shuoyou just by relying on his current ability.

Maybe you can try it after the shimmering oil that combines divine power and divine blood in Zariel's body evolves.

In this way, the two of them walked along the noisy streets and markets of Ascatra, one after another, and arrived at the dock area.

Since this is the headquarters of the Shadow Thieves Guild, it is also the place where the situation is the most bizarre and dangerous, so Feide immediately became cautious and vigilant after arriving, and was even reluctant to speak for fear of being recognized by the thieves scattered all over the streets.

After passing the tall building of the Shadow Thieves Guild headquarters, she finally couldn't help but ask, "Where are you taking me?"

"A place where you can know the truth. Don't ask so many questions, just come with me."

Zuo Si blinked his eyes pretending to be mysterious and walked straight towards the building opposite the "Gift of the Sea" pub.

He didn't know if it was because of some bad taste, but he found that he seemed to like being "The Riddler" more and more.

Often only half-talk, or reveal a small amount of specious information, and then let the other person guess.

It's so interesting to watch others jump in a hurry but have no idea what to do.

Zuo Si also felt that with his current bad character, if he lost all his abilities and returned to his original world to be an ordinary person, he would be beaten to death in minutes.


Fede grew up in the Shadow Thieves Guild and knew how to restrain his curiosity to prevent death.

She did not ask further questions, but followed him silently to the door of a mansion.

I saw Zuo Si walking up and saying something to a man who looked like a guard at the door. The latter's eyes widened instantly, and an expression of shock and disbelief suddenly appeared on his entire face uncontrollably.

As an observant assassin, Fede could clearly detect that in an instant, this guy's hand was on the hilt of the sword, as if he wanted to make an attack.

But in less than a second, he stopped all movements and stood motionless with dull eyes.

"Come on, we can go in now."

Zuo Si turned around and waved as if nothing was wrong.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be treated like an intruder as soon as I walk in."

Feide finally figured out that the poor guard had been charmed and controlled by some kind of spiritual magic.

"Don't worry, even if I am regarded as an intruder, I can easily handle everything. What's more, we are not here to cause trouble this time, but to make a deal."

After that, Zuo Si pushed open the closed door and walked in.

The demon elf assassin obviously hesitated, but still followed closely.

However, she did not close the door. Instead, she pulled the latch all the way back so that she could rush out of the house immediately when she turned to run away.

Facts have proved that Feder's caution is very necessary.

Just as he entered the spacious hall of the building, several fully armed men emerged from the darkness. Some were holding swords, some had their bowstrings drawn, and some had a halo of arcane magic shining on their fingertips. Two intruders are too welcome.

The leading man asked in a very stern tone: "Who are you? Why did you force your way into our territory? What organization and force were you instructed by? Also, what happened to the people you guarded at the door?"

Faced with this menacing look, Zuo Si immediately made a calming gesture and responded directly: "As for the harpist at the door, don't worry, he is only temporarily controlled by magic.

As for who I am and what my purpose is, you don’t deserve to know.

If I guessed correctly, Elminster should be in this base now, right?

Go tell him to come out and see me. "

"Damn it! This guy is here for Elminster!"

The face of an elf holding a bow and arrow suddenly changed, and he shot the arrow in his hand without hesitation.


With the sound of breaking the air, the sharp enchanted arrow flew straight towards Zuo Si's face.

It is not difficult to tell from the fleeting green light that this is either a strong acid arrow or a poison-quenched arrow.

As senior members of the Harper Alliance, they have the support of the entire Church of the Goddess of Magic, so they do not lack magic equipment like ordinary adventurers.

Quite the opposite!

Even the most lowly Harper carries at least one or two magic items worth thousands of gold coins.

This is why they can always defeat the strong with the weak and the many with the few.

But unfortunately, the threat of arrows to Zuo Si can be said to be negligible.

He didn't even use any magic, but directly relied on the reaction speed brought by his super high agility attribute to grab the arrow in his hand.

At this moment, the sharp arrow tip was less than one centimeter away from the right eyeball.

If he had just slowed down a little bit, the arrow might have been inserted directly into the brain along the eye socket.

Based on this alone, it is not difficult to see that the professional level of the archer will never be lower than LV14, and the bow used is at least a high-end item with an enchantment level of +3.

Otherwise, even the deflection force field surrounding the body cannot be penetrated.

Zuo Si threw the enchanted arrow on the ground like trash, and glanced at these guys wearing the Harper Master badge with cold eyes.

"For the sake of Elminster, I forgive you for this offense. But if there is another time, I guarantee that everyone who takes action will die miserably."

"Are you threatening us?"

A human male wearing enchanted armor suddenly became very angry and displayed unusual aggression.

Another half-elf woman next to him grabbed his arm and reminded: "Calm down! Geoffrey! He seems to know Elminster! And didn't you see that he caught the arrow shot by Orvis with his bare hands? Arrow?"

"So what? We are the Harpers! We represent justice! If you are afraid, just stay here and don't move! I am not afraid of anything! Because justice will prevail!"

As he spoke, the man known as "Gaffrey" drew his sword and charged forward like an enraged bull.

And his move also forced the other Harpers to take an aggressive stance.

But just when the two mages started chanting spells, they suddenly felt that the energy they had finally gathered became extremely chaotic and unstable under the control of some invisible force.

Before they could realize what was happening, a terrible explosion occurred as expected.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Along with the dazzling blue fire, terrifying energy spurted out from the magic network and quickly swept across a radius of ten or twenty meters.

Although the power was not great, it caused several people to be seriously injured in an instant. They flew two or three meters sideways, hit the wall or ceiling, and then sprayed black and red plasma from their mouths with a whoosh.

There were also some unlucky ones whose skin on their faces and hands showed large patches of horrifying burnt black.

As for Geoffrey, who rushed forward, he was first pushed to the ground by a big slam, and then a foot severely stepped on his right hand, making a cracking sound of broken bones.


The man couldn't help but scream in agony, and he could no longer maintain his grip.

"Do you know what kind of people I hate the most?"

Zuo Si pulled this brainless idiot up from the ground by his collar, and raised his arm wearing the [Tyrant's Iron Fist].

"You...you can't kill me! Otherwise Elminster will not let you go!"

Faced with the threat of death, Geoffrey, who had been brave just now, finally showed his cowardly side.

"Haha, you seem to have made a mistake. Between Elminster and I, I am not the weak one. And I hate fools who overestimate their abilities the most."

As he spoke, the muscles in Zuo Si's entire arm began to tighten, and magical energy and oxygen quickly poured into the cells, accumulating terrifying power in the blink of an eye.

It may be that the sound of the magic explosion just now alarmed the second floor. Elminster and several others finally appeared at the top of the stairs.

Seeing the mess around him, he immediately shouted at the top of his lungs: "Wait! Stop and listen to me! This is a misunderstanding! They didn't recognize you..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Zuo Si punched him.


An afterimage that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye flashed past.

Immediately afterwards, Geoffrey's whole body flew backwards like a cannonball, and his head exploded with a bang in mid-air like a watermelon squeezed by an external force.

Pink plasma and white brains spattered in all directions, and a lot of it even landed on Elminster's body and face.

In the end, the headless corpse passed him by, crashed into the white marble wall with a bang, and turned into a puddle of meat paste that could not be distinguished from the human form.

There is no doubt that there is no skill in this blow, it is the purest and most brutal violence.

With Zuo Si's current strength attribute, coupled with the [Tyrant's Iron Fist], all attacks will automatically reach the maximum limit.

Let alone a mere human being, even if a giant came and got punched, he would probably die on the spot.

Similarly, he also realized why Bane, the god of tyranny, liked to hit people with iron fists so much.

Different from using magic to kill the target or using a sword to cut the opponent into pieces, this method of attack can stimulate the subconscious desire and catharsis for violence.

To put it simply, it is more refreshing and can bring strong sensory stimulation.

After casting a cleaning spell to clean away the blood and minced meat on his gloves, Zuo Si deliberately pretended to be embarrassed and responded: "Sorry, you spoke too late.

And I have clearly issued a warning before, but some idiot still wants to seek death, so there is no way.

In addition, it would be a good thing for the Harper Alliance for a guy like this who can't distinguish the situation to die early.

Otherwise, if he offends the wrong person, all the Harpers in this secret base may be buried with him.

After all, there are not many people in the world who are as reasonable and clear-minded as I am.

As a final reminder, you'd better make more portraits of me and my important men, and clearly tell everyone in the Harper Alliance who I am, to prevent similar situations from happening again. "

"you you……"

Elminster was shaking with anger, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, in this conflict it was indeed the Harper who made the first move, and then the other party was "forced" to counterattack in self-defense.

Especially Geoffrey, who was beaten into a pulp. From the first day he met him, he could sense that there was something wrong with this guy's psychology and behavior.

But considering that the other party had worked hard in Amn for so many years and had no credit but hard work, he did not point it out immediately.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Geoffrey would be killed by his arrogant, arrogant character who always thought he represented justice.

What makes Elminster even more anxious is that people like Gaffrey are not special cases in the Harper Alliance, but a common phenomenon.

Maybe it won't be a big problem when dealing with the Zhentarim. The opponent is not a good person anyway, so it's okay to use more drastic methods.

But now when dealing with Zuo Si, these reckless and impulsive members are obviously more like unstable bombs.

Not only is it unable to pose a threat to the opponent, but it may actually make the Harper Alliance, which already has a bad reputation in Amn, Tethyr, and Kalimshan, become even more disreputable among the people.

You must know that the most important reason why the Harpers are so successful in the North is that they are recognized by the general public and feel that they are an organization that represents kindness and justice.

When faced with difficulties, many civilians are willing to help.

"Elminster! Who is he?"

The elf shooter named Orvis struggled to get up from the ground, with a look of horror on his face.

This was the first time he saw someone dare to smash a master harpist into a pulp with his fist in front of the great sage of Shadow Valley without mercy.

The terrifying power displayed at that moment even made him think that the intruder must have been transformed into a dragon or some other giant magical creature.

"He is Soth, the only chosen person of the new generation of Magic Goddess, and also the new enemy I mentioned to you before." Elminster replied with a gloomy face.

"What? He is Soth!"

Ovis's pupils suddenly dilated, and then he suddenly remembered something, and continued to ask: "How did he know about our secret base in Ascatla?"

"I think it would be better if you ask him this question directly."

With that said, Elminster turned his attention to Zuo Si.

The latter smiled calmly and asked: "You don't really think this place is very secret, do you?

To tell you the truth, I know everything about all the Harpers' strongholds and related members throughout the West Coast.

There are even a lot of Harpers members who are my people.

It's just that for the sake of the goddess, I didn't take any action before.

Not just you, but the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network is the same. "

"This is impossible! Every Harper must go through repeated tests! They have the strongest will and will never rebel. Even if they are temporarily controlled by magic, they will be quickly discovered." Orvis roared excitedly .

But Zuo Si didn't pay attention to the elf at all, but stared at Elminster with a half-smile.

Elminster was silent for a moment with a pale face, and then quickly said: "No, as a planeswalker, he does have this ability."

As these words blurted out, all the living harpists present opened their mouths, a little unable to believe what they heard.

As an organization that is entirely united by lofty ideals, they cannot believe that any of their companions are spies planted by the enemy.

You must know that becoming a Harper will not bring you any benefits. Instead, you will often have to perform various dangerous tasks, and you may even have to pay for it yourself.

From a profit perspective, no one would be willing to become a Harper.

So when the beautiful bubble of ideals is burst, everyone inevitably develops a fear of the collapse of faith.

Elminster was clearly aware of the mental state of the Harpers around him, and sighed helplessly: "Oh - Soth, let's make a deal. What should I do to allow you to place the Harpers in Are all the spies in the alliance withdrawing?"

"If I guessed correctly, you should be actively planning to repel Fuzoul Chanbury's army before I send troops, so that I have no legitimate excuse to annex this area, right?" Zuo Si He asked looking into the other person's eyes.

He knew very well that the old man in front of him was so smart that he would never adopt a head-on confrontation strategy, but would try every means to make himself lose the legitimacy of his expansion.

As long as this is done, the other party will win in this political game.

In particular, defeating Zhentil Castle's seemingly powerful army was actually not as difficult as outsiders imagined.

Because in this magical land of Faerun, good and evil, order and chaos always maintain a dynamic balance.

This also means that there are equal forces of good as there are evil forces.

For example, for a small village that stands in a remote mountainous area and has never been invaded by monsters and beasts, there might be a kind-hearted metal dragon nearby guarding it silently.

If any evil force wants to get its hands in, it must first find a way to kill this metal dragon.

There may also be a retired adventurer with a career level of LV13 or above living in some small towns.

On weekdays, they live and work like ordinary people, and there is nothing strange about them at all.

But once the town is invaded by outsiders, the intruders will soon find that they have provoked the wrong people.

Even the most ordinary warrior, when his professional level exceeds LV13, can single-handedly kill a wolfman or orc tribe, not to mention those professions with spellcasting abilities.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that after occupying so many towns and villages, Fuzor Chamberry must have secretly gathered a large number of enemies, among which there may be several metal dragons from the good camp alone.

What they lack now is probably someone with enough prestige to unite them.

The founder of the Harpers Alliance, Elminster, who has countless allies, happens to be such a perfect candidate.

As long as he stands up and raises his arms, he can immediately gather enough people, and he can drive Fuzor Chambery into the sea without even waiting for Baldur's Gate to send troops.

"You will first let me stop this operation in exchange?" Elminster narrowed his eyes and cautiously asked.

He didn't feel any surprise that Zuo Si could detect his intentions. He just felt heartbroken that such a good plan ended up in vain.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes, you guessed it right. As long as you and the Harper Alliance don't make any small moves in this incident, then after I complete the integration of this area, I will withdraw all placements The Spy Inside the Harpers.”

"How do we know you'll keep your promise afterwards?"

Another woman wearing the Master Harper pin raised her head and questioned.

"We can sign a contract as a guarantee. I believe you have all heard of the devil's contract, right?"

Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers, instantly creating a parchment scroll out of thin air that smelled of sulfur and was filled with tiny writing.

But before the human woman stretched out her hand to take the scroll, Elminster stepped forward and interrupted: "There is no need to sign the contract. I believe you will fulfill your promise."

"So you agreed?"

Zuo Si showed a winner's smile.

Because no matter what choice the other party makes, he will definitely win in this game.

If they choose to implement their original plan, the idealism that has sustained the Harper Alliance to this day will slowly fade, and eventually evolve into an organization with internal chaos and constant struggle for power.

If he chooses to give up, Zuo Si can get rid of the interference of the Harper Alliance and advance his plan in an orderly manner.

"Ah! I agree. I can't believe you would use this method to force me to make a choice."

Elminster took out his pipe, stuffed a large amount of tobacco into it, then lit it and took a deep puff, trying to use this method to calm the violent fluctuations in his heart.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied: "Because I know you too well.

As an idealist and perfectionist, when there is a conflict between ideals and reality, you will always choose to save the former.

Because in your cognition and values, things like ideals and beliefs are far higher than life.

And I am exactly the opposite of you.

I believe that reality is higher than ideal. Things in the future are too far away and are not worth spending too much time and energy. The most important thing is to grasp the present.

As for ideals and beliefs, although they are great and can give people spiritual guidance, they are far less important to most ordinary people than the bread and sausages on the plate. "

"So you despise ideals?"

Elminster frowned subconsciously.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly and corrected: "No, I respect the ideal, but I don't want it to float too high or too far and become an unrealistic fantasy.

In addition, in my opinion, most idealists have flaws in their character and thinking, and they have very huge flaws.

And this flaw itself is the most fatal weakness.

Only a handful of mature idealists who understand the importance of reality are qualified to change the world.

Your choice just now, as well as the reactions of senior members of the Harper Alliance, just prove that you are immature and even a little naive.

In the past, the reason why you were able to achieve successive victories against organizations such as the Zhentarim and the Dragon Cult was mainly because the enemies you faced were too low-level.

But from now on, I guarantee that you will continue to be forced to make choices between ideals and reality.

I have no intention of destroying your bodies, because that would be too simple and boring.

Of course, the premise is that you are not seeking death yourself.

What I want to destroy is the spirit, ideals and beliefs, so that every Harper will think from the bottom of his heart that everything he did before was wrong.

You neither represent kindness nor justice. As for the so-called theory of maintaining balance through interference, it is even more ridiculous.

Perhaps the Harper Alliance has good intentions, but the cruelest thing in the world is that many self-righteous good intentions will eventually turn into a disaster.

The Scourge of Dawn caused by Lathander, Lord of the Dawn, is a living example. "

There is no doubt that these words deeply hurt every Harper Alliance present, even the most sensitive nerve of Elminster.

Many people showed either anger or fear in their eyes.

Because for idealists, death is not terrible. What is terrible is that their ideals and everything they believe in are destroyed by reality...

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