A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 452: The growth of Wilmes (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Hmph! You guys who like to play tricks and intrigues don't have a good thing."

Wilmes suddenly sprayed out two golden sparks from his nostrils, clearly expressing his resentment towards Ximanmon, Kuuremus, and the female moon elf mage in front of him.

Because since the strange thing that could control the brain and spy on other people's thoughts and memories was removed, she found that she couldn't beat the opponent in this kind of intellectual game.

And everyone seems to be hiding some little secrets and always trying to use themselves to achieve their goals.

The most important thing is that there is no way to use violence to solve the problem.

There is no doubt that this feeling of being played like a fool is not good at all.

Wilmes even had the urge to ask Zuo Si to stuff the strange objects back into his head.

At least there are strange objects, and even if you don't use your brain to think, you won't be easily deceived or used by the enemy.

Especially when fighting, two brains controlling the body at the same time are much more powerful than one brain.

Every time the psychic powers and spells released by Strange Objects at critical moments, they can often help Wilmes push back his opponents and seize the initiative.

"Great Red Dragon Queen! Please don't confuse me with them. I am loyal to Lord Soth and you, and I have never had any other thoughts."

Ashmi put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply.

Slender and frail, she was like an insignificant little ant in front of the super-giant red dragon in hell.

Just the dragon's power that was unintentionally emitted made the moon elf female mage feel uncontrollably and intensely afraid.

The reason why she is still standing here without turning around and running away is entirely because she is the weakest one compared to Ximanmeng and Culremos.

If you want to kill the cripple Jez who occupies the core area of ​​the Royal Court of Myth Drannor and the Myth Lock, as well as the dark elf forces he leads - the Jelle family, and avenge your dead relatives and friends, you must rely on external help. strength.

Although after joining Zuo Si, Ashmi can regularly report some of Xi Manmeng's small actions and thoughts through the use of Shuoyou mobile terminal in exchange for various magical knowledge.

But this speed of increasing spellcasting level is still too slow.

So she quickly set her sights on Wilmes, who had great power but no matching wisdom and brains.

Since one of the two has strength but no brains, and the other has brains but lacks strength, it can be said that they hit it off.

The result is that these guys inevitably fall into a state of cooperation, wariness, and suspicion among each other.

Although Wilmes is not smart, he has followed Zuo Si for the longest time, so he has learned some tricks.

She first used Ximanmeng to check and balance Kurremos, and then used Ashmi to monitor Ximanmeng.

In this way, even if you don't use your brain very much, you can easily figure out what the two guys who pose the greatest threat to you are doing behind the scenes.

It has to be said that after several years of repeated training, this purgatory red dragon, which was originally simple-minded and well-developed limbs, is developing in an increasingly cunning and insidious direction.

And when encountering problems, they no longer always rely on violence, killing and destruction to solve problems.

Zuo Si would be very pleased if he knew these operations.


Do you believe it when you say this?

South once said that loyalty is a false proposition.

There may be countless reasons for one person to pledge allegiance to another person, and they must have common interests, thoughts or ideas.

But if you want to betray, only one reason is enough.

Therefore, he never cares about the loyalty of his subordinates, but will adopt simpler and more direct methods to maintain stable subordinate relationships.

Such as offering an irresistible price and ensuring that anyone who betrays will pay a very painful price.

I believe you should have a deep understanding of this, right? "

With that said, Wilmes slowly stood up and looked down at the trembling moon elf mage standing under the dragon's claws.

There is no doubt that she knows very well that she cannot control Kurremus, who is of similar strength, and Shimamon, who is the master of the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network.

But Ashmi is different!

This month, the female elf mage has no power of her own, let alone any backing.

And like Wilmes, she has the mark of Baator Hell deep in her soul. She belongs to the type whose soul will be controlled by Zuo Si after death, so she should naturally be in the same camp.

Also, since she signed a devil's pact to sell her soul, the possibility of Ashmi's sudden betrayal is slim.

This means that she will be a very good think tank and helper.

Every powerful and evil chromatic dragon is usually accompanied by a similar spellcaster who is responsible for handling daily affairs and helping to make suggestions.

In the past, Wilmes had always been with Zuo Si, so he didn't need to worry about things like using his brain.

But now that she has established her own business, she urgently needs such a role as her helper.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of time and effort just to manage a large number of servants and deal with the goblins, orcs, gnolls, kobolds, ogres, barbarians, various giants and other tribes that come to seek refuge. energy.

Especially after the defeat of Balagas, countless tribes from the entire Star Swirl Mountains sent envoys to pay homage to the newly enthroned Red Dragon Queen, and offered gifts in the hope of becoming her minions.

Even many giant dragons, out of fear, either took out some gold and silver jewelry, or sent one or two valuable magic items over, acknowledging Wilmes' undisputed control of this territory. right.

Looking at the eyes of the Purgatory Red Dragon, which were as deep and dark as ink jade, Ashmi bit her lips and nodded gently: "Yes! I only have infinite fear and awe for Lord Soth.

He is not only the supreme master of darkness, but also a powerful and terrifying perfect tyrant.

Controls my life and death, my destiny and my soul.

And what he needs is not loyalty, but that his subordinates must do their best to use their talents and functions while maintaining absolute obedience. "

"That's right! Soss doesn't need waste, let alone those fools who like to be smart.

So if you want to climb up under him and win key attention, the first thing you need to do is to show your abilities and talents.

Just doing your job well and conscientiously will never make you successful.

But if you serve me and perform well enough, you will get extra points.

In the same way, when my power becomes strong enough, I can in turn send my men to infiltrate Cormanthor and enter Myth Drannor to help you complete the revenge you have longed for.

I believe you should know best that I am different from those insidious and cunning guys like Ximanmeng and Kurremos. "

As he spoke, Wilmes lowered his neck and put his huge head in front of the moon elf female mage.

The suffocating pressure and the scorching heat spurting out of her nostrils made Ashmi almost suffocate in an instant.

But she bit her bleeding lip, forcing herself to stay calm through the pain. After a while, she knelt down on one knee and solemnly responded: "It's my honor to be able to serve you!

Please be assured that I will apply to Xi Manmeng after I return, and I will be responsible for connecting intelligence with you.

I believe that after your threat just now, he should be very happy to let me accept this stall.

In this way, I can use the Zhentarim's intelligence network in the south to build for you a sphere of influence centered on the Swirl Mountains and spread throughout various mountainous areas, dense forests, and swamps.

At that time, Lord Soth will rule the civilized world dominated by humans, and you will become the master of the wild world. "

"Very good! I'm looking forward to your performance!"

As the last word blurted out, Wilmes stretched out the tip of his forked tongue and gently licked the slender neck and cheeks of the moon elf female mage.


The latter's whole body tensed up on the spot as if he had been stimulated, and his muscles were even tense and spasmed slightly.

Ashmi's behavior was not due to some physical reaction to external stimulation, but due to extreme mental fear.

You must know that chromatic dragons, especially evil, ferocious, and violent red dragons, often like to eat the flesh of young women.

Among them, the elves are ranked first on the list of delicacies.

So the moment she was licked by the forked tongue, she thought that the other person was so animalistic that he wanted to eat her, and she almost became incontinent from fright.


Wilmes simply licked it to feel the delicate skin and texture of the meat, without taking any further action.

"Please... don't worry, I won't let you down."

Ashmi suddenly had an idea, and hurriedly saluted again and used teleportation magic to disappear in place as if running for her life.

Less than ten seconds after her front foot left, Wilmes, who kept an evil expression, couldn't help laughing, rolling on the pile of treasures while laughing.

"Interesting! This is so much fun!

In terms of playing with people's hearts and human nature, I really have to learn from South.

As long as I bury the seeds of fear deep into the other person's heart, then when it takes root and sprouts, I can control this moon elf effortlessly.

The same principle can be applied to anyone else. "

Speaking of this, the purgatory red dragon suddenly paused, turned his attention to the young brown dragon and black dragon lying on the ground, and ordered in a tone that could not be refused: "You two! Climb over here!"

Ortagos and Oroxes, who had just been severely beaten and repaired, did not dare to resist at all.

Immediately, like two dogs tamed by their owners, they crawled on the ground with their whole bodies, and quickly crawled closer from the corner like a gecko shivering.

They didn't even dare to raise their heads to look at the red dragon queen who had defeated Balagas. They lowered their heads and stared at the rocky ground under their feet that was heated to a boil by the magma.

"Tell me, what is Balagas's favorite thing to do to you on weekdays?"

Wilmes asked with interest, dragging his chin with his front paws.

"He...he likes to tear off small pieces of meat from our bodies, roast them with flames in front of me, and eat them bit by bit." Ortagos replied with a slightly trembling voice.

Oroxes added in an equally desperate tone: "Baragos doesn't give us any food, and makes us fight each other every year. And he also lets us see the dragons he killed and ate. The remains. It is said that before us, there were many dragon guards who were killed after they grew up to a certain level."

"I see. No wonder you are so afraid of him."

Wilmes showed a thoughtful expression.

There is no doubt that Balagos' approach is a typical red dragon tyrant, using fear, violence, and death to force his targets to surrender.

If it were in the past, she would 100% agree with what Balagas did and felt that this was what a red dragon should do.

But now, Wilmes directly cast a nine-ring wishing spell.

Before the young black dragon Oroxes could realize what had happened, he found that his wings that had been bitten off had miraculously recovered.

Having been brutally abused for a long time, he obviously didn't understand what the new owner meant. He immediately raised his head with a look of horror, fearing that this was the beginning of some more terrible torture.

But Wilmes did not do this, but threw a few rock goats that he had captured in front of the opponent: "Here, eat.

I am different from Balagas. As long as you obey and obey, you don't have to worry about being tortured and killed for no reason.

Just the opposite!

As long as your performance satisfies me, I will even reward you and make you stronger through the power of magic.

What I want to do is control all the inaccessible mountains, forests, and swamps south of the entire west coast of Faerûn.

To achieve this goal, I need a lot of helpful helpers.

Can you understand what I mean? "

"You mean...we don't have to be slaves from now on?"

The brown dragon Otagos was so excited that even his voice trembled.

"That's right!

I can even give you freedom, the power to gain loot, own your own lair and treasure.

But the premise is that you have to show enough value.

And for every treasure taken, half of it must be surrendered to me. "

When he said these words, the corners of Wilmes' mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes flashed with greed.

You don't need to ask to know that she also learned from Zuo Si in developing offline and expanding the scope of making money.

After all, it is too slow to make money on your own, and you have to go out frequently, so the efficiency is really not very high.

In contrast, it would be more comfortable to develop more subordinates and let them do the work. You just need to lie on the pile of treasures and wait for the other party to offer you.

Over the years, Zuo Si has taken away almost half of Wilmes' income through this method.

Now Wilmes has learned from the past and plans to exploit his subordinates in the same way.

In addition, she also learned how to enslave intelligent creatures spiritually and ideologically from Zuo Si's management of goblin werewolves.

Oppression, violence and killing are all only auxiliary means.

Really trying to make the target willingly obey is actually not fundamentally different from training animals.

They regulate each other's behavior through reward and punishment mechanisms, thereby forming a habit and distorting original cognition.

After all, most people's behavioral habits are formed bit by bit based on feedback.

If you always get negative feedback from doing something, not only will you not get rewards and happiness from it, but you will get pain and torture, then people will subconsciously avoid doing such things.

But if they get positive feedback in return and can get continuous rewards and happiness from it, then they will be happy to do it.

Wilmes now wants to use this feedback mechanism to tame two teenage dragons that have been completely ruined by Balagas.

You must know that all "happiness" comes from comparison.

After experiencing long-term inhuman torture, abuse and death threats from Balagos, they suddenly found a benevolent new owner. Ortagos and Oroxes immediately felt that dragons were full of hope and gnawed crazily. The meat of rock goat even makes me feel a little moved in my heart.

They didn't even realize that from this moment on, they fell into a carefully crafted trap.

In the eyes of Wilmes, the so-called management is to squeeze your subordinates as much as possible through methods such as pie-making, so as to obtain more and greater benefits without arousing strong resistance.

Not only does she want to squeeze, but she also wants to make these oppressed people appreciate her from the bottom of their hearts.

If anyone has other intentions, just deliberately leak this guy's information to an organization that claims to be kind and just, and use the other party's help to eradicate him.

Just when Wilmes began to brainwash the two teenage dragons, far underground in the cemetery area of ​​​​Askatra, the vampire queen Badi was crawling on the ground, telling her master about the recent attacks on the Shadow Thieves Guild. A series of actions and the intentions hidden behind them.

I have to say that this scene really scared the demon elf assassin.

She even couldn't believe that the man behind the situation that brought such a large Shadow Thieves Guild to the point of civil war and split was actually just the unauthorized action of one of Zuo Si's subordinates.

What Feide couldn't accept even more was that the other party hadn't even ended up in person so far, but had only shown his strength to the leaders of the subordinate guilds.

Especially the traps scattered throughout the tombs and the pungent-smelling blood pools are simply creepy.

"So the assassination of Ellen Linville and the attack on the Shadow Thieves Guild headquarters had nothing to do with you, and were all Maiwa's own ideas?"

After listening to all the reports, Zuo Si touched his chin with a playful expression.

Badi nodded quickly: "That's right. Maiwa is an ambitious guy.

Ever since he took over the guild in the dock area, he has been actively expanding his power.

He dares to do things that other guild leaders dare not do, and he also wants to do contraband business that other guild leaders dare not do.

As far as I know, this guy has also established a connection with the red-robed mage Ser, and secretly sells addictive alchemical drugs to some rich young people who are seeking excitement.

Whether it was the assassination of Ellen Linville or the direct attack on the Shadow Thieves Guild headquarters this time, he was someone hired from Serge.

In the Woking Mall area, the red-robed mage has an organization called the Eight Staffs, and Maiwa must have received their support. "

"Sel's red robe is also involved?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

He knew that the "Eight Staffs" had a secret base in Askatra.

Because this stronghold is not the previous concession that has extraterritorial rights and can station troops.

It is simply a place for buying and selling magic items, gathering intelligence, and providing mercenary services on the West Coast.

And they also reached an agreement with the Masked Mage Guild.

So Zuo Si didn't pay much attention.

"I think they are unwilling to lose such a huge market and benefits, so they plan to use the black market of the Shadow Thieves Guild to do something. Not long ago, they sent envoys to try to form an alliance with me, but I refused." Badi cautiously said explained.

There is no doubt that the vampire queen is not sure whether her actions are within the scope of her master's permission.

After all, the civil strife in the Shadow Thieves Guild has begun to have a very serious impact on the social stability of Askatra.

If nothing unexpected happens, the killings between the two forces will become more frequent and bloody after night falls.

However, Zuo Si ignored Badi, but turned his attention to Feide, and asked very simply: "You should know all the information now, what are you going to do next?"

"you ask me?"

The demon elf pointed at his nose and looked confused.

Because she has always positioned herself as an executor, not a decision-maker.

"Otherwise? Your wish should be for Ellen Linville to take revenge and express your anger at being wronged, right? In that case, I will simply leave the decision-making power to you."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

In his opinion, after he takes over Amn, there is no need to retain the Shadow Thieves Guild, a criminal organization.

All you need to do is recruit those elite thieves and assassins afterwards and form an organization similar to a spy agency to collect and spy on intelligence.

Hearing these words, Feide's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably, and couldn't help but remind him: "I'm just an assassin, and what I'm best at is killing rather than thinking. If you leave this kind of thing in my hands , I’m not responsible for messing up.”

Zuo Si smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, no matter how much noise you make, Badi will be responsible for wiping your butt.

It just so happens that you should take this opportunity to learn how to think and manage an organization from the perspective of a superior.

Don't be afraid of mistakes and failures.

Anyway, it's not you who has to pay the price in the end, but those shadow thieves who haven't realized that they are in trouble.

In addition, if you think there are people in the Shadow Thieves Guild who are worth recruiting, you might as well try to give them a chance to choose.

Remember, besides knowledge and power, the most precious and valuable thing in this world is talent.

Whether it is an organization or a country, it must have sufficient talents responsible for management in order to thrive and develop.

Otherwise, even if it holds huge wealth and resources, it will collapse from within bit by bit.

Don't be too anxious, you can take your time with this.

I'll give you plenty of time, it doesn't matter whether it's a few months or a year and a half. "

"Okay, I'll try."

Feide was obviously moved.

She was not an idiot, so she could naturally see that Zuo Si wanted to train herself to become the leader of a force.

Combined with the near-fatal crazy combat training of Nimidona, the Attendant of the God of Nature, in recent days, anyone who is not a fool will understand what this means.

"Come on! I'm optimistic about you!"

Zuo Si pinched the demon elf's flexible pointed ears and shook them twice with a very frivolous movement.

"Damn it! Let go! Haven't you heard that the ears of elves, especially female elves, cannot be touched casually?"

Feide hurriedly broke away with a blushing face and rolled his eyes angrily.

"You are not a pure elf, but a demon elf. There is nothing to be afraid of."

After that, Zuo Si ignored the strong protest of the assassin lady, winked at the Vampire Queen, and then walked straight into the deeper chamber.

When the door of the only passage slammed shut, he slowly asked: "What has Irenekas been busy with recently? Has he come to see you?"

“Erenikas came once before when the gods started the divine war against Cyric.

He has recently focused on Sarevok, the son of Baal who is frequently active around Baldur's Gate.

It seems that he is trying to wrest the divinity and power belonging to the God of Murder from the other party.

However, there was no news soon after the invasion of Zhentil Castle.

I'm not quite sure what Irenekas is doing right now.

But one thing is certain, that is, he occupied the first few floors of the Tower of Du La Pavilion in the south of the Tooth Forest and rebuilt a fully equipped laboratory there.

A tour group wanted to take people in to visit, but all the demons he summoned were killed.

From then on, no one dared to come close. "

Badi shook out all the information he had in one go.

"Tower of Dulag? Ha! He chose a good place."

Zuo Si couldn't help but chuckle.

Dulag's Tower, as the name suggests, is the residence built by the famous dwarf hero Dulag, known as the "Troll Slayer", for himself and his tribe.

It is located at the top of a rugged mountainous area. It is a very traditional and extremely defensible solid stone fortress.

In addition to the above-ground parts, there are also extremely large and complex tunnels and mazes underground.

After all, dwarves feel safer underground than living on the surface.

Moreover, this place is very close to the largest Teeth Forest east of Baldur's Gate, so it is far away from the main road and is often visited by monsters and beasts, so there is basically no need to worry about being disturbed by frequent visitors.

However, the beautiful life of the Dulag family was soon broken by the invasion of mind flayers and shapeshifters.

Under the toss of this pair who specialized in intrigues, the dwarves in the Tower of Dulag quickly became insecure, and then began to fall into chaos and kill each other.

The dwarf hero Durag soon fell into hysterical madness after witnessing the deaths of his entire family and even killing some of them himself.

He drilled into the deepest tunnel underground, constantly adding various deadly traps to keep out all the mind flayers and shapeshifters, and finally died alone in the depths of the tunnel.

Since then, Durlag's Tower has become the most famous adventure destination in Baldur's Gate.

Countless adventurers, eager to get rich overnight, flocked to the tower in large numbers to find the Dulag family's treasure.

But unfortunately, most of them never came back alive after going in.

Gradually, the place was abandoned and turned into a legend.

With Irenikas's strength, it would be easier to clear out the shapeshifters and traps occupying Durag's Tower than to eat and drink.

"Master, do you need me to go over there and take a look?" Badi asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No need. Since he is eyeing Sarevok, it is enough for us to also keep an eye on Sarevok and Aberdare, the two sons of Baal. You know that Sarevok has been in What are you doing?"

The Vampire Queen responded without thinking: "Sarovok is controlling those shapeshifters to infiltrate the major provincial capital forces that control Baldur's Gate.

At the same time, his bandits were allowed to continue to rob caravans and block the transportation of supplies.

His plan was simple, to use bandits to divert attention and delay the Dukes of Baldur's Gate from sending troops.

After all, as long as these bandits are still wreaking havoc, Baldur's Gate must consider what to do if the Flame Fist mercenaries are dispatched en masse and the city is besieged by bandits.

Moreover, Sarevok is still deliberately exaggerating that these bandits are pawns deliberately sent by Zhentil Castle to cause trouble, thereby arousing the hatred of the people.

Once he finds an opportunity to get rid of three of the dukes, he can use his unknown lover relationship with Grand Duchess Lila Janus to gain military power through a series of operations.

As for the Iron Throne Chamber of Commerce led by his adoptive father, it has now basically fallen under the control of Sarevok.

On top of that, the guy also resurrected a temple to the murder god beneath Baldur's Gate.

Every once in a while, he would take several believers there to perform cruel and bloody sacrificial rituals to strengthen the divine power and divinity in his body.

Compared with other Sons of Baal who were still in their ignorant period, Sarevok was obviously far ahead. "

"Restart Baal's temple and then hold a sacrificial ceremony inside? He is really an incredibly smart person!"

Zuo Si couldn't help but let out a burst of mocking laughter.

Obviously, Sarevok must have discovered the remaining power of faith in the temple, so he wanted to digest and absorb all these powers to make himself stronger.

But his level of religious studies was obviously at the most elementary stage.

I simply don’t understand that although doing so is beneficial in the short term, in the long term it is simply injecting fatal poison into my body.

Whether it is the sacrifice ceremony itself or the absorption of the remaining faith in the temple, its essence is to strengthen the power of the dead Baal.

When this power accumulates to a certain level, Baal, the god of murder, will be resurrected directly from the body of his own descendant like Bane, the god of tyranny.

The best way is to erase Baal's name and even the identity of Baal's son, gather believers, form churches, and spread faith in his own name.

In this way, after winning this killing competition with his brothers and sisters, he can truly escape from his father's shadow and become a true god.

Even if Baal is resurrected one day, he will not be able to swallow him completely, but will split into two gods that exist at the same time.

It's a pity that Sarevok doesn't understand this.

He did not have a teacher with a wealth of knowledge in this area, and got most of his information from the public reading area of ​​the Candlekeep Library.

Candlekeep's public reading area...

I understand everything.

The vast majority of books are relatively superficial popular science content, or some content about history, biography, geography, philosophy, heroic stories, etc.

It is mainly for those nobles who want to increase their knowledge reserves, so that they can talk about some contents and truths that others do not know at banquets, salons and dances, and gain the admiration and admiration of people around them.

It can be summed up in two words - show off.

Contents that actually involve gods, beliefs, religions, magical knowledge, mantras, outer planes, inner planes, demonology, demonology and other dangerous contents are basically placed in another place, and only those who are Open to qualified visitors.

Otherwise, it would be great fun if ordinary people learned some of these contents, then carved out a magic circle at home, and made sacrifices to summon high-level demons with huge destructive power.

At this moment, Sarevok was standing in the Baal Temple underground in the city, holding a ritual dagger to perform sacrifices.

At the same time, the blood flowing out of the corpse completely filled the hollow skull-shaped grooves on the ground. Then he grinned and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Praise for killing! Praise for death!"

“Praise for killing!

Praise death!

Long live Baal, the great god of murder!

Long live Sarevok, the great son of God!

You are our only belief in life!

You are our supreme God! "

Several believers knelt in the blood pool and screamed like crazy. They raised their sharp daggers and killed all the remaining sacrifices. They dug out their hearts and placed them on the plate in front of the altar.

If you use magic vision, you can clearly see that this abandoned temple is currently enveloped in a layer of red energy.

That is a sign that the power of faith is being transformed into the divine power of killing.

After a while, Sarevok absorbed all the energy into his body, and his eyes flashed with a terrifying red light.

In just a few seconds, his body underwent very obvious changes.

Among them, the skin showed a kind of pale color that only the dead would have. Not only did fangs grow on the face, but the expression became extremely ferocious and terrifying.

From the dense wounds, you can see black rot oozing out.

At the same time, his hands gradually turned into the shape of claws, a pair of horns grew on his forehead, and there was a thick and long tail behind him.

There are six bone daggers floating around the body, spinning continuously.

From a distance, one might even mistake it for a devil, devil, or yugoloth.

But in fact, this is the most common form of Baal's incarnation and saint - the Slayer.

There is no doubt that under the interference of some external forces, Sarevok has obtained a method to increase his divine power and divinity by absorbing faith, and is becoming more and more powerful.

You must know that things like killers are absolutely an out-and-out nightmare for most mortals.

It not only has extremely high magic and physical resistance, but also has very high movement, attack and reaction speed.

Often, before the opponent has time to recover, he has already rushed forward and tore the enemy into pieces.

Judging from the lack of control at this moment, Sarevok should have already mastered the ability to transform into a killer, and successfully restrained the instinctive impulse of bloodthirsty killing through strong willpower.

After the entire ceremony was over, he slowly returned to his human form and let out a long breath: "Phew - it's finally over!

I can feel that my strength has become much stronger.

It seems that the guy named Irenikas didn't lie.

He did have some knowledge that I needed. "

"But Master, I always feel that he has bad intentions when he approaches you." A believer raised his head and reminded.

"Hmph! Of course I know he has bad intentions.

To be precise, how many of the guys who cooperated with me really thought that I could eventually inherit my father's blood throne?

They are just using me, wanting to use me to understand the nature of gods and how mortals can become gods.

But that's okay.

Since Irenekas wants this, I'll give it to him.

As long as I can become stronger and stronger, they will not dare to betray me easily. "

After saying that, Sarevok cut his finger with a ceremonial dagger, dropped a few drops of blood into a transparent glass test tube, sealed it and handed it to the believer kneeling in front of him, and warned: "As quickly as possible, Send this to the Tower of Durag quickly. Tell the mage named Irenikas that I will fulfill my promise, and I hope he will do the same."

"As you wish, great master."

The believer bent down and bowed deeply, then stood up and quickly left this eerie temple and disappeared into the darkness.

Another believer raised his head and asked: "Master, regarding your brother Aberdare, he has killed several groups of bounty hunters with considerable strength.

We have raised his bounty price to five thousand gold coins, but still no one has succeeded.

It is said that among their ranks was a very strange white bear that seemed invulnerable and extremely ferocious.

Do you think it is necessary to form a special hunting team? "

"Aberdare? What has he been doing recently?" Sarevok asked, narrowing his eyes.

"He accepted a commission and is investigating things about robbers."

Believers give answers without thinking.

"Entrustment? Whose entrustment?"

Sarevok suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

If it were before, he wouldn't have cared about this very idealistic feeling at all.

But as his divine power and divinity continued to increase, he gradually understood that this was a powerful perception unique to gods, divine creatures, or sons of gods, which could predict and sense some impending dangers in advance.


We are still investigating this matter.

But the commission should have been issued in Belgost.

Maybe we can use those bandits as bait to lure out the person who issued the investigation request? "

The believer took the initiative to suggest.

After all, the enemies hidden in the darkness are often the most dangerous.

Anyway, this group of bandits are not direct descendants, but borrowed power from the Mind Flayer, so they won't feel bad even if they all die.

Sarevok thought for about a minute or two and quickly nodded: "Okay!

I want to see who is secretly against me.

Also, it’s time to arrange for Duke Silvershield and Duke Iltan to retire.

Make arrangements as soon as possible.

I can't wait to take control of the Firefist mercenaries, a well-trained army, and go to West Heartland to cause a bloody storm.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, as long as enough people are killed and died, the ultimate goal can be achieved.

As for my stupid brother who still doesn't know his identity, let him live a little longer for the time being. "

"Understood! We will make arrangements immediately after we return."

The few remaining believers said in unison.

A look of satisfaction appeared on Sarevok's face, and he suddenly raised his arm and waved his hand.


The entire temple fell into darkness, with only the murdered bodies lying on the ground still bleeding silently.

After everyone left, one of the corpses of a six- or seven-year-old boy suddenly twitched, then swayed up from the ground, stretched out his hand to retrieve his heart from the plate in front of the altar, and then re- Stuffed into the bloody hole in the chest.

The next second...

Those broken blood vessels were reconnected in just a few seconds and started beating again.

The horrific wound healed completely in less than a minute, leaving not even a scar.

He first raised his head and looked at the statue of Baal standing in the center of the hall with eyes full of disgust, then raised his middle finger to make an "international friendly gesture".

Then he took off his pants and peed on the statue, then turned and left while cursing in a low voice.

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