A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 454 The First Awakener (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

There is no doubt that Sancho's appearance made Zuo Si keenly aware that in this fight for the throne of Baal, the God of Murder, he was not the only one who wanted to intervene and gain something from it.

Rather, there may be other gods or quasi-divine powers.

After all, in the original plot, the sons of Baal fought and killed each other, and even started wars that spread to surrounding areas. The reason why no gods or other forces intervened was mainly because they were afraid of Cyric's power.

While Aberdare was adventuring across the Sword Coast, the Prince of Lies was in a state of madness.

The gods were busy cleaning up the mess caused by this guy, so naturally they were in no mood to pay attention to the "little commotion" caused by a group of sons of gods in the material world.

Later, when Cyric regained consciousness, he found that the Sons of Baal's chicken-eating contest had entered the final stage.

In addition, when he fell into madness, he almost offended all the gods in the world of Toril, so he did not dare to intervene easily, otherwise he would be beaten by a group of people.

So, I could only watch it all come to an end.

In the end, a war for the inheritance of the Blood Throne miraculously ended without the intervention of too powerful external forces.

Although the Zhentarim, the Harpers Alliance, and some other organizations, more or less, want to use the Sons of Baal to achieve their own ulterior purposes.

But compared with the powerful gods with decisive power, they are basically just a soy sauce.

Especially in the later stages of development, the divinity and power of the most powerful Sons of Baal have accumulated to an astonishing degree.

Even if a legendary spellcaster and elector like Elminster takes action, there is no guarantee that he will win 100%.

But now, as Cyric, the Prince of Lies, has been abruptly pulled down from the throne of powerful divine power by Zuo Si's series of operations, he has now fallen to a weak divine power.

After a while, he might even be reduced to a demigod with weak divine power.

Therefore, he no longer possesses any deterrent effect.

This also means that any god who has thoughts about Baal may choose to intervene or intervene.

For example, the beast god Mara, or the goddess of night Shar who always hides in the dark to do things, or the god of thieves Musk who is very interested in killing and the priesthood of death.

All in all, there are quite a few gods who have reasons and motivations to be involved.

In addition, there is a high probability that the gods of the good camp will do something to ensure that Baal, who is bloodthirsty, cruel and keen on killing, will not be resurrected like Bane, the god of tyranny.

It would be better if a less evil heir could be found for the vacant Blood Throne.

Zuo Si even seriously suspected that many gods had already selected agents among the Sons of Baal, and planned to intervene decisively when needed.

So now he also needs to cultivate his own agents.

Sancho is obviously a good candidate.

In addition, Imoen, who is ignorant and has not yet awakened, is also a potential choice.

Zuo Si believed that with the current relationship between the two of them, as long as he asked, Aimeng's character would definitely agree without hesitation.

As for Aberdare, whose brain might not be as big as a walnut and was filled with lust, greed for money and bloodthirsty impulses, he had no intention of cooperating with him from the beginning to the end.

At best, it can be used as a chess piece.

In this way, in the following time, Zuo Si began to gradually control the authority of the entire Askatra, recruit and train the army, and replace the previous soldiers who had been completely corrupted with soldiers wearing fully enclosed helmets with shiny oil mobile terminals. Law enforcers have brought unprecedented order and fairness to the city.

Even the prosecutors and judges who had countless interests behind them were all kicked out and replaced by a group of professional bureaucrats transferred from Luskan.

Although many big families and chambers of commerce feel very uncomfortable with being unable to achieve their ulterior motives through bribery.

But under the strong suppression of the Council headed by Vera, they were finally forced to accept such changes.

After all, everyone cannot pay bribes, and everyone can pay bribes. There is not much difference in nature.

You must know that bribery and money-power transactions also require huge costs.

And when one person starts to play like this, others will follow suit, eventually forming a terrible chain of suspicion.

Everyone will be afraid that the other party will use the political resources at hand to suppress them, so they can only continue to invest more money to increase political influence for checks and balances.

Now this viciously competitive game is banned from its roots.

Businessmen and nobles can save the money they used to pay bribes as profits, or invest in publicity, expanding production scale and improving product quality, so as to maintain their strong competitiveness.

Not only that!

Zuo Si began to carry out drastic reforms in Amn's laws, government structure and social structure, strengthening centralization, weakening the power of families in major cities, and forcing them to hand over their hands to seize political and military power in exchange for not being liquidated in the future.

They even issued a stern warning to the Shadow Thieves Guild, which was engaged in internal strife, requiring Renault Bloodhead and Maiwa not to affect the lives of ordinary citizens, otherwise they would personally crush them like bugs.

Anyone who is not blind can feel that this business empire ruled by a few oligarchs is changing at an unimaginable speed.

The power of major families and chambers of commerce is gradually declining, replaced by an efficient, clean, strong, and unified government.

Since there were hundreds of social science experts from the Magic Earth in the floating city behind him to provide plans and reference opinions, what Zuo Si did was not a fooling around that was taken for granted and divorced from reality.

On the contrary, every step he takes is supported by a large amount of feedback data.

The person responsible for collecting data is none other than the Masked Mage Guild, which has been actually annexed and controlled.

These guys built a huge magic perception barrier covering the entire Askatra a long time ago, and it doesn't take much effort to do this kind of work.

Coupled with Zuo Si's own illustrious reputation, anyone who knew the inside story would not be stupid enough to jump out and object.

Even if there are one or two blind idiots, they will soon be tortured by various methods until their families are destroyed and their wives are separated.

After all, as long as these nobles and businessmen are investigated seriously, none of their butts are clean at all.

Therefore, even if you only use judicial means within the rules, you can easily make the opponent worse than death.

Now, the people of Askatra and even the entire Amn are concerned about one thing, and that is when Zuo Si will announce the abolition of the Parliament and formally ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, transforming himself into the supreme master of this country.

There were so many clear and unambiguous political signals that even the most obtuse person knew what was coming.

However, unlike the nervous reaction of the upper class, the common people at the bottom obviously welcomed this, and could even be said to be looking forward to it.

In particular, they are the most direct beneficiaries of Zuo Si's series of actions after taking power.

Moreover, in Faerûn, a dangerous place, a powerful ruler can frighten the enemy to the greatest extent and bring long-term peace and stability to the country.

In this regard, Alustriel of Silvermoon City and Silvermoon Alliance is a living example.

However, Zuo Si is obviously not in a hurry and is still advancing his plan in an orderly manner. He will also take time to check Sancho's learning progress every few days and teach the boy how to correctly activate and use the divine power in his body, instead of just treating it as a kind of thing. Spell abilities.

You don't need to ask to know that he is waiting for news about Baldur's Gate and Sarevok's actions.

But the calm before the storm was soon broken by a piece of bombshell news.

Fuzor Chamberry and the Zhentil Castle army he led marched forward with great strides. Many towns along the way even looked down upon the wind. They pushed through the green fields effortlessly, but they suffered a defeat on the other side of the Chongsa River. .

The city of caravans - Snubel and the city of order - Eltoril are united.

The Red Shield Chamber of Commerce, the ruler of the former, spends a lot of money to hire adventurers and mercenaries, while Delt, the leader of the latter, provides hundreds of rigorously trained knights.

They ambush in the bushes on the north bank of the river in advance, waiting for Zhentil Castle's army to try to cross the river before launching a sudden attack, causing unimaginable damage in an instant.

Those armies that had just landed and had not yet established a foothold, Eltoril's "Hell Knights" were washed away in just a few minutes.

Delt, who had a paladin professional level of LV17, took the lead and rushed to the front, killing several dark guards of the Bann Church who were responsible for commanding the army.

The Church of Helm, the God of Guard, also gave full support to this operation.

Prepared to fight unprepared, and struck half-crossed, the results can be imagined.

After the landing force was completely scattered, killed and fled in all directions, the mercenaries and adventurers armed with hard bows and crossbows quickly occupied the river bank and began to launch a frantic attack on the enemies crossing the river on small rafts on the water.

Some wizards and warlocks unceremoniously throw out large-scale destruction and control spells such as fireball, lightning, stinky cloud, grease, and spider web.

After a while, countless corpses floated on the water.

Some of them were killed on the spot, but many more fell from the rafts and were swallowed up by the strong current and drowned alive.

Especially those unlucky ones wearing heavy armor will sink in minutes without even a chance to show off their swimming skills once they fall into the water.

Then three metal dragons appeared from nowhere and joined the massacre, causing chaos to spread rapidly and eventually forming a great rout.

By the time Fuzoul Chanberry, who was still marching in the rear, arrived, his monster army had already lost five thousand people.

Most importantly, the morale of the army suffered its worst blow since the expedition.

In desperation, he could only order to temporarily camp south of the Chongsa River and confront the coalition forces on the other side across the river.

The city of Eltoril is like a nail, relying on its terrain advantages to block Fuzor Chambery's ambition to occupy the last few independent towns in this area.

Looking at this detailed record sent through the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network, Zuo Si immediately touched his chin with a playful smile, and said meaningfully: "Has the counterattack from the good camp finally begun?"

"Did you know that Fzoll Chamberlain was going to lose?"

Clarice, who came to deliver the news in person, widened her eyes in surprise.

As the highest person in charge of the Zhentarim in Amn, she is very aware of how powerful the monster army under the Tyrant of the Moon Sea is.

A glance at the map showed that after landing at the west gate of the Dragon Coast, this army captured more than a dozen large towns along the way, and not even one could hold back for three days.

Most of the defenders couldn't hold on and collapsed quickly within an hour or so of the attack.

In the eyes of many people, unless Baldur's Gate sends out well-trained Flamefist mercenaries, Fuzor Chambery will definitely be able to sweep through the West Heartland region in one go.

Because of this, after learning that he had suffered a defeat, not only Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim were shocked, but other forces were also shocked.

Zuo Si touched his chin and said with interest: "Of course I know.

Because in the world we live in, good and evil, order and chaos always maintain a certain dynamic balance.

Do you think that the towns captured by Fuzor Chamberry only have the strength they seem to have on the surface?


There is power hidden in places you can't see.

For example, a kind metal dragon living in the town disguised as a human, elf or other humanoid race, or a retired adventurer with great strength.

After seeing the menacing army of Zhentil Castle, these hidden forces did not choose to stand up and make meaningless resistance, and were then besieged to death.

They chose to protect themselves first, and then secretly waited for opportunities to drive out the intruders.

The more towns Fuzor Chambery captured, the easier it was for these unseen forces to gather together.

When they think they are strong enough, they will unite and launch a counterattack.

Otherwise, why do you think that during the development and evolution of civilization that lasted for tens of thousands of years, neither the good camp nor the evil camp could completely defeat the other party and firmly grasp the dominance? "

Hearing these words, Clarice suddenly felt like she was breaking into a cold sweat, and cautiously probed: "Then what do you think should be done about this situation now?

Continue to maintain the status quo and wait for Baldur's Gate to send reinforcements?

Or should we find a way to nip this resistance in the bud?

Or do you have any other arrangements? "

Zuo Si waved his hand impatiently: "Just leave it to Fuzuo Er Qianberry to handle it himself.

If he can't even handle such a small thing, then he is not worthy to continue to be the chosen one of Bane, the god of tyranny, let alone lead the Zhentarim and Zhentil Keep.

Most importantly, I gave him plenty of help.

It's okay for a person to be ambitious.

But if his ability is not enough to support his ambition, then this person will one day lead to self-destruction.

Unfortunately, Fuzoul Chamberlain is now walking on this path.

I'm not sure when he will be consumed by his endless ambition.

But one thing is certain, this small failure is not enough to defeat him.

After all, holding the Tyrant's Scepter, he can recruit monsters and even evil dragons to join his legion anytime and anywhere. "

The moment the last word was blurted out, a black shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air behind Clarice, and with a very frivolous movement, he placed himself between the female mage's neck and hair and took a deep breath.

"Ah! The smell of rose flowers! With a bit of danger and spikes! I like it!"


The hairs all over Clarice's body stood on end, and countless goose bumps arose under the strong stress reaction. She quickly backed away nervously and asked sternly: "You... what the hell are you?"

"Haha, I see fear in your eyes. In fact, this is completely unnecessary! Because women, especially women who are beautiful enough and have personality, are usually very tolerant."

As he said that, the black shadow slowly showed himself to have the same appearance and figure as Zuo Si.

You don't need to ask to know that this guy is the diary who just came back from another world.

As a shameless bastard who completely lets himself go and is completely inhumane, he has long been immersed in endless desires and cannot extricate himself.

Whenever I see a pretty woman, I can't help but step forward and tease her, or even invite her to do some indescribable intimate exercises, while enjoying the process immensely.

"So... Sir Soth! What's going on?"

Clarice, who saw the other person's appearance clearly, was obviously a little panicked, and immediately looked at Zuo Si for help.

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't have any malicious intentions, he is just lustful. You should go back first. If anything happens, I will send someone to inform you."

Zuo Si held his forehead with a helpless expression.

Although he didn't know why the diary suddenly returned from the world of Song of Ice and Fire, it was definitely something important.

Otherwise, with this guy's character, he might still be frantically collecting beauties and forming his own huge harem.

According to the accurate information Zuo Si has obtained so far, the diary has transformed a total of 300 female vampires and 454 female ghosts, and the size of the harem is approaching four figures.

I heard that he also requested some genetic modification technology of dragons, elves, demons and demons from the biological scientists of Plantia Floating City, intending to directly transform the target race through the power of magic, and artificially create a batch of people that suit his own aesthetics. Half-blood or pure-blood.

Clarice was obviously not sure what the diary was, and she quickly turned around and left the mage tower with strong vigilance and doubts.

Just a few seconds after she walked away, the diary on the back sighed with regret: "What a shameful waste. Such a beautiful, temperamental and charming woman is in front of you, and you don't even have the slightest intention of taking a bite." nothing."

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "Don't tell me you didn't recognize the woman just now as Clarice, who was once Manson's subordinate.

She is an out-and-out dangerous person, and she is ambitious to gain more power and power.

If something really happened between me and her, not to mention whether Isadora and Talona would suddenly go crazy, how to deal with the aftermath would be a troublesome matter.

What's even more frightening is that if she accidentally becomes pregnant with my child, it will inevitably lead to a series of very serious consequences.

Do you still remember what our hometown has a saying?

If you want to achieve great things, you must first control your belt and stop looking like a male dog in heat all day long. "

"Hahahaha! My dear master, please stop criticizing me here.

After all, I only carry your past memories and some of your repressed emotions and desires.

Besides, it’s you, not me, who is going to make the big difference.

Therefore, what I have to do is to carry out your orders and then vent my desires to my heart's content.

As for those complicated intrigues and stakes, they are things you need to consider. I will at most give you a reminder. "

Diary unceremoniously took out a can of Happy Fat Home Water from the magic refrigerator on the side, and then sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs and drank.

It has to be said that his attitude of not being afraid of boiling water made Zuo Si's mouth twitch uncontrollably. After a full minute, he sighed helplessly: "Oh - I'm afraid of you.

Sometimes I really don’t know who is the master of our two families.

Why am I always busy working non-stop, but you can hide behind and enjoy life.

By the way, why did you come all the way to see me?

Could it be that group of players caused some big trouble again? "

Diary quickly shook his head: "No, the players performed very well.

Although they were divided into several factions, they were still fighting each other for larger territory and more interests, but they completely consumed the power of the nobles who originally held a dominant position.

Nowadays, the children of the powerful nobles and families in Westeros have suffered heavy casualties under the bombardment of line infantry and artillery. Some families have even died out.

The forces that were relatively slow to respond were gradually emptied out by the players and completely turned into puppets without real power.

In addition, while fighting the war, they did not forget to carry out reform and construction.

Subversive social reforms have already been achieved in many places.

Anyway, if you don’t expect it, there is nothing they can’t do.

But one thing they have in common is that they are all frantically using the resources available to them to develop industrial technology.

Especially those related to transportation and war.

The group of players you were most concerned about before have now built steam trains that can be put into use.

I heard that there are currently plans to unite more players to build a railway artery that runs from east to west, north to south.

The steampunk world you want can be realized in a short time. "

Zuo Si crossed his hands on his chest and digested the information for a while, then raised his head and continued to ask: "Since everything is fine, what is the purpose of running here?"

"Because the first awakened person to see through virtuality and reality has appeared among the players."

The diary gave the answer calmly.


Zuo Si's expression changed slightly, and he quickly asked: "This matter hasn't spread, has it?"

Diary shook his head slightly: "No.

Just rest assured.

With the mastermind Isadora watching, how could this guy be given the opportunity to tell other players.

After discovering abnormalities in his psychic signals, the mastermind immediately cut off the connection with the body and transferred his consciousness from Infinite City to a replica of Waterdeep for isolation.

The question now is how to deal with it.

Should he directly imprison his soul permanently, or should you come forward to talk to him alone? "

"Tell me about this guy first."

After hearing that there was no spreading crisis, Zuo Si immediately felt relieved and started asking for specific details.

Diary shrugged his shoulders and responded: "Actually, there is nothing to introduce.

This player's name was Kurt, and his age at death should have been 28. The cause of death was self-inflicted due to severe depression, followed by excessive blood loss and ineffective resuscitation.

He has a very high IQ, especially memory, observation and analytical skills, which are far beyond what ordinary people can understand.

Through long-term observation and continuous testing, this guy discovered that Infinite City is actually a virtual world, and the place that players think is the game world is the real reality.

You know, although the mastermind Isadora has received a lot of knowledge, it is impossible to make no mistakes in such a huge virtual world.

Kurt discovered and found many details that are easily overlooked by ordinary people.

But before he could even try to escape, he was imprisoned.

But what's interesting is that he is not afraid or nervous when he is locked up in the illusion of Waterdeep City, but quietly observes everything around him.

I think his brain, especially his thinking mode, may be different from normal people. "

"In that case, let's go meet the player who was the first to see through the truth."

After saying that, Zuo Si stood up from the chair and quickly passed through the teleportation gate to the floating city on the other side.

He didn't alert anyone, but went straight to the room where the shell ship's brain pool was.

Along the way, you can clearly see a large number of newly born mind flayers, as well as a large number of people who are working tirelessly to build various psychic devices.

Generally speaking, the life span of these guys transformed from devouring goblins and werewolves will not exceed half a year.

Often after laying an egg once, they are quickly arranged to donate their brains at a sacred moment and merge with the great master brain to become a collective consciousness.

Of course, the above sentence was used by the mastermind to deceive the mind flayer.

The real situation is that the master brain only accommodates the consciousness of the first mind-twitching demon that has completed transformation.

The remaining mind flayers who sacrificed their brains would soon become part of the former after being devoured and fused.

Their memories, knowledge, and psychic powers will all be absorbed by the master brain.

This is why masterminds who live longer tend to be smarter and more powerful.

But the problem is that Zuo Si obviously doesn't feel comfortable letting the uncontrolled Mind Flayer live for too long, so he can only use quantity to make up for the lack of quality.

But fortunately, the mastermind Isadora is connected to countless players, who will continuously transmit massive amounts of information back, allowing them to continuously learn, grow, and evolve.

"Take me to the player named Kurt."

Zuo Si stood in front of the brain pool and ordered crisply.

The next second...

The mastermind Isadora then extended two slender and sticky tentacles, gently pressed on her temples, and slowly released amazing spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, Zuo Si's consciousness left his body and entered the illusion of Waterdeep City.

Since the world is completely controlled by the Mastermind, he appears next to his target out of thin air.

Kurt, who was sitting on the bar drinking silently, saw this scene and was so frightened that he almost stopped holding his cup. After calming down, he cautiously asked: "Who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Kurt. My name is Soth, and I am a little planeswalker."

Zuo Si extended his right hand with a smile.

"Uh...hello. Sorry, I never shake hands."

Kurt was visibly nervous and fidgety.

It can be seen that he is very resistant to communicating with strangers in his heart, and he obviously has social phobia.

After realizing this, Zuo Si retracted his arm and said to himself in a calm tone: "I think you must be very confused now about what happened to you, right?"

"you know?"

Kurt took a sip of beer and licked his lips and asked.


Because everything you are going through, without exception, was planned by me.

Including the virtual illusion we are in now.

In addition, I want to apologize to you first, and then return the deleted part of the memory to you.

In this way, I believe you should be able to understand what is going on. "

After that, Zuo Si took out the memory backup stored in the mastermind Isadora, raised his hand and lightly tapped the other person's forehead.

Before the sloppy-looking man could react to what was happening, many images and sounds quickly emerged.

At the beginning, he had a splitting headache due to being too disorganized.

But soon, these sounds and images became clearer and more organized.

After about ten minutes or so, when all the memories were successfully received, Kurt got up from the ground covered in sweat and said in a slightly trembling voice: "So... I'm dead!

Did you take my soul to another world and then inject it into a new body through some unknown technology?


Not just me!

The same goes for those who think they are living in the future.

Are you a god or a devil?

Why do this? "

"calm down.

I am neither a god nor a devil.

At least you should understand now that my actions actually gave you a second life, right? "

Zuo Si had a very friendly smile on his face, signaling the other party not to get too excited.

Kurt nodded without thinking: "You're right.

I have recalled that terrible place of coldness, hopelessness, and numbness after death, when the soul crosses the curtain.

To be honest, I would rather stay in this real illusion for the rest of my life than stay there for one more second.

But the question is, you are obviously trying to save our souls, but why do you use deception?

Wouldn’t it be better to just tell us the truth? "

Zuo Si chuckled and replied: "Because it is very troublesome to explain. Just one magic principle may take several days to explain, and not everyone can accept it.

Most importantly, I need players, including you, to believe that everything they are experiencing is just a game.

You can give full play to your imagination and boldly do things that you would never dare to do in the real world, without carrying any moral baggage.

Imagine, if those people knew that they were living in a real world, would they still have the courage to face enemies or monsters several times more powerful than themselves?

Dare to laugh out loud when facing fear and death?

Is it possible to kill thousands of creatures and still not feel even the slightest bit of guilt?

The answer is obviously no.

That's why I set up this mechanism to protect you so that you can maximize your potential. "

Kurt nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I admit what you said makes sense.

Treating the real world as a game does make people brave, bold and fearless.

But how is all this achieved?

We must know that we are really immortal!

No matter how many times he dies, even if the entire body is shattered, he can still be resurrected in a very short period of time.

Is this also the effect of some powerful magic? "

"Haha, no, of course not. Have you heard of cloning technology?

What I do is protect your soul after the body is destroyed, and then put it into a brand new clone body.

In fact, every player has at least two clones stored in the floating city that can be resurrected at any time.

This is the so-called truth that players can be resurrected infinitely.

Of course, this cloning technology also uses some magical means. "

Zuo Si answered very patiently.

Since becoming the Lord of Hell, he has been able to see the qualities and highlights of mortal souls.

And this guy with a very sloppy appearance in front of him happens to be the kind of person with extremely high soul quality.

"Human clone? Soul? That's it! Last question, what are you going to do with me?"

The moment this question was raised, Kurt became obviously very nervous, and one could even see strong regret in his eyes.

Because he didn't want to be thrown back to the cold, empty, and gray world of death, and he also didn't want his soul to be permanently imprisoned or destroyed.

"I can give you two choices."

Zuo Si raised his right hand and extended his index and middle fingers.

“First, return to Earth and wander in that terrible world of the dead until memory and personality are completely annihilated and become part of the deep well of the soul.

Second, sign a soul contract that cannot be broken, and then I will completely resurrect you through divine magic, so that you can concentrate on working for me from now on.

As for erasing the memory and returning to the previous state, don't think about it.

With your personality and intelligence, even if you wash away all the memories related to today, you will still be unable to help but want to seek the truth again.

It won't be long before we have this conversation again.

It won't change anything except wasting time. "

"I choose the second option!"

Kurt barely thought at all.

Because he is smart enough to know that this is a choice related to the future and destiny, and he has no bargaining chips at all.

"you sure?

You know, working for me is not an ordinary job as you might imagine.

It may involve countless plots, tricks and killings.

And there is a high probability that the person I want to kill can be classified as a good person in your eyes. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's tone became extremely serious and serious.

"Of course! I'm absolutely sure!

The main reason why I chose to commit suicide in the past was that the world was too boring and hopeless, and life was meaningless.

At the same time, I don’t understand what death means.

But now, not only did I understand the horror of death, I was also in a world full of interesting magic, monsters, and dragons.

So I thank you for bringing me here and I'm more than happy to help you.

As for things like good and evil, it is originally a subjective judgment, and stance is often the most critical. "

After saying that, Kurt stood up and imitated the replica of Waterdeep City with one hand on his chest and bowed.

"Since you have such a consciousness, let us sign the agreement first. Isadora, take us back to reality."

Zuo Si loudly gave instructions to the mastermind.

In the blink of an eye, his consciousness returned to his body.

Almost at the same time, Kurt's soul was also released from the confined space where it was originally stored, and he was looking around curiously while maintaining his spiritual state.

Whether it was the busy mind flayers coming in and out, the tadpoles wandering in his brain, or the unimaginably huge mastermind, they were all constantly impacting his cognition.

"Come on, sign this contract first."

Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers, instantly creating a devil's contract out of thin air.

Kurt pressed his name at the bottom without even looking at it.

When he saw the parchment scroll beginning to burn violently, he asked curiously: "Where is this place? Why does it give people such a weird and terrifying feeling?"

"This is the brain pool. It is not only the storage place for the souls of all players, but also the core of the technology that transmits their consciousness into the body."

While he was talking, Zuo Si had already taken out the [Bottle of Desire] card and asked the fire djinn sealed inside to give him a wishing spell, and then used the wishing spell to resurrect the man in front of him who had been dead for a long time.

Since the whole process was very fast, Kurt found that he had his body again before he could react.

And it's not that kind of clone, but his true original body.

He touched his face, beard, and slightly raised belly, and exclaimed in a slightly trembling voice: "This... this is resurrection? Resurrection from the dead! Are you really not a god?"

"No, it's not.

In this world filled with supernatural powers, resurrection from the dead is not the exclusive preserve of the gods.

Mortals can do the same.

From now on, all you have to do is learn magic knowledge from Isadora, and she will guide you on the path of a mage.

My dear, I leave this guy to you, train him well. "

After saying this, Zuo Si turned around and left without looking back, leaving Kurt standing there with a confused look on his face.

But soon, a young woman's voice echoed throughout the room and even in the back of my mind.

"Don't worry, Soth. I will train him to be what you need. If he can't do it, then I will transform him into what you need."


Kurt was so frightened that he jumped up from the ground and shouted in horror: "Who? Who is talking?"

"I'm right in front of you, can't you see?"

Isadora suddenly stretched out two extremely thick tentacles from the brain pool and waved them in front of the opponent's eyes.

"Oh - my God!"

Kurt plopped down on the ground, completely sluggish.

Only then did he realize that the giant brain tissue in front of him was actually a living, intelligent life with self-awareness.

And the voice was full of familiarity, almost exactly the same as the woman who was responsible for guiding players into the virtual world.

“You can call me Isadora, or you can call me Mastermind.

From today on, I am your teacher.

Remember, you must tap into all your potential in the following time and master arcane magic knowledge as quickly as possible.

If you can't complete your daily study tasks, then I will forcefully instill you through spiritual power.

If necessary, we will even modify your brain.

Believe me, that feeling is not pleasant, and the pain is basically the same as being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. "

The mastermind Isadora expressed her attitude unceremoniously.

"Can knowledge still be forcibly instilled?"

Kurt's mouth opened wide in shock for a moment.

"Of course!

Otherwise, who do you think instilled the language into the players?

Considering that you do not have any basis for learning arcane magic, I will instill this part of knowledge into you today.

By the way, I also want to let you experience the pain that cannot be described in words. "

The words have not yet been spoken!

The mastermind Isadora pressed her tentacles on the opponent's head and began to activate psychic powers to transmit knowledge.


Kurt felt as if thousands of needles were piercing his brain, and he couldn't help but let out a heart-rending wail.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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