"how is the taste?"

Seeing that Owo was eating so deliciously and drank six or seven cans of carbonated drinks alone, Zuo Si finally couldn't help but ask.

He was very curious, as if the other person's body had been soaked in water for an unknown length of time, and looked like swollen skin and rotten flesh, whether it could really taste, digest and absorb like a real living body. Produce various hormones and bring about feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

"Quite good! I like the sparkling water best, and these magic beans, each of which tastes completely different."

Ovo let out a loud burp, patted his round and slightly saggy belly, and showed an expression that could be regarded as a smile on his face.

The reason why he describes it this way is because the muscles on his face are really too loose.

In addition, the pale and swollen skin was severely drooping, making it impossible to smile normally like a living person.

And this guy exudes an aura of familiarity all over his body.

Whether he went to get snacks and drinks from the magic refrigerator without permission, or he looked so bold when eating, he looked quite relaxed, without any of the nervousness and vigilance that ordinary spellcasters would have when entering someone else's mage tower.

After all, walking into a stranger's mage tower is equivalent to putting yourself in a very dangerous state.

If a conflict or even a battle breaks out, they will almost be at an overwhelming disadvantage.

But Owo obviously doesn't need to worry about being killed.

Because he regarded the continuation of life and existence as a top priority a long time ago, he invented the legendary magic - Ovo's Phylactery Shattering Technique and Ovo's Soul Shattering Technique, and then repeatedly cast it on his own phylactery until it split into More than two hundred yuan.

This was followed by a constant shielding of prophecy detection spells on each piece to ensure that no one could locate the fragments of these phylacteries.

Finally, scatter them and throw them to every corner of the planet Toril, and even other outer planes and material planes.

No matter who it is, if you want to kill him, you first need to collect all the phylactery fragments.

Even for a god, it might not be easy to find so many fragments of the life box.

Even if Ovo himself does not interfere and does not continue to increase the number of fragments, it will probably take hundreds or even thousands of years.

It is estimated that if Voldemort learns this spell, Dumbledore will probably go crazy on the spot, and then directly go dark and make a Horcrux to make himself immortal, and love and kill each other until the end of time.

There is no doubt that among the several "old men" in Netheril, Ovo is definitely the friendliest, the most harmless, and the most suitable for communication and communication.

Although he is a fat otaku lich himself, he is keen on cultivating apprentices and devoting himself to education.

Including the Uthcart School of Conjuration near Belgoost, which has been reduced to ruins, the Brill Arcane School in Baldur's Gate, which also closed down due to poor management, and the Black Hand Brotherhood in Cape Esko. It was established under his secret control and funding.

Moreover, Ovo will also generously provide knowledge and help to any young people who have obvious Netherese blood and show outstanding talents in arcane arts, and even personally teach them the magical knowledge and traditions of the Netherese era. and culture.

Of course, the real purpose behind all these actions is to revive and recreate the great Netherese civilization.

Compared with the puppets in Shade City who have fallen under the skirt of Shar, the goddess of night, Ovo is the great arcanist who truly inherits the spirit of Netheril.

He has not believed in any god throughout his life, and he will not have even the slightest contact or cooperation with the church of God.

Even the goddess of magic who controls the magic network only maintains the lowest level of respect.

Privately, he is still trying to find ways to circumvent the restrictions set by the second-generation magic goddess to cast tenth, eleventh and even higher-level spells that exceed nine levels.

There are also rumors that this guy is trying to create a new legendary spell to make the lost [Mythra Core].

Of course, as to how true it is, only he and the goddess of magic Midnight know best.

But Zuo Si, who had read several pages of Netheril scrolls, knew very well that if the magic network above the ninth ring was not opened, then theoretically it would be impossible to create the [Mythra Core] in Faerûn.

Because the most critical spells required to create this magic device are all tenth and eleventh rings.

Thinking of this, he picked up an unopened can of juice drink on the table, opened it, raised his head and took a sip, then sat down and asked calmly: "You came all the way from your lair in the Supreme Forest, should you?" Is it just to come to my place to taste the food and drinks from other worlds?”

"Ha ha ha ha!

No, of course not.

In fact, these fun little snacks are an unexpected surprise.

Although I have long heard that you are a planeswalker who can travel between different worlds at will, I still have some doubts until I confirm it with my own eyes.

But now I believe it.

After all, the packaging and text on these snacks and drinks all prove that they come from another world.

Especially the candies and beans with magical effects are really full of whimsy.

I guess this world must be very peaceful, without the frequent and fierce battles like in Faerûn.

Otherwise, the spell caster would never use his intelligence in such a place. "

Owo grinned and let out a slightly harsh laugh, and the flesh all over his body was trembling with laughter.


Zuo Si sneered and shook his head: "How is that possible!

The essence of human nature is selfishness.

How can groups and societies based on this nature be peaceful?

It's just that those countries with stronger power transfer their own conflicts to relatively weaker countries in order to maintain their own peace and development.

That world fought two world wars in recent history alone, resulting in hundreds of millions of direct and indirect deaths.

Even now, many countries are still in flames of war, and hundreds of thousands or millions of lives are devoured by chaos, hunger and pain every year.

The only difference is that powerful countries will not take huge risks and go to war directly.

Instead, it treats third-party countries as battlefields, then supports its own agents and uses them to compete for resources and expand its sphere of influence.

Therefore, their citizens can live in a peaceful environment with relatively abundant resources. "

"Proxy war? It sounds interesting..."

Ovo's eyes sparkled with intense curiosity.

As an immortal lich, he obviously has nothing to do with kindness.

Not even caring about the life and death of ordinary people.

There is even a little bit of paranoid tendencies.

Regarding war and killing, this guy, like Mordenkainen, also has his own twisted philosophy and values.

"Yes. For the strong, this is indeed an interesting game, but for the weak, it is an outright disaster." Zuo Si sighed slightly.

Owo shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly: "You and I are both strong, why should we consider the problem from the perspective of the weak?

In the days of Netheril, the great arcanists had discussions in this regard.

The end result is that, with the exception of those gifted with arcane magic, the remaining civilians and slaves are essentially a renewable resource and consumable.

They did not play a key role in promoting the development of magic and civilization, and even hindered it to a certain extent.

If it were not necessary to select from a large number of babies to cultivate arcanists, constructs or undead creatures could be used instead. "

"You mean...the ideal country of the great arcanists of the Netheril era was to completely abandon the common people and let them fend for themselves, leaving only arcanists and those apprentices with arcane talents?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"That's right!"

Ovo answered in the affirmative without thinking, and explained while stroking his plump chin: "In my opinion, only by completely getting rid of those meaningless civilians can arcanists break the double imprisonment of thought and physiology. Elevate yourself to a higher being, or even collectively become a member of the gods.

The reason why I chose to study the mysteries of necromancy magic is to one day make arcanists an immortal race and ensure that the offspring I bear will also be arcanists.

In this way, Netheril will enter another brand new stage.

It's a pity that this grand plan has just taken the first step, and this idiot Karsus ruined everything.

Over the years, I have been looking for ways to spread the knowledge, culture, and ideas of Netheril.

But unfortunately most of the people selected were not capable enough, so that almost all attempts failed. "

"What does this have to do with me?"

Zuo Si pretended not to care.

He felt that based on the attitude of these great arcanists towards civilians, the demise of the Netherese civilization was not unjust at all.

No wonder Harrua, the country of mages as a remnant of Nese, does not miss the glory of the past at all, but is more willing to maintain the current state.

Especially for gods, occupying a large number of civilians means many things, including the most important belief and influence.

You must know that most gods cannot exist alone without believers.

Even before the Year of Turbulence, the god Io had not changed the rules in the country, and the gods still needed to maintain a certain number of believers, otherwise they would be dragged into the star realm to lie dead.

The ancient sun god Amaunator quickly lost faith after the collapse of Netheril, and eventually became a member of the army of corpses in the astral realm.

It's just that at that time, God's own power was not directly connected to believers and influence.

Therefore, the great arcanist's attitude towards civilians determines that most gods, except the goddess of magic, will not like them.

But Karsus, a fool, chose the only powerful first-generation magic goddess who was protecting Netheril.

The results speak for themselves.

Although several floating cities survived later, they quickly declined because the Deep Demonic Network was completely closed to mortals, and eventually became part of Faerun's tens of thousands of years of history.

In this regard, it is similar to the demise of the Imasca Empire.

The reasons for the demise of the two ancient magical civilizations can be classified as their own muffled deaths.

Ovo obviously didn't know how low Zuo Si thought of Netheril, whom he was deeply attached to, and continued to himself: "Of course it does matter. If I guess correctly, you and Shaen VII have reached an agreement. , are planning to completely integrate Wan Ting and even the large area of ​​land south of Dragonspear Castle to Kalingshan to build a huge west coast empire, right?"

"Well! This is no longer a secret in the eyes of many people.

But one thing needs to be corrected, that is, my goal is not just half of the west coast of Faerûn.

It also includes areas such as Waterdeep City, Neverwinter City, and the Silver Moon Alliance in the north, covering more than one-fifth of the continent.

And what I want is not just nominal rule, but political, economic, cultural and ideological integration and unification.

I want the world to see what a real country is.

This is not directed at anyone!

What I want to say is that from the moment civilization was established in the world of Toril to the present, whether it is the creator race, giants and dragons, or elves, Netheril, Imaskar, and the Shaan Empire, they The countries established are all unqualified garbage in my eyes. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's eyes shone with overwhelming pride and confidence.

Pah pah pah pah——

"Awesome! Such attitude and momentum!"

Instead of getting angry when someone said his country was rubbish, Owo clapped his hands and applauded loudly.

Because he recognized Netheril's achievements and brilliance in magic, not the loose and independent political structure.

Especially in the final period of its demise, the internal chaos and confrontation can be said to have completely disappointed the fat house lich.

But soon, Owo suddenly changed the subject and tried with a smile: "If I guess correctly, after the empire is established, you should vigorously promote magic education and cultivate more arcane spellcasters, right? ?”

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes! Since magic is the most powerful force that objectively exists in the world and can be used by mortals, it is crucial to study it in depth.

My plan is to establish a magic academy in every large city, so that all talented people can complete the most basic theoretical education as much as possible.

In addition, magic-related creations and inventions will be encouraged, making arcane spellcasters a vital force in the country.

In short, we must establish a powerful magical civilization that far surpasses Imaskar and Netheril.

Under my rule, this country will be taken to unprecedented heights. "

“A very grand blueprint!

I have to admit, your ambition and vision are enough to make any arcane spellcaster's heart flutter.

If you don't mind, could you let me join in the fun?

You know, I have a lot of ancient knowledge left over from the days of Netheril, and I'm willing to share it.

Don't worry, I'm not a threat to your rule.

I just hope that some of the great culture and traditions of the Netherese era can be brought back. "

Owo stated the true purpose of his trip in a very genuine tone.

Obviously, as one of the few Grand Arcanists whose mission is to restore the glory of Netheril, what he desires has never been power, let alone the establishment of a country called "Netheril".

Instead, let the culture and heritage of Netheril be reborn on the continent of Faerûn.

As long as he can achieve this goal, he is willing to make any sacrifices, pay any price, and cooperate with anyone worthy of cooperation, even his former enemies.

In fact, Ovo does not have a good relationship with the goddess of magic, her church, and her chosen people.

They even deliberately induced some talented mages to study ways to get rid of the restrictions of the magic network, as revenge for the second-generation magic goddess to seal the deep magic network.

At the beginning, he was actually full of contempt and disdain for Zuo Si, the chosen god, and thought that he was no different from Elminster and others, they were all the same.

But as time went by, Fat Mansion Lich gradually discovered that Zuo Si was completely different from other voters. He did not obtain his elector status because of his faith or services to the gods.

Just the opposite!

He gained the recognition of the gods through his own thoughts and ideas. The relationship between him and the gods is not that of a superior or a subordinate at all, but that they engage in many cooperations with equal status.

The recent summoning of the Eldrazi Titans in the Abyss directly changed the direction of the bloody battle, and the removal of the powerful god Cyric, who was personally promoted by the god Io, all proved that he had no respect for God at all.

This attitude with a bit of contempt for the gods made Ovo feel that Zuo Si was simply the perfect successor to the "spiritual core of Netheril".

That's why he left his lair in the Supreme Forest and traveled all the way south to meet him.

Seeing the expectation revealed in the other person's eyes, Zuo Si touched his chin and pondered for a moment, then quickly responded: "Okay.

I have always welcomed this kind of cooperation.

But there is one thing that needs special attention.

That is, don't instill in those young people the idea that God is just a more powerful arcanist.

Because it's wrong, and so wrong.

God is God. It is the projection of spirit and belief in the outer plane. It is also an ultimate philosophical concept.

I believe that the disaster caused by Karthus is enough to prove a lot of things.

And God exists objectively, just like the magic net.

Denying them does not make arcane spellcasters more powerful, it only makes them arrogant and paranoid.

What's more, I myself am a chosen one of the Goddess of Magic, and I don't want any conflict between the future mages taught by the academy and the church. "

Hearing this, Ovo immediately frowned subconsciously and pondered for a long time before asking in a deep voice: "What about the research on bypassing the restrictions of the magic network?"

“In this regard, my attitude is that it doesn’t matter.

I believe that today's magic goddess also has an indifferent idea.

She is not the second-generation magic goddess, nor has she witnessed the terrible disaster with her own eyes. She is not as determined as the second-generation magic goddess to close the deep magic network.

Moreover, it is the innate nature of the goddess of magic to protect and encourage research in magic.

No matter what her original attitude was, she would gradually change her views under the influence of the priesthood.

In addition, as a planeswalker, I have too many ways to bypass the restrictions of the magic network and cast powerful spells that far exceed the ninth level.

Legendary mages can also use legendary spells to release some past tenth and eleventh level spells.

Therefore, the meaning of closing the deep magic network no longer exists. "

Zuo Si clearly expressed his position.

To be honest, he quite disdains some of the practices of the second-generation magic goddess Mystra.

Whether it is the deep magic network that has been closed to mortals across the board, or the romantic style of acting, or the large number of voters and lovers that he has created when he is idle, and the notorious preacher who has created a lot of weird gadgets. Mage rules.

In contrast, although the current third-generation magic goddess Midnight made some jokes after becoming a god.

But as my understanding of the priesthood deepens, I have begun to be able to perform my duties.

The only problem is that the remaining goodness in her mortal nature often makes her feel entangled in some magical research that tends to be evil.

After all, the controller of the Magic Network must be neutral and cannot be mixed with any personal emotions and preferences. This is exactly the same as the God of Death.

So now Midnight and Kelanvor are forcing themselves to remain neutral.

"Can you bypass the magic net?"

Owo's fat and bloated body suddenly stood up from the sofa, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Of course! I am a node connecting different worlds, and I can fill the surroundings with spell-casting environments from other worlds. Moreover, planeswalkers can directly manipulate energy to form spells."

While speaking, Zuo Si raised his hand and cast a very simple spell, activating the stone snake-man statue that was originally placed next to him, and making it twist its body and start cleaning the garbage on the table and the floor.

There is no doubt that this spell did not pass through the magic network or even draw energy from the surrounding environment.

Ovo was keenly aware of this, and immediately cast corresponding spells to sense changes in the surrounding environment. He soon noticed that the air was densely packed with several kinds of primitive energy that he had never come into contact with before.

Some of them are very violent and difficult to control, while others are very gentle and easily molded into various spells.

After several minutes, he raised his head and asked in an uncertain tone: "As long as you are within a certain range around you, can you use these magical powers from other worlds?"

Zuo Si replied crisply: "That's right.

Some coverage areas are relatively large, and can even affect a radius of hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

That's why I said that the closure of the deep magic network is meaningless.

Even if you don't do research, I will find an appropriate time to talk to the goddess of magic and let her gradually open the deep magic network. "

"That's it! I really didn't make a mistake this time. You are the person I have been looking for to carry forward the spirit, culture and tradition of Netheril again."

Owo's eyes flashed with excitement and expectation.

You must know that he has been working hard to achieve this goal since the collapse of the magic network in -539DR, which caused the floating cities to fall one after another.

Excluding the first few hundred years of collecting and organizing knowledge and magic items, it is almost a full 1,700 years.

During this period, except for the Shann Dynasty of Kalingshan, which was still somewhat of an empire, no decent magical nation had emerged on the entire continent of Faerûn.

Whether it is Halua, the country of wizards composed of the remnants of Nese, or the powerful red-robed wizards of Ser, they are far from qualified in Ovo's eyes.

But now, he finally saw the hope of success in the young man in front of him.

"Don't be too happy yet.

Let me state in advance that I am a person with a strong desire for control and will never allow a loose parliamentary system centered on the floating city like the one in the Netheril era.

What I want to create is a central government with unlimited power.

All institutions and organizations must serve this goal, even mages.

If anyone wants to cause division within my rule, or build a mountain independent of the system, I will destroy them without mercy. "

Zuo Si had no intention of hiding anything and showed his autocratic side of the tyrant openly.

Because he himself is a mage, he is very aware of the selfishness in the bones of mage, and he also understands the terrible and serious consequences if they are given too much freedom.

Look at the red-robed mages who fight among themselves every day in Sel, and look at the crazy policies and actions of Netheril and Imaskar in history, and the reasons for their demise, and you will know that letting arcane spellcasters escape control or is what it means to hold power.

Only Harrua, the country of mages ruled by the archmage of prophecy, is slightly better.

After all, these guys can always predict what will happen in the future and prepare in advance.

At first they predicted the destruction of Netheril, and later they even predicted the fall of the goddess of magic again and the coming of the magic plague.

To tell a joke, the prophecy masters of Halua predicted the spell plague in advance, but Savras, the god of prophecy, did not.

He still has the nerve to call himself the All-Seeing One, the King of Prophecy, and the Third Eye...

With such a stretched crotch, it's no wonder that he was beaten to pieces by the mortal mage god Azuth and imprisoned in a scepter.

It was not until he later surrendered and swore allegiance to Azuth that he was released.

Owo stared into Zuo Si's eyes, trying to confirm the young man's determination. After about two or three minutes, he sighed helplessly: "Well - well, I don't have many choices, do I? But I hope You lead them as a planeswalker, not as an Emperor."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Whatever, there is no essential difference anyway. And I am an immortal myself. I will not die even if I age, and there is no problem of power inheritance."

"Then I wish us happy cooperation."

Owo took the initiative and stretched out his right hand that was already somewhat shapeless.

“Happy to work with!”

Zuo Si did not show any dislike, but also stretched out his right hand to hold the opponent tightly.

When they were separated, his palms were suddenly covered with a sticky layer of unknown liquid.

When Ovo saw this scene, he immediately used magic tricks to clean up the mucus, and exclaimed in a slightly apologetic tone: "Ah! Sorry, I forgot that my skin will exude some antiseptic liquid. But don't Don’t worry, they won’t cause any harm or negative effects to the human body.”

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

Zuo Si obviously didn't take it to heart.


Although he is a bit of a germaphobe, he is still a ruthless person who can dismember a corpse without any hesitation, dig out the limbs, internal organs and brain completely, then clean them and soak them in embalming fluid.

While working as an apprentice, he occasionally had to do some suture work and vivisection.

Something as small as getting embalming fluid on your hands is nothing.

"In that case, I will go back and sort out the books, scrolls and information first, so as not to be in a hurry. Oh, by the way, do you need my help to solve the minor troubles in Baldur's Gate and West Heartland?" Ovo asked enthusiastically.

"No, no need, everything is under my control there."

Zuo Si politely chose to refuse.

Although he had reached a cooperation agreement with the great arcanist of the Netherese era, he did not trust him very much.

Trust won't be given easily, at least in the short term.

Because these "old people" have lived for too long, who knows what they are thinking in their hearts.

As Iorum, who created the Golden Age of Netheril, is now a mind flayer mastermind lich, it's hard to say whether he still has any humanity left;

Larok, the wizard king, is hiding under the mountains. He seems harmless, but in fact he is plotting an astonishing plan to ascend to the gods;

Even the supreme city lord of Ghost City, Telamant Tanshur, has his own obsession.

Therefore, Zuo Si has reason to believe that there must be some unknown secrets hidden behind Owo, but they have not been exposed yet.

He must make several preparation plans to ensure that he can counterattack in time after falling out with the opponent and reduce the subsequent losses.

It has to be said that as soon as the cooperation agreement was reached, he started planning how to deal with his allies, which is what he and a certain old bat can do.

Always stay alert!

Never trust anyone easily!

In this regard, Zuo Si has almost reached the extreme. His mental state is obviously not healthy at all, nor is it normal.

Unfortunately, at this stage of development, it has obviously entered an advanced stage, and even the best psychiatrist cannot cure it.

Not to mention treatment, the psychiatrist can be considered strong-willed if he doesn't go crazy after talking to him.

After seeing off "Immortal" Owo, Zuo Si returned directly to the exclusive room on the upper floor and asked the tower consciousness to send a notice to his apprentice.

After a while, Sancho hurried in and asked breathlessly: "Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Well. I think you should know that there is a group of people in Baldur's Gate area asking for your whereabouts, right?"

Zuo Si sat down on the sofa and asked while using copying magic to copy the magic tattoo knowledge and techniques in his mind into a blank notebook.

Sancho nodded vigorously: "I know! Atona has already told me. Who are they? Why are they chasing me?"

"They are the subordinates of a powerful red-robed mage who was exiled. As for why, you have to ask yourself."

Zuo Si stared at the boy's eyes, especially the right eye carefully.

But unfortunately, nothing unusual was found through visual observation alone.

"I do not understand what you mean."

Sancho stood there at a loss, obviously not knowing what kind of disaster he had caused.

"Think carefully about whether you stole anything unusual during your escape." Zuo Si reminded him by tapping his fingers on the table.

After receiving the prompt, Sancho immediately began to recall his miserable life in the past few months. After about ten minutes, he suddenly realized and screamed: "Damn it! I remembered it!"

Once, I used my ability to teleport and suddenly appeared in the ruins of a desert. I wandered there for a day and a night until I encountered a group of camels.

I was tired, hungry, and thirsty at the time, and my teleportation ability had just recovered, so I took advantage of the darkness to sneak over and steal a bag.

In addition to a small amount of water and dried meat, there is also a sealed metal box in the luggage.

After I had eaten and drank enough, I opened it and found a spherical gem that was constantly flashing with swirling electric sparks. It was more beautiful and dazzling than any gem I had seen before.

I originally thought about taking it to a jewelry store in the next city and selling it.

But for some reason, when I took out the box again, I found that the gem was missing.

Maybe it was stolen by a thief somewhere.

Those people are probably looking for this lost gem. "

Sancho didn't dare to hide anything, so he told everything about his experience.

Although he has an extreme, rebellious personality and a disregard for life, he also knows that the mentors in front of him are very few "good people" who are not malicious and are willing to teach and protect him.

"The gem disappeared?"

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes! It just disappeared! I swear when I went to the jewelry store, I saw the gem in the box. But when I arrived at the jewelry store and opened the box, I found that it was empty." Sancho assured.

"Come here! Come closer!"

Zuo Sichong raised his fingers at the boy, making it clear that he didn't quite believe what he said.

In other words, he felt that the boy had no idea what was happening to him, just like he had no idea about the divine power and divinity belonging to Baal in his body before.

Sancho took a deep breath and walked forward cautiously, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

From his mentor's reaction, he could already tell that the gem was definitely not an ordinary item, but was extremely precious, rare, and might contain fatal danger.

However, Zuo Si obviously couldn't care less about appeasing the boy at the moment. He pinched his cheek and continued to release various detection and contact magic spells.

But unfortunately, all the spells were like a stone sinking into the sea without any response.

In desperation, Zuo Si could only try to use the power of silver fire.

As a result, the silver fire had just been released, and Sancho's right eye instantly released a dazzling light.

Then the entire eyeball disappeared out of thin air!

Instead, there is a deep, dark, different-dimensional space that is constantly flashing with storms, flames and thunder sparks.

The destructive power coming toward the face was endless, as if it was going to swallow up everything around it.

Is this what is hidden under the eyepatch of the incarnation of Talos, the God of Storms?

A god's eye!


It should be called the Eye of Destruction or the Eye of the Storm!

Zuo Si's face became extremely serious.

"Tutor...tutor, what's wrong with my eyes?"

Sancho also noticed that something was wrong, and his whole body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

"You really caused a big trouble this time. Don't move! I'll help you take it out!"

With that said, Zuo Si began to try to wrap the extra-dimensional space in the eye socket with silver fire.

But when the silver fire in the depths of the magic network collided with Talos's divine power, a terrifying bolt of lightning and flames instantly spurted out and swept across the entire room.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying destructive power that could not be described in words tore the temporary magical protection to pieces almost instantly.

If Zuo Si hadn't reacted quickly enough and pulled the boy to hide behind another protective magic, Sancho's small body would probably not have left any residue in a minute.

After the storm ended, he tried again to use other attributes of divine power, or even the energy given by the hell plane as a medium.

After many twists and turns, he finally took out the extra-dimensional space in his eye socket.

As expected, it was an object with the shape and size of an eyeball, but it was not an entity, but was entirely composed of divine power and violent unknown energy.

Once it comes into contact with anything outside except air, it will erupt with a deafening sound, and emit flames, thunder and lightning.

If the destructive power contained in it were fully released, it would probably envelope the entire Askatla and Amn together, forming a devastating storm and volcanic belt.

There is no doubt that this is 100% something that belongs to Talos, the God of Storms, and it is also the most critical prop for Vesalun to become a god.

"Okay, now I know what the so-called apotheosis of gods is all about."

Zuo Si carefully fiddled with the Eye of Destruction in his hand and muttered to himself.

The reason why Velshalon became the Lich God was, to put it bluntly, to transform the divine power of the Eye of Destruction, and then become a demigod with weak divine power with the help of Talos, the Storm God.

In essence, there is no difference from other guys who are promoted from mortals to demigods with the help of the Lord God.

But Zuo Si was very curious as to where this Eye of the Storm came from and why it was placed in the desert ruins of Zichen Plain.

Could it be that in ancient times, Talos had a fight with other gods and the avatar was accidentally blown up?

Or did he suddenly go crazy and dig it out himself, throwing it in to see what mortals would do if they found it?

But soon, Zuo Si expelled these messy thoughts from his mind.

Because the Storm God Talos is a typical chaotic evil.

The biggest characteristic of chaotic evil is that it comes up as it comes, without any rigorous plan or logic at all.

Trying to figure out what they are thinking is simply making yourself miserable.

In the Battle of the Spider Queen, the dark girl Eilistraee was too rational and always wanted to predict the behavior of her mother Rose based on the information she had at hand. As a result, she was completely defeated in the end.

In Zuo Si's view, there are two ways to deal with the chaotic camp.

One is to use the ultimate law and evil like the devil to fight head-on, and the other is even more chaotic than the opponent's chaos.

After determining the mystery hidden in Sancho's eyes, he quickly used magic and divine magic to create an eyeball with magical effects as a replacement and stuffed it into the empty eye socket.

Because the boy's lost eyeball has been completely integrated with the Eye of Destruction, no spells or regeneration abilities can restore it to its original state, not even the wish spell.

Fortunately, Sancho didn't care. Instead, he was grateful to have escaped such an extremely dangerous thing.

He had witnessed with his own eyes what a powerful and terrifying storm of destruction this eye could unleash.

If he accidentally triggered it one day, the consequences would be unimaginable.

As for what Zuo Si would do with this eye, the boy didn't care at all, let alone hope to control that terrible storm...

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