A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 464: Enjoy it (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

In the minds of most rational and independent-thinking people, war is a serious, dangerous, bloody and cruel thing, full of all kinds of unforeseen surprises and sudden turns.

Therefore, no matter who uses war as a means, they must think repeatedly and be cautious.

Otherwise, it will bring unimaginable devastating disasters to yourself, your family, and even your country.

But as long as you look at the history of the earth before modern times, you will know that the real situation is actually the opposite of what most people think.

Many medieval wars broke out for almost the same reason as a joke.

Or even simply personal grudges between some noble lords and even kings, as well as verbal humiliations, offenses and trivial neighborly disputes.

Moreover, the things done during the war are often full of magical colors, which makes people wonder whether these guys are really fighting a serious war?

If this is the case on Earth where there is almost no influence of supernatural forces, then naturally there is no need to say more in Faerûn, which is full of magic, dragons and monsters.

The so-called "people's view of history" simply does not exist in this world.

Ordinary people without any power, no matter how many they are, cannot create history, change history, or promote social progress and technological development.

It's all done by gods, heroes, and powerful arcane magic users.

Without Iolum and a group of talented great arcanists, Netheril would not be as glorious as it is;

Without Karthus, an arrogant madman, Netheril would not have been destroyed;

Without Old Akaba Shane there would not have been the vast empire that occupied the southern part of the west coast;

If it weren't for the greed of Shane IV, Ivicola Sagram's "Sharp Teeth" wouldn't have launched an attack like crazy and destroyed the Shane Empire.

Since a very small number of people decide the rise and fall of a country or even civilization, it is almost common sense in Faerûn.

Without their intervention, there would not have been the rise of races and civilizations, not to mention so many lost empires, and countless ancient ruins buried in the wilderness and ruins.

To this day, adventurers and archaeologists can still often find treasures from thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago from all over the world.

Especially if an individual is too powerful, power will inevitably be concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people.

As for civilians...

Sorry, they have no sense of existence in this world at all, neither in history nor in reality.

There is no such thing as a historical turning point caused by a small person like the Sarajevo incident.

Even if ordinary people raise resistance and rebellion, they can easily be suppressed by powerful rulers.

Unless this ruler is both kind and weak, and ultimately chooses to give up power and allow civilians to seize power.

However, Sarevok obviously has nothing to do with the words kindness and weakness, and he also does not allow anyone to dare to defy his will.

After seizing control of Baldur's Gate through a series of conspiracies and plans, the first thing he did was to overdraft the finances, hollow out the chamber of commerce industries controlled by the changelings, and use the money to recruit more soldiers. .

Under normal circumstances, the total number of Flame Fist mercenaries and other peripheral garrisons does not exceed a thousand.

On the one hand, due to the deterioration of the economy, tax revenue has decreased, and it is really impossible to support too many troops.

On the other hand, after the defeat in the last battle, the size of the army was restricted by the Nelanser Islands, so it could only maintain this number.

Otherwise, you will be hit and sanctioned from all aspects.

But Sarevok obviously didn't care about this.

His goal is to inherit the Blood Throne through war and killing.

As for what Baldur's Gate will eventually be destroyed into, he doesn't care or care at all.

Generous military pay coupled with previous hate propaganda recruited a large number of young and middle-aged people in a very short period of time.

The number of the army has also expanded from more than 2,000 people after the previous integration to more than 8,000. Even some orcs, orcs and hobgoblin bandits were recruited as soldiers.

You must know that the total permanent population of Baldur's Gate is only about 50,000.

Sarevok's behavior is equivalent to draining the most important labor force in society from the age of twenty to thirty-five, and it is completely militaristic.

Women can even be seen in places with heavy manual labor such as docks, warehouses and workshops.

In addition, he also drained the entire Baldur's Gate steel resources to build weapons and armor, and conducted simple training for the new recruits.

In order to maximize morale, this guy actually publicly promised that after defeating the Zhentil Fort army, the most heroic soldiers would become the bureaucrats and ruling class of each town, giving them noble titles, money, houses, land, women, etc. Waiting for a series of rewards.

In a word, you can get whatever you want from Fuzoul Chamberry.

Because everyone knows that the army of Zhentil Fort has brutally purged the ruling class in the occupied areas.

As long as they can be defeated, the entire West Heartland region and the richest land on the Dragon Coast can be easily collected, and even a country can be established.

And Sarevok is most likely the king of this new country.

Following him can be said to be quite promising.

In this way, under the stimulation of constant blood-raising, pie-making and money-splitting, the entire Baldur's Gate fell into a state of war fever.

The business class was also beguiled and persuaded by the shapeshifters. They donated generously and provided large loans with high interest rates and various war materials to the Baldur's Gate government, hoping to make a huge profit from them.

They didn't realize that Sarevok had no intention of paying back the money.


The money was borrowed in the name of the Baldur's Gate government, and of course the Baldur's Gate government would be responsible for it.

What's more, in the plan of the Son of Baal, he will already be the new God of Murder by the time the war is over. How dare someone come to him to ask for debt?

Are you tired of living?

Believe it or not, we will make arrangements for you right away!

Just as Sarevok was making final preparations for the war, Fuzor Chamberry, who had swept through various towns on the north bank of the Chongsa River and successfully joined forces with the Dark Fort Legion, also completed the final repairs and led an entire army. Fifteen thousand troops marched towards the designated battlefield, Troll's Claw.

In this army, various monsters account for more than two-thirds, and the rest are humans, dwarves, dwarves, elves and other races.

Most of the latter are composed of neutral or evil camp adventurers and mercenaries who joined halfway.

They were either trying to earn fairly generous rewards, or they were trying to get closer to Zhentil Castle and gain permission to join this regional power.

Aberdare and his party are now one of them.

Although they had been shamelessly blackmailed by Xi Manmeng and forced to pay a "passage usage fee" of fifteen thousand gold coins, the team did not change their original plan because of this.

Because with Sarevok completely controlling Baldur's Gate, the only one who can fight it is the power of Zhentil Keep.

As for Zhentil Castle controlling such a huge land from the Dragon Coast to Baldur's Gate, it would have an impact on the situation in the surrounding areas, Aberdare didn't care.

To be precise, after seeing several well-ordered towns under the control of the Bann Church, one may even have the idea that this is not a bad idea.

There was no situation like the chaos, disorder, smashing, looting, and burning that had just gone through the war.

At this moment, the son of Baal was lying on a carriage filled with food and military supplies. He asked without looking back: "Do you think Sarevok will go out of the city to fight?"

"Yes! Because if he wants to realize his ambition, he must prove himself with a clean victory to win the support of his soldiers."

Jasila replied in the affirmative without thinking.

It can be seen that this half-elf druid has not been sleeping well recently. Not only does he have very obvious dark circles around his eyes, but he is also very nervous and anxious.

She had obtained information about Sarevok through the Harpers' intelligence network, and knew that this would be a battle that would determine the fate of the two Sons of Baal.

From a personal point of view, Jasira certainly hopes that Aberdare can kill Sarevok and avenge the death of Gillian.

But the Harper prefers that the two of them die together.

In this way, they don't have to worry about two overly powerful Sons of Baal fighting each other, which will eventually lead to the birth of a more powerful, more terrifying, and more threatening Son of God.

Jasira has recently been caught in the conflict between her personal emotions and her duties as a Harper.

"In other words, as long as we continue to advance with the army, we can find an opportunity to kill him on the battlefield?"

Aberdare didn't notice Jasira's strange reaction, and his eyes flashed with naked and undisguised anger and hatred.

As a typical warrior with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, what he hates most is thinking too much, preferring to pursue simple pleasures and revenge.

During his previous adventures, Aberdare had gotten into fights with drunken drunkards or provocative adventurers in taverns more than once.

The most serious one even drew his sword and killed four people, leaving the entire tavern floor soaked with blood.

In order to escape the pursuit of the guards, the team members could only run out of the town together.

There is still a wanted poster for their reward hanging near the entrance of Belgost.

"That's right!

Don’t forget, we are now mercenaries.

At that time, just apply for a reconnaissance mission, and then hide near the battlefield to look for opportunities.

As soon as he saw Sarevok, he rushed forward and killed him at lightning speed. "

Thrall, a Zhentarim spy, encouraged.

"Are you sure we can defeat Sarevok?"

There was strong suspicion in Imoen's voice.

You must know that when they fled, the two sides met once at the gate of Flame Fist Castle.

As a result, Sarevok didn't even do it himself, and his men alone beat the shit out of the team members.

Aberdare brandished his giant sword and rushed forward, but was easily forced back by his sword. Even the magic missiles hitting the opponent failed to cause any obvious damage.

As a fairly self-aware girl, Imoen didn't think it was a wise choice to directly attack Sarevok.

Montaro shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It depends on man! The army of Zhentil Fort is standing behind us. As long as Sarevok can be held back, the soldiers who rush up later can surround this guy. Beaten to death."

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why he and Thrall are so active is because they have received Ximanmeng's instructions to let the two sons of Baal finally meet on the battlefield.

But Aberdare knew nothing about this, and thought his teammates were encouraging him, so he immediately responded with a grin: "What you said makes sense. It depends on man! I don't believe how powerful Sarevok is. . As long as we work together, we will definitely make him pay the price of blood and death for plotting against us."

"There is also a bounty! Fuzor Chamberry has offered a reward of 30,000 gold coins for Sarevok's head." Thrall added enthusiastically.

"Ha! This is really good news! Killing Sarevok can not only take revenge, but also double the gold coins we lost before."

Aberdare clenched his fists excitedly.

After all, he was still haunted by the fact that he was brutally stabbed by Xi Manmeng before.

Seeing several people excitedly discussing how to kill Sarevok and earn a large bounty, Jasila sighed helplessly, turned to her husband and asked: "Dear, what do you think we should do?" How should we choose this time?”

Khalid smiled bitterly, shook his head, and stammered in reply: "I...I don't know either. But...but we can't live up to Gillian's trust, and we must at least protect his adopted son."

"You're right. No matter what happens, we can't betray his trust."

After saying this, Jasila rubbed her cheeks hard twice, and then turned her attention to Atio, the white bear cub who had been following the team for a long time.

She knew very well that if something unexpected happened, then this beast king and its yet-to-be-shown master would be the last trump card.

As the situation between Zhentil Keep and Baldur's Gate becomes more and more tense, and the final decisive battle is about to break out, far in the south of Amn's capital Askatra, the Trade Alliance's first full-member parliament officially announced in Fortune Convened under the auspices of the Goddess Church.

As the initiator and the actual operator behind it, Zuo Si explained his vision of creating a unified market and currency in front of all representatives.

Most importantly, he successfully persuaded everyone to cancel the currency he originally issued and use a new currency system with the profile of Watkin, the goddess of wealth, printed on it.

Including three types of gold coins, large, medium and small, two types of platinum coins, six types of silver coins and four types of copper coins.

The reason why it is so complicated is mainly to break down the weight and purchasing power of each currency.

This prevents situations where precious metal gold coins are often cut in half or even more during the transaction process.

The participating towns looked at the samples sent by the servants, as well as the exquisite patterns and alliance marks, and they all showed expressions of satisfaction.

At least in terms of currency quality, they can't fault it at all.

Some people even wonder whether using such exquisite coinage technology to make cheap rust-proof copper coins is too fussy and will result in a loss of money.

In this regard, Zuo Si just wants to say that you know nothing about the production capacity and cost reduction of large-scale industrial assembly lines.


The complete set of coin minting machines he bought on another earth didn't cost a penny at all. It was completely sponsored by "enthusiastic" capitalists, drug dealers and warlords.

The electrical energy that maintains daily operations also comes from the elemental plane.

Except for spending a little time and materials when building the power grid, there is basically nothing that requires money.

As for labor costs...

Feel sorry!

The floating city already uses Shuoyou fully-automatic robots that don't need to rest or pay wages, and multifunctional plug-and-play corpse-embedded creatures.

Even the raw materials are scavenged from Mirrodin time and space for free.

What Zuo Si paid was only a small part of the food, water and animal husbandry products produced in some floating city worlds in exchange.

Since the floating city world does not have a large population at all, not even 1% of the food harvested from large automated farmlands can be eaten every year, and it is all piled up in warehouses.

This is why he never worried that the war would lead to the desolation of large areas of land from the Dragon Coast to Baldur's Gate and eventually lead to famine.

As long as Zuo Si is willing, he can provide enough food to feed all intelligent creatures in the entire Faerûn continent at any time for several years.

In addition, the Mirrodin space-time is not only rich in various alloys and magic metals, but also ordinary metals such as copper, gold, and silver are of very high purity, and the purity when dug out is basically more than 95%.


Sorry, this is a high-purity finished product. It can be put into use directly after a little melting and refining.

Moreover, under the illumination of the five mana core suns, all metal resources will be continuously regenerated.

If you do anything casually, you can easily bring down a world that uses precious metals as its base currency.

Therefore, Zuo Si confidently assured everyone that he would provide sufficient currency supply to ensure financial liquidity, and at the same time establish churches of the goddess of wealth, Woking, in various towns, and provide a series of services including lending, off-site deposits and withdrawals, etc.

When he finished his speech, the whole place burst into applause.

Both the representatives of the towns and the people from the Church of the Goddess of Wealth were deeply attracted by this grand blueprint and saw a scene of prosperity and wealth.

In fact, as more and more airship lines are opened, many towns and cities have already enjoyed the huge benefits it brings.

As we all know, in a world where transportation and productivity are extremely backward.

Anything traded across regions cannot be ordinary daily necessities, but must be high value-added products.

This is just like before entering the industrial age, European colonists on Earth took ships to sea for colonial expansion, mainly to obtain luxury goods.

Only those things that were small in size, of high value, easy to store, and could sell for high prices among the upper classes in Europe were eligible to be carried into the cabin.

For example, silk, tea, porcelain, spices, gold, silver, expensive wood, furs, gems, etc.

Even the notorious black slaves were out-and-out luxuries in the American market where labor was scarce, and they were definitely not something that ordinary people at the bottom could afford.

It was not until the advent of the industrial age that European colonial expansion rapidly transformed from simply occupying several ports and strongholds along the coast to obtain luxury goods to obtaining raw materials and markets.

Whether it was Great Britain, which established an empire on which the sun never sets, or France, which was nicknamed Gaul because it occupied a large area of ​​African colonies, it was basically during this period that they began to build colonies, station troops, and set up administrative agencies. , gradually bringing it completely under his control.

But now, Zuo Si used the airship to directly skip the process of long-distance transactions that could only be luxury goods, and abruptly dropped the transportation cost from the sky to the ground.

This also means that the people who can benefit from the trade alliance are not just merchants or nobles, but also a large number of ordinary people.

High-speed commodity circulation means that it will stimulate production enthusiasm, create wealth and value, and ultimately achieve the goal of economic prosperity.

Aribes, the first paladin of Neverwinter who came to the meeting on behalf of Lord Nasir, immediately raised his hand and asked after reading the currency sample: "Your Excellency Soth! If the currency will be uniformly issued by the Alliance in the future, So what happens to the tax gap we used to get through coinage?”

“Don’t worry about that.

After the inspection, we will distribute a sum of money every year to those towns that already have the ability to mint coins as compensation.

However, this amount of money will not continue to be distributed, but will decrease every year until it is finally cancelled.

Because I believe that with the prosperity of the market and the growth of trade, this negligible gap will soon be filled by more and more taxes. "

Zuo Si explained with a smile.

Ever since he learned about the precious metal content of Faerun's currency, he knew how profitable seigniorage was.

Moreover, the larger a regime covers an area, has a wider scope of influence, and has a prosperous market, the more it can obtain astonishing financial supplements from seigniorage.

No town or country would be willing to give up the power to mint its own coins.

So Zuo Si directly chose to make an exchange of interests, first distributing a sum of money to Neverwinter City and the Silver Moon Alliance in exchange for the loss of seigniorage.

As for Waterdeep...

The masked lords, guild leaders and nobles are still arguing with each other and have not been able to reach an agreement so far.

After hearing that there was compensation, Aribes immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you very much! I think I have no problem."

"I don't have any problem either!"

"Me too!"

Alustriel and Kui Lu also expressed their opinions.

Especially the latter, who is a dark elf, caused a lot of confusion when she first appeared. It was not until she learned that she was the chosen one of the goddess of magic and one of the seven sisters of the North.

The rest, like the prime minister who was present on behalf of Shane VII, Shaod Tarovin, and Eric, the titular ruler of the Neransir Islands and Luskan, were basically just two yes-men.

No matter what Zuo Si said, their reaction was to applaud first, and then praise and flatter him to the fullest, for fear that they would be slow to flatter him.

Although Vera, Am's representative, did not flatter him, her reaction was basically nodding in approval.

When these powerful representatives all agreed, those small towns dared to object. Even if they had dissatisfaction, they could only keep it in their stomachs.

"In this case, we will implement this agreement in accordance with it."

With that said, Zuo Si handed the plan in his hand to the representative of the Church of Woking, the goddess of wealth.

The latter suddenly felt like he had found a treasure, and couldn't hold back the ecstasy revealed in his eyes.

With this plan alone, he has been able to see the influence of his goddess increase throughout the West Coast.

After talking about the economy and trade, Alustriel finally couldn't help but test it out: "Thos, what do you think of the war that is breaking out in the north?"

"I won't take action until Baldur's Gate is defeated."

Zuo Si calmly gave the answer.

"What if Baldur's Gate is defeated?" Alustriel continued to ask.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "If Baldur's Gate is defeated, I will send troops in the name of Amn to defeat the Zhentil Keep invaders and liberate all the lands from Baldur's Gate to the Dragon Coast.

I believe you saw when you came that Amn was fully prepared.

We can deal a fatal blow to Fuzoul Chambery at any time. "

"What happens after this? Will Amn annex and rule over the occupied towns and villages?"

Aribes couldn't help but interject.

“It depends on the local people’s choice.

If they need Amn to stay and provide protection and order, then of course we are obligated to do so.

But if they refuse, we will allow them to establish self-government. "

Zuo Si said something straightforward and high-sounding.

Because under the purge of Zhentil Castle's army, the original ruling class of that land were either killed or sold as slaves to the Moon Sea area.

After Fuzore Chamberry withdrew his troops, the remaining civilians did not know how to form a power structure or maintain order and law, and they might fall into chaos in a matter of seconds.

Therefore, other than merging into Amn and accepting rule, there is no second option at all.

If anyone can't figure it out, if Wilmes or Culremus controls his monsters to wander around the corresponding town twice and cause some small damage, the opponent will soon cry for his father and mother, kneel down and cry, begging the Amn garrison to leave. Walk.

"well said!

Based on your magnanimity and magnanimity, as well as your respect for public opinion, on behalf of Neverwinter City, I officially declare that I will stand on your side in the coming war.

At that time, we will send five hundred reinforcements to fight alongside Amn. "

Aribes took the initiative to stand up and bowed.

Perhaps because she had to attend an important occasion, she did not wear the sturdy armor today, but instead wore a white low-cut long skirt.

When bending down, a different scenery suddenly appeared.

Zuo Si obviously liked this "rich and generous" paladin lady and her upright character very much, and responded with a smile: "Thank you so much.

The joining of Neverwinter perfectly reflects the unity of our trade alliance and our firm determination to resist the invaders.

I personally look forward to working with you, Ms. Timarander.

After all, you are the most powerful and beautiful paladin in Neverwinter, and you have defended the glory of Tyr, the god of justice, more than once. "

"It's an honor for you. It's an honor."

Aribes was obviously a little embarrassed by the praise, and a faint blush appeared on her face.

no way!

Who surrounds her with a group of rigid, dogmatic and humorless members of the Church of God of Justice.

When encountering a "glib" guy like Zuo Si, who is good at figuring out psychology and playing with human nature, it is easy to be eaten to death.

And Zuo Si knows very well that the current Irebes is not complete yet.

There is also a completely opposite dark side hidden in her body.

Two-spirited Valdalia!

This is Aribeth's real name, and it is also a true portrayal of her personality and soul.

Only when she embraces the darkness will she reveal her truest self.

After finishing the most important topics, Zuo Si quickly handed over the hosting and reception tasks to the people from the Goddess of Wealth Church.

Just when he was about to find a chance to turn around and leave, he suddenly found that Alustriel and Kui Lu had been blocking the door for a long time.

Zuo Si, who had anticipated this situation for a long time, couldn't help but smile and shake his head, walked forward and asked in a slightly playful tone: "Two beautiful ladies, are you waiting for me?"

"Otherwise? Is there another person in this venue worth waiting for? Of course, if you want to pursue Miss Aribes of Neverwinter, we don't mind waiting a little longer." Zhuo teased with a chuckle.

There was no doubt that Zuo Si was interested in Aribes, a paladin, and she was not surprised at all.

Because no one in this world can resist the amazing charm exuded by the paladin.

Even those evil people will be attracted by the goodness, justice and holiness they display.

Many nobles from the good camp are even proud to be able to pursue a paladin as their wife or husband.

"Am I pursuing Aribes?

This kind of joke is not allowed!

Others don't know who I really am, and you know best.

And I can't get along with the paladin who accepts death at all.

What I feel for Aribes is not so much admiration as it is that I saw something special and couldn’t help but want to collect it.

This is selfish possessiveness and not what you think of as love. "

After that, Zuo Si picked up a glass of juice from the passing waiter and drank it in one gulp.

Having said so much on the podium just now, his mouth was already a little dry.

"Can you tell the difference between what is love and what is possessiveness?"

Kui Lu raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Because she has met many people in her life, but most of them can't tell the difference between the two.

Especially when the brain is affected by hormones, it is good to be able to maintain a minimum of sanity.

"Why not?"

Zuo Si put the empty cup back on the tray and shrugged.

“I think the most important thing for a person is to understand oneself deeply, control oneself, and satisfy oneself appropriately.

What's more, do you think I'm the kind of novice who's never been in love before?


You are wrong.

I do have an official girlfriend after all.

It's just that she is not in this world. "

"What? You are actually in love! What's her name? What does she look like? How old is she? Is she human or some other race?"

Alustriel's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he asked a series of questions in one breath, while his eyes burst out with the burning fire of gossip.

Because she originally thought that Zuo Si, as a planeswalker, had some secret XP that no one knew about, there was no rumor of an affair with the opposite sex.

Kui Lu didn't fare much better either, with an expression of "Go on," written all over her face.

"You're blocking me here just to inquire about my privacy?"

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth twitched uncontrollably and he took two steps back to put a safe distance away from the two women.

"Cough cough cough..."

Alustriel also realized that there was something wrong with his reaction just now, and immediately coughed to relieve the embarrassment, and forcefully explained: "I'm just curious. If you have time, you might as well take your little girlfriend to Silvermoon City. , I’d really like to see what a girl who could arouse your interest looks like.”

"If I have the chance, I will." Zuo Si said casually.

According to the original plan, he would not leave Faerûn for the time being to go to other worlds until the Sons of Baal incident and the Eye of the Storm incident were resolved.

Seeing that Zuo Si didn't want to talk about this topic, Kui Lu immediately gave Alustriel a hint, and the latter immediately changed the subject and said, "Soss, you recently had a conversation with the chief of the Necromancer faction of the red-robed mage— —Sazastan made a deal, right?"

"Ah! Yes. I gave him an eye left in the material plane by the incarnation of the Storm God Talos, and he paid for two artifacts and a high-level magic item as a price."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything and admitted it openly.

Because he made such a big noise, he had no intention of hiding it, and was even mentally prepared to be punished by Storm Queen Xinbu.

"Why are you doing this? Don't you know how dangerous it is for the Eye of God to fall into Sazastan's hands?" Kui Lu questioned with a frown.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "Don't worry, Sazastan can't easily use the power of the Eye of the Storm, let alone become a god with it.

In fact, I did some tricks when sealing the eye.

No matter who it is, opening the seal will trigger a terrible storm, destroying everything within a five-kilometer radius.

And when the seal is broken, I can still sense it and confirm its location immediately.

In addition, I have no intention of actually handing the Eye of the Storm to Sazastan, but am planning to find an opportunity to recycle it.

So there is no need for you to be so nervous, everything is still under my control. "

"So... this whole thing is part of a plan? Did you deliberately leak the news so that Sazastan would continue to be attacked and harassed?"

Alustriel instantly realized the truth behind it, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

She couldn't accept that the young man in front of her actually regarded Sazastan and his powerful red-robed mage as pawns, manipulating and playing with them unscrupulously.

The most incredible thing is that Sazastan was unable to make any counterattack and could only swallow the bitter pill brought by greed.

Zuo Si nodded meaningfully: "The answer is yes.

I wanted Sazastan to be a delicious and tempting fish bait.

Diao Yi Diao: How many powerful people who yearn to become gods are hidden in this world.

Another thing is to divert attention.

I'm going to take action in the Baldur's Gate area soon, and I don't want to be interfered with in any way.

With Sazastan as a target, many legendary mages, including Elminster, would not waste their energy on continuing to pay attention to such trivial matters.

After all, compared to the eyes of Talos, the God of Storms, the change of ownership of a mere piece of land is nothing at all. "

After hearing these words, both Kui Lu and Alustriel fell silent for an instant.

Because they didn't expect Zuo Si's game of chess to be so big, whether it was the pattern, methods or the meticulousness of his thinking, it was far beyond the limits that most people could imagine.

The most important thing is that even knowing the truth can't change anything.

After being silent for a long time, Alustriel finally couldn't help but break the silence with a slight sigh: "Oh - Soth, don't you feel tired from always maintaining such a high-intensity thinking and fighting spirit?"


Why do I feel tired?

On the contrary, I enjoy it.

After all, struggle is the nature of all intelligent creatures.

Just like some people like playing chess, some people like wrestling, some people like horse racing, and some people like fighting and war, their common essence is fighting.

People gain joy, satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment from winning battles.

Whether good or evil, order or chaos, the fighting nature exists in every human soul.

Since we can’t get away from it, why not embrace it and enjoy it?

What's more, even if I stop, will other forces and potential enemies stop?

The answer is obviously no.

So why don't I take the initiative and put them in a hurry first? "

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes, exuding a deep, dark and dangerous aura.

Unlike many passive personalities who have "I will not offend others unless they offend me", he gradually developed a strong proactive personality as he continued to grow.

Like the hot-blooded protagonists in many anime works, waiting for others to mess with them, and then being forced to fight back?

How can it be!

Compared with defense, Zuo Si prefers to take the initiative to attack and cause trouble, letting the enemy bear the trouble and losses.

In this way, the enemy will be trapped in the dilemma of constant passive defense, and there is no way to organize forces to actively seek trouble.

"You really are..."

Kui Lu obviously didn't know what words to use to describe the young man in front of her.

Although there are many people on the continent of Faerûn who are very keen on conspiracies and long-term battles, and even deliberately create such an environment within the scope of their control.

But for someone so aggressive, Zuo Si was obviously the first.

Especially his endless methods and his unbridled thinking made him an extremely dangerous person.

At this moment, Kui Lu finally understood why Elminster didn't like Zuo Si and even wanted to be his enemy.

A master like this who can make things happen, and who specializes in making big things happen, is completely contrary to Elminster's character who likes peace and quiet, and it is best for everything to remain as it is.

Fortunately, both of them were relatively restrained and kept the fight within a certain range, with no intention of expanding it further.

Otherwise, the team of chosen people by the Goddess of Magic will most likely split in half and go their separate ways from now on.

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