A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 473 War begins (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

One day and one night flies by in a blink of an eye.

When the sun slowly rose from the horizon the next morning, in the Land of Death at the foot of Troll's Claw Mountain south of the Wandering River, the armies of Baldur's Gate and Zhentil Keep finally came together in the open field. A formation was set up on the plain.

In order to better see the opponent's troop movements and ensure a good field of vision during the battle, both sides did not hesitate to light the remaining wheat straw in the large wheat fields.

Fortunately, the harvest season has just passed, and most of the crops, especially staple foods, have been stored in the farm's barns, so no major losses were caused.

As for the local farmers and ranchers, they basically all ran away a few days ago.

They may seek refuge in places such as Baldur's Gate, Belgost, or Friendly Arms, or they may gather together and hide in a fortress with a solid wooden fortress on a large farm, not daring to get close to the extremely dangerous battlefield.

Even Barriskel Bridge, where businessmen, tourists, hawkers and other people have always gathered, is now empty.

Only a 3,000-man orc army under Fuzor Chamberry was responsible for the garrison.

Their mission is simple, that is, guard the bridge and prevent the Baldur's Gate army that may bypass the rear and launch a surprise attack from passing, until Zhentil Keep's army defeats its opponents on the frontal battlefield.

In addition, there are some goblin cavalry with low combat effectiveness but extremely high mobility, which are scattered near the river for reconnaissance.

Once they find traces of the enemy, these goblins will immediately turn around and report to the commander of the Orc Legion.

No matter where Sarevok wanted to cross the river for a surprise attack, the Orc Legion would be able to know it immediately and take action to intercept it.

Moreover, Bariskel Bridge is very close to the Land of Death, and it only takes half an hour of rapid march to reach the fighting area.

Even if the enemy does not arrange a sneak attack team, it can still be used as a reserve team to enter the frontal battlefield at any time.

It can be said that with the help of the strong discipline and organizational ability of the Bann Church, Fu Zouer Chamberry did not give his opponents even the slightest opportunity to take advantage of the battlefield layout.

In comparison, Sarevok is much simpler and rougher.

This guy only left 1,500 people to guard the camp and ensure the safety of the retreat. He had no intention of crossing the river at all. He also gave the task of scouting the north bank of the Wanning River to the Shadow Druid who could control the falcon.

In this way, he can concentrate all the forces at hand to fight a close battle with Zhentil Keep in the Land of Death.

You must know that in terms of pure number of troops, the latter is far stronger than the former.

Therefore, Sarevok had no intention of dividing his troops from the beginning, let alone launched a surprise attack to win victory at the minimum cost.

What he wants is to fight a protracted tug-of-war, head-on, and then continue to let living lives die, whether they are the enemy or his own people.

The complex formation lasted for several hours.

When the time came to half past eight in the morning, and the sun was already high in the sky, bringing light and heat to the entire world, Zhentil Fort took the lead in blowing the horn and launched a tentative attack.

In the blink of an eye, six orc infantry phalanxes slowly advanced under the leadership of lower-level officers.

However, it is said that there are six phalanxes, but in fact there are not many. Generally speaking, a phalanx will not exceed fifty people at most. If it is less, there may be only more than thirty people. Six means less than three hundred people, and there is not even a staff responsible for blessing. Priest of divine magic.

Although the equipment looks quite sophisticated, it is not truly elite.

Because of the large-scale damage and control of magic, wars in Faerûn rarely see complex and dense formations like those on Earth, with large phalanxes of hundreds or even thousands of people.

After all, in front of spellcasters, especially arcane spellcasters, simply stacking the depth and thickness of the square array cannot increase its defensive power.

On the contrary, it is possible that the opponent's low-level Grease Technique, Spider Web Technique, Fireball Technique, and Stinky Cloud Technique will make you stand on your back and collapse in an instant.

As for fighting the cavalry attack...

Sorry, in this world full of supernatural powers, the cavalry really does not have such strong strength and noble status. It is just one of many arms.

Spells can restrain them even more than infantry.

There are many examples of infantry defeating cavalry, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

Therefore, what is popular in Faerûn is the small square array with a dozen or even thirty people as the basic unit.

If the professional level in the team is high enough, the number of people will be reduced to ten or even six, which is the configuration of a standard adventure team.

Among them there will be healers such as priests and druids, as well as warriors as the core of defense and attack, mages and warlocks responsible for controlling and reversing the situation at critical moments, and occasionally a bard will be added to release music magic to inspire companion.

As for thieves, a profession in the sewers that is extremely stretched in frontal combat, it is better to just do reconnaissance and sneak into enemy camps to steal intelligence.

In short, the number of people in a phalanx or even a squad on the battlefield is often inversely proportional to its true combat effectiveness.

Smaller numbers often mean more elite.

If there is a guy in a robe standing up, raising his hands in the air and starting to chant unfamiliar spells and make complicated spell-casting movements, then run as far as you can.

Anyone who is slower may be directly torn into pieces by the terrifying magical power.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by the loud and penetrating horn sounds and the thundering war drums amplified by magic, the tentative armies sent by both sides soon encountered each other in the center of the battlefield and started a bloody fight.

The human soldiers at Baldur's Gate wore leather armor and mail, and used traditional spears, while the orc soldiers used their favorite double-edged axes, and wore a stronger combination of mail and half-breastplates. .

Although the human soldiers had a longer and farther attack range, they were knocked to the ground in pieces at the moment of contact.

Many wooden spears are often unable to pierce the orcs' armor with one blow and cause effective damage to them. Instead, they are broken off by the heavy double-edged axe, losing the metal spearhead that can pose the greatest threat.

In less than ten minutes, one or two hundred human soldiers were chopped to the ground by strong orcs who had undergone strict training.

The leather armor and mail armor on their bodies cannot block the attack of the heavy double-edged battle ax at all. Usually, after being hit once, the bones will break immediately and blood will spurt out from the mouth and nose.

Rather than being hacked to death, it would be better to say that he was beaten to death.

Some helmets even dented immediately after being hit, and a large amount of viscous blood mixed with brain matter flowed out from inside.

Although some of the orcs died, most of the others were uninjured or only slightly injured.

To some extent, this also reflects the gap in logistics and equipment between the two sides.

Of course, there is no need to say more about Fort Zhentil. All armors and weapons are produced through modern assembly lines and undergo a series of processes including high-temperature forging, heat treatment, stamping, etc.

Its quality is simply not comparable to that of ordinary blacksmiths and apprentices who knock it out bit by bit with a hammer.

The most important thing is that it can be used in large quantities and can be equipped by soldiers of other races except goblins.

This alone can crush the armies of most countries, city-states and regions in Faerûn.

After all, even Amn, the wealthiest country, could only equip its soldiers with a metal helmet, a half-breastplate, and some other bits and pieces.

The rest of the small towns can only be equipped with some leather armor, and some use wooden armor.

But now, Fuzor Chamberry has the ability to equip the consumable orc soldiers with double-layer armor and double-edged battle axes that require a lot of fine steel. The luxury of his equipment is evident.

In comparison, there is only one city, and there is not even any iron ore to mine. It mainly relies on Baldur's Gate imported from Naxikai, a major town in Amn in the south. Even if it spends all its savings and borrows heavily, it can only guarantee that every A soldier has a piece of leather or mail armor.

Only the elite among the elite can be equipped with armor with powerful protective power such as half breastplate, scale armor and full body armor.

As for the weapons, most of them are long pole weapons such as spears and spears that use relatively little iron.

no way.

The lack of iron ore resources has always been Baldur's Gate's biggest weakness.

The previous border conflicts with Amn were all about obtaining stable and cheap iron ingots.

"The great Dark Lord is protecting us! All those who resist will die in the end! Even the souls after death cannot escape Bane's control!"

After killing all the enemies, an orc officer held up a bloody head that had just been chopped off from the neck, and at the same time let out a rude and bloodthirsty roar to his men and enemies.

There is no doubt that they are different from the ordinary orcs in the wild who are chaotic in nature and only know destruction and killing.

These orcs, who have been trained and brainwashed by Zhentil Castle since childhood, simply look down on the orc gods, and even despise and spurn them, preferring to believe in the god of tyranny.

This is why King Asan IV of Cormyr even privately offered a very high price in order to obtain the command of a thousand orcs from Zhentil Castle.

The orc army did not disappoint. When fighting the nomadic tribes that rushed out of the endless wasteland, they suffered an astonishing battle loss of more than ten to one, and they were firmly nailed to the position before the entire army was annihilated. Take half a step back.

"Kill them all! Destroy them! Conquer them! Let them tremble under the feet of the god of tyranny!"

"Sprinkle the glory of the Dark King over the world!"

"Only obey Ben!"

There is no doubt that such an overwhelming victory was won in the first battle, which immediately raised the morale of the Zhentil Fort side to the peak.

After all, before this, they had conquered and occupied a large area of ​​land from the Dragon Coast to West Heartland, as well as more than twenty important towns.

Except for a disastrous defeat at the gates of Eltoril, the others did not even encounter any decent resistance.

Some towns were afraid of being massacred after defeat, so they voluntarily surrendered after seeing the army approaching.

Therefore, many officers and soldiers who did not know the truth thought that Fu Zouer Chambery could completely conquer this land and then establish an earthly heaven belonging to Ban.

And he can become a member of the ruling class, take away the houses, land and property of the indigenous people, and then turn them into slaves and slaves who step on them.

This is also the reason why Zhentil Castle's army is so powerful.

With the blessing of the will of the powerful lawful evil camp, as long as soldiers or officers can make contributions and win the war, they will be able to obtain amazing benefits, and even change their own class and gain access to advancement.

Even before Zuo Si redefined tyranny, there were countless countries and rulers in Faerûn who believed in Bane.

Because if you want to expand quickly and become a military power, joining the camp of the God of Tyranny is the only option.

But soon, these orcs as the vanguard were fired by longbows from Baldur's Gate.

A large number of heavy arrows with armor-piercing effects fell from the sky, instantly killing and injuring most of them. The rest did not dare to stay within the shooting range, and turned around and retreated.

After all, although the protective ability of the half-breasted armor is very strong, it cannot completely cover the whole body. The layer of chain armor underneath cannot stop the penetration of heavy arrows at all.

What's more, the orc warriors who use double-edged battle axes are not equipped with shields at all, and if they continue to stay, they may only be wiped out.

In this way, after a round of testing, the supreme commanders of both warring parties had a very intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness of the enemy and their own troops.

Fuzoul Chanbury waved his hand without hesitation and said to the herald beside him: "Let our legion start taking action.

Especially the hobgoblin cavalry and human cavalry on both wings.

If the opponent's flank can be defeated, then all reserves can be thrown into the battlefield in one fell swoop.

Remember, this war is best not to drag on for too long. "


The herald hurriedly bent down and bowed, and quickly asked the mage on standby to convey the order to other middle- and lower-level commanders through magical communication.

After a while, the entire Zhentil Fort war machine started to move.

The cavalry on both sides began to accelerate first, making a large circle on the empty plain, trying to attract and mobilize the opponent's attention.

Obviously, in this case, Sarevok had no choice but to separate his precious cavalry and cooperate with some infantry and crossbowmen to contain it.

As for taking the initiative to confront the opponent head-on, it is obviously not a wise move when the opponent has a numerical advantage.

What's more, although those swarming goblins and goblin dogs have great fighting capabilities, if they really rush in and cause chaos, the consequences will definitely be very serious.

In fact, Sarevok's tactical intention is very obvious, which is to rely on the terrain advantage to defend a wave first, and use the flesh and blood millstones constructed through the formation to continuously consume the enemy's troops and create more killings and deaths.

In his eyes, tens of thousands of goblins are not cannon fodder at all, but food that can make him stronger and stronger.

In this way, with the loud shouts of killing, a war that attracted the attention of all forces finally kicked off.

Suddenly, the land originally used to grow wheat and other crops was quickly filled with dead bodies and blood.

It is foreseeable that the crops here next year will definitely grow better than this year.

Erinikas looked down at the tragic scene on the battlefield, and commented in a slightly arrogant and disdainful tone: "As far as I know, this land of death beneath my feet was actually the place where the war between the Sword Coast countries and the Amn Empire was fought. A war broke out over this fertile land.

It was also this war that caused the area north of Amn to never form a strong country, and many families with royal blood declined and perished as a result.

But now, the same thing is happening again in the same place. This is really full of irony.

Speaking of which, short-lived races like you humans and orcs are really keen on waging war, causing destruction and killing, and will never learn from the lessons of the past.

Instead, they repeat the same mistakes they made before again and again. "

"Haha, what do you want to express? Show the superiority of elves with longer lifespans in the level of civilization?"

Zuo Si raised his head and asked with a sneer, then retorted unceremoniously: "Don't forget, the Crown Wars that broke out several times between elves more than 10,000 years ago, the casualties caused by fighting each other were no worse than those of humans. How many.

Several ancient elven kingdoms were reduced to ashes in the war.

He even personally ruined his hegemony on the continent, causing the dark elves to settle in the Underdark, and eventually became an undying enemy.

In my opinion, elves are definitely better than humans when it comes to selfishness and evil.

It's just that with the pressure of the great Elf Lord Corellon, most elves dare not act rashly for fear of being exiled like their dark-skinned evil cousins.

In addition, your magical rituals in creating the Eternal Gathering Island even tore apart the only continent at that time, causing the destruction of countless cities and civilizations, and killing hundreds of millions of creatures.

If Io, the supreme god, was not generous enough, and Changdea, the mother goddess of the earth, was not too lazy to care, it is not certain whether there is a race of elves in Faerûn.

Coupled with the damage and killings caused by Dragon Madness and Mystic Lock over the years, elves still have the nerve to laugh at humans and show their sense of superiority?

Who gave you such courage?

The elves now appear to be independent of the world and keen on art and pleasure. In fact, it is just a helpless move to give up their hegemony after their decline.

After all, the elves have long lost their capital to compete with humans for continental hegemony.

Because millions of humans have died and are still humans, the most numerous intelligent race in the world.

But if one million of the elves die, they may not be far from extinction.

The most important thing is, dear Irenicas, you are no longer an elf, both in appearance and in your inner soul. "


Irenekas's face became extremely ugly.

On the one hand, he was surprised that Zuo Si knew so much about the history of the elf race coming to the world of Toril. On the other hand, the last sentence "You have not been an elf for a long time" deeply hurt his heart.

There is no doubt that this legendary mage never gave up his elf identity and the pride that this identity brings.

You must know that the elves on the continent of Faerun are very arrogant and conceited.

Especially those high elf nobles who were born in large cities with long history and splendid cultural heritage. Almost every one of them looked down on other races, especially humans.

In their eyes, humans who only have a lifespan of a few decades are not only impatient and rude, but the towns they build seriously lack artistic beauty. They are often driven by greed and ambition. How can they be compared with the noble elves?

They are just a group of monkeys that have only been civilized for four or five thousand years.

Even in the Netherese era, when human magic civilization reached its peak, it was at best on par with the elves' unique magic system.

And Irenicus is a typical example of this.

This is why he had such a huge obsession after being exiled.

After a long silence, Irenekas slowly raised his head and narrowed his eyes to test: "Do you hate elves?"

Zuo Si smiled and shrugged: "I don't really hate it, I just don't like the arrogant expressions of the elf nobles.

After all, a group of guys whose own butts are not clean, what right do they have to look down on others?

Don't forget, humans are the natives of the world of Toril and one of the five creator races.

The elves were just a group of foreign invaders and colonists, and they even made the whole world a mess for a time. "

"I understand, actually your overall sense of elves is not very good.

This also means that if one day I fight back to the elf city Sodanisla in the Wildas Forest.

Instead of stopping it, you might sit on the sidelines and watch it being destroyed. "

Irenekas rubbed his chin with a playful expression.

This is certainly good news for his plans.

The Wildas Forest is just south of Amn and north of Tethyr. It will definitely be the sphere of influence of the West Coast Empire in the future.

If the leftists want to intervene, it will most likely have a huge impact on the entire plan.

But now that he understands his attitude towards the elves, Irenikas is not worried at all.

Because he knew that Zuo Si was obviously very happy to see the destruction of Sodanisla.

Once this important city is destroyed, the remaining elven villages can only rely on the protection of the human government for survival, otherwise only destruction awaits them.

At that time, he can not only resolve the possible conflict with the Elf Kingdom, but also pull out a nail that does not obey his will, unscrupulously cut down the expensive wood in this forest, and then expand the settlement to turn the forest into farmland that can be cultivated.

"Hahahaha! Don't say that. If Queen Alistar asks me for help, I will give her all support except substantial help, and I will strongly condemn you, the culprit."

Zuo Si laughed and expressed his attitude.

As a tyrant who aspires to build a unified empire, what he hates most is that there are various political entities with clear legal independent status in the area he rules.

No matter this political entity is a city built by elves in the forest, or an underground mine dug by dwarves.

In particular, Soldanisla may have some kind of connection with the Elf Eternal Gathering Island, and the elf population ruled by the surrounding villages is as high as tens of thousands, which is simply a huge hidden danger.

It is no wonder that the previous rulers of the Kingdom of Tethyr actively sought to wage war against the elven forces of the Wildas Forest.

With such a group of guys accumulating strength there, who knows if they will suddenly jump out and stab someone in the back decades or even centuries later, or suddenly claim that the land in this area has belonged to someone since ancient times. From the Elf Kingdom, and can also produce substantial evidence.

After all, the elves have such a long history, and when they were most powerful, they almost occupied a large area of ​​the richest land from north to south.

"Condemn? You really have a sense of humor."

The corner of Irenekas's mouth twitched slightly.

He obviously didn't think that he would be the kind of person who cared about reputation, and he wouldn't lose a piece of skin when he condemned something, so he could just condemn him casually.

Anyway, after absorbing the power of the Tree of Life, he would have already become one of the gods.

"No, this is not a sense of humor, but a necessary political attitude.

You can call it hypocritical, but you can never stop doing it because of it.

Also, how have you considered my previous proposal?

You must know that the fateful battle for the sons of Baal is about to begin.

When the war reaches an anxious state, Sarevok sends out all the reserve teams around him, and Aberdare's team will immediately use teleportation magic to rush in and perform the beheading.

If nothing else, the process will be very fast and will be over within a few minutes at most. "

After saying that, Zuo Si turned his attention to the people at the top of another mountain on the other side of the river.

After having breakfast after the sun rose, they had been recharging their energy, constantly checking weapons, armor, and the magic items, scrolls, and potions they carried with them.

The reason why he didn't take action immediately was that Sarevok still had a reserve team of about 2,000 people.

If you choose to teleport at this time, you will inevitably face the siege of a large number of enemies.

The best time to launch a surprise attack is only when the formation begins to become chaotic and the two warring parties are completely in a mess.

"Let's wait until the two sons of Baal decide the winner. At least I want to confirm whether what you said before is true."

Irenekas fiddled with his fingers gently, his expression obviously becoming a little nervous.

Because he had extracted divine power and divinity from the bodies of other Sons of Baal, he began to feel that as the battle between the two armies caused more and more deaths, something in his soul was becoming more and more excited and exciting. The more excited he gets, the more he seems to be cheering at the top of his lungs.

This is obviously not normal.

At least not within the scope of what was originally expected.

Irenekas always felt that God was just a process from quantitative change to qualitative change after the accumulation of faith and powerful power.

But now it seems that it is not that simple, but there are still many hidden mysteries.

He was 100% sure that the young man in front of him must know more than himself.

After the simple conversation ended, the two quickly fell into silence again, condescendingly watching the battle below.

Obviously, in a big battle like this with tens of thousands of people, the winner cannot be decided in a short while.

Both sides are constantly trying to squeeze the other side in the midfield, forcing them to shrink to gain more space for themselves.

Whenever a square formation or several square formations are compressed into a crowded circle and surrounded by the enemy, then the people inside can basically be declared dead.

Because when too many people are crowded together, they can't move their arms and legs at all, let alone wield weapons to kill the enemy. They can only watch their companions around them fall one after another until it's their turn.

That kind of helplessness and despair is enough to make most people who are not mentally strong enough to completely collapse, or even choose to commit suicide.

Seeing that the battle situation was beginning to become tense, and his troops were a little unable to push forward, Fuzor Chambery gave a wink to the Manson clone behind him who was always staring at his butt.

The latter understood it immediately, turned around and led the mage group to start chanting incantations loudly to perform magic rituals.

A total of more than forty Zhentil Castle mages joined in, each contributing at least one third-level spell slot.

When the ceremony was completed, dozens of dazzling red fireballs shot from the sky, hitting the place where the Baldur's Gate army had the strongest resistance and the most densely packed population.

Before anyone else could realize what was happening, fire and explosions quickly swept through the surrounding area.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

More than two to three hundred of the most elite Flame Fist mercenaries and their experienced captains were completely devoured in the fierce burning.

After the explosion and fire dissipated, people could only see charred black corpses soaked in almost molten steel.

The appearance of death can be as terrifying as it is.

What's even more frightening is that their deaths caused several gaps along the entire front.

Before the reserves at the rear could rush forward to block it, thousands of goblins rushed in under the orders of the hobgoblin officers.

Because goblins are very short and do not wear armor, they are much more agile in their movements than human soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, they rush into the queue along the cracks, using the sharp daggers at hand to cut the ligaments of the enemy's calves, or directly insert them into the vital parts of the lower body.

After only about three to five minutes, painful and piercing screams came from Baldur's Gate.

Before many Flame Fist mercenaries had time to show their strength, they covered their lower bodies and fell to the ground twitching. As a result, they were stabbed in the eyes or necks by the goblins who came in later.

As we all know, the most important part of an army in the cold weapon era is veterans who have seen blood and killed people, and have rich combat experience and obedience.

For Baldur's Gate, these people are the Flame Fist mercenaries.

They are not only the best soldiers, but also the backbone of the entire army. They shoulder the important responsibility of supervising the battle team, setting up a command system, and then rushing to block the gap at critical moments to prevent large-scale collapse and escape.

So now when so many Flame Fist mercenaries died at once, those recruits who couldn't bear the brutal fighting immediately had the idea of ​​​​escape.

And their turning around and running away triggered a chain reaction, causing the soldiers around and behind them to also run together, eventually forming a coercion.

Even if an officer wanted to stop it, there might be nothing he could do now.

Either take a few punches and then run away, or be stabbed to death by a collapsed soldier.

If it were any other commander, he would probably panic to death immediately after seeing this situation, but Sarevok didn't care at all. He directly raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and ordered the archer who was waiting aside. : "Aim at the fleeing soldiers and the pursuing goblins and fire three volleys at me."

"What? Your Excellency, are you crazy? Those are our soldiers!" Another officer next to him reminded in shock.

"Sorry, not from the moment they escaped."

A frightening red light suddenly burst out from Sarevok's eyes. He was so frightened that the former couldn't help but tremble. He didn't dare to continue to dissuade him. He could only raise his hand to signal to start shooting.

In an instant, densely packed arrows soared into the air, drawing a beautiful parabola over the battlefield, and then plunged towards the target area.

Swish swish swish——

"Ah!!! I...I was hit by an arrow!"

"Damn it! What the hell is going on? Why are those crossbowmen aiming at us?"

"No! The second round of arrow rain is coming! Quick! Run in the opposite direction!"

"Asshole! This must be intentional! Sarevok wants to use arrows to force us to fight back!"

Accompanied by screams and curses, the soldiers who finally escaped from the meat grinder in front could only rush towards the goblins who couldn't kill them no matter how they carried their weapons.

Seeing that the battle line was once again stabilized, Sarevok showed a proud expression and said to his cronies behind him: "Now you immediately bring the reserve team to press the battle line to ensure that those recruits will not have a large-scale rout again. Remember , whoever dares to turn around will kill him, don’t show mercy.”

"As you wish, Master."

The human warrior put one hand on his chest and bowed, then drew his sword and shouted loudly to his men to line up in a row and march toward the battlefield ahead.

After the reserve team went up, Sarevok was left with only a small number of archers and a few personal guards.

Just as he was enjoying the growing power and divinity in his body, a dazzling white beam of light suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The next second...

Aberdare rushed out from inside, raised the giant sword in his hand and roared: "For Gillian! Prepare to die! Sarevok!"


The two two-handed giant swords collided instantly, causing sparks to fly in all directions.

At the critical moment, Sarevok relied on his superb combat skills and experience to pull out his weapon in time to block the attack. He also used his stronger strength attribute to push the opponent away. He sneered and taunted: "I thought it was... Who is it? It turns out to be you, my half-brother. I didn’t expect that after you escaped from Baldur’s Gate with your tail between your legs, you didn’t quickly find a place to hide, but you actually joined the army of Zhentil Keep to seek revenge? I’m so impatient to live!”

"Whoever lives impatiently is not sure! I swear, no matter where you run away to the end of the world, I will personally chop off your head."

Aberdare was obviously not a person who liked to think, and after being repelled, he quickly began to attack and charge fiercely with his giant sword in both hands.

One of Sarevok's guards rushed up to protect his employer, but was cut in half by his terrifying sword. Blood, intestines and other internal organs instantly flowed to the floor.

About a second later, Jasira and others also rushed out of the teleportation beam.

Sancho unceremoniously threw a [Ma Youfu Acid Arrow] in the face of his enemy.

As Zuo Si's apprentice, he knew very well how to retaliate in order to make his opponent suffer, so he decisively used this "disfigurement magic" that is quite famous in the universe.

Sarevok happened to be entangled in Aberdare, so he couldn't use his hands to block or dodge. He was hit in the face by a strong green corrosive liquid on the spot.

One of the eyes was burned blind by strong acid on the spot.

The huge pain caused him to instantly burst out with terrifying power that ordinary people could not imagine.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! How dare you!!!"

I saw blood-red divine power spurting out of Sarevok's body instantly like a tide, quickly sweeping hundreds of meters around him.

Anyone affected by the divine power will immediately feel a biting chill and an indescribable urge to kill.

Those who are timid and not strong-willed enough will even be frightened to the point of collapsing on the ground with feces and urine flowing out, and their whole bodies shaking uncontrollably.

That is the fear from the deepest part of the soul!

It is the best proof of the huge gap between mortals and gods!

After kicking Aberdare away, Sarevok finally raised his head and revealed his terrifying face corroded by strong acid. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Very good! It's really good! I didn't expect you to be like this." A bunch of bereaved dogs actually have the courage to come and assassinate me! In that case, let me kill you all here."

As the last word blurted out, the most powerful son of Baal in the Sword Coast suddenly raised his hand and made a grabbing motion.

Aberdare instantly felt that his neck was stuck by an invisible force, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was to no avail.

Immediately afterwards, this force pulled him straight towards the sword in Sarevok's hand.

If he really hits him, the armor on his body may not be able to protect him. His heart will be penetrated in minutes, and he will die in a very short period of time.


At this moment of facing death, Aberdare obviously burst out of his potential. Extremely hard cuticles quickly grew all over his body. At the same time, a thick tail extended from behind his buttocks, and his hands and feet showed a... The appearance of sharp claws.

He finally succeeded in turning himself into one of the incarnations of Baal, the god of murder, a killer who once made countless mortals shudder.

After the transformation was completely completed, Aberdare broke free from the shackles of divine power almost instantly, and rushed towards Sarevok like a madman, trying to cut him into pieces.

It is not difficult to judge from those eyes that have no emotion and are completely like a beast. He has now completely lost consciousness, leaving only the most primitive desire for killing and death.


Sarevok first forced Aberdare to dodge with his sword, then raised his iron-gloved fist and knocked him away. He grinned wildly and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! You really impress me, my dear brother.

I never thought that even a waste like you could tap into the power of your father's bloodline within your body and gain the ability to transform into a killer.

But so what?

Do you think you are the only one who can transform into a killer? "

Sarevok also released the divine power in his body and showed his killer form.

But the difference from Aberdare is that although his eyes are also full of bloodthirsty impulses, he has not completely lost his mind, but exudes the aura of destruction and death like a demon lord.

"Oh - my God! What kind of monsters have they become?"

A Baldur's Gate officer opened his mouth in disbelief.

"That's the Slayer! The incarnation of Baal, the late god of murder! If you don't want to die, stay away from them."

Jasila reminded everyone around her with a serious expression.

Because the situation she was most worried about happened, and there was nothing she could do about it.

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