A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 478: Unprecedented Coalition (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Mirabar is one of the towns closest to the Spine of the World mountains on the entire west coast of Faerûn, even further north than Luskan in terms of longitude and latitude.

Judging from the map, it is almost on the same line as Mithril Hall, Felbarburg and Adebaba Castle. It is a truly extremely cold place, with more than half of the year being below zero. ice period.

The Mirar River, the most important transportation route that leads directly to Luskan from our doorstep, is impassable most of the time.

Therefore, foreign trade is mainly concentrated in the short summer.

After all, the cost of river transportation is much cheaper than land transportation.

Especially in order to feed the urban population of tens of thousands, a large amount of imported grain is needed every year.

Because due to the climate, except for cold-resistant rye and potatoes with a short growth cycle, other crops cannot survive here at all.

In addition, it is close to the mountains of the Spine of the World, and there are so many monsters, beasts, dragons, and giants. Mirabar can only guarantee the safety of a small area around it, so there are only fishing industries along the river and those that do not require much manpower. Livestock farming is pretty decent.

The rye grown is either used for fermentation and brewing, or is used to feed horses and other livestock. Potatoes are the only vegetables that most residents can eat for more than half a year.

However, compared to the harsh living environment, Miraba has one thing that other towns in the North cannot compare with.

That is, it is built on a huge mineral vein.

This vein is large enough to supply the entire North with an abundance of steel, copper, gems, mithril, adamantine, silver, and gold.

Among them, the shield dwarves firmly occupy the underground mines, where they are responsible for digging ores, smelting them into metal ingots, and occasionally creating some high-quality weapons and armors.

Human beings are responsible for commercial activities with other towns on the ground, selling these outputs at a good price, and then purchasing daily necessities and transporting them back to meet the needs of town survival and development.

Although Mirabar is ostensibly a hereditary marquis, the actual power is in the hands of a committee called the "Shining Stone".

Dwarves and humans, who account for about half of it each, determine the target output for the year through negotiation, and occasionally threaten customers with production cuts to make them pay high enough prices for metal products.

To a certain extent, this is a typical resource monopoly vested interest group.

Even Luskan was restricted by Mirabar for a long time, and the prices of steel and many metal products on the market remained high.

However, this happy cooperation between dwarves and humans began to become subtle with the emergence of Zuo Si and the deepening conflict between Miraba and Mithril Hall.

The emergence of the former has led to a large number of undead workers being put into mines that were previously difficult to mine, continuously producing high-quality metals and minerals.

Not only can it meet its own needs, but it can also be exported to other surrounding towns, completely breaking Miraba's monopoly on minerals and metal smelting.

Since there is no monopoly, there is no such crucial thing as pricing power.

Dare to threaten customers to cut production?

Believe it or not, you will be blacklisted and banned from all trading activities?

What's more, the emergence of airships has also drastically reduced transportation costs, and the reduction in freight means the expansion of the scope of commodity circulation.

Things that could only be purchased nearby at a high price in the past can now be shipped from hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away, and the price is much cheaper than before.

This directly caused the mining and metal smelting industries that Miraba was proud of to be severely damaged. It could no longer maintain its original high profits and was forced to continue to lower prices and costs, joining the general trend of collective involution.

But the good thing is that since they joined the trade alliance, their customers have also increased, and they no longer have to focus on competing for the market in this three-acre area of ​​Northland.

In addition, some precious woods, herbs, and furs produced in the mountains of the Spine of the World, as well as the delicious and plump fish in the cold water river, have also become very popular goods.

Therefore, although Miraba's political and economic status continues to decline in the North, his income has not decreased.

On the contrary, it has increased due to lower prices of grain and cloth due to trade diversification and lower transportation costs.

In contrast, the problems caused by the identical industrial structure between Mirabar and Mithril Hall are even more serious.

To be precise, this incident sparked conflicts between shield dwarves and humans.

You must know that dwarves are a very united race, which is completely different from humans.

If there are two dwarf clans in an area, then if a foreign enemy attacks one of them, the other will definitely choose to rescue them at all costs, even if a war breaks out between them over the chassis.

When Drizzt's friend Bruno regained Mithril Hall, he received the support of eight thousand dwarf legions from Adba Castle.

Adeba Castle is separated from Mithril Hall by the entire Silver Moon Alliance, and has to cross forests, rivers and mountains before finally reaching the hidden entrance of Mithril Hall.

No payment was required for such a huge support, and even the food and wine consumed during the march were brought with them.

This shows how united the dwarf race is.

So it can be predicted how the shield dwarves of Mirabar will react when the humans in charge of the business field begin to suppress the Mithril Hall of their own race.

I almost had a falling out in meetings a few times.

The dwarves even threatened to terminate cooperation, close the mines, and drive humans out of their territory.

Fortunately, the human representatives of the "Shining Stone" Committee were more sensible at the time and decisively chose to compromise to calm the anger of the dwarves.

At the moment, humans are carefully maintaining relations with their dwarven allies.

But the problem is that cracks have appeared, and it is impossible to basically restore it.

In Miraba in particular, profits in the mining and metal smelting industries are declining while profits in other industries are increasing.

One day this interdependence will be broken.

At that time, the relationship between humans and dwarves will deteriorate sharply, and a bloody conflict or even a war will break out to determine who is the real master of this land.

But now, Miraba is still in the process of rapid economic development, so many sharp contradictions have been covered up.

Adventurers wearing armor and holding weapons can be seen everywhere on the streets, taverns and hotels in the city.

The reason why they gather here is because the business boom has led to a sharp increase in various needs.

Among them, precious furs and rare animal cubs that can be kept as pets can often be sold for hundreds or even thousands of gold coins each.

Some nobles and wealthy businessmen are even willing to offer a reward of 3,000 to 5,000 gold coins for a newborn winter wolf or warg.

This is definitely a considerable income for adventurers, so many hunters with similar experience will try their luck.

Where adventurers and mercenaries gather, it often means that the security situation will deteriorate rapidly. Fights, brawls, and blood splattering on the spot are not uncommon.

Similarly, all forces will try their best to use these profit-seeking guys to achieve some unknown purposes.

Therefore, Miraba now feels a bit like the "Spy City" of the North.

Whether it's the Harper Alliance, the Verdant Garden, the Dragon Cult, the Zhentarim, or the Red Robe Wizards, they all have strongholds here.

Among them, the Green Garden, with druids as the main body, is mainly to monitor the damage that these greedy adventurers may cause to the natural balance, and to stop them when necessary.

As one of the many hidden forces, Hared III is undoubtedly the best among them.

Because standing behind him was Zuo Si, who had huge resources and could pile gold, silver and other precious metals like iron blocks into the entire warehouse.

With the support of unlimited financial resources, this man with a deep hatred for Elminster easily attracted dozens of adventure teams, mercenary groups, and even formed an adventurers guild of his own.

By accepting entrustments and issuing tasks, he successfully controlled almost two-thirds of the groups that wielded the most powerful destructive power in Miraba.

Although adventurers and mercenaries are not loyal at all.

But as long as there is enough reward, they never mind doing anything, even if it is to kill all the rulers of Miraba and subvert the regime here.

At this moment, Hared III was sitting in the office on the fourth floor of the newly built guild headquarters, handing over all the information he had to Ximanmeng and Kuuremos.

About seven or eight minutes later, "Bringing a Dutiful Son" Kurremos was the first to read the information on hand, raised his head and asked with interest: "Where did you get this precious information?"

"Don't forget, I have been a scribe for Elminster for many years. I have even witnessed more than one high-level meeting of the Harpers at close range. I can say that I know their internal situation very well."

Hared III pursed his lips and revealed a cold and cruel smile.

Because during this period of time, he had used his knowledge of the Harper Alliance to successfully kill at least thirty spies who tried to sneak in to gather information. He also successfully captured several of them and tortured them inhumanely.

Finally, through evil and cruel necromancy magic, he transformed into a killer who obeyed his orders.

"I see... No wonder you can always seize the opponent's weaknesses and launch an attack first, and you can even figure out the intentions of their senior leaders."

Kurremos nodded pretendingly, but in fact, he was already happy in his heart.

In his opinion, having a fool like Hared III standing in front of him to attract the attention of the Harper Alliance is the perfect umbrella for him to plan a bigger conspiracy behind his back.

In contrast, Ximanmeng proposed directly and unabashedly: "Since you know so much about Elminster and the Harper Alliance, why don't you plan a big operation?

You must know that the reason why they have such a huge power in the North lies in an effective intelligence network.

If we can destroy this hidden and efficient intelligence network like a spider web, then the Harper will become completely deaf and blind.

By then, as long as those responsible for communicating with the outside world and delivering information are eliminated, they will be completely paralyzed and become meat on the chopping board. "

"Do you think I don't want to?

Now the only area I can move around is around Miraba, and it's even difficult to collect information from other places.

In addition, many towns in the North have long-term cooperation with the Harpers privately, which is also a factor that needs to be taken into consideration.

The way I see it, the Harpers Alliance operates like a small network built around individual nodes.

Then use wires to connect these networks to share intelligence resources.

Therefore, there are two most important points to destroy and disintegrate them. One is to destroy the nodes of this small network, and the other is to cut off their connection with their superiors.

I suggest that we have a close cooperation and carry out an all-round and three-dimensional attack on the Harpers of the entire Northland.

I wonder what you two think? "

As he said that, Hared III raised his head and stared at Ximanmeng and Kuuremos with expectant eyes.

He believed that as long as he had the other party's help, he would be able to paralyze the intelligence network that the Harper had been operating in the North for many years.

"No problem. I'd love to be a part of it."

Xi Manmeng was the first to express his attitude.

Because once the power of the Harper Alliance is greatly weakened, the Zhentarim will completely occupy the former's ecological niche and gain huge benefits from it.

Kurremos then echoed: “I can’t think of a reason to refuse.

But it would be unwise to compete head-on with the Harper Alliance for consumption. I think we should do it more secretly.

For example, they could use Scar Klaus's power, or they could bribe the Dragon Cult to let them attract some firepower first.

In short, we must incite as many forces that hate the Harpers to join in as possible, and it is best to let them both lose.

This way we can grab the biggest piece of the pie afterwards. "

"Agreed! I can help contact some barbarian tribes and the lycanthropes of the beast god Mara."

Ximanmeng suddenly showed a very sinister smile.

When it comes to fanning the flames, provoking war, and creating chaos and conflict, the Zhentarim he leads are experts at it.

"I am responsible for instigating the Dragon Cult and the red-robed mages operating locally to make them make some noise. At the same time, I am using Klaus to severely injure the Harper leaders and their allies."

When he said this, there was a strange light in Kurremos's eyes.

There is no doubt that hiding in the shadows to formulate a huge and extremely evil plan made his spirit extremely excited.

In particular, overthrowing an organization like the Harpers Alliance, which has an ancient history and a huge reputation for good, can bring unprecedented satisfaction to this dutiful brass dragon.

"Then let me provide you with a list of names and how to identify the Harper agents."

Seeing that his plan was supported, Hared III also showed an eerie smile.

In this way, the leaders of the three evil factions formally formed an alliance in Miraba and began planning an earth-shattering operation.

This time, what the Harpers will face is no longer a small fight in one or two areas, but a terrifying crisis that has swept through dozens of towns and large territories across the north, starting from Waterdeep City.

Once the whole plan is launched, they will never have the opportunity to draw manpower from other places to support each other as before.

Instead, you will be completely trapped in a complicated situation that is too busy to deal with.

Zuo Si still doesn't know about the secret contest that is about to break out in the Northland.

In other words, even if you know it, you won't care too much.

Because what he needs to consider at this stage is not how to integrate the scattered northern lands, but to form a coalition force to go north to expel Zhentil Fort's forces under the banner of "justice".

With the powerful transportation capacity of the airship, more than a thousand dark elves from the underground of Dragonlance Castle were the first to arrive in just a few days.

This was followed by reinforcements from the Nelanthal Islands fleet, Neverwinter, and Luskan.

Finally, there was the Silver Moon Alliance army led by Alustriel.

Even Shane VII, who was still busy conquering the Kingdom of Tethyr, sent a legion of 3,000 people to express his political attitude.

Of course, in addition to the above relatively powerful forces, some small towns that joined the trade alliance also sent soldiers ranging from fifty to sixty to as many as two to three hundred.

Lantan Island, for example, sent 200 musketeers and 30 artillery pieces as symbolic support.

Counting the more than 8,000 new troops formed by Amn, the total strength assembled suddenly reached as many as 30,000 to 40,000.

It can be said that the political forces on the entire west coast of Faerun are united under one flag for the first time in history.

Through this unparalleled appeal and political capital, Zuo Si finally completely tore off the disguise and showed his ambition.

After seeing this unprecedented scene, the big families in Amn who originally had illusions all gave up the idea of ​​continuing to delay or confront.

Especially the more than 8,000 new soldiers who were trained as direct descendants. Thanks to magic, high-quality diet and almost cruel exercise, their average height has grown to about two meters and four, and they are covered in enchanted heavy armor.

Among them, the giant mounts under the crotch of the three thousand cavalrymen are mostly from the masterpiece of Ludwei, the Necromancer Wizard of the Floating City. They are all tireless corpse-embedded creatures.

Among them, 2,500 ride on traditional ground troops, which look like tall four-legged dinosaurs wearing metal armor from a distance.

Their function is very simple and crude, that is, carrying the knight forward and rushing forward, knocking over and trampling all obstacles that dare to block the way forward.

There are also 500 new dragons that are finally hatched by integrating the advantages of various dragon creatures through genetic modification technology.

Because they have only grown for a few months, they are generally only six or seven meters long, and their intelligence is only enough to understand commands. However, they have amazing weight-bearing capabilities and can shoot out amazingly powerful flames and lightning from their mouths. , strong acid, freezing gas and poisonous clouds.

As for the knight on the dragon's back, in addition to the most basic melee weapons, he will also be equipped with some additional throwables that can cause splash damage.

For example, there are alchemy bottles that can cause violent explosions and produce different elemental damage, and bombs made of smoky gunpowder.

Even the long-range weapons are spears that can release lightning magic to attack.

A cheap version of this thing was successfully developed a long time ago and equipped for use by the fleet of Nelanthel Islands.

Now after upgrading, it is once again equipped to the Air Force.

The only difference is that the latter uses higher-grade cylindrical crystals with greater capacity to store and release electrical energy.

Moreover, under the unified coordination and command of Shuoyou mobile terminal, the powerful combat effectiveness that Amn's new army can exert is definitely not comparable to that of Faerun's traditional army.

In addition, Zuo Si also equipped this army with a large number of priests and masked mages, so that it had no obvious shortcomings in any aspect.

Especially the Masked Mage Guild, which has been reorganized from head to toe. Most of its members have signed contracts with the ninth level of Baator Hell, and can sacrifice corresponding spell slots to summon different levels of devils when needed.

Seeing the army departing from the military camp stationed outside the city and marching all the way to the Cloud and Mist Mountains, the representative of Neverwinter City, Aribes, couldn't help but sigh slightly: "It's really a spectacular sight that cannot be described in words.

I bet that no city-state or even country on the entire west coast of the continent can defeat Amn's new legion on a frontal battlefield.

This time, Fuzor Chamberry and his Zhentil Castle army met their opponents.

I just don't know if those trolls, giants and ogres can withstand such a violent impact. "

The elderly priest of the God of Justice who was walking beside him shrugged his shoulders and responded: "I think it's quite embarrassing.

Don't forget those special species of giant dragons or dragon-like creatures in the sky, as well as the huge group of mages.

If the Masked Mage Guild and the mages of Luskan are considered as a whole, their current strength is not much worse than that of Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City.

Especially in terms of quantity, they firmly occupy an overwhelming advantage.

Maybe trolls are not afraid of being hurt, but they are definitely afraid of fire and acid created by magic.

If nothing else, Lord Soth will win this war with an overwhelming advantage.

And with the help of this war, he showed his leadership and appeal to everyone on the West Coast.

This is politically unprecedented.

The great Tyr is very much looking forward to what changes and order he will bring to the entire world next. "

"So our attitude in Neverwinter is to support Thos in ruling a large area of ​​land from Baldur's Gate to the Dragon Coast?" Irebes tried in an uncertain tone.

"Yes! Our attitude is to support. Because order is better than chaos.

Lord Soth has proven more than once that he can be a very good ruler and can establish relatively fair laws and bring a peaceful and prosperous life to most people living at the bottom of society.

There is nothing more just in the world.

As for his own camp tendencies and intentions, they are not that important. "

The priest of Tyr smiled and conveyed the will from the god to the young paladin beside him.

Aribes nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I think I understand what you mean.

This is very similar to Lord Nasir's point of view.

He also feels that the city of Neverwinter is now in the best period in history.

Not only were there no external threats from enemies, but internal conflicts between nobles and commoners were also alleviated by prosperous trade.

Moreover, Lord Nasir also believes that we should firmly follow the alliance led by Lord Soth.

Only in this way can this prosperity continue. "

The priest of Tyr smiled and explained: “Lord Nasir is a wise leader.

Although he may be a little weak in some aspects, he knows what is most important to the people.

Good job!

He has sent you alone many times to participate in this kind of cooperation, with the purpose of cultivating you.

Perhaps when Lord Nasir feels that he is old and has lost his energy, he will pass on the position of Lord to you. "


Aribes was stunned for a moment.

Because although she was already the lord's right-hand man, she never thought that one day she would become Lord Nasir's successor, let alone where she should lead Neverwinter.

"Haha, don't be so surprised.

You must know that in the political system of Neverwinter City, you have already become the most recognized successor under the lord.

It's just that you haven't thought about it that way.

And ruling Neverwinter is not as difficult as you think. "

The priest gave the paladin a gentle pat on the shoulder in encouragement.

Just when Aribes opened her mouth and wanted to say something, she suddenly saw Zuo Si and Alustriel walking side by side from a distance.

She quickly cleared away the messy thoughts in her mind, put one hand on her chest and bowed slightly.

"Queen of Silver Moon, Your Excellency Soth, I am very honored to represent Neverwinter City and fight side by side with you two to fight against evil."

"That's very kind of you, Ms. Aribes. It's me who should say thank you."

Zuo Si returned the salute with a smile and said a few polite words.

Because he doesn't care at all how many soldiers these allies bring, how much food and weapons and equipment they provide, he only cares about the political stance of the other party.

The latter is the most important.

Obviously, these allies did not disappoint Zuo Si at all.

One of them expressed his position very simply, that is, he recognized him to replace Waterdeep City as the "leader" and "leading brother" in the future.

Alustriel had a playful smile on his face and joked in a half-joking tone: "Maybe after this battle, our Lord Soth will be upgraded to His Majesty Soth. When do you plan to announce yourself? Crowned King or Emperor of Amn?”

"Don't worry, the power has been taken back anyway, and all that's left is just a title. You know, I never care much about these false names."

Zuo Si did not hide anything and openly admitted the fact that he would definitely become a king next.

“But politically, the title is necessary.

I suggest you merge Amn with the North and come up with a new name.

Otherwise, such a huge land area would easily lead to secession.

After all, the West Hartland region has existed as an independent city-state and village for too long. Suddenly, there is an additional country and monarch above them, and the people will definitely not adapt. "

Alustriel enthusiastically gave his advice.

As a politician, she was full of curiosity about this upcoming behemoth, and was eager to see how Zuo Si would rule and govern a country with such huge differences in size, population, and culture.

After all, the Queen of Silvermoon City has tried her best just to integrate the towns within the alliance into a country, but she has never been able to achieve her wish.

Zuo Si chuckled and replied: "Actually, ruling and governing a huge country is far less complicated than you think. Especially when nationalism has not yet awakened, usually you only need to do a few things."

"Oh? What time is it?"

Alustriel asked with his eyes shining slightly.

“The first step is to unify writing and language, then to unify weights and measures, then to unify political systems, laws, markets and economies, and finally to break down geographical restrictions to allow rapid movement of people and goods across the country.

The purpose of unifying characters and languages ​​is to increase the sense of ideological and cultural identity, so that there are no barriers to communication between people within the country. When people can use the same language and characters to communicate, they will treat each other as The other party is one of our own. ;

The purpose of unifying weights and measures is to facilitate taxation, production and economic activities;

The purpose of unifying the political system and laws is to achieve equality and fairness, and to minimize the negative impact of regional discrimination or racial discrimination. At least at the legal level, most people are equal;

Unifying the market and economy can increase the interdependence between places. For example, if one place produces steel and another place produces food, then they need each other, thus creating a close connection;

Breaking down geographical restrictions and allowing for the rapid circulation of people and goods can not only effectively crush those unconventional prejudices, but also speed up the integration within countries.

When people from one place live together with people from another place without distinguishing each other, will there still be conflicts and divisions between them?

The answer is obviously no.

In fact, I have made a lot of preparations in advance, including taking out airships, establishing trade alliances, promoting the emancipation of slaves, training a large number of officials and law enforcers, etc., which are all preparatory work for establishing a unified country. "

Zuo Si explained his thoughts calmly.

Of course, these are just preliminary concepts, and specific operations will inevitably require a series of adjustments.

In addition, he also has many shady and hidden control methods that he has not revealed.

However, these contents, which condensed a lot of wisdom and experience, still made Alustriel feel astonished as never before, and asked impatiently: "Are these the results of knowledge and observations you obtained from other time and space?"

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, this is the history of my hometown, the experience and lessons summed up by countless people with their lives, blood and death.

If you are interested, we can find time to chat alone after this battle is over.

But for now, it's better to focus on the war.

Ms. Aribes, I hope that after passing through the Cloudy Mountains, you can lead Neverwinter's army and another five thousand soldiers to march eastward along the Urden Trade Road to regain the green fields and important towns along the Chongsa River. "

"You mean... that I will lead an army to take the back road and cut off Fu Zouer Chambery's back road?"

Aribes seemed to realize something and immediately subconsciously tightened her grip on the sword hilt.

As the second-in-command of Neverwinter City and the supreme commander of the city defense force, she is obviously very aware of the danger and importance of this task.

"No, there is no need to cut off Fuzoul Chambery's retreat.

All I want is to recapture these towns in advance so that he cannot rely on these cities as strongholds to block or cause damage when retreating.

You must know that siege is a very troublesome matter at any time.

I don't want to have to spend a lot of money to repair and maintain the damaged city walls after fighting this war. "

Zuo Si explained patiently.

Although he had reached a private agreement with Fu Zouer Chamberry, God knows if this guy would be so anxious that he would set a fire during the evacuation.

Therefore, it is necessary to capture the city and clear out the garrison first.

"I understand! Please rest assured that I will not let down your trust and expectations."

Aribes swore and patted her chest to give her assurance.

Rescuing civilians threatened and oppressed by evil forces was originally one of the paladin's duties, so she had no reason to refuse.

Soon, as the large army marched through the cloud and mist mountains and arrived at the small town of Naxikai, this half-elf paladin lady who exuded amazing charm took the appointment letter and went to the end of the team to select 5,000 other people. A patchwork of towns with soldiers and supplies pushed toward the east.

As soon as Aribes left, Kui Lu, the leader of the dark elf army, came to the door and complained helplessly: "Thos, I ask you to give the dark elf the right to act alone.

Our people were so sensitive to daylight that marching almost every day was as painful as torture.

If possible, we would like to march at night and rest during the day.

Otherwise, if things continue like this, they will all collapse in a few days, and they will not be able to form combat effectiveness at all. "

"Is it that serious?"

Alustriel, who was sitting in the tent, was slightly surprised.

Kui Lu rolled her eyes angrily: "Ask your old friend Drizzt, he knows this feeling best.

Especially those drow who have just arrived on the surface of the earth, they are often fainted by the hot sun.

We have lost nearly a hundred people in the past few days, and even receiving magical treatment has no effect. "

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense! What do you mean, Drizzt and I are old friends? Nothing has ever happened between me and him." Alustriel protested very dissatisfied.

"Oh, really?"

Kui Lu deliberately made a long sound, and then unceremoniously exposed her sister's background.

"As far as I know, someone has a Drizzt doll in his collection."


Alustriel didn't know whether it was because he was angry or shy, but a blush appeared on his fair face, and he glared at Kui Lu fiercely, without making any further excuses.

"Okay, I agree."

Zuo Si gave a positive answer immediately after thinking about it for a moment.

He originally planned to take advantage of this march to let the dark elves who believed in the Dark Maiden get acquainted with the surface residents, so as to lower their vigilance and barriers between them.

But now it seems that I am just overthinking it.

You must know that Drizzt has not been able to fully adapt to the midday sun for ten years after he came to the surface. He is often dizzy from being sunburned in tropical areas like Kalingshan, not to mention that these people have just come from the underdark. Come out guys.

Being able to persist for so many days is enough to prove that they have endurance and resilience that far exceeds that of other races.

"Thank you, I know you are a reasonable person. Don't worry, even if we march at night, we can keep up with the advance of the large army. As for contact, I will pass the message directly to you through divine magic."

Kui Lu was visibly relieved.

Because she was really afraid that Zuo Si would be unkind and forced the dark elves to continue marching with the large army during the day.

After a short rest in Naxikai for half a day, Zuo Si once again led the army north along the Gulf Coast Highway and arrived at the small town of Belgost, which was very close to Candlekeep.

Since this place had just been captured by the army of Zhentil Keep not long ago, and even the temple of Lathander, Lord of the Dawn, was raised, it looked a little depressed.

The troops stationed here also retreated to Baldur's Gate early to join the large army because they heard the news, so only a few thousand residents were left at a loss.

Zuo Si left 300 people stationed here, which gave the local people a little sense of security and began to resume production and life in an orderly manner.

After all, no matter who rules in the future, life will continue to go on.

From Nasike to Belgost, and then from Belgost to Baldur's Gate, the coalition forces basically did not encounter any form of resistance along the way, and even spies were rare.

It was obvious that Fuzor Qianberry already knew the scale of Zuo Si's troop dispatch and the amazing combat effectiveness of the new Amn army, and had no intention of wasting time.

He directly concentrated all his troops at Baldur's Gate, planning to set up a battle formation on the north bank of the Chongsa River. If he lost, he would flee eastward along the river and return to Zhentil Keep by boat from the port on the Dragon Coast.

As for winning…

Sorry, I didn’t even dare to think about it.

Others may not have seen Zuo Si's strength, but Fuzuoer Qianberry has seen it with his own eyes.

Especially when he was besieging Mansong, the terrifying power of the killing arrows shot by the God of Nature was still unforgettable to him.

Not to mention mere mortals, even the demon lord who is not strong enough will be killed on the spot.

Therefore, Fu Zouer Chamberry may dare to make some small moves in private, but he certainly does not have the courage to confront him head-on.

What's more, during the days of occupying Baldur's Gate, he has collected enough wealth and supplies, and is planning to return to his hometown to unify the Moon Sea.

There is no time to waste time and energy on this land that is destined not to belong to you.

Just like that, in a silent understanding.

The two armies, each numbering more than 10,000 units, finally met on the open ground north of the Chongsa River.

Out of diplomatic etiquette, the two sides politely submitted letters of war to each other before the formal action, and agreed on the time and place for the battle.

Instead of relying on the solid walls and fortresses of Baldur's Gate for defense, Fozor Chambery decided to go out of the city for a fair fight.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but he's afraid that if Baldur's Gate is reduced to ruins, Zuo Si will settle the score with himself afterwards.

If after the repairs of Zhentil Castle were completed, the other party would come and raze the entire city to the ground, then he wouldn't even have a place to cry.

Priests with divine magic can never match the magic of arcane wizards in wreaking havoc and destruction.

Zuo Si was also very generous in not closing the river, leaving a way for the opponent to retreat.

As the saying goes, leave something to chance so that we can meet again in the future.

It's all acting anyway, there's no need to work so hard.

As long as all the monsters recruited with the Tyrant's Scepter are killed, the rest of the human and orc soldiers belonging to Bane's church can be spared.

After all, retaining the strength of Zhentil Castle can also contain the energy of Elminster in Shadow Valley to a certain extent.

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