A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 482 “What the People Want” (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Erebes obviously couldn't ignore the Iron Princess Yalusel who suddenly appeared outside the city of Iliaba, let alone any neglect or disrespect.

After all, the other party is a member of the royal family of Cormyr, the biological daughter of the legendary King Assan IV, and she is also a powerful warrior and Purple Dragon Knight. She has commanded the army to defeat powerful enemies more than once.

Therefore, in order to avoid any diplomatic crisis and to find out what Her Royal Highness the Princess wanted to do, Aribes finally chose to invite the other party into the city first and receive her in the hall of the lord's mansion that was just captured and also the castle. the other party.

As soon as they met, she noticed the pride exuding from Yalusel, and the wildness hidden under the beautiful and elegant image of "princess" in the eyes of most people.


Just wild!

Because the half-elf paladin noticed that the armor on the opponent's body did not have any decorative patterns or gorgeous gem embellishments. It completely followed the principles of pragmatism and defense first, and even looked a bit ugly.

This is undoubtedly a serious violation of women's beauty-loving nature.

Very clear and obvious slashing and puncture marks can be seen on the armor's shoulders, abdomen, neck guard and other locations.

This shows that Yalusel is not the kind of commander who simply stays behind, but is a warrior who dares to lead his men to charge into the enemy.

Only generals who are always on the front line would have so many scars on their armor.

Especially those sharp eyes, which feel like an unsheathed sword, full of aggressive momentum, enough to impress anyone who sees it.

The most important thing is that she didn't have the slightest air or reserve of a princess. She strode forward like a man, opened her arms and gave Aribes an almost rough bear hug, and greeted with a smile: "Good evening, from far away. Friends of Neverwinter in the North, I am very happy to meet a young female commander like me in a place like this."

"Nice to meet you too, Your Highness."

As a paladin who symbolizes purity, justice and kindness, Aribes' movements were obviously a little stiff, and she seemed to be uncomfortable with such an overly intimate behavior when they first met.

However, out of politeness, she did not push the other person away, but allowed him to touch her cheek.

After the exchange of greetings ended, Yalusel immediately asked impatiently: "If you don't mind, can you introduce me to the current situation?

The fact that your army can appear here must mean that it has routed or even defeated the army of Zhentil Castle, right?

Where are Fozol Chamberi and his army now, and how many soldiers are left?

Can you mark it on the map for me? "

It has to be said that the Iron Princess's enthusiasm for war and battle really shocked Aribes, who quickly explained with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, things may be a little different from what you imagined.

In fact, I don't know what the battle situation is like on the Baldur's Gate side. I am just a partial force sent by Lord Soth to recover important towns along the Chongsa River.

We started from the small town of Naxikai and pushed eastward along the Urden Trade Road, recapturing the occupied Green Nest Town, Beldusk, and Asbravin along the way. We just captured the city of Iliaba more than an hour ago.

According to Lord Soth's order, we should continue to liberate the Trade Road eastward all the way to the town on the Dragon Coast that was captured by Zhentil Fort.

But unfortunately, in the river dock warehouse in Iliaba, I found a large amount of resources and wealth that Fuzor Chambery plundered from the West Heartland region.

This means that if he knows the news, he will definitely find ways to snatch these things back.

Therefore, I decided to give up my original plan of marching eastward and stay here to wait for reinforcements.

I believe that once Mr. Soth wins the decisive battle, he will rush over as quickly as possible to help.

When the time comes, attacking from both front and back will definitely severely damage the evil forces in Zhentil Fort, making it impossible for them to take back the wealth and materials they looted.

By the way, I haven't asked why you suddenly appeared here with your army?

Is the Kingdom of Cormyr also ready to declare war on Zhentil Keep? "

Hearing these words, Yalusel couldn't help laughing immediately.

"Hahahaha! To tell you the truth, my father has long wanted to send troops.

It's just that all kinds of troubles in Cormyr have been constant and there is no way to deal with it.

But now...

He was persuaded by Lady Lyra of Waterdeep City to cut off Fuzor Chambery's escape route and ask him to spit out all the supplies and wealth he had plundered from this land, without even trying to take away any of it.

My father gave me a fleet and wanted me to intercept it at sea.

But compared to fighting at sea, I prefer a head-on showdown on land.

Therefore, I handed over the command of the fleet to another count, and took more than 300 elite knights to land from the Boscu Bridge on the border, bypassing the eastbound city and arriving at Iliaba.

They originally planned to launch a raid to seize this place, and then use it as a base to cut off Zhentil Fort's retreat route.

But I didn't expect that you would take the lead one step too late. "

"So...you want to join forces with us?"

Aribes's eyes shone slightly, as if she understood what the Iron Princess was thinking.

Because she also plans to fight a blocking battle here to consume Fuzoul Chamberi's vitality as much as possible to ensure that he can no longer pose a threat to the cities near the Dragon Coast to the east.

"That's right! And I really want to know from you about Lord Soth and his legendary adventures on the west coast of Faerun."

As he spoke, Yalusel's eyes burst with naked and undisguised curiosity.

After all, she had obtained some relevant information from other intelligence agencies in the palace and from Laila, and suddenly she became very interested in this young man who was close to her own age.

Whether it is his identity as a chosen one by multiple gods, or his ability as a planeswalker that can freely travel between different planes and even time and space.

In addition, the Iron Princess also learned about the process of going to the bottomless abyss to rescue the goddess of wealth Woking from Bonita, the legendary purple dragon knight who returned home to visit relatives some time ago.

This is why she did not stay at sea, but led more than 300 knights to go all the way to Iliaba, an important town on the Sa River.

Aribes responded with a smile: “Of course, no problem.

However, I don’t know much about Lord Soth, so I’m afraid I can’t satisfy all your curiosity.

And after traveling for such a long time, I think you and your knights are also hungry.

How about we talk while we eat? "

Yalusel nodded without thinking: "Of course! On behalf of all the knights of Cormyr, I thank you for your hospitality. In addition, please be sure not to treat me as a princess, just as an ordinary cavalry commander." .”

Soon, these two young female commanders, both of whom had considerable commanding abilities and military literacy, headed to the restaurant side by side.

With the arrival of more than 300 elite knights of Cormyr, Aribes obviously has the confidence to fight against the elite forces of Zhentil Castle.

You must know that these knights are not ordinary guards and militiamen who may not even have the LV1 warrior level, but noble knights who have at least the LV5 warrior and LV1 Purple Dragon Knight professional levels.

In the Kingdom of Cormyr, which implemented a feudal system, they not only had noble titles and fiefs, but many of them were sons or daughters of large noble families without inheritance rights.

Therefore, the role that these three hundred knights can play when they are actually put into the battlefield is equivalent to three to four thousand people or even more.

This also means that Aribes does not need to worry about his low-quality soldiers being unable to withstand the fierce attacks of the dark guards of Bane Church, which will eventually lead to a great rout.

Zuo Si apparently still didn't know about the episode that was happening in the far east.

In other words, he is still busy dealing with something much more important than that.

As the night passed, the sun once again rose from the sea level, bringing light and heat to the entire world. Baldur's Gate, which had been partying all night, finally became a little quieter.

Many drunken civilians were lying in the streets and alleys.

Some of them hugged each other and kept mumbling something, while others held various animals, wine bottles, tables, stools, vases and other messy things in their arms.

Some even lie on their own vomit and excrement and fall asleep unconscious.

The chest covered with black hair and the white buttocks were displayed so grandly in front of the public.

In short, this picture alone can definitely help those who have not developed the habit of drinking to stop drinking.

If it happened in modern society on Earth, these people would probably die on the spot when they woke up, and they would have to consider living on another planet.

But these are not the point!

The point is that under the instigation of those maritime merchants, more than 20,000 people gathered at the entrance of the High Hall, the central palace of Baldur's Gate, shouting that they wanted to join the commercial empire Amn and become a port city under its command.

Such a large battle would naturally not disturb the representatives from various towns in the North who had held a banquet all night.

Including Alustriel, everyone walked up to the balcony of the upper floor and looked down at this extremely spectacular and shocking scene.

Piergalen, the open lord of Waterdeep City, showed an expression of disbelief. He turned around and stared at Kelben, who was also the lord, as if asking how this was done.

After all, this is a total of 20,000 people!

Although during the Years of Turmoil, the permanent population of Baldur's Gate once reached 86,000 to 115,000.

But later, the violent turmoil caused by the gods being knocked down to the mortal world, as well as the negative impact caused by the failure of the naval battle with Nelanthel Islands a few years ago, and the recent war caused by the conspiracy of Sarevok, the son of Baal, all led to The city's permanent population plummeted.

Today there are probably less than 50,000 people.

Excluding underage children and the elderly with limited mobility, this is almost the entire city's entire young adult population.

And it can be clearly seen that the proportion of women is much higher than that of men.

Because many men died in previous wars, and a large number of widows who lost their husbands and children who lost their fathers were also left behind.

There is no doubt that these vulnerable groups in traditional society need the protection of powerful forces from the outside world more than ever.

This is one of the reasons why those maritime merchants were able to incite them.

"It seems you have won the approval of the people of this city, doesn't it?"

Alustriel teased meaningfully.

She is not blind and knows what happened at the carnival last night.

Those merchants who were supported by the Nelanthel Islands directly opened their warehouses and distributed large amounts of food and wine to ordinary people as if they were free of money, and then instilled in them that if Baldur's Gate wants to survive and become better, It must take the initiative to merge into Amn.

Otherwise, a similar situation will happen again.

The scene everyone saw this morning was due to the fear of being occupied by the Zhentil Castle monster army.

Although the method is a little shady, it is indeed a manifestation of the will of the people.

You must know that Baldur's Gate previously implemented a ruling method consisting of a council composed of four dukes. The failure of the naval battle and the exposure of a large number of shady stories have long disappointed the civilians.

Years of fierce internal fighting have made the business environment worse and worse.

This is why Sarevok's operation was so smooth, and even the death of several dukes and their entire families did not trigger any violent backlash.

The real situation is that ordinary people have long ceased to care about the life and death of these dukes, their families, and their allies.

The war started by Sarevok resulted in the death of a large number of men, and the Zhentil Keep army occupied Baldur's Gate and raised a butcher knife against the upper ruling class, which awakened the fear of the lower class people in the city.

Nowadays, they no longer want to continue struggling, let alone free will, they just want a stable and peaceful life.

So now comes the problem.

On the continent of Faerûn, what kind of system is the most stable and least prone to problems?

The answer is obviously a feudal monarchy and a country ruled by a powerful wizard!

Look at the Kingdom of Cormyr, and then look at the mage country Halua, which is composed of the remnants of Netheril. Which one has not stood and existed for thousands of years, and rarely experiences violent turmoil.

By contrast, look at the West Coast city-states that practice what is known as parliamentary and democratic systems.

Waterdeep has been experiencing constant civil strife since its establishment, and it has only been slowly stabilized by the transition of power in the past two to three hundred years. Previously, various bloody assassinations and seizures of power by force have occurred one after another;

Silvermoon City also experienced a miserable past, and it was not until Alustriel came to power that it truly prospered;

Not to mention Baldur's Gate, which has experienced three changes of ownership.

The most serious ones were known as "tax riots", in which farmers and local lords imposed taxes on passing ships. The result was strong dissatisfaction among ship owners and eventually led to a war.

This riot directly led to mutual hostility between merchants, pirate classes, and local farmers and lords to this day.

So after the merchants listed a large number of filtered facts, the residents of Baldur's Gate began to believe that both the parliamentary system and the so-called democratic voting would only bring endless chaos and disaster.

On the contrary, a powerful monarch with absolute rights can bring himself the order and tranquility he desires.

Ever since, this scene appeared in front of me.

Of course, the secret fueling of this by the Benn Church must be indispensable.

Although Fuzor Chambery ran away, he secretly left many priests of Benn hiding in the dark. He planned to jump out and build a temple immediately after Zuo Si came to power, expanding the presence of the God of Tyranny in this land. influence on.

Zuo Si was not in a hurry to start his political performance, but lowered his voice and whispered in the ear of the Queen of Silvermoon City: "Do you remember what I told you before?

Most ordinary people have neither the ability to think independently nor the ability to distinguish right from wrong. They are just a group of blind followers who are easily led by the nose.

Their herd mentality is like that of a herd, always paying attention to every move of the leader.

If you want to influence the majority of people, then as long as you control a few of them, you can make them act according to their own will and get the desired results.

That's why I say that Silvermoon City's one-person-one-vote political election system is a joke.

Is it really fair that a scholar who has studied political economy for decades and has extremely rich experience, and a loser who usually does nothing and just stays in the pub and talks, both have only one vote in the election?

If something important needs to be decided by a vote one day, and the latter's last vote will determine the future of the city, he makes the wrong choice, ultimately leading to a terrible disaster.

So who should bear this responsibility?

The people who voted?

Or is that a loser who only talks too much?

Therefore, centralizing power is the ultimate solution for a country and political entity.

Only in this way can you realize your ideal and unify the entire Silver Moon Alliance.

Politics is the most evil, dirty, and despicable game in the world, and good people cannot survive in this field.

If you want to succeed, you must first kill your own naivety and unrealistic ideals. "

"Is this your theory of using evil means to do good things? Do you think the thoughts and will of the ruler are the key to determining the final result?" Alustriel narrowed his eyes and questioned.

"Is not it?"

Zuo Si asked with a smile.

“Look at Neverwinter under Lord Narsil and Silvermoon under you;

Look again at Ser, ruled by red-robed wizards;

and Amn under the former Council of Six.

I think it should be easy to come to the conclusion.

Politics is a game that focuses more on results than process.

In addition, power is based on violence from the beginning.

Do you think that people respect the law because it has some great and inviolable power?


People are simply afraid of the law enforcement power hidden behind the law, which, to put it bluntly, is violence that can lead to death.

And the picture you see now of what the people want is nothing more than precise psychological control and a manipulation of social group thinking.

Sorry, I have to excuse myself for a moment to respond to the petition from the residents of Baldur's Gate. "

After saying this, Zuo Si stood up and jumped directly from the balcony, shouting to the excited crowd: "Quiet! Please keep quiet! I can't communicate with so many people at the same time, so please choose Several representatives are coming.”


The team of more than 20,000 people fell into silence and began to glare at each other, showing the confusion that ordinary people would have on important occasions.

But soon, several "actors" hired at a high cost quickly won the recognition of people around them with their outstanding professional skills.

After a while, more than a dozen "representatives" were elected.

No one knew that they had actually been pre-arranged, and even the maritime merchants who were hiding behind the scenes and fanning the flames didn't know the real situation.

To be precise, these representatives are basically professional bards, born to be spies, assassins, seducers and demagogues.

Their real employer is none other than the core members of the Arcane Society headed by Jeffrey.

As a weapon against the bureaucracy, these lichs have trained and hired a large number of bards in recent years.

On weekdays, these poets were active in various towns, participated in various banquets and performances, and secretly collected a large amount of intelligence, whether it was from the enemy or from within.

Moreover, the bards of Faerûn are different from the impression of many people that they only play, play, sing and provide entertainment performances in taverns. They are very good at illusions, transformations and musical arcane magic, and they also have good stealth abilities.

This is why the League of Harpers, the largest intelligence organization, has a symbol that is the instrument most commonly used by bards - the harp.

Because the proportion of bards in this organization is much higher than that of other professions.

However, unlike the functions of a harpist, the bards trained by the Arcane Society must not only train the original bard skills, but also take extra time to study personal psychology and social psychology.

Compared to things like collecting information and spying on enemy intelligence, they are actually better at carrying out the current task of inciting people on a large scale and then manipulating hundreds or even thousands of people.

Especially successfully controlling other people's thoughts and behaviors can easily give these guys inexplicable excitement and satisfaction.

It's as if he is a king hiding in the darkness and others are clowns who are being manipulated and know nothing.

Just as the leaders of the towns in the north stared at Zuo Si who was discussing with the "representatives" with envious eyes, Kelben came quietly behind Alustriel and asked in a very low voice: "So... What did Si talk to you about just now? Your face seems a little ugly."

"No, it's nothing. I just feel that my self-confidence has been slightly affected."

The Queen of Silver Moon City raised her head with a faint wry smile.


Kelben blinked in confusion.

Alustriel smoothed the long silver hair hanging down from his ears and nodded slightly: "Yes.

I suddenly discovered that compared with Soth, the political opinions and bottom lines I had insisted on before seemed very naive and ridiculous now.

It's clear that he understands the nature of politics and governance better than any of us, and he knows exactly when to do what.

No wonder Asmodeus invited him to join Hell.

I believe that with such a good helper, the political situation in Baator Hell will gradually become more and more stable from the original undercurrent until some ultimate evil order is achieved. "

"I never doubted that.

In fact, it was because of these qualities that I saw in South that I chose to support him in building a huge West Coast empire.

After all, in our world, there has never been a country with a huge land area and a high degree of unity in the political, economic and cultural fields.

Although the Mulhorand Empire in the east was large and unified, it did not rely on secular power, but a theocratic country ruled by the gods themselves.

Since those gods returned to their true nature on the outer plane, this old empire has begun to engage in various intrigues and struggles for power, no different from those great empires that have appeared in history.

Sale, which also has a huge land area, is also not a unified country.

Because its actual rulers, the red-robed mages themselves, are not a united whole.

The parliament, represented by the faction chief, split into two opposing camps.

So I really want to see with my own eyes what the kind of country Soth mentioned looks like and what profound impact it will have on the entire world. "

When he said these words, a look of expectation appeared on Kelben's serious face.

"Soth wants to establish a new national form, and what you want to see is a new order that can break the shackles of the past. To a certain extent, you two should be the same type of people."

Alustriel couldn't help but sighed softly.

Sometimes she really wishes she could have a simple and pure pursuit like Kelben.

But due to his special status, no matter what he does, he must make a complex weighing of the pros and cons, otherwise it will cause a series of problems.

The most obvious example is that as the Queen of Silvermoon City, Alustriel must notify the other party in advance and obtain permission when entering other territories, city-states and countries, otherwise serious diplomatic disputes will immediately occur.

But Kelben does not need to abide by this.

While the two were talking, Zuo Si had already completed the negotiation with the "representatives" and staged a high-spirited "three requests and three concessions" in full view of the public. In the end, he reluctantly agreed to allow Bode as a "last resort" The gate becomes part of Amn.


The assembled crowd burst into loud cheers.

Under the guidance of some "careful people", the title "Your Majesty Soth" gradually became "Your Majesty Soth".

It must be said that this political show achieved unprecedented success.

Because no one in this land has ever used such methods before.

Especially the constant rejection and the embarrassment shown made the simple Baldur's Gate residents believe that they had taken a huge advantage this time.

The maritime merchants who had gained the greatest benefit were even more excited with tears in their eyes. They took out the treasures from the bottom of the family treasure chest as gifts and presented them to the new ruler of the city as a congratulation.

Also very satisfied with this result were the kind-hearted metal dragons who came to join in the fun.

After all, scenes like this where the people spontaneously petition and the rulers are kind and humble are exactly what they admire and are most happy to see.

So when leaving, without exception, they all expressed their blessings to Zuo Si and said that if they need help in the future, they must come to him.

In this way, with Baldur's Gate's "popular support", Zuo Si effortlessly obtained the legal right to rule, and at the same time was recognized by all the towns in the North.

And this is just the beginning...

In the next few days, he sent his army all the way eastward and recaptured all the towns south of the Wandering River one after another. Even the towns of Kam'op and Hech near the Sunset Mountains that were previously controlled by the Zhentarim. Ruswa is no exception.

Then they followed the same pattern and carried out annexation holding high the banner of liberation and democracy.

The terrifying expansion speed and the fanatical support of the locals made Piergalen feel numb.

If he was filled with humiliation and anger when he was forced to give up leadership, now he is only filled with deep fear.

The powerful warrior suddenly realized that the political skills used by Zuo Si were completely different from any enemy he had ever encountered before.

It is an out-and-out dimensionality reduction blow to the relatively primitive, barbaric, simple and crude political environment in the North.

No town could survive such an attack without falling.

Soon, Piergalen came to Kelben and asked solemnly: "Dear old friend, I think it is not difficult to see that young man's ambition with your wisdom, right? Tell me, Waterdeep City What can we do to ensure that we won’t be annexed?”

"Sorry, man, I can't give you an accurate answer this time.

Because no matter in terms of politics, military, or economy, we cannot be Soth's opponent.

So I suggest that instead of thinking about fighting an invincible enemy, you should calm down and consider using this time to build Waterdeep into a more prosperous city.

When that day comes, use this as a bargaining chip in exchange for more autonomy.

This is our only way out.

And don’t you think that this kind of unity is much stronger than the division and turmoil that have persisted in the North for thousands of years? "

Kelben gave his opinion calmly.

But Piergalen obviously didn't think so, and he immediately gritted his teeth and roared: "No! I will never allow anyone to annex Waterdeep City! Since you are unwilling to help me, then I will find someone who is willing to help me."

After saying that, he turned around and left angrily.

Kelben stood there and stared at the other person's retreating back, stroking the beard on his chin and murmuring in a voice that only he could hear: "Don't be blinded by anger and make wrong choices. Otherwise, you will pay an unimaginable price."

Just as Zuo Si was advancing his sphere of influence towards the Dragon Coast in an orderly manner, in the Dragon Forest not far from Soba Town, a tragedy that no one knew about had come to an end.

In this dense forest with tall redwoods and pine trees, the green dragon that once firmly held a dominant position now has only a dozen hatching dragon eggs and less than ten newborn chicks left. dragon.

As for the rest, almost all of them died under Davian's sword without exception.

This follower who had been following Zuo Si for the longest time did not even transform into a flaming red dragon. He had already completed the task assigned by his master with his sword skills alone.

At this moment, a female green dragon that had reached the age of an ancient dragon was lying dying in the nest. She raised her head and stared at the sudden intruder with resentful eyes, as well as the black dragon next to her who was leading the way, cursing angrily. Said: "Damn traitor! If I had known you were such an ungrateful bastard, I should not have agreed to take you in in the first place, but would have simply bitten your neck off."

The black dragon Mulhallanth was obviously different from most evil dragons with violent tempers. He just rolled his eyes at this indifferent curse and retorted in an angry tone: "Thank you? Stop making trouble." !

Didn't you take me in just to treat me like a servant?

Count how many dangerous jobs you have ordered me to do since I settled in this forest?

Almost all the green dragons treated me like a fool.

Do you think I'm really that stupid?

Big mistake!

The reason why I pretended to be like that was not to arouse your vigilance.

But things are different now. I have taken refuge in a powerful and terrifying master.

This flaming red dragon named Davian is a subordinate sent by his master.

In front of the great Lord Soth, you are nothing more than little bugs that can be crushed to death at will.

Remember, today's massacre is not because of what you have done to me, but because you accepted Zhentil Castle's employment in an attempt to be an enemy of the master.

The master needs to tell all the dragons under his rule by killing one as a warning to all the dragons under his rule, what it means to be his enemy. "

"Aren't you afraid that you will be reckoned with by the great Queen Tiamat after you die?"

The green dragon struggled to raise his head and tried to save his own life through intimidation.

Although Tiamat is the dragon god, most dragons do not regard her as a god, but as a powerful and evil predecessor or monarch.

Especially green dragons and blue dragons who tend to be lawful are often called queens.

"What's there to be afraid of? Anyway, I've sold my soul. After death, I will most likely go to hell to be with the devil."

Mulhallanth acted like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and even took the initiative to show off his purgatory bloodline and mark.

Although this kind of purgatory transformation is still in its infancy, his body size has grown by a full circle in the past two days, and all basic attributes have also been improved.

"Bah! You are simply a disgrace to the color dragon! Fortunately you are not a green dragon, otherwise I would rather dye my scales another color."

The ancient green dragon spat out a mouthful of saliva mixed with blood, thick phlegm, and strong acid to express his inner disdain.

If she could, she really, really wanted to breathe deadly dragon breath from her mouth.

But the problem is that the black dragon is naturally completely immune to all damage from strong acid energy.

Therefore, the green dragon's acid mist cannot cause even a little bit of damage to the black dragon.

Of course, the reverse is also true.

In terms of pure breathing, both sides are typical golden bells and iron shirts, and neither can break the defense.

Mulharans avoided this verbal attack very keenly, and mocked disdainfully: "Whatever you say, compared to losers like you, I managed to survive. This is the most important thing. .

As long as I can survive, I am willing to abandon respect and bottom line to do anything and make all necessary changes.

As for you...

Just die with the pride of the so-called green dragon. "

As the last word blurted out, this alternative black dragon immediately pounced on the opponent at lightning speed, biting the opponent's neck without letting go. At the same time, his whole body pressed up so that the severely injured green dragon could not turn over.

After a while, the ancient green dragon, which had ruled the Dragon Forest for hundreds of years, breathed its last in humiliation.

You must know that the green dragons in this forest are basically all her descendants and accept her rule and leadership.

Looking at the dead body of the other party, Mulhallans let out a long breath, spit out the acidic blood in his mouth, walked quickly to Davian and asked respectfully: "What do you think of those dragon eggs and young dragons?" How to deal with it? I think keeping them will be a disaster sooner or later, so it is better to just cut the grass and root out the roots."

"No, there is no need. Both the dragon eggs and the young dragons will be sent to the floating city in another world, and will be experimented and transformed there."

With that said, Davian opened the box he carried with him and stuffed all the baby dragons and eggs into it.

As a warrior, although he knew nothing about the fields of magic and genetic research, he also knew that the most important thing for such experiments was that there must be enough living bodies.

Green dragon hatchlings and dragon eggs happen to be perfect experimental materials.

As soon as he heard the words experiment and transformation, Mulhallan suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

He originally thought that the suggestion of killing them all was sinister and vicious enough.

But now it seems that he is far behind compared to his new master.

Just as the two of them had plundered all the treasures in the lair and were about to leave, a huge and evil force fell from the sky.

The next second...

A huge dragon with five heads and colorful patterns all over its torso appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Especially the five-color head of red, blue, green, black, and white is really recognizable.

You don't need to ask to know that this is an incarnation of Tiamat, the evil dragon god.

As a black dragon, Mulharans was frightened to the point of cardiac arrest almost instantly. His muscles all over his body tensed up and he stood there without daring to move.

In contrast, Davian was much braver. He directly transformed into a flaming red dragon and released the power from the fire elemental prince in his body, intending to fight the incarnation of the god in front of him.

Anyway, for him, death is just a different kind of rest.

After a period of time, you can still be resurrected with full health, but you will lose the follower level increased during this period.

Tiamat clearly noticed Davian's reaction, and the red dragon's head suddenly let out a deep laugh: "Hehehehe - I appreciate your bravery and loyalty!

But please don't be so nervous, because I'm not here to trouble you.

On the contrary, I want you to bring a message to your master, saying that I hope to meet him. "

"You want to see the master? Then why not go to him directly?"

A look of confusion appeared on Davian's face, and he also put away his attacking stance.

“Because there are too many gods staring at Soth, I don’t want to expose myself and cause unnecessary trouble.

Especially my nemesis, if he knew about my plan, he would definitely try every means to obstruct and sabotage it.

What's more, he is now the favorite in Asmodeus's eyes.

God knows what the plane lords in hell will think once I meet Soth publicly.

Here, just give this to him for me. "

After saying that, Tiamat peeled off a scale that exuded ghostly light from her body and threw it over. Then it turned into a gust of wind and disappeared without a trace.

After a full minute, the black dragon Mulharlans flopped and lay limply on the ground, gasping for air.

He was obviously frightened and thought that the Dragon God was here to clean up his house.

Feeling the evil power contained in the dragon scales in his hands, Davian did not dare to neglect at all. He immediately returned to human form and dragged the semi-paralyzed Mulhallanth to use teleportation magic to return to his master to report the situation.

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