A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 489 The price of recklessness and impulsiveness (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

People always have to face various choices in their lives.

Sometimes when you have enough time, you can slowly collect information for comparison, then think over it again and again and finally make a decision that you think is right.

But there are also times when there is no extra time to think, and it is often necessary to quickly choose one among several options and bet all the chips like gambling.

Of course, if you win the bet, you can say anything.

But if you lose accidentally, it is not as simple as simply losing a little money or even land, but you may even lose your life.

And this kind of gambling-style choice is even more common in war.

There are countless classic battles in which a small number of people defeated a large number. Although the essence behind them is superb strategy and the powerful execution ability of the army, in the final analysis, luck still accounts for a large proportion.

As Fuzor Chambery did not attack Iliaba at all but chose to leave without hesitation, Aribes and Yalusel, who originally thought they had the initiative in the war, were instantly dumbfounded.

Because of this retreat, the initiative in the war changed hands.

They could have just waited and relied on the city wall to defend, but now they had to face a difficult choice.

He watched helplessly as Fuzor Chambery continued to retreat to the east and joined his men in several port cities along the coast. Then he took a boat from the Dragon Coast and returned safely to Zhentil Castle with some of the plundered property.

It is better to risk being killed and go out of the city to pursue him, either by waterway or by land, intercept him near Dongxing City, and fight a bloody and cruel blocking battle in the wild.

If she was leading the elite legion of the Kingdom of Cormyr, then with the character of the Iron Princess, she would definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

After all, war is her favorite "game", and it is also the only way for this slightly crazy woman to realize her self-worth and win cheers.

Because besides fighting and fighting, Yalusel didn't know what else he could do.

The youngest princess of the Cormyr royal family is not as gentle, dignified and virtuous as her sister, who is widely loved by the people, nor does she have any means to govern the country and develop the economy.

So if we have to separate a faction among the royal family and nobles, then she must be a radical hawk through and through, and belong to the militaristic category.

But the problem is that what Yalusel currently leads is not the elite of the Kingdom of Cormyr. To be precise, she only has the power to command more than 300 knights.

As for the remaining more than 5,000 soldiers with varying qualities, their command lies in the hands of the paladin Eribes of Neverwinter City.

The relationship between the two parties is now that of allies rather than superiors and subordinates.

This also means that there is no unified command authority.

It would be okay if they all agree, but in the worst case, if one party cooperates with the other, it would be fine if they can win anyway.

But once there are disagreements, there will naturally be no cooperation. Basically, everyone will fight on their own without interfering with each other.

Similar situations can be said to be normal in Faerûn, a continent with complex forms and numerous forces.

In fact, Yalusel is now beginning to regret that he recklessly led the knights all the way across the sea.

If she stays with Cormyr's fleet now, even if Fuzoul Chambery joins his men and takes a boat to sea, they can sink or even capture a group of cargo ships by following, harassing, and intercepting them.

After all, a merchant ship loaded with property can never be faster than an empty or half-laden warship.

But the problem is, with the Iron Princess bringing out all the knights, the current fleet is seriously lacking in high-end combat capabilities and grassroots commanders, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to take advantage of gang-hopping operations.

In addition, the nobles in charge of commanding the fleet tend to be conservative, and there is a high probability that they will give up the pursuit and choose to let Zhentil Castle leave on its own.

Standing on a high place and watching the enemy fleet go further and further away, and eventually turned into black dots and disappeared at the end of the river, Yalusel finally decided to muster up the courage to take a big gamble, and immediately turned around to the side. Aribes suggested: "Dear friend, I don't think we can let Fu Zouer Chambery leave like this, otherwise we will all become a laughing stock."

"Then what do you mean..."

A confused expression appeared on the half-elf paladin's face.

Because according to her idea, she would have completed the mission as long as she guarded Iliaba, which was full of supplies, and there was no need to add any extra complications.

After all, most of these soldiers come from various towns in the North and are a vital force in maintaining local security.

Once too much is lost here, it is likely to lead to a series of serious chain reactions.

Rather than making achievements and making a name for himself, Aribes actually prefers to let all the soldiers return alive as much as possible.

From this point we can see the difference between the paladin who advocates lawfulness and kindness and the general who is keen on making achievements on the battlefield.

“What I mean is that we should pursue the defeated troops in Zhentil Keep.

You take three thousand to four thousand soldiers by boat and take the waterway, following Fuzole Chamberry from a distance to create pressure.

I took the knights by land and detoured to ambush near Dongxing City, waiting for them to come ashore to launch a surprise attack.

When the time comes, we will attack from the front and back, and we will definitely inflict heavy damage on the enemy. "

When saying these words, Yalusel clenched his fists subconsciously, his eyes shining with excitement and anticipation.

Because she was already impatient to defeat the famous Tyrant of the Moon Sea in order to gain more and greater reputation.

Seeing the overly excited reaction of the Iron Princess, Aribes was obviously very hesitant and asked in an uncertain tone: "Is it really necessary to do this?

The task given to me by Lord Soth is to protect the town as much as possible to prevent the retreating Zhentil Keep army from destroying and massacring it.

The adventurous pursuit of Fuzoul Chamberlain was obviously not included in this list.

What's more, the opponent is a chosen one of Bane, the god of tyranny, and he is accompanied by the legendary mage Manson. I'm not sure what benefits I can get in the battle.

If it really doesn’t work, forget it. "

"No! How can this be forgotten?

Isn’t fighting evil something advocated by Tyr, the god of justice?

Think about it, if Fuzoul Chamberry is allowed to transport all the property and soldiers back to Zhentil Castle, how many towns around the Moon Sea can resist their invasion?

The actions we take now are precisely to stop the expansion of evil forces.

Don't hesitate!

Come do it with me! "

Yalusel grabbed Aribes's hand and urged impatiently.

But you can't blame her for being reckless and impatient.

Compared with Neverwinter in the far north, the Kingdom of Cormyr has always been one of the countries that faces the most serious pressure from Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim to infiltrate and subvert.

If you look at the map, you will know that to the north of the Kingdom of Cormyr is the Valley, to the north is Cormanthor, the seat of the ancient Elf King's Court, and a little further north is the Sea of ​​the Moon, the seat of Zhentil Castle.

In fact, thanks to the activities of Zhentarim spies and killers, Zhentil Keep and the Church of Bane have already spread throughout Cormanthor and some areas of the valley.

Even within the Kingdom of Cormyr near the north, there are several powerful nobles who have taken refuge in Bane, the god of tyranny.

There have even been rebellions and wars launched more than once in history in an attempt to divide the entire country, or to replace the current royal family.

Therefore, Yalusel, who is a member of the Cormyr royal family, hates these despicable people who make trouble every now and then more than anyone else.

She believed that as long as she could defeat one of the kingdom's biggest enemies - Fuzoul Chambery, not only would her father, the king, look at her differently, but all the rumors about her in the country would disappear, leaving only compliments and praise. praise.

Looking into the eager eyes of the Iron Princess, Aribes thought over and over for several minutes before finally nodding reluctantly: "Okay, I agree to go with you. But I can only bring a maximum of two thousand five hundred Men, the rest must stay at Iliaba.”

"No problem! Two thousand five hundred people are enough! Anyway, your goal is to attract the attention of Zhentil Castle and provide cover for the elite knights under my command."

Yalusel agreed without even thinking.

Soon, under the command of her action group, the recharged Cormyr Purple Dragon Knights mounted their mounts one after another, crossed the tributary of the Chongsa River at extremely fast speeds, and headed straight for Dongxing City along the main path. direction to fly.

Aribes also personally organized 2,500 people to board the river transport ship and bite Fu Zouer Chamberry's butt.

You must know that Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim are not soft persimmons. The number of mages, warlocks and priests they have inside has always been high.

Therefore, their actions were quickly discovered and reported.

When the tyrant of the Moon Sea saw two little girls who were still young and dared to take the initiative to cause trouble for him, he became very angry.

After all, being manipulated by Zuo Si before made him feel quite angry. Now, all the cats and dogs want to ride on his head to shit and use his subordinates to improve his record. This is completely intolerable.

If I don't give Aribes and Yalusel some color, how can I still hang out on the road in the future?

It is estimated that the Harper Alliance will laugh out loud when they find out, and even make up some jokes and stage plays to discredit themselves and stage them in various places.

As a result, Fuzoul Chanbury directly chose to use the trick, deliberately pretending not to know anything, and just let the enemy follow behind.

But secretly, he ordered Manson to lead a group of 400 orcs to land in advance with the mages, dig a large number of half-meter-deep trenches near the landing site, and sprinkle iron where the cavalry might launch a charge. Tribulus.

Since the wilds of Faerûn are basically overgrown with weeds, these traps are basically covered by grass and shrubs without exception.

The orcs and mages were hiding in the dark, silently waiting for the opportunity to take action, planning to annihilate these three hundred noble knights in one fell swoop, allowing the nobles of the Kingdom of Cormyr to feel what unforgettable pain was.

The next time they declare war on Zhentil Castle, they will seriously consider the price they may have to pay for it.

Time flies, two or three hours go by in a flash.

After Yalusel led more than 300 knights to the predetermined position, he immediately saw orcs, humans and hobgoblin soldiers landing on the river bank.

Perhaps it was because they had just started to go ashore and had to carry a large amount of supplies. At first glance, it looked like a mess, with no decent phalanx organized at all.

good chance!

The battle-hardened Princess Iron immediately realized that this was an excellent battlefield to maximize the combat effectiveness of the cavalry.

As long as our charge is fast and violent enough, we can create chaos and drive all the unorganized soldiers down the river to feed the fish.

She didn't realize that it was actually a trap. She quickly drew her sword and raised it high above her head, shouting: "For the glory of Cormyr! Charge!"


"For the glory of Cormyr!"

"Kill all these damn Zhentil Castle bastards and leave no one behind!"

"I'm going to chop off Fuzoul Chambery's head!"

Accompanied by young and energetic roars, more than three hundred noble knights completed the work of changing horses and donning horse armor at an extremely fast speed, and then launched a charge with thunderous momentum on expensive purebred war horses.

You must know that the channel of the Chongsa River has a typical concave structure.

Therefore, the bank has an obvious inclination angle towards the river, and the length is about a hundred meters, which is very suitable for cavalry to accelerate.

In the blink of an eye, these knights rushing out of the woods caused the ground to shake slightly.

Just when they were confident and wanted to go on a killing spree to win honor for themselves and their family, the most terrifying scene happened.

Because someone had previously dug a large number of criss-crossing trenches in the grass and shrubs halfway, and at the same time spread a lot of caltrops aimed at the horses.

Therefore, halfway through the charge, the knight in the front row suddenly felt that the horse under his crotch had stepped on the air, or stepped on a thorn and injured the horse's hoof. He suddenly let out a painful cry and fell to the ground hard under the action of inertia.

Fortunately, he only suffered minor injuries and was able to quickly roll away from his companions who were roaring from behind.

But the unlucky ones either broke their necks and died on the spot, or they were trampled to pieces by the horses rushing up from behind, or they accidentally stepped into the ditch with one foot, and were crushed by the rolling horses on their legs and fractured on the spot.

Suddenly, more than half of the more than 300 knights fell on the charging road.

If you think that's the end of it, you're totally wrong.

Fuzoul Chanbury vowed to teach the two little girls a lesson, so he became as sinister and cruel as possible.

Just when Yalusel had avoided all the traps with his superb equestrian skills and was looking at his men who fell to the ground in shock, the orcs, mages, and warlocks who were ambushing on both sides of the woods and in the bushes finally took action. .

Before the Iron Princess could react to what was happening, overwhelming fireballs, lightning, cobwebs, and poisonous clouds covered the entire area.

Some knights who tried to struggle to rush out were directly blocked by orc warriors several times their number, and then chopped into pieces alive.

Of the more than 300 Cormyr Purple Dragon Knights, less than 30 of them died in less than a few minutes, and almost all of them were injured.

Although Aribes, who was pursuing the boat on the other side, witnessed all this with her own eyes, the problem was that she was too far away and could not send out enough manpower to rescue her in a short time. She could only watch helplessly as her allies were slaughtered and almost the whole army was wiped out. .





At this moment, Yalusel truly realized what the title "Tyrant of the Moon Sea" meant.

Compared with the cunning and cunning Fuzoul Chambery, who has been involved in various conspiracies all his life, her ridiculous war experience and tactical level are not worthy of carrying someone's shoes.

Most importantly, because of her recklessness and poor judgment, the knights, who had spent a lot of time, energy and money to cultivate, were driven out by the enemy in less than ten minutes.

The Iron Princess even felt that it would be better for her to die in battle directly, so as not to have to face the blame of the nobles who had lost their sons and daughters after returning home.

And she was extremely afraid of seeing disappointment in her beloved father's eyes.

Thinking of this, Yalusel ignored the obstruction of the knight next to him, picked up the whip and slapped the horse's butt hard, and then rushed out like an arrow.

She had only one target, and that was Fuzoul Chambery, who stood on the river bank like a tyrant and stared at her with contempt.

As long as she can kill the tyrant of the Moon Sea before the entire army is wiped out, then she can wash away her shame and redeem her mistakes.

With the crazy idea of ​​either killing the opponent or being killed by the opponent, the princess quickly blessed herself with a series of abilities granted by professions including [Battle Crypto], [Boost Morale] and so on.

These are all spells that the Purple Dragon Knight can obtain after reaching a certain level of professional level, which can greatly enhance the power of himself and his companions in battle.

In addition, she also activated a lot of magic items on her body and drank a bottle of expensive potion that exuded a dazzling light.

In the face of this desperate death charge, anyone who tries to stand in its path will be crushed.

A member of the Church of Bane with LV9 Dark Guard level wanted to stand up and stop this crazy bitch who was rushing towards the church leader. As a result, he was knocked directly to the ground and took off, and was decapitated with a sword in mid-air.

Although Yalusel's personal professional level is not high (LV7 Warrior, LV1 Ranger, LV2 Purple Dragon Knight), and his strength, agility and system attributes are only sixteen points, the mounts and equipment under his crotch are not ordinary goods.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the top-notch war horse that is most likely to be worth tens of thousands of gold coins and has the blood of a magical creature. The entire Kingdom of Cormyr may not have more than thirty horses in total, and only members of the royal family are qualified to ride it.

The weapons and equipment alone include a +3 decapitation sword...

Yes, you are not mistaken.

Not only does the enchantment level increase by 3, but it also has the decapitation property, which can directly cut off the opponent's head regardless of physical defense to complete an instant kill.

This is also the reason why the unlucky guy just now was beheaded with a sword.

In addition, there is a mithril full-body armor made by the dwarf master, a +2 large metal shield, the royal seal ring of Cormyr (which allows her to communicate with someone psychically and know their location), a ring of anti-detection and positioning, and a ring of free movement. Ring, +3 ring of protection.

The luxurious equipment of the Iron Princess, as well as the astonishing performance of killing people and killing Buddhas during the charge at this moment, fully illustrate that rich and poor warriors are two completely different professions.

Many guys with far higher professional levels and stronger strength attributes than her eventually died with hatred under that cheating decapitation sword.

When he passed through many obstacles and arrived in front of the Tyrant of the Moon Sea, the advantage Yalusel had shown before disappeared in an instant. Instead, the former used the scepter blaster and constantly used the shield in his hand to block and retreat. , even the mount's skull was smashed and died suddenly on the spot, while he was wallowing in the mud and river water in embarrassment.

The reason is very simple!

She used to rely on luxurious equipment to crush others, but now the situation is just the opposite, being crushed by Fu Zouer Chambery, who also has a more advanced outfit and even has more than one artifact.

After all, the Iron Princess is just a mortal princess, but the electors of Bane, the god of tyranny, have a series of electorate abilities.

Especially the Tyrant's Eye Scepter, each round of attack will be affected by the debilitating ray, which is absolutely devastating to melee professions that rely on strength.

After only a few rounds, Yalusel couldn't hold on anymore. He couldn't even hold the big shield in his hand and was kicked to the ground.

Just when she was about to struggle to get up and make a last-ditch effort, Fuzole Chamberry suddenly stepped forward and knocked the weapon and shield out of her hands, then pulled it up from the mud by her hair, and stared at the Zhang's beautiful face covered with mud burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! The Iron Princess of the Kingdom of Cormyr? Nothing more than that!

And it seems that I now have one more bargaining chip to negotiate with Assan IV, right?

To be honest, I really want to thank you very much.

Because without your recklessness and impulsiveness, it might have taken a lot of effort to break through the blockade of the Cormyr fleet and bring all the property back to Zhentil Castle.

But now, your king father should be more than happy to trade your freedom for my release. "

"Kill...kill me!"

A strong sense of humiliation swept through Yalusel's body in an instant, causing her to struggle to raise her head and look at the powerful enemy in front of her that she might never be able to defeat, even if her teeth bit her lower lip and shed a series of blood drops. Noticed.

"Kill you?"

Fuzuoer Qianberry pursed his lips and smiled meaningfully.

"No, no, no, that would be too wasteful, I won't sacrifice such an important bargaining chip.

In addition, I sincerely suggest that you should not have any thoughts of suicide or escape.

Because if you do, then I will kill all of your remaining knights.

Especially those young and beautiful women will be thrown to the orcs and half-orcs to enjoy before being killed, and they will even get pregnant and give birth to children continuously.

Of course, if you fail to commit suicide and escape, you will face the same fate.

So if you are smart and sensible, you'd better be obedient.

After I reach a deal with Assan IV, I will naturally abide by my promise and let you leave.

After all, this is the price you have to pay for your recklessness and impulsiveness. "

Hearing these words, the Iron Princess' heart instantly sank to the bottom.

She would not be stupid enough to doubt whether the other party would dare to put these threats into actual action.

Moreover, the unscrupulous manner in which those half-orcs raised and lowered their hands when capturing women among the knights can already explain some problems.

As a Cormyr noble who values ​​honor, he obviously cannot accept the appearance of a female member in his family who was gang-raped by lowly orcs and half-orcs and even became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

No matter how painful, helpless and desperate they are.

Because that would bring shame to the entire family and surname, and become the laughing stock of the entire aristocratic circle.

Therefore, when most women are defeated and captured, it is best to simply commit suicide.

This is also the reason why, with the intervention of the gods, the gender equality situation in Faerûn is far better than that on Earth, but the proportion of women in the military in many areas is still not high.

Because in a war that turns people into beasts, once women are defeated and captured, they will definitely suffer not only beatings, abuse, and hard labor, but also some conditions that cannot be described in detail.

"You win...I am your prisoner now..."

At the thought of a dirty, smelly and extremely ugly orc jumping up and doing something disgusting to him, Yalusel couldn't help but shudder, and then closed his eyes in resignation.

She knew that she had to protect the reputation of the royal family now and she could never let this happen.

Otherwise, not only will he suffer, but his father, mother and the entire royal family will suffer.

Although the Obaiszil family has been the undisputed supreme ruler of the Kingdom of Cormyr for a long time, it is not without other competitors.

"Haha, I like your directness."

Fuzoul Chamberry grinned with a proud smile, and then stripped off all the magic items from the opponent's body and put a pair of strong shackles on him.

Not only that, he also deliberately showed the captured Iron Princess to Aribes, who was approaching.

The latter quickly realized that the situation was over, and immediately ordered the transport ship to turn around and return to Iliaba, preparing to write a letter to ask Zuo Si to deal with this troublesome matter that obviously involved diplomatic issues.

After all, whether it was to inform the Kingdom of Cormyr of the princess's capture or to negotiate with Zhentil Castle, it was not Neverwinter's decision.

There is no doubt that the annihilation of more than 300 Purple Dragon Knights and the capture of Yalusel, although it is not a big deal at the war level.

After all, it was only more than 300 people, not 3,000 people, let alone 30,000 people.

But it caused an instant uproar at the political level.

The people of the Dragon Coast who were originally very close to the Kingdom of Cormyr suddenly realized that Cormyr was not as powerful as they thought after hearing that the invincible Iron Princess had been defeated so miserably that she had even become a prisoner. .

On the contrary, it highlighted the hard power shown by the coalition forces led by Zuo Si in defeating the Zhentil Keep army in front of Baldur's Gate.

Suddenly, the towns that were originally inclined to let the Kingdom of Cormyr rule or protect themselves returned to their previous wait-and-see state.

On the other hand, Fuzuoer Chanbury safely led his men to Ximen Port without any danger, and voluntarily gave up the shrinking force in other occupied areas, preparing to wait for Zuo Si and Assan IV to negotiate with him.

But he didn't know that Zuo Si was not in Faerûn now, not even in the universe where Toril was, but in another time and space called Innistrad, fighting his cheap teacher for thousands of rounds.

At this moment, two planeswalkers with astonishing power have arrived from the gorgeous Markov Manor to the empty wilderness.

no way!

Because the destructive power of both sides' magical and physical attacks was too terrifying, Solin realized after fighting for a while that if he continued like this, his home would be destroyed.

So the battlefield was quickly moved to an uninhabited open space.

Of course, saying there is no one is not entirely correct.

At least there are a lot of random creatures like werewolves, vampires, and frog monsters living near this forest.

Among them, the werewolf and vampire were purely because they saw a fierce fight and wanted to see what was going on up close.

Unfortunately, he was accidentally affected, and then he was either captured and controlled by magic and used as cannon fodder to contain the opponent, or he was evaporated on the spot under the influence of mass destruction magic.

In comparison, the giant Gitrog that hides in the swamp and eats everything is the most innocent.

They are often several meters or even more than ten meters long, and can easily swallow a living person in one bite. They usually live mainly by eating humans who happen to pass by, or eating them as food sent by madmen who worship gods.

But after the two evil stars arrived, the water in the huge swamp was directly evaporated by the terrifying high temperature, and the frog monster himself turned into a half-cooked roasted frog.

Occasionally, those who are lucky enough to survive will soon be controlled by Zuo Si, who is good at mind and charm magic, and will eventually be drained of blood and vitality by the vampire Solin.

There is no doubt that according to the current intensity of the fight, both of them can continue fighting for weeks or even months or years.

After all, supported by a rich variety of land cards, they all have nearly unlimited mana to supplement them.

Moreover, one is an undead vampire, and the other is a great devil in the unique form of Baator Hell. No matter how long the fight lasts, they will not feel tired.

Once again using unknown magical power to destroy the force field released by Zuo Si, Suolin finally temporarily stopped the high-speed transition of offense and defense, and commented with interest: "I have to say, you gave me a huge surprise, Suolin Sri Lanka.

Because before this, I have never seen any new generation of planeswalkers grow as fast as you.

And unlike those who obtain special abilities by igniting sparks, you never rely on any single ability, but study, research, and exercise to comprehensively improve yourself.

In terms of magic theory and knowledge accumulation, maybe even I have to be inferior.

To a certain extent, you and Wu Jin are quite similar.

No wonder he has always been very optimistic about you.

And I can feel that you have hidden a lot of tricks and trump cards, right? "

"What, are you planning to admit defeat?"

Zuo Si gently stroked the dog-killing sword in his hand, with a playful smile on his face.

This artifact, hand-crafted by the first-generation magic goddess, has a certain probability of triggering special effects every time it hits the target, allowing the holder to instantly cast any arcane and divine spells from zero to nine rings. In the previous battle Giving him a huge advantage.

It can be said that if you want to take the path of dual cultivation of magic and melee combat, then there is no weapon more suitable than the Dog Killing Sword.

In comparison, Zuo Si's previous magic blade based on the Archmage's Staff - Against the Tide, although it has more advantages and more functions in terms of spell resistance, its actual combat effect is still a little worse than the Dog Killing Sword.

If you can develop dual-wielding combat skills, you will have a huge crushing advantage when facing spell-casting enemies.

As for the Chengyang Sword, it was a weapon specially prepared for killing gods and divine-like powers. Now it is only a semi-finished product and cannot be used casually.

"Admit defeat?"

When Solin heard this word, he couldn't help but laugh. While laughing, he joked: "Are you so eager to defeat your mentor?"

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, I just want to find out how powerful ancient planeswalkers like you and Ugin are, so that I can be prepared to face Nicol Bolas."

"Tell me, Soth, why are you so deliberately trying to deal with Nicol Bolas? Did he destroy your hometown, or kill someone important to you?"

Solin's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Because he never understood the motives and intentions of the cheap disciple in front of him.

After all, fighting Nicol Bolas, the strongest planeswalker today, is not a profitable thing at all. Instead, it can easily lead to death.

Judging from Zuo Si's character, he probably wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

What's more, if the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up.

The ones who should be worried are ancient planeswalkers like himself, Ugin and Nahiri.

"No, not at all. I'm just doing what I think is right and chasing the goals that interest me, that's all." Zuo Si shrugged and replied.

Just like when he faced Ugin, he would not lie in this situation, but would deliberately obscure his answers and then tell the truth selectively.

The purpose of stopping Nicol Bolas is to facilitate his replacement, which can naturally be classified as "doing what you think is right".

Stealing the elder's spell to complete the upgrade of the Deteriorated Spark can 100% be classified as "chasing the target you are interested in".

So this misleading statement is not a lie from beginning to end, but its effect is more effective than any lie.

Solin raised his eyebrows in surprise and said sarcastically in a half-joking tone: "I didn't expect you to have a sense of justice. But be careful, don't jump too high and get the attention of Nicol Bolas. I don't want it. One day I’m going to collect your body.”

Zuo Si spread his hands nonchalantly: "Please rest assured that I actually cherish my life, and I have prepared many ways to avoid death and escape death.

Even if I die one day, there will be countless forces vying to resurrect me, and it won't be your turn to worry about it.

But are you sure this is the end of today's assessment?

Maybe if I play for a while longer, I will show more of my trump cards. "

"Forget it. I don't want to smash my hometown, Innistrad, to pieces."

As he said that, Solin turned around and glanced at the scorched earth scene within a dozen kilometers, and sighed helplessly.

Because even for him, it would take him several days to repair this place.

The only good thing is that all the undead creatures and monsters living in the local area are dead, and it will surely become a land suitable for human survival in the future.

"Dear mentor, you attach too much importance to Innistrad, which is a very fatal weakness.

If I were your enemy, I would irritate you by damaging and destroying the world, even using it as bait to set deadly traps.

So I suggest that you hide this deep love in your heart, it is best to show a nonchalant look, or even take the initiative to damage it to a certain extent that can be repaired.

In this way, your enemies will ignore this barren and small space and time. "

Zuo Si solemnly gave his opinion.

After all, any smart person will try to hide their weaknesses.

The more you care about something, the more you don't care about it; the more you like something, the more you show disgust.

On the contrary, those who don't care or don't like it have to show that they cherish it.

Through this method of true and false, you can not only confuse the enemy's judgment, but also protect the people or things you cherish most.

But Solin replied confidently: "That's not necessary.

Because I created Archangel Avacyn and Helvault to keep creatures like the Eldrazi out of Innistrad.

Although the prison cellar was destroyed last time, I repaired it through some methods.

So now Innistrad is so impregnable that no one can threaten it.

As for Nahiri, at best she could just sneak in and do some destruction and killing, but she couldn't pose a threat to the foundation of the entire world. "

Seeing his mentor shamelessly setting up the FLAG, Zuo Si immediately held a second of silence for the people of Innistrad.

According to general rules, it would be okay if this FLAG is not up, but once it is up, something big will happen to Innistrad.

However, he had not yet imagined that the three Eldrazi Titans had been taken away by him, and that New Phyrexia and Shimmer Oil were also firmly imprisoned in Mirrodin. What on earth could allow Sorin to take control of Inni? A major disaster of world-destroying proportions will occur in Cui?

Could it be the Sliver Monster known as the "All-Changing Zerg"?

Or is it something else that I don’t know about?

But since Solin had given his guarantee, Zuo Si naturally couldn't say much. He could only watch the other party turn around and walk towards the location of Markov Manor, and disappeared into the darkness after a while.

About three to five minutes later, a pair of white arms suddenly appeared out of thin air from behind, slowly stroking down the shoulders, and at the same time, the iconic voice of the conglomerate warlock Nasilina came from his ears.

"My dear, you seem to get along well with our teacher Solin. I think he must be very proud of you now, isn't he?"

"You show up at this time, aren't you afraid that Solin will try to counterattack? You must know that his wariness and wariness towards you have now reached the highest level."

Zuo Si turned his head and stared at the other person's silver eyes and slightly messy white hair.

Nahiri suddenly came closer without warning. The distance between the two was less than a millimeter. They could even feel each other's breathing, temperature and heartbeat. Then she burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!

What are you afraid of?

The person I am today is not the merciless person I was thousands of years ago.

After experiencing the baptism of the hell cellar, I feel like I have been reborn.

It was Solin who made me realize that justice and kindness that I insisted on before were all bullshit, and only strength and ruthlessness were everything.

If he attacks, I'll give him a big gift.

By the way, have you already met Wu Jin? "

Zuo Si raised his hand and pushed the crazy woman back slightly, and replied with a disgusted expression: "Yes, I just met Wu Jin.

I have to say that he is really special, whether it is strength, body, soul, or the ignited planeswalker spark.

And judging from Wu Jin's reaction, he should know the content and function of the elder's spell.

This means that he is actually one of the people we potentially need to guard against. "

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Nahiri winked playfully.

"It's very simple. I want you to go to Ravnica first and help me contact a very important person. Then go to Ixalan and stay there until the Eternal Sun is destroyed by Nico Bolas and Until his men take him away."

Zuo Si was not polite and directly assigned the task to the conglomerate warlock.

Because he knew that with Wu Jin's return, the battle would become more intense, and he could no longer stay on the periphery like before, but must participate deeply and make corresponding arrangements.

"Ravnica? Important person? Damn it! You don't want to go with Nimi..."

Before Nahiri could finish her words, Zuo Si stretched out a finger and pressed her lips to silence her.

"Shhh - don't say that name. You must know that he is one of the most critical figures in determining the direction of this War of Sparks..."

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