A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 491 It’s hard to persuade the damn ghost with good intentions (please subscribe to the 10,00

For a New Phyrexia Demon Judge, replacing the old shimmering oil with new shimmering oil is not strictly as simple as replacing an energy source or core.

Rather, it is equivalent to copying the core program of strong artificial intelligence with perception and self-awareness, and then significantly modifying and adjusting the underlying logic until it completely transforms into a completely different new form.

And because the New Phyrexia creatures that have been completed by the shimmering oil have no souls, their consciousness, thinking, and perception are all given by the shimmering oil.

So this kind of modification, adjustment and replacement is actually equivalent to killing the creature that was originally transformed by the old shimmering oil, and then resurrecting it into a structure controlled by Zuo Si.

It's just that the time when these demon judges and other New Phyrexia creations were born was too short, and they didn't have a clear concept of death, let alone the meaning of life and death.

The only thing he wants to do is to work hard to become stronger, evolve, and gain power beyond others of his kind.

That’s why people actively embrace the new oil.

If it were the old Phyrexia Demon Judge led by Yawgmoth, they would definitely choose to resist desperately when faced with the counter-infection of the new Shimmering Oil.

Even if it is self-destructive, it will never allow the underlying logical structure that maintains self-awareness to be tampered with.

Especially Jinji Towers, who is a blue devil judge and has a fanatical and radical pursuit of technology and research and development. The characteristic of his faction is the pursuit of deadly and bottomless crazy experiments, and the belief that only by constantly transforming himself can he obtain true "perfection" .

As long as they can retain knowledge and memory and make themselves smarter and stronger based on the original ones, these guys don't care whether they change their body or whether the body is filled with new oil or old oil.

During the original development of New Phyrexia, it was Jinji Towers who, with the help of Tezzeret, traveled to the Kamigawa space and time to conduct in-depth research on the intertwined real and spiritual worlds of this world.

In the end, a technology was created that could complete the planeswalker while retaining the spark.

To know this, even Yawgmoth himself, who created the Shimmering Oil, couldn't do it.

Coupled with the essence of the World Tree that the green demon judge-Fulin Kai later stole from Kaldheim time and space, he successfully created a "cave tree" that connects the entire multiverse and countless time and space, which can continuously transport troops to The technological level of any known plane and space far exceeds that of old Phyrexia in some aspects.

Therefore, in Zuo Si's view, the most outstanding, advantageous and development value of New Phyrexia is precisely Jinji Tasha and the Blue Progress Engine faction led by him.

In other words, these guys are naturally a group of crazy researchers and can form a new team independently.

In addition, because there is no sense of human nature and morality, there will be no fierce debates on taboo subjects involving the human body, soul, and social ethics like those earth scientists in the Floating City of Plantia.

This means that Zuo Si now has several subordinate institutions on hand that are responsible for research and development and conducting various experiments.

Among them, Plantia Floating City is one, which mainly focuses on the combination of natural science and magic, with a little research in the field of social science;

The second is spellcasting organizations such as the Arcane Society and the Guild of Masked Mages, which are responsible for multiple functions and specialize in the study of magic and supernatural powers;

The third one is the ninth level of Baator Hell, an institution formed by devils and various evil alien creatures. Its main research directions are law, contracts, souls, vicious magic, various drugs that can make people addicted and corrupt, and creation. Intelligent creatures with hellish blood;

The fourth one is also in the ninth level of Baator Hell, but it is research on shimmering oil and shimmering oil technology derivative products in several affiliated planes. There is also one that specializes in the research of purgatory dragons;

The fifth one is naturally Jinji Towers in front of us and the New Phyrexia blue faction he leads.

As for the several laboratories and mage towers that Zuo Si built himself, they have not been classified there yet.

Judging from this layout alone, it fully reflects his sense of crisis that he never puts his eggs in one basket.

While Jinji Tower was being upgraded and renovated, Wabas quietly came closer and carefully tested: "Master, I have completed the task according to your instructions, can I get my own soul now?" ?Even if it’s just a small part!”


Due to your outstanding performance in recent times, I can now forge a complete soul for you.

But before I start, I want to ask first, what do you want your soul to be like?

Like the color of the faction you now represent, full of power, ambition, passion and destructive impulses?

Or is it something else you expected?

Although the soul will not directly change your personality and memory, it will continue to have an impact in the future.

You must know that once the soul is forged and integrated with the body, there is no room for change. "

Zuo Si gave a brief explanation to the red magic judge in front of him with a smile.

Perhaps due to the influence of his education and concepts, he has no objection at all to giving souls to New Phyrexia creatures, and he is not as strict about the free will of his subordinates as Yawgmoth.

After all, whether in the floating city or the continent of Faerûn, it is a normal operation for the caster to give the creation independent consciousness, mind and soul.

Spells such as undead enlightenment and construct enlightenment were also invented early and put into use on a large scale.

In this regard, just look at the large number of creations that can communicate and communicate in the lairs of archmages and even legendary mages.

Some creatures even have various weird personalities and hobbies.

For example, there is a stone golem in the Black Staff Tower of Kelburn that likes to keep cats and feeds them whenever he has free time;

The mad mage Halaster Blackrobe in the Lost City also has a cowardly golem who is afraid of strangers and hides away.

And these golems, which are more like humans than humans, are actually endowed with souls.

"I want to design a soul for myself?"

Wabas was stunned for a moment.

He obviously didn't expect that there are so many things about the soul, and he suddenly became extremely entangled, and he couldn't make a final decision even after hesitating for a long time.

Zuo Si comforted him nonchalantly: "Don't worry, you can think about it slowly. We all have enough time since we are not bound by life span anyway. Just come back to me when you think about it."

"Thank you very much! I swear that I will continue to serve you in the future. I will hollow out the entire New Phyrexia and make it into the palm of your hand."

Wabas quickly lowered his head to show his loyalty.

Because with the addition of Blue Demon Judge Jinji Tasha, he is no longer alone in the Demon Judge Council, but has a reliable ally.

The next thing to do is to find the next target and bring it to Zuo Si to complete the transformation.

As a result, three of the five factions of white, black, red, green and blue have become their own.

Even if the plan is exposed by then, the other two factions will be able to defeat the other two factions through war with hard power.

The only question is, where should the third faction start?

Is it the leader of the green faction who has no brains and only knows how to fight with brute force - Fulinkai?

Or is it Elenon, the leader of the white faction who suffered a heavy blow and was unable to recover?

Or is it the most cunning, cunning and ambitious among the Lords of the Seven Steels, who has become the nominal leader of the black faction - Siori?

No matter which one of these three it is, it is obviously not easy to deal with.

Because they are not as smart and rational as Jinji Tasha, and are only interested in researching and developing technology.

Fulinkai is a typical reckless man, he only knows how to hit and rush, and he probably doesn't even understand the hints.

And it is unlikely that he will surrender to Zuo Si, who does not appear to have undergone any unruly transformation.

Needless to say, Elenon would never choose to give in, whether it was to maintain the dominance of the Mechanic Orthodoxy within New Phyrexia or to re-establish the intimidation of her regent.

In contrast, Siori, a capable and ambitious pragmatist, is actually a good target.

At least in Albas' opinion, not only was she very smart, but she also had no principles of loyalty at all.

As long as enough benefits can be given, such as supporting him to start a civil war to unify the factions and become a veritable black magic judge, then there is a high probability that Xiorui will choose to take refuge.

Of course, these are all the thoughts that stayed in Wabas' mind.

For the specific implementation, he still had to discuss it with the Blue Demon Judge Jinji Tasha who was about to complete the transformation.

After all, the latter is the true master of maneuvering and intrigue.

time flies……

Half an hour passed in a flash.

When the light emitted from the eyes began to dim, and the sound of the metal skeleton structure's vibration also completely disappeared, Jinji Tower finally regained its life, raised its head and praised in a slightly excited and excited tone: "Ah! This kind of unrestrained is not It feels great to not be subject to any restrictions! I can feel that my intelligence, especially the breadth of my thinking, has increased several times, and I am generating fantastic ideas all the time.”

"Congratulations, you are now a living being with free will, although it is not complete because of the lack of a soul."

Zuo Si smiled and sent his blessing to the Blue Demon Judge.

Although the appearance of Jinji Tower is basically similar to that of an alien, especially the disproportionately long and slender head, spine and limbs, its sudden appearance in a dark place will probably make a living person wet their pants.

But he just likes it no matter how he looks at it.

No way, who made this guy the chief leader of New Phyrexia's technology department.

Zuo Si, who also likes to conduct research and experiments, will always give greater tolerance and authority to such subordinates.

Even if the other party makes any mistakes, as long as it does not involve principles and bottom lines, usually they will not be severely punished.

"This is all thanks to your generosity. In my mind, only you are worthy of being called the father of New Phyrexia."

Jinji Tasha bowed gracefully, showing the wisdom and tact unique to the blue faction.

But Zuo Si waved his hand nonchalantly: "Okay, just put away the trick you used to fool Elenon in front of me.

Compared to these flattery words, what I value more is your research and development capabilities.

Here are some information and techniques that you can take back as a reference to make a series of improvements to Shimmer Oil Creations.

As for the anti-infection operations within New Phyrexia, Vabas will talk to you privately later.

Right now you have only one task, which is to replace the old shimmering oil with new shimmering oil in the entire blue faction as quickly as possible.

In addition, I am very interested in the depths of the mercury sea and the magical synthetic metals you developed. I will send a batch over later. "

"As you wish!"

Jinji Tasha gave an affirmative answer without hesitation. He took the mobile terminal memory made with Shuoyou technology in his hands, and his eyes instantly burst out with a frightening light.

As a typical technology geek through and through, he noticed at least dozens of research directions that he had never been exposed to just from this unique device. He was immersed in excitement and excitement and couldn't extricate himself.

The most important thing is that he now finally has a boss who understands technology and focuses on R\u0026D and experimentation.

No longer do you need to pretend to agree with Elenon, a religious and superstitious lunatic like before, and you can concentrate on doing the work that interests you most.

Just when Zuo Si was about to say something, a camera that seemed to be floating in mid-air and had octopus-like mechanical tentacles suddenly flew over from a distance.

From the white porcelain on the outside and the bright red muscles on the inside, it is easy to tell that this thing is 100% from the White Faction Mechanical Orthodoxy.

Especially the dense eyeballs on the front of the camera make people feel their scalp numb.

Both Jinji Tasha and Zuo Si immediately activated their invisibility magic and hid.

When the eyeballs flew from far away to the front, only the red demon judge - Wabas was left in the huge fully automatic steel furnace casting workshop.

Just a second later, Elenon's voice came out through this device that was a fusion of flesh and machinery.

"There is an intruder inside the Gosheng Garden! According to the report of the mechanical bug, the opponent is most likely a planeswalker from other time and space. As for the purpose, most likely it is for Kahn."

"Invaders? Planeswalkers? How many are there?"

Wabas raised his head and asked in surprise.

You must know that the Gesheng Garden is the core and the most heavily defended place in New Phyrexia.

Especially those mechanical bugs made from leftover materials such as white porcelain and muscle. The number is far beyond anyone's imagination.

They have keen senses and smells like hounds, and are densely scattered in the area ruled by Elenon.

Let alone a living person, not even a mosquito or fly can be expected to pass through such a tight defense.

This is one of the reasons why Zuo Si clearly coveted the artifact hidden in Kahn's body, but has yet to take action.

"Two! One is a male from the Vashk tribe, and the other is probably not a native of Mirrodin and is also a male."

With that said, Elenon showed the images of Koth and Venser through this creation.

You don't need to ask to know that they did not heed Zuo Si's warning. Instead, they sneaked out and sneaked into the center of the earth while the latter was away, hoping to check Kahn's current status.

But before he could find Karn on the throne, he was already exposed to the ubiquitous eyes of New Phyrexia.

"Understood! I will immediately send people to join the search and pursuit."

Wabas quickly nodded in agreement.

He knew that Elenon was the first to come to him when something like this happened. It must have been because of the "dog-licking" persona he had set up before.

Unlike the other demon judges who are too lazy to even do superficial things, Wabas is undoubtedly the only faction leader who is still willing to obey the leadership of the Mechanical Orthodoxy.

After ending the call, the strange structure with eyeballs quickly flew away.

When it completely disappeared from sight, Zuo Si released the invisible state and sighed helplessly.

"Sigh - it's hard to dissuade the damn ghost with such good intentions. Venser, Kos, since you two are so impatient to seek death, then I will help you."

"Do you know these two intruders?"

Jinji Tasha asked in a very curious tone.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes.

The man from the Vashk tribe is named Kos. He should be a newcomer who has recently ignited the spark. He is also the second native planeswalker born in Mirrodin.

His companion is named Venser, who once worked for the Time Master Teferi, and participated in the work of repairing the time rift like Kahn.

If nothing else, Venser probably hadn't given up the idea of ​​rescuing Kahn, so he took Kos to risk going deep into the earth.

Although this loyalty to my friends is admirable, they obviously interfered with my plans.

Not to mention the harm caused by Kahn's heart that continuously generates Old Shining Oil once it leaves Mirrodin and spreads in other time and space.

Just the fact that his rescue would attract more planeswalkers is quite a headache.

You must know that not many people know that Mirrodin is controlled by New Phyrexia.

If the news spreads, many nosy planeswalkers will surely come to visit and cause us endless trouble.

So no matter what the angle, these two guys have to die. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's eyes burst out with undisguised coldness and murderous intent.

Although at the beginning, he did not have such an idea, but wanted to cultivate it as a potential ally so that it could play a role in the final battle with Nicol Bolas.

But now it seems that I am just overthinking it.

Neither Venser, a veteran, nor Kos, a novice, truly realized the horrific consequences that would result once the old oil that no one could control was spread.

Therefore, in Zuo Si's eyes, they are basically two serious uncontrollable risk factors that must be eliminated quickly.

This has nothing to do with emotional liking or disliking, it is entirely based on rational thinking and interests.

As for the short-lived friendship the two established with Elspeth, Zuo Si could only say sorry to Elspeth from the bottom of his heart.

"Wouldn't it be too wasteful to kill them? Why don't you leave them to me for experiments, and then use the new shine oil to complete them and turn them into loyal slaves who obey your orders."

Jinji Tasha proposed another solution.

After all, the new Shining Oil now has the ability to preserve souls, which means that the planeswalker's sparks will most likely be preserved intact during the completion process.

And practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

It just so happened that there were two live experiment materials delivered to his door for free. If he didn't try them, he wouldn't be the Demon Judge who controls the blue faction.

But Zuo Si shook his head slightly and refused: "No, it's not that necessary.

Giving precious sparks to them for use is really a waste of resources.

Even if it is completed, it will not have much use value.

I just want sparks, not these two lowly planeswalkers.

If you want to experiment in this area, you can wait until you capture a powerful planeswalker later.

But now, we must race against time to deal with Venser and Koth before the situation becomes too much to handle.

Most importantly, don't let them become infected with old oil.

That would be a waste of two precious sparks. "

"Okay, I think I understand what you mean."

There was a hint of regret in Jinji Tasha's tone, and he quickly bent down and bowed, then turned around and embarked on the way back to the Mercury Sea's lair. ,

As for Zuo Si himself, under the cover of Wabas, he merged into the red faction's army and marched to the invaded areas to conduct carpet searches.

Due to the positioning of prophecy magic, he did not spend too much effort and quickly locked the location of the intruder.

At this moment, Venser and Kos are hiding from XZ while being hunted by mechanical bugs.

You must know that the Mechanical Orthodoxy controlled by Elenon is the most powerful and numerous of the major factions.

If it weren't for the large number of artifacts and artifacts in Venser's hands, especially the teleportation devices that are difficult to find, he would have been overwhelmed by the New Phyrexia creatures in an uncountable number.

But even so, their condition is not much better.

Kos, who has the power to control the earth, rocks and metals, is slightly better. At least when fighting, he will "stack armor" like crazy. Ordinary mechanical bugs can't bite the thick and hard bastard shell on his body. ,

But Venser was miserable.

Not only were large chunks of flesh and blood eaten away from the arms and legs, but the glistening oil flowing out of the mechanical bug's mouth also penetrated into the muscle tissue of the wound, slowly infecting and completing it.

Looking at the horrifying wound, Kos finally couldn't help but remind him: "Hey! You can't go on like this! Why don't we go back to Melilai to clean up the shimmering oil first, otherwise you will become Monsters like them."

"No! We can't go back! Once we give up, the enemy will definitely step up their guard and even move Kahn's position. It will be even harder to find him by then."

Venser gritted his teeth, showing an extremely stubborn side of his character.

In fact, when he first discovered that he was infected by shimmering oil, he planned to cut off his entire arm and replace it with a robotic arm made of metal.

This is not too difficult for an artifact master who is good at making various items.

But before he could take any actual action, Venser discovered that the oil had already flowed through the blood vessels all over his body. If he hadn't made a decisive decision and quickly cut off his arm within a few seconds after the infection, it would have been of no use at all.

Fortunately, the Planeswalker's sparks can delay the infection of the Shimmering Oil to a certain extent, so it will not be "completed" in a short time.

"Damn it! You are simply a lunatic! Now I suddenly feel that Soth is right. If we approach the core of Mirrodin rashly, we are simply asking for death."

Kos cursed softly through gritted teeth.

You don't need to ask to know that he is beginning to regret agreeing to the other party's request.

Because if he didn't agree, Venser would never dare to act alone when Elspeth needed to lead the Iron City refugees to resist the invasion of New Phyrexia.

The only thing that made Kos feel lucky was that he didn't agree to take the risk of kidnapping Melila as well.

Otherwise, he would really be an out-and-out sinner.

Thinking of this, the young Vashek warrior couldn't help but look annoyed.

In contrast, Venser is more worried about the condition of his friend Kahn.

After all, the deeper he went into the center of the earth, the more he found that it was exactly the same as what Zuo Si had described before, and he was afraid of seeing the desperate scene of Kahn transforming into the father of New Phyrexia.

This was too cruel, ironic, and darkly humorous for Karn, who had spent his entire life assisting Urza against Yawgmoth and the Phyrexian forces.

This is why Venser would rather endure the risk of being infected by the Shimmer Oil and take a look at his old friend.

Since they had just experienced an encounter not long ago, both of them had exhausted a lot of energy, so they hid in a corner and rested silently without saying a word, chewing on the dry food and nuts that Elspeth had stuffed into the package before leaving. Dried meat supplements nutrition.

They knew very well that from the moment they were infected with Shimmer Oil, this adventure started a countdown to death.

If we can't find Kahn before the oil can finish Venser, then all efforts and sacrifices will be in vain.

Koth will not hesitate at all, and will definitely activate the spark to escape from Mirrodin as soon as his companions become enemies.

But before Kos and Venser could finish the food in their hands, the red faction army led by Albas surrounded them from all sides.

And because Zuo Si was hiding in it, all the concealed transmission devices set up around it were destroyed.

The result was that Venser tried to teleport several times in a row without any response.

This situation immediately made their hearts sink to the bottom.

"Have all the teleportation devices you arranged been discovered?"

Kos quickly wrapped himself from head to toe in rocks and metal, and asked in an uncertain tone.

Fanser smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes! It seems that the one who came this time is not an ordinary soldier, but a powerful demon judge. If the situation goes bad later, you can use the spark to teleport away quickly. .”

"how about you?"

Kos turned his head and stared into his companion's eyes.

“I can’t leave and I don’t dare to leave.

Remember what Soth said before?

If we accidentally bring Shuoyou to other time and space, then we will all be sinners.

So from the moment I was infected with Shuoyou, I had no way out.

Sorry, friend.

Maybe I shouldn't have dragged you into this in the first place. "

When saying these words, Venser showed the calmness and courage of a senior planeswalker in the face of death.

Although planeswalkers have perhaps the most powerful escape ability in the entire multiverse, everyone should be afraid of death and run away when in danger.

But the real situation is just the opposite.

Not to mention anything else, just when fighting against Yawgmoth and the old Phyrexia forces, a large number of ferocious ancient planeswalkers who were not afraid of death emerged.

Their approach is basically to make sacrifices as long as they can severely injure the enemy. Anyone who dares to rebel and surrender to the enemy will be killed directly without any hesitation or wavering.

So don't think that the planeswalker has a strong ability to escape, so when facing a strong enemy, he will definitely choose to leave the green hills without worrying about having no firewood.

"Tch! Are you remembering this now? What have you been doing! Sorry, we Vashki people are not cowards to abandon our comrades and run away alone."

Kos rolled his eyes angrily, and the power of the spark instantly activated, arming himself into the form of a huge rock giant.

After listening to the conversation between the two planeswalkers, Albas finally walked out slowly from the middle of the army and said in a slightly playful tone: "Ah! The pure love of comrades!

How noble and touching!

But the problem is...

Who gave you the illusion that you can escape from here?

Don't be naive!

You both will die here today. "

"Hmph! My life is here! If you have the ability, take it yourself!"

Kos roared like a heavy chariot and rushed straight towards the red magic judge in the distance.

You don't need to ask to know that he is trying to capture the thief first and capture the king first, and wants to eliminate the enemy's leader in one fell swoop.

But unfortunately, before they could get close, several huge mechanical creatures moved their jointed limbs and charged, successfully intercepting the rock giant and tripping it to the ground, and then pressed on him.

But just a second later, fire and explosions soared into the sky, sweeping away everything around him.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Kos, with hot lava flowing all over his body, jumped up and used the propulsion generated by the explosion to hit the location of Albas.

The rocks and metals embedded on the bodies and backs of the Vashki people played a powerful protective role at this time.

Coupled with the magical power given by the planeswalker's spark, it is not afraid of the shock wave and high temperature generated by the explosion.

In mid-air, Kos activated a red card, and his right arm was instantly wrapped in red rocks emitting high temperatures, becoming larger, hot, and hard.

If it hits it, everything within a radius of tens or even hundreds of meters will be flattened, melted, and evaporated in an instant.

There is no doubt that this should be the most powerful and destructive magic card in the hands of the novice planeswalker Koth.

The reason why he did this was basically to make a desperate bet that he could kill Albas with one punch.

Unfortunately, he obviously underestimated the strength of the Red Demon Judge.

The moment he sensed the threat, the power of Wabas' oil engine instantly increased to its upper limit, and red fire began to glow from his body.

Before anyone else could realize what was happening, he turned into a red lightning and disappeared.

The moment of disappearance was accompanied by a deafening air explosion and white shock wave.


Seeing the enemy suddenly disappearing from sight, Kos was stunned.

Because he couldn't believe in his dreams that the opponent's pile of heavy metal structures could actually reach such a terrifying movement speed.

"you are too slow!"

With the slightly mocking voice of Wabas coming from behind, Kos felt a huge force hit him hard.


Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

His whole body instantly hit the ground like a cannonball, creating a large crater with a radius of fifty meters and a depth of more than forty meters.

Due to the high temperature, the center has already melted into hot red magma.

Kos himself looked like a lifeless corpse, floating on the magma. The spine on his back was obviously dented, and it was obviously broken by the huge impact.

With just one blow, the Red Demon Judge instantly killed the novice planeswalker.

The huge gap in strength can be described as heaven and earth.


Fanser, who was in the back, immediately became red-eyed when he saw this scene, and immediately activated the artifact card in his hand to rush to the rescue.

But just when he was about to pay for the magic power, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.


When he lowered his head and looked, he saw that a sharp blade had passed directly through his chest, smashing the heart, the most important organ besides the brain.

Xin Shuo Oil took the opportunity to accelerate the infection, and a large amount of black liquid mixed with blood spurted out.

When Venser struggled to turn around and see clearly the true face of his murderer, his eyes widened with anger and shock. He opened his mouth several times to say something, but was stuck in the blood and glitter in his throat. The oil pressure returned.

"I think you must not be able to understand now why I appear here and why I want to kill you, right?"

Zuo Si slowly took off his mechanical mask and revealed his true face.

At this moment, the expression on his face was completely different from the friendly one when they last met and talked, exuding a kind of creepy indifference.


Venser spit out the oil and blood in big mouthfuls, and then used his last strength to squeeze out a few words from his throat.

Zuo Si replied very simply: "Because you blocked my way!

Threaten my plan!

I have clearly warned you before, not to try to save Karn, let alone go deep into the underground of Mirrodin.

But why don’t you, such a stubborn person, not listen?

Otherwise we should still be good friends or allies.

Since you are seeking death yourself, you can't blame me.

Finally, thank you for sending me a precious planeswalker spark. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly activated the ability of spark resonance, slowly peeling off the sparks hidden in the other party's body and soul, and then inhaled them into his own body to preserve them.

His hand made Venser, who was on the verge of death, show an expression of disbelief.

"This...how is this possible!"

"You seem surprised by this? Don't forget how vast the multiverse is. It's not surprising that one or two planeswalkers with powerful abilities will be born occasionally."

While talking, Zuo Si walked straight to the giant pit and fished Kos out of it, doing the same thing.

In the blink of an eye, his spark reserve increased by two more.

As for Kos, who fell into a coma, he was naturally thrown into the shining oil for completion.

Fanser closed his eyes in pain as he watched his comrades who were dragged into the water being swallowed up by the shimmering oil at an extremely fast speed, with a large number of metal structures beginning to cover their bodies.

When he opened it again, he found the red demon judge Wabas kneeling on the ground, showing an extremely respectful and obedient attitude. ,


The experienced planeswalker finally realized something. When his vision began to blur, he opened his mouth and murmured in a weak voice: "It turns out it's you... you are the real mastermind behind all this... Father of Phyrexia...the second Yawgmoth...we have all been deceived by you..."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a heinous person.

The birth of New Phyrexia was all caused by Kahn and has nothing to do with me.

I just took advantage of the chaotic situation here.

What's more, what's wrong with me controlling Shimmer Oil and New Phyrexia?

At least I won't be like Yawgmoth, invading other time and space and spreading dangerous oil everywhere. "

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and defended himself.

"So...what about Elspeth? What...what are you going to do to her?"

As he was dying, Venser raised the last question he cared about.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to Elspeth, but will train her to become an archangel of light and justice.

After all, she is much more obedient than you, and she doesn't have any scheming, just like a spotless white paper.

I will give her everything she desires, satisfy all her subconscious desires, and let her live in happiness forever.

After all, even the devil occasionally wants to appreciate purity and kindness from another perspective.

That feeling is very complicated and subtle, and a dead-headed person like you will never understand it.

And if one day I get tired of it, I can also use some subtle operations to make her fall from heaven to hell in an instant, corrupting and degenerating her into the completely opposite side in the mirror.

Ah, sorry, I didn't notice you were finished. "

As he said that, Zuo Si's mouth slightly raised with a wicked smile, and he began to look up and down at this man, who had been transformed by the new Shuoyou, and half of his body had become mechanized.

After finishing, Venser responded in a very calm voice: "It doesn't matter. No matter what you plan to do to Elspeth, it has nothing to do with me. Now, I am going to the Mercury Sea to report to Jinji Tower. ."、

"Go ahead and give full play to your talent in the field of making artifacts. I look forward to your performance."

Zuo Si reached out and patted the other party's shoulder to encourage him.

As soon as Venser walked away with his front legs, Kos, who had completed his back legs, also woke up and joined the command of the red demon judge Walbas.

In this way, the two planeswalkers who originally planned to rescue Karn became part of New Phyrexia without even making a splash.

After solving the hidden dangers, Zuo Si returned to the City of Steel, briefly explained the precautions, and then handed over the power to Elspeth.

He quickly transferred his soul and consciousness to another clone, got the knowledge he wanted from the Gravel Warlock, and began to try to learn Niv-Mizzet's dual-casting concentration technique.

Seeing Zuo Si keep trying and failing, and the unstable magic energy blasting the surrounding ground and walls into craters, Nahiri, who was about to leave for Ixalan, couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure you really want to learn from Nimi? This unique spell-casting skill of Jie?

You must know that for thousands of years, countless people have asked him for advice, but there has been no successful case.

Some guys even drive themselves insane and have split personalities.

I'm a little worried that if you don't learn how to double cast and focus, you'll end up going crazy. "

"With your current mental state and your leisure, do you want to pay attention to me?"

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily.

Although as time goes by, the gravel warlock in front of him is becoming more and more normal, and rarely harasses himself like he did when he was just released from the prison cellar.

Hit him but you know that the madness has not disappeared, but has been integrated into his character.

Once stimulated by the outside world, the old behavior will sprout immediately.

In addition, among all the people Zuo Si knew, this one was far from the craziest.

Compared to Isadora, who had nothing to do but split her personality, clone herself with magic, and then devour each other, Nahiri's level was nothing.

The moment he thought of Isadora, a strange idea suddenly came to Zuo Si's mind.

Could it be that Niv-Mizzet's so-called dual-casting concentration was like Isadora's, successfully splitting two independent selves?

After realizing this, he didn't even pause for a second, and transferred his soul and consciousness away on the spot, leaving only a clone without any vital characteristics.

When Nahiri saw this scene, the corner of her mouth suddenly twitched, and she complained in a low voice: "Sure enough, guys who like to collect knowledge and do research are a group of insane lunatics! Ugin is like this, Niv-Mizzet is like this, and Soth is like this. so."

After complaining, she activated the power of the spark and left her hometown Zendikar, heading to Ixalan to stare at the Eternal Sun.

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