A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 493 Even if it’s just a dog tie (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Chapter 493 Even if you tie up a dog... (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Is this your phylactery?"

Looking at the dagger inlaid with a huge blue gem in his hand, Zuo Si showed an extremely surprised expression.

Because as far as he knew, the Xian Empire started from the founder, the old Akaba Xian, and all the successors in the past generations were without exception mages specializing in the necromancy system.

It doesn't look like he would be interested in a weapon like a dagger, which is only used by thieves and assassins.

In addition, the lich's phylactery is usually something with special meaning, which can greatly increase the success rate of transformation.

For example, the phylactery of the undead Ovo is the skull of the most powerful enemy he has ever defeated.

Most other lichs will also use their favorite gems, music boxes, previously used magic rings, etc. as carriers.

But it is very, very rare to use weapons like swords and daggers as phylacteries.

After all, the carrier needed to make a phylactery usually needs to be of extremely high value, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the huge impact of magical energy.

This also means that if you use swords and daggers to achieve extremely high enchantment levels, even if they are not artifacts or legendary magic items, they must at least be high-level magic items with an enchantment level of +3 or above.

And once it becomes a phylactery, any sane lich will never use it as a weapon again. That would be simply a joke with his own life.

From a practical point of view, this is absolutely a waste, and it is far less cost-effective than directly remaking one with gems and magic metals.

Xia En VII smiled and replied: "Yes! This is my life box, it's very special, isn't it?

Its name is the Soul Binding Blade, and it is an evil weapon with powerful curse power that can tear apart and devour the target's mind and soul.

When I came of age at the age of eighteen, my father gave it to me as a gift, and then forced me to use it to kill my first lover.

Because as the heir to the Xia En Empire and the future emperor, I must maintain absolute sanity and ruthlessness.

And love is the thing that most easily makes people lose their ability to control themselves.

So my father asked me to kill it completely.

From then on, I would kill one of my closest concubines every six months to prove this to him.

This went on for many years, until one day I stabbed a dagger into the chest of my father who was about to transform himself into a lich.

Before he died, he showed a happy smile and at the same time recognized my qualification to succeed the emperor of the Xia En Empire.

Therefore, this weapon has extraordinary significance to me, and it is the best carrier for making a phylactery. "

Xia En VII did not try to hide anything, and openly stated the reason why he used the soul-binding blade to build the phylactery.

Maybe it's because he has been undead for too long, or maybe his soul has been eroded by the cold negative energy.

In short, when he mentioned killing his lover with his own hands, his emotions did not fluctuate at all, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated to him.

There is no doubt that in a world filled with all kinds of extreme ideas and oppositional opinions, such twisted and pathological education methods are not a special case, but a very common phenomenon.

Especially in countries where slavery is practiced, such as Ser where red-robed wizards rule, children from large families often have to kill a slave who has grown up with them during their coming-of-age ceremony in order to complete the transformation from child to adult. .

If they cannot bear it or are unable to cross that hurdle, it will be difficult for them to survive in the cruel environment of intrigue.

The coming-of-age ceremony in dark elf society is even more famous for its bloody cruelty.

Drizzt was forced by his mother to kill a goblin slave who transformed into a dark elf through magic to prove that he had become a "qualified" warrior.

The "qualified" here does not refer to how superb one's martial arts are, but whether one is ferocious, cruel and cold enough when killing.

Compared with the former, the latter is the quality that mistresses value most.

In this regard, Amn's upper ruling class is not far behind.

Just look at the special hunts that are often organized in their own manors to see how much effort these top wealthy businessmen and nobles put into teaching their children to be cruel.

The objects it hunts are not wild beasts at all, but humanoid creatures such as goblins, orcs, orcs, and gnolls.

Ever since Zuo Si started raising werewolves and goblins on a large scale, these guys have gradually replaced the monsters in the wild and become tools used to teach young people how to fight and be ruthless and cruel. There are a constant loss of hundreds of them almost every month.

The reason why Faerûn has such a trend is inseparable from its dangerous and barbaric nature.

Living in this world, both the lower-class civilians and the upper-class rulers are filled with a strong sense of uneasiness.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Will there be a sudden invasion by an army of monsters, or will a giant dragon descend from the sky and spit out fire that destroys everything, or will demons and devils from other dimensions be summoned to destroy everything that has been built with great effort?

Therefore, in order to ensure the continuation of oneself and even the family, ruthlessness and cruelty are almost one of the necessary qualities for upper-class rulers.

Otherwise, in many cases, just a little bit of soft-heartedness will lead to disastrous consequences.

The most obvious example is the plague incident in Neverwinter. Lord Nasir chose to give in and compromise when faced with a mob that was irrational under the influence of anger. As a result, the law was unfairly executed and people who should not be executed were executed.

And this person happens to be Aribes's fiancé, a Tyrian priest who was deceived and deceived.

His death caused the paladin Erebes to gradually lose his belief in justice, and eventually degenerated into the Dark Guard, bringing even more terrible destruction to Neverwinter.

Of course, the above things have not happened yet at this point in time, and there is a question mark as to whether they will happen in the future.

But one thing is certain, that is, in this world, regimes with weak rulers are usually difficult to maintain.

Zuo Si did not show any shock or incomprehensible expression regarding the twisted and morbid education method of the Xian Empire royal family. Instead, he commented with great interest: "In this way, this dagger means two people in your life." The most important stage.

One is the transformation from child to adult;

The other one evolved from a prince to an emperor.

No matter from any angle, it has extraordinary significance and is indeed very suitable for making a phylactery. "

Xia En VII nodded slightly: "That's right. It's thanks to this dagger that I was able to barely complete the Lich Transformation Ceremony with my seriously injured body, and successfully hid from everyone's eyes. By the way, What to do next?”

"It's simple.

There are usually two ways to get a spark from someone who doesn't have one.

One is when the original owner voluntarily transfers the spark to another person.

The advantage is that there is no risk. Regardless of whether the other party has the qualifications to become a planeswalker, he can perfectly inherit the full power of this spark.

In most cases, the transfer of sparks is done voluntarily.

Otherwise, even if the spark is captured, it can only be used as an incredibly powerful one-time weapon at best.

In comparison, the second one is slightly more complicated.

It is necessary to use a method called resonance to force a spark that originally belonged to another planeswalker into the soul of another person.

This is a technique I developed after repeated research and attempts.

And you are the first beneficiary. "

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and slowly lifted up a planeswalker spark that had not been improved in any way, and at the same time used his own spark to resonate with it.

In the blink of an eye, the originally weak light turned into a dazzling green little sun.

Since this spark originally belonged to Grisha in Mirrodin time and space, it appeared to be affected by green mana.

In just a few seconds, the flowers and plants in the surrounding courtyards began to grow wildly, covering a large area at an extremely fast speed.

The walls and roof are densely covered with green vines, and it feels like they have been there for decades.

"What incredible power! It's breathtakingly beautiful!"

Xia En VII reached out his hand and gently touched the surface of the spark, feeling the natural power emanating from it and the ether energy generated by the connection with the dark void. His face was full of joy and obsession.

"Are you ready now?"

Zuo Si raised his head and asked for the last time.

Because once you start the next steps, you can never stop.

"Of course! Let's start quickly! I can't wait to feel its uniqueness." Xia En VII urged in an excited tone.

The next second...

Zuo Si directly inserted the dagger made into a phylactery into the opponent's heart, tore a hole the size of a fist, and then slowly inserted the sparks like a ball of light into the heart.

During this process, Shane VII obviously felt a huge pain that could not be described in words.

But he held back forcefully and did not make even a single sound.

As the sparks were fully integrated, a large number of flashing black and purple patterns appeared on the body created with legendary magic.

If you observe carefully, you will find that all these patterns are the running tracks left by the necromancy magic when shaping the body.

They were originally in a dormant state.

But at this moment, he was reawakened by the power of sparks, and reconnected into lines, eventually connecting with the sparks integrated into the body and even the soul.

Almost at the same time, the sparks that originally showed green light also quickly dimmed in a short period of time, revealing a strange color of purple with black, which was darker and more terrifying than the magic patterns on Liliana's body when she cast the spell.

There is no doubt that this means that the properties of the sparks have changed from green to black, maybe with some blue or red mixed in.

I don’t know how long it took...

Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours...

When Zuo Si pulled the dagger out of Xia En VII's body at an extremely fast speed, the latter suddenly burst out with an astonishing burst of negative energy, instantly killing all the plants within a few dozen meters and twisting them. into a creepy shape.

After about two or three minutes, the demi-lich finally opened his eyes and let out a creepy evil laugh.

"Hehehehe! Interesting! So interesting!

Absorb, store, and transform all forms of energy, and then shape them into any magic, completely unrestricted by the magic network or any other environment.

And he can travel to any known or unknown time and space with just a thought.

So is this the power of the planeswalker's spark?

Too strong!

so perfect!

As long as it continues to be developed and strengthened, it can be compared to the gods!

Young friend, please allow me to express my highest respect to you.

Because what I have to offer is far less than what you have to offer me. "

After saying that, the demi-lich bent down and bowed deeply, with a terrifying light shining in his eyes.

Because at this moment, he finally understood what "spark" really meant.

The small light ball implanted in the soul was not at all a device that he thought could be transmitted without limit, but a key, a seed, and a switch that allowed mortals to break their limits and evolve to a higher level.

Xia En VII can guarantee that if other legendary mages and powerful men on the continent of Faerun know the truth about Sparks, they will definitely exchange for this opportunity at any cost, even if they spend everything they have to become enemies of the gods.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "You're welcome, all of this is just fulfilling the agreement.

From now on, we are close allies, sharing knowledge and secrets, and facing dangerous and powerful enemies together.

Believe me, becoming a planeswalker is just the beginning.

Next, you will break out of your constraints and see many incredible things.

And I'll also introduce you to some planeswalker allies.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to ask, what is your spark attribute tendency?

Black, blue, or red? "

"It's mainly black, which symbolizes decay and death. I think this has something to do with me being a lich and specializing in necromancy magic.

There are also some blue ones, probably because I am also good at conjuration, transmutation and enchantment.

Finally, there is the red color of the plastic energy system, which probably only accounts for less than one-fifth.

As for white, which symbolizes order and positive energy, and green, which represents nature, I have absolutely no idea at all.

But it doesn't matter, the black, blue, and red mana alone is enough to keep me learning for a long time. "

While speaking, Xia En VII raised his hand to convert several spell slots into energy of corresponding colors, and then used this energy to try to shape new magic forms.

The excited look was like a child discovering a new toy.

Since he originally had a total spellcasting level as high as LV36, although the spark he obtained was at the lowest level, it would definitely improve very quickly, and it would not be as difficult as when Zuo Si first started.

If nothing else goes wrong, he will be able to upgrade from LV1 to around LV10 very quickly.

After gaining the ability to absorb the power of the earth's veins, the planeswalker gained enough power to protect himself.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si took out a prepared notebook from his arms and handed it over, saying with a serious expression: "This is some advice on what you need to pay attention to when you first become a planeswalker, and how to improve your own strength.

In the following time, you can use the content inside as a reference to slowly adapt to your new identity.

Remember, never reveal to anyone that you have become a planeswalker, let alone travel across time and space too early.

Because traveling across time and space is not safe, some times and spaces are even as dangerous as hell and the abyss.

In fact, I have already selected a suitable time and space for you as the starting point of your long journey. "

Xia En VII nodded happily: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of self-righteous fool, and I understand how many powerful beings there are in the vast multiverse.

Before I get your approval, I will quietly hibernate and accumulate strength, try to increase the level of Spark, and create more land cards, magic cards and summoned creature cards that are powerful enough.

Not to mention that integrating Tethyr and Karin Shirt also requires a little effort.

Your marriage with Ayesha also needs time to prepare.

If I encounter any problems during the learning process, I will go to you directly. "

"No, there's no need to go to that trouble. Here, take this and just call my number when the time comes. We can connect via video."

Zuo Si casually took out a Shuoyou mobile terminal and handed it to the other party.

"This is...a magical creation from another time and space?"

After a few simple fiddlings, Xia En VII's eyes shone slightly with an expression of great interest.

Since he released an identification technique and found that he did not get any useful information, it can be basically concluded that the Shuoyou mobile terminal is definitely not a product of this universe.

Otherwise, even for creations from other planes, we can get some clues through identification magic.

Zuo Si chuckled and replied: "Strictly speaking, it was created in the ninth level of Baator Hell, but the deep technology does come from another time and space. How about it, a very convenient gadget, isn't it? "

"Yes! It's really convenient! With it, I can hide those spell books as a backup."

Apparently, Xia En VII, like Xi Manmeng, also discovered that the Shuoyou Terminal could replace the spell book.

After all, traditional spell books are not only troublesome to copy and carry, but also very inconvenient to rummage through, and are easily targeted by thieves.

Now after switching to the Shuoyou mobile terminal, you only need to enter the spell name to immediately find the corresponding spell structure and pattern, which can shorten the time to memorize spells from one hour to fifty or even forty minutes every day.

In addition, mapping and remote communication functions can also save a lot of time.


As a person with strong self-control, Shane VII did not indulge in it like Ximanmeng. He quickly put it away and asked in a slightly playful tone: "About the last port city in the north entrenched on the Dragon Coast." ——What do you plan to do with the Zhentil Fort army at Simon’s Gate?”

"Simon? Hasn't Fuzoul Chamberry returned to the Moon Sea yet?"

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment.

Because in the past few days, he has either been busy running around Mirrodin, Tarkir, Zendikar, and Innistrad, or hiding in the mage tower and letting Isadora help develop his subconscious. He has not gone there at all. Pay attention to the battle situation.

In his opinion, he had already fought the decisive Battle of Baldur's Gate, and had also reached a private agreement with Fuzor Chamberlain. Even if he tied a dog and sat in the tent, he could destroy the entire West Heartland region. Pushed flat, there should be absolutely no issues.

Especially the five hundred dragon knights. Even if the entire evil organization in the North is put together, they may not be able to defeat them.

What's more, there are thousands of new Amn troops who have just experienced the test of war.

"Go back to the Moon Sea?

Fuzor Chanbury is currently sitting on the ground raising the price, waiting for you and Assan IV to negotiate with him.

Because he recently defeated and captured the Iron Princess - Yalusel.

With this bargaining chip in hand, he would not foolishly fight against the Cormyr Kingdom's maritime fleet.

If nothing else, he would definitely choose a lion to bite off a piece of meat from Assan IV. "

When saying these words, Xia En VII did not hide his gloating at all.

As a typical upper-class ruler of the traditional Shane Empire, his attitude towards women has always remained at the relatively decadent and backward level of reproductive tools, marriage tools, sexual release tools, and male accessories.

In the South, where machismo is prevalent, the entire social environment generally believes that women should stay at home and accept the protection of men.

Any woman who runs out to do unseemly work in public will deserve to be beaten, tortured and violated even if she is caught by the enemy.

Looking at the history of the Xian Empire and looking at the series of male names and the very few female names, it is easy to tell how serious its patriarchal ideology is.

Under normal circumstances, when major families have male heirs, they will never choose to give inheritance rights to women.

Of course, compared to Shane VII's attitude towards women, Zuo Si was more shocked by the capture of Iron Princess Yalusel. He suddenly raised his head and asked: "Wait! This is the youngest princess of the Kingdom of Cormyr. , how on earth was captured by Fuzor Chamberry? Did Asan IV also declare war on Zhentil Castle?"

"Ha ha ha ha!

So you don’t know about this?

my God!

You know, in order to redeem people, the Kingdom of Cormyr is about to fall out with Waterdeep City.

Because it was the persuasion of Leila, the messenger of Waterdeep City, that Asan IV sent his daughter to intercept the transport fleet of Fuzor Chamberry.

But who would have thought that the Iron Princess would not stay with the fleet honestly, but instead led more than 300 knights to rush to Iliaba overnight and join up with Erebes who had just captured it.

These two stupid women thought that Fu Zouer Qianberry was a soft persimmon, so they took the initiative to lead an army to attack and surrounded him from the river and land.

As a result, Fuzole Chamberry took advantage of the time difference to fight back. Almost all of Yalusel's more than 300 knights were wiped out, and he himself became a prisoner.

Aribes was a little better and chose to retreat directly instead of continuing to take risks.

However, she is now facing accusations of not saving her life, and she is probably not in a good situation either.

So I suggest you clean up the mess quickly. "

Xia En VII revealed everything he knew.

Since he had been paying attention to the situation in the north, he obtained quite a lot of intelligence in the first place.

Especially within the coalition forces, where mutual accusations have become a quarrel, it can be said that good drama is taking turns.

Because Vera was too young and too inexperienced, she was unable to suppress the situation. It was all thanks to Alustriel, the Queen of Silvermoon City, to barely maintain the balance.

"Damn! These bastards really won't let me stop for a day."

Zuo Si held his forehead and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

In particular, Iron Princess Yalusel's stupid move made the originally watertight and well-planned plan execute like a dam leaking water.

If the effect of tying a dog in the tent is zero, then her effect is a huge negative value.

Even if you think about it with your buttocks, can anyone chase the elector of Bane, the god of tyranny—Fuzor Chambery?

One step away is the gold content of a legendary priest, do you understand?

What's more, he is accompanied by a legendary mage - the last clone of Manson.

In addition, the backbone of the Bane Church is not a vegetarian. More than a hundred dark guards and more than two hundred priests can inflict devastating blows to the enemy in frontal battles.

Zuo Si didn't understand at all where Yalusel had the courage to lead three hundred noble knights to surround such an opponent. He was just using a small fishing net to catch great white sharks.

They can tear your web to pieces with their sharp fangs in a matter of minutes.

Xia En VII smiled and comforted: "Relax, there is no need to be so nervous.

After all, the Cormyr royal family should be the most anxious right now, followed by Waterdeep City.

You just need to deal with the criticism that Neverwinter and Erebeth suffered in this incident.

And maybe we can use this as a breakthrough to get the Kingdom of Cormyr to make some concessions in exchange for the Iron Princess regaining her freedom. "

"Well, maybe you're right.

However, this incident just exposed the problem that I am not strong enough in terms of political influence.

Especially when I am away, those forces that are usually suppressed will become ready to take action.

I have to find a way to scare the monkeys and make them understand that there is a price to pay for causing trouble for me. "

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes, a sharp cold light flashing in his pupils.

"Do you need my help?"

A chilling smile appeared on Xia En VII's face.

Zuo Si shook his head with a half-smile: "No, that's not necessary.

Because this time I don't plan to use killing or intimidation, but economic and political means.

Look, everyone who jumps up and down in this incident will feel that life is worse than death.

I will make them slowly become poor, suffer social exclusion and discrimination, and eventually become beggars on the roadside from high-ranking big shots. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

"Economic and political means? It sounds interesting..."

Xia En VII whispered, and quickly went to treat Zanlanda's broken wrist before returning to another courtyard several walls away.

Ayesha, who was practicing arcane magic, saw him walking in. She immediately stopped all movements, bent down and bowed respectfully.

"Lord Ancestor, do you have any instructions?"

"Nothing, I just stopped by to check on your learning progress. Tell me, Ayesha, how many spells have you learned now?"

Xia En VII looked at this only one of all his descendants who had some value for cultivation.

As for the remaining ones, they are either too old and have passed the best age for learning, or they have low self-esteem due to the environment in which they grew up, and they are not even worth cultivating.

"Five...five, I have learned five first-level spells."

The girl quickly gave the answer in a slightly nervous tone.

It has to be said that being able to become a LV1 mage in such a short period of time, and also mastering five first-level magics, can already be called a genius in many places.

But the problem is that she learned magic from the legendary mage Xia En VII himself, and she also used a series of auxiliary magic including wishing.

If it were a true genius, this would have already taken off.

Therefore, Aisha's talent is not very good, and can only be regarded as an above-average qualification. When converted into specific intelligence attributes, it is about 14 to 15, which is definitely not comparable to those geniuses who are born with 18 points.

Looking at the girl's slightly panicked expression, Xia En VII sighed helplessly: "Oh - you haven't learned the second-level spell yet? If you continue at this rate, I'm afraid you won't be worthy of Soth. Look. I have to think of another way..."

"Think of another way?"

There was a hint of panic and fear in Ayesha's eyes.

Because this girl with wheat-colored skin and a bookish air all over her body knew very well that the reason why she could be established as the heir and gain a status above ten thousand people was to marry Soth and promote the establishment of a huge empire. Birth.

If this value is lost, the end will become even more miserable than those of the brothers and sisters who are kept in captivity as reproductive tools.

"Well, that's right. I happen to know some of Soth's hobbies and interests, maybe I can start from this aspect."

As he spoke, Xia En VII completed a very advanced transformation spell at a very fast speed, and then pointed at the girl gently.

The next second...

Ayesha found in disbelief that her originally smooth and delicate skin began to grow a lot of brown hair, a cat-like tail extended from under her skirt, and her hands and feet also had cat claws with pads. In terms of shape, the ears have moved from the sides to the top of the head, and a pair of pointed cat ears extend from the thick long hair.

As for the face, although most areas still retain human characteristics, the nose and mouth are still slightly "cat-like".

Before she had time to ask Xia En VII what was going on, another dazzling arcane aura of change transformed him from half human and half cat into a cute orange kitten.


Aisha, who turned into a cat, opened her eyes wide, as if she didn't understand what her ancestor was trying to do.

But soon she changed from a cat to a cat person, and from a cat person to a girl.

After several repeated adjustments, Xia En VII finally showed a satisfied look: "Not bad! I'll find a few opportunities to imbue you with this deformation ability. I believe Soth will like it very much. After all, he admitted it himself. , I like furry creatures the most.”

Hearing these words, Ayesha froze on the spot for a moment. After a while, she stammered and asked: "You...you mean, my future husband likes the half-human, half-cat look just now." ? This... this kind of hobby is too perverted!"

But Xia En VII shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "This is nothing!

But strong people always have some quirks.

Compared with his love for furry animals and half-animal forms, you haven't seen those who are truly twisted and sick.

And starting from today, in addition to learning magic, you will also learn how to please a man from a specialized teacher.

Remember, your mission is not just to marry him and be done with it.

They must also give birth to as many offspring as possible so that the bloodline of the Xia En Dynasty can be completely integrated with them.

The latter is the most important.

How can you do this if you can't please him?

Is it using magic?

As a woman, that is too sad.

Oh, by the way, when the time comes, you will also be taking this class with you, the Queen of Tethyr—Zanlanda Star Layington.

It's just that her identity is that of a pet, a pet that doesn't even deserve the most basic dignity of a human being. "

As these words blurted out, Ayesha suddenly shivered with fright. She subconsciously swallowed her saliva and replied cautiously: "I understand, my ancestor, I will do as you ask."

"Excellent! Don't let me down, let alone do any willful things.

You must obey Soth's orders unconditionally and do your best to satisfy all his desires, even if it makes you feel painful.

Because you represent me to a certain extent.

I don't want to destroy the close alliance with Soth because of you.

If that day comes, I will personally inflict punishment on you, a punishment more terrible than death.

Tell me, do you understand? "

Xia En VII stared into the girl's eyes and issued a naked and undisguised threat.

"Listen...I understand."

Ayesha nodded vigorously, unable to think of any resistance.

On the one hand, she was born in Kalinshan and received an education to obey men, so she was used to being submissive in this regard.

On the other hand, the girl knew very well that the relationship between Xia En VII and Zuo Si had long gone beyond friendship in the general sense, but was a more secretive and unknown solid alliance.

If there is a rift in this relationship because of him, not to mention the Emperor Xia En, who is famous for his ruthlessness, even a man in a Kalin shirt with some status will choose to express his attitude by killing someone.

At the same time, far away in the palace of the Kingdom of Cormyr, the legendary King Assan IV was sitting on his throne with a frown on his face.

Not only him, but the queen and several other royal family members also looked solemn.

After several minutes, Assan IV raised his head and asked the envoy sent by Zhentil Fort not far away: "Is my daughter okay now? Has she been treated in any way?"

"Your daughter is very good. Mr. Fuzoul Chamberlain prepared her as a princess. Not only was she not humiliated or mistreated, but she wore a gorgeous dress every day and attended various public occasions. She was not even in jail for a day. Stayed."

The male dark guard who is the messenger gave the answer without thinking.

But when he spoke, the corners of his mouth turned up significantly, revealing a playful and sarcastic smile.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why Fuzuoer Qianberry behaved this way was not at all out of any desire to treat prisoners preferentially.

Instead, they are deliberately humiliating the Cormyr royal family and displaying the famous Iron Princess - Yalusel as a trophy to everyone.

Although this humiliation is far less than the physical violation and forcing them to give birth to a large number of half-orcs and half-goblins with royal blood, it has also caused violent political turmoil in the Kingdom of Cormyr.

Many noble resistance forces that had been suppressed began to rise, and they used the topic to criticize the royal family.

In particular, the death of more than 300 noble knights put Asan IV under tremendous pressure in an instant. Even his hair grew several gray in just a few days, as if he had aged more than ten years.

But the more chaotic the Kingdom of Cormyr is and the more the royal family is forced to retreat, the better it is for Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim.

Because they can expand unscrupulously in the Cormanzo and Valley areas without worrying about interference from Cormyr.

"Then what do I have to pay to get Fozol Chambery to release my daughter and the knights who are lucky enough to survive?"

Assan IV got straight to the point and wanted to quickly enter the negotiation phase.

After all, the longer time passes, the more passive the royal family will become politically, and the greater the pressure and blame it will bear.

He was even prepared that when Yalusel was redeemed, the first thing he would do was to hold him accountable.

No matter whether he was imprisoned in the end or executed to give an explanation to the nobles and the people, there must be no mercy at all.

The Dark Guard smiled and replied: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, you don't have the final say on this matter alone.

After all, it is not only the Kingdom of Cormyr that is at war with us, but also the Northern Alliance formed with the Amn Empire as its core.

If you are sincere in redeeming your daughter, then first go to Mr. Soth to discuss forming a delegation and go to Ximen Port to negotiate with Mr. Fu Zouer Chamberry.

In addition, Fozol Chambery also asked me to tell you that his patience has limits.

If the Kingdom of Cormyr deliberately delays showing sincerity, then there may be more muscular men around Her Royal Highness.

And you need to be prepared for the birth of several grandchildren of your own. "

After saying that, the Dark Guard left a meaningful look, then turned and left without looking back.

As soon as he walked out of the palace, Assan IV suddenly stood up from the throne, drew his sword and cut a ravine on the ground with a bang, half a meter wide and three to four meters deep, staring at the two dissatisfied two His bloodshot eyes roared: "How dare he threaten me in this way?

I swear!

If that happens, they will definitely send troops to destroy Zhentil Fort!

Kill every living creature in that filthy city without leaving a single one behind! "

"Your Majesty, please stay calm.

When things got to this point, it was obvious that getting angry would not solve the problem.

The top priority right now is to find Lord Soth and unite with him to negotiate.

Her Royal Highness the Princess must not fall into the hands of Fuzoul Chanbury for a long time, and those captured knights also need to be redeemed.

So I implore you to send your envoy with the most solemn gesture, even if you make some political and economic concessions.

In short, it is most important to start negotiations as soon as possible. "

Archmage Vangelda Hester quickly gave her own advice.

Because it was his duty to keep the king sane when he was blinded by hatred and anger.

"Then do as you say..."

King Assan IV instantly felt like a deflated rubber ball. He sat back on the throne and stared at the sword in his hand in a daze.

As a legendary warrior, he was confident of defeating any powerful enemy on the battlefield, but he was full of a sense of powerlessness in this political game.

At the same time, he also began to hate his reckless and impulsive little daughter, and regretted that he should not have taught her the knowledge of fighting and marching in the first place.

Without her own teachings and encouragement, Yalusel would not have become some bullshit Iron Princess, nor would she have been captured and brought about a huge political crisis.

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