A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 495: Give me some face (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

The end of Piergalen's political career did not cause any uproar; indeed, most people were not even aware of it.

After all, he is just an open lord, at best the face of Waterdeep, letting all residents know who to go to after encountering major incidents.

But to put it bluntly, it is just a target and scapegoat set up on the surface, specifically used to attract attacks from various hostile forces to ensure the safety of other secret lords and their families and friends.

So after Kelben reached an agreement with the other lords, it only took one transfer order to force Pilgellen to go back and complete a series of power transfers, and then prepare to promote another new public lord to the throne.

As for who this lucky guy is, whether to find another one or choose one among the current secret lords, we need to deal with it before making a decision.

Of course, in this line of political liquidation, Zuo Si was not the only one dealing with Piergalen. None of those blacklisted guys could escape.

Through the intermediary force of the Church of Woking, the Goddess of Wealth, he issued a ban to all chambers of commerce and merchants with some capital strength in the entire Northland, prohibiting them from doing business with people and families on the blacklist.

This alone caused all the participants in this matter to suffer heavy losses.

Not only that!

Zuo Si also deliberately supported political opponents who opposed them in the towns where they belonged, and suppressed them in all directions.

At the same time, he secretly ordered Ximanmon and "Dutiful Son" Coolermos, who controlled the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network, to continuously harass and destroy the industries, wealth, and land owned by these people and their families.

For example, today some goblins are sent to set fire to your barn or wheat field;

Tomorrow, take advantage of the darkness to steal, kill, and eat all the livestock in your pasture, pretending to be attacked by small groups of monsters and wild beasts;

The day after tomorrow, control the kobolds to invade the mine run by your family and scare all the miners away from entering;

The day after tomorrow, he commanded a group of orcs and half-orcs to hide on the main traffic road, and he ambushed and looted your caravan;

Occasionally, through magic, curses, etc., it will cause you and your family to have nightmares and hallucinations every night. Anyway, it is the kind that is not life-threatening, but can make people's nerves remain tense and unable to relax, and ultimately Become irritable and have a nervous breakdown.

The above are not used together, but are used step by step to give the target a little more hope when he feels desperate, then extinguish hope into deeper despair, and then give him a little more hope...

After repeating this cycle several times, until it completely fell into the abyss.

In the eyes of ordinary people, all this is just bad luck for the other party. Although it is pitiful, it has nothing to do with them.

But in the eyes of insiders, this is a naked and unabashed attempt to scare the monkeys, warning all those who are ambitious and want to cause trouble in the Trade Alliance to be careful.

In short, Zuo Si is quite good at manipulating people's mentality.

After all, when he was an ordinary person before igniting the spark, he had deeply studied games like Darkest Dungeon and Souls games that could make players "pleased physically and mentally", "sunny and cheerful", and "peaceful".

Understand what it takes to mentally drive a person crazy.

In the next few days, many people in the coalition forces found that representatives from many towns looked nervous and started their return journey one after another.

They didn't tell anyone what happened, but judging by the ugly looks on their faces, it certainly wasn't a good thing.

However, since it was only a small part after all, it did not cause any waves.

On the contrary, it was the arrival of the envoy from the Kingdom of Cormyr that allowed these bumpkins from the North to see what true nobility and royal style meant.

Whether it's the accompanying band, or the gorgeous armor and uniform movements, it's obvious that a lot of time has been spent on rigorous training.

Feeding so many out-of-work honor guards is almost unimaginable in the North, where the population is relatively sparse and the living environment is harsher.

This also proves the stability, prosperity and wealth of the Kingdom of Cormyr.

Only Amn and the Calimshirts showed disdain.

After all, the former is the richest country in the entire Faerûn continent. If it shows off its wealth and luxury, it can throw the Cormyr royal family several blocks away.

The latter is one of the true birthplaces of human civilization in Faerûn, with a history of civilization that spans thousands of years.

The Shane Empire had already established a huge empire before the emergence of Cormyr, and it was far superior to the latter in terms of economy and culture.

Compared with the pompous King Xia En VII, he could press Assan IV to the ground and rub him repeatedly.

Therefore, this grand mission of the Cormyr royal family, apart from opening the eyes of those representatives from the North who had never seen the world, had no effect at all.

However, Zuo Si still received the other party according to the corresponding etiquette and agreed to Assan IV's proposal to form a delegation to negotiate.

About two or three days later, each side sent twenty people along the road eastward and entered Ximen's sphere of influence.

Fu Zouer Qianberry personally led a team to greet them at the city gate, showing a warm and hospitable appearance.

"Ah! Welcome everyone to come from afar. You know, I have been looking forward to it for many days."

"Where is Her Royal Highness the Princess and the captured knights? Are they okay?"

Shafa, who came to negotiate on behalf of the Cormyr royal family, stared at the other party with two sharp eyes, and his attitude was obviously very unfriendly.

He is the lord of Susar City, the capital of the Kingdom of Cormyr, and the supreme commander of the Purple Dragon Legion. He can be said to be the nobleman most trusted by the royal family.

He was also the teacher who watched Yalusel grow up and personally taught him swordsmanship.

To be precise, every one of those three hundred noble knights were reserve officers of the Purple Dragon Legion, and most of them were personally trained by this man.

Therefore, it is normal not to give Fu Zouer Chambery a good look.

After all, Fuzor Chambery massacred Shafa's students and subordinates, destroying all his ten years of hard work.

The Tyrant of the Moon Sea was obviously very aware of this, and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers without any nonsense.


With a crisp sound, a young woman with a well-proportioned figure wearing a long white dress was pushed out.

In particular, the looming thighs and round buttocks under the silk dress clearly show the developed muscles that can only be obtained through long-term exercise.

The exposed arms are a bit thicker than those of men who have been engaged in physical labor for a long time, and the palms have thick calluses from using weapons for a long time.

Without asking, he knew that she was the captured Yalusel. She didn't know whether it was because of shame or anger, or a combination of both. There was a very obvious blush on her face, and she didn't dare to raise her head to look at the envoys. among those whom one knows well.

The most important thing is that Her Royal Highness the Princess has long been accustomed to wearing convenient clothes and armor for long periods of time like a man.

The long banquet dress she was wearing was specially designed to highlight a woman's sexy figure, which made her feel very insecure, as if she was naked and exposed in full view of the public.

Shafa was keenly aware of Yalusel's nervousness and uneasiness, so he did not immediately come forward to say hello. He just roughly confirmed that she had not been abused or violated, and immediately secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask: "Others Where are the remains of the knights and the fallen? Do not tell me that you desecrated the corpses with necromancy."

Fuzoul Chamberry responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I understand the rules and didn't do anything to them.

The captured knights were imprisoned in the dungeon, and their bodies were placed in coffins waiting to be taken away.

As long as you agree to my request, you can send a boat or carriage to pick up the living and the dead before dark.

But if the negotiation fails, I may do something more extreme. "

"What do you want from this negotiation?"

Zuo Si interrupted with a smile.

"I'm not greedy. I just want to take the share that should belong to me, and then evacuate the Dragon Coast and return to Zhentil Keep in a dignified way."

Fuzoul Chamberlain gave a hint.

Obviously, he has only one purpose, and that is to safely transport all the materials and wealth he currently has on hand back, and at the same time, bite off a piece of fat from the Kingdom of Cormyr.

"It's very reasonable. I think today's negotiations should yield a result that everyone is satisfied with."

Zuo Si nodded slightly and chose the default.

Anyway, it is the Kingdom of Cormyr that is going to bleed a lot, and it has nothing to do with him.

As for whether the legendary King Asan IV will find an opportunity to retaliate after the incident, or simply lead his troops to the Moon Sea to attack Zhentil Keep's lair, only God knows.

In Zuo Si's impression, high-level warriors, especially legendary warriors, generally don't have very good tempers.

Because strong anger in battle can often trigger a violent effect, allowing one to gain far greater power than usual in a short period of time.

Therefore, the more powerful a warrior is, the more he will channel this anger for his own use instead of suppressing it.

This also leads to the generally larger tempers of senior soldiers.

But overall, the possibility of a full-scale war between the Kingdom of Cormyr and Zhentil Castle is not high.

In this way, under the leadership of Fu Zouer Chamberry, the envoy finally entered the most important and prosperous city on the Dragon Coast-Ximen.

As the third largest trade power in the west of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars after Cormyr and Sembia, the secret of this city's success is that it has everything and sells everything.

It is generally believed that morality may be reflected in private matters, but it should never appear in business, otherwise it will be a dead end.

In addition, Ximen is also a trading city-state that practices slavery. Slavery here is not only reasonable and legal, but also strictly protected like other private property.

Look at the people in the streets with marks on their faces, necks, and shoulders, or the guys with chains around their ankles. Without exception, they are all members of the slave army.

They originally belonged to nobles and wealthy merchants, but now they are owned by Zhentil Castle and are busy moving all kinds of things to the ship.

The previously bustling "Trembling Thumb" Arena had to change its business model due to a lack of slaves, and offered high-priced bounties to attract adventurers and mercenaries to join.

As you can tell from the name, this is an entertainment venue that specializes in providing guests with bloody slave wrestling.

However, unlike slave wrestling in other places, "Trembling Thumb" pursues absolute fairness and prohibits all behind-the-scenes operations.

This means that even the organizers themselves do not know who of the two parties participating in the battle will win.

It’s this uncertainty that keeps everyone flocking.

Whether they are local businessmen, nobles, guests from Unser or Tumis, civilians or even the slaves themselves, they are all excited by the brutal killings that take place every day.

It seems incredible at first that slaves who had to pay with their lives for it also enjoyed this sport.

But if you look deeper, you will find that for slaves, this was one of the few opportunities to make a lot of money and even gain freedom.

Because here, the identity between slaves and masters is not simply master and servant, but closer to sports stars and their agents.

In order for slaves to have enough motivation to work hard, there is usually a sharing agreement between them.

For example, for every game won, the master can get fifty to sixty percent from prize money and gambling, while the slave can get thirty, forty or even more.

This mainly depends on the slave's performance in combat, fame and audience likability.

Slaves can use this money to buy their favorite food, drinks, massage services, or even call in a few women engaged in special service industries to vent their strong energy and desires.

In addition, as long as the slave survives for more than one year in the arena, he will receive freedom and an additional reward of one thousand gold coins.

Therefore, Ximen's "trembling thumb" gladiatorial competition did not force slaves to participate through threats, intimidation, beatings, etc., but the slaves themselves rushed to participate enthusiastically, hoping to complete the transformation of status and class jump through fighting.

As we all know, human beings have a desire for violence that is engraved in their bones.

Even in the modern society on earth where violence is forcibly suppressed, there are still violent physical confrontation sports such as football, basketball, boxing, rugby, wrestling, and mixed martial arts, so that people can have a channel to vent their anger.

So it goes without saying that in the more primitive and barbaric continent of Faerûn, violence is almost everywhere.

This can be seen from the fact that most countries and regions do not prohibit the use of duels to resolve personal grievances.

There is an iron cage standing in the Bronze Crown Hotel in Askatra, specially prepared for those ruthless characters who will draw their swords and kill people if they disagree.

Not only do you not need to bear any legal responsibility for killing people there, but you can also make a lot of money by betting on your own winnings.

Zuo Si felt that after he took over Ximen, he could consider talking to the owner of the "Trembling Thumb" Arena to promote this business in major towns throughout the West Coast Empire.

In this way, it can not only give people a place to vent their violent emotions, but also collect more taxes. Why not do it.

After the operation is completed, you can also use Shuoyou mobile terminal to set up a live broadcast of the league, and even select some potential seeds to play for you.

While Zuo Si was observing the largest and most prosperous port city on the Dragon Coast with great interest, and thinking about how he wanted to shape this huge country, the group of people had unknowingly arrived at a huge courtyard.

This was originally the seat of the Ximen Nobles and Merchants Council, as well as the former royal palace and lord's residence.

Before DR1209, the rulers of this port city were basically either vampires, pirate kings, cold and cruel tyrants, or evil wizards.

Therefore, the courtyard is very luxuriously built, with not even a single speck of color on the white marble columns, and various primitive reliefs that can be traced back hundreds or even thousands of years.

On both sides of the corridor in the palace, you can even see black and purple magic flowers specially cultivated with blood and negative energy.

These flowers need to be watered with the blood of living people and can only grow in places where light cannot reach them. They exude an indescribable beauty of coquettishness, charm and death.

As for the suspended throne in the center of the palace, it is made of countless corpses and exudes a dazzling arcane aura that symbolizes necromancy.

Anyone who sits on it can remain absolutely calm and rational, without being controlled or interfered by any psychic magic.

But the price is that it will become more and more like an immortal vampire, until it actively abandons its identity as a living person.

If nothing else, this should have been made by Orak, the King of the Night who ruled Ximen more than a thousand years ago, and has been retained as a symbol of royal power.

The Mask of the Night and the Prince of the Night who later emerged were his descendants who managed to survive by hiding in the catacombs after he was overthrown.

"It's spooky with a little softness and desolation. It's a very good taste. I like it."

Zuo Si commented enthusiastically.

He suddenly discovered that the more immortal a race is, the higher its artistic talent is.

Whether it's dragons, vampires, elves, angels, devils and devils, the buildings and crafts they produce are much better than humans, and they are the type that make you feel more and more interesting the more you look at them.

Especially the overall atmosphere portrayal can often have an impact on a person's psychology and even the surrounding environment.

"If you like it, you can consider using it as your palace in Ximen. Anyway, this city will be yours soon."

Fu Zou Er Chambery shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"makes sense."

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a playful smile, looking very relaxed, not at all as nervous and hostile as the representatives of the Kingdom of Cormyr.

There is no doubt that his style succeeded in attracting the attention of Yalusel.

To be exact, the latter has been observing secretly and silently from the moment they met.

The Iron Princess could not imagine how the man in front of her, who might be a little younger than herself, could rise so quickly in just a few years, and how he could talk and laugh calmly even in front of the tyrant of the Moon Sea.

In particular, Yalusel found that Fuzuoer Chamberry was obviously more cautious when talking to Zuo Si, and seemed to be afraid of this young man who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

"Save the unnecessary politeness and nonsense, and let's get straight to the point. Now you can start to make conditions."

Shafa, who represented the royal family, was eager to end it all as soon as he sat down.

Because he understands that the longer it takes, the worse it will be for his side. God knows what kind of conspiracy Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim are planning behind the scenes to overthrow the Kingdom of Cormyr.

Fuzoul Chamberry first glanced at Yalusel with a meaningful look, and then said calmly: "My conditions are very simple, there are only three points in total.

First, you are not allowed to block or harass my returning ships in any way to ensure that they can return to the Sea of ​​the Moon smoothly.

Note that this includes not only the Kingdom of Cormyr, but also the coalition led by Amn.

Second, regarding this princess, I hope you can pay the ransom with gold equal to twice her weight.

After all, she is the famous Iron Princess. If the ransom is too low, wouldn't it make the royal family lose face?

As for the remains of those captured knights and those who died in battle, I think half a million gold coins is a good price, and it is also a respect for them who fought bravely until the last moment of their lives.

Third, from now on, the Kingdom of Cormyr must not make things difficult for the merchants of Fort Zhentil without any reason, and must allow them to conduct all legal commercial activities within the territory. "

The words have not yet been spoken!

Shafa, whose anger level was finally full, finally stood up with a roar and roared: "Impossible!

Do you think this is signing a treaty of defeat?

Not all the warriors of the Kingdom of Cormyr are dead yet!

Not to mention that we don’t have that much money at all, and even if we did, we wouldn’t hand it over in such a humiliating way.

If you continue to act like a lion, then our response will be war. "

"Hahahaha! War? Are you sure? As far as I know, Cormier's internal situation is not very peaceful right now."

Fuzor Chambery grinned with a mocking expression.

Because he was supported by the Zhentarim intelligence network, he was very aware of how much noise Xi Manmeng had made by taking this opportunity.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about a place like Rockland where large-scale invasions take place every few years.

Just inciting and contacting the nobles whose sons and daughters had died to force the royal family to have a palace put Assan IV under unimaginable pressure.

Especially politically, the Cormyr nobility, which was originally united, has now split into several parts.

If the other side dares to start a war at this time, it would be better if they can win quickly.

But if we lose or fall into a stalemate, domestic conflicts will worsen and break out at an unimaginable speed.

Coupled with the fact that neighboring Sambia is also experiencing civil strife, Cormyr's stability and prosperity that has lasted for thousands of years will be completely destroyed.

"Were you responsible for the assassination of Bran Swordsman of the Baron of Rockland?"

The supreme commander of the Purple Dragon Legion clenched his fists, as if he might swing them up and hit the opponent in the face at any time.

Likewise, the atmosphere at the negotiation venue suddenly became tense and depressing.

Whether it was the representatives of the Kingdom of Cormyr, the priests of Zhentil Castle, or the Dark Guards, they all subconsciously put their hands on the hilt of their swords.

At this moment, as long as there is the slightest disturbance, a bloody conflict will occur in minutes.

But Fuzoul Chamberry, who has long been accustomed to big scenes, just responded with a half-smile: "Who knows? Maybe it is, maybe it is not. What the truth is has never been important. What is important is that I have it now. Initiative.”

From the indifferent attitude on his face, it is easy to see that the Tyrant of the Moon Sea did not take Shafa seriously at all.

After all, the opponent is just a guy with LV10 warrior level, LV5 purple dragon knight level, and has just crossed the threshold of high-level professional.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, he is already an out-and-out master, but in front of Fuzoul Chambery, who has just obtained the legendary priest level, he is just an insect that can be easily crushed.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

After completing the cleansing and proselytizing of the entire Dragon Coast to Baldur's Gate region, he was commended by Bane, the god of tyranny, and is now a legendary priest.

The two faced off in a tense confrontation for a full minute. Shafa finally lacked the courage to swing his fist and sat back on the chair, his chest heaving violently.

Another young woman in the Cormyr delegation dressed as a mage put her head next to Zuo Si and lowered her voice and said, "Your Excellency, aren't you going to say something?"

"Oh? What do you want me to say?"

Zuo Si pursed his lips and asked.

Through the mutual introduction, he already knew that the other party's name was Karadnai, a LV11 warlock and a LV4 warrior.

Although the combination of two completely unrelated professions is a complete waste, it is very common among the natives of Faerûn.

After all, they rely on learning and training to obtain careers and abilities.

In other words, if a mage is suddenly interested in melee combat skills and finds a teacher to learn them for a period of time, he will naturally gain the warrior level.

Many mages and warlocks have professional levels such as warriors and thieves, which is basically how they come about.

This is not like playing a game, where players will always build their own game characters with the optimal solution.

In reality, even Zuo Si himself would inevitably gain some warrior professional levels, especially after being forced to start practicing swordsmanship by the cheap teacher Solin.

Of course, none of the above is the most important.

The most important thing is that Karadnai’s identity is not simple.

She is the successor personally selected by Vangelda Hester, the chief mage of the Cormyr royal family, and she also has a good personal relationship with the Iron Princess Yalusel.

"I hope you can put a little pressure on Fuzole Chamberry, otherwise it will be impossible for us to reach any agreement under the current situation."

Karadne made the request cautiously.

"Give me a reason to intervene. You must know that this was originally the trouble caused by your princess. I am already giving you face by sitting here and cooperating. Why do you ask me to do more?" Zuo Simhao He asked politely.

Karadnai was undoubtedly prepared. She immediately took out a scroll and stuffed it into Zuo Si's hand in an extremely obscure way.

“If you will help us today, the House of Cormyr will always be your most loyal allies.

His Majesty Asan IV will not only publicly recognize your legal right to rule over the Dragon Coast and West Heartland regions as soon as possible, but is also willing to join the Trade Alliance and become a member of it.

When you are crowned king, he will personally visit and send you blessings and gifts.

I believe that with your political wisdom you should understand what this means, right? "

Zuo Si slowly opened the scroll and immediately saw the letter, which was most likely written by the king himself, as well as the conspicuous royal seal below.

If it were another country, a private letter like this, which has no legal effect at all, would most likely go unnoticed due to wrangling or other various reasons.

But the royal family of Cormyr is different.

Thousands of years of history are enough to prove their strong credibility.

As long as it is something promised by the royal family, no matter how big or small, it will eventually be fulfilled without exception.

So Zuo Si had no doubts about the promise given by Assan IV.

After a brief silence, he quickly put away the letter and said directly to the proud Fuzoul Chamberry: "For my sake, the ransom should be reduced to half of the original amount.

After all, the Kingdom of Cormyr probably cannot afford much money now after experiencing dramatic fluctuations in food prices and civil strife in neighboring Sambia.

I think asking them to pay a one-time ransom of 300,000 gold coins is almost the limit.

In exchange, I will not hold you accountable for your actions in plundering large amounts of supplies and wealth in Baldur's Gate, the West Heartland region, and the Dragon Coast.

Well, that's fair, isn't it? "


The smile on Fuzuoer Chambery's face froze, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you serious?"

“Well, I’m very serious.

Because if the Kingdom of Cormyr is prepared to continue the war, then I will also consider launching an attack on the west gate.

By then, not only will you not be able to get the compensation of 300,000 gold coins, but you will also lose more.

So I sincerely suggest that you give me some face, it will be better for everyone. "

Zuo Si fiddled with his ten fingers and issued a half-serious threat.

In his eyes, Fuzuoer Qianberry was a pure tool man.

Let it out to bite when you need it, kick it away when you don't, and occasionally throw two bones as a reward.

There is no doubt that after successfully winning over the Kingdom of Cormyr, this guy has no use value anymore.

"Okay! I'll give you this face!"

Although Fu Zouer Chamberry was filled with hatred, he still chose to swallow his anger after weighing the pros and cons.

What can I do if I can’t bear it?

I really can’t beat him!

Moreover, he knew very well the evil tyrant nature of Zuo Si hidden under the friendly appearance, and he knew even more clearly that using Yalusel to threaten Cormier to give in would not work at all.

Even if the Iron Princess was gang-raped by a hundred or a thousand orcs and gave birth to hundreds of mixed-race offspring, the other party would not blink an eye, and might even stand aside to give guidance.

Therefore, after realizing that there was no way to gain more benefits, the Tyrant of the Moon Sea decisively chose to stop and leave.

"But...but the treasury can't even get out 300,000 gold coins now."

Schaffa gritted his teeth and spoke in a very ashamed and embarrassed tone about Cormier's dire financial situation.

After all, Assan IV's cross-sea expedition to Leatherman had already consumed a lot of savings from the treasury.

You must know that fighting a war costs the same money, whether it is on Earth or Faerûn, whether it is technology or magic.

Therefore, in history, the more a monarch has established great achievements, the more he can ruin his family.

Often one person can destroy the savings of several generations and even completely destroy the entire country's economic system.

In addition to this war, in order to stabilize the plummeting food prices, the Cormyr treasury and many nobles also emptied their savings, so they were in the most difficult economic situation with the least available funds on hand.

When Fuzuoer Qianberry heard these words, he immediately sneered and said sarcastically: "A kingdom that is so majestic actually gave out three hundred thousand gold coins?

And just threatening to start a war?

Are you sure that after this battle, Cormyr can continue to exist as a country?

Forget it, since you can't come up with money, I allow you to use gems, magic items, weapons and armor, steel, livestock, ships, and food to pay off the debt.

If I remember correctly, the royal family seems to have many heirlooms worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of gold coins. "

"Those are the symbols of the glory of the royal family! How can I give it to a person like you! It is even more impossible to give you food, livestock, ships, weapons, armor and steel. This is equivalent to siding with the enemy."

Shafa did not hesitate to refuse to provide Zhentil Keep with any supplies that could be used in the war.

He is not a fool and knows what the consequences will be if these things fall into the hands of the other party.

"Then what do you think we should do? Don't tell me that you don't even want to pay the ransom of three hundred thousand gold coins."

Fuzoul Chamberlain immediately pulled his face down, and stared at the Iron Princess not far away with vicious eyes, the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

"Oh - let me help the Kingdom of Cormyr advance the payment."

Zuo Si held his head helplessly and sighed.

He obviously no longer wanted to waste time and energy on such boring trivial matters, and he did not want this negotiation to last for hours or even days.

Shafa quickly stood up and bowed deeply: "Thank you very much! I swear on the honor of myself and my family that the kingdom will repay the money as soon as possible with generous interest."

Zuo Si waved his hand gently: "You're welcome. I won't get involved in the rest of the handover. You can handle it yourself, right?"

"No problem! Your Excellency, Fuzoul Chanbury, can we take the princess away now?"

Karadne asked bluntly.

"Of course! She is free now. I will also order the coffins of the other captured knights and the fallen to be delivered as soon as possible."

His Excellency Fu Zouer Chamberry gave a very simple answer in the affirmative.

After receiving permission, Karadenai walked directly in front of Yalusel, grabbed her arm without saying a word and dragged her to an inconspicuous alley outside, and then released her He cast a spell to block the only exit.

After all this was done, she firmly grabbed the collar of the other party's dress and roared angrily: "You self-righteous idiot!

Do you know what a stupid thing you did?

Do you know what kind of pressure the king, queen and the entire royal family are under because of your defeat and capture?

Those nobles who have lost their sons and daughters are clamoring crazily to make you pay the price!

If those corpses cannot be resurrected after being brought back, then not even His Majesty Assan IV can save your life!

The entire Kingdom of Cormyr is in chaos because of you! "

"Then let them kill me! Anyway, I don't want to live anymore!"

Jalusel acted like a zombie and didn't care about anything.

To be exact, from the moment she was defeated and captured, she wanted to end it all with death, so that she no longer had to face the humiliation.

But the problem is that she can't even commit suicide in front of the powerful priest Fuzoer Chamberry.

Even if the person is pierced through the heart or pierced from the eye to the brain, as long as he does not die suddenly, Fuzole Chamberry can save the person within a few seconds.

Even if he dies, he has more than one way to bring someone back to life.

Therefore, in order not to bring shame to the family and not to be tainted by those disgusting monsters, the princess could only choose to endure it temporarily.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, Karadenai finally couldn't bear it and gave Yalusel a slap in the face, then cursed angrily: "You are such a bastard! You want to die after causing such a big mess. avoid responsibility?"

"Otherwise? Will you live like a lost dog after you go back? Endless abuse and accusations every day?"

Yalusel spat out blood-laced spit and completely ignored the red and swollen cheek.

As an extremely proud person, she is willing to accept the cruelest punishment in the world, but she is unwilling to be insulted in the slightest.

"very good!

That's great!

Now, in the name of His Majesty the King, I deprive you of your title of princess and the noble surname of Obaiszil.

From now on, you are no longer a member of the royal family, and you are never allowed to set foot on the land of the Kingdom of Cormyr again.

Iron Princess Yalusel Nakakia Obaiszil is dead, and you are now just a lowly person who doesn’t even have a name.

I want to see how long you can maintain this arrogance and conceit. "

After saying that, Karadna pulled off the gorgeous silk dress of the other party, leaving only the shorts and bra to cover the important parts, and then turned around under the shocked and disbelieving eyes of Yalusel leave.

When the cool sea breeze from the port blew gently, the princess instantly felt a chill and couldn't help but shiver.

There was no doubt that she had guessed that she might be imprisoned, executed, etc., but she never expected this outcome.

what is this?



Or do you want to destroy your self-esteem and pride in this way?

Just when Yalusel didn't understand his father's intention of punishing him like this, several gangsters armed with sticks and daggers suddenly walked in from outside the alley.

You can tell from their attire that they are all Ximen natives and may have been controlled by the Dark Night Mask before.

After the vampires were uprooted, this group of guys became unorganized "street gangs". While avoiding pursuit by patrol soldiers, they managed to survive by robbing homes and robbing passers-by.

When the leading man saw the Iron Princess who was only wearing underwear, his eyes suddenly glowed with frightening green light. He licked his lips and called his subordinates to rush forward together.

"Get away! You dirty bastards, stay away! Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Yalusel warned sternly.

However, with her current appearance, she is really not a deterrent, but rather quite tempting.

The gangster was excited and punched.

The local ruffians laughed unscrupulously.

In less than a second, the two sides became physically involved.

Although at the beginning, Yalusel could barely fight back relying on his well-trained body and professional level.

But the problem is that she now has no armor, no weapons, and no powerful magic equipment. She can only rely on natural weapons such as fists and feet, which are difficult to kill people at once.

After breaking the nose of one unlucky guy and kicking the crotch of another unlucky guy, she finally received a stick on the back of her head, causing her entire body to lose balance instantly.

The rest of the ruffians pounced on her without hesitation, locked the Iron Princess's limbs in a very shameful gesture, and began to try to tear off the last of her clothes.

Perhaps the realization that she would lose something most precious here awakened her female side, and Yalusel, who had always been ashamed of tears, couldn't help crying.

Her crying immediately made the ruffian even more excited.

The fat man at the head wiped the blood from his nose, took off his clothes and said with a grin: "Smelly bitch!

Weren't you very arrogant and capable of fighting just now?

keep going!

You just broke the bridge of my nose, and now I will use another method to retaliate.

Don't worry, it may hurt a little at first, but it will be different soon. "

Just when the fat man was about to press forward, a voice suddenly echoed in the alley.

"If I were you, I would run as far as I can right now. Because this lady is not someone you can afford, let alone anyone who can take advantage of her..."

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