A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 500: Conversation between monarchs (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

In the next few days, there was always a strange atmosphere in the Mage Tower.

Although Yalusel was still trying to maintain his usual arrogance, the guilt revealed in his eyes could not be concealed.

Every time she meets Ayesha by chance, all the muscles in her body will tighten at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, she will be highly nervous, panicked, and even actively choose to avoid it.

There is no doubt that instead of causing trouble for the other party as she wished, this self-righteous woman allowed the other party to get rid of her in one go.

Now the Iron Princess of the Kingdom of Cormyr is like a frightened rabbit.

He was afraid that other people, especially Zuo Si himself, would know about what happened on the sofa.

As everyone knows, Zuo Si has already watched the whole process several times from the perspective of appreciating "art", and even made a detailed analysis of the various psychological techniques used, the step-by-step rhythm control, and the reactions to touching different sensitive parts. Analysis and comments.

If the previous teasing of Yalusel was more spiritual, then now he can even use a more aggressive method to make the dissatisfied princess completely abandon all self-esteem in a few minutes. and integrity.

In addition, compared with Yalusel's nervousness and panic, Aisha looked like a completely fine person, still maintaining her usual reserved, intellectual, and gentle image of a good wife and mother.

It is completely different from the previous situation when he used his rich skills to beat the former in the process of provoking Ji Ji and was unable to fight back.

The most important thing is that judging from her extremely stable mental state, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with this at all.

I have to say that it was beyond Zuo Si's expectation that things could develop to this extent.

It wasn't until he peeked into Aisha's memory and thinking and figured out her true thoughts that he realized how huge the differences in cognition and habits were between women in Kalin shirts and women in other parts of Faerûn.

If women in other places regard marriage and husbands as partners, relatives, and lovers, then they are more inclined to regard these two as a responsibility, a contractual relationship, and a long-term meal ticket.

For most women in Kalinshan, learning the skills to please men, giving birth to children, and using their bodies to provide him with various stimulating services are essentially fulfilling their contractual responsibilities.

Men, on the other hand, are responsible for supporting themselves until death according to the contract.

Even if one day they grow old and lose their luster and cannot make the men they serve become sexually interested in them, the latter must maintain their original support.

Otherwise, this kind of scum will be disgusted, despised, and ostracized by the entire Carlin shirt society.

It is precisely because of this that when men in the upper class of Kalin shirt show off their power and wealth, they are different from Amn merchants who like to make charitable donations. They prefer to tell others how many wives, concubines and slave girls they have.

This is not like some superficial men in modern society on earth showing off their abilities in certain areas.

On the contrary, he is telling the other party that he can afford to support so many women until they maintain a decent and even luxurious life until they grow old and die.

Of course, the above situation only applies to rich people.

Wives from poor families should work and work as well.

But from the moment the wife starts earning money to support the family, her husband loses the right to find a second woman.

Unless the husband suddenly makes a fortune, it can ensure that the wife does not have to work again in the future.

In other words, the relationship between husband and wife in Kalingshan is closer to a transaction than to emotion or love.

The reason women remain loyal to their husbands or masters and tolerate them finding other women is not because they don’t want to pursue freedom and independence, nor does it mean they don’t like those young and handsome teenagers.

Just to ensure that you and your descendants can have a good living environment.

After understanding Aisha's underlying thinking logic, Zuo Si stopped paying too much attention to the slightly complicated and subtle relationship between the two women.

He did not deliberately expose Yalusel to embarrass him, but chose to acquiesce.

Because after a series of preparations, he was finally going to be crowned the monarch of the Amn Empire.

Even Bernard, who funded various rebels in Sambia and bought various industries at low prices, came all the way back.

Since the airship has opened a direct air route to Ximen, it is much more convenient for him to come back than when he went.

At least there is no need to cross the entire Dragon Coast plus the West Heartland region, and then start from Baldur's Gate and take the sea route to Askatra.

When he returned home, this successful businessman who was in the prime of his life first saw his wife sitting in the living room teasing their son, his father-in-law and his best friend.

"Ah! You're finally back, dear Bernard. I've heard all about it. You were a mastermind in Sambia, and you were able to manipulate the oligarchs of Sambia at your fingertips."

Babette Nasiva stood up first and gave Bernard a warm hug.

As he grows older, the heir to the Nasiva family looks significantly more mature, and he also wears a large number of magic items.

You don't need to ask to know that all of this is related to Zuo Si's vigorous promotion of the popularity of magic.

Ever since they realized that the previous way of making money by relying on monopoly expansion was completely unworkable, every powerful family in Ammu began to actively change their direction, began to pay attention to training young people to become arcane spellcasters, and actively involved in related industries.

After all, with the Sword of Damocles hanging over his head, if he continues to amass money crazily and becomes richer and richer, he will be no different from a pig being fattened to be slaughtered.

So how to quickly spend some money to remove yourself from that dangerous list has become a science.

Since they had always been close to Zuo Si and had a lot of cooperation and interest binding, the Nasiva family decisively chose to develop in the direction of arcane magic.

Not only did he send the six smartest and youngest juniors to the academy to receive mage training, he also signed a contract to become a second-level dealer, selling low-level items, scrolls, and potions produced by the academy and the mage tower to the Maztec continent on the other side of the sea. resident.

As the current head of the family, Sir Kelvin firmly believes that as long as he always follows Zuo Si's footsteps, the Nasiva family will never appear on the blacklist that frightens the upper class of Amn society.

To this end, he even sold many properties in Ascatra, including shops, warehouses, manors, etc.

Bernard smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't make fun of me.

You should know that all this has been arranged in advance, and I am just the executor.

By the way, I heard that many big things happened in Amn during the time I left?

How did the Parliament and the Panchayat of Six fail in the power struggle?

And how did the Shadow Thief split into two parts from within? "

There is no doubt that everything in Am was still fine when Bernard left.

But it didn't take long, and when he came back again, the place had completely changed.

Whether it's the huge airship floating in the sky, or the market that has prospered far beyond the limits of cognition, or the man who once came to Askatra from the south with him, but is now about to become the emperor of the Amn Empire. Zuo Si.

Because the change happened so quickly and suddenly, Bernard stayed out of town for a long time and did not have time to go home to see it.

Therefore, for him, the violent sensory impact was like turning everything upside down.

"My brother, it's a long story to talk about these things. To sum it up in one sentence, Lord Soth's growth rate and strength have far exceeded everyone's imagination."

Babette sighed slightly and told everything she knew about the situation.

In particular, it focuses on describing the massacre of the Quant family in Salem, as well as the split and bloody internal fighting of the Shadow Thieves Guild in Amn, as well as the recent dozens of powerful families that were forcibly split up.

About half an hour later, after Bernard received all this information, his face turned pale, and he asked in a slightly trembling voice: "You mean... these are all secretly planned and manipulated by Mr. Soth." ?”

Babette quickly shook her head: "No, I didn't say that.

But he is indeed the biggest beneficiary of this series of events.

And I suggest you call him Your Majesty instead.

Because when the coronation ceremony is over, he will become the supreme emperor of the Amn Empire.

Not only that!

He will also marry the Shan Empire in the south to complete the merger of the two great empires.

Any idea what this means?

This means that His Majesty Soth will become the most powerful and powerful person in Faerun.

The power he possesses is simply unmatched by other noble lords or kings.

We must change our previous attitude and show humility and reverence.

Because any family that did not do this because of youth or other reasons has now either declined or disappeared. "

Sir Kelvin nodded with deep understanding: "Babet is right.

Although you have an extraordinary friendship with Mr. Soth, please do not rely on this.

Quite the opposite!

You need to be extra respectful to keep this precious relationship alive.

Also, before the coronation ceremony begins, you should send a gift that is precious enough to express your attitude as soon as possible.

It just so happened that when our fleet was doing business with the local indigenous people in the Maztec continent some time ago, we exchanged fifty sets of armor and a magic sword for a piece of armor that contained great power and was said to have been blessed by the Feathered Serpent. obsidian.

I asked someone to have it appraised by a mage. It should have a very high magical value, and it is exactly His Majesty Soth's favorite thing.

Later, you can send it as a congratulatory gift in your own name. "


Seeing his father-in-law thinking about him so much, Bernard immediately showed a touch of emotion.

After all, he had been away from Ascaltra for so long that he had no clue at the moment, let alone how to deal with the complicated situation.

"You are welcome.

After all, our two families have been close allies for a long time, and you married my daughter.

Next, in this dramatic change and turmoil, we still need to work together to fight potential dangers.

If all goes well, you and I will become the richest, most powerful and prominent family in this powerful empire. "

After saying that, Sir Kelvin raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, his old eyes shining with the light of ambition.

Unlike those families who are still thinking about how to protect themselves, he has obviously smelled the opportunity from Zuo Si's series of policies, and is eager to become an upstart in this rising empire.

In contrast, Bernard's desire for power is far less intense than that of his father-in-law.

Instead, he went upstairs with his wife to make out for a while, then hugged the child, and then at Sir Kelvin's urging, he took the gifts and headed to the administrative district's office building.

He had learned in advance that Zuo Si was going to meet an important guest here today, the legendary King Assan IV from the Millennium Kingdom of Cormyr.

When I arrived, I found that the place was already crowded with envoys from all over the world, as well as representatives from trade alliances.

However, unlike the legendary wise warrior, Asan IV looked quite tired and distracted at the moment, and he often appeared absent-minded during conversations.

If it hadn't been for the chief mage of the royal family who was on hand to bring things to an end and smooth things over, it would have been a joke by now.

The reason is also very simple!

His Majesty the King was severely plotted by Ximanmen and Culremus.

When he was full of fighting spirit and wanted to block the only way for the enemy to invade, he found that these enemies had already broken into pieces and poured into the hinterland of Cormyr in groups of dozens of people. They had no intention of engaging in a head-on battle. .

In desperation, Assan IV could only lead his army to pursue and intercept as many of these scattered monsters as possible, thus consuming a lot of time and energy.

When he came back to his senses, a report suddenly came from the rear, saying that a powerful monster army appeared near the capital. It not only killed all the troops who went to encircle and suppress them, but also set fire to several of the most important barns in the kingdom. and pasture.

More than two-thirds of the grain stored for the winter was burned directly.

Thousands of war horses and hundreds of thousands of livestock were either killed or robbed, while villages and small towns were massacred and burned.

The nobles who had already calmed down began to accuse the king of failing to fulfill his obligation to protect the common people because of this incident. Some even simply ignored the royal family's orders and began to act as local emperors behind closed doors in their territories.

If he hadn't made a promise before, Assan IV would be busy putting out fires at the moment, so he wouldn't be in the mood to attend any coronation ceremony.

The only thing that made him feel somewhat relieved was that his youngest daughter Yalusel seemed to be doing well here.

Not only was his face rosy and his body maintained as a warrior should be, he was also quite energetic and showed no negative emotions of pain, depression, or despair.

After completing his political performance in front of everyone, saying a lot of useless diplomatic rhetoric, and finally clearly expressing the Kingdom of Cormyr's recognition of Amn's annexation of large areas of northern land, Assan IV stood up and talked to Zuo Si Together we walked into the uppermost floor of the building, the room that originally belonged to the six-member council.

When the door was slammed shut, the legendary king immediately tore off his serious disguise, took off his heavy crown and threw it on the chair next to him. He quickly walked to the table filled with sumptuous food and wine, and raised his crown. He poured himself a large glass from the bottle full of spirits and drank it all in less than two or three seconds.

After drinking a large glass of strong wine, his face suddenly turned a little red, and then he took a long breath and complained: "Huh - I can finally relax. I hate this kind of troublesome and... It was a dull occasion. The stares from those people made me feel uncomfortable."

"Ahem! Your Majesty, please be careful with your language and demeanor. Don't forget that this is not your court in Cormyr."

Chief Archmage Vangelda Hester quickly picked up the crown and reminded him.

But Asan IV waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, don't always talk about the so-called etiquette and royal demeanor. Soth is not one of those guys who only take pride in the glory of his ancestors and his own blood. He is Don’t care about that. Do you think I’m right, young man?”

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "Of course. As a monarch, as long as you don't make mistakes politically and show your demeanor in public, you don't need to worry about boring things like etiquette and etiquette in private."

"Hahaha! See what I just said?"

While talking, Assan IV poured himself another glass, then drank it all with a loud laugh.

Under the influence of alcohol, his originally not very good mental state gradually became hyperactive.

Especially the slightly bloodshot eyes finally showed the sharp edge that a legendary warrior should have.

Fangda Hester sighed helplessly: "Oh - okay, it's up to you. But I suggest you don't drink too much, otherwise if you make a fool of yourself, you will lose the face of the entire royal family and even the Kingdom of Cormyr." .”

"Okay, don't be nagging. Give me some time. I want to have a conversation between the monarch and the monarch with Soth."

Assan IV began to drive people away without ceremony.

Since he has been with the current chief mage for decades, his way of speaking is very direct, and he is not worried about making the other party angry because of inappropriate tone or vocabulary use.

Soon, all the entourage, including Fangda Hester, turned around and left, leaving only two people in the huge room.

Assan IV simply picked up the wine bottle and took a sip. He walked to the window and looked down at the extremely prosperous and lively city of gold coins. After a while, he asked with a smile: "From scratch to something, in just a short time." He became the emperor of such a huge empire within a few years.

I think you must be very proud now, right?

In fact, when I was young and had just succeeded to the throne as the king of Cormyr, my mood was almost exactly the same as yours.

His mind is filled with thoughts on how to surpass everyone else in his achievements and become the greatest monarch in the history of Cormyr and even the entire continent of Faerûn.

To this end, I actively recruit all the forces that can be united to reunite the alienated nobles under the banner of the royal family.

Immediately afterwards, he conquered east and west, suppressing the monsters, bandits and nobles who started rebellion in the kingdom.

It even accomplished an unprecedented feat, which was to defeat an army of nomadic tribes that was more than ten times its size with very few troops.

I have to say, that was the most wonderful moment of my life.

Because just with that one victory, I was enough to engrave my name deeply in the history of this continent. "

Zuo Si also poured himself a cup of hot tea and asked with a half-smile: "Are you summarizing your ruling career?

If the answer is yes, then I think it's still too early.

After all, as a monarch, the final decision can only be made at the moment of death.

And this kind of thing should not be done by oneself or future generations, otherwise it will be difficult to be objective and fair.

It would be best if hundreds or even thousands of years later, the ruling country has completely died out or a new group of rulers has been replaced, and then historians can give an evaluation.

Just like how people today evaluate Netheril and Imaskar.

By the way, I am not as happy or proud as you think about becoming the emperor of the Amn Empire. I am always very peaceful in my heart.

Because in my opinion, today's outcome has been destined from the moment I had the idea. "

"Haha, so in your eyes, there is no luck at all in your success.

Rather, it relies entirely on a clever mind and overwhelming strength, right?

It seems you are more proud and arrogant than I thought. "

Assan IV couldn't help but laugh.

Because he felt that in Zuo Si he saw the same pride, arrogance, ambition and desire to do some shocking feats when he was young.

However, the legendary king obviously made a mistake, that is, he did not realize that although Faerun was important to Zuo Si, it was far from everything.

The West Coast Empire was not established to prove anything, but to show a possibility to all mortals and even the gods.

As for how long this empire can last, and whether it will eventually decline, collapse, and disintegrate due to some reasons in the future, Zuo Si actually doesn't care much, and has no intention of establishing a permanent rule of the family for generations.

Perhaps because he has achieved immortality, he has never been very interested in reproducing offspring and passing on his own genes.

Taking a sip of the slightly bitter hot tea, Zuo Si stood side by side in front of the window sill and said in a very calm tone: "No, His Majesty the King, this is not pride and conceit, but a kind of self-recognition from an objective standpoint. Yes. Do you know what I hate most?"

"What is it?"

Assan IV asked very cooperatively.

"It's luck!

Because it may render all efforts and efforts meaningless;

Let those who should be inspirational protagonists become clowns who can be laughed at;

Let people no longer want to struggle, but to gamble on the illusory probability of luck that is only one in 10,000 or even lower.

I hate the uncertainty of luck, so I have been making various preparations from the beginning, just to deal with the worst possible situation.

After all, friends and family may betray you because of profit, lovers and lovers may abandon you for a new love, and the subordinate who swore loyalty to you may be resentful simply because he did not get the reward he wanted.

But there are two things that will never betray you, that is the knowledge, skills and true power you have learned, as well as the cards you have prepared with a lot of thought.

When you master enough knowledge and skills, your true power is strong enough, and you have a trump card that even the gods are jealous of and fear, then no matter how lucky your enemy is, it will be of no avail and they will still be easily crushed to death.

Do you think I got where I am today because of luck?

But the situation is exactly the opposite.

It makes no difference to me who rules Amn, whether they are backed by gods, demons, or demons, or whether they hold powerful artifacts in their hands.

I will still defeat them and become the supreme master of this country as I do now, and at the same time complete the annexation of large tracts of land in the north.

So like I said before, there is no luck involved, it just depends on whether I want to or not. "

After saying that, Zuo Si lowered his head again and took a sip of the hot tea. His whole body exuded the temperament of a dictatorial tyrant who would rather me than anyone else.

Assan IV was keenly aware of this, and his pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again. After a while, he couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "Damn it! Are young people nowadays so scary? If you don't mind, , can you tell me what exactly you want to bring to this world?"

“Of course it will bring unprecedented prosperity and development.

If I can't do better than you or even any civilization in Toril's history, why should I go to all the trouble to build a huge empire?

As a perfectionist, I always strive for excellence and do my best.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about me threatening the Kingdom of Cormyr in the future.

Because the borders of the empire will no longer continue to expand to the east in the future, but will maintain the status quo.

My next goal is to integrate the Northlands and complete the rule of the west coast of Faerûn. "

Zuo Si expressed his planning and strategic intentions very clearly.

He knows very well that for most small countries and independent city-states, being neighbors with a superpower is definitely a very scary and desperate thing.

Even if the latter sneezes slightly, the former may be seriously affected.

If you are accidentally targeted, other than voluntarily surrendering to get a better treatment, you can only fight to the death with the determination to bite the opponent hard.

Although Cormyr is not a small country, it is definitely not comparable to the West Coast Empire that is about to rise strongly.

Whether it is population, economy, military, or magic research, they are all at an absolute disadvantage.

Maybe the only thing that still has some advantages is culture.

After all, there are quite a few spiritual Cormyrs north of Amn.

Therefore, if Cormier is not given a reassurance, the aristocracy across the country may not even be able to sleep well, and will inevitably become wary and hostile.

After getting Zuo Si's promise that he would not expand eastward, Assan IV obviously relaxed a lot. He poured another sip of strong wine into his throat, licked his lips and asked: "Your attempt to annex the Northland, Waterdeep City, Neverwinter Do the city and the Silver Moon Alliance know?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yeah! I think they should already know it very well.

After all, I've never done anything to hide it.

He even had several private conversations with Kelben, Alustriel, and Lord Nasir.

They all said they didn't mind becoming part of the empire as long as it made the people's lives better and safer.

After all, I've proven my ability to govern through the Trade Alliance, haven't I?

Moreover, what I adopted was economic and cultural integration, not military and forceful means.

Therefore, there will basically not be too intense resistance. "

"I see. So how do you plan to deal with the relationship with the Kingdom of Cormyr?"

After going in circles for a long time, Assan IV finally asked the question he was most concerned about.

It can be said that Cormier is currently facing internal and external troubles and cannot withstand any troubles.

Zuo Si responded without thinking: "It's very simple. Since you are already a member of the trade alliance and are willing to abide by the treaties inside, then we are allies. If necessary, Cormyr can obtain military and economic benefits at any time. multi-faceted support.”

"Oh? You mean I can borrow troops, money, food and weapons resources?"

Assan IV's eyes shone slightly.

He now urgently needs a large amount of money, as well as food, weapons, armor and other supplies to appease the emotions of the people in the country, and at the same time recruit and arm more troops to clean up the raging monsters and enemies as soon as possible.

“Given the size of Cormyr’s territory and economic scale, we can grant you a loan of one million gold coins on behalf of the alliance, with an annual interest rate of 15%.

You can use this money to buy whatever you need, or hire soldiers or adventurers.

In addition, you can also apply for the Trade Alliance to send troops to station and protect a certain area.

In short, these are all written in the document you just signed. "

Zuo Si introduced the benefits that Cormier could enjoy.

He was really speechless for this legendary king with a great reputation.

Because the other party may have outstanding talents and talents in politics and military affairs, but they are completely ignorant in the economic field.

The treaty to join the Trade Alliance was not even read at all, and was thrown directly to the Chief Archmage.

The latter confirmed that there was no problem, and Assan IV signed and sealed it without hesitation.

"One million gold coins? The annual interest rate is only 15%? Oh my God! So there are such benefits! So what are you waiting for! I want it now!"

Assan IV threw down the empty wine bottle and stretched out his calloused hand without saying a word.

You must know that Faerun's financial lending business does not have the terrifying compound interest rate, but it is also not a good thing.

Annual interest rates generally range from fifty to more than seventy percent.

Generally speaking, it can only be used as short-term capital turnover.

If you borrow money for a long time, you will soon be unable to pay back the interest.

Therefore, the trade alliance's loan with an annual interest rate of 15% can definitely be regarded as a conscience, and it is so low that businessmen find it unbelievable.

It is precisely because of this policy that various towns and even noble lords are trying to squeeze in.

In their view, as long as they borrow money and start some production or business, they can definitely earn double or even triple profits within a year.

Therefore, they basically borrowed as much as they could, and even used the family's castle and territory as collateral.

Zuo Si held his head and reminded: "Are you sure you don't need to discuss it with your subordinates and staff?

You must know that loans must be repaid on time.

Otherwise, once problems arise, the credit rating of the Kingdom of Cormyr will be lowered.

Not only would face be lost, but tax revenue would also be used as collateral for a forced takeover. "

"Um... Then I'd better go back and discuss it with Fangda Hester first."

Assan IV was instantly frightened.

Although he is notoriously insensitive to money and finances, he also knows that 15% of a million gold coins is 150,000 gold coins.

That's a lot of money given Cormier's dire finances right now.

What's more, the Cormyr royal family still owes Zuo Si himself a debt of 300,000 gold coins.

"Don't worry, you can discuss it slowly. The loan of one million gold coins is always valid, as long as you submit an application in the name of the country."

A hint of playfulness flashed through Zuo Si's eyes, and he comforted softly.

Although the other party wore magical equipment such as protective charm and thought detection, he was still keenly aware of the financial difficulties faced by the Kingdom of Cormyr from the reaction of Assan IV.

This is an obvious opportunity to expand the influence of the trade alliance, but also an excellent time to economically penetrate and control the country.

It's a pity that Assan IV didn't realize this at all. Instead, he smiled happily: "Thank you! This may be the best news I have heard in recent times.

Although it is a pity to lose the right to mint money.

But I can already see the huge benefits of joining a trade alliance.

And I'm really looking forward to seeing those huge airships carrying cargo descend on Cormyr's capital city of Susar.

Finally, please allow me to thank you as a father for taking in and sheltering Yalusel. "

"You're welcome. I personally admire the Iron Princess's character and talents, as well as her beauty that is completely different from ordinary women."

While saying these words, Zuo Si turned his eyes to Yalusel standing on a horse in a military uniform outside the window.

In particular, the tight-fitting breeches and corset tops sewn with special materials made her plump and uneven figure look particularly alluring.

Some of the spiritual Cormyrians from the North were even drooling after seeing this.

Several young people who appeared to be nobles and wealthy businessmen wanted to come together to send flowers or show courtesy due to the tendency of semen, but they only received contemptuous and dismissive looks from the proud princess.

Obviously, Yalusel may have lost his royal status, but he is still a proud white swan, which is definitely not something that a toad can touch.

"How are you going to arrange for my daughter? Let her be your lover? I can see that she is hopelessly and crazily obsessed with you." Assan IV asked in a low voice.

Zuo Si replied nonchalantly: "Maybe, maybe not.

Who can say clearly what will happen in the future.

But one thing I can guarantee.

That means she will definitely live a very happy life, and can do whatever she wants just like now. "

"Well, maybe you're right.

Promise me to take good care of her and make her happy.

As long as you do this, I guarantee that the Cormyr royal family will always be your most loyal allies.

Even if Tynarasta becomes queen after my death, this will not change. "

After saying that, Assan IV turned around and opened the door and walked out, intending to follow the bank's aides to discuss the loan.

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth with a sinister smile, stood there and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Ally?

No, my dear King, it is not the friendship and loyalty of the royal family of Cormyr that I want.

Rather, he is a puppet and vassal who is completely subordinate to my will.

Jalousel is the key to achieving this goal.

I guarantee you that after becoming the legal queen of Cormyr, she will be very, very happy..."

The words have not yet been spoken!

A familiar figure who looked slightly fatter walked in from the door, put one hand on his chest and bowed respectfully.

"Bernard? When did you come back?"

Zuo Si raised his head and looked at the other person up and down in surprise.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, this talented businessman has obviously gained a lot of weight.

It may be that when I was in Sambia, I had to go to the oligarchs' houses every day to attend various dances and banquets, so I ate so well that I was seriously over-nutritional.

Especially the heavily protruding belly and the chin that shows four layers of wrinkles when you smile, all filled with fat.

"I just came back not long ago. I heard that you were going to hold a coronation ceremony to become the emperor of the Amn Empire, so I came here specially to give you a gift to express my gratitude. From now on, I will change my name to Your Majesty from Your Excellency."

Bernard is obviously a very smart and tactful person, and he expresses his attitude without any psychological barriers.

At his wave, the servants quickly came in carrying a heavy box and carefully placed it on the ground.

The moment it was opened, a piece of obsidian weighing two to three hundred kilograms appeared in front of everyone.

"This is……"

With the special vision given by the silver fire, Zuo Si noticed the extraordinary nature of this stone at a glance.

Bernard hurriedly explained: "It comes from the Maztec continent. According to the locals, it was blessed by the feathered serpent, so it is very precious and rare. I thought you would like it, so I brought it here."

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, I really like it. It should be used to make a powerful magic item."

"As long as you like it. In addition to this gift, I also brought the situation of the Sambian Civil War. Do you want to take a look?"

Bernard took out a notebook that was three fingers thick and densely filled with accounts and fine print.

You don't need to ask to know that it must be all aid to various rebel armies, as well as taking advantage of the opportunity to acquire a large number of properties at almost cabbage prices.

In just a few months, Amn merchants bought almost half of Sembia, leaving only the towns and lands still under the control of the oligarchs.

"No, no need."

Zuo Si waved his hand indifferently.

As the cyberpunk city on the other side of hell develops better and better, Mirrodin, which has a large amount of metal resources, is about to become a treasure, and he no longer looks down on this profit.

Bernard immediately pretended to be moved and bowed: "Thank you for your trust.

But I think it’s better to report it.

According to current calculations, when the Sambia Civil War ends, the total value of the land and various industries we currently control will reach hundreds of millions of gold coins.

Of course, there is certainly no way to monetize all of these things.

Especially a lot of land, mountains, woods, lakes and rivers.

Based on the previously determined share ratio, you can get about 70% of it.

Because many of the families involved in it no longer exist..."

Before he could finish speaking, Bernard suddenly felt an indescribable fear and trembling in the air.

He turned around suddenly, only to see a half-elf tiefling with horns on his head and a slender tail appearing at the door from nowhere.

The guards outside seemed to have not seen the intruder at all. They were still standing there motionless. They were obviously under the influence of control and charm spells.

The tiefling ignored the businessman with shock and fear in his eyes. He walked closer with graceful and light steps, stood on tiptoes, stretched out his pink tongue and licked Zuo Si's cheek, and said in a half-joking tone: " Dear Soth, it’s really not easy to meet you.”

"Are you...Gracia?"

Zuo Si instantly confirmed the true identity of the half-elf tiefling in front of him through the special aura of the plane lord.

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