A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 601 The strong have the right not to make a choice (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that the brief battle between Zuo Si and the Lich attracted countless eyes in the camp.

Especially those who do not understand his true identity realize for the first time what the title "God's Chosen" represents.

In just a few days, a dying young man who was hiding in a village barn and almost died, under the guidance of the gods, gained the power to confront the lich, a terrifying and intelligent undead, and even beat the opponent to the point where he did not dare to fight. Close to the campsite.

Whether it was the rain of holy light arrows that filled the sky in the first strike or the shockingly destructive Super Pyroblast, they didn't look like a novice at all, but like those famous great mages of Dalaran.

Since many people had seen Jaina casting spells on the way to Stratholme, they didn't know anything about it.

They knew very well that even the chief mage of the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran, a young female mage who was hailed as a genius by Anthony Das, could not master two or more magical energies with completely different attributes at the same time and use them according to the rules. Shape your own will into various shapes.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, this sudden power comes from God's gift, and its principle should be the same as those priests who obtain magic and knowledge out of thin air.

If you are selected, you can also become equally powerful in a very short time.

Therefore, everyone became extremely fanatical, eager to attract the attention of the gods through brave battles and devout beliefs, and still did not flinch even in the face of countless undead.

The originally precarious defense line has become rock solid under the influence of high morale, and partial pushback has been achieved in some places.

The militiamen and the fleeing Stratholme residents worked together to build defenses using whatever was available nearby.

They even used thick wooden piles as beams and placed them over the narrow entrance passage, then tied a strong rope with a net at the end to catch the heavy stones, and used the pendulum principle to pull them to a high point.

When a large number of undead rush in, suddenly let go of the dragging rope and let it crash down with thunderous force.

Under the influence of gravity acceleration, a large number of ghouls, zombies and skeletons can often be beaten to pieces in one go.

Just placing a few along the way can cause unimaginable damage to the enemy.

In addition, digging soil to build a high slope, lighting haystacks on top and pushing down can also produce very good effects.

Unlike frontal field battles, which usually involve head-on confrontation and some tactical coordination, defense based on towns and camps often does not require too much combat experience and discipline.

As long as you use your brain, you can always come up with some methods that cause headaches to the attackers.

Even civilians can take advantage of the terrain to kill enemies several times their size as long as they can overcome their initial fear.

Not to mention that the opponent is a low-level undead idiot who has no IQ and only knows how to obey orders and rush forward without thinking.

After withstanding the first round of the most violent and dangerous impact, the previously panicked militiamen and Stratholme residents suddenly discovered that the undead army was actually nothing.

After suppressing the most threatening magical plague, the so-called undead are nothing more than beasts without fear and fear of death.

If their limbs are cut off, they will become disabled and lose their ability to move and attack.

So the militiamen who were used to poking their chests with spears turned to poking their heads or knees.

The former can kill in one hit to a certain extent, while the latter can make the undead move extremely slowly and without any threat.

Wait for the opponent to crawl closer and then ask your companions holding long-handled war hammers or axes to smash them into pieces.

Since the walls of the camps ordered by Alsace were very high, and the passages connecting the internal camps were very narrow and could only accommodate three or four people passing side by side, the undead could not take advantage of their numerical advantage at all.

In addition, the Curse Sect had just risen at this time, and the main legions of the Lich King were in the distant continent of Northrend. The Eastern Kingdom did not have flying units such as gargoyles, banshees, and frost dragons. It was impossible to face a solid defensive offensive. There is no good solution.

Not to mention flying units, even the number of abominations and meat grinders were very sparse, and they could not form a natural disaster that could sweep everything.

This is why their strategy is to infect densely populated towns with plague, rather than choosing to attack directly.

Seeing that the cannon fodder under his command was being consumed but could not achieve any results, the Lich finally became a little impatient and kept trying to mobilize ghouls to climb the wall to lure Zuo Si to attack, while he hid behind and waited for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack. Use this to drain this dangerous enemy's mana.

After all, he can "eat" the undead creatures he controls to restore vitality and mana through death contracts and dark rituals, so he is not afraid of fighting a protracted war of attrition.

As long as we can win in the end and wipe out all the priests who have the ability to purify the plague, it will be worthwhile even if the entire army that has been accumulated with great difficulty is exhausted.

What's more, the Lich is very much looking forward to capturing this young man with powerful spellcasting ability alive, and then presenting him to the great Lich King, and then being reborn in the form of death to join the Scourge.

In fact, the Scourge Legion has always done a pretty good job in attracting talents.

Just the corner of Dalaran is so dignified.

Kel'Thuzad is only the most famous of them, and there are many others who are attracted by the knowledge of death and necromancy.

At this stage, all lichs are basically transformed from mages born in Dalaran. This can be seen from their iconic tactics and spell-casting habits.

"Give up, young man, you can't win this war even if you defeat me.

Because death is the final destination of all life.

No matter how much you struggle or delay, you are only temporarily delaying its arrival.

One day you will bow to death and succumb to this great power.

What's more, I am just the vanguard of the Scourge, another insignificant servant of a great will.

If you are willing to surrender, you will definitely be able to gain more forbidden knowledge and power, and ultimately defeat death and gain eternal life. "

While releasing biting frost spells, the lich tried to use language to seduce Zuo Si and interfere with his thinking and spellcasting.

But unfortunately it was all in vain.

Maybe others don't know who is behind the Curse Sect and the Scourge Legion, but Zuo Si obviously knows it all.

And for the first generation Lich King Ner'zhul, his evaluation has always been "pure trash", and he has never been on the stage from beginning to end.

Whether it was being manipulated by Kil'jaeden at the beginning, allowing the orcs to destroy and massacre the Draenei living in Draenor, and finally fell under the control of the Burning Legion;

After the rise of Gul'dan and the Shadow Council, he pretended to be a turtle to save his life, watching the orcs drink the blood of demons and turn into a group of brutal and bloodthirsty monsters;

Or he opened the portal crazily, causing the land of his hometown to be torn apart, and he fell into the hands of Kil'jaeden, the commander of the Burning Legion. His soul suffered indescribable torture, and was then transformed by evil magic and became The Lich King, the tool used by the Legion to invade Azeroth;

In the end, even when he merged with Arthas, he was defeated by the latter and turned into a pathetic clown.

It can be said that the second half of Ner'zhul's life was from one failure to another greater failure.

He is both greedy and cowardly, even a little despicable and shameless, but he is too timid to abandon all humanity and fall into darkness completely.

Perhaps the only bright spot was that he successfully backstabbed the Burning Legion and escaped Kil'jaeden's control in the Third War, but that was it.

So Zuo Si has always had nothing but contempt, contempt and disdain for Ner'zhul.

If it were an invitation from the Burning Legion, he might give it some thought.

At least the evil energy technology of their army is really powerful. From ultra-long-distance communication across the universe to portal networks all over the planets, as well as huge interstellar battleship formations, it can be said that it has almost everything.

Mechanical Gundams like the Mana Mecha and constructs like the Hellfire are not advanced technologies at all in the eyes of the Legion.

Do you think people do magic?

But in fact, people's technological level has reached a very high level, and it is completely possible to fight an interstellar war in space.

But the Lich King and the Scourge...

Sorry, a third-rate force that doesn't even understand the continent of Northrend, and its leader is a weakling, just stay where you can.

Zuo Si felt that any hesitation at all was detrimental to his identity.

So he just rolled his eyes and fired a holy light spell with his backhand to penetrate the Lich's chest. A dazzling golden light emitted near the wound and continued to burn the surrounding bones.


The pain caused by his soul being burned immediately made the latter scream, and he quickly retreated with eyes filled with vigilance and fear.

As a sacred energy that restrains death, Holy Light can not only be used to heal injuries, but can also cause huge damage to undead creatures.

Arthas would often hit the Holy Light directly on the head of a ghoul, burning it into a black carbonized mass.

Just when the Lich was about to devour the undead creatures around him again to recover, a shout of killing suddenly came from the direction of Stratholme City Gate in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a group of heavily armed soldiers from the Kingdom of Lordaeron rushed out from inside and plunged directly behind the undead army at lightning speed.

The one who rushed to the front was none other than Prince Alsace, whose whole body was shining with golden light.

Obviously, after learning that the camp outside the city was besieged by the undead army, he immediately led his team to fight back.

And counting the time, this army has been fighting for several hours. They are quite exhausted both mentally and physically. They must rest and replenish food and water.

"Damn it!"

Upon seeing this, the Lich immediately understood that he had lost his chance, turned around and wanted to retreat with the remaining undead.

"Isn't it too disrespectful for you to retreat so blatantly?"

Zuo Si immediately abandoned the already safe camp and pursued them directly.

Although I haven't mastered the teleportation magic in this world yet, it doesn't mean that there is no way to get the right teleportation magic.

"Stop him!"

The Lich quickly gave orders to the two giant stitched abominations around him.

He could obviously feel the huge crisis he was currently facing, so he channeled arcane energy to teleport away without even thinking about it.

After receiving the order, Abomination immediately took steps and charged like two heavy trucks.

Many retreating ghouls, zombies and skeletons were crushed by their huge feet, making a creepy sound.

"Don't worry about Stitched Abomination! Interrupt the Lich's spellcasting concentration first! Don't let him run away!"

Arthas single-handedly fought his way through the countless undead, shouting at the top of his lungs.

From the murderous look in his eyes and the armor that was almost stained red with blood, it is not difficult to tell that he has killed a large number of residents in Stratholme City, and now he wants to kill this lich to vent the irrepressible anger in his heart. Anger and hatred.

"You can't run away."

Zuo Si raised his hands and began to chant a spell that no one could understand.

In the blink of an eye, the sacred energy that terrified all undead souls condensed in the palm of his hand, and a white light that was 10,000 times more dazzling than the sun bloomed.

Just when the Lich was about to complete the teleportation, his entire body was instantly hit by a white beam of light falling from the sky.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

I saw the Lich's body quickly disintegrating in the middle of this white light pillar, turning into dust and scattering in the wind.

After the light beam disappeared, not even a trace of residue was left.

Arthas and the soldiers behind him were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

Especially the prince himself, who had fought against such undead creatures before, knew how terrifying and difficult the lich was.

He clearly had the upper hand several times and was almost able to kill him, but in the end he was still able to escape.

But now, a rural youth who was powerless just a few days ago can gain such amazing power under the guidance of God. It would be a lie to say that he is not envious.

Arthas even had the idea of ​​abandoning the Holy Light and Paladin professions and embracing the God of Contract.

As long as he can obtain enough power to kill Mal'Ganis, he is willing to pay any price for it, let alone just a mere belief.

Obviously, Zuo Si used the [Immortal Return to Death] among the six-ring magic.

The function of this spell is that each priest level can destroy undead creatures with a total level of LV1 to LV4. Even an LV11 priest who has just obtained the sixth-ring magic can kill the undead of LV11 to LV44 with the help of [Return to Death].

The highest can even reach the terrifying value of LV20 to LV80.

In other words, as long as there are no corresponding protective measures, magic resistance and immunity, even the legendary lich will be destroyed after being hit by one shot, and there is no possibility of survival at all.

It is precisely because of this spell that high-level priests are called undead nemesis.

The container currently controlled by Zuo Si can cast nine-ring magic, so the lowest priest level is LV17, and even the middle value is LV34.

Kel'Thuzad may not be able to reach this level after transforming into a great lich. An ordinary lich that doesn't even deserve to have a name will basically die if hit.

Of course, since the lich in this world also has something similar to a phylactery, as long as the phylactery is not destroyed, it will not be long before he will be resurrected again.

With the death of the supreme commander of the undead army, the remaining undead with little ability to think quickly fell into chaos and collapsed.

The two super giant suture abominations that rushed up were also eliminated one by one with the help of Arthas.

When the sun set in the evening, the battle finally came to an end with the victory of the human side.

The entire land outside Stratholme was already covered with mutilated corpses, as well as the stench of embalming fluid and rotting meat.

In order to prevent the plague contained in the undead corpses from contaminating the land and water sources, soldiers, militiamen, and residents of Stratholme who had received treatment suppressed their nausea, collected the broken corpses, piled them together, and burned them.

The soaring fire could be seen clearly from several kilometers away.

Such a tragic scene made everyone lose their appetite for eating meat. They just drank some oatmeal and gnawed two pieces of bread to restore their energy.

"What a bad day, isn't it?"

Looking at the eyes of those residents of Stratholme with either fear or hatred, Arthas couldn't help but make a bitter self-mockery.

He knew very well that what he did today would probably never be understood, but he did not regret it.

Because if you don't do this, there won't be a single living person in Stratholme, and even the surrounding areas will be affected.

"Yeah, it's been a bad day indeed. Here, drink some tea and relax."

Zuo Si casually handed over the cup that Gianna had used before.

The prince obviously didn't notice this detail, or he wasn't in the mood to pay attention to what Jaina had been doing recently. He subconsciously took it and took a big sip, savoring the bitter taste with a hint of sweetness with his taste buds. , it took a full minute before he let out a long breath.

"Phew - thank you, I feel much better now. To be honest, I am very lucky to still have allies like you with me, otherwise I don't know if I will be able to persist tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Even without us, you will persevere. Because you are Arthas, the man destined to become the King of Lordaeron." Zuo Si responded calmly.

“The man destined to become the King of Lordaeron?

You are such a comforter.

After doing this, I don’t know how my father will react.

He might disinherit me in anger and exile me to calm the anger and fear of the people. "

Alsace's tone was full of pessimism and despair.

Even Jaina, with whom he had the closest relationship, and Uther, whom he once admired the most, could not understand him. He did not think that the stubborn father of the king would understand that this bloody massacre was actually to save the kingdom.

"You are too pessimistic, my dear Prince. Believe me, no matter what happens, you are destined to become the king of Lordaeron."

Zuo Si made a prophecy meaningfully.

After all, killing all living people and turning them into undead is also a way of ruling.

Although the regime established by the death knight Arthas was later conspired to overthrow by Sylvanas and the Dread Lords, he was still the king of Lordaeron for a period of time.

"Is this a prophecy from the gods?"

The prince's eyes widened suddenly as if he noticed something.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, you can understand that this is a prophecy from God. But the process and results may be a little different from what you imagined."

"It doesn't matter!

My ability to inherit the throne of Lordaeron means that the Cult of the Damned and the Scourge will eventually be defeated.

Peace and tranquility will also be restored to the kingdom.

Thank you my friend, you and your God have helped me tremendously.

I will keep this kindness in mind and fulfill my promise the moment I become king. "

When he said these words, Alsace's mood obviously became much higher, and a fire called hope ignited in his heart.

In response, Zuo Si just responded with a polite smile and said nothing.

The two of them sat around the campfire, eating soft bread that had just been baked, and chatting about the situation in Stratholme City.

Because the news that the prince was massacring civilians spread rapidly in the streets, and many people died of the plague and were quickly transformed into undead and attacked the living, the city was now completely in disorder and chaos.

Some families gather together to seal the doors and windows of a sturdy building to ward off threats from the streets outside;

Others give up on themselves and start robbing, raping, and killing people, hoping to indulge themselves before they die.

The most important thing is that the fear lord Mal'Ganis has personally ended his life, constantly transforming residents into one of the undead. From time to time, he will also send out ghouls, mages of the Cursed Sect, and Stitch Abominations to launch sudden attacks.

Today alone, more than 150 soldiers died in this mysterious attack.

Obviously, in addition to the stated reasons for purifying Stratholme, Arthas had another unspoken reason.

That is, it is much easier to kill living people who are sick and weak due to the plague than to kill the undead who do not know what fear is.

Due to the very limited military strength, if like Uther and Jaina, they do nothing and watch the situation worsen, and wait until the residents begin to be converted on a large scale before trying to clean up, the casualties and costs required will be several times what they are now. Times or even ten times or dozens of times.

After a simple dinner, Alsace, who was exhausted after a day of fighting, soon lay down in the tent, closed his eyes and snored.

He didn't even take off the armor on his body, and at the same time he was holding the warhammer tightly in his hand, obviously ready to wake up and join the battle at any time.

As the prince's adjutant and personal bodyguard, Captain Farric couldn't help but sigh softly after noticing this, picked up a slightly worn blanket and gently covered it, then walked to the bonfire outside and sat down, Several times I wanted to say something, but I held back when things got tough.

After repeating it seven or eight times, he took a sip of wine and summoned up the courage to say, "I discovered some problems during today's battle."

"Oh? What is it?"

Zuo Si asked casually.

"That terrible demon Mal'Ganis!

It seemed that he was deliberately irritating His Highness the Prince to massacre more Stratholme residents.

Every time this guy got an advantage, he would stop and taunt him unscrupulously, causing the prince to completely lose his mind and kill like crazy in anger.

If it was once or twice I probably wouldn't even notice.

But the other party did it more than six times today. "

Captain Farrick expressed his worries at once.

Because during the killing process, the fierce and bloodthirsty expression on Alsace's face made him feel strange and frightened.

At the same time, the way those sick civilians begged before dying also made all the soldiers involved in this operation feel extremely painful.

Compared with physical pain, this kind of mental torture is the most deadly.

This is why the Scarlet Crusade, an organization that reveals extreme and madness from its core, was born after the undead natural disaster ravaged the world.

To be precise, almost every one of the people who joined it after the war was mentally disturbed.

Apart from revenge against the Scourge and the Lich King, they couldn't find any other reason or meaning to support their survival.

Of course, Farric obviously doesn't need to worry about this.

Because of Alsace's level of "nostalgia", he would definitely kill this loyal lieutenant after getting Frostmourne and turn him into an undead spirit to accompany him forever.

Just like when he became a death knight, he immediately resurrected his former beloved horse, Invincible.

Zuo Si looked at this young man with a personality as radical as Alsace with slightly pitiful eyes, and whispered: "Your observation is very keen, at least much sharper than our prince. But he didn't even notice a little bit. Come on, this is a trap for yourself."

"What? You mean... Mal'Ganis is deliberately irritating His Highness the Prince so that he can massacre his own people? Then what is his purpose? To destroy the Prince's reputation?"

Farric stood up suddenly and clenched his fists.

"No, he probably wants to make the prince become colder and numb in the killing, and eventually turn into another person completely different from what he is now. And Stratholme is a game made by the enemy. From the prince's difficult choice From the moment he fell into the trap."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything and told the captain in front of him the truth openly.

The reason why he dared to do this was because he knew that even if he knew the truth in advance, the other party would be unable to do anything.

Farric could not persuade Arthas to stop purifying Stratholme, nor could he stop the Dread Lord from provoking him again and again, and even he would unknowingly fall into it.

There is no way, this is the tragedy of the weak, being led by the nose from beginning to end, constantly being forced to make wrong choices.

To use a more appropriate analogy, Alsace's current predicament is like facing a robber who kidnapped his family, and then the other party asked him to choose between killing one of the two children, otherwise he would kill both children. die.

In this case, no matter which outcome is chosen, it is bound to be a tragedy.

Because the weak cannot capture or even kill the robber before he hurts any child.

But if you were a strong person, you wouldn't have to make any choices and just rush in to deal with the robbers and save your family.

Therefore, the great thing about strong people is that they can always step outside the rules of the game and have the power to not be forced to make any choice.

And Zuo Si obviously already has such power.

Any form of threats and intimidation will only result in his retaliation tenfold or a hundredfold.

But unfortunately, Arthas did not have such power. Even after becoming the Lich King, he was still just a pawn.


Farric raised his fist and punched the ground hard, creating a small pit. The expression on his face was even more ferocious and scary.

Obviously, he knew that he could do nothing but watch his enemy's plot succeed.

After all, Arthas's stubbornness was no worse than that of his father, King Terenas, in fact, it was even worse.

After finishing the conversation, Zuo Si got up to treat the injured soldiers, militiamen and civilians, and also checked how the patients infected with the plague were recovering.

If someone is found to be unable to hold on and starts to go into coma and shock, they have to be carried to the other side of the fence to prevent them from suddenly turning into an undead and jumping up to hurt people.

After a day of busy treatment, more than 90% of the people have improved significantly.

But there were also hundreds of them who couldn't hold on, and now they had turned into zombies, roaring in the isolation area and stretching out their arms to catch people.

When the militiamen guarding the area find out, they will immediately kill the person and drag the body outside to be burned.

When the sky darkened completely, Zuo Si said hello to Lanni and left the military camp alone into the Stratholme city area.

Although it was already midnight, the visibility was very high.

Because the fire that shot up into the sky lit up the whole city.

Almost more than a quarter of the wooden houses were burning, and the fire was spreading in all directions with the night wind.

Despite a day of rescue and massacre, there are still a considerable number of residents in the city.

In the crackling sound of burning wood in the fire, you can occasionally hear hysterical laughter, the screams and cries of women when they are violated, and the painful wails of women who are trapped in the house and burned alive...

There is no doubt that Stratholme at this moment is a complete purgatory.

Law and order have long since disappeared, leaving only a group of ordinary people who completely collapsed in the face of death and fear.

"Oh - it's really a bit miserable."

Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh.

Although the ability to empathize is weak and cannot produce true empathy, and there is no reaction of sadness and tears, there is still a certain amount of compassion based on values.

If his true form or avatar were here, he would definitely take action to save the city and its residents.

But the problem is that he only has a ray of consciousness now, and the container is temporarily selected for use. Even Mal'Ganis, a weakling fear devil, may not be able to defeat him, so he is not qualified to save others.

So Zuo Si didn't pay attention to the crime that was happening, nor did he try to save anyone. Instead, he walked straight towards the temporary base established by the undead here.

His goal tonight was to test Mal'Ganis' strength, confirm the upper limit of what his body could achieve, and then formulate the next plan based on the feedback.

At the same time, the magical kingdom of Dalaran far to the south.

Jaina was having a heated argument with her mentor, Antony Dath, about the magical plague.

"How many times have I said this!

If this plague was really created by Kel'Thuzad with the help of psychic magic, then it would be impossible to develop an antidote in a short time.

Because in the field of psychic magic, there is no other person in the entire Dalaran who has gone further and studied deeper than him.

So give up your unrealistic ideas, magic is not something that can be achieved overnight.

You can't save the people of Stratholme, and neither can I. "

The Archmage held his forehead and reprimanded in a very stern tone.

“But how do those priests who believe in the God of Contract do it?

They can obviously use herbs and a kind of magic to turn pure water into holy water.

All plague-infected people who drank the holy water, as long as they were healthy and their symptoms were not particularly severe, could quickly improve and recover.

See, I've got the recipes for their potions and herbal drinks back. "

With that said, Jaina took out the parchment given by Zuo Si before leaving from her pocket and placed it on the table.

Antonidas subconsciously took it and glanced at it twice, and immediately raised his eyebrows in surprise: "They are all new formulas?! This God of Contract seems to have something."

Jaina answered without thinking: "Of course! I have personally seen those priests perform magic that they claim to be divine, and every one of them is unheard of and unseen. So I feel that as long as I ask for their help, I can quickly develop a cure for the plague." antidote."

"Thos, the God of Contract...

It seems we need to pay more attention to this sudden sect.

Compared with the plague that is spreading in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, this is an object that needs to be focused on.

Because he can give believers power, which is obviously not something that can be done casually.

And I haven't found any records about this in the library. "

Antonidas said to himself while stroking the thick white beard on his chin.

As the supreme leader of the Magic Kingdom, he has free access to all the knowledge in the city, so he knows that there are many powerful beings in this world.

Including the wild demigods born from the power of life and nature, the powerful lords from the elemental plane, the Loa god believed by the trolls, the five guardian dragons, and the many guardians left behind by the Titans...

In short, only those beings that are powerful beyond imagination can bestow knowledge and power on mortals.

And any such existence can cause devastating damage and disasters at any time.

Among them, the most detailed record is that of Ragnaros, the Firelord, who single-handedly changed the terrain and created Blackstone Mountain, Searing Gorge and Burning Plains.

Since dwarves and humans are allies, this history can be read in the Ironforge library.

In addition, Dalaran originally studied various magical powers and supernatural life, and was inextricably linked to the Council of Tirisfal, so it was often extremely sensitive and vigilant in this regard.

"Do you think the coming of the God of Contract is a threat?" Jaina asked in an uncertain tone.

Antonidas hesitated for a moment and quickly shook his head: “I don’t know, I can’t make a judgment yet.

Although your report mentioned what the other party did, this is still a short period of time, and you still need to continue to observe.

But thinking on the bright side, if this is really a kind and benevolent god, then it might not be a bad thing for mankind and even the entire world.

At least we can get a powerful protector in exchange for our faith.

Then there will be no need to be timid when dealing with threats like demons. "

"What about the plague? Are we just going to watch it raging in the Kingdom of Lordaeron? Watching countless innocent people die?"

Jaina persevered and continued to ask.

“I will bring it up at the regular meeting tomorrow.

There is no guarantee whether it will pass.

You should know that the atmosphere in Dalaran today is very tense.

As large numbers of orcs escaped from the concentration camps and pillaged towns and villages along the way, many began to attack the decision to contain these bloodthirsty monsters in the first place.

And your father Dailin is the most fierce one among them, and he also plans to personally lead the fleet to capture all the escaped orcs and execute them.

Many members of the alliance who had a bloody feud with the orcs supported him.

Dalaran has also been divided into two factions, and they are currently quarreling.

Before fighting for a result, they had no intention of paying attention to other things.

Even King Terenas didn't take the plague in Lordaeron seriously, so how could the archmages of Dalaran take it seriously?

So I suggest you don't have high expectations. "

It is not difficult to hear from Antony Das's words how much damage the orcs led by Thrall caused to the Kingdom of Lordaeron and even the entire alliance by wandering around.

After all, compared to the cursed sects and undead natural disasters that have never been heard of, the threat of orcs is real, and has been fully proven in the previous two wars.

Even the strongest warriors among humans are at a disadvantage when faced with these fierce and bloodthirsty green-skinned monsters.

His astonishing strength and terrifying violent talent make him invincible in melee combat.

Coupled with strong pain tolerance and ability to resist blows, he is born to be an excellent warrior.

Therefore, whether to prevent the orcs from rising again or to quell the opposition within the alliance, King Terenas must first transfer his troops to the southern region to solve the trouble caused by the orcs' escape.

This is also the reason why Alsace is a prince but has very few troops.

It's not that Terenas doesn't want to give him more, but that there really isn't any more.

Thrall and the orcs were actually one of the important factors in the rapid spread of the plague in the north, eventually leading to the destruction of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Moreover, the casualties and destruction caused by these guys are no worse than those of the undead.

Although Thrall has always claimed that he wants to break away from the dark history of the past and lead the orcs to regain their lost shamanic faith and glory.

The problem is that the orcs used to have a typical nomadic tribal structure.

Anyone who knows anything about nomadic tribes knows what this means.

Therefore, it is completely normal for things like massacring civilians, looting property, raping women, and setting fire to villages to happen during battles.

Anyway, as a great chief, it was impossible for him to keep an eye on other clans operating alone twenty-four hours a day.

Not to mention that there is a bloodthirsty and warlike guy like Grom Hellscream, and the Warsong clan under his command who are also not good at anything...

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