A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 602 Dear Malganis, you don’t want to either (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Chapter 602 Dear Mal'Ganis, you don't want to either... (A 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Late at night, the entire Stratholme was still shrouded in fear and despair, and chaos spread everywhere with the flames rising into the sky.

But there was only one place that was not affected at all. Instead, it was so quiet that it was scary.

This is a cemetery located in the southwest corner of the city that was originally used to bury the dead. However, it was later secretly infiltrated and occupied by the Cursed Sect, and then a large number of corpses buried inside were resurrected.

With the appearance of the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis, a black ziggurat rose from the ground and became the base of the Scourge here.

Most of the civilians who were transformed into undead during the day have been placed in this place.

Many have even evolved from the lowest level zombies into more powerful ghouls.

Moreover, in a cursed land that has been turned gray-brown by the plague, you can still see spider web monsters patrolling around, also known as crypt demons.

These terrifying undead were originally a special species living in Northrend in the far north - nerubians, but now they have become the most powerful minions of the Lich King.

The huge underground empire they established became a complete prison in front of the endless army of undead. In the end, they were almost exterminated, and the dead bodies were once again pulled up to serve the Scourge.

Unlike ghouls, zombies and skeletons, which are low-level cannon fodder with no IQ, the Crypt Demon does not simply pour energy into the corpse to control it as a puppet, but also retains all its memories, knowledge and combat experience during its lifetime.

After all, the impression left by the Nerubians on the first Lich King, Ner'zhul, was too profound.

Whether it was the opponent's ability to be immune to mind control or his physique that ignored magical plagues, they all caused him huge trouble.

It even got into a difficult battle and required help from the Dread Lords before it was finally solved.

Therefore, the undead crypt demons are far more dangerous than they appear on the surface. They can even use their powerful spiritual power to sense whether there are living people around them and find those who are sneaking and invisible.

In the eyes of the first generation Lich King Ner'zhul, these big bugs were his most trustworthy servants and tools, and even the sewing of abominations had to be pushed back.

Therefore, usually just by the number of crypt demons in a natural disaster base, you can roughly judge the degree of attention that the base receives.

In addition, the ziggurat's strong defense is enough to ensure that any enemy who tries to attack here will have to pay a heavy price.

It is a device that can greatly enhance psychic magic, and it is also an extremely strong military fortress. It can be understood as a special form of magic modified version of the mage tower.

With only a few acolytes and necromancers from the Curse Sect operating, they can shoot deadly shadows and death energy from the top of the spire, killing all enemies within a radius of several thousand meters.

Therefore, basically every time the Scourge Legion occupies an important place, they will build a large number of ziggurats nearby to consolidate their rule. At the same time, they will also use them to resurrect corpses to continuously increase their strength.

At this moment, the fear lord Mal'Ganis was standing in this ziggurat, staring at the members of the Cursed Sect standing in front of him, frowning and asking: "How did Fels fail?

How was he killed?

He clearly led a powerful undead army!

And I also attracted Prince Alsace’s main force into the city!

But in the end, they couldn't even defeat a military camp guarded by only a small number of militiamen and refugees?

There must be a limit to waste! "

From the tone of suppressed shock and anger, it is not difficult to tell that Mal'Ganis is simply unbelievable and unbelievable about the failure and death of the Lich's military operation during the day.

After all, in his eyes, a battle like this with an overwhelming advantage should be a standard crushing round.

Why was he defeated by the other party?

Although Fels is not the most powerful among the Lich King's men, he is still an elite mage from Dalaran, otherwise he would not be qualified to transform into a lich.

But now I can't even handle such a small thing.

If this were placed in the Burning Legion, I'm afraid he would be severely punished and demoted every minute, and he would probably never have the opportunity to lead an army again in this life.

"I'm... I'm so sorry. Those low-level undead who escaped did not have enough intelligence to describe the scene at that time. Naturally, we have no way to figure out what happened. We only know that Lord Fels was killed by some terrible spell. died."

The members of the Cursed Sect hurriedly bowed their heads and explained.

He himself obviously couldn't figure out why a powerful undead creature like a lich could be killed in an instant by some unknown spell, and who cast this spell?

Because not everyone loyal to the Scourge is qualified to listen to the voice of the Lich King.

What's more, Ner'zhul was not of the same mind as the Burning Legion. He wished that all the Dreadlords would die in the war, so how could he share the most important information and secrets with him?

In fact, from the moment the miracle came in Hearthglen, he had noticed the powerful power displayed by Zuo Si, and also knew that those priests could use divine magic to create antidotes to cure the magical plague.

That's why Lich Fels was arranged to launch a surprise attack while Alsace was away, hoping to nip this dangerous force in the bud.

But after seeing with his own eyes the level of magic displayed by Zuo Si himself during the day, the Lich King suddenly changed his mind and wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Whether Zuo Si kills the Dread Lord and eliminates an informant sent by the Burning Legion to monitor his confidant, or conversely, the Dread Lord kills Zuo Si, a huge threat, he will definitely make a profit.

There's nothing more fun than watching two enemies fight each other.

After understanding this, Ner'zhul decisively chose to conceal the truth. He did not tell his acolytes and necromancers what happened, and even blurred the memories in the minds of those low-level undead.

It has to be said that he is still a bit good at playing infighting and shady people behind his back.

Although the Dread Lord was known for his cunning and insidiousness, Mal'Ganis did not realize that this was a trap due to the serious asymmetry of information. He immediately touched his chin and asked, "You mean, among the refugees and the Is there a strong human hidden among the survivors? Not only did he kill Fels, but he also helped destroy an entire army of the undead?"

"That's right.

At least that's what it seems for now.

After all, the number of troops wiped out cannot be faked.

Moreover, not even one of the Meat Wagon and Suture Abominations that Master Fels took away escaped.

Best of all, we didn't find any fresh bodies.

This means that the opponent's casualties are very small, so small that they can be ignored.

Such an outrageous battle loss ratio is obviously not something that a group of refugees and militiamen with little combat experience can achieve.

Even if they have strong defenses. "

The members of the Cursed Sect expressed their conclusions at once.

"Who could it be? The young female mage named Jaina next to Arthas? Or is it that Uther, the Lightbringer, has not left and is hiding in the military camp?"

Mal'Ganis quickly began to think and do a lot of brainstorming.

As a Dread Lord who is good at plotting conspiracies and understanding the weaknesses of human nature, he never believes in any coincidences. He only feels that behind the whole thing it is very likely that the enemy is secretly planning a counterattack.

“It’s not clear about that.

However, our spies did observe Uther the Lightbringer leaving Stratholme with the Knights of the Silver Hand and many soldiers.

As for Gianna's whereabouts, it is not yet confirmed.

But based on the undead that were captured and transformed from the corpses of human soldiers during the day, it seemed that she was teleporting back to Dalaran to report the situation, and she probably wasn't in the military camp either.


We should wait until Master Fels is resurrected to ask him what exactly happened. "

The members of the Cult of the Damned made careful suggestions.

Because with the death of the Lich, there is no second commander in this base who can control the undead creatures on a large scale to launch attacks.

After all, the mission of the Dread Lord is to continuously anger Arthas, causing him to continue to slide towards the endless abyss, and eventually become a puppet controlled by the Lich King, unable to take action at all.

Although other necromancers, shadow mages, and acolytes have enough intelligence to do this, they do not have great power.

If you encounter this unknown mysterious person again, there is a high probability that he will be killed instantly like the lich, and even the information will not be transmitted back.

Therefore, the members of the Curse Sect feel that it is better not to act rashly at this time, otherwise they will only waste the troops they have finally accumulated.

Although the corpses preserved in Stratholme Necropolis, especially the number of skeletons, are quite astonishing and can form an army of more than hundreds of thousands of skeletons.

In the Lich King's plan, this undead army will become one of the most important forces sweeping the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron in the future, and it must not be wasted here by a group of militiamen and refugees for no reason.

"It seems that this is all we can do now. Send more shadows to keep an eye on the camp, and wait until I take care of Prince Arthas before I can free my hands to deal with this threat."

Mal'Ganis made a quick decision.

He obviously knows that Azeroth is not as fragile as other planets that the Legion has conquered and destroyed. The natives here have strong magical power.

He even repelled the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, and defeated the invincible Dark Titan Sargeras in two Orc Wars.

Therefore, although the Dread Lord was surprised by the Lich's death, it was not incomprehensible.

Just when the members of the Cursed Sect put one hand on their chests and bowed deeply to leave, a strange light suddenly flashed in their eyes.

The next second...

Without warning, he drew his dagger and stabbed Mal'Ganis at lightning speed.

The latter didn't even have time to react. The sharp dagger stuck close to the gap in the armor and pierced his abdomen. The evil magic attached to the dagger quickly formed a weak curse and flowed through the blood throughout his body.

"Asshole! What are you doing?"

The Dread Lord was frightened and angry. He grabbed the cursed sect member by the neck and lifted him up from the ground, with a violent and bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Unfortunately, the latter had obviously lost his mind and ignored his questioning. Instead, he brandished the dagger and tried to blind another eye.

This move instantly made Mal'Ganis no longer have any hesitation. He waved his sharp claws and tore open the opponent's chest to drink blood and restore his lost vitality.

However, the weak curse attached to the dagger is obviously not that easy to remove, and it will take at least a few minutes to slowly fade away.

But what really made him nervous was not the sneak attack by a member of the Cursed Sect, but whether the attack originated from personal will or the instruction of the Lich King behind it.

If it was the latter, wouldn't he be trapped in the ziggurat by countless undead creatures?

The Dread Lord immediately turned his attention to the two surrounding entrances, but did not notice the undead army pouring in.

what on earth is it?

Looking at the torn corpse in his hands, he fell into deep doubts.

Just when Mal'Ganis was about to step out of the ziggurat and take a look, he suddenly felt a hand touching his body from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying energy surged into the body, madly destroying everything including bones, internal organs, blood vessels and muscles.

The tremendous pain made him unable to help but let out a heart-rending scream.


But the Dread Lord was indeed a Dread Lord. He resisted the weakness caused by the pain, quickly flapped his huge bat wings and flew out seven or eight meters away, and then turned around to confirm who was attacking him.

As a result, he saw a robed and hooded human.

What caused this terrible injury was a hand that looked a little rough and had obviously been used for farm work.

"Huh? You can still move! Is it because of magic resistance? Or is it because the saving throw was successful? Or is it that the shadow energy you control can offset some of the negative energy's erosion of living bodies to a certain extent?"

With a slightly surprised voice, the young human took off his hood, revealing a face that looked too young.

You don't need to ask to know that he is none other than Zuo Si who sneaked in.

The reason why the members of the Cursed Sect launched a sudden attack just now was actually because they were hit by a violent charm spell, injecting a weak curse into the Dread Lord at the cost of their own lives, and also successfully distracted the opponent.

As for the magic that has severely damaged him now, it is the famous six-ring [Killing Technique].

Normally, living beings can basically be declared dead after being hit by one shot.

Even some targets with strong vitality will become extremely weak after being eroded, or even completely lose their ability to move, turning into lambs that can be slaughtered.

Unless the save is successful, the damage is reduced to a tolerable level.

If there is any shortcoming in [Killing Art], it must be that the negative energy that forms a substance like boiling black flames must be poured into the target's body through contact.

Although Faerun's priests can wear heavy armor and use shields to cast spells, entering a state of concentration at such close range still requires taking huge risks.

“Ahem, cough, cough—who are you?”

Mal'Ganis's mouth continued to spray black blood, and his pale and ugly face became abnormally distorted with pain.

What a shame!

He simply couldn't believe that he, who was best at sneak attacks, was actually successfully attacked by a human!

"Haha, didn't you discuss me with the members of the cursed sect just now? Why did you forget it so quickly?"

Zuo Si smiled and took out a bottle used to hold medicine, and took some blood spit out by the Dread Lord from the ground, intending to take it back for some small research.

Since the clone may not arrive until the end of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, he plans to slightly strengthen the body he currently occupies, at least to the point of being close to the demigod of the wilderness and the lord of the abyss.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you can stick to it until the end.

"You were the human who killed Fels and crushed the Scourge's attack in daylight?"

The green light in Mal'Ganis's pupils suddenly surged, and he struggled to get up from the ground. His two large claw-like hands began to condense shadow energy.

Although the killing technique caused considerable damage to him, it was far from the extent of losing his fighting ability.

Zuo Si undoubtedly noticed this, and immediately put on himself the shadow resistance in the priest's spell in this world, and responded calmly: "Is there another person besides me who can do this?

Also, don't waste your time trying to call for help from the undead creatures, necromancers, and acolytes out there.

Haven't you noticed that it's quieter than usual here?

When I came in, I had already set up a barrier to completely isolate the transmission of all sounds.

So the next battle between us will not be disturbed by any outside interference.

Oh, by the way, don't expect to escape through teleportation either.

Because it takes too long to transfer magic, and there is no ability to protect yourself when maintaining concentration on casting spells.

During the day, a certain lich was killed instantly while channeling arcane energy to transmit it.


If you don't want to die, then do your best to please me!

Show me the true power and potential of Nathrezim! "

Upon hearing these words, Mal'ganis' heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

The young human in front of him was obviously not like Prince Alsace, who was affected by anger, hatred and impulse and wanted to rush in and kill him. Instead, he had gone through careful preparation and careful planning.

And this kind of enemy is the most dangerous and terrifying.

Their thinking will not be easily swayed by emotions, and they will always remain calm and rational.

The most important thing is that when such people appear in front of you, it often means that they have been fully prepared and will not give themselves any chance to escape.

If it weren't for the special method of identifying similar people, Mal'Ganis would even think that the young man in front of him was a fear devil disguised as a human.

Because the thinking and behavior patterns between the two are so similar.

Realizing that he had fallen into a trap aimed at him, he did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately shot a [Rancid Bee Swarm] first to try to establish an upper hand advantage in the battle.


A shock wave of energy mixed with black and green shot out from between the Dread Lord.

Although the name is [Rotten Swarm], there is actually neither "rotten" nor "swarm". It is just a pure shadow energy shock wave, which may also contain a bit of the green evil flame of the Burning Legion.

Because the shadow energy looks like countless insects gathered together when it surges, it got the name "Swarm".

As for the rancid smell, it is completely the rejection reaction of normal life forms to the production of shadow energy. There is always an inexplicable stench.

But in fact, shadow energy does not have any smell. The smell comes entirely from a spiritual perception.

Since it is a large-scale group damage in a fan-shaped area, it is difficult to avoid the rancid bee swarm in the small space inside the ziggurat.

Mal'Ganis' tactic is to use a wide range of magic attacks to force the opponent to be cornered bit by bit while evading.

In this way, he can charge forward and take advantage of his strength and size in hand-to-hand combat.

You must know that the Nathrezim Dreadlords are one of the very few races in the Burning Legion that can rival the eredar in both magic and warrior talents.

In particular, it can continuously absorb the target's spiritual power and vitality to restore itself during the battle. It is simply a tireless killing machine.

If it were a clone or a projection here, Zuo Si wouldn't even be able to dodge in the face of this level of energy impact.

You can rely on your magic resistance and strong vitality to take advantage of it, and feel the difference between the shadow energy and negative energy in this world.

But the problem is that the container he is using cannot hold it, so he can only quickly move to the side to dodge.

Upon seeing this, Mal'Ganis immediately raised his other hand and released his best sleep magic.

This is a typical mind control spell that infuses the target with shadow energy to instantly cause it to fall into a deep coma.

Once you are attacked, you will fall into endless nightmares, where you will be tortured repeatedly by the Dread Lord in your dreams until you have a complete mental breakdown and give up resistance.

Through this magic, the Dread Lords can easily invade a person's consciousness, memory and thinking, or even devour and replace them.

However, Mal'Ganis obviously didn't know that he was not facing a human being, but a big devil from Baator Hell in another universe.

Even just a ray of consciousness is enough to withstand most mental attacks.

When the shadow energy entered Zuo Si's body, instead of falling into drowsiness, he quickly sensed the principle and spell model of this magic.

After just one second, he completely learned it and returned it to the opponent with his backhand.

Because Mal'Ganis did not expect this situation at all, and did not make corresponding defenses, his entire consciousness was instantly pulled into a dream.

He only felt a blur before his eyes, and then he appeared on a piece of red land.

The continuously erupting volcanoes in the distance continued to send hot magma into the river of flames. The aura of destruction that hit his face made the Dread Lord feel suffocated.


A shadowy figure fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a loud bang, causing violent vibrations.

Even the earth has been torn open, and high-temperature liquid flames spurt out from the gaps.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

With the two huge bat wings behind him, Mal'Ganis managed to maintain his balance without falling.

But when he raised his head, he was so shocked by what he saw that he was speechless.

Because this is an unimaginably large five-headed dragon, even many times larger than Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, who were the Dark Titan's deputies in the Burning Legion. Each head contains language. Indescribable power and oppression.

The condescending gaze and the evil emanating from his soul made the Dread Lord tremble involuntarily.

After a full minute, the dragon suddenly grinned and joked: "So this magic can also amplify the fear in the target's heart, allowing the caster to appear in the most powerful posture in the dream? Shadow The energy turned out to be much more interesting than I imagined.”

"It's...is it you? What kind of monster are you!"

Malganis finally reacted and instantly realized that the terrifying five-headed dragon in front of him was the young man disguised as a human in the real world.

What makes him even more unbelievable is why the other party can use the sleep and nightmare spells that only the Dread Lord can master?

What's going on with this huge dragon form?

You must know that the dream projection created by this spell is not fabricated out of thin air, but is closely related to the strength of the caster.

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary dreadlord to create an image like Sargeras.

So the huge dragon form in front of me means that in that seemingly fragile human body, there is actually an unimaginably powerful monster hidden inside.

But in the records of the Burning Legion, there is obviously no such creature in Azeroth.

Whether it is the five guardian dragons blessed by the Titans or the ancestral dragon king Galakrond, who is known as the "Father of Dragons", they are all far from the five-headed dragon in front of them.


No, no, no, I'm not some monster.

This is just one of the many changing forms I have mastered.

Now, let me take a closer look at the knowledge and secrets hidden in your memory. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly used his huge dragon claws to grab this terrifying demon king in the palm of his hand like a small insect.

Relying on the control of dreams by sleep magic, his strong willpower like a god, and his countless knowledge of psychic magic, he peeled off layers of cocoons to crush the latter's psychological defenses.

In just a few minutes, Mal'Ganis' thoughts and memories were completely exposed, even the secrets hidden deepest.

"Well - let me see what you know first.

Shadow Bolt, Mass Shadow Bolt, Fetid Swarm, Corruption, Curse, Life and Mana Drain, Shadow Strike, Fel Strike, Mind Control, Memory Tampering, Soul Possession, Undead Transmutation, Magical Teleportation, Summon Hordes of Imps And the hellfire golem…

Gee, there are quite a few people who know how to do it. It seems that it can slightly enrich the arsenal of this temporary body.

And the magical kingdom of Dalaran should be very interested in shadow and psychic magic.

Especially the secrets about the creation of magical plagues.

I might even be able to make a deal with them in exchange for knowledge of arcane magic. "

Zuo Si is like a dry sponge, frantically absorbing knowledge and transforming it into a powerful magical power.

Although there are countless fear lords like Mal'Ganis in the Burning Legion, they are still quite a delicious meal for him who has just arrived.

Through these complex magic and knowledge, Zuo Si quickly constructed the basic concepts of the three energies of shadow, evil energy and death, as well as their respective characteristics, as well as precautions when manipulating and constructing spells.

You must know that in the human world, any one of these three types is taboo.

Not to mention studying in public, even if the archmages do some research in private, they may face extremely serious consequences.

But the theft didn't last long.

It didn't take long for Mal'Ganis to use the Dread Lord's innate spiritual strength and talent to forcefully break free and drive out Zuo Si who invaded his dream.

When his consciousness returned to the real world, unconcealable horror appeared on his pale and ugly face, and he asked sternly: "What did you spy just now?"

"Nothing, just some knowledge related to magic.

Don't worry, I'm not interested in the little secrets in your heart.

Nor does he care about the Lich King Ner'zhul's plan to lure Prince Arthas into corruption, or the invasion of the Burning Legion.

In addition, since you have never been loyal to the above two forces, why can't we reach some cooperation?

after all……

Dear Mal'Ganis, you don't want the secret of the master behind you to be exposed to the world, do you?

Imagine how Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Sargeras would react if they discovered the secrets of the Nathrezim and the role you played in the Legion.

Can your shadowy master withstand the wrath of the Burning Legion and the Dark Titan himself?

How will he deal with you, a fool who failed to keep a secret and ruined things? "

When saying these words, Zuo Si took a step forward after every sentence.

Although the human body looked so small and fragile in front of the Dread Lord, when the distance between the two narrowed to a certain extent, it was the latter that kept retreating and showing panic.

There is no doubt that after seizing the opponent's fatal weakness, he finally showed his great devil side.




By repeatedly emphasizing this weakness, you force the target to succumb to your will, and then continue to compromise bit by bit until you completely fall into the abyss and there is no way back.

"You are playing with fire! No matter who you are, if you dare to leak this secret, all of us Nasrezim and masters will hunt you down to the end of the universe at all costs."

Mal'Ganis suddenly stopped retreating, opened his mouth full of fangs and let out a powerful roar.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Chase me to the end of the universe?

It’s so scary!

I almost fainted from fright.

But what would you do if I came from another universe?

I believe you should have felt it, right?

The human body standing in front of you at this moment is just an insignificant container for my consciousness.

Even if you destroy it, you won't be able to hurt me at all.

At that time, I only need to find a container to appear in front of the world again.

So your threats are laughable and lack deterrence.

Now, I give you ten seconds to think and then make your fateful decision.

Remember, never try any tricks, because you only get one chance. "

After saying that, the corners of Zuo Si's mouth raised slightly, revealing unabashed teasing and playfulness, which was in sharp contrast to the nervous and twinkling eyes of the Dread Lord.

It was as if he was the Dread Lord who was truly good at playing with people's hearts and humanity, while the other party was a weak mortal lying on the chopping block and being slaughtered by him.


Terrible silence!

At this moment, Mal'Ganis had no desire to attack at all, even if he could tear this seemingly fragile human body apart with just a wave of his claws.

He understands that killing the other party will not help at all, but will make the situation get out of hand.

No nathrezim can bear the huge unknown risk of exposing the master behind it.

In constant hesitation and struggle, Malganis spent the longest ten seconds of his life, and then like a defeated rooster, he said dejectedly: "What do you want from me?"

Seeing that the Dread Lord had surrendered, the smile on Zuo Si's face grew wider, and he answered straightforwardly: "It's very simple, I hope that while serving your master, you can also collect and pass on some information for me.

Including the Lich King Ner'zhul's plan and the research on undead and psychic magic;

The strength of the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth, the commander's name, personality, abilities and usual tactics;

Finally, there are the coordinates of the planet Argus in the universe, as well as the Legion's evil magic and technology.

As long as your work efficiency satisfies me, the secret of the master behind you will not be leaked, at least not from me.

And don't try to find other similar people to discuss countermeasures.

Because this is also prohibited.

Regardless of any form of disclosure of information about me or the content of our cooperation, I will regard it as a violation of the contract that has been reached.

If you agree, then let's shake hands. "

After saying that, Zuo Si took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

Obviously, although these requirements sound very excessive, they actually do not really touch the bottom line for the Dread Lord.

After all, neither the Lich King Ner'zhul nor the Burning Legion are their true loyalties.

So although it is harsh, it is not unacceptable.

At least it is much smaller than the serious consequences of exposing the master behind it.

"Okay, I agree. I hope you can keep your promise."

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Mal'Ganis had no choice but to extend his huge paw and gently hold it with the fragile human hand in front of him.

The moment the two hands touched, a dazzling light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

He immediately felt a sharp sting from his body to his soul.

In the blink of an eye, a mysterious symbol was imprinted on the palm of his hand, exuding a completely unknown but extremely evil aura.

Out of vigilance and caution, the Dread Lord immediately turned back to his right hand and shouted loudly: "What did you just do to me?"

"Nothing, just a way to make sure you don't make any small moves in private.

After all, Nathrezim is well-known, and even led to the fall of a powerful titan through his intrigues.

I have to be careful.

Okay, that’s enough for tonight’s conversation.

You will continue to lure Prince Arthas toward the path of self-destruction tomorrow. It would be a pity if you were accidentally killed because you were too seriously injured. "

After saying this, Zuo Si didn't give the Dread Lord a chance to continue asking questions. He used the teleportation magic he had just learned in person and disappeared.

"This...this is?!"

Mal'Ganis was beyond shocked.

He obviously recognized that this was not the magical teleportation used by humans and high elf mages in Dalaran, but another method of teleportation used by himself.

The difference between the two is that the former is relatively low-level and needs to establish a spatial anchor point in advance to achieve accurate transmission.

This is why humans and high elf mages generally use teleportation magic, which can only be teleported to designated locations in important cities such as Dalaran, Ironforge, Stormwind City, and the Royal Capital of Lordaeron, or to certain majestic mage towers.

Because only these places have spatial anchor points that can achieve precise transmission over long distances.

Only a very small number of archmages can rely on their in-depth study of arcane energy to teleport between any two points without worrying about falling from a high altitude, sinking to the bottom of the sea, or being embedded in rocks or trees due to errors.

But as the teleportation magic used by the Dreadlords originated from the Burning Legion, was taught by the Dark Titan Sargeras, and was improved by the eredar with powerful power and magical talents like Kil'jaeden, there is no need to worry about making mistakes. .

It can even be used in conjunction with the Legion Portal to achieve instantaneous teleportation across hundreds or even thousands of light-years.

Being able to use this kind of teleportation magic means that you can use the legion portal without any obstacles to reach any planet invaded, occupied, and destroyed by the Burning Legion.

That terrifying learning ability and keen perception of magical energy once again made Mal'Ganis confirm that Zuo Si is definitely some kind of existence far beyond his own understanding. Perhaps like the master behind the scenes, the dark titan Sargeras, he has the ability to stand in front of him. The ultimate power of the universe.

He wanted to tell the other Dreadlords the news immediately and remind his compatriots to be careful.

But whenever this thought comes to mind, that tingling feeling will quickly rush into my heart, both like a warning and a reminder that I am making a fool of myself.

After several repeated attempts, Mal'Ganis finally understood why the other party was not worried about lying or betrayal at all.

As long as this mark on the palm of his right hand exists for one day, he will not be able to escape control at all, and he will not even be able to reveal these secrets to anyone.

In order to relieve the depression caused by the threat in his heart, this fear devil flew into Stratholme under the cover of night, rushed directly into a building sealed from the inside, slaughtered all the survivors hiding inside, and devoured their vitality and spiritual power.

After fully recovering from his injuries, he returned to the ziggurat to prepare for tomorrow's action.

It has to be said that it is not unreasonable for the Dread Lord to be reused by the Burning Legion and even climb to the top.

Unlike other demons who tend to fall into rage, bloodlust, and the excitement of destroying everything, they are always the most rational and are rarely swayed by emotions such as anger, hatred, and shame caused by failure.

If you encounter a setback, you will quickly recover your mentality and continue to make a comeback to make plans.

In fact, in Mal'Ganis' mind, he had already begun to brew a series of conspiracies to counterattack.

But before that, he needs to know and collect more information, first confirm what the other party is, and then he can find the weaknesses and formulate corresponding plans.

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