A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 604 The precarious Kingdom of Lordaeron (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Tirisfal Glades is the most prosperous, richest, and most densely populated area in the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron, and it is also the location of the royal capital.

Ever since the Dark Portal first opened and thousands of rampaging greenskin orcs rushed out of Draenor to destroy Stormwind City, it has become the de facto political center of the Alliance.

Whether it is Varian Wrynn, the successor of the Kingdom of Stormwind who lost his home and once lived here temporarily, the kings of Gilneas and Stromgarde, or the dwarves and gnomes who are allies of humans, they have all visited here more than once.

They discussed with King Terenas in the magnificent palace of the royal capital how to deal with the common enemy and provide help for the refugees displaced by the war. In a true sense, they cooperated sincerely to tide over the difficulties together.

If the Alliance's role on the continent of the Eastern Kingdom is somewhat similar to a United Nations plus military alliance, then the Royal Capital of Lordaeron located in Tirisfal Glades is equivalent to its headquarters.

And now King Terenas is the veritable leader of the alliance and the leader of the entire organization.

Although East Weald is being ravaged by the plague and the Scourge, countless civilians have either died and become undead or are taking ships to sea to escape to the south.

But this place has not been affected at all. You can still see carriages filled with goods traveling between towns, bringing daily necessities and various specialties to local residents.

Businessmen traveling from north to south gathered around the royal capital, enjoying the prosperity of the Kingdom of Lordaeron that had never been destroyed by orc plunder.

No matter what product it is, as long as it enters the capital, it will be snapped up by wealthy nobles and citizens.

Compared with other places on this continent, the current Tirisfal Glades is simply a veritable paradise on earth.

Except for a few wild beasts, civilians feel no threat at all.

Some upper-class ruling classes who are unaware that the danger has arrived will even declare to outsiders at banquets that even if the end of the world comes, the powerful Kingdom of Lordaeron will still maintain its current peace and prosperity.

Whether it is the plague and the undead that are raging in the north, or the orcs who escaped from the concentration camps in the south, they are just scabies and will be completely eliminated in a short time.

Obviously, the victory in two orc wars and being unscathed have made the upper echelons of this country become both arrogant and arrogant.

Because many people in front of them have never truly felt the bloody cruelty of the orc war, and have not experienced how powerful it is when a human soldier faces an orc warrior who is much taller than himself, and has an overwhelming advantage in size and strength. powerless;

Similarly, this group of people have never seen towns and villages infected by the plague dying bit by bit under painful torture, or they have watched their loved ones turn into undead in despair and want to kill themselves.

The saying that people's joys and sorrows are not connected to each other is simply the best expression in the current capital of Lordaeron.

King Terenas's slow response to the plague and his hesitation on the orc issue are all manifestations and amplification of this group sentiment.

As for the doomsday prophecies and warnings issued by the last guardian Medivh, just take them as a joke.

After all, as long as the supreme ruler is not an idiot, he will not easily believe an unknown madman who talks nonsense, let alone lead the people across the endless sea to the unknown continent of Kalimdor.

You must know that Lordaeron is the largest country with a population of several million.

Not to mention how many ships would be needed to evacuate all these people, the horrific number of deaths that could be caused by an accidental storm could probably exceed the two Orc Wars combined.

What will so many people eat and drink after their families move ashore?

How to ensure the most basic survival without causing group riots or even cannibalism due to lack of food?

What should we do if diseases or plagues break out due to sanitary problems in the crowded and sealed environment on the ship?

How should you respond if you are attacked by local indigenous forces after landing ashore?

With the Kingdom of Lordaeron's current economic model based on agriculture and its backward feudal governance system, it is simply too difficult to complete this series of operations.

There are too many uncertainties in crossing the Endless Sea to Kalimdor, any one of which may lead to catastrophic consequences.

Thrall and Jaina dared to do this because the latter mobilized half of the fleet from the sea powerhouse Kul Tiras and was familiar with the weather and routes at sea.

The former is purely because the number of orcs is small and it is easier to move. They can just grab a few ships and jam them all.

Moreover, the orcs encountered a storm while crossing the Endless Sea. Some of them sank to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, and some were blown away and landed elsewhere. In the end, less than half of them successfully followed Thrall to Kalimdor.

This shows how unreliable Medivh is. He has never fulfilled his duties as a guardian from beginning to end. He is obviously a mage but behaves like a magician. His thinking logic and language expression are almost zero. He has no sense at all. Explain what the Burning Legion is, why it invaded Azeroth, and the tragic ancient war 10,000 years ago.

It’s no wonder that when it comes to him, no ruler of a human country, including Dalaran, has any good comments. Basically, there are only negative comments.

So it was normal and rational for King Terenas to not follow Medivh's instructions.

As for Thrall, he probably felt that there was no room for the orcs to survive being chased and intercepted in the Eastern Kingdom, so he decided to go to sea and go to another continent to establish a homeland for the orcs.

Jaina saw the Scourge of the Undead sweeping across the north and heading towards Dalaran, and then she chose to cross the sea to Kalimdor under the orders of her mentor Antony Dath.

In other words, from the standpoint of Thrall and Jaina, it may not be because of Medivh's prophecy that they chose to cross the sea, but more out of consideration of the current situation and their own interests.

But none of that matters now.

With the arrival of Zuo Si, many things have begun to deviate from their original trajectories and are developing in unknown directions.

Although there has not yet been a major deviation in this timeline that would lead to the intervention of the Bronze Dragon Legion.

But as tens of thousands of people in the East Wilder region begin to migrate south, cities and villages will soon be established in the northern region of Stranglethorn Vale, slowly evolving into a brand new human kingdom.

He even inherited this name after the destruction of the Kingdom of Lordan.

By then, as long as the bronze dragon who manages this timeline is still alive, he will come to see what is going on.

That's why Zuo Si took huge risks to continuously strengthen the body he temporarily occupied, just to gain the strength to fight against the bronze dragon when it suddenly appeared.

Just when he had just arranged the population migration and followed Jaina to the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran to gain knowledge of arcane magic, the Lightbringer Uther had already arrived at Tirisfal Glades on a fast horse day and night. The royal capital of Lordaeron.

He was so exhausted that he didn't even dare to rest. He immediately met with King Terenas and told him about the massacre of Prince Arthas in Stratholme and the disappearance and hiding of the Scourge with hundreds of thousands of skeletons. Condition.

But the interesting thing is that, whether he forgot or deliberately chose to conceal it, the paladin did not take the initiative to mention in the report the large number of people who were fleeing by boat.

Perhaps in Uther's eyes, even if these people escape from the kingdom, it is a hundred times better than being killed and turned into undead.

After all, Lordaeron really can't mobilize enough troops to protect the East Wilder region.

"What? You mean... there are still hundreds of thousands or even millions of undead armies hiding in the land in the north of the kingdom?"

King Terenas suddenly stood up from the throne, his old face full of shock and disbelief.

Because in his original impression, the plague in the north and the undead sporadic attacks on towns were not threats at all, at least far from being comparable to the orcs raging in the south.

This is why he only gave Alsace a very small army, and later only managed to reach a few thousand through supplements along the way.

But now when I heard that the Curse Cult had hollowed out a dozen of the largest cemeteries in the East Weald region, resurrected hundreds of thousands or even millions of human remains into horrific undead, and quietly massacred hundreds of In the village, His Majesty the King was trembling uncontrollably all over his body, as if he was suffering from Parkinson's syndrome.

Obviously, due to the scattered villages and population, coupled with the slow and backward information transmission, the royal capital has never understood the real situation in the East Wilder area, and has not even received a few decent pieces of intelligence.

Whether it was the remains in the tombs that were hollowed out or the large number of villages that were abandoned, they actually knew nothing about it.

Even when news of the Stratholme tragedy came, King Terenas only felt that his son's approach was a bit too radical, and did not feel that plague and natural disasters were the biggest threats to the kingdom.

After all, on the surface, our side has been winning battle after battle, while the Undead Scourge has been losing ground in front of the kingdom's invincible army.

Whether it was in Andorhal, Hearthglen, or Stratholme where the massacre broke out, it was the Kingdom of Lordaeron that ultimately won.

Even one of the masterminds behind the spread of the plague, Kel'Thuzad, the founder of the Cursed Sect, has been killed by the prince himself. The Dread Lord Mal'Ganis also fled to Northrend in the far north.

No matter how you look at it, the crisis should have been resolved and the situation is looking good.

However, after listening to Uther's report, King Terenas, who had keen political intuition, finally realized the huge crisis hidden under the water and began to pace restlessly around the throne.

After several minutes, he took a deep breath to regain his composure, raised his head and asked in an extremely serious tone: "Where do you think these undead armies will be hiding? What evil plans do they have?"

Uther smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Sorry, Your Majesty, I'm not sure either.

The area of ​​East Wilder is really huge. Dense forests and inaccessible mountainous areas alone occupy more than 60% of the area. There are also many savage and bloodthirsty trolls.

In addition, the undead do not need food, supplies, or water at all, and they do not even make the slightest sound when hiding. It may be very, very difficult to find traces of the enemy.

In fact, had I not been reminded, I would not have noticed that the necropolises in Stratholme and many other areas had been hollowed out.

Obviously, the current situation of the kingdom is not optimistic.

And I think plagues and undead scourges are more of a threat than orcs.

Although the latter would also loot towns and massacre unarmed civilians, at least they would not pull up the corpses and turn them into the living dead.

You may consider transferring some troops from the south to the north to build defenses.

I believe that after knowing the true situation of the undead disaster, the countries in the alliance will understand the decision you made out of necessity. "

"You just mentioned that someone reminded you? Who is this person?"

King Terenas asked quickly with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"A new sect that worships a god of contract who calls himself Soth.

According to the description of Prince Arthas and the soldiers who fought with him in Hearthglen, it was a trainee Holy Light priest named Lanny who caused the miracle through prayer in desperation.

An astonishingly powerful beam of light fell from the sky, not only purifying countless undead, but also cured all patients infected with the plague.

Since then, many people have begun to worship this god, and the faith has spread at an extremely fast rate in the East Weald region, even replacing the local dominance of the Holy Light Church.

Because this priest of God has the ability to produce holy water, and holy water is currently the only means that can cure the plague and purify food and water sources contaminated by the plague, it has a very huge influence among the people.

Even many soldiers in the army chose to convert and began to wear the holy emblem of the God of Contract to pray for blessings. "

Uther did not hide anything and introduced the general situation in very concise language.

"Thos, the God of Contract? Arthas seemed to have mentioned it in his previous report..."

King Terenas quickly rummaged through a pile of documents to find a letter written by the prince himself, spread it out and read it carefully, especially the part about the description of the gods.

After about three to five minutes, he put down the letter and asked in an uncertain tone: "How do you feel about this God who suddenly appeared and their church as a whole?"

Uther replied without thinking: "I have only had a few contacts with them, so I can't say I know them well, but overall they should be pretty good.

First of all, they advocate order, law, and contracts. Even the fledgling church still cannot see any signs of chaos. On the contrary, everything is in order.

Secondly, they called on believers to accept and help people infected with the plague free of charge, and priests provided free treatment.

From the beginning of its arrival to the end of the Stratholme massacre, the cumulative number of civilians who have benefited from it has reached tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Especially the more than 10,000 civilians who were saved in the Stratholme massacre have become loyal followers of the Church of the God of Contract and are willing to sacrifice everything for their faith.

This is also the reason why the God of Contract can replace the Church of Holy Light in having huge influence and appeal in the East Wilder region.

In addition, in order to fight against the threat of undead natural disasters, the church also formed a militia of thousands of people.

They obtained enough weapons from the ruins of the fallen town and the Stratholme military camp, both in number and level of training, that far exceeded the kingdom's military strength in the area. "


These words immediately caused King Terenas' expression to change drastically.

He may allow a new sect and belief to spread in his country, but he will never allow the emergence of a de facto illegal armed separatist regime.

What's more, Stratholme is the most important border town in the north of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Once it falls under its control, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even though it has just been massacred by Alsace, it still has very important strategic value.

Uther undoubtedly noticed the old king's reaction and immediately comforted him: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about this church armed force.

Because they are planning to take a boat out to sea to leave Stratholme and go to Stranglethorn Valley, the southernmost tip of the continent, to establish a new settlement.

When I left there were already 10,000 people setting off as an advance party.

The leader of the church is still contacting Marshal Dailin and wants to use the Kul Tiras fleet to speed up transportation.

If nothing else happens, they will disappear from the kingdom's land within a few months to half a year. "

"Sail out to Stranglethorn Vale by boat? Why? Isn't the rich land of East Weald much better than the tropical jungle full of mosquitoes, beasts and trolls?"

King Terenas' tone contained strong doubts and confusion.

In his view, the Church of the God of Contract has actually controlled Stratholme and can occupy large tracts of surrounding land and force himself to recognize the latter's autonomy in the region.

Then use the power of faith to continuously expand and erode, and finally when the Menethil family is weak, they will separate the East Wilder region and establish an independent kingdom.

After all, during the raging undead natural disaster, almost all the feudal lords around Stratholme were dead. Only one Baron Rivendell was left who happened to be attending a meeting in the royal capital. The foundation of feudal rule no longer existed.

At this time, it is completely possible to spread the news that the incompetence and cowardice of the royal family led to the disaster, and use religious fanaticism to encourage the people to escape the control of Lordaeron.

“Because the other party’s god judged that this plague was just the beginning and not the end, and the truly terrible disaster was yet to come.

We simply cannot resist the undead army coming like a tide.

At that time, the entire kingdom will fall, and the people will be slaughtered and become one of the undead.

So they decided to leave the north and open up a new home in the safer south, taking with them all the believers who were willing to believe this.

In fact, on the way back, I saw people dragging their families towards Stratholme.

A conservative estimate is that there will be at least hundreds of thousands or even more. "

After saying that, Uther lowered his head deeply, his heart filled with guilt and self-blame.

Because he felt that it was his dereliction of duty that caused the people to feel so insecure.

He would rather give up his current house, land and other most important assets to go to the harsh environment of Stranglethorn Valley to pioneer, rather than believe that the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Kingdom's army can provide him with protection.

King Terenas's face was even more gloomy.

On the one hand, he was shocked that the other party dared to undermine the Kingdom of Lordaeron so blatantly. On the other hand, he was sad that so many people had lost their trust in the king.

Such a large number of people fled, it was like giving the old king a hard slap in the mouth and throwing everything he was proud of to the ground and trampling it to pieces.

What kindness...

Will a country with a benevolent ruler see hundreds of villages massacred and hundreds of thousands of people fleeing with their families?

As for the achievements of leading the alliance to win the orc war, it has also become dim with the large number of orc prisoners escaping from the concentration camps, and their destruction and killing of surrounding human villages and towns.

Some war-torn regions even criticized Terenas as a hypocrite for allowing the greenskin beasts to live and even provide food for them.

As a result, instead of being rewarded with gratitude, kindness allowed the orcs to recuperate and then continued to burn, kill and loot, causing huge disasters to mankind.

Just when King Terenas began to doubt and reflect on whether he had done something wrong, he suddenly recalled in his mind the figure that had transformed into a raven and landed in the palace hall not long ago, and the destruction that the other party had done like a madman. language.

Obviously, just those mysterious and confusing words of the other party are not enough to make him feel a sense of crisis.

But if combined with the hundreds of thousands or even millions of undead armies hiding in the East Wilder area, and the sudden abnormal behavior of the Church of the God of Contract who is organizing the escape of believers, the situation will be completely different.

So after pondering for a long time, the elderly ruler finally couldn't help but ask: "Uther, if those undead armies suddenly appeared and launched a full-scale invasion, do you think the Kingdom of Lordaeron can survive? ?”

"Your Majesty, I promise you that no matter how terrible the enemy is, the Knights of the Silver Hand will fight with all their strength and never retreat until the last drop of blood is shed."

Uther gave a reply that was not what was asked.

He obviously knew very well that with just the strength of the Knights of the Silver Hand, it would be very difficult to deal with an undead army of tens of thousands, let alone hundreds of thousands.

Not to mention that the undead can rely on their overwhelming numerical superiority to surround a heavily guarded town, and then spread out to massacre and eliminate villages in the surrounding areas.

King Terenas, who had been engaged in politics all his life, could not understand the meaning of the Lightbringer, and he sighed deeply.


It looks like we're getting ready for all-out war.

When the next Alliance meeting is held, I will tell everyone about the threat of the Undead Scourge so that other kingdoms can prepare.

Besides, I have one more thing to ask you. "

"Please give me your orders."

Uther humbly bent down and saluted his loyal monarch.

"Help me bring Calia to Stratholme.

Since these refugees belong to the Kingdom of Lordaeron and want to go to Stranglethorn Vale to establish a new home, they must have a legal ruler.

A princess of royal blood is obviously most suitable for this position.

This allows them to quickly gain recognition from the alliance countries.

I plan to have Calia reach cooperation with the Church of the God of Contract on behalf of the Menethil family. "

King Terenas made his intentions clear.

To put it simply, it is just like how the Kingdom of Stormwind sent the young prince Varian Wrynn to Lordaeron for refuge. When faced with a crisis, he does not put his eggs in one basket to avoid being wiped out by the enemy.

What's more, if this group of refugees really establishes a foothold in Stranglethorn Vale and establishes a new human kingdom, Calia will naturally be crowned queen and in turn help the Kingdom of Lordaeron survive the crisis.

With the old king's political wisdom, he could see through this situation where both sides would benefit from cooperation and lose from division.

Being able to control emotions, never act impulsively, and always solve problems from the perspective of interests are the strengths of Terenas and the reason why he has been able to lead the alliance for so many years.

"But are you sure Her Royal Highness the Princess will agree?" Uther asked uncertainly.

He would not forget that during the second war, Caliya had a very unhappy relationship with the old king because of marriage issues.

Moreover, a few years ago, she secretly fell in love with a commoner and even got pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

Although so far, the royal family has not recognized the legitimacy of the princess's heir, and has even chosen to conceal it from the outside world. At first, only Queen Lianne knew the secret.

The reason is that in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, before Alsace gets married and gives birth to a true legal heir, there must be no next generation of children with royal blood.

However, the queen obviously underestimated her husband's control over the palace.

It's just that the latter felt that the family scandal should not be publicized and kept silent, deliberately pretending not to know.

In fact, King Terenas not only knew about this, but also sent people to keep an eye on the father and daughter who were living in seclusion in Nanhai Town to prevent anyone with evil intentions from using his granddaughter's royal blood to cause trouble.

After a brief silence, a cold flash appeared in the old king's eyes, and he replied in an emotionless tone: "Don't worry, I have a way to convince Caliya, she will agree."

"In this case I can give it a try."

Uther agreed without thinking, not realizing that King Terenas was obviously planning to use extraordinary means to force his daughter to submit, just as he almost married Calia to Lord Presto. Same as Deathwing.

Unlike Alsace, who has been loved and expected by millions since he was a child, his sister has always had a very weak sense of existence. It can even be said that she has been a marriage tool used to achieve political goals from the beginning.

If she hadn't secretly married and had children and caused a royal scandal, she might have been married to the heir or king of a certain human kingdom.

Now, as the Kingdom of Lordaeron begins to experience turmoil and crisis, King Terenas once again thinks of his daughter.

On the other side, Zuo Si, who had just teleported to Dalaran with Jaina, did not know that Alsace's sister was about to arrive. He was standing in the square near the famous tourist attraction "The Wishing Fountain", admiring with interest the apprentices and visitors engraved on the Throw the coin of your wish in, then close your eyes and pray devoutly.

The bottom of the fountain's wishing pool is already densely packed with metal coins of various materials, sizes, and shapes.

The largest number among them is naturally the least valuable copper coins, accounting for more than 70%.

The second largest amount is the more valuable silver coins, which are about 25%.

Finally, there are only a very small number of gold coins that are extremely valuable.

Moreover, there were no guards near the wishing pool, but no one was seen entering the water to salvage these coins.

From this point alone, we can see that Dalaran is very different from other human kingdoms.

To be precise, anyone who is qualified to live in this city cannot be an ordinary person. They are basically either mages or nobles who come to study.

Otherwise, you may not even be able to pay the rent, not to mention the prohibitively high tuition fees.

No matter what world it is in, magic is something that the poor cannot get their hands on.

"Aren't you going to throw a wishing coin? It is said to be very effective." Jaina pointed to the fountain pool and said.

"Haha, forget it, I never believe in these metaphysical things."

Zuo Si smiled and expressed his refusal.

What a joke!

He remembered that the wishes of celebrities in this fountain were often full of black humor.

For example, Arthas felt that he was the only male heir to the Kingdom of Lordaeron and had obtained everything from the moment he was born. He didn't need anything at all, so he casually made a wish for a cooler throne. As a result, he He got his wish and became the Lich King and sat on the Frozen Throne.

Another example is that when Jaina was separated from Alas, she once dropped a coin and made a wish for the prince to come back to her quickly. As a result, after a brief reunion, the two quickly parted ways, and there was no possibility of being together again. .

In short, this wishing fountain is like a failed wish-making spell that will distort the original intention of the wish-maker and make it come true.

Therefore, it is a smart person's choice to cherish life and stay away from Dalaran's Wishing Fountain.

"You're such a weirdo."

It was obviously the first time for Jaina to see someone who was unwilling to make a wish at the fountain, and there was strong curiosity in her eyes.

Because she witnessed with her own eyes the state of the country boy standing beside her when he was rescued, and how ignorant, ignorant, and full of hatred he looked at that time.

But after just one night, it was like he was a completely different person.

Not only has he transformed from an illiterate into a genius who can read and write several languages, but he can also cast various magics with different attributes without any obstacles. He can learn almost any skill in one go, and at the same time he has mastered some skills that have never been seen before in this world. knowledge and insights.

Although the church claims to the outside world that this is because he was chosen by God and gained enlightenment.

But Jaina always felt something was wrong.

After all, it's one thing to become smart and learn a ton of knowledge, but it's quite another to have a change in personality, demeanor, and temperament.

Especially when he first saw the magnificent scenery of the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran, Zuo Si's performance was too bland, not at all the shock and disbelief that ordinary people would show.

Coupled with the aura of a superior who was accustomed to giving orders that was inadvertently revealed during the conversation, Jaina was convinced that the consciousness and soul in this body must have been replaced.

The person he has been conversing with is not the rural youth at all, but the messenger of the God of Contract or God himself.

Passing through the bustling streets and shops selling various expensive magic items and raw materials, the two of them quickly arrived at the tower where Archmage Antony Das lived.

It is very close to the Violet Castle, the political center of Dalaran, almost separated by a wall.

The huge lavender energy crystal at the top and its unique height seem to prove the identity and status of the tower owner.

Two huge arcane annihilators stood at the door, constantly scanning approaching pedestrians with their flashing eyes of energy.

As a magical city, constructs are very common in Dalaran.

Whether they are service types, patrol types, cleaning types, or combat types, there are almost all of them. Even the salespersons in some stores are constructs made of magic.

There are also some brooms and brushes that have been released with activation spells, which will automatically clean up the dust and garbage on the streets.

If the painting style of towns in other human kingdoms is like a transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance on Earth, then this one is an out-and-out fantasy style.

Arcane Annihilator obviously knew Jaina and immediately released her after confirming her identity.

In about five minutes, Zuo Si saw the chief mage in the reception room, whose hair, eyebrows and beard were all gray.

The two just looked at each other, and the latter seemed to notice something, and immediately told his most proud disciple: "You go out first, I need to talk to the guest alone."

"As you wish."

Jaina bowed to the teacher to show her obedience, then turned and left without hesitation.

When she was completely gone, Antonidas closed the door and looked up and down with eyes filled with scrutiny, and slowly asked, "What should I call you? God? Or some other name?"

"Oh? You can sense my presence!"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he had no intention of hiding his intentions, he didn't expect to be seen through at a glance.


I have read many esoteric magical books shipped from Karazhan, even the Book of Medivh that contains the power of the Guardian.

He has a certain understanding of time, space and the universe, and can feel the weak link across time and space.

And just a ray of consciousness stored in this body has exceeded the limit that most Dalaran mages can imagine.

I'm curious, what is your purpose in coming to our world across such a long distance? "

Antonidas simply chose the showdown.

Zuo Si ignored the Archmage's warning and deliberately asked in a nonchalant manner: "Isn't my performance obvious enough?

Of course it's for faith.

For a god, faith is the meaning of his existence and the source of his powerful power.

I noticed the desperate prayer of a trainee priest, so a miracle came to fulfill his wish, which in turn led to more people having faith and worship.

As for granting priests magical powers to save civilians who are ravaged by plague and the undead, it is also for the purpose of gaining believers.

Only the more people who survive this disaster can my church grow in this world.

So you don't need to be so vigilant.

Because my goal is to protect my believers, let the population continue to grow in a relatively stable environment, and then gain more believers.

And I advocate observing order, law, and contracts to keep society stable.

In a way, I perfectly fit the needs of the various human kingdoms at the moment.

The most important thing is that I can give priests magical powers, so that the holy water they create can cure the plague and ward off the coming natural disasters of the undead. "

"Scale of the Undead? Are you referring to the cursed sect secretly established by Kel'Thuzad?"

Antonidas obviously didn't know the real mastermind behind the plague at this moment, and thought that his disciple who had fallen into evil ways was the mastermind behind it.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, of course not.

The Cult of the Damned is merely a vanguard, a pawn used to infiltrate and subvert the human kingdom.

The real threat comes from the Lich King in Northrend on the other side of the sea.

Behind the natural disasters of the undead are the demons of the Burning Legion who have conquered and destroyed countless worlds.

So both Dalaran and other human kingdoms urgently need my power.

What's more, all I ask for is faith.

The more people who believe in me, the closer I am to the world, and the more powerful I can give and release.

You can consider this a fair trade. "

"What? The plague and undead disaster that broke out in the Kingdom of Lordaeron are actually related to demons!"

Antonidas was shocked by the bombshell news on the spot.

As the leader of the magical kingdom of Dalaran, it is natural that he would not know the horror of the Burning Legion.

Perhaps the rise of mankind was too short, and it is not clear what happened during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, but the high elves in Dalaran will not forget it easily.

In addition, the wizards of the Kirin Tor Council also bear an important responsibility, which is to eliminate those alien creatures that enter Azeroth for various reasons, including the demons of the Burning Legion.

During the Second Orc War, the Shadow Council warlocks led by Gul'dan also summoned demons.

So Antonidas knows about the existence of the Burning Legion.

Immediately afterwards, he recalled the mysterious prophet who transformed into a raven and came to deliver the prophecy of doomsday not long ago. He immediately connected the two, and an extremely solemn expression appeared on his wrinkled face.

"How do I confirm this information? You know you can't convince other members of the alliance with just empty words."

"Two ways.

One is to risk being captured or even killed to take a look at Northrend Icecrown Glacier.

Believe me, the sight there will be something you will never forget.

The other is about the mysterious prophet who moves around.

He is Medivh, the last guardian of the Council of Tirisfal. "

Zuo Si calmly dropped two more pieces of news.

"Medivh? Isn't he already dead?"

Antonidas's pupils suddenly dilated, and his heart began to beat wildly.

As an archmage who has read the vast collection of knowledge in the Book of Medivh and Karazhan, no one knows better than him how powerful the last guardian's magical power is.

If Medivh really defeated death and successfully resurrected, then his mana alone would be enough to be worth the sum of all the mages in Dalaran put together.

"Yes, Medivh did die once.

But the problem is that you forget that he also has a mother who also served as a guardian.

So please consider my proposal seriously.

Because there is really not much time left for you.

Maybe in a few months, maybe in half a year, the Kingdom of Lordaeron and Dalaran will face an unprecedented destruction.

And I am your only hope. "

Having said that, Zuo Si picked up the hot tea placed on the table and savored it carefully, letting the Archmage slowly digest the information.

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