A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 619 Comanso’s recovery plan (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

After a series of complicated etiquette and close physical contact, Zuo Si finally got to know the princes and princesses who had the right to inherit the throne of Yongju Island one by one.

There are eight princesses and five princes, for a total of thirteen heirs to the throne.

In addition, Queen Amratnu Moonflower also has an older brother named Guileo, who theoretically also has the right to inherit the throne.

However, with so many heirs, there was no overt or secret struggle for the throne.

After all, Eternal Meeting Island is not another place. It is strictly part of the projection of Avandor, the kingdom of elves and gods, so every elf's thoughts and actions are watched by the gods.

Especially after the fall of the Dark Elves, Corellon adopted a zero-tolerance approach to the evil and depravity within the entire race, and never showed any mercy when it came to cleaning up anyone.

The intrigues and unscrupulous behavior of fighting for power and gain like the previous Crown War can definitely be regarded as courting death now.

Occasionally, every time you go to the temple to pray, you will suddenly encounter the incarnation of the god and shoot an arrow to kill him.

Therefore, the political situation of Liuhipa City, as the capital, has always been extremely stable, so stable that it has been singing and dancing for the past few hundred years.

Except for the occasional pirates, red wizards, and Zhentarim ships trying to figure out the location of Evermeet Island, the elves don't feel the slightest external threat at all.

This is also the reason why elves, who have always had a low fertility rate, have a population of 16.7 million on the island.

If they continue to reproduce like this for a thousand or two thousand years, maybe the entire race can rise again and become an important force in Faerûn, instead of being constantly marginalized like it is now.

Of course, Zuo Si didn't care much about what the elves and the gods behind them were planning.

After getting to know some of the most important members and families in the royal court, he accepted the invitation of Queen Amratnu and danced the first dance of today's banquet with her.

This is a common practice in elf banquets. The man and woman with the most distinguished status and status must start, and then others can come on stage in order.

After everyone has danced the first dance in accordance with the etiquette, the part that symbolizes etiquette will end. In the remaining time, guests can invite anyone they like.

Even if you feel like it, you can sneak into some guest rooms or inconspicuous corners of the corridors to do some exercises that are good for your physical and mental health.

Anyway, with the way they are dressed now, it is completely normal for some gunfire to happen.

The elves in Faerûn have always had a very open style of life.

Compared with them, the cheating, affair, and frequent visits to special service places in the upper class of human beings are nothing at all.

When Elminster attended an elf banquet when he was a student, he was deeply shocked by the boldness and unrestrainedness of these pointed ears.

After the song ended, Amranu immediately smiled and joked: "Your Majesty Soth, your dancing is really good, completely beyond my expectations. Because according to my understanding, you rarely participate in this kind of dance." activities, and never even danced with anyone in public.”

Zuo Si also smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen. In fact, I have very little experience in this area, let alone what I am good at. I just bite the bullet. After all, as a guest, I don't want to It spoils the master’s interest.”

"Oh? But I think your dance steps are not like those of a beginner. Instead, they are full of elf-like grace."

Amlaru showed a very surprised expression on his face.

"That's because I learned sword dancing from Eilistraee. The two have many things in common, especially the steps."

Zuo Si gave the answer very simply.

He didn't bother to waste time learning a skill like dancing that was useless except for picking up girls.

I don’t think there is anything worth appreciating in dance, just like the attitude toward art such as painting, sculpture, gardening, and music.

Zuo Si would never follow the traditional ruling class of Faerûn and often funded groups engaged in literary and artistic creation.

He would rather invest this money in public education and improve civilian literacy and mathematics levels than waste it on projects destined to only serve a very small number of people.

Even since the establishment of the West Coast Empire, the government has never held an entertainment dance or banquet.

This made those men who wanted to hunt for beauty at royal banquets, or the women who wanted to seduce the emperor and become his mistress, feel quite disappointed.

So in the dance just now, Zuo Si basically relied on the reaction speed brought by his super agility attribute and the steps of the sword dance to barely follow the opponent's beat, at most cooperating with the movements of his upper body.

This can be seen from the extremely simple style of the Askatra Mage Tower that he personally designed.

There was not even a single decoration in the entire huge interior space of the tower.

Only cold golems can be seen in the corridors along the way, as well as bare walls, floors and ceilings.

The furnishings are limited to highly practical chairs, sofas, tables, cabinets, as well as a large number of eternal flames and magic lamps that provide lighting.

There are even zero potted plants for landscaping.

"I see."

Queen Amratnu nodded thoughtfully.

She obviously knew that Eilistraee's sword dance was actually a branch of elven swordsmanship.

Before the Dark Elves settled in the Underdark, it was widely studied by all kinds of elves for its graceful steps and pleasing movements.

However, as the hatred with the dark elves continued to deepen, this swordsmanship style quickly declined. The number of surface elves who master sword dance is now very rare.

And with thousands of years of evolution and improvement, it has embarked on a completely different path.

After completing his etiquette and obligations as a guest, Zuo Si no longer accepted any invitations to dance. He just watched silently as the elves at the banquet reveled, enjoying fine wine and food, indulging their inner desires and emotions, and interacting with Faerûn. Those elves who are precarious and full of crisis are like two sides of the same coin.

At this moment, he finally understood why Silinxi suddenly mentioned that he wanted to revive the lost Elf Kingdom - Cormanthor.

As the saying goes, one is born in sorrow and dies in happiness.

If the elves completely evacuated the mainland and stayed on this island to live a carefree life without contact with the outside world, it would not take a few generations to completely lose their sense of worry and become a group of wastes who only know how to indulge in pleasure.

In fact, there are already signs of development in this direction.

Therefore, the elves must go out and establish a country of their own on the continent of Faerûn.

In this way, the elves of Evermeet Island only need to maintain contact with the country to make these pampered guys feel the danger.

Moreover, some young people can be regularly sent out for training, and then come back to hold important positions in the royal court and the army, so that Yongju Island will not be depleted in arms if there is no war for a long time.

It was as if they would send some people back to the mainland of Faerûn, or join certain organizations, or serve the monarch of a certain city or country, to maintain the presence of Everjum Island in this world.

If an elf falls in love with another race during this process, or even gives birth to a half-elf heir, then Evermeet Island will also allow those half-elves who show enough talent to visit their parents on the island and maintain close contact with their family.

Because to a certain extent, these half-elf talents are also one of the tentacles for elves to expand their influence.

Kelben, Laila, and Elminster among the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic can all be counted as one of them.

After thinking about this, Zuo Si quickly guessed the purpose of this invitation.

After the banquet lasted for about an hour, Silinxi, who had danced several times in a row and had a faint blush on her face due to the strenuous exercise, refused the next handsome man who invited her and walked straight to Zuo Si. , picked up the transparent goblet from the table, raised his head and drank the "glitter wanderer" in the glass in one breath, and then burped very rudely.

This is a sparkling drink similar to champagne and Fat House Happy Water, but the alcohol content is not low, and it is deeply loved by sun elves.

Unlike Faerûn, where sun elves are rarely seen, the total number of sun elves in Evermeet Island accounts for more than 50%, followed by moon elves, sea elves and wood elves with the smallest number.

After drinking a drink of at least 400 milliliters, Silinxi suddenly felt that her burning throat and mouth were greatly relieved. She picked up a piece of silk and wiped the sweat on her forehead and cheeks, and then smiled and teased: "How can you Have you been standing here?

Even Zartaris' invitation was declined.

You must know that she is the Queen's personal scribe, and she almost never shows disgrace to other men.

In addition, the two ladies who just walked over, one is Selshala, the matron of the Durothil family, and the other is Amihir, the ruler of Nimris City, both of whom have possessions on Evermeet Island. An important position.

If you can establish a close friendship with them, you can obtain a considerable number of elven mages who master the advanced magical rituals. "

Zuo Si sneered and shook his head: "Haha, forget it, I'm not interested in playing this boring game of ambiguity and blood relationship with you.

Evermeet is the domain of the Seldarine gods.

Therefore, their will is the key, and these elven nobles are just chess pieces that are manipulated.

Compared to this, I am more concerned about when to start talking about the specific matters of the restoration of Comanso?

Don’t tell me that Queen Amratnu hasn’t made specific plans and measures after all this time. "

“You can rest assured of this.

In the past few months, we have sent people to investigate the situation of Myth Drannor and the main forces entrenched around him.

Originally, I planned to let you enjoy the banquet before we talk.

But since you are completely uninterested in this, let me get right to the point.

Come with me, this is not the place to talk about such things. "

After saying that, Silinxi put down the empty cup and turned towards the dark corridor outside the hall.

The two of them quickly shuttled through the passages filled with flowers and plants, and soon arrived at the room behind the palace, away from the banquet scene.

As soon as he entered the door, Zuo Si noticed that Queen Amranu, who should have been on the throne in the hall, had actually changed into casual clothes and stood in front of a map of Faerun.

There were four people standing next to her, one of whom was the personal scribe Zaltarius whom she had met before.

The other three are the Admiral - Emmaldin Elcida, the Grand Marshal - Keris Blackhelm, and the Chief Archmage - Brethel Olysl.

It can be said that the highest military directors of the entire Yongju Island were all present without exception.

Although Evergreen Island is nominally a monarchy and the Queen has the highest power, in fact the heads of these respective fields have great autonomy and can even force the Queen to take back unreasonable orders.

Therefore, the appearance of the three of them means that the restoration of Comanso is not a temporary initiative of one or two people, but has received widespread support and recognition.

Since everyone in the room had met before at the banquet, there was no need to waste time introducing each other.

Queen Amlanu went straight to the point, first handed a piece of information to Zuo Si, pointed to the marked place on the ground and introduced: "According to our spies' report, in the Cormanso Forest There are currently four main extremely dangerous dark elf forces.

They are the Ozkwen Clan, the Jarl Clan, the Spider Kissers, and the raiding parties that often come from the Underdark.

Among them, the Jelle family is the strongest, with about 8,000 well-trained dark elves.

They were originally a defeated and fleeing family from Menzoberranzan. Later, after decades of wandering, integration and development, they gradually became stronger.

The current leader of the family is the lame Jazz, and the main faith is Velen.

At present, these guys are very close to the location of the Royal Court and are trying to gain control of the Mystic Lock.

If a military strike is launched, the Jeller family may become the most troublesome and difficult enemy.

In second place is the Ozkwen clan, which has about 3,500 dark elves.

They are not a family bound by blood, but more like a wanderer who hugs each other for warmth.

In this group, there are not only dark elves, but also humans, surface elves and half-elves.

They also believe in Velen, so their relationship with the Jelle family has always been harmonious.

The above two dark elf forces have been living in the Cormanthor region for a long time. If they want to regain this area, they must be eradicated first.

Otherwise, even if immigrants come over, they will only be massacred mercilessly by them.

In addition, there are almost a thousand spider-kissers composed of Lolth's followers near the entrance to the Underdark, as well as surface raiders who often join them and provide support.

Although these drow are few in number, they are the most destructive.

After all, they have only one purpose for coming to the surface, and that is to kill and destroy.

As for the ubiquitous gnolls, orcs, goblins and the like, we need to wait until the dark elves are eliminated before considering them. "

Zuo Si quickly read the information, with a look of satisfaction on his face: "Quite good intelligence work, it seems that you have figured out the situation of Cormanso.

However, I would like to add two more points.

First, just two months ago, the Cult of the Dragon, under the leadership of Zia Modrian, established a foothold near Myth Drannor, which requires extra attention.

Because every member of this cult is an irrational lunatic.

Even God cannot predict what they will do.

Second, there are always a large number of adventurers and treasure hunters near Myth Drannor. You'd better think of a way to live in harmony with them.

Otherwise, if these people are angered, the situation will become very, very troublesome.

Finally, I want to ask, how many people do Yongju Island plan to send this time? "

There is no doubt that recovering Cormanthor will not be an easy task.

Because the Ozkwen clan and the Jelle family are the main sources of belief in the dark elf god of conspiracy, with a total of more than 10,000 believers.

For Viren, who had been suppressed and threatened by his mother for a long time, this was definitely not something he could just give up.

So it will 100% eventually turn into a confrontation between gods.

What's more, there is the Spider Goddess Rose watching eagerly.

In Zuo Si's view, rather than walking a tightrope in such a highly complex place, it is better to find a place to start anew.

But Cormanzo is not without his faults.

Especially Myth Drannor, who is protected by a magical secret lock, can immediately ensure the safety of a large area around him as long as he takes control of the core.

This is not a difficult thing for Silinxi, who is the creator of the myth lock.

In addition, there are thousands of surface elves living in this land, and they have a deep attachment and sense of belonging to Cormanthor. As long as Silinxi holds the flag high, she will be recognized by them immediately.

"I plan to dispatch five thousand troops, cross the Falling Star Sea and the Moon Sea directly from the West Coast Empire, and land in the distant mountains. I believe your fleet or airship can safely send this army to its destination, right?"

Grand Marshal Keris Blackhelm picked up a pen and drew his marching route on the map.

Since this is a political action, Everjum Island must make all surrounding countries feel its determination, and at the same time emphasize the legitimacy and legitimacy of the Kingdom of Cormanthor and Silinxi.

Therefore, the process of dispatching troops must be open and honest, and at the same time, it must be able to show the support of the West Coast Empire, a powerful ally.

"Of course, no problem. But what benefit can I get from it?"

Zuo Si raised his head and stared straight at Queen Amratnu.

Considering that there is Si Linxi, the most powerful mortal mage in Faerûn, sitting in charge, whether there are three thousand people, five thousand people, ten thousand or even twenty thousand people, there is essentially no big difference.

Anyway, as long as the god doesn't kill him personally, with her strength, no matter how many dark elves and monsters there are, she can kill them all as long as she comes a few times.

And once the control of the Mystic Lock is regained, even the coming of the Ghost City floating in the Eno Oak Desert will be in vain.

So what Zuo Si really cares about is his own interests.

He is not one of the other chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic who would selflessly sacrifice for such ridiculous reasons as kindness and justice.

"I think this should be enough to satisfy you."

Before the Queen could speak, Silinxi took the initiative to take out a scroll that had been prepared in advance.

Zuo Si opened it expectantly and glanced at it. He suddenly showed an expression of great surprise and asked with a smile: "Is this the spell transfer you invented?"

Silinxi nodded slightly: "That's right. I think you should know the effect and power of this spell best. Its value is far greater than an artifact, and it cannot be measured by money."

"Deal! I wish us a happy cooperation."

Zuo Si agreed without even thinking, so fast that everyone around him was shocked.

What a joke!

This is [Silinxi Spell Transfer]!

A magic coveted by all arcane casters across the realm!

If it were put up for sale, even great arcanists like Ovo and Larocque would spend all their money to pay a sky-high price, not to mention the likes of Sazastan and Sammaster.

You must know that even Elminster, as a disciple, did not get the opportunity to learn this spell.

This shows how precious [Silinxi Spell Transfer] is.

It is estimated that only the Magic Goddess Midnight has the corresponding backup.

Witnessing Zuo Si's face-changing stunt, Silinxi's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably, she raised her eyebrows and asked in a semi-joking tone: "Have you always been so realistic?"

"Of course! As long as there are enough benefits, I can even make deals with my mortal enemies."

Zuo Si was not ashamed but proud to answer in the affirmative.

"Okay, now I finally understand why Elminster doesn't like you. But as a great devil, you are really a model among devils. No wonder Asmodeus personally invited you to join the hell camp. .”

When saying these words, Silinxi obviously rolled her eyes.

But Zuo Si, who got what he wanted, obviously didn't care about the attitude of the elf archmage.

But just when he stood up to say goodbye, Queen Amratnu suddenly took out a prism crystal and placed it gently on the table.


Zuo Si's attention was attracted.

Through the crystal clear surface, he felt the divine power contained inside.

"Your Majesty Soth, this is a gift from the elven gods to you. Thank you for your willingness to support us in returning to the mainland to regain the Kingdom of Cormanthor. As long as this plan succeeds, Evermeet Island will become your most loyal ally." Queen Amratnu said solemnly.


Zuo Si's eyes suddenly became profound, and he clearly felt the gaze from the elves and gods.

Queen Amlanu nodded slightly: "Yes, a gift. The great god knows that you have always been interested in the magical rituals of myths and elves, so he decided to grant you such an ability. In exchange, the god hopes that you can do this for They will provide escort for this operation and deal with enemies who are not convenient for them to deal with."

"So this is a deal?"

Zuo Si understood something instantly, and slowly picked up the crystal and felt the knowledge and divine power contained inside.

"No, it's not just a transaction, the great god hopes this is the beginning of some kind of friendship.

Although your evil tendencies and identity as the Great Devil are not in line with the values ​​we uphold, and you also have an unexplained relationship with the Spider Queen.

But after observing for a period of time, the Supreme Creator still feels that you are not the enemy of the elves.

Quite the opposite!

You can become our ally and help us gain a better foothold in Faerûn. "

At this moment, Queen Amranu is obviously not representing herself or Evermeet Island, but representing the powerful Elf Lord Corellon.

"I am honored to have the friendship of the Seldarine gods, especially the great Corellon Larethian, creator and guardian of all elves. Give him my regards and my thanks for his generosity."

After that, Zuo Si directly activated the knowledge and divine power contained in the crystal.


All this is quickly absorbed and digested and transformed into its own power.

At the same time, his appearance also changed slightly. The two round human ears became somewhat pointed, his limbs and body became slender, and even his facial features took on an elf-like delicacy.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si has gained a new form change, that of an elf.

And this change is not just a change in appearance and genes like the transformation spell, but the soul is infused with the characteristics of the elves, which can be directly connected to the elven country Avandor.

It is through this link that the high elven mages can use the power of gods to cast spells that are powerful enough to destroy the world, and establish magical mysteries that stun spellcasters of other races.

"Your elf looks very handsome."

Queen Amranu praised from the bottom of her heart.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I still prefer to stay human.

If there is nothing else to do, I will return to Ascatla first.

Because I was exploring a new world recently, and I discovered a group of interesting races in that world who called themselves high elves.

Maybe I can take you to see them in person if you have the chance in the future. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly returned to his human appearance, activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

As soon as he stepped forward, a male elf with long golden hair appeared out of thin air, his whole body filled with indescribable power.

After seeing this appearance, all the high-ranking elves, including the queen, immediately knelt on the ground and expressed their highest respect with practical actions.

Because he is none other than the creator of the elven race in the universe where the entire planet Toril is located, and he is also the main god of the elven kingdom, Corellon.

"What an interesting guy, much more interesting than outside rumors. High elves? Is this a brand new elven race in a certain universe? I really want to see it with my own eyes..."

Corellon showed a very interested expression.

Like all the gods of the chaos camp, he is not the serious, serious god that many people imagine, but the kind of god who can come up with whatever he wants, and is very keen on art, pleasure and adventure.

As for the sudden appearance of Zuo Si, the planeswalker, the Elf God had actually noticed it for a long time, but he did not rush to make contact, but hid in the dark and observed silently.

It was only recently that after confirming through the super cyberpunk city of the ninth level of Baator Hell and the way the West Coast Empire ruled that this was not an evil person and cruel tyrant in the traditional sense, we finally decided to try to have some cooperation.

The plan to recover Comanso was only the first step.

If successful, Yongju Island will have more exchanges with the West Coast Empire and achieve the grand goal of returning to the mainland.

"Great Lord God, do you have any instructions for coming in person?" Queen Amratnu asked cautiously.

Corellon smiled and shook his head: "No, I was just very happy to hear that there are elves in other universes.

Although they may not be the children I created.

In addition, I became strongly curious about the ability of planeswalkers to travel between different worlds and even universes at will.

I really hope that I can use Soth's eyes to explore those unknown worlds. "

"If you really have this idea, the easiest way is to satisfy Soth's desire for knowledge, power and artifacts. With his character, he will definitely be very happy to make a deal with you, just like the deals he made with other gods. .”

Silinxi couldn't help but complain.

Since she is the chosen one of the goddess of magic, she does not need to be too respectful and fearful of the main elf god in front of her like others, and can completely communicate with him on a relatively equal footing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Corellon was immediately amused and laughed. While laughing, he reached out and touched Silinxi's hair and sighed: "My child, you don't understand how terrifying the future growth potential of a planeswalker like Soth is.

Think about it, how many years did it take for him to go from a mortal to a level comparable to a god?

Especially the kind of power that can infinitely extract energy to strengthen itself. As long as it doesn't die halfway, it is only a matter of time before it surpasses most gods.

What's more, I'm very interested in his philosophy, thoughts, and identity.

Because his evil is not evil in the traditional sense, or in other words, he is changing or even subverting most people's understanding of evil in this universe, as well as the concept of evil itself.

Do you know what this means? "

Silinxi lowered her head and pondered for a moment. A look of horror quickly appeared on her face. She raised her head and answered with an extremely heavy voice: "He will become like the original one, the wild god, and the ancient evil creature, which does not require belief and can be achieved just by existing." A monster that makes the gods feel threatened.”

"That's right.

Although he may not be aware of this yet, he is indeed moving in this direction.

So don't look at him the same way you look at a mortal.

Your disciple Elminster made such a mistake.

Okay, you continue to make preparations to regain the Kingdom of Cormanthor. I look forward to the day when you will be crowned king. "

With that said, Corellon bent down and kissed Silinxi's forehead gently, then turned into a ray of light and left.

On the other side, Zuo Si, who returned to the mage tower, immediately hid in his room and began to learn [Silinxi Spell Transfer], and tried to perform the high elf magic rituals he knew, and unknowingly forgot the passage of time.

He didn't even go to the Discovery Room to observe the situation in Azeroth for several days in a row, and he didn't even know that another famous battle in the Third War - the Defense of Dalaran - was about to begin.

Of course, even if I knew, I wouldn't care too much.

After all, before Archimonde's sun tree triggers a strong energy explosion, it is impossible to obtain accurate spatial coordinates, let alone a clone or projection.

So this also determines that the ray of consciousness he came to will not stop the invasion of the Burning Legion from the beginning.

All they had done before was to expand their faith and continue to strengthen their connection with the world, while also ensuring that the Eastern Kingdom Alliance forces would not suffer too much loss.

In addition, he issued combat readiness orders to several forces under his control, including the demon army of Baator Hell, New Phyrexia in Mirrodin time and space, and the player forces with the Floating City of Plantia as the core. .

As for the purpose, of course it is to prepare for a head-on confrontation with the Burning Legion and the forces of the Ancient Gods at the same time.

Because from the moment the clone successfully arrives, Zuo Si will regard the planet of Azeroth as his forbidden home, a super-large energy source that will never be exhausted.

Anyone who dares to stretch out his claws will be chopped off without mercy.

In addition, Argus, who has given birth to the Titan, is also on the list of acquisitions.

Therefore, a head-on battle with the Burning Legion is inevitable.

While Zuo Si himself was busy learning and digesting this magical knowledge, his descending consciousness had quietly arrived at Dalaran, watching this magical city that humans had spent a lot of time, energy, effort, and resources to build. It could resist the attack of Alsace and his Scourge as much as possible.

In particular, the anti-undead enchantment jointly cast by several archmages can continuously consume the energy in massive amounts of undead creatures.

Once the energy disappears, whether it is a low-level ghoul or a huge suture abomination, they will immediately fall to the ground and become a pile of rotten flesh.

Not even Frostmourne can pull it back up.

Moreover, the rapid decrease in energy will also greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the undead creatures, and attributes such as strength and agility will be greatly reduced.

Even those ordinary infantrymen can easily chop off the heads of at least seven or eight zombies in one round of battle.

If it weren't for their overwhelming numerical advantage, Arthas and Kel'Thuzad might not be able to attack it.

But what really determines how long the city can last is not the archmage who maintains the magic barrier, nor the bloody soldiers, but the leader of the Kirin Tor Council, Antony Das.

Since he decided to surrender to the Lich King in exchange for eternal life, he has quietly made many arrangements.

Now as long as the archmage activates the arcane puppet hidden in the dark, Dalaran's powerful magic barrier will immediately disappear, opening a direct passage for the undead army to store the Book of Medivh.

"Tell me, Anthony, what are you still hesitating about?

Could it be that I can't let go of this body that is aging and about to die?

Or are you unable to bear it and are afraid of seeing Dalaran reduced to ruins?

You have to understand that my patience is limited.

If you don't take action, there will be a question mark as to whether those previous promises will be fulfilled. "

At this critical moment, the voice of Lich King Ner'zhul once again echoed in the Archmage's mind.

These words instantly broke Antonidas's psychological defense, and he quickly explained: "No, I'm not hesitating, Master. I'm just waiting for the right time."

As the last word blurted out, he immediately activated the back door he had left.

In an instant, the arcane puppets that were originally guarding the key road seemed to have lost control. They turned around and rushed towards one of the archmages who was maintaining their magic concentration.

Seeing this, the Archmage could no longer stand motionless on the supporting barrier, and immediately began to cast spells to stop these crazy arcane puppets.

As soon as he interrupted, the weakened undead army immediately resurrected with full health.

Arthas seized the fleeting opportunity and personally led a group of death knights to charge, killing the archmage at lightning speed and defeating the guards blocking the treasure house where the Book of Medivh was stored.

Antonidas also personally killed two other archmages who were maintaining the magic barrier in a sneak attack in order to exchange the certificate.

As a result, without the barrier, thousands of undead armies poured into the city like a tide.

But even so, Dalaran still did not give up resistance.

Instead, they relied on a large number of mages and defensive spires to hold on, and they were still organizing a counterattack to recapture the Book of Medivh.

Unfortunately it was too late.

After Kel'Thuzad got the book, he immediately found a place and began to use the huge arcane power he gained when he was resurrected from the Sunwell to open the portal, allowing Archimonde and a group of pioneers of the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth. .

When the space rift opened, legion's support began to pour in continuously.

At the beginning, they were just the lowest level cannon fodder imps, but it didn't take long before powerful units such as Hellhounds, Hellfires, Succubi, and Doom Guards appeared one after another.

Hellhounds, in particular, live by devouring magic and energy and are out-and-out legal killers.

The mages of Dalaran are often stared at by these creatures with weird tentacles, and immediately feel that the magic power in their bodies is exhausted, and they are unable to cast any spells at all.

Without the support of magic, it would be a pipe dream for soldiers to carve out a bloody stream among the undead and demonic armies alone.

"It looks like everything is over."

Zuo Si sighed slightly.

Just when he was about to go down and persuade the mages to stop resisting and run away, otherwise everything would be over when Archimonde came out, he suddenly found that a raven had landed next to him at some point.

Only two or three seconds after the eyes of the man and the bird met, the raven's body quickly changed into a man wearing a gray-brown cloak and a hood.

"The last guardian Medivh?"

Zuo Si obviously recognized the other party's identity, and his eyes suddenly shone slightly.

"Hello, god from another universe, I have been observing you for some time."

Medivh did not hide his identity this time, but took off his hood to reveal his iconic face.

"Then you chose to show up at this sensitive and special moment, does that mean you want to say something to me, or reach a deal?" Zuo Si touched his chin and probed with interest.

Medivh was silent for a moment, and then asked: "I heard that you want to be the guardian of this world, is it true?"

"Have those bronze dragons looked for you?"

Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

Because he only said this in front of two bronze dragons.


Not only did they tell me this timeline because your existence was completely out of control, but there was no way to correct it.

So I decided to come and talk to you personally and confirm what the future of this world will look like.

This is the only thing I, a sinner, can do. "

Medivh made his purpose straightforward.

You can tell from his tone that he is in a very low mood, full of tension and anxiety...

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