A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 628: The reason for the great elf retreat (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The huge aerial gunboat departed from Askatla and flew northeast along the land route, passing through the large areas north of the Cloud and Mist Mountains and south of the Chongsa River that were originally called green fields. They were soon cultivated by many people. the farmer observed.

Because now this great plain has been completely developed into the farmland and pastures of the empire's granary, and is home to more than 1.5 million people.

It can almost be said to be the most important large granary in the entire Amn and West Heartland regions, continuously providing cheap enough food, vegetables, meat, eggs, milk and other supplies for the growing urban population.

Through large-scale water conservancy construction, the Chongsa River and abundant water resources were diverted by canals, irrigating the thriving food and pasture.

Tens of thousands of cattle and sheep are grazing leisurely, and the herdsmen are resting on horseback with their hounds. They don't have to worry about it all day long as before in case a beast or monster suddenly rushes out of the dense forest and attacks them. Or the herd attacks.

Because under the order of the Imperial Cabinet, whether it was the Cloak Forest, the Sharptooth Forest, or the Viper Forest sandwiched between the two mountainous areas, they were getting smaller and smaller due to crazy cutting day and night, and it was estimated that they would disappear completely in a short time.

High-quality wood is sent to the city for shipbuilding and fine furniture, while cheap wood is used to build houses for local people, make fences and fences, and even worse wood is simply chopped into firewood.

In short, in order to build a safe granary, the important ministers of the West Coast Empire did everything they could.

As for the animals that were previously protected by druids, as well as the ferocious monsters living in the forest, they were all surrounded and suppressed by adventurers and patrols.

They will sell intelligent creatures such as goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, half-orcs, and gnolls as trophies to slave traders.

Either as a supporting role in dueling performances, they use their blood and lives to perform for bloodthirsty audiences, or they are transported to countries where slavery is still practiced.

Ordinary beasts will decide how to deal with it based on the market price.

Some pets that are sought after by the upper class will be captured alive and sent to animal trainers for domestication. Those with expensive fur will be killed and skinned. Those with research value, such as giant spiders, pterosaurs, and itter monsters, are often sold. To the mage.

Since there was no obstruction from the Druids, everything went smoothly.

As the spiritual structure of the three forests was severely damaged, the number of various monsters and beasts decreased sharply. It became a problem for them to even protect themselves, let alone running out to attack the villages.

Some tribes wanted to flee south into the Yunwu Mountains to survive, but they were easily annihilated by the cavalry deployed in the mining town of Naxikai.

Facts have proved that when a unified and powerful empire rises, these threats scattered all over Faerûn are nothing at all.

This is why during the unprecedented prosperity of Netheril, there were basically no records of monsters and beasts attacking human towns and villages.

Even the dragons who always think highly of themselves will stay far away from the rule of the Netherese.

Otherwise, they will either be captured and enslaved, or they will be killed directly and turned into casting materials and raw materials for various weapons and equipment.

With the help of powerful magic and technological power, the so-called "great nature" is nothing more than a plaything that can be kneaded, transformed and reshaped at will.

Respect nature?

Follow nature?

Protect nature?

Stop it!

As the emperor of the empire, Zuo Sicai didn't believe this.

Similarly, his legendary lich and a large number of arcane spellcasters are equally dismissive of this.

Even the Carlin Desert in the south came to life again in front of Marvin's worldweaving skills, and a large number of low vegetation had grown on its edges.

All the Cloudy Mountains, Broken Tooth Mountains, and Xingxuan Mountains that hinder coastal land transportation, or the Alamir Mountains in the south that block the connection with Steam Lake, are all directly split through ten rings, eleven rings, and legendary spells. At the critical moment. Build castles, fortresses and passes at the location, and station a certain number of troops at the same time.

With this kind of land, sea and air transportation completely connected, you can imagine how prosperous trade and commerce will be.

In addition, after a series of negotiations and the mediation of Kelburn and Lyra, Waterdeep also nominally joined the empire and became an autonomous city, no longer having independent diplomatic and military powers.

There is no force on the entire west coast of the continent that can prevent the empire from completely annexing the north, whether it is openly or secretly.

Since they had done their homework in advance when they came, the senior officials of the Everlasting Island Elf Army were very aware of the terrifying potential of this rapidly rising human empire.

Especially the scenes they saw along the way on the airship deeply shocked many of them.

Although in the perception of most elves, the continent of Faerûn, with the exception of Evermeet Island, is a rural place not worth mentioning. It is barren and backward, and is also full of vulgarity and savagery.

But the West Coast Empire is clearly not one of them.

Because even during the most prosperous period when the elves controlled the hegemony of the continent, they had never had any country rule over such a large population and such a vast land, let alone millions of people gathered together to form huge urban communities.

When the gunboat passed Simon Harbor and officially entered the sky over the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars, the top commander of this army, Severil Militar, finally couldn't help but ask: "How on earth do they manage such a huge country?" So prosperous and well organized?”

“It’s simple, it relies on a complex and professional bureaucracy, as well as ubiquitous surveillance and horrific punishments.

Officials with outstanding performance in the administrative system of the West Coast Empire have the opportunity to go to the ninth level of Baator Hell to learn and practice the advanced concepts and management methods there.

When they come back, their understanding of politics, economics, and public opinion control will be elevated to a level unimaginable by ordinary people in this world.

Under the command of these elites, instead of being bloated and slow like other huge empires, the bureaucracy will operate efficiently.

This is why in just a few years, the entire west coast of Faerûn has shown a completely different scene from the central and eastern parts.

Otherwise, why do you think Her Majesty Queen Amratnu would take the initiative to show her kindness to a human country?

Why does the great Corellon look at Soth in a different light? "

Silinxi bluntly stated the information she had.

Since she had been to the ninth level of Baator Hell and met the bureaucrats who were "internships" there, she understood that the West Coast Empire's rapid rise was not a fluke or an accident.

Moreover, there are currently many key positions in the empire system that are held by people who have signed contracts and intend to go to hell after death. Some are simply devils transformed into humans.

Therefore, the lawfulness and stability of the West Coast Empire are full from the beginning.

Coupled with Zuo Si's own evil tendencies, he will not show mercy at all when suppressing rebellions and eradicating threats. Even if there are external forces who want to cause trouble, the result will most likely end in a dismal failure.

"So our strategy in the next few hundred years is to maintain the friendship with the West Coast Empire, or to be more precise, maintain the friendship with His Majesty Thos, and then use his power to ensure the presence and voice of the elves on the continent?"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Severil Militar's face.

As a noble elite of Yongju Island, it is naturally impossible for him not to know the concerns of Yongju Island's senior officials.

From DR837 to DR1343, the elves of Faerûn entered an era that historians call the "Great Retreat."

Countless elves voluntarily abandoned their homes and migrated back to Evermeet Island.

Although there are rumors from the outside that this is due to the rise of humans and the fact that many elven territories are crumbling under external threats.

The fall of the Kingdom of Cormanthor in particular intensified this process.

But the sun elf commander knew very well that the reason for the elf retreat was not from an external threat, but from an ancient prophecy, a prophecy about the destruction of the world.

It comes from a book called "The Mysteries of Tirantir", which records that many well-known prophets, including Arando the Wise, made predictions related to elves.

Of the more than two thousand prophecies, a quarter have been fulfilled or are about to be fulfilled.

One of the great prophets named Galalith Durothor made a prediction, which roughly means that when the end of the world comes, seven disasters will come at the same time.

One of them comes from the north, one from the south, two from the distant eastern continent Karatu, one from the hot southern subcontinent Zakara connected to Karatu, one from the Maztec continent, and the last one comes from a mysterious place beyond the giant sea. Place.

The seven disasters will form a terrifying army with the orcs, giants, dragons and other evil creatures in this world to sweep the world.

In order to preserve their strength and avoid a war with the rising humans for continental hegemony, the elven leaders actively chose to give in after discussion.

In fact, as early as the era of Netheril, the elves had discussed whether to completely destroy this human magical civilization to ensure that they remained the undisputed overlord of Faerûn.

Don't think this is a joke!

As long as they were willing, they really had such strength at that time, but they would also suffer heavy losses.

But in the end the elves chose to give in, and officially confirmed in DR837 that they would retreat from the mainland in order to accumulate strength to deal with the predicted disaster.

Moreover, an organization called Eli - the Council of the Seven in Eviron was specially established to take charge of this matter.

The leader, Lalandre Silversong, is not only a powerful high-level elf mage lord, but also the oldest known elf in Faerûn. It is said that the blood of the main god Corellon flows in his body.

But the problem is that with the evacuation basically completed, the senior officials of Yongju Island suddenly realized that it would take a long time before the prophecy became a reality.

The overly safe environment of Everjum Island also caused a large number of elves to lose their vigilance and tenacious will to fight.

In addition, the disappearance of a large number of elves has also made other races on the continent take the elves less and less seriously.

There have even been cases of large-scale hunting of elves as slaves on a national basis.

This is obviously not the result they want.

So they began to plan to return to the continent of Faerûn and establish a medium-sized elf kingdom somewhere.

According to the conclusion reached after discussion by the Queen and her ministers, Evermeet Island will find an appropriate time in the next few decades to be led by Severil Militar and Isevir, who has royal blood. An army retakes Myth Drannor and then uses it as a basis to rebuild the Kingdom of Cormanthor.

However, plans obviously cannot keep up with changes quickly.

With the rapid rise of the West Coast Empire, the senior officials of Everjum Island suddenly realized that in addition to relying on their own strength, they could also obtain help from humans through alliances.

Moreover, in terms of legality and legitimacy, Silinci is more qualified than Isever to become the queen of Cormanthor.

Therefore, they finally modified the original plan and turned it into the current military operation.

After all, with the support of a powerful empire behind him, both safety and supplies will be guaranteed.

Silinxi obviously knew what the "young man" who was only a few hundred years old next to her was thinking, and nodded with a smile: "You are right.

Today's Faerûn continent is an era that completely belongs to humans.

So we can't do whatever we want like hundreds of years ago.

Otherwise, countries and city-states dominated by humans will unite to suppress and suppress us.

In order to avoid this happening, it is necessary to avoid touching the most sensitive nerves of mankind as much as possible in the process of recovering Cormanthor.

This means that we need to gain their recognition and even support.

If the West Coast Empire supports our military actions and openly admits that the land still belongs to the elves, then other surrounding forces will never dare to act rashly under the former's powerful military, economic and political deterrence.

Don’t forget, the Moon Sea is now the territory of Fuzor Chamberry.

I don't think the voters of Bane, the god of tyranny, will be happy about Cormanthor's restoration.

Quite the opposite!

He may be one of the many enemies we need to face.

In addition, the Ghost City in the Aino Oak Desert also needs to be vigilant.

Based on my experience in dealing with the great arcanists of the Netherese era, once these arrogant guys feel that you are a threat, they will not hesitate to use force. "

"Damn it! So after excluding the drow entrenched in the ruins of the city and the forest, we still have to deal with threats from the outside?"

Severil held his forehead and showed a very embarrassed expression.

After all, he only had 5,000 people with all his resources.

Counting the elves and half-elves in Cormanthor, the total would not exceed eight thousand.

But what about the enemy?

There are tens of thousands of dark elves alone, and there are also a large number of ogres, orcs, gnolls, goblins and other monsters to deal with.

As for the army of Zhentil Castle and the City of Shadows, they were not carefully considered from the beginning.

“Now you know how dangerous this journey is, right?

I can only hope that the names of the West Coast Empire and Thos can deter the other party before regaining Myth Drannor and restarting the Mystery Lock.

Otherwise, we can only choose to retreat temporarily. "

While saying these words, Silinxi stood on the deck of the gunboat and looked at the endless sea in the distance. She let the strong air flow blow her hair, and her eyes suddenly became serious and deep.

"Oh - I hope everything goes well."

Severil sighed slightly and turned his gaze to the knights riding giant dragons flying around the airship to escort them, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of envy.

You must know that a long time ago, the elves briefly rode dragons to participate in battles.

The only difference was that they were two-legged pets belonging to the dragon, while the knights in front of them were the dragon's partners and even masters.

Whether flying or fighting, the Knight always dominates.

If possible, Severil is like getting a dragon of his own, no matter how huge the price is.

Maybe after Cormanthor returns to the country, he can rely on his close relationship with the West Coast Empire to take out some high-level magic items inherited from his family in exchange for a dragon egg or a newborn dragon, and then gradually Its feeding is large.

Thinking of this, his heart felt as if a fire had been ignited and he became excited.

But what these elves didn't know was that just when they were about to pass through the sky over Sambia, an uninvited guest came to the mage tower in an aggressive manner to question Zuo Sixing.

He is none other than Fuzor Chambery, who has unified the city-states along the Moon Sea and is working hard to build a kingdom of his own.

The electorate of Bane, the god of tyranny, started asking questions as soon as they met: "Why do you want to help those damn pointy-eared elves return to Cormanthor? Didn't we agree before that that land will belong to me in the future?" "

"Aren't you fighting openly and secretly with the City of Shadows now? Are you still in the mood to care about Cormanso's ownership?" Zuo Si asked with a sneer.

You must know that during the time when he was paying attention to Azeroth and studying the Elven Mysteries and Magical Ritual, the entire continent of Faerûn was not peaceful at all.

In the north, the conflict between the City of Shades and the Zhentarim has reached a fever pitch.

On average, one or two small-scale conflicts and secret battles break out every week.

According to Xi Manmeng's description, there were as many as three to four hundred spies who disappeared in the desert alone.

This shows that the conflict between the two sides is getting closer to the critical point, and a full-scale war may break out at any time.

If Ovo hadn't brought the floating city to give the supreme city lord Telamante a little shock before, it would have started a fight by now.

"Why don't you care? If I build a force next to the West Coast Empire that may be your enemy at any time, what will you do?"

Fuzoul Chamberry's tone revealed strong dissatisfaction and anger.

In his view, the other party's behavior was simply a naked and undisguised betrayal and provocation, which was absolutely unacceptable and tolerated.

But Zuo Si didn't pay attention to this at all. He sat on the sofa playing with a newly born lion cub and responded without raising his head: "I will skip this insignificant force and directly go first." Kill you, and then turn it into a vassal that obeys my orders. What, do you want to try it? I suggest you start with Tumis and see how I will deal with such trouble."


Fuzuo Er Qianberry's face changed and became extremely ugly.

With his IQ, how could he not realize that this was a complete threat and intimidation? His attitude suddenly changed from the previous arrogance to caution. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"What do you think of the situation in the north now?"

Zuo Si touched the little lion's head with a half-smiling expression.

"Do you even need to ask?

Since the return of Haunted City, there has not been a peaceful day in the entire Aenook Desert.

Under the guise of rebuilding Netheril, they unscrupulously infiltrated all surrounding cities and villages.

There are already many undercurrents surging within the cities in the Moon Sea, and rebellions may break out at any time. "

As soon as he mentioned the City of Shadows, Fuzuoer Qianberry immediately became furious and revealed all the recent actions of this powerful enemy.

Although Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim are regarded by the outside world as evil forces that cannot be offended, they are the kind of masterminds who will trigger a series of chain reactions just by hearing their names.

However, compared with the powerful magical power possessed by the Haunted Soul City, they are still too weak.

After all, the entire organization only has three top combat forces: the legendary priest and elector Fuzoul Chamberry, the clone of Manson, and the double-minded Xi Manmeng.

It's not on the same level as being able to easily dispatch a dozen ghost princes with legendary levels.

Therefore, after the return of Haunted City, Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim should not be completely suppressed.

The former presses forward step by step and continuously shrinks the latter's sphere of influence, constantly weakening its strength through small-scale conflicts and assassinations.

It has to be said that playing conspiracies with such a group of legendary mages who are calm, rational and possessing extremely high levels of intelligence, Fuzoul Chambery only feels that his brain is completely insufficient, and several actions have ended in failure without exception. .

As for the losses of Zhentil Keep and Zhentarim during this period, Zuo Si had already received a detailed report from Ximanmon. He pursed his lips and said, "In that case, why do you hold back the elves' return to Cormanthor?" How could there be so much hostility?

Do you think that with the character of the elf, he would form an alliance with the City of Shadows?

Or do you think Shade City will watch helplessly as the elves once again reactivate Myth Drannor's powerful magical mythos?

The answer is obviously no.

There is an inherent incompatibility between these two forces.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before they break out into conflict or even war.

So you shouldn't think of elves as enemies, but as potential allies against the City of Shades.

After all, you are now the one who is at a disadvantage and needs outside help. "

"So you think I'm being unreasonable and I have to thank you?"

Fu Zouer Qianberry instantly laughed angrily.

Although this was not the first time he had seen Zuo Si's sophistry that confuses right and wrong, he was still pushed to a new level by the other party's shameless remarks.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that this cooperation between the West Coast Empire and Yongju Island is actually to plant a nail in the already tense situation in the north. Whoever is stronger will unite with one party to suppress the other.

To put it bluntly, Zhentil Castle and the City of Shadows are consuming each other's strength in constant battles. No one can truly win the final victory and unify the north.

The elves can gain a kingdom from this deal, as well as influence and voice on the continent of Faerûn.

The West Coast Empire can use such proxy wars to defeat potential competitors without a single blow, while gaining a close ally to reach out to the Moon Sea.

When he thought that the three countries of Cormyr, Sembia, and Cormanthor would become vassals and allies of the West Coast Empire, Fuzole Chambery couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine.

It doesn't take much, as long as these three countries can unite, his expansion plan to build an empire will become a delusion that can never be realized.

"You're welcome. We are all voters of Bane, the god of tyranny. We should help each other."

Zuo Si had a faint smile on his face, obviously confident.

Because he knew that the guy in front of him had no choice now.

Either swallow this poisonous wine to temporarily relieve the huge pressure from the City of Shadows, or send troops to interfere with the elves to regain Cormanthor, and then the City of Shadows will take the opportunity to attack and destroy them.

Want to haggle?

Sorry, the current Zhentil Fort no longer has such qualifications.

What's more, Bane's church has already blossomed all over the West Coast Empire, and the area around the Moon Sea has long ceased to be the main source of faith, and its importance has plummeted.

"Is there really no room for maneuver in this matter?"

Fuzoul Chamberry seemed to realize that he had no bargaining chips at all, but he still asked again reluctantly.

Zuo Si shook his head calmly: "No.

All you can do is accept the reality to maintain your rule around the Moon Sea.

As for expansion, it is better to consider Hantu on the other side of Dragon Bay.

Oh, by the way, let me inform you.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, please transfer your people away from Myth Drannor.

Otherwise, it would be a pity if he was killed by the elves. "

"Hmph! I know how to do this without you having to tell me."

Fuzuoer Qianberry, who realized that he couldn't get any benefits at all, snorted coldly and immediately turned around and left without looking back.

After he completely walked out of the mage tower, Ovo, who was hiding in the dark, appeared and flopped down on the sofa, letting out a low and hoarse laugh.

"Hahahaha! Arranging the elves to recover Cormanthor at this time is really a clever move. I think Telamante will definitely become very nervous after learning this news."

"No matter how nervous you are, it can't be as shocking as the attack you carried out not long ago. I heard that you destroyed almost one-fifth of the buildings in Ghost City, and even the main tower palace where Telamant lived was seriously damaged. damage."

Zuo Si told the great arcanist's feats in a half-joking tone.

Ovo triumphantly shook the swollen fat all over his body and explained: "That's because Telamante was too careless.

He thought that there was only one floating city left in the world, Yinhun City, so he did not activate all the magic defenses.

The number of mages responsible for guarding and on duty is estimated to be less than 300.

This gave me the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack.

But I'm a little surprised, why don't you just deal with the City of Shadows yourself?

It should be easy to do this with your strength, right? "

"It is easy to deal with the City of Shadows, but the goddess behind it is not easy to deal with.

What's more, my energy has recently been focused on a certain planet in another universe.

There is no time to deal with the endless battles in Faerûn for the time being.

So I would like to trouble you to keep an eye on those in Yinhun City.

As long as it doesn't affect my most important plans, they can do whatever they want. "

Zuo Si pretended to be indifferent and threw the little lion in his arms to the golem, and the golem sent him back to his mother.

"Another universe?"

Owo's eyes shone slightly, obviously full of interest.

After all, as a Grand Arcanist, he has explored many outer planes, inner planes and other planes through the Gate of Otherworld spells, but he has never left this universe.

Zuo Si immediately replied: "Yes, another universe. There are many interesting rules, magic and energy with different attributes. Maybe when the time is right, I will consider taking some people there to have a look. But before that, I A war needs to be waged to defeat a powerful enemy.”

"If you need help, you can always come to me. I am more than happy to provide assistance on such a grand occasion."

Owo made his attitude clear without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I will notify you as soon as possible if necessary."

After saying this, Zuo Si decisively ended the conversation between the two, stood up and disappeared from the sight of the great arcanist.

At the same time, far away in the central laboratory of the Mercury Sea, the territory of the blue faction in Mirrodin time and space, the blue demon judge Jinji Tasha and the red demon judge Wabasi were gathering together to discuss how to prepare for war.

Together with the two of them, there were the green demon judge Fulinkai, who had recently been baptized by the new shining oil, and the black demon judge Xiorui.

To be precise, with the exception of Elenon, the White Demon Judge, all other factions have now unknowingly completed the transformation.

The anti-infestation plan can basically be considered a success to this extent.

Even if Elenon finally senses something is wrong and leads the white faction to rise up to resist, they will only be annihilated by the other four factions.

"I believe you have all received the master's war orders.

What we have to do now is to arm as many legions as possible and upgrade the soldiers' weapons and equipment.

You must know that the enemies we face this time are a group of super forces that cannot be truly killed and possess powerful magic and technical levels.

The most important thing is that Elenon must not be discovered. "

Wabasi, who was the first to join Zuo Si at the scene, spoke first and set the tone.

Although according to his idea, it would be best to directly launch a civil war and directly defeat Elenon and the white faction.

But the master's orders cannot be violated.

"Strong enemy? I have powerful magic and technology? That's great! Because once the war starts, everything they have will become ours."

Jinji Tasha turned his head and glanced at the huge space-time bridge that stood in the center of the laboratory, his eyes shining with excitement and anticipation.

Since acquiring this powerful artifact, he has traveled through the universe many times and seen many unheard of and unseen technologies, as well as the use of energy with various different attributes.

From the perspective of the Blue Demon Judge, who has strong research and development capabilities, this is not a war, it is simply a feast of technological plunder.

After the battle is completed, the overall level of New Phyrexia is bound to reach an unprecedented height.

At that time, turning around to deal with Elenon and the white faction will definitely produce a crushing effect.

Xiorui nodded as she remained: "That's right. No matter how strong they are or how advanced their technology is, it is meaningless in front of the more powerful new Shuoyou. My black faction is ready, Millions of legions can be mobilized to fight for the master at any time.”

"The same is true for my Brutal Legion. No matter who the enemy is, they will witness the most terrifying natural disaster in the entire multiverse. We are unbeatable! Unstoppable!"

Green Demon Judge Fulinkai's tone revealed an uncontrollable rage and hunger.

When Wabas saw this scene, he immediately showed satisfaction: "Very good!

I hope you understand that our master's legion is not only ours in New Phyrexia, but also many other forces.

So we must show our worth in this war and prove that we are the best.

If anyone's performance embarrasses New Phyrexia, be prepared to be dismantled.

Jinji Tasha, how is your research on that weapon going? "

"Here, there it is. It was completely completed three days ago. Trust me, you will be shocked by the carnage and destruction it can cause."

As he spoke, the Blue Demon Judge raised his finger and pointed at a metal cylinder not far away that was engraved with countless mysterious symbols and patterns and was more than thirty meters long.

If you look closely, you can see that the symbols and patterns are very close to those on the same sign.

You don't need to ask to know that this is a super weapon finally created by excavating the ancient civilization ruins in the Koros Cave, combined with New Phyrexia's glowing oil technology.

But only Jinji Tasha knows what it really does.

After all, he has not conducted any experiments since the completion of the production.

It's not that I don't want to, but the power of this thing is too amazing, and there is no way to hide it from Elenon's eyes.

"Excellent! I think the master must praise your attitude."

Wabas obviously knew something about the inside story. His eyes kept flashing with red light. At the same time, the temperature of his whole body rose rapidly, and the oil engine erupted with a deafening roar.

But Jinji Tasha responded nonchalantly: "I work hard not to get the master's approval, but to enjoy it. Guys like you don't understand how wonderful it is to be immersed in the ocean of knowledge and technology." "

"Then you should keep up your efforts and continue to provide us with more advanced weapons and transformation technologies while having fun."

The corners of Xio Rui's mouth slightly raised, revealing a charming smile that could make most men fascinated.

As one of the very few creatures in New Phyrexia that retains a relatively complete face, she can be said to be the most beautiful among all Demon Judges.

Unfortunately, the spider-like lower body completely destroyed this beauty, turning it into a daunting monster.

Just when several demon judges secretly gathered together to discuss war preparations, emergency mobilization had already begun in their respective territories.

Tens of millions and billions of New Phyrexia's creations were ordered by their superiors to enter the huge industrial assembly line underground in the Mercury Sea in an orderly manner.

Some of them should begin to receive more advanced transformations to make themselves look extra strong, agile and dangerous.

Especially the red faction simply turned themselves into powerful siege weapons, or mobile long-range firepower points and war fortresses.

The black faction took full advantage of its numerical advantage, and at first glance they were all undead creatures full of technology.

The green faction is like an ancient behemoth from movies and games. It is covered with hard and thick metal armor, and it looks like a heavy tank on the battlefield.

As for the blue faction, which has the strongest technical strength, it is completely dressed up in a sci-fi version.

Whether it is swarm robots and drones, or guns and cannons that can fire energy beams, ion beams, and kinetic energy bullets, they are enough to tear apart the enemies coming like a tide in front of you in an instant.

Not to mention there are so many devices that can release various spells.

Jinji Tasha's idea of ​​​​designing weapons is actually very simple, that is, to industrialize and popularize the originally complicated and difficult magic, so that it can be produced and manufactured in large quantities.

In addition, he had previously been to the highly technologically advanced Kamigawa space-time, and had obtained a large amount of knowledge and technology from Zuo Si. At the same time, he had maintained information sharing with several other research centers, and it was difficult to take off without stopping.

It can be said that the New Phyrexia in front of us is more powerful than when it invaded the world under the leadership of Elenon.

If they were released now, it would be impossible to stop them with the abilities of the new generation of planeswalkers.

With the technical support and transformation provided by the blue faction, the quantity and quality of this army are not inferior to the army in the ninth level of Baator Hell, or even worse.

There are many war machines and dragon-shaped engines that are over 20 to 30 meters tall and are made entirely of magic metal like Gundams. They can easily destroy a country or even a continent.

As long as the level of technology and magic is slightly lower, hitting these big guys will not cause any effective damage.

At this moment, this army, which looks like a natural disaster, is ready to go.

As long as Zuo Si gives the order, he can immediately go to the universe where Azeroth is located and fight an unprecedented space war with the Burning Legion.

And this time the battlefield will not be limited to one planet or one galaxy, the entire universe will be burned in the flames of war between both sides.

While the other four Demon Judges were patiently waiting for their master's call, Elenon, the only one who had not been completely swallowed up by the new shining oil, was currently staying in her Mechanical Orthodox Cathedral with a very confused look on her face.

Because she could feel that the number of sudden brain fragmentation and loss of consciousness in recent times was becoming more and more frequent.

What's even worse is that after waking up, I have no idea what I did, and my memory seems to have been completely wiped out by some unknown force.

If he hadn't met one of his subordinates one time and learned that he had actually given orders to him while unconscious, he would still have thought that losing consciousness was just a matter of staying motionless.

Through this incident, Elenon finally realized that another consciousness was born in her body, and every time the fragment was broken, it was this new consciousness that controlled the body...

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