A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 635 I advise you not to be ungrateful (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Sorry, I failed. The other party refused our offer without hesitation for some reason."

Eitrigg reported his diplomatic results to Thrall with a bitter look on his face.

Although he managed to climb down from the east cliff of Mount Hyjal with great difficulty dragging his seriously injured body, his green face was now slightly pale due to the intense intensity and excessive blood loss, and his whole body was soaked with sweat, but there was no slight trace of it. Fearing for his life.

On the contrary, this orc veteran is anxious for the survival of the entire race.

He claims to be very knowledgeable about human society, and he knows better than most orcs who have not yet realized that the crisis has come, what this rejection means.

You must know that even during the First Orc War, when the old tribes rushed out of the Dark Portal and slaughtered all the villages and towns they encountered, brutally killing women, the elderly and children and sacrificing them to the devil, both sides still maintained the minimum communication, and occasionally sent envoys to negotiate terms with each other, exchange prisoners, etc.

The most obvious example is that Warchief Orgrimmar Doomhammer successfully instigated a rebellion against the Kingdom of Alterac in the Alliance, promising not to attack the other side's towns and villages in exchange for them changing their alignment to his side.

I have to say that it was an extremely excellent diplomatic strategy, and it could even be said to be a masterstroke in the two orc wars.

Even though the Alliance has many outstanding generals such as Turalyon, Anduin Lothar, Daelin Proudmoore, and several first-generation paladins including Uther, none of them can achieve military and strategic excellence. Comparable to Orgrimmar in terms of talent.

It is hard to imagine that the primitive and backward nomadic culture of the orcs and the social environment that advocates the supremacy of force could cultivate such outrageous and bold monsters.

Perhaps as a saying goes, true genius is never cultivated, but is innate.

So people are meant to be unequal from the moment they are born.

What one person may need to work hard for several years or more than ten years to learn, understand and comprehend, another person only needs months, weeks, days, or even hours.

Thrall has always respected and admired Orgrimmar very much, which can be seen from the fact that he inherited the other party's black plate armor and Doomhammer.

However, it is a pity that Doomhammer fell into the water during a battle with the Naga Siren due to the decline in elemental affinity. To be precise, it was taken away by Zuo Si, a collector, and used to study elemental power and Shamanism. Full priest profession.

Currently, the warchief wields a new hammer modeled after Doomhammer.

It's just that what is emitted is no longer the light of fire or thunder, but a slightly ominous blood-red light.

Behind him were a total of five hundred orc warriors equipped with similar weapons. They were the "Blood Guards" that had been formed not long ago.

These people were drawn from the elites of each clan. From the moment they joined, they automatically separated from the original clan and only obeyed the orders of the chief himself.

These people are the reason why Thrall dares to come to participate in the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

Because they are all blood orcs who have been given the first embrace, they can increase their strength and recover from injuries by killing enemies and sucking their blood.

With the help of fighting Azshara's naga, murlocs and other local creatures, these orc warriors are no longer what they used to be.

Although there is no guarantee that they can defeat Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan led by him, at least they won't lose as ugly as last time.

Thinking of this, Thrall took a deep breath and immediately cast a spell to spy on the fierce war on Mount Hyjal through his spiritual vision. After about a few minutes, he came back to his senses and asked with a frown: "They are obviously fighting against the demons of the Burning Legion." They are retreating steadily under the fierce attack. It won't take long for the entire defense line to collapse. Why are they still unwilling to accept our conditions? Aren't they afraid that the whole world will fall into the control of the devil? Or is their hatred for me already beyond everything?"

"Don't follow me. I don't know. The only thing I know so far is that the female leader of the night elves is very tough and won't give me a chance to speak. Maybe... they may be brewing some conspiracy."

Having said that, Eitrigg finally couldn't hold on any longer and lay flat on the ground, letting the shaman and witch doctor treat him.

There is no doubt that the orcs are in a dilemma at this moment.

Since they could not get the promise, they did not dare to rush into the battlefield easily, let alone lose too many precious troops.

But if you choose to stand by and watch, if the demon rushes to the top of the mountain to seize the energy of the World Tree and the Well of Eternity, the results will be equally disastrous.

Although Thrall was born relatively late and has never seen the crazy, violent, and ferocious appearance of orcs after drinking demon blood, he has heard many people talk about it.

He would rather die than let the orcs once again become those irrational monsters who only know how to vent their desire for killing and destruction.

Just when the orcs were hesitant to join the battlefield, halfway up Mount Hyjal, the Alliance's defense line had become precarious.

Especially ammunition, there is a clear trend of not keeping up with consumption.

Some ancient tree men had already begun to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the charging demons, and some were simply ignited by the rain of fire falling from the sky, and were eventually burned alive into a pile of gray and white charcoal.

There were even several gaps in the tree wall at one section.

Countless demons and undead rushed in along the gap.

But just when they thought they could carry out a killing spree, the heavy tanks that were waiting for them came forward. They were first bombarded by artillery, and then directly ran over their bodies. Everywhere they passed was a horrific sight of bloody flesh and blood. , it was these big guys weighing dozens of tons that blocked the gap.

But the price is that many tanks are disabled and paralyzed by the enemy's spells and physical attacks.

no way.

War with thermal weapons is all about logistics and attrition.

This is why the alliance's technological level has reached the level of fielding muskets, cannons, tanks and aircraft, but it still has a large number of cold-armed infantry armed with swords and shields.

It's not that they don't want to change all their equipment, but they don't have the corresponding economic and production capabilities, and they can't sustain such a high-intensity war for too long.

Ever since, there has been a magical scene where cold weapons and hot weapons coexist.

If Zuo Si hadn't given the dwarf the blueprints for a fully automatic assembly line and a large mining machine, the alliance would never have been able to fight such a luxury war.

But the good thing is that the soldiers no longer need to fight the enemy hand-to-hand as before, so the casualty rate is very low.

This can be seen by comparing the fact that more than half of the army led by Jaina suffered casualties.

Anyone who knows something about military affairs understands how huge the gap between veterans and recruits is.

The greater the number of veterans in an army, the stronger its combat effectiveness is, and it will not collapse quickly when it suffers sudden attacks and heavy losses.

Therefore, for Jialia to be able to persist on the second line of defense for so long, in addition to the fierce firepower, the more than 20,000 veterans trained from the Eastern Continent are also crucial.

Even the night elves, who were accustomed to big scenes, were all impressed by the quality of the Alliance's troops.

After all, there are few races in this world that can persist for such a long time without fear in front of the Burning Legion led by Archimonde.

Those musketeers and gunners could even be calm enough to reload when the demon was only a few dozen meters away from them, then aim and shoot, smashing it to pieces a few steps away.

But even so, this army has reached its limit.

It's not that they are too tired to continue fighting, but that the warehouse of the Eastern Continental Army Camp connected to the huge portal is almost empty.

In addition, there are a large number of cases where the barrel and gun barrel explode due to overheating.

"Your Majesty, soldier casualties are increasing and I think we must retreat."

Uther smashed a demon's head with a hammer and gave serious advice.

Unlike the rigidly dogmatic paladins of Faerûn, the paladins of Azeroth never regard retreat as a shame.

As long as they can achieve their established strategic goals, they never mind showing weakness to their enemies, and then use means to lure them in to defeat them.

Jialia smoothed her long hair that was stained red by blood, and said without looking back: "Counting the time, we have overfulfilled the task, and it is time to give up the protagonist's position to the night elves. Let's give the retreat order. , the gunboat and I will delay here.”

"Understood! Please be careful. You are the future and hope of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and you shoulder the sacred responsibility of revitalizing it."

Uther solemnly knelt on the ground and saluted the daughter of King Terenas, then stood up and commanded the Knights of the Silver Hand to convey orders to various combat units.

After a while, the soldiers on the battlefield began to retreat in batches in an orderly manner.

As the firepower began to weaken, the demons and undead finally tore open countless holes in the battle line and rushed towards the World Tree at the highest point of Mount Hyjal.


Jia Liya commanded the air gunship to turn around directly, targeting the fastest enemies and bombarding them indiscriminately.

She had only one purpose in doing this, and that was to prevent the enemy from catching up with the retreating soldiers.

After all, in this world where bravery, sacrifice and glory are the mainstream values, there is no such thing as letting the leader go first.

On the contrary, it is very common for the king of a country to personally divorce his subordinates.

However, perhaps because she was too focused, Caliya didn't notice that Archimonde himself appeared on the battlefield again, staring with a cold and cruel smile in his two eyes that revealed the light of green evil energy.

The next second...

He suddenly raised his hand and made a grabbing motion towards the airship in the sky.


A big hand made entirely of shadow energy suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then snapped the keel of the pod below the gunship, causing a large hole to leak directly into the bottom of the airship.

More than forty soldiers responsible for controlling the artillery fell directly from the sky and became a pulp.

There were also many people who were eroded by the shadow energy and let out heart-rending wails.

What's even more terrible is that this squeeze caused the shell that was being fired to be blocked and exploded directly.

The exploding shells caused fires and explosions in ammunition warehouses.

In an instant, the aerial gunship that was killing everyone turned into a huge fireball at a height of one thousand meters, burning and starting to fall downwards.


When Uther saw this, he immediately let out a heart-rending roar.

He was leading the Knights of the Silver Hand to fight against the enemy's pursuers. He had no other choice but to rush to the place where the airship crashed alone, hoping to rescue Caliya, who might still be alive.

It's a pity that Doom Lord Kazzak blocked the path of the light bringer.

As a result, the powerful holy light and shadow collided and instantly erupted with a deafening sound and explosion.

Kazak is slightly better. After all, it is a super large body. The tonnage is there, and it has only moved back a certain distance.

But Uther flew backwards several hundred meters and fell heavily to the ground.

If it weren't for the holy light energy that healed the damage suffered during the process, he would have passed out by now.

"Get out of the way! Damn devil!"

Uther struggled to get up from the ground, his face full of nervousness and anxiety.

"Weak mortal, you can't save anyone today."

Kazzak swung his huge sword and knocked away the rushing paladin with one blow, his tone full of contempt and disdain.

There is no doubt that Uther is no match for the Doom Lord in terms of personal strength.

In fact, many demon lords in the Burning Legion possess powers far beyond the imagination of mortals.

Not to mention Uther, even Arthas and the Lich King can only be regarded as younger brothers in front of them.

Otherwise, he would not dare to take any action while being monitored by just a few Dread Lords.

You must know that the Dread Lord is notoriously not good at frontal combat.

But Uther obviously wouldn't give up. After getting up, a dazzling golden holy light immediately bloomed, and he roared and rushed forward again.

He didn't care whether he would die in this battle, he just wanted to rescue the Queen of Lordaeron before he died.

At the same time, the wreckage of the gunboat falling from the sky on the other side finally hit the ground and caused another explosion.

The sky-high fire and explosion tore apart hundreds of ghouls who got too close on the spot.

Just when everyone thought that all members of the airship had been killed, a pair of blood-red wings ignited by flames suddenly spread out and immediately dispersed the surrounding flames.

Then a figure that looked like an avenging angel slowly walked out of the burning wreckage.

Archimonde immediately showed a hint of surprise when he saw this, and said in a slightly playful tone: "Insignificant mortal, your bloodline is very interesting. I smell a trace of the Dread Lord in it."

"Devil! You can't get anything from me!"

Jialia glanced at the charred corpses that were shattered in the explosion behind her, then she drew her sword and assumed a fighting stance.

Although she knew very well that the demon in front of her was definitely not something she could deal with, she still didn't flinch at all.

"Hahahaha! What I want never depends on your cooperation. To be precise, even if you die, I can peel off your soul and get what you want." Archimonde laughed. mocked.

As Tyrande described it, the Burning Legion's highest ranking commander was too proud and arrogant.

He didn't learn the lesson of the defeat in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago at all, and still believed that the night elves' defeat of the Legion was just a fluke.

Caliya ignored the Defiler's ridicule, took a deep breath, then jumped into the air at lightning speed, and launched a surprise attack straight to the opponent's most vulnerable eyes.

After all, the size difference between the two is too far.

Stabbing Archimonde with an ordinary dagger is undoubtedly like stabbing an elephant with a toothpick.

Although the latter may be painful, it is definitely far from fatal.

So the eyes naturally become the preferred target.

What's more, Jialia felt that because the opponent was so big, his reaction would be slow like many large animals, and there was a high probability that he would not be able to react.

It's a pity that she made the wrong calculation this time.

Archimonde just opened his hand and waved it lightly, and immediately created an extremely strong air flow, blowing Caliya away in the air.

Not only that!

Following a burst of shadow magic, shackles made of energy were instantly created out of thin air, instantly binding Caliya from head to toe. No matter how hard she struggled, it was of no avail.

The gap between the two is so huge that there is an insurmountable gap.

"What should I do with you now?"

Archimonde touched his chin with a playful smile.

In his eyes, it couldn't even be called a battle just now, it was more like a one-sided toy and ravage.

Feeling the acidic saliva constantly churning in the mouths of the demon hounds around her, as well as the stench emanating from the ghouls, Jialiya felt that she was only one step away from death, and couldn't help but close her eyes and start praying to the God of Contract she believed in. pray.

She does not expect God to come to her, she only hopes that the other party can protect her soul from the torture of the demon in front of her.

Just when Archimonde stretched out his fingers to grab Calia from the ground and hold it in his hand, a dim light suddenly flashed in the air.

In a blink of an eye!

The crimson blood arrow penetrated directly through the right eye, smashing the entire eyeball to pieces.


The severe pain made the polluter furious on the spot. He kept covering his blind eyes while his other hand was beating around wildly in an attempt to strangle this arrogant person who dared to hurt himself.

But unfortunately, after slapping for a long time, the nearby ground was covered with slap marks one after another, but the enemy's voice could not be found.

Not only the enemies, but also the tied up Caliya disappeared with them.

"Asshole! Who? Who dares to harm the great Defiler? Don't let me catch you! Otherwise, I will pull out your soul and throw it into the Twisting Nether to be cut into pieces."

In a rage, Archimonde patrolled around frantically and cast more than a dozen spells such as detecting invisibility.

Unfortunately, nothing was found in the end.

This made him even angrier, and he didn't care about enjoying the thrill of victory, so he led the team straight to the last line of defense guarded by the night elves.

Seeing that their boss was rushing to the front in person, the rest of the demons and undead creatures naturally did not dare to neglect, and followed closely behind them, rushing towards the mountain top like a tsunami.

After all the mighty army passed, a black circle suddenly appeared out of thin air, followed by Zuo Si and Jialiya walking out of it.

You don't need to ask to know that there is no one other than Zuo Si who dared to show off his skills in front of Archimonde just now.

All the magic he uses comes from the Book of Medivh, and some are spell-like abilities obtained from his bloodline.

"Thank you... thank you! If it weren't for you, I can't imagine what kind of tragic fate I would face."

Jialia took Zuo Si's hand and kissed the ring, her excited tone filled with lingering fear and strong gratitude.

"You're welcome. You have a more important mission, so your fate shouldn't end here."

Zuo Si gently stroked the Queen of Lordaeron's cheek, soothing her overly nervous and fearful mood.

"What should I do next? Retreat to the third line of defense and continue to resist?"

Jialia pressed her right hand on her chest, trying to reduce the frequency of her heart beating wildly.

Zuo Si shook his head gently: "No, no need. You have done quite well. You can return to the eastern continent through the portal before the final line of defense collapses. As for the rest, I will take care of it myself. "


Jia Liya was stunned for a moment, then an expression of ecstasy appeared on her face, and she quickly stammered and asked: "Are you...are you finally coming to this world?"

"um, yes.

The appointed day has arrived. The moment Archimonde arrives at the World Tree is the beginning of my change in the world.

As for you, it’s better to go home and spend time with your daughter.

I don't want to have to inform her that her mother was killed in action one day. "

After saying that, Zuo Si held up Caliya's beautiful face, kissed her gently on the forehead as a blessing, and then activated the teleportation magic and headed to the World Tree in Mount Hyjal.

I saw him gently placing one of his hands on the tree trunk, feeling the amazing energy contained inside, slightly raising the corners of his mouth, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "Come on, dear Archimonde, I But I can’t wait any longer. Now with the Skull of Gul’dan, I can sense the specific coordinates of the planet Azeroth from the moment you start drawing energy.”

"Master, are you sure you can handle Archimonde? You know that in terms of personal strength, he is more difficult to deal with than Kil'jaeden the Deceiver." Gul'dan reminded through the soul connection.

"What, are you scared now? Or are you very afraid that the skull will fall into their hands again?"

Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"No, of course not, I'm just worried about your safety."

Gul'dan quickly denied it.

"My safety? Haha, I really didn't expect you to care about others. But this is obviously not something you need to worry about."

Zuo Si sneered and exposed the other party's little thoughts.

After a few days of getting along with him, he already understood Gul'dan's extreme dual character.

As long as you are stronger than him and grasp his weaknesses, then this guy will become the best loser, willing to do anything to break through for his master.

In other words, Gul'dan has no moral bottom line at all.

No wonder the Burning Legion chose him to control the orcs instead of Ner'zhul, who still had some morals and bottom line.

But similarly, once Gul'dan realizes that his power exceeds his original master, he will choose to betray without hesitation and pursue more powerful power.

No principles!

No emotion!

Some are just the never-ending desire for power and power!

Gul'dan betrayed the entire orc race in exchange for forbidden knowledge, and transformed from a deformed cripple that everyone could bully and humiliate into the most powerful mortal warlock in history.

Just as the two were talking through the spiritual connection, Archimonde, who was blind in one eye, had already rushed to the last line of defense, tore a hole directly with an unrivaled attitude, and rushed to the front in person to release the terrifying of shadow and fel magic.

Just one blow!

More than five hundred night elves were killed on the spot, and not even their bodies were left behind.

What's even more terrifying is the large-scale rain of fire and the flame spell that resembles a wall of fire, which is an out-and-out nightmare for the tree people.

In addition, Malfurion had already made sufficient preparations, so Tyrande and his men put up a symbolic resistance and then quickly ordered a retreat, leaving the only way for the Defiler to reach the world he dreamed of. The Tree and the Well of Eternity.

Looking at the towering giant tree so close, the Polluter raised his head and looked at the huge tree crown, and said in a tone full of excitement: "Finally! The road to the end has been opened! The end of the entire world is coming! Sad mortals Ah, the hour of judgment has come!"

As the last word blurted out, Archimonde raised his hand and pressed it on the thick trunk of the tree, and began to use magic to draw arcane energy from it.

The indescribable feeling made him become addicted involuntarily.

At this moment, he finally understood why the Dark Titan Sargeras was so eager to conquer this planet and turn it into the second Argus.

Because the power of the Azeroth Star Soul is so powerful!

It is so powerful that even though it has been absorbed by the ancient gods for countless thousands of years, and suffered huge damage when the Titans arrived, it is still the most energetic planet among the planets discovered by the Burning Legion.

Archimonde simply couldn't imagine how terrifying Azeroth's star soul would become once it awakened and became a Titan, which would most likely surpass the invincible power of the Dark Titan Sargeras.

So as long as we can use the Well of Eternity to release evil energy and corrupt the star soul into the scene of Argus, the Burning Legion will not only get another powerful main base, but also get a second one like the "Destroyer" The mighty titan.

By then, no force in the physical universe will be qualified to confront the Burning Legion.

Even the Lord of the Void behind the Ancient God is no exception.

Just when Archimonde was immersed in the pleasure of continuously drawing energy from the World Tree, a low horn sound suddenly came from the forest.

In just a few minutes, a large number of ancient souls formed after the death of night elves suddenly flew towards the World Tree from all directions. During the flight, they gradually gathered together to form a river of silver light. The number has completely exceeded anyone's imagination.

Although the magic power stirred by each of them is very limited, it cannot even pose a threat to any spellcaster.

But when millions or tens of millions of ancient souls gathered together, the entire magic network node at the highest point of Mount Hyjal instantly entered an extremely unstable state.

In particular, Nordrassil, the world tree, has absorbed ten thousand years of energy from the Well of Eternity and has long since become a huge energy source.

It holds more energy than Archimonde and Kil'jaeden combined.

Before Archimonde could react to what was happening, he noticed that the magic vortex caused by these ancient souls caused the energy of the World Tree to pour into his body like a floodgate.

Due to the speed and quantity, his body's endurance reached its limit in just a few seconds.

Following the destruction of internal organs, muscles and blood vessels, the epidermis even glows with a dazzling white light due to energy overload.

There is no doubt that this is the trap set by Malfurion.

The archdruid wants to use the sacrifice of ancient souls to disrupt Archimonde's ability to absorb energy, and ultimately allow the energy in the World Tree to be poured into the demon's body in a very short period of time, making it exceed what the opponent can hold. The limit, until it is burst alive.

Especially after the Defiler has established an energy connection with the World Tree, it is definitely not easy to disconnect it.

Feeling that the energy was tearing his body apart from the inside, Archimonde finally panicked and waved his hands wildly, trying to kill or drive away these souls that were disrupting the energy transmission.

"No! No! No! Get away! Get away from me! How dare you plot against the great polluter! I will tear you to pieces!"

But unfortunately, instead of making the situation better, his crazy killing behavior caused worse results because of the explosion of arcane energy generated when the ancient soul died.

The dazzling light of arcane energy burst out from the torn chest and abdomen, and the whole person uncontrollably showed a large font and let out a painful wail.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!"

When Malfurion, Tyrande and others in the distance saw this scene, they immediately smiled with relief.

Because they knew that the plan was successful, Archimonde the Defiler was about to be stretched alive by the huge energy of the World Tree and trigger a fierce energy explosion.

The demons and undead surrounding him will also be destroyed instantly.

"It looks like everything is over. We won the war."

Malfurion said to his wife beside him in a slightly emotional tone.

Tyrande nodded slightly: "Yes. Although we made a huge sacrifice, it was all worth it. In fact, I have already begun to think about how to clean up all the demons and undead around Mount Hyjal. , to restore peace to our world."

"Don't worry, as long as Archimonde is dead, the remaining demon lords and those undead are not a threat at all."

Malfurion put down the huge and heavy horn in his hand, a smile appeared on his painted face, and he did not notice the cold expression on the face of Verda Staghelm behind him.

As the druid leader of the entire night elf clan second only to him, the latter dreams of replacing him.

But now, Malfurion once again relied on his intelligence and ability to defeat the invasion of the Burning Legion, and his personal prestige will inevitably surpass before and reach an unsurpassable level.

This not only made Filda Staghelm feel intensely jealous, but also made some dangerous and evil thoughts begin to stir in his heart.

Just when most people were immersed in the joy of victory, Archimonde finally could no longer suppress the energy gushing out of his body, and his whole body instantly turned into a bright light that could not be looked directly at.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

His body was torn apart by the violent energy in an instant, and due to the previous forcible suppression, the energy exploded even more violently and destructively.

Several high-ranking demon commanders who rushed up to try to help the Defilers were killed by the aftermath of the spillover in an instant, without even the slightest chance to escape or resist.

Just when these out-of-control energies were about to be transformed into high temperature, high pressure, and flames and completely released, a green light suddenly appeared out of thin air, regrouping the originally dispersed violent energy at an unimaginable speed.

Not only that!

Even Archimonde, who was on the verge of death, got a chance to breathe. He quickly cast evil spells to repair his body, released the excess energy, and finally opened a huge portal next to the World Tree.

In a blink of an eye!

Hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of demon armies swarmed out from the other side and quickly swept across the top of Mount Hyjal.

Such a shocking reversal not only shocked Malfurion, Tyrande and others, but even the Defiler himself felt lucky to have survived the disaster. He quickly turned his attention to the human figure who appeared in front of him at an unknown time. And the Skull of Gul'dan in the latter's hand.

After a full minute, he couldn't help but grinned and praised: "You did a good job, mortal. The legion will not forget the help you provided at the critical moment. As a reward, I will give you a powerful Knowledge and power.”

“Give me knowledge and power?

No, no, thank you.

Because I just don't want that precious energy to be wasted.

In addition, things like knowledge and power can be obtained by myself as long as I want.

Haven't you discovered it yet?

I actually let you open this portal on purpose.

Otherwise, it would be really not easy to find your home base of Argus in the vast universe. "

As the last word blurted out, the container controlled by Zuo Si's consciousness slowly took off its hood and raised its head to look up at the sky, not feeling nervous or panicked at all as more and more demons poured out of the portal.

Quite the opposite!

He had already seen the sparks flickering in the air, as well as the superimposed spellcasting environment that was expanding around it.

Just a second later, a huge hole was suddenly torn open in the sky at the top of the World Tree without any warning.

The black tunnel leading to the dark void made all creatures, including the demons of the Burning Legion, feel fear from the bottom of their hearts!

A demon lord obviously wanted to find out what this thing was and where it led to, so he spread his wings and flew straight in.

But the moment his body came into contact with the cracks in the dark void, his body was instantly swallowed up by chaotic and disordered primitive matter and mana. His body was like a firework shooting into the sky, exploding with a bang and disappearing into the endless darkness. among.

Even the soul failed to return to the twisted void for resurrection, but was swallowed up together.

Without the protection of the planeswalker's spark, no creature, not even a god, could survive in this terrifying space.

Suddenly, all the eyes of Mount Hyjal were focused on this huge crack that suddenly appeared out of thin air. Even the noisiest kid closed his mouth and did not dare to make the slightest sound.

Especially Tyrande, who had a very keen perception, vaguely felt that this was probably an enemy more difficult and terrifying than the Burning Legion.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, a figure with twinkling lights finally floated out from inside and said in a slightly tired tone: "This journey is really more distant and difficult than I imagined. But fortunately There was no near miss, and we finally arrived safely.”

"who are you?"

Archimonde was the first to break the silence and asked sharply.

"Me? Didn't we meet just now?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"Just now?"

Archimonde was stunned for a moment, then turned around and glanced at the extremely small human figure in front of him. He immediately realized what was going on, pointed at the latter and continued to test: "So... this is A clone or projection controlled by you?"

"There's no such thing as a clone or a projection, it's just a ray of consciousness that descended. What's more, with my arrival, he has no use anymore."

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and quickly made a land card in front of everyone to ensure that his connection with Azeroth would not be completely severed due to any unexpected circumstances. Then he made a move that stunned everyone present. Behavior.

I saw him fall from the sky in an instant, inserting the iron-gloved hand into the chest of the consciousness-controlled container at lightning speed, and crushing the heart in an extremely bloody and cruel way.


With a muffled sound, the container exploded into pieces of flesh and blood flying in the sky.

But just when the flesh and blood flew less than two or three meters away, they suddenly flew back as if going back in time and gathered again like the iron glove stained with blood.

It was finally digested and absorbed without leaving even a trace of residue or minced meat.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si "ate" his own container and transformed it into a part of his own power.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat.

What's more, he wants to use this power to control the blood orcs to cause trouble.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si picked up the Skull of Gul'dan that fell on the ground, turned around, looked at Archimonde, and asked in a half-joking tone: "Dear Defiler, what should I do with you? ?”

"deal with?"

Archimonde had a bad feeling in his heart when he heard this word.

Because this uninvited guest who looks like a small human being is really too mysterious.

Whether it's the way he appears or the huge crack in the sky that is healing, it gives people an unpredictable and unpredictable feeling.

If the other party hadn't had an entity, he would have even thought it was the Lord of the Void, the Burning Legion's greatest enemy.

“Yeah, deal with it.

After all, I am about to declare war on the entire Burning Legion, including the Dark Titan Sargeras.

And you will undoubtedly be a hindrance and a nuisance.

Of course, if you are willing to betray the Burning Legion and become my subordinate, I can consider a slightly gentler approach.

But if you don't know what's good and what's good, the end may be very, very miserable.

So I sincerely advise you not to be ignorant! "

The moment the last word came out of his mouth, Zuo Si suddenly opened his arms and activated more than thirty planeswalker cards.


Huge portals appeared out of thin air around the World Tree, forming a ring that surrounded the legion portal leading to Argus.

Just a second later, the Hell Demon Legion, which had been waiting for a long time, rushed out of more than half of the portals and began to massacre the demons of the Burning Legion and the Scourge Legion controlled by the Lich King without saying a word.

Some who are good at necromancy magic even directly control those elite units as cannon fodder and servants.

As for the other half of the portals, New Phyrexia, known as one of the three major natural disasters in the multiverse...

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