A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 637 Now we can finally reach a consensus (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

"He...he is actually trying to drain the entire Well of Eternity?!"

Tyrande stared at the World Tree that burst open from the middle, and the huge arcane energy pouring into Zuo Si's body. His whole person fell into a sluggish state, and he couldn't help but tremble when he spoke.

Because for a night elf like her who had witnessed two wells of eternity, this was really beyond the limits of her own understanding.

After all, even during the War of the Ancients, Queen Azshara, known as the most powerful arcane mage in the history of Azeroth, never caused such a situation when she opened the cross-universe portal for the Dark Titan Sargeras. A terrifying energy riot.

The entire Mount Hyjal and even the continent of Kalimdor were shaking with that terrible surge.

It seems that another big explosion may occur at any time and tear the entire surface world apart. Thousands of living beings will be completely wiped out in this disaster.

But what everyone found unbelievable was that the seemingly insignificant Zuo Si did not let the energy go wild, let alone self-destruct. Instead, he swallowed and absorbed as much as it came, like a black hole that could never be filled.

On the contrary, the Well of Eternity, which is said to have infinite energy, has a violet-colored water level that is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a small bottle can give a person a highly concentrated liquid that exceeds the arcane power of the Archmage of Dalaran, and it is being swallowed up at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine.

"My dear, I think we should take everyone and leave Mount Hyjal immediately. What is happening here is no longer what we can handle."

Malfurion looked solemnly at the homeland that was supposed to belong to the night elves. It was being completely transformed into a battlefield between two unimaginably powerful legions. He could no longer remain calm and calm as before, but had thoughts. The thought of asking the guardian dragons for help.

Whether it is the demons of the Burning Legion, the demons from Baator Hell, or those New Phyrexias that are constantly spraying shimmering oil and have very strange appearances that do not look like normal creatures at all, it is not something that the night elves can do on their own. and a small number of allies can handle it.

Let alone dealing with it, even if the opponent only deploys a small amount of troops, they can clean up the entire Mount Hyjal in a very short period of time.

Compared with these guys, they are at an overwhelming disadvantage in terms of quantity, quality, magic level, and technical strength.

In particular, the large-scale destructive weapons and spells have destroyed the entire ecological structure of Mount Hyjal in just half an hour. The lush emerald green forest has now completely turned into a scorched earth.

The fire element from Baator Hell is spewing out from the underground, exuding an aura of evil and filth, mixed with black, red and blue glittering oil, continuously infecting everything it can touch.

Mixed with it is a large pool of flames composed of green evil energy.

Even the elemental plane sealed by the Titans and their guardians was torn open by the violent energy shock.

From time to time, fire elements and lava giants will emerge from the hot magma, and then roar and want to ignite everything around them.

It's a pity that a few hundred large elemental or even giant elemental creatures can't make any waves in this war.

Not to mention ordinary elements, even if the Fire Demon King Nagtharos came in person, he could only be pressed to the ground and rubbed repeatedly.

After all, he was a loser who couldn't even defeat the Ancient God, and in the end he surrendered to his power.

How could it possibly achieve anything against the Burning Legion, which had killed countless ancient gods, and the Devil Legion, which was completely immune to fire damage?

The most important thing is that Malfurion no longer has any leverage to restrain Archimonde, and of course he has no way to deal with Zuo Si, who is frantically absorbing the energy of the Well of Eternity.

Therefore, in this situation where we know we are outmatched, it is the most rational approach to temporarily retreat to preserve our strength and summon allies.

He rarely gets angry or emotional when making important decisions. This is the biggest difference between Malfurion Stormrage and his younger brother Illidan.

The latter are sometimes very easily affected by strong emotional factors such as anger, and then make some almost crazy actions without considering the consequences.

Regarding her husband's proposal, Tyrande nodded without thinking: "You are right, Mount Hyjal has become too dangerous.

We must retreat to Darkshore or beyond.

Perhaps the only good thing is that these terrifying forces of unknown origin are hostile to the demons of the Burning Legion.

Especially the guy who is drawing the energy of the Well of Eternity, he is probably more powerful than any enemy we have seen before.

I simply can't imagine how terrifying and invincible he would become if he really drained all the energy inside.

Most importantly, we know nothing about those demonic-looking creatures and those monsters covered in metal armor,"

"So the top priority is to understand the origin of the other party and what they want to do to Azeroth."

After saying that, Malfurion raised the wooden staff in his hand and gave the order to retreat to the raptor druids who had turned into birds and were still scouting the edge of the expanding battlefield.

In a short time, these night elves hidden in the forest and their human, tauren, tree, chimaera and furbolg allies quickly evacuated Mount Hyjal along the rolling mountain roads.

Not only that, the druids also united to seal all the exits to the outside world, in an attempt to delay or even prevent the warring parties from expanding the war to the entire continent of Kalimdor.

But unfortunately, this is obviously wishful thinking.

Whether it is a demon with the ability to teleport and fly, or a New Phyrexia that can create a large number of aircraft at any time, they can easily overcome geographical barriers.

In fact, at this stage of the development of the Third War, it has nothing to do with these native creatures.

From this moment on, their fate no longer depends on themselves.

Just when the night elves completely withdrew from Mount Hyjal, Zuo Si almost sucked up most of the Well of Eternity that had originally overflowed with energy. The magic water compressed by the high concentration of arcane energy was only left near the bottom. At one point, the World Tree blessed by the guardian dragon also completely withered and withered, turning into embers and scattering in the wind in the center of the battlefield.

Such a huge amount of energy not only directly raised his planeswalker spark level to LV35, but also directly created a stable connection with the even larger energy within the planet Azeroth.

Through this connection, Zuo Si could clearly feel the star soul that had vaguely awakened its vague consciousness, and the strong fear the star soul had towards him.

There is no doubt that the star soul of Azeroth is very close to the will of the planet awakened by the magic of life in the time and space of Zendikar.

The only difference is that the planetary will of Zendikar's time and space has the power to cause horrific supernatural disasters, which are then manifested through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, anti-gravity, wild churning, etc.

However, Azeroth's star soul is still in the process of being gestated and cannot control the huge energy it possesses.

And this kind of self-awareness is very vague, and any external interference may affect its future growth.

This is also the reason why the Void forces send the ancient gods to corrupt the star souls.

As long as these void creatures continue to penetrate deep into the center of the earth and continuously inject shadow energy into it, the huge arcane energy of the Star Soul will gradually be converted into shadow energy.

In fact, Azeroth is already on the verge of being transformed thanks to the continuous efforts of several Old Gods.

Around the crust and mantle outside the earth's core, a ring-shaped shadow energy band can be clearly felt.

It is the existence of these shadow energies that allow the inhabitants of the planet to cast a variety of shadow spells.

Fortunately, the arrival of the Titans interrupted this continuous transformation and established strong protection in the core area.

At the same time, the ancient gods were also killed one after another, and some were sealed.

Right now they are like parasites suppressed by drugs. Although they are not completely dead yet, they can no longer make any big waves.

Even if he successfully breaks the seal, he will still become extremely weak under the continuous seal that lasts for unknown tens of thousands of years.

No wonder C'Thun was eventually killed by a group of mortals.

Because the Titans cut off the direct connection between the Old Gods and the Ring of Shadow energy belt, their power was far behind the peak of the Dark Empire.

To be precise, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Both Kil'jaeden and Archimonde can easily crush and defeat these minions sent by the void forces.

Apart from making random thoughts and deceiving people, there is no real threat at all.

After giving some comfort to the shivering Star Soul and assuring him that he had no ill intentions and simply wanted to absorb some energy, Zuo Si reluctantly glanced at the little water left in the Well of Eternity and stopped. .

The main reason why it was not drained in one breath was because after draining it, the portal leading to Argus would be closed instantly due to the lack of support from the huge energy.

At that time, there will be no way to follow the cross-universe portal system established by the Burning Legion to conquer, occupy and plunder more planets.

In addition, he himself has always advocated sustainable fishing, so he would not replenish his lost mana at the cost of destroying a world like the old dragon Nicol Bolas.

Therefore, keeping the Well of Eternity and keeping it completely under his control to continuously produce energy is what a far-sighted planeswalker should do.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si took out a kettle made of special materials, filled a full kettle of water at the bottom of the Well of Eternity, and directly made it into a planeswalker card.

[Treasure Card: Well Water from the Well of Eternity]

[LV20 blue card (not upgradeable)]

[Card quality: precious]

[Effect: After this card is activated, the planeswalker can obtain a bottle of water from the Well of Eternity in Azeroth.

The well water is composed of high-concentration arcane energy. Just one drop can instantly replenish 300 points of blue mana, or allow a legendary mage to instantly restore all magic power and spell slots.

Similarly, it can also be used as an energy gathering prop to create a magic gathering point in any world with abundant magical energy.

But do so with caution.

Because the gathered energy may conflict with the arcane energy of the Well of Eternity, triggering a terrifying storm that can destroy everything.

When all the well water is consumed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard and will be reborn in five hundred days.

If there is a land card linked to the Well of Eternity, the rebirth time will be shortened to one minute (this kettle just automatically goes to the Well of Eternity to refill a pot of water, nothing more)]

[You don’t need to pay any mana to use this card]

"Haha, Well of Eternity, Well of the Sun, maybe I can consider creating more similar locations on the Magic Network nodes throughout Azeroth to better develop the huge energy inside this planet."

Zuo Si pursed his lips, showing undisguised happiness.

He had already gained so much not long after his arrival. It was not in vain that he had spent so much time and energy planning this invasion.

The most important thing is that this is just the beginning!

You must know that the Well of Eternity is only a small part of the energy that leaked out when the Titans destroyed the most powerful ancient god, Y'Shaarj, and caused collateral damage to the star soul.

The so-called "magic network" surrounding the surface of this planet is all the real overflowing energy.

What's more, the Well of Eternity in front of Mount Hyjal was created by Illidan using the water from the first Well of Eternity, and is not directly connected to the interior of the planet.

On the contrary, the great whirlpool located in the endless sea between the east and west continents is the real connection point to the location of the star soul in the center of the earth.

This means that Azeroth still has huge potential that has not been tapped.

In addition, considering that the Burning Legion, Titan Pantheon, Shadow Realm, Life Force, Holy Light Legion, and Void Force are all eager to train and transform "Ai-chan", why can't Zuo Si?

He learned extremely powerful life magic from his cheap teacher Sorin Markov, which can directly awaken and strengthen the consciousness of a planet.

And a star soul that is still in ignorance is precisely the most perfect carrier of this kind of magic.

But before that, the thoughts and consciousness of Azeroth's native intelligent creatures need to be transformed.

According to the characteristics of star souls that are easily influenced by the outside world, they are undoubtedly the most critical part in shaping the Titan's personality, thoughts and behavior patterns.

As for those ancient gods who were still whispering, Zuo Si planned to turn around and deal with them all after finishing dealing with the Burning Legion.

He is not one of those Titans who has strength but lacks extraordinary divine power. He can't even deal with a few parasites and can only unleash his brute force unscrupulously.

Forcibly tear the ancient gods out of the depths of the planet?

What a stupid thing to do!

Just the cracking of the earth's crust caused by tearing is enough to trigger geological disasters, climate changes and mass extinctions that affect the entire planet.

What Zuo Si has to do is to find these ancient gods, and then directly drain the huge shadow energy from the opponent's body through the sparks of the planeswalker.

He himself has never had any bias when it comes to treating energy attributes.

Arcane is energy, evil is energy, holy light is energy, death is energy, life is energy, and shadow is no exception.

Anyway, as long as the characteristics of its own spark exist, it can transform the energy attributes as desired.

It’s just that part of it will be lost during the conversion process.

Putting away the cards he had made, Zuo Si turned his attention to Archimonde again and asked meaningfully: "I think I have proven myself. Is it now your turn to express your stance?"

The Defiler woke up from his sluggish state in an instant, and immediately dragged his huge body to kneel on one knee, saluted the human in front of him who was no bigger than his own toes, and replied: "Of course! It is an honor for me to leave the legion and become your adjutant. .”

"Hahahaha! Great! I knew you were a smart person and knew when to make which choice."

Zuo Si laughed and applauded the other party's awareness of current affairs.

After all, betrayal, especially betrayal of a Dark Titan who is many times more powerful than himself and capable of killing himself, requires not only keen vision, but also great courage.

"Your generous promise is something Sargeras will never give me. For this reason, I am willing to pledge my allegiance to you and help you defeat the Legion and become the undisputed conqueror and ruler of the entire physical universe."

Archimonde lowered his head to show his most humble side, just like when he accepted the evil energy and pledged his allegiance to Sargeras.

Zuo Si nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! But I have a small question. How do you ensure your loyalty?"

"How do you want me to prove it?"

Archimonde raised his head and asked in an uncertain tone.

As an eredar demon who has personally led an army to invade countless worlds, he is no stranger to surrendering certificates after betrayal, and he is also not surprised.

If the identity is reversed, he will also ask the other party to do something to prove his loyalty.

"It's very simple, you just need to accept Shuoyou's transformation.

Don't worry, this is not a violent and destructive transformation, it is just a necessary means to ensure that you will never betray.

And after the transformation, your power will become more powerful, even surpassing Kil'jaeden, who is also the most senior commander of the Burning Legion, in all aspects. "

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and directly summoned a New Phyrexia aircraft, and took out a container filled with shimmering oil.

"What if I say no?"

Archimonde's expression changed drastically when he saw this scene, and he immediately stood up and took several steps back.

He is not a fool. He has long discovered how weird and abnormal the demons transformed by the shimmering oil are, so he is wary of and resistant to this extremely dangerous unknown substance from the bottom of his heart.

“It’s okay to say no.

I can also offer a second option.

That is complete surrender from physical to psychological.

Note that this is not superficial surrender.

I'll use a spell to detect.

If you have any thoughts of resistance, I will stuff the oil into your body and inject it into your blood vessels and heart.

Remember, you only have one chance. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si rose into the air and flew straight towards the polluter's huge head.

When he came closer, he stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the latter's forehead.


Archimonde felt unprecedented fear, as if any slightest movement would immediately be drained mercilessly like the Well of Eternity.

In order to avoid such a terrible outcome, he even continued to force or even hypnotize himself not to have any thoughts of resistance.

Zuo Si, who is proficient in psychology and good at reading other people's thoughts and memories, obviously noticed this. A hint of insidiousness and cunning that was not easy to detect suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he instantly activated the power of the planeswalker's spark.

The next second...

A huge magic barrier directly wrapped the polluter from head to toe and began to shrink continuously.

By the time he came to his senses, it was already too late.

"No!!!! What do you want to do? The terms we negotiated before are not like this!"

Archimonde began to struggle frantically and cast shadow and fel spells, trying to tear the barrier apart so he could escape.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si's spark had just been upgraded and strengthened, and the most critical part of the sealing process had been completed. No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

After a while, Kung Fu's frightened face was printed on the summoning card.

When everything was settled, Zuo Si fiddled with the card in his hand that was full of ability introductions, and joked in a voice that only he could hear: "I'm sorry, this is the condition I negotiated with you. It's just that I expressed The meaning may be slightly different from your understanding. But fortunately, we can finally reach a consensus now."

The words have not yet been spoken!

He directly merged the shimmering oil in his hand with the creature card that summoned Archimonde.

The card picture instantly changed from the original frightened face to a stern look with half of the face covered by a mechanical mask, and the blinded eye was replaced by a huge electronic compound eye.

As for the skin and muscles of the body, they are replaced by large areas of metal and complex mechanical structures.

The palms of two of the metal arms are even equipped with energy cannons, which can fire astonishingly powerful evil energy or shadow blasts.

It only takes one move to produce the terrifying power of earth-shattering.

The dazzling silvery light on the body's surface made those who didn't know it think it was some newly born Titan.

[Creature Card: Follower - Archimonde (Eredar Demon, Completed)]

[LV23 multi-color card (can be upgraded)]

[Card quality: unique]

[Effect: Summon the "Polluter" Archimonde who has been completed by Glitter Oil to serve you (the initial level is LV40 Legion Master, the level and strength will continue to increase with fighting and killing, the maximum limit is LV100), until Until he is killed.

Not only does he possess all the memories, knowledge, and power he had during his lifetime, but he also possesses many powerful magics such as Legion's Grip, Destruction Fire, Air Explosion, Finger of Death, Soul Charge, Hand of Death, Terror Roar, Life Drain, Mana Drain, etc. .

At the same time, he can also summon the demons of the Burning Legion that he has completed with his own hands to build an army.

And in the process of completion, he completely turned his body into an energy weapon with amazing power.

Especially when the energy cannons on the left and right palms are combined together, combined with the additional bonus provided by the overload of the Shimmering Oil Engine, it can instantly release the destructive power that can destroy a continent or even a planet.

However, once used, Archimonde will fall into a weakened state until sufficient energy is replenished.

Starting from the initial level, you will receive all-round bonuses from basic attributes to energy limit every three levels.

As long as the planeswalker himself learns shadow, evil, and death magic, he can randomly learn it during the upgrade process]

[Using this card requires paying one hundred blue, one hundred red and one hundred black mana points, or three hundred general mana points]

[When Archimonde dies in battle, the card will enter the graveyard and be reborn for six hundred days]

There is no doubt that Archimonde is a typical pure spellcaster who combines shadow, arcane and evil energy. To a certain extent, he can also be called a destruction warlock.

After all, his teacher Thal'kiel was the first person on record to study fel magic.

Although he is far less famous than the orc warlock Gul'dan, he started a rebellion on the planet Argus by summoning demons in an attempt to build an empire of his own.

It's a pity that Archimonde, a second-rate guy, snitched on him and eventually failed and was killed.

It was through killing his teacher that he gained the same status as Velen and Kil'jaeden, becoming the supreme leader of the entire race.

So loyalty has never existed for polluters.

But it is undeniable that this guy's strength is absolutely unparalleled. Even among all the followers and summoned creatures, he can definitely be ranked among the top.

It is estimated that he is second only to the immortal evil god Baal and the sun knight Davian.

As for the powerful warrior monk Balthazar, the two may be equally matched, it just depends on who can take the lead.

Without any hesitation, Zuo Si directly paid mana to summon the newly completed follower.

In a blink of an eye!

Archimonde suddenly disappeared from the battlefield and once again appeared in everyone's sight in a new form.

The demons of the Burning Legion who were originally in a panic showed expressions of shock and disbelief when they saw the top commander on the front line turned into this ghostly appearance.

But before they had time to figure out the situation, Archimonde's electronic compound eye embedded in its eye socket suddenly released a terrifying red light.

In less than a tenth of a second, dozens of energy beams were shot directly from the compound eyes and swept along the defense line that the Burning Legion had finally set up.

The defense line built by more than 100,000 giant hellfires collapsed instantly.

To be precise, it was cut into countless rubbles exuding green evil flames.

Their solid bodies had no effect at all under the cutting of this energy beam, just as easily as a knife cutting through butter.

All obstacles that stand in the way of these red energy beams are basically either cut in half or evaporated on the spot, leaving no corpse fragments or residue behind.

Archimonde's sudden attack on "one of his own" undoubtedly made the demon lords of the Burning Legion unable to hold their nerve.

Azgarro, the Lord of the Abyss who took over Mannoroth's position, immediately moved his big ass to his loyal master and shouted at the top of his lungs: "My lord, are you crazy? That's our army! "

"Crazy? No, I'm not crazy, I just suddenly became a little more awake."

After saying that, Archimonde showed a creepy smile, then grabbed the abyss lord by the neck, and lifted the fat lord of the abyss from the ground.

Although Azgalo looks huge to outsiders, to him he looks like a little chicken.

"Cough cough cough cough cough - you... what are you doing? Let go... let me go, I am your most loyal subordinate."

Under the terrifying grip of those two metal hands, the Abyss Lord felt that the air in his lungs had been completely squeezed out. The strong sense of suffocation made his chest feel as if a fire had been lit and it was extremely painful.

"No, you are not loyal enough. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have now found a new way to ensure loyalty."

Archimonde suddenly raised a finger and stabbed it into Azgalor's heart with a pop.

The huge evil energy in the latter's body suddenly began to tilt outward uncontrollably, and his entire body began to glow with emerald green light, and he was about to explode.

But when the shimmering oil is injected into it, the overflowing energy is quickly absorbed and used to transform the body.

In a short time, the shimmering oil swallowed up the armor worn by the abyss lord and the double-headed sword held in his hand.

At the same time, the originally plump figure also became slimmer and slimmer during the process of continuous dismemberment and reorganization, finally showing a semi-mechanical figure like a strong centaur.

The only difference is the steel whip-like tail behind him.

After confirming that Azgalor had irreversibly become a servant under his control, Archimonde immediately set his sights on the demon lords not far away who were commanding the legions in battle.

There is no doubt that transforming a mere abyss lord cannot satisfy his appetite, and he quickly rushes to the next target.

At this moment, even the most idiotic guy realizes that the most senior commander of the legion, the Defiler, has become a terrifying enemy just like the imps, hellhounds, and succubi contaminated with shimmering oil.

Wherever they passed, they were either slaughtered mercilessly or turned into half-flesh, half-mechanical monsters under the influence of the sprayed glittering oil.

"Damn! We're in big trouble now!"

Lord Kazzak of Doom couldn't help but cursed in a low voice. He waved the super giant sword in his hand and instantly chopped down a large number of New Phyrexia creatures that rushed up. At the same time, he used shadow magic to protect himself and avoid the splashing. The oil stained his body.

As the senior commander behind Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, he is obviously very aware that Mount Hyjal has completely turned into the cemetery of the Legion.

Unless the Dark Titan Sargeras comes in person, no matter how many troops are brought in, it will have no effect.

Because the enemy had already built a giant pocket array with the overwhelming number of thirty portals.

It is like a huge millstone of flesh and blood, constantly consuming the legion's vitality.

At this rate, even if we transfer all the elites from Argus, it will be useless.

What's even worse is that as Zuo Si absorbs most of the energy from the Well of Eternity, it is impossible for the legion portal to expand in a short time and can only barely maintain the status quo.

This means that those huge space fleets and cosmic fortresses cannot come through at all, and the Dark Titan Sargeras himself is also unable to pass through the portal.

"What should we do now? Retreat?"

Another demon lord of similar level also showed a painful and tangled expression.

After all, invading and occupying Azeroth has been the highest priority strategic goal of the Burning Legion in the past 10,000 years, and Sargeras himself did everything possible.

Now that I finally got in, I naturally can't give up easily.

Even if the demon wanted to retreat, Sargeras would not allow it.

But if they don't retreat, what awaits them here is a steady stream of being tricked and killed.

If you are not careful, your soul may be captured and sealed, and you will be unable to return to the Twisting Nether to wait for resurrection.

Those terrifying black, red, and blue greases are something the Burning Legion has never encountered before. They can actually turn enemies into cannon fodder directly on the battlefield.

Kazzak raised his hand and released a group shadow arrow, destroying more than thousands of suicide flying units that swooped down from above on the spot. He shook his head with a ferocious expression: "No, you can't retreat, otherwise Lord Sargeras will screw you." Take our heads off. But this is not the way to go. We must report the extremely bad situation here to the Burning Throne."

"I have sent people there, Lord Kil'jaeden should make corresponding adjustments soon."

One of the Dreadlords responded quickly and loudly.

It is easy to see from the panicked look on his face that Zuo Si's invasion completely disrupted the plans of these spies from the Shadow Realm and the masters behind them.

After all, in the view of the Dreadlord, the Burning Legion is controllable and transparent to himself no matter how powerful it is.

But these intruders of unknown origin are completely unknown.

Moreover, one can tell from the evil and filthy aura emanating from his body that the other party is definitely not a good person.

It is very likely that they are a group of guys that are more troublesome than the demons of the Burning Legion.

"Very good! Continue to hold our position. The portal is our final bottom line and must not fall into the hands of the enemy. In addition, throw all the undead from the Scourge Legion to the front. Anyway, they don't have any others now. It’s useful.”

Kazak directly sentenced the undead to death in an extremely cold tone.

Like Archimonde, he has never looked down upon Ner'zhul, the Lich King, and he doesn't think there is any value in retaining a group of Scourge Legions that are only a fraction of the Burning Legion in terms of strength but not strength.

It has to be said that when this order was conveyed by the Dread Lords, Arthas, who was already not very good-looking, fell into a rage. He clutched the Frostmourne in his hand and roared: "Assholes! These bullshit demons They are using us as cannon fodder to block the enemy's progress! What should we do? If we continue at this rate, our undead army will be exhausted soon. Especially those greases, which can even infect and control the undead."

"I think it's time for us to make a choice."

After being silent for a long time, the archlich Kel'Thuzad finally slowly revealed Ner'zhul's latest decision.

Obviously, with Zuo Si disrupting the situation, they were no longer able to retreat without betraying the Burning Legion as in the original timeline, and retreated back to the plague-infected areas of the Eastern Continent to regroup.

Whether it's glimmering oil or the undead spells cast by devils, they can take control of low-level and even high-level undead creatures to a certain extent.

Kel'Thuzad himself saw with his own eyes that a whole group of death knights turned against the necromancy magic of the pit fiends and scorpions on the spot, turned around and rushed towards the imps of the Burning Legion to kill them.

It is precisely because of this situation that the devil may be controlled at any time, so the devil's sense of the undead is getting worse and worse, and there is even an urge to completely wipe it out with the help of the enemy.

It has to be said that they have always liked to use plague to turn living people into dead people, but now they encounter the even more unreasonable Shuoyou and the necromancy spells from another universe, which is simply retribution.

"you mean……"

Arthas suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing with a biting cold light.

Kel'Thuzad nodded slightly: "Yes, it's what you think. We must leave Mount Hyjal. The scale and intensity of the war here have far exceeded the scope of the Scourge. We need to return to the eastern continent and even Northrend."

"But what to do? You have also seen that the enemy has completely surrounded the entire Mount Hyjal from the sky to the land. Now not even a gargoyle can fly out."

When he said these words, Alsace's tone was filled with annoyance and anger.

After all, when he first took up Frostmourne, he was pursuing the powerful power contained in the magic sword, and for a long time afterwards he firmly believed that the Lich King and the power of death he controlled were the most powerful in the world. the power of.

But what's the result?

First, they learned that the so-called Lich King's original identity was just a cowardly and useless old orc who kept failing. Then he learned that the Lich King was born to serve another, more powerful force - the Burning Legion.

The huge psychological gap was like a thorn stuck in the prince's heart and could not be pulled out.

Even Ner'zhul's constant whispering and brainwashing every day could not make this hand-selected death knight obey his will as he did at the beginning, and he often needed to use more psychic power to control him.

You must know that Alsace is a very proud person.

This can be gleaned from the fact that he doesn't take the high elf prince Kael'thas seriously at all.

But now, he was being ordered around by demons like a slave, and at the same time he couldn't complain at all. How could he endure it for a long time?

As a lich loyal to death, Kel'Thuzad was obviously very aware of Arthas' current state, and immediately responded in a low voice: "As long as our current enemies are no longer enemies."

"You mean..."

Alsace understood something instantly, and a biting chill spread all over his body.

"Yes, it's just as you thought. Since this ship of the Burning Legion is about to sink, why don't we jump off the ship or simply find another one?"

After that, Kel'Thuzad instantly released a spell to create an illusion of a clone that was exactly the same as himself, and then completely disappeared from everyone's sight with the help of invisibility.

What he has to do is very simple, which is to use the entire Scourge Legion as a bargaining chip to surrender to the new strong man in exchange for the other party letting him go.

To this end, the Lich King Ner'zhul is even willing to serve his new master as a servant just like he serves the Burning Legion.

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