A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 654 You all owe him a thank you (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

"Ahem - don't you two plan to say something and just keep silent? You know I still don't know anything about what happened in the Tomb of Sargeras."

Zuo Si coughed softly and took the initiative to break the awkward situation of big eyes and small eyes.

Because the smell of bad luck between the two opposite each other is too strong.

Maiev Shadowsong, in particular, never took her eyes off Illidan, which was even more exaggerated than some women staring at the high-quality boyfriend they had finally caught, as if they were afraid that the other person would run away without noticing.

As for "Mr. Dan"...

Okay, maybe he always looks domineering in front of other people, but in front of Maiev Shadowsong, he has a completely different "little sufferer" look.

There is no way, who can let the latter completely restrain him in terms of fighting methods and abilities.

In fact, the reason why the chase between the two lasted for so long was mainly because the number of troops under Illidan was much larger than the number of Watchers brought out.

Otherwise, he would not be able to get out of Ashenvale, and he would have to be captured by Maiev Shadowsong to continue playing Imprisonment PLAY.

"Who exactly are you? The new Guardian of the Council of Tirisfal?"

Maiev Shadowsong looked up and down at the young human youth in front of her and cautiously tried.

As far as she knows, this world can easily cast such terrifying and lethal magic. Apart from Queen Azshara, there should only be guardians created by high elves and humans, or the blue dragon king Marigo who controls the power of magic. Sri Lanka.

What's more, the Tomb of Sargeras was originally a seal imposed by the guardians of the Tirisfal Council.

When the seal is cracked and opened, it is quite reasonable that the other party will come to check the situation.

But Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, the Tirisfal Parliament actually ceased to exist long ago.

Even Medivh, the last guardian, lost most of his power due to death and resurrection.

At present, it can only serve as a point of guidance and reporting.

If nothing else, he should have returned to Karazhan, his home in Deadwind Pass.

By the way, I have a pretty good relationship with him, and we have also had a series of collaborations.

So I am not an enemy, at least not your enemy, so there is no need to be so nervous. "

"But I don't even know your identity or name, so how can I be sure whether you are my enemy or whether you have any unknown transactions with Illidan."

Maiev Shadowsong's tone was obviously filled with strong doubts.

After all, she is the kind of character who easily trusts strangers.

What's more, the familiarity Zuo Si showed with Illidan just now made the watcher who vowed to catch the escaped prisoner feel very afraid.

"You can call me Soth. I think this name already reveals enough information, as long as you have a certain understanding of the night elves' current human allies."

Zuo Si bluntly stated his name.


Maiev Shadowsong's always serious face finally showed obvious surprise and emotion, and she immediately confirmed: "Are you the God of Contract that humans believe in?"

Because during the rise of the night elves, an unprecedented war broke out with the trolls that originally dominated the ancient continent of Kalimdor, the top night elves are no strangers to creatures like gods.

Among them are the demigods of the wilderness who are often contacted, and the Loa gods worshiped by the trolls. The two even overlap with each other to a certain extent.

But none of these so-called gods can compare with Azshara, the Queen of the Highborne Elves.

Rather, Queen Azshara can use her unparalleled arcane magic to kill any demigod or loa at any time if she chooses.

This has been proven countless times as the night elves expanded into a powerful empire.

You must know that although trolls and wild elves have the same origin, they will not show mercy when fighting, let alone give up large areas of territory for no reason. Instead, they will rely on the power of Loa to fight desperately and counterattack madly.

In the process, the night elves defeated and even killed Loa more than once, which ultimately led to the inevitable decline and disintegration of the two ancient troll empires.

In Maiev Shadowsong's view, these so-called gods are just slightly more powerful creatures, and they can also be injured and die.

Except for the moon god Elune, who has never appeared from beginning to end, the other gods are not worth mentioning at all.

At first, she thought that the so-called God of Contract was no different from other wilderness demigods and Loa Gods.

At best, it might be a little more powerful, and could it give those humans, high elves, dwarves, and gnomes some extra spell power.

But now, this inherent prejudice has been completely broken.

the reason is simple!

Maiev Shadowsong, like Illidan, also mastered very advanced magic and martial arts in her long life.

Moreover, long-term tracking of demons has developed a keener perception, and can vaguely detect the vitality and magical energy contained in a person's body.

At this moment, Zuo Si was like a bottomless ocean in her eyes. Just a little inadvertent spillover would create a suffocating sense of oppression.

This is one of the reasons why Maiev Shadowsong is so nervous.

In contrast, Illidan was very quiet and didn't seem surprised at all.

After all, his demonic vision had already detected the huge energy hidden in that seemingly fragile body, which was even ten thousand times brighter and dazzling than the sun at noon.

With the help of thought detection and memory reading magic, Zuo Si easily noticed the thoughts in the two people's minds, and explained with a faint smile on his face: "Yes, I am the God of Contract.

But this is just one of the many identities I have.

The troops you saw fighting the Burning Legion on Mount Hyjal were actually my people.

And while you were busy building a second line of defense along the Dark Coast, I also fought with them throughout the entire physical universe, forcing the Dark Titan Sargeras to hand over the rule of half of the physical universe.

Not long ago, I went to Northrend and solved the ancient god Yogg-Saron who was sealed deep in Ulduar.

Now Alexstrasza and her red dragonflight, as well as Malygos's blue dragonflight, have sworn allegiance to me, and the high-ranking Titan Guardians have also surrendered at my feet.

To a certain extent, you can understand that I have replaced the Titans who once made drastic changes to this planet and become the veritable patron saint of Azeroth.

As long as I am here, neither Sargeras and his Burning Legion nor the Ancient Gods sent by the Shadow Void can continue to run wild here. "

"You defeated Sargeras?!"

Illidan, who had always remained silent, suddenly couldn't help but ask.

As one of the few people on the planet who has experienced the power of the Dark Titan up close, he cannot imagine that anyone else in the universe can compete with it.

After all, even Queen Azshara, who is as beautiful and powerful as a god, is nothing more than a slightly valuable plaything in the eyes of the opponent.

"No, with the power I have now, it may be a little difficult to completely defeat it in a head-on battle.

But that doesn't mean I can't use other means to hit Sargeras hard.

Otherwise, how could he willingly hand over the dominance of half of the physical universe and reach an armistice agreement with me.

You must know that respect is never obtained through charity from others, but must be fought for with your own hands, what do you think? "

After saying that, Zuo Si turned around and stared at the demon hunter not far away.

Illidan nodded in agreement after a moment of silence: "Yes, you are right.

To win the respect of a Titan as powerful as Sargeras, the first necessary condition is to have a power close to it.

I have a small problem though.

Now that you have reached an armistice agreement, why is the war on Mount Hyjal still continuing? "

Zuo Si corrected meaningfully: "Haha, you have a small misunderstanding about this.

First, based on the current scale of the battle on Mount Hyjal, it can only be regarded as a conflict rather than a war at best;

Second, regarding the ownership of the planet Azeroth, Sargeras and I have never reached any agreement at all, let alone any consensus. Because we all know that it is absolutely impossible for the other party to give up;

Third, and most importantly, have you underestimated the importance of the star soul nurtured by the planet under your feet?

As early as before the destruction of the Titan Pantheon, its founder and the oldest known Titan Aman'Thul once asserted that once the Azeroth Star Soul awakens, its power will surpass that of Sargeras. The total of all Titans within.

If you were Sargeras, would you give up the opportunity to pocket such a powerful star soul?

The answer is obviously no.

Therefore, in the future, a series of battles will inevitably begin around this powerful star soul until it wakes up from the dream of nothingness and acquires an independent personality. "

"So what the Burning Legion and Sargeras were eyeing from the beginning was not the Well of Eternity or this planet, but the star soul bred deep in the earth's core?"

Illidan raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"That's right.

Because Star Soul is a very special life form.

It is like a primitive embryo, a blank sheet of paper without any stain.

All information from the outside world will be absorbed without reservation, and then brought together to form thoughts and consciousness, and finally the concept of self will be condensed.

If there is no external interference, then usually it is the life nurtured on this planet that determines the posture of the star soul after its awakening.

But unfortunately, apart from the elements, all the life that was originally born in Azeroth had long been exterminated during the Dark Empire.

The void forces wanted to turn the star soul into a tool for conquering the physical universe, so they sent the ancient gods to try to corrode and corrupt it with shadow energy.

Later, the Titans discovered this place, and immediately killed and sealed the ancient gods, and radically transformed them according to their own will, hoping that the awakened star soul would be inclined to order and become a member of the Titans.

Later, Sargeras destroyed the Titan Pantheon and founded the Burning Legion. He also wanted to use evil energy to influence the star soul and make it become a member of the Dark Titan to help him realize his crazy plan to purify the physical universe.

The Naaru, representing the Holy Light, also began to gradually penetrate into the world, spreading widely among races such as humans and dwarves.

There is also the Lich King and the forces of death that he represents behind him.

Of course, the moon god Elune and the wilderness demigods bred by the forces of life are also using their own methods to influence the star soul.

So the game surrounding the Azeroth Star Soul is much more complicated than you think.

However, the methods represented by the Shadow Void, represented by the Ancient Gods, the evil energy represented by the Burning Legion, and the death represented by the Lich King, were relatively cold and brutal, thus arousing a strong will to resist in all living beings.

The methods adopted by the remaining Titans, life forces and Holy Light Naaru are relatively mild, and to some extent have been highly bound to many races, and have even formed beliefs and traditions..."

In order to give the two people in front of him a clear understanding of each other, Zuo Si simply shook out all the truth hidden under the fog.

Although he really wanted to be the Riddler to fragment this information, and then scatter it to various places for heroes and adventurers to dig out.

But considering his next plan, he finally decided to tell everything.

After all, Illidan is one of the very few geniuses among mortals who has the ability to break the limitations of his own race.

It is never wise to use deception and deception against such people.

However, before Illidan could finish digesting the explosive information, Maiev Shadowsong was the first to have an extreme reaction and yelled: "You are lying! Elune is the great moon goddess! She blessed the night elves. How could he be the guy spying on the star soul of Azeroth after tens of thousands of years?"

"Do you think I need to lie about this?

If you don’t believe it, you can ask the god you believe in.

Of course, the premise is that you must be able to communicate with her.

What's more, I didn't say these words to you, but to Illidan.

I believe he must be much more sensible and smarter than you. "

After that, Zuo Si ignored Maiev Shadowsong, turned his attention to the demon hunter and asked directly: "How about it? You should have an answer in your heart now, right?"

Illidan grinned and replied: "Ah, I totally figured it out.

Including you, there are many forces who are eager to obtain the star soul of Azeroth and turn it into what they want by constantly exerting influence.

The pitiful power of the native life on this planet is simply not enough to protect the star soul.

So the only hope is to find a strong enough and less brutal force as a backer.

Now you are the best candidate. "

"Awesome! You certainly didn't disappoint me."

An expression of satisfaction instantly appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Conversations with smart people are so pleasurable, and everything is revealed just from the beginning.

"So you want me to cut off my connection with the Burning Legion and work for you?" Illidan touched his chin and continued to test with interest.

For a person who is accustomed to jumping left and right, as long as there are enough benefits, he actually doesn't mind changing his nominal allegiance at all.

They are all working undercover anyway.

It's just that in the past, it was the undercover Burning Legion who figured out the opponent's strength, but now it's the mysterious God of Contract in front of the undercover.

Of course Zuo Si knew what was in Illidan's mind. He pursed his lips and said with a smile: "No, I will not interfere with your ideas and plans. I just hope that you can be my elect."


Illidan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what this term meant at all.

“Yes, voters.

You can simply understand that I approve of your thoughts and actions.

So I intend to grant you some additional knowledge and power.

Then use you to influence other people and even change the direction of certain things.

You don't need to obey my orders, and you don't need to carry out so-called preaching. You just need to act according to the truest thoughts in your heart. "

Zuo Si calmly gave an explanation.

Because in his opinion, it would be the best if he could use this demon hunter to take down Sargeras and the entire Titan Pantheon at the minimum cost.

But if it doesn't work, at least it can create huge chaos, and you will definitely make money no matter what.

Of course, since Outland has become the stronghold for the Demon Legion and the New Phyrexia Legion to connect the universe, Illidan definitely cannot be the King of Outland.

But there are hundreds of millions of planets in the physical universe, and any one of them can be used as a base for advancement.

Some even have portals left behind by the Burning Legion.

If you can make good use of it, it will definitely be much easier than facing the attacks of the Alliance, Horde, Burning Legion and Naaru in Draenor.

Illidan obviously couldn't figure out what Zuo Si wanted to do. After hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded: "Okay. If it's just like this, what reason is there to refuse? I am willing to be your elector."

"Very good. Now let me give you new powers."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si took off his iron glove, revealing the demon hand containing the abyss fragments.


The aura full of evil and chaos began to spread throughout the Tomb of Sargeras.

Maiev Shadowsong was so frightened that she stepped back several times and asked sternly: "Damn it! What the hell is this? It's... it's even creepier than the demons of the Burning Legion."

"If you want to gain powerful power in a short period of time, you must pay a corresponding price. I think Illidan should understand this best. What's more, he is now a complete devil."

After saying that, Zuo Si slowly stretched out his demonic hand towards the demon hunter.

The latter showed no fear or dodge at all, he just stood there and let the devil's hand press on his chest.

The next second...

The power and essence of the bottomless abyss invaded Illidan's body at an extremely fast speed, making his already demonic characteristics even further, and even his size increased several times out of thin air.

The severe pain caused him to kneel on the ground and let out a heart-rending scream.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!"

There is no doubt that this is an all-round transformation from body to soul, rather than simply sucking evil energy into the body and using it.

And compared to the physical pain, the pain caused by the soul being twisted by the abyss fragments is the most terrifying.

Illidan could even feel that the mark in his soul was permanently connected to somewhere in the Twisting Nether.

Through this connection, he could feel that thousands of demons were transforming there at an unimaginable speed.

At about the same time, a large amount of evil, cruel, and forbidden magical knowledge was instilled into the brain.

Fortunately, the pain didn't last long, and it ended completely in about ten minutes.

At this moment, Illidan is no longer a night elf with horns, wings and sheep's hooves.

Instead, it was a behemoth that was more than five meters tall, covered with green evil flames, and exuding an aura of destruction in every move.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si turned him into a demon lord in the newborn abyss of this universe.

Feeling the powerful power contained in this body, Illidan said in an extremely shocked tone: "You... what have you turned me into?"

"Don't you already have the answer in your head?"

Zuo Si raised his hand and tapped his temple lightly.

Illidan immediately closed his eyes and searched for the large amount of knowledge and information that had been forcibly instilled in his memory. He soon realized what had happened to him and the various abilities he now possessed.

In an instant, he reverted from demonic form to night elf form.

The transformation this time was perfect, leaving no demonic features at all.

Subconsciously raising his hand and touching his forehead, Illidan found that the pair of huge curved horns were gone. Then he touched his back and found that the wings had disappeared without a trace.

Now he is a night elf through and through.

"Interesting! This is really incredible! It turns out that you have established a base in the Twisting Nether and are transforming the demons who obey the Burning Legion into demons who obey you."

When saying these words, Illidan was filled with excitement and excitement.

He obviously knew what this meant, and it was also very consistent with the demon hunter's strategy of using demons to fight demons.

"These new demons will also obey your orders now. How about it, is it not bad to be my chosen one?"

A trace of amusement that was hard to detect flashed in Zuo Si's eyes, and he put the iron gloves back on again.

Illidan nodded without thinking: "It's indeed not bad, it even far exceeded my expectations.

Now, I no longer have to fear Kil'jaeden and his demon army.

But I don't quite understand, what exactly does this do to you? "

Zuo Si replied with a half-smile: "Believe me, the benefits I can get from it are far beyond your imagination. Now, you can return to the deepest part of the Tomb of Sargeras and kill the faceless men who are chasing you and their All the owners have been dealt with."

"Do you know what happened in there?"

Illidan was visibly taken aback.

Because until now he has not told what happened in the deepest seal.

"Is this hard to guess?

With so many faceless men appearing in the tombs, and the Deathwings that had flown over the Broken Isles before, it must be the Old Gods who are up to something.

But considering that they are all sealed away by the Titan Guardians, the answer is only their right-hand men, or clones created with tentacles and the like.

With your current strength, it should be more than enough to deal with them. "

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Well, you are right, it is indeed the ancient god N'zoth who is causing trouble. Please wait here for a while, I will go back."

The words have not yet been spoken!

Illidan instantly transformed into a demon form again, spread his wings and rushed out in the opposite direction at extremely fast speeds.

Although his size was extremely large, it did not affect his sensitivity at all, and he disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

Maiev Shadowsong stared at the former's back in horror, holding the moon blade tightly and questioning: "Why did you give Illidan such a powerful power? Don't you know how dangerous he is and what he has done before?" What?"

"Of course I know.

Maybe you won't believe it.

I know him far better than you do.

Although this is not a good person or hero in the traditional sense, it is undeniable that he has been using his own way to fight against the Burning Legion and save the world. "

As Zuo Si spoke, he cast various spells, and it didn't take long for a three-dimensional projection screen to appear.

The person in the center of the picture is none other than Illidan, who is moving quickly in the passage.

"Save the world? Just him?"

Maiev Shadowsong obviously has an almost obsessive prejudice against Mr. Dan.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, that's him.

I admit that Illidan has a lot of selfishness and even ambitions.

He was eager to prove that he was better than his brother Malfurion, and to win Tyrande's admiration and even love.

For this reason, I have made many choices that outsiders may see as cruel and cruel, and I have also hurt many people.

But in the War of the Ancients, it was he who blew up the first Well of Eternity and prevented the Dark Titan Sargeras from coming to Azeroth as he wished.

Isn't this a heroic feat?

You must know that the Burning Legion is quite cruel when dealing with traitors.

The former orc shaman and current Lich King Ner'zhul is the best example.

A second Well of Eternity was even created to ensure that the night elves could continue to use the power of arcane magic, and even indirectly led to you gaining eternal life.

But what did Illidan get in the end?

He was imprisoned in a dark dungeon for ten thousand years.

Later, he was released by Tyrande, and immediately took people to Felwood, which was polluted and twisted by evil energy, and personally killed the leader of the Dread Lord, Tichondrius.

As a result, just because he absorbed and used the power of demons, instead of receiving the rewards and praise he deserved, he was immediately exiled.

But even so, Illidan still has no resentment at all, but is using his own methods to do his best to destroy the Burning Legion. "

"Are you fighting for him?"

Maiev Shadowsong obviously heard something, and she pursed her lips and let out a sneer.

But Zuo Si continued indifferently: "It's not a matter of fighting an injustice, I just feel that all night elves owe Illidan a word of gratitude.

especially you.

Don't you think it's unfair to vent your anger and dissatisfaction with Tyrande on him?

After all, it wasn't Illidan who attacked the Watcher's prison.

He simply responded to the call of his beloved and used his wisdom and strength to defeat a powerful enemy.

If you really want to uphold law and justice, you should find a way to remove Tyrande from the position of leader and let her be interrogated and punished like a real criminal.

But instead of doing this, you vented all your anger on a person who did nothing wrong.

Could it be because Tyrande held a high position and her husband was the supreme archdruid Malfurion?

Or is the so-called justice in your heart just such a joke? "

There is no doubt that these words are like the sharpest knife in an instant, tearing away all hypocrisy and revealing the darkest, ugliest, and most disgusting parts of human nature.

Although the irritated Maiev Shadowsong blushed and wanted to defend herself, the words were stuck in her throat but she couldn't get out of her mouth.

She suddenly realized that she was indeed venting her anger on Illidan, spreading all of Tyrande's anger for slaughtering the Watcher troops on this prisoner who had been imprisoned for ten thousand years.

Because Tyrande is the leader of the Sisters of Elune, she is not only the absolute authority in religious beliefs, but also controls the Sentinel Force.

This alone was enough to make Maiev Shadowsong powerless against him, not to mention capture, trial, and imprisonment.

What's more, there is Malfurion who holds the highest power.

The so-called justice and law are a complete joke in front of these two people. It is basically the same as the sentence "Who in the audience will sue me?"

The cruel reality once again proves that equality before the law is definitely one of the biggest lies in history.

Only innocent children and fools believe it.

Especially when facing the person with the highest power, it is like a piece of plasticine that can be kneaded at will.

It must become whatever shape the former wants it to be.

Seeing the angry expression with a hint of shame on Maiev Shadowsong's face, Zuo Si immediately raised the corner of his mouth and joked with a smile: "Ah! It turns out that you also know that what you did is actually unjust.

This is good, at least a little better than those guys who get angry and want to kill people after being exposed.

So your pursuit is essentially looking for a punching bag to vent your inner anger and dissatisfaction.

According to psychological research, when a person is holding back anger and cannot release it, it is usually the people closest to him who are hurt.

And you picked Illidan out of countless people by coincidence.

Can you tell me if this means he is special to you? "

"No! This is impossible! Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore!"

Maiev Shadowsong's emotions suddenly became extremely intense, like an angry tigress.

But Zuo Si remained unmoved and continued to mock: "Tsk, tsk, look at your reaction, it's like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

If you really don't care, shouldn't you just smile contemptuously and not bother to explain?

Only those who have had their innermost secrets exposed will show the stress reaction you have now.

Admit it, dear Maiev Shadowsong, Illidan is the special one in your heart.

Maybe you can deceive others through sophistry, but you can never deceive your own heart. "

"Ahhhhhh!!!! Shut up! Stop talking!"

Maiev Shadowsong finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst out completely. She rushed forward in a flash, waved the moon blade and launched a violent attack.

If it were anyone else, it would definitely be difficult to withstand such an erratic attack that could come from all directions and from any angle above the head at any time. One careless move could lead to defeat.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si's swordsmanship has already reached its peak level.

Especially the sword dance taught by Eilistraee is not only full of entertainment, but also dangerous and deadly in its beauty.

The two of them fought more than twenty times in just a few seconds, so fast that at a glance they were all afterimages, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si did this entirely on purpose.

On the one hand, he wanted to see if he could bring this "unfortunate" pair together, and on the other hand, he wanted to test the strength of Maiev Shadowsong, and by the way, he wanted to find out about the short-distance distance that could be accomplished instantly with just a thought. How does flashing work?

Ever since, the two started fighting mode in the passage of Mother Sargeras.

For a moment, the crisp sound of metal collision and the scattered golden sparks intertwined to form an extremely spectacular scene.

Unfortunately, there was no audience in the passage to enjoy this scene.

In contrast, Illidan, who successfully returned to the bottom of the seal on the other side, has now fought against N'Zoth's clone.

Since he was rushing to regain his position, he didn't even say a word of nonsense. He shot a large number of fel fireballs from his hand, hitting N'zoth's head and face while he was recovering from his injuries.

You must know that the evil energy explosion caused before has actually caused a lot of damage to the latter, and now it is even worse.

But the Ancient God was the Ancient God, and he immediately began to control the partially transformed incarnation of Sargeras to fight back.

Countless group shadow arrows were thrown out at once as if they consumed no energy.

Not to be outdone, Illidan directly released the evil energy storm to the maximum extent, filling the entire room with terrifying super-high temperatures.

Although the tentacles on N'Zoth's body were protected by shadow energy, they were still extensively burned, exuding the smell of iron squid.

Of course, it would taste even better if you could sprinkle some more salt, cumin, pepper and chili powder.

Unfortunately, Illidan was obviously not a qualified chef and had little interest in cooking, so the surfaces of many of the tentacles quickly became hardened and charred under the burning of the evil storm.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on? How did you suddenly become so powerful?"

N'Zoth finally noticed something was wrong.

To be precise, he recognized that the powerful demon in front of him was Illidan Stormrage who had just escaped.

"Hmph! Just think about it slowly."

The demon hunter immediately rushed forward and started fighting hand-to-hand.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of densely packed tentacles of different sizes were cut off from the opponent's body.

But before he could take advantage of the victory and kill this disgusting monster in one go, the huge metal incarnation of Sargeras suddenly raised the giant sword in his hand and slashed it down.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! !

The ground beneath his feet was shattered by the sword, and everything fell towards another layer below.

Especially N'Zoth's huge clone, which fell to the ground covered with green evil energy.

In contrast, Illidan landed firmly on the ground because of his wings.

At this moment, a doomsday guard hiding in the dark suddenly rushed out, trying to kill this uninvited guest from behind.

But Illidan seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, cutting off the attacker in half with one backhand.

He grabbed the doomsday guard's horns, released an evil spell directly at the enemy who was not yet dead, and then threw it in the direction of N'Zoth.

When the two collided together, the corpse suddenly exploded, releasing a large area of ​​high-temperature evil fire.

But N'Zoth is not a vegetarian. While you are frantically releasing various shadow spells, you are trying to invade Illidan's mind through evil power. At the same time, you are controlling the shadowed remains of Sargeras to launch a crazy attack. Every time you swing your sword, you will be attacked. Shocking marks were cut on the ground and even the walls.

"Don't waste your time, Ancient God. With your current pathetic appearance, there is no way you can be my opponent."

Illidan raised his chin slightly and declared victory.

Because his soul is already connected to the bottomless abyss that was just born in the twisted void, any targeted spiritual attack is equivalent to attacking the will of the abyss.

The current will of the abyss is the dark titan Argus sitting on the throne.

If this works, it will be a ghost.

As for shadow magic...

Sorry, one of the Demon Hunter's best abilities is mana burn.

From the beginning of the war, Illidan was frantically burning the magic power in the opponent's body.

N'Zoth was just a tentacle that had escaped from the seal. How could it withstand such a torment?

After just a while, he was no longer able to unleash a wide range of spells as unscrupulously as before.

Seeing that there was no hope of victory, N'Zoth was a ruthless man and immediately wanted to control Sargeras' body to explode and release all the shadow energy inside.

But how could Illidan allow the other party to destroy the thing that should have belonged to him? He rushed forward in an instant, aimed at the octopus head-like place in the middle of the ancient god's head, and released a powerful magic.


The glowing red octopus head exploded with a bang, and black dirty blood flew everywhere, intertwined with green evil energy.

Most of the black blood was absorbed by the incarnation of Sargeras, forming dark purple lines on the body surface.

Before his complete collapse, N'Zoth suddenly telepathically spoke to Illidan: "Your efforts are meaningless, mortal.

The world will eventually become what we expect it to be.

And it won't be long before I open the seal and appear in front of you again.

At that time, you will pay for everything you have done today. "

"Ha ha ha ha!

Is this considered a threat?

Sorry, you don't scare me anymore.

Because I have just seen the God of Contract that scares you.

If you really break the seal and run out, you should first worry about whether you will be dealt with. "

After saying these words, Illidan directly raised his foot and trampled the ugly mutant's brain-like thing into a puddle of flesh with a snap.

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