A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 657: The God of Pleasure (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

"Damn it! What the hell is this guy doing?"

Ajani frowned and was completely confused about the other party's intentions.

However, the chaotic situation obviously did not give him much time to think. Soon, a steady stream of monsters rushed up, forcing him to concentrate on fighting.

Although it is not difficult for a planeswalker who has experienced many times and spaces to defeat most monsters, Xenagos hiding in the dark is a huge hidden danger.

Especially after the opponent had already launched a sneak attack on Elspeth, Ajani did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, the spells he specializes in are not as powerful as Elspeth's defense, and tend to be more focused on purification, healing, and the soul realm.

But fortunately, with the disappearance of Xenagos himself, the offensive of this amazing monster army does not seem to be as ferocious and crazy as before.

Under the leadership of Ajani and Elspeth, the army of Akros city-state also began to regroup, blocking the gap bit by bit, and then drove out the enemies who rushed into the city, burned, killed and looted.

After about two or three hours, the monsters in the city had been eliminated, and the monster army outside the city also dispersed and retreated into the endless mountains and dense forests. At this point, the crisis was finally completely resolved.

No matter how you look at it, this is a plot full of Theros space-time style heroes appearing to turn the tide.

In particular, the two planeswalkers who suddenly appeared and joined the battlefield received praise and thanks from the entire city-state.

But Elspeth and Ajani knew very well that this matter was full of weirdness, and there was most likely a huge conspiracy behind it, which was far from over.

But out of politeness, the two accepted the invitation and participated in the grand celebration and banquet.

They did not realize at all that Xenagos was sitting on the top of a temple, looking down at the entire city with a mocking smile on his face, grinning and sarcastically whispering: "How stupid! How ignorant!

No one in such an ancient city-state was aware of my true purpose, naively thinking that I was here to conquer Akros.

But actually I got what I wanted.

Look at these people partying, getting drunk, and having fun at the celebration.

Everything they believed in at this moment has been irrevocably transformed into my power.

Not only Akros, but also the other two city-states that were attacked.

No wonder the gods have been able to dominate this world for so long.

The mortals in this time and space did not realize that it was their own faith and will that created God. Instead, they became slaves of God because of awe and fear.

Now let me prove to you how simple and easy it is to become a god in Theros. "

As the last word blurted out, the chest of the satyr planeswalker began to bloom with a dazzling light, and his body gradually began to lose its physical body and become a spiritual body between reality and illusion.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and welcome his new life, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Since you are going to give up your identity as a planeswalker and become a god, then you shouldn't mind giving me the sparks you don't need, right?"


Xenagos suddenly turned around and thrust out the spear staff in his hand. His movements were fast and precise, and he looked like a veteran of sneak attacks.

Unfortunately, this blow did not penetrate the opponent's body as expected, but was blocked by a sharp sword, causing a crisp sound.

Only then did he finally see clearly that this uninvited guest was a very young-looking human planeswalker with black hair and black eyes.

Since both of them share a spark, one can very clearly feel who the other is.

"Who are you?"

Xenagos narrowed his eyes and probed cautiously.

"My name is Soth, an ordinary planeswalker. It's an honor to meet you at this time, the great god of pleasure."

With that said, Zuo Si, who had been hiding in the dark and observing for a long time before finally deciding to show up, bowed slightly.

Because if he doesn't intervene, a precious spark will be completely extinguished.

"Hahahaha! God of pleasure? I like this title! You are very good at talking, interesting young man. But the question is why should I give my spark to you?"

Xenagos first let out a burst of nervous laughter, and then suddenly changed his face, releasing naked and undisguised malice.

Especially the substantive divine power is simply a dimension-reducing blow to most mortals without divinity and divine power.

Unfortunately, this move was of no use to Zuo Si, who had seen many gods and even killed one himself.

There was still a faint smile on his face, and he responded in a very polite tone: "If you give me the spark, then I can provide some very useful help and suggestions to make this event that plays the Twilight of Theros Gods The movement becomes more grand. Imagine how interesting it would be if the main gods like the sun god Heliod fell in your script. And all you need to pay is yourself Just a spark no longer needed.”

"Oh? You mean there is a way to help me complete the feat of killing gods?"

Xenagos became interested instantly, his eyes flashed with crazy and chaotic light, just like those demon lords in the bottomless abyss.

"That's right! Don't you think the gods in this world are so arrogant that they don't have a clear understanding of the responsibilities they should bear and the obligations they should perform, and they are always asking for endless things without knowing anything in return?"

When saying these words, Zuo Si decisively transformed into the form of a big devil to fully display his evil tendencies.

Because he knows that if he wants to win the other party's trust, he must show a certain degree of sincerity.

At least convince this guy of his position.

What's more, he himself doesn't have the slightest fondness for the god of Theros space and time. Instead, he is full of contempt and disgust.

So there is no psychological burden at all when doing this kind of thing.

Some even couldn't wait to see the scene of the gods bleeding into rivers.

And this is what Xenagos wants to see.

Facts have proved that Zuo Si's bet was right.

After witnessing the transformation from human to big devil form, the Satyr Planeswalker immediately couldn't help but test: "So this is your true appearance? The previous human form was just a disguise used to deceive others?"

Zuo Si explained with a half-smile: "It depends on how you understand it.

At least in my opinion, the human form is also a part of myself.

Also, it’s best to make your decision quickly.

Because in just a few more minutes, those combined beliefs will extinguish the planeswalker's spark and turn you into a god in this world.

If there is no spark as a reward, I will not waste time and energy participating in this kind of thing. "

"Here, it's yours now."

Xenagos is worthy of being a representative of the chaotic evil camp, and his attitude has undergone a 180-degree turn back and forth in just a few minutes.

As the last word blurted out, he took out his spark from his chest and threw it to Zuo Si.

Without saying a word, the latter caught the spark and immediately inhaled it into his body, feeling the power contained in it.

As expected, this satyr planeswalker has obviously visited multiple time and space, and his spark level is definitely higher than Elspeth and Ajani.

To be honest, Zuo Si didn't understand what Xenagos was thinking. He would give up the path of a planeswalker with greater potential and choose to become a god subject to the constraints of mortal beliefs.

You must know that the gods of Theros space-time are far inferior to the gods of the universe where the planet Toril is located, both in terms of power level and influence.

He doesn't even look down on the latter, let alone the early ones.

However, when analyzing the behavior and thoughts of a person from the evil camp from a rational perspective, it is somewhat frustrating for oneself.

So Zuo Si quickly cleared these messy thoughts from his mind, put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully.

"Thank you for your generous gift. In return, I will provide you with all useful advice as promised and teach you how to kill gods."

"Awesome! This is exactly what I want. Get started! I can't wait for those arrogant gods to taste failure, pain, and death."

Xenagos raised his foot and knocked down the trumpet statue standing on the roof with a bang, and then trampled it under his feet in a very insulting gesture.

"Don't worry, the great god of pleasure. If you want to kill the gods, you must first understand what gods are, why they were born, and where their power comes from."

When saying these words, Zuo Si very cautiously released his divine power to completely shield the area around the temple.

Since he didn't know much about the abilities of gods in this world, he wasn't sure whether the other party could hear or sense the content of the conversation.

To be on the safe side, it's better to add a little more protection.

After all, what he wanted to do was just use the madman in front of him to teach the gods of Theros a lesson, and see if he could find an opportunity to catch one or two of them to make an immortal evil god. He did not intend to go out and risk his life with the other party himself.

“The gods of this world originated from the prayers and beliefs of mortals in despair in ancient times.

Because at that time, the terrifying flesh-and-blood incarnation of the primitive impulse, the Titan, wandered the mortal world, causing destruction and death wherever it passed.

People can only place their hope in some kind of supernatural being with powerful power to save themselves.

When these drops of faith gather into streams, rivers and even seas, true gods are created.

In response to this prayer, the god who gained great power sealed all the Titans in the underworld after their birth.

Since then, it has become a practice and tradition for mortals to believe in gods.

As a result, the gods gradually became arrogant and arrogant, fighting endlessly for believers, strength, power and status.

So the power of God comes from faith.

Only if people believe that this god really exists and has great power can he continue to sit on his own throne and look down on all living beings.

Otherwise, this god will completely die..."

Xenagos revealed all the secrets he knew in concise language.

As one of the few people who knew the secrets of Theros' time and space, he made the corresponding plan precisely because of his knowledge.

Apart from this guy, Elspeth may be the only one who has a relatively in-depth understanding of the gods of Theros space and time.

But the latter's lawful and good character prevents him from easily breaking existing rules, let alone taking advantage of this to cause trouble.

"Since you know the reason for the birth of gods and the source of their power, you should know that if you want to kill a person, you must first kill his faith and erase all his information from this world."

Zuo Si waved his sharp claws and made a strong grasping motion.

"You mean... to destroy the gods by slaughtering mortals?"

Xenagos was stunned for a moment, unable to believe that the other party would actually make such a crazy suggestion.

Zuo Si smiled calmly and explained: "No! What I mean is that we can deceive mortals by creating lies on a large scale and induce them to think that a certain god is not a true god, but some evil creature disguised as a god. .

As more and more people believe this lie, it will gradually turn into reality.

And you can also add some areas that you are good at, such as making up all kinds of true and false jokes about slandering a certain god, and then spread them quickly through your followers.

By entertaining themselves to death, people gradually lose their respect for this god.

In short, one principle should be implemented, which is to use the unique rules of Theros space and time to first weaken a certain god to a certain extent, and then imprison him and slowly erase the traces of his existence.

The advantage of this method is that it is thorough enough, but the disadvantage is that it takes a certain amount of time to operate.

If you are discovered by those gods who are related to you, they will most likely attack you in groups. "

Xenagos touched his chin with a thoughtful expression and praised: "Lies, deceit and entertaining yourself to death? It sounds pretty good and quite in line with my taste. But this is not enough to offset the value of a planeswalker spark. .”

"What if we add this?"

With that said, Zuo Si used his divine power to create a magic book that exuded a strange pink light out of thin air and handed it over.

"This is?!!!"

Xenagos just opened it and took a look, and immediately showed an expression as if he had opened the door to a new world.

"It's called the Pink Book, and it records countless magics related to eroticism, indulgence and pleasure.

I imagine with this, you should be able to bring thousands of mortals to your feet with ease.

After all, mating and reproduction are irresistible instincts for most living things.

When this instinct is fully stimulated and becomes addictive, as the god of pleasure, you will naturally become the most powerful god and the king of gods. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si deliberately used some less inflammatory tone and actions.

You don't need to ask to know that his behavior is just to watch the excitement and not be afraid of causing trouble.

You must know that the magic in the Pink Book is not only about enhancing abilities and interests in certain aspects, but also includes overall and partial changes in gender and race, as well as making men pregnant, something that sounds unthinkable.

Anyway, even many demons called it perverted after seeing it.

You can imagine how complete the spells inside are, truly satisfying all the unique XP.

For a Satyr who was greedy for pleasure and liked all kinds of banquets, mischief and extreme physical pleasure, the spells recorded in the Pink Book simply satisfied the limits of his imagination, and he even couldn't wait to go back and try them all.

The most important thing is that once the spells in this book spread, countless mortals will be immersed in this ultimate physical happiness and unable to extricate themselves.

After all, no matter what kind of world we are in, there will always be an absolute minority of people with a strong will.

"King of the Gods? Hahahaha!"

Accompanied by a burst of laughter, Xenagos finally completed his transformation and appeared in the sky above the city-state of Akros in a new and extremely huge posture. In an extremely arrogant tone, he announced to the whole world that he had completed the transformation from a mortal to a god. Feat, then turned into a shadow and disappeared completely.

Only a group of senior officials of Akros City State were left who suddenly woke up from the carnival and banquet.

"My Gods! That Satyr actually succeeded? He...he actually promoted himself from a mortal to a god!"

"How is this possible! Since the beginning of the history of this world, there has never been any record of a mortal becoming a god!"

"What should we do now? Will Xenagos still command those monster armies to attack us? He is now a god, how can we mortals fight against him?"

"Don't be stupid! This is not a problem we need to consider at all, but a huge challenge faced by all other gods. Because after the first case of successful deity, the second and third cases will appear next. , fourth. Imagine, when mortals are promoted to gods in large numbers, how will the original gods react?"

"This is too terrible! Will our city-state be destroyed because of this?"

Suddenly, the banquet scene, which was filled with laughter and changing glasses one second, turned into chaos the next second.

After all, the huge figure of the God of Greed that covers the sky is no joke.

In this world only gods and titans can reach that size.

The priests who came to attend the banquet also got up and returned to the temple, praying for an answer or explanation from the gods they served.

Because the matter of mortals becoming gods was a bit too shocking to the natives of Theros space-time, and it completely subverted their past understanding of gods.

Because in the past, only God could give birth to God.

But now this iron law has been broken by a goat-hoofed man, which is a naked and unabashed provocation to the existing gods.

Elspeth, who was wearing a white dress to attend the celebration, looked extremely ugly at this moment. She was standing by the window, looking up at the position where Xenagos was projected in the sky, and subconsciously clenched her fists.

You must know that since she transferred all the refugees in Mirrodin time and space, she came to this world at the invitation of her friend Ajani, and devoted herself to the command of the sun god Heliod to destroy monsters, prevent various conspiracies, and protect everyone. The security of the city-state.

After all, on the surface, Heliod has always been a god who represents light, law, justice, punishment, and the bond between kinship.

This is undoubtedly in line with Elspeth's camp tendencies.

So it's not surprising that he would take the initiative to seek refuge.

After all, Heliod's vanity, hypocrisy, and greed for power are usually hidden behind a bright appearance.

One of the tasks assigned to Elspeth by the sun god was to stop Xenagos' evil plan.

But now, she had clearly defeated the opponent time and time again in the battle, but the final result was the worst.

Elspeth didn't understand or understand what happened, and she also couldn't imagine what kind of terrible catastrophe this chaotic and evil satyr would bring to the entire Theros space-time after he became a powerful god.

Just as she was frowning and thinking about what to do next, she suddenly found a familiar figure appearing next to her out of nowhere.

"Soth? When did you come?"

Zuo Si chuckled and replied: "We just arrived not long ago. You seem a little worried?"


You should have seen it too, right?

The huge figure that suddenly appeared over the city just now appeared out of thin air.

His name is Xenagos, and he's a planeswalker like you and me.

But now he is the god of this world.

And my job is to stop him from becoming a god.

So that means I'm a shameful loser once again. "

After saying that, Elspeth's mood obviously became very depressed.

Because she keeps repeating her failures again and again, whether it was when she first ignited a spark to escape the torture of old Phyrexia as a child, or was forced to leave the Alara plane because all the fragments merged into one, or she abandoned the Iron City. All survivors of Mirrodin are moved away.

This constant taste of failure, pain and frustration will undoubtedly have a huge impact on a person.

Elspeth always felt like she was a cursed person, spreading war, misfortune, and death wherever she went.

Sometimes she even feels that maybe it would be a relief if she died quickly in a certain battle.

"Relax, don't put so much pressure on yourself, no matter what situation you encounter, just do your best and have a clear conscience. After all, you are not an omniscient and omnipotent god, and you cannot save everyone." Zuo Siyong said in a slightly low voice The voice comforted.

But this kind of verbal security is obviously of no use to Elspeth, who has experienced too much suffering.

She just showed a wry smile, then cast her gaze at the lion man in the distance, and whispered: "Let's go, I will take you to get to know Ajani. I believe this is the most important thing for you to come all the way here." One of the purposes.”

"It's what I asked for."

Zuo Si followed without saying a word.

It took only ten seconds for the two of them to arrive at a place near the garden fountain.

Ajani obviously noticed the arrival of his friend. He immediately put down his wine glass and stood up. He looked at Zuo Si again and again and asked, "Is this the planeswalker you repeatedly mentioned to me that you met in Mirrodin time and space?"

"Yes, that's him."

Elspeth nodded in the affirmative.

"Nice to meet you, Soth. You know, during this time, Elspeth has been telling stories about you, and my ears are almost calloused."

Ajani took the initiative and stretched out his big furry hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

Zuo Si also stretched out his hand to shake hands with the other party, and resisted not touching the other party's head and the mane around his neck.

no way!

For Furikong, it was uncomfortable to have such a big "cat" in front of him and not be able to pet him twice.

Especially the tail that keeps flicking back and forth behind the butt, it is simply tempting people to commit crimes.

However, Ajani obviously didn't notice the strange light flashing in Zuo Si's eyes, and continued to talk to himself: "Listen to Elspeth, do you want to see my ability?"

"That's right. I heard that when you were in Alara, you used some powerful and mysterious soul magic to extract part of Nicol Bolas's soul and create a dragon soul equal to his. , so I also want to experience it personally.”

Zuo Si got straight to the point and stated his intention.

He knew very well that the lion race liked to go straight, so he decisively skipped unnecessary nonsense and circles.

"You mean to use my ability to create a soul clone exactly like yours? Here?"

Ajani subconsciously glanced at the chaotic scene at the banquet.

"No, of course not here. We need a relatively private space."

Zuo Si immediately sent a coordinate point to the other party.

He did not dare to conduct this test in Theros space-time.

Otherwise, even the slightest accident would mean catastrophe, and the whole world, including mortals and gods, would be wiped out.

"No problem, let's leave now."

Ajani is undoubtedly a man of action. After getting the spatial coordinates, he immediately activated the spark of the planeswalker.

Zuo Si also disappeared from the spot almost at the same time, leaving only Elspeth standing there dumbfounded.

She never dreamed that these two people would abandon her after a disagreement.

In desperation, she could only turn her grief into appetite, go straight to the dining table, pick up the delicacies that she didn't have time to eat, stuff them into her mouth, and drink a glass of wine when she was thirsty.

Anyway, this will make most of the guests leave the table in a hurry, and even the servants will run away. No one will care about who else is eating near the table.

On the other side, in a desolate and abandoned plane in the universe where the planet Toril is located.

Zuo Si and Ajani were already standing on a deserted red land.

Near the mountains in the distance, dense fragments of broken eaves and ruins can be vaguely seen.

It is easy to see from the soil quality, environment and climate that the creatures and civilizations on this plane have completely perished.

Even the plane itself is in a period of decline and cannot draw energy from the inner planes to recover.

When Zuo Si first discovered this place, it was originally used as a testing ground for some magic and weapons.

Now is the time to use the waste.

Ajani undoubtedly noticed that there was no trace of life in this place, so he immediately asked: "Are you ready? I'm going to start!"

Zuo Si nodded with a serious expression: "Ready, come on."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Ajani immediately activated several planeswalker cards, and his whole body was enveloped in a white light.

After a while, amazing magical energy began to gather in his hands.

The planeswalker spark on his chest kept shining.

In less than half a minute, Zuo Si felt that his soul was being torn apart by some magical power that was close to the rules, and then he was slowly dragged out of his body.

But what's interesting is that even though he lost half of his soul, he didn't feel any pain at all. Instead, he felt an inexplicable sense of relaxation and relief.

Many of the moral bottom lines and good sides of human nature that previously restricted thoughts and behaviors seemed to have disappeared all at once, and no matter what I did or thought, I would not have even the slightest psychological burden.

"Interesting! Sure enough, the good-inclined part of the soul has been stripped away, and all that's left is the purest evil."

Zuo Si raised his hand and felt the relaxation and comfort that was completely different from usual.

Obviously, after losing all moral bottom lines and human considerations, he is now a rational monster that is more pure than the devil. He can start the massacre mode without hesitation and use the most cruel punishment to all those who resist him. Tortured to death.

"How is it? You must be feeling bad now, right?"

Ajani asked while controlling a replica made of souls

Judging from the laborious reaction, this copy obviously does not have any functions and needs to be controlled by the caster himself.

Zuo Si responded very simply: "It's indeed quite bad. It seems that this unique magic should be the ability given to you by the spark. It can neither be learned nor used by others. I am curious, how do you control it? "

"Well - it's a little difficult to describe this.

You can understand it as me projecting my consciousness into the soul replica.

In this process, no matter what actions you make or what magic you release, I can resonate with you in a moment, and then quickly get the solution from your mind and put it into action.

In other words, unless you can defeat yourself, the battle will continue until one of the parties loses strength and dies, or both die together. "

Ajani patiently explained his terrifying ability.

Obviously, this is equivalent to mirroring a certain game character and also connecting to the brain of the player who controls the character in front of the screen.

In this way, no matter what kind of response the latter makes, there must be one-way transparency on his side.

Of course, the shortcomings are also very obvious.

That is a serious lack of attack power.

After all, creating this soul copy does not carry any memory, and without resonance, one does not know what kind of abilities the other party has, so it can only be used reluctantly for defense and delaying time.

After realizing this, Zuo Si immediately raised his hand and instantly fired a Bigbye Shattering Palm.

The clone also released this spell at almost the same time.

As a result, the two large force field hands collided directly and began to grapple with each other, both trying to push the other down.

It is not difficult to see from this test that the moment the idea of ​​releasing Bigbai's Shattering Palm came into his mind, the clone controlled by Ajani had already received the signal and used the exact same spell at the same time.

Unless you can make the thoughts in your mind be completely opposite to your actions, trying to deceive the past is a complete fantasy.

Thinking and doing completely opposite operations like this may be barely possible in close combat.

But casting a spell requires concentration. Even if it is a quick spell, you still need to clearly think of the name and structure of the spell in your mind for a moment.

Otherwise, it will 100% cause the spell to fail.

"I have to admit, your abilities really opened my eyes."

After trying several times without any effect, Zuo Si finally gave his own evaluation.

No wonder some people say that when every planeswalker ignites a spark, it is equivalent to the only lottery held with life as a block.

No one knows what abilities and characteristics they will gain after awakening the spark.

A prize like Ajani's is almost equivalent to winning the jackpot or the first prize. To describe it as "absolutely 50-50" is not an exaggeration.

Because no matter who the opponent is, he can ensure that he is evenly matched by creating soul copies.

In addition to him, there must be one or two planeswalkers with even more heaven-defying abilities in the multiverse.

An ability like this that is prone to rules can be said to be the most difficult to deal with.

But fortunately, this lion man was not Zuo Si's enemy.

And after deeply understanding the opponent's difficulty, the next time he really needs to fight, Zuo Si will not give the opponent time to prepare at all, but will directly use some despicable means.

For example, the flash instantly stops the time, and then is taken away without any further trouble.

Another example is hiding in the dark and launching a sudden attack.

Anyway, as long as the spell is not completed, it does not pose a threat.

"Thanks for the compliment, but you're not bad either. I can feel that there is huge power in this soul copy. It's just that I don't know how to use it. What do you think, do you want to keep trying?"

Ajani obviously didn't know that in just ten seconds, the other party had already formulated more than a dozen prototypes of plans for him, and he shrugged with a relaxed expression.

"No, it's not necessary. I've got the answer I want. Thank you, you've been a big help."

Zuo Si decisively chose to shake his head and refuse.

Because he did this test not to prove how powerful he was after being stripped away, but to understand the operation and reaction mechanism behind the clone.

If we really let go and fight, this desolate and abandoned plane may not be able to hold on for even a second and will be shattered in an instant.

A test like this makes no sense at all.

"You're welcome. You are Elspeth's friend, and naturally you are also my friend. If you need help with anything in the future, you can always come to me."

Ajani's character is undoubtedly quite generous, and he made a promise just after the first meeting.

Because in his opinion, anyone who can be friends with Elspeth is basically the same.

Little did they know that Zuo Si and Elspei were just two sides of the same coin.

It's just that Elspei was easier to fool, and was coaxed and tricked by Zuo Silian into getting on the pirate ship.

The former never knew from beginning to end that he was actually the real master of Mirrodin time and space and New Phyrexia.

Later, the reason why the surviving refugees had to be transferred was because Zuo Si had completely controlled Mirrodin and it was not convenient for so many people to gather in the City of Steel, so he packed them up and sent them to a relatively safe place. Life.

Otherwise, if Elspei knew the truth, he might come to him with the holy sword and fight for his life any minute.

Seeing that he had nothing to worry about, Ajani immediately activated the spark to get it.

But just when he was about to leave, Zuo Si suddenly called him from behind. .

"Wait! I have another important thing I forgot to tell you."

"Huh? What is it?"

Ajani quickly interrupted the transmission and showed a confused look.

But the moment he turned around, he felt as if a colorful light flashed before his eyes.

Then he started to stand motionless with dull eyes.

When he woke up again, Ajani immediately activated the spark and left this broken plane, without realizing that his memory had been deleted in an instant.

As an old Yinbi, Zuo Si would not let the lion-man planeswalker, who had a lot of information about him, leave with relevant memories.

After Ajani disappeared for almost two or three minutes, he murmured to himself: "I'm sorry, my dear big cat friend.

It's not that I don't trust you.

But the environment you are in is really too dangerous.

I don't want an enemy who knows me well to suddenly appear one day.

So please forgive me and forget about those secrets that you shouldn't know. "

At the same time, Ajani, who returned to Theros, also suffered from mental trance for a short period of time. He always felt that he had forgotten something important, but he could not remember it no matter how much he thought about it.

After all, Zuo Si used advanced magical memory weaving to mix various false memories and real memories together so that people could not distinguish them, rather than simple and crude deletion like the Forgetting Curse.

But fortunately, Ajani didn't have time to calm down and think about what he had forgotten.

Because as Xenagos became the first mortal to successfully become a god in the history of Theros, all the other gods fell into madness and intense self-doubt.

As one of the main gods, the sun god Heliod was even more furious and demanded that Elspeth take responsibility for his failure and kill the new god.

Many ambitious guys seemed to have seen hope, and they raced against time to start hiding in the dark to analyze and review Xenagos's actions, hoping to find out the secret of how mortals can become gods.

More people began to turn into a group of fools who entertained themselves to death under the instigation of Xenagos.

Especially Heliod, the most famous one, has even been programmed to be a pervert who likes men.

It is estimated that if the sun god does not take action, what awaits him is continuous decline.

Because people who entertain themselves to death cannot have any firm beliefs.

They just instinctively pursue happiness and challenge authority, but they don't know that what they do is actually equivalent to digging the ancestral graves of the gods, which is a typical death by dancing on the grave.

You must know that the gods of Theros are not as graceful as the gods of Faerûn. They will basically not take the initiative to take action against mortals, for fear that doing so will be punished by the god Io, or despised by other gods.

As long as they disagree, they will fight without any scruples.

Even Heliod, who had a better reputation, once destroyed a port city and tens of thousands of civilians with the spear in his hand.

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