A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 667: Time and space beacon tower (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Under the influence of the terrifying dragon's breath spewed out by several heads, Mnozdo's body quickly collapsed and disintegrated. In the end, only a small piece of translucent crystal exuding a dim light was left, and various sizes could be vaguely seen on the surface. hourglass shape pattern.

This is not only the essence of his life force, soul and residual time power, but it can also be regarded as residues such as ashes.

From this moment on, both the bronze dragon and the eternal dragon completely lost the ability to control time.

Countless two sides who were still fighting in the torrent of time one second were shocked to find that they had been forcibly driven out in the next second, and completely lost the power to control time and travel at will among various chaotic timelines.

Obviously, whether it is a bronze dragon or an eternal dragon, the source of its ability to control time is Nozdormu or Munozdor, the Aspect Dragon.

Once they lose their titan power, their descendants and populations will quickly transform into ordinary dragons.

Even the spectacular and weird time flow above the head of the Cave of Time converged to the deepest point at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally poured into Zuo Si's newly grown dragon head.

You don't need to ask to know that he has now completely replaced the Bronze Dragon King and the Eternal Dragon King, becoming the sole controller of the time power of the entire planet Azeroth.

Billions of chaotic time fragments that are merging and dying continue to flash before our eyes until they converge into a single and stable timeline.

Unless Aman'Thul, the father of the Titan Pantheon, arrives in person, no external force can affect the stability of this unique timeline.

Feeling the power of being able to peer into the past and future through the torrent of time, Zuo Si suddenly raised his head and asked Nozdormu: "So this is the reason why all the timelines are merged together? Because at this moment I have gained the power of time. Power, so neither you nor Mnozdo can change the impact I caused in the past?"

"No, the great Lord Soth.

This is not a simple cause and effect relationship, but a more complex existential issue.

As long as there is no force that can defeat or prevent you from entering this universe, then you will inevitably obtain the power of the Titans from me and Munozido, and eventually become the controller of Azeroth's time.

But among the countless possibilities for the future, I have not seen the emergence of this power.

That means that what is happening at this moment is bound to happen, and there is no way to interfere by reversing a certain node on the timeline.

So I chose to obey my fate and let go of the heavy responsibility and pain I had been carrying.

The other fallen me chose to fight, hoping to use the power of time to regain control of my own destiny.

That's why I'm still alive and he's dead. "

When saying these words, the Bronze Dragon King stared at his fallen self who had turned into a piece of crystal, and there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

He had foreseen all this happening a long time ago, but he was unable to change or prevent it, just like he could only watch the catastrophic tragedies in Azeroth's history but could do nothing.

Because every rash intervention will lead to a series of new problems and new troubles.

For example, if Arthas is prevented from completing the massacre of Stratholme, then Jaina will take up Frostmourne in place of her prince and become the more terrifying Lich King.

Another example is to prevent Neltharion from obtaining the power of the Titans in advance and avoid the birth of Deathwing. Then in the later timeline, it will appear that the local coalition forces were defeated in the War of the Ancients due to the lack of the "Dragon Soul". The Burning Legion completely twisted the soul of Azeroth into a second Argus.

This is why the bronze dragon is different from other guardian dragons and always lives in a reclusive way.

Because they are afraid that being too close to mortals will lead to the loss of their most important absolute neutrality, they can't help but want to change history at some critical moments.

Therefore, the bronze dragon is the most indifferent guardian dragon.

They watched helplessly as the rebellious black dragonflight launched a tragic massacre against the blue dragonflight. They watched as Malygos fell completely into grief and madness because of this, and was eventually killed by the mages of Dalaran and the red dragonflight.

Similarly, they also watched the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza being enslaved by the orcs, constantly sending her offspring hatched from dragon eggs to the battlefield to fight against the Alliance, and then being beaten down by various long-range weapons and turned into corpses. A burning corpse.

What's even more cruel is that Nozdormu has always known that he will completely fall into madness and turn into Munozdor at some point in the future, but he can't change this result at all.

Sometimes he even wonders whether the power he has gained is a blessing from the Titan Guardians, or a terrible curse.

But now, the Bronze Dragon King is finally free. He no longer needs to worry about the future of this world, nor does he need to dwell on future scenes filled with darkness and destruction.

You can soar in the sky as you like and enjoy the feeling of the breeze blowing across your cheeks, or you can hunt your favorite woolly rhino or mammoth and satisfy your hungry appetite with the delicious and juicy meat.

You know, since he gained the power to control time, he can't remember the last time he flew freely.

As the saying goes, he who is content is always happy.

At this moment, Nozdormu clearly understood everything.

Zuo Si was obviously aware of this and couldn't help but ask with a smile: "Then do you have any requirements, or the power you want to get? As a reward for your cooperation, I can honor it immediately as long as it is not too outrageous."

Nozdormu shook his head slightly: "No, I don't need anything. Thank you for your kindness. If you don't mind, could you please ask the children outside to stop this meaningless fight? You know they have already A lot of sacrifices have been made for this.”

"No problem at all."

With that said, Zuo Sichong waved to Mirok, who had been resting in the dark not far away.

The latter, who maintained his dwarf form, hurriedly ran forward on his short legs and asked nervously: "Master, do you have any orders?"

It is not difficult to see from the tense expression on her face how much impact Mnozdo's death had on her soul.

You know that is the Eternal Dragon King!

There have been fierce confrontations with the Bronze Dragon Legion on thousands of timelines, and even won the dominance and control of almost half of the timelines.

But now he was crushed to death as easily as an ant, with no ability to resist from the beginning to the end.

Although Mirok had already known about this incident from a certain time fragment, he still felt extremely shocked after seeing it with his own eyes, and at the same time he felt strong awe and fear for this new master.

Especially the terrifying huge dragon heads in the dragon form, each one contains terrifying power.


Zuo Si comforted the nervous little guy, raised his front paws and brought the dimly fluorescent crystal to Mirok's face to crush it gently.


With the crisp sound echoing in the cave, Mirok instantly and uncontrollably switched from the dwarf form to the eternal dragon form, and quickly absorbed the overflowing energy, and his body size instantly expanded several times on the spot.

Especially the horns and claws on its forehead show a light very similar to that of Munozido.

The time ability that originally disappeared was restored to its original state in an instant.

Before Mirok could react to what happened, Zuo Si's whisper came to his ears.

"From this moment on, you are the new Eternal Dragon King. Now go end this war on time and let all Eternal Dragons report to the Sunwell."

"As you wish..."

Mirok lowered his head deeply and bowed to his master. Then he jumped and flew out from the bottom of the Cave of Time. Using the power of time he controlled, he separated the eternal dragons and bronze dragons who were fighting, and also conveniently separated them. Allies recruited from other time shards are sent back.

After a while, the battles in every corner of the Cave of Time came to an end.

Finally, the Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu also appeared to announce the end of his mission to his descendants. From now on, they can live freely without taking on any responsibilities.

Although this blockbuster news initially made the bronze dragons feel empty and at a loss, they soon began to fly away from the Cave of Time in groups, intending to find an uninhabited island or deep mountain to resettle.

The Eternal Dragon Legion, under the leadership of the new queen, Mirok, went straight across the Endless Sea to report to Quel'Danas Island.

After the blue dragon and red dragon legions, Zuo Si successfully defeated the bronze dragon and eternal dragon legions.

Now only the Green Dragon Legion, which has not moved yet, and the Black Dragon Legion, which is still doing things secretly, are left, and he can completely defeat all the Aspect Dragons.

But this kind of thing obviously cannot be rushed.

After all, the green dragons are busy fighting against the erosion of the Nightmare King Xavius, and Deathwing is also hiding under the hint of the ancient god.

Although Zuo Si can use the time power he just obtained to go directly to specific nodes to uncover all these disasters one by one.

But he did not choose to do this. Instead, he planned to let the residents of Azeroth handle it themselves.

You must know that this is an important process for cultivating star soul consciousness and personality.

If there is too much interference, the awakening time of the star soul may be greatly delayed, or some terrible flaws may appear in the character after awakening.

This was not the result Zuo Si wanted to see.

He very carefully used the power of time to peer into the future, constantly adjusting his strategies and using the life magic he learned from Sorin Markov to influence the star soul to ensure that the final result was exactly as he expected.

To this end, a table was developed to record all key time points.

After doing all this, Zuo Si temporarily left the universe where Azeroth was located and appeared in the central tower of Mutahar Floating City controlled by the diary.

Having just completed the teleportation across time and space, the first thing he felt was all kinds of unsightly and ridiculous sights.

I saw that the library that was originally filled with rare books has been transformed into a semi-open air swimming pool. Thousands of women wearing different styles of swimsuits are gathering together to swim or enjoy fine wine and food. Or cuddling together and interacting intimately.

Looking down through the protruding rooftop, in addition to the magic crystal towers towering all over the city, the streets are filled with sexy women.

Among them are vampires and ghosts who have been transformed into undead, as well as cyborgs who still maintain their beautiful appearance after being transformed by the shimmering oil, and even humans, elves, angels, demons, and devils who are fooled from nowhere. , beast-eared girls and some other rare and rare races...

Anyway, there is not even a single thing that can be called "public" in the entire floating city.

Even those animals that don't know whether they are combat units or pets are all female.

I have to say that this sight of singing and dancing birds at a glance really made Zuo Si a little nervous.

Although he had known for a long time that Diary was not a human being, he never expected that he would become such an inappropriate person and treat this floating city as his harem.

Judging from the number, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people.

Some of them are clearly under the influence of charm and mind control magic.

Countless entertainment facilities and lavish entertainment venues are everywhere, even compared with the huge cyberpunk city in the ninth level of Baator Hell.

What is extreme luxury?

Just look at the scene in Mutahar Floating City at this moment.

The combat platforms and long-range fire delivery weapons originally placed around the city were also hidden by the deformed mechanical structures given during the oil flashing process.

Unless you enter a combat state, you won't be able to tell at all.

Just when Zuo Sisi was about to read Shuoyou's records and see what crazy things this bastard in the diary had done behind his back, the latter instantly teleported back through the huge transmission network formed by the magic crystal tower and said hello with a playful smile. .

"Hey! Isn't this my wise and mighty great master? What kind of wind brought you here today? Do you want me to gather hundreds of beauties to hold a grand welcome ceremony?"

"Stop being so glib! Could you please explain to me what's going on?"

Zuo Si's mouth twitched and he pointed at the swimming pool and the groups of women on the street and asked.

What a fucking exaggeration!

We must know that the number of harems of the most fatuous and lustful emperors in ancient times was no more than 30,000, including ordinary maids.

But here it has doubled more than ten times.

"Ah! You talk about them.

Some of them were defeated prisoners, and some were nobles, queens, concubines, and princesses who were reduced to slaves after their country was destroyed.

Anyway, they are basically weak women who have lost their ability to rely on and live.

I reluctantly took them in because they were pitiful.

Otherwise, you should know what awaits these women.

In addition, there may be some adventurers and mercenaries who don't want to live a life of licking blood anymore and take the initiative to seek refuge, as well as wanted thieves, robbers, liars, and killers who I caught conveniently.

Don't worry, I promise you haven't crossed any lines. "

The diary gave the explanation with a smug look on his face.

Even as he was talking, he did not forget to blow kisses to the women who were standing by the swimming pool wearing only a few ropes or small pieces of fabric.

This made Zuo Si involuntarily hold his forehead and sigh: "Oh - maybe it was a mistake to create you back then, a huge unforgivable mistake. Every time I see you, I feel that my lower limit has been refreshed. I was shocked, and I felt an indescribable sense of shame from the bottom of my heart.”

But the diary curled his lips nonchalantly: "Shame? Shame is all right. Anyone will inevitably feel embarrassed when they see a side of themselves without any courtesy or shame. But you can't deny that I am a part of you, a part of your subconscious. And the amplified manifestation of desire. Not to mention that I have done a lot of things for you."

"I've never denied this. But can you please restrain yourself? Look at this floating city, it's almost transformed into a super den of pleasure for you." Zuo Si complained angrily.

"Hey! Don't underestimate the Mutahar Floating City. Its current appearance is just a disguise. Once it enters a state of war, it will soon transform into the most powerful magical fortress."

After saying that, the diary raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


A piercing siren began to echo over the city.

The women who were playing, playing, shopping, and enjoying the good life one second began to rush into the nearest underground entrance at extremely fast speeds, and it didn't take long before they transformed into fully armed combatants.

Those entertainment venues also disappeared in a very short period of time as large-scale mechanical structures deformed. They were replaced by electromagnetic guns of different sizes, magic heavy artillery, and organized groups of mechanical undead and construct legions.

The crystal clear magic crystal towers began to release the energy they usually stored, preparing to open the door to another dimension and summon other creatures to fight.

There is no doubt that Mutahar's combat effectiveness is definitely more powerful than those Fel battleships that have been completed by shining oil, and they can also sail in the cold outer space like Fel battleships.

"How is it? You should be satisfied now, right?" Diary asked slightly satisfied.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Well, it looks pretty good. It should barely meet my requirements."

"Your request?"

The diary keenly captured a key word.

Since he was originally a magical creation condensed from Zuo Si's memory and thoughts, he knew his creator far better than outsiders.

"Yes. I plan to build a hyperspace beacon tower in Mutahar Floating City to carry all kinds of knowledge and information to the entire multiverse."

Zuo Si bluntly stated the purpose of his trip.

When the diary heard these words, his eyes widened in shock. It took a full minute before he asked in an uncertain tone: "You want to directly send messages to thousands of time and space at the same time, and then let Mu Takhar Floating City becomes a transmission transfer station for receiving signals?

This is absolutely crazy!

Aren't you afraid of the backlash of the Dark Forest Law?

Once there is a super civilization in a certain time and space that possesses powerful technology and magical power, or there is a planeswalker who ignites a spark, then they can directly follow the signal and come over.

There will inevitably be a big war by then. "

“Then let’s have a fight!

Could it be that I am still afraid of war when I have gone from a little magic apprentice to this point?

Now I not only control New Phyrexia and Shimmering Oil in Mirrodin, but I also have the demon army of Baator Hell and the physical universe where half of Azeroth is located as support.

In addition, many powerful gods are close allies of mine.

It’s not me who should really be scared, but the worlds that pick up the signal and reveal their own spatial coordinates.

Because from the moment of contact, their fate was in my hands. "

While saying these words, Zuo Si raised his iron-gloved hand and made a fist gesture, exuding a terrifying momentum and pressure from all over his body.

Upon seeing this, the diary couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Damn it! Then why is Mutahar Floating City?

Wouldn't it be better to put it in the Floating City of Plantia?

There is also a fourth natural disaster over there that has expanded to millions, and can protect your plans at any time.

You must know that after a period of baptism, the average level of those players has basically crossed the legendary threshold, and the population of non-human intelligent creatures in the current world has dropped by almost two-thirds.

Many countries ruled by demi-humans and dragons have collapsed under their slaughtering knives.

The few remaining forces regard it as a demon in human skin.

Because when they raise the wind, they neither care about their own life or death, nor the life and death of others. "

"Oh? How is the situation over there now? Is there any progress in the investigation and research on the origin of magic?"

Zuo Si asked very curiously.

Since he has been busy with other things recently, he has been tending to the fourth natural disaster he recruited, and he has no idea what is going on in this world where the ally Xia En VII is fully responsible.

The diary explained with a wry smile: "There is progress, but not much.

After you left last time, Shane VII used the chaos and turmoil created by the Great Tomb of Nazarick to set a trap and successfully captured the Platinum Dragon King and his companions.

Through the dissection of this true dragon king and a series of frantic tests, it can be basically confirmed that the origin of magic is related to the soul.

Xia En VII stripped out the soul of the Platinum Dragon King and combined it with dragon horns and necromancy magic to create an evil artifact with astonishing power.

Using this artifact, he can release the original magic mastered by the other party.

As for what the specific situation is, you'd better just find an opportunity to ask him personally.

Anyway, this demi-lich believes that once he fully masters this interesting magic, he can even transform himself from the dead state into a living person, or into any form such as a dragon.

And this transformation is not only physical, but also includes the essence of the soul. "

"It sounds pretty good. Although it's not very useful to me now, it's still quite good as an auxiliary means." Zuo Si commented with interest.

Because compared to the several universe-level titan souls imprisoned on the planet Argus, as well as Sargeras, the strongest dark titan, the power of a mere world has become insignificant.

To be precise, even the high-level guardians created by the Titans and their assistants with no fixed form, the Star Saints, can easily destroy a planet that does not breed star souls.

"Don't you feel that your recent power expansion has been a little too fast?" The diary couldn't help but remind him.

Zuo Si replied nonchalantly: "There is nothing we can do about this.

You should know that as the time bridge falls into my hands, the day when Nicol Bolas launches the War of the Spark is getting closer and closer.

And I only recently learned that Spirit Dragon Wujin’s planeswalker ability uses the dark void to transform matter and energy into each other.

In other words, as long as he is willing, he can always have unlimited energy for his own use.

But even so, this guy was still killed twice by his brother Nico Bolas.

Excluding the unlikely possibility of intentional death, it can only prove that Nicol Bolas is far more powerful than imagined.

So I also have to gain power that is at least comparable to them. "

"What? Ugin's planeswalker power is to freely transform matter and energy? Are you kidding me! This is simply dancing on Einstein's coffin!"

The diary's face was filled with expressions of disbelief.

"Are you kidding? You think I would joke about something like this?"

Zuo Si asked in return, raising his hands and taking a huge risk to connect his planeswalker sparks with the dark void.

The next second...

The gold coin held in one of his palms disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of energy that could not be described in words quickly surged out from the other hand, triggering a devastating explosion directly in the sky above his head.

The white light produced at the moment of the explosion even eclipsed the sun.

The shock wave alone tore a hole in the entire atmosphere.

The thick clouds set off a spectacular scenery like waves.

The deafening loud noise scared the civilians on the ground so much that they collapsed on the ground, with expressions of fear and despair on their faces.

But fortunately, this energy explosion comes and goes quickly.

Once all the released energy is exhausted, everything will quickly return to normal.

Only the diary who knew the power of it subconsciously swallowed his saliva and asked in a trembling voice: "This...is this the energy released by the annihilation of more than ten grams of matter in that gold coin? It is equivalent to a gold coin of the same weight. anti-matter bomb?"

Zuo Si nodded solemnly: "That's right.

Mass is energy. I can't believe that the physics I learned before can come in handy at this time.

Do you dare to imagine the result of throwing an entire world or even half the universe's matter into the dark void, and then converting it all into energy?

That kind of destructive power can kill any god and completely crush all so-called rules!

And this is the ability possessed by the spiritual dragon Wujin.

Now I have just scratched the surface of some tricks. "

"Okay, I think I understand why you suddenly have such a strong desire for power. If even Ugin has such power, then you really need to become stronger."

The diary's eyes rarely revealed a sense of crisis and urgency.

After all, he and his master are an inseparable whole.

If the latter is defeated or dies in the War of Sparks, then he has no hope of being able to survive alone, and all this beautiful life where he can indulge his desires will disappear with it.

"I need you to build this in Mutahar Floating City within a month."

Zuo Si straightforwardly took out a disc made of metal from his arms.

Although it is only the size of a cup, it uses Titan technology, and the capacity inside is equivalent to the sum of millions of big data storage centers combined.

After all, this thing can record the tens of thousands of years of ecological evolution of the planet Azeroth in one piece.

The diary had obviously already known about these technologies through Shuoyou, and immediately took them and plugged them into the interface of a machine drilled out of the ground next to it.

In a blink of an eye!

A huge spire-like building was projected between the two of them.

Judging from the marked data, its height must be at least two thousand meters, the main body must be forged from magic metal, and a total of up to one million enchantments are required from bottom to top.

The horrific cost investment alone is enough to exhaust the rare resources of several planets that are not very rich in magic power.

But this is only the basic part.

When the entire signal tower is activated, two planeswalker sparks are needed.

One of them is used as a lamp to illuminate the dark void, while the other is used as a fire to ignite it.

In other words, a precious spark needs to be permanently consumed.

With such a generous gesture, even the diary, which has always been a bit unobtrusive, feels the owner's unshakable determination.

After a long silence, he raised his head and promised firmly: "Okay! One month is one month! In thirty days, you will see it standing in the center of Mutahar Floating City."

A look of satisfaction appeared on Zuo Si's face: "Very good! Don't worry about the resources consumed by this hyperdimensional beacon tower. I will ask Jinji Tower to continuously send them to you. If you can complete the task on time, I will consider allowing you to go on missions in some worlds that we are all familiar with."

"for example?"

Diary's eyes instantly shone, and he licked his lips in a very obscene manner.

"Think about it for yourself. Anyway, the hyperdimensional beacon will be standing on your territory by then. You can control it in a targeted manner to find and search the worlds you want to go to. But be careful not to get killed. I don’t want to have to clean up your mess then.”

After that, Zuo Si ignored the diary's protest, and his whole body instantly activated sparks and disappeared.

With the Super Dimension Beacon Tower being put on the agenda, he could already foresee how busy he would become in the future, so he planned to return to the continent of Faerûn to deal with all the matters that needed to be dealt with.

At the same time, far away in Theros space-time.

Xenagos, who had just been promoted to the god of pleasure, was under the influence of the hell fiend who called himself Alkins, and was trying to subvert the foundation of belief in those originally aloof gods.

With the magic recorded in the Pink Book and the instinct of reproduction engraved in the genes of mortals, residents of a large number of city-states throughout the world began to inevitably fall into indulgent money-making and could not extricate themselves.

After all, this world was originally an open atmosphere similar to the ancient Greek mythology era. There were not many restrictions on male and female love, and even sexual relations could be widely accepted and recognized by society.

The number of people who accept both genders at the same time can even account for one-fifth or more of the total population.

In addition, Xenagos was the first example of a mortal becoming a god in Theros space-time, so he was quickly sought after by countless careerists.

Those in power who longed for eternal life even openly declared themselves followers of the God of Pleasure, regardless of the objections of other gods and priests, trying to please Xenagos in this way in order to obtain specific methods for mortals to become gods.

If it were in the past, Xenagos would certainly not be able to share such a secret with others.

But under the analysis of Alkins, the Hell Fiend, he suddenly realized that spreading this secret would bring far more benefits than keeping it to himself.

Because once the mortals in Theros time and space know the secret of becoming a god, a large number of mortal gods will inevitably be born in the future, which will then compete with the original gods of Heliod.

At that time, he can legitimately become the leader of mortal gods, and there is no need to worry about possible group attacks.

If the order established by the original gods could be completely overturned and an era of mortal gods ushered in, then as the founder of all this, Xenagos would inevitably become the king of the gods.

At the thought of gaining the supreme power to control all things in the world, Xenagos felt extremely excited in his heart. He constantly consumed his divine power to cast pink magic on the carnival residents of the city-state below, allowing them to vent all their subconscious desires. Come out and consolidate your own strength.

After finishing all this, he turned around and asked the Hell Fiend standing by with a smile: "How was it? I, the God of Pleasure, did a pretty good job, didn't I?"

"Of course! You are simply a model among gods, and you have faithfully performed your duties. I believe that it won't be long before your power reaches the level of the sun god Heliod." Alkins grinned and complimented road.

As a devil standing in the highest level on the road to promotion from hell, he knows better than anyone else that if he wants to work better, he must first make the other party comfortable with all kinds of rhetoric and horses.

So it's usually quite enjoyable to do something with the devil.

Especially when your status and importance are much higher than theirs, devils will often show their extremely high emotional intelligence and social skills.

However, Xenagos obviously didn't know this. He thought that this powerful devil had been completely dormant by his charm, and a proud smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Well said! This bastard Heliod actually tried to unite other gods to kill me. When I have power comparable to him, I will make him pay a heavy price for it."

"Of course!

After all, you are a great being who wants to become the king of the gods.

Even the sun becomes eclipsed in front of you.

But I suggest you be careful of the female knight named Elspeth.

She seems to have a very special power and a very dangerous weapon that can pose a threat to you. "

The Hell Fiend warned cautiously.

But Xenagos curled his lips disdainfully: “You don’t need to worry.

Elspeth is nothing more than an insignificant planeswalker.

The power she possesses is incomparable to mine.

What's more, Heliod has already become disgusted with her because of the failure of the last mission, and I heard that he is sending people to hunt down her and the lion.

The most important thing is that they cannot enter Nyx Divine Realm without the guidance of gods. "

Seeing that the other party did not listen at all, the Hell Fiend decisively ended the conversation, lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

Through this period of observation and intelligence collection, he discovered that the gods in this world were simply too weak and could not be compared with the gods he had calculated before.

Of course, the weak here does not refer to strength, but to character and thought.

Perhaps it is because they have never felt a relationship with external threats. The biggest characteristic of the gods of space and time in Theros is their extreme arrogance and arrogance.

They have no regard for the mortals who provide them with faith, and perform their duties poorly.

Fights between each other often ended with the destruction of a city-state.

Mortals' feelings towards the gods are less about faith and gratitude than fear of destruction.

This aspect is very similar to the Furious Gods of Toril.

Therefore, the Hell Fiend formulated a series of strategies. First, he allowed more ambitious mortals with strong desires to obtain the secret of time and space deification, and then inspired the chaotic and evil nature in Xenagos's bones, so that He constantly provokes proud and conceited gods like the sun god Heliod.

As a result, fierce conflicts and even wars between the two sides have become inevitable.

What he had to do was hide behind the scenes, record everything he saw, and then send it back to the lord he was loyal to, Zuo Si.

If the latter allowed it, this hell fiend wouldn't mind reenacting the great brawl among the gods that he had caused in another dimension.

Anyway, the more gods die in this world, the easier it will be for the devils to infiltrate and control.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to create a few of the devil's own gods.

After all, the rule of Theros space-time is that as long as mortals believe that you are a god, then you are a god, and so on.

So it is not difficult for the devil to become a god here.

Just as the Hell Fiend narrowed his eyes and thought about what to do next, a commotion suddenly came from afar.

Immediately after him, he saw Elspeth, dressed in white armor and carrying a holy sword, rushing over from a distance at extremely fast speeds, her eyes filled with naked and undisguised anger.

"Xenagos!!!!!! Today is the day you die!"

"Ah! Look who is here. Isn't this the poor puppy abandoned by Heliod? Why, do you want to take all your anger out on me?"

Xenagos suddenly waved his big hand and swatted the charging Elspeth away like a bug.

You must know that the gods of Theros space-time are all super giant creatures, and they can even compete with the Eldrazi Titans in size.

So when they appear, the entire city-state will be enveloped by Ra's huge figure.

As for a person, he may not even be an ant in terms of proportions.

However, compared to Xenagos's arrogance, the Hell Fiend appears to be very cautious.

Because he knew that the lord he was loyal to, Zuo Si, was a planeswalker, he was very wary of these life forms that possessed sparks and were between mortal and extraordinary.

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