A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 669 The lighthouse that illuminates the dark void (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

With the high-profile appearance of Zuo Si, who had disappeared for a long time, the situation in the entire Faerun continent involuntarily began to become tense.

Even the increasingly fierce battle between the Northern Shadow City and Zhentil Castle has eased a lot in just a few days.

Serge, controlled by the red-robed mage, directly entered the highest level of combat readiness. Even the fierce and cruel internal fighting between the chiefs temporarily stopped and began to shake hands and make peace with the outside world.

Because everyone was anxiously speculating whether this meant that someone was preparing to make some big move.

After all, Zuo Si has a "bad record" in this regard. He has never stopped since he came to this world.

And unlike many people who only react when they are stimulated or feel threatened, the strategy he has always adopted is to take the initiative.

Even if Zuo Si has not been provoked before, as long as he believes that the other party is a potential threat, he will inevitably suppress, weaken, or even eliminate it once and for all.

Silvanus, the god of nature and father of the oak tree, is the best example.

Just because his theory of natural balance did not meet the requirements for the development of the west coast empire, Zuo Si uprooted the sects and believers in the entire western half of Faerûn at lightning speed.

Although it still maintains its powerful divine power, its power and influence are far less than before.

What's even worse is that Talona, ​​the newly rising god of nature, took the opportunity to expand and annex the former's sphere of influence, and was also actively wooing those gods who did not recognize the cold, cruel and savage side of Silvanus.

For example, the goddess of peace and springs Edath, the goddess of the forest Melika, etc., the originally unified natural pantheon seems to be splitting into two halves.

In addition, Talona also maintained a good relationship with the mother of the earth, Changdea.

The two churches have very close cooperation in agriculture, natural recycling and fertilizers.

As for those guys who have provoked Zuo Si...

Take a look at Cyric, the Prince of Lies, who was the biggest winner in the turbulent years and became the most powerful god in the entire country. This demigod was stunned and fell from strong divine power to weak divine power.

Although due to the characteristics of his lie priesthood, it is unlikely that he will completely lie down in the star realm due to the decline of his faith.

But as those images of being beaten by gods continued to spread under the influence of thoughtful people, except for a handful of truly desperate lunatics, not many mortals were willing to continue to worship this god of lies who was so humiliated that he was completely dead in society.

And because he offended too many other gods during his madness, Cyric did not dare to send an incarnation to the material world at all.

Otherwise, whether it is Midnight, the goddess of magic, or Kelanvor, the god of death, they will be very happy to send an incarnation down to deal with and humiliate this former enemy.

Even if the powerful divine power is like this, there is no need for others to say more.

Faced with such a trouble-making and extremely dangerous guy, anyone would be more vigilant, for fear of becoming the next unlucky person to be targeted.

This is why after Zuo Si disappeared from the world for so long, the West Coast Empire is still as peaceful as ever. Basically no one dares to incite rebellion or make small moves in private.

On the one hand, there is the mature bureaucratic judicial system, various overt and covert prevention methods, and many divine churches with common interests and ideas. These forces have successfully nipped most of the dangers that have just emerged in the cradle;

The other aspect is the terrifying deterrent power he possesses.

All forces with some strength now know that Zuo Si is the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, a great devil with power comparable to that of a god.

This identity alone is enough to determine that he will never die easily, not to mention the power of a planeswalker that even the gods admire.

Therefore, people who know the inside story will not take the initiative to provoke such a terrifying and troublesome enemy for themselves. Guys who don't even know this information have no ability to pose any threat at all.

The latter would often be discovered by the Purgatory Red Dragon Wilmes and the Purgatory Brass Dragon Kurremos as soon as they entered the West Coast Empire's sphere of influence, and then disappear from the world inexplicably.

It is unknown whether he died, was captured and sold to slave traders, or whether he was subjected to dangerous and cruel experiments.

Anyway, in these wild areas full of dangers and monsters, nothing that happens is worth making a fuss about.

But this time those guys on high alert were obviously a little too sensitive.

Because they didn't notice the changes in Zuo Si's identity and psychology at all.

In fact, since the establishment of the West Coast Empire, Zuo Si has changed from a disruptor to a defender of the existing order.

He understands the limits of what the God of Gods, Io, can tolerate, and can clearly see the red line that he must not cross.

Good and evil, chaos and order on the planet Toril must be maintained in a dynamic balance.

No matter who wants to break this balance, he must bear the punishment from Io.

Maybe it was just a mild warning, or maybe it was just a grand gesture like those in the turbulent years that knocked all the gods off the earth.

Therefore, Zuo Si is very satisfied with the sphere of influence he currently has in Faerûn. He does not intend to continue to expand on a large scale, but to imitate the gods and become a chess player who controls everything behind the scenes.

After spending a few days of relaxing and passionate time with Yalusel, he finally returned to his loyal capital of the empire-Askatra.

As soon as he walked out of the portal, he happened to meet the undead Ovo.

This fat house lich, who originally looked pale and bloated after being soaked in the river for a long time, has now successfully returned to the slightly fat shape he had before his death with the help of a portion of the Sunwell water and the Scourge's unique lich transformation magic. normal appearance.

Unless a spell such as detect undead is used, anyone will treat it as a normal human being rather than a terrifying undead creature.

"Long time no see, what have you been busy with lately?"

Zuo Si took the initiative to say hello with a smile on his face.

Ovo answered without thinking: "Of course I am busy teaching more apprentices in order to restore the glory of the Netheril era as soon as possible, and at the same time cause some trouble for the Ghost City.

You can't even imagine that the last time I controlled the floating city to suddenly appear overhead and launch a surprise attack, their panicked and fear-filled reactions were so interesting.

Although the damage caused was not serious, it succeeded in shocking Telamant Tanshur.

Since then, he has never sent anyone close to the West Coast Empire's sphere of influence.

Oh, I almost forgot to say thank you.

Although I'm not sure where you got those fascinating high concentrations of liquid energy and the vast amount of magical knowledge about alternative deaths, they did give me great inspiration.

Based on this, I created a dozen more interesting necromancy magics. "

Obviously, Ovo is not a member of the Arcane Order, and therefore does not have permission to pass through the portal to Azeroth.

He wasn't even sure why all the lichs around him disappeared out of thin air for a few days some time ago. When they came back, both their spellcasting abilities and their undead forms were greatly enhanced.

However, considering that this might involve some secrets of Zuo Si himself, I didn't ask too much. I just enjoyed the benefits of the water from the Sunwell with peace of mind and used a lot of materials that I had never seen before to do something that interests me. Research.

Zuo Si responded nonchalantly: "You're welcome.

You should know that I never mind sharing knowledge and power with my friends.

What's more, the amount of liquid energy you mentioned, the well water named Sunwell, is far beyond your imagination.

It can even meet the needs of hundreds of thousands or even millions of spellcasters.

If it wasn't already mixed with too much negative energy and death power, I would even consider giving each arcane caster and apprentice a fixed share every month. "

"So...this kind of precious well water is not rare?!"

Owo's eyes instantly lit up.

Because he has developed several ways to utilize this pure energy, he can even temporarily escape the restrictions of Toril's magic network and release spells normally in areas of chaos and dead magic.

Even the anti-magic field cannot interfere.

This is undoubtedly a treasure that can play a key role in spell duels of the same level.

If possible, Owo definitely wants to reserve 1,800 bottles, both for conducting more research and for emergencies.

After all, the goddess of magic is an out-and-out high-risk profession in Faerûn.

If something unexpected happens in the middle of the night, and the magic network loses control and collapses again, we can survive safely for a long time just by relying on these reserves of Sunwell water.

Of course Zuo Si knew what the other party was thinking, and without hesitation proposed the exchange conditions: "I can satisfy your demand for the water from the Sunwell, but as a price, you must share all your research results with me."

Owo nodded quickly: "This is a matter of course, and I have no reason to refuse. What's more, I'm not only interested in these well water, but also a lot of materials you brought back from other worlds."

"Okay, I will send someone to send you a list later."

In just a few words, Zuo Si finalized further cooperation with the great arcanist.

He knew very well that the other party was different from those ordinary lichs. It was impossible for a Jedi to give him a life box that had been split into hundreds of pieces for safekeeping.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to safely take Ovo to other time and space.

Otherwise, God knows what he will do once this guy obtains the spark of the planeswalker in some way.

But it's okay to make a little use of the Grand Arcanist's genius mind and rich magical knowledge.

Owo is obviously very satisfied with this transaction, and Zuo Si is also very satisfied.

After a brief chat, they quickly separated and went about their own business.

Zuo Si came to the training ground at the lower level of the mage tower alone and watched with interest as Dumbledore was using the spells he had mastered to fight against a group of alien creatures summoned for training.

Although he was only using arcane magic that he had just learned, and did not use any powerful wizard abilities, he still gave people a feeling of being at ease.

the reason is simple!

This centenarian has experienced too many battles in his life and has long been accustomed to facing death and various dangers. Therefore, his emotions and state of mind are simply not comparable to that of a mage of the same level.

Especially his rare calmness allows him to always see the enemy's weaknesses so that he can take the most effective countermeasures.

Therefore, several level five summoned creatures were quickly killed one by one.

When the last fire element was turned into embers and disappeared completely under the successive blows of the ice storm, Zuo Si couldn't help but applaud and praised: "It's really wonderful. My dear principal, it seems that you are already a very good arcane spell caster." At least at the same level, there are absolutely few people who can compete with you."

"Hahahaha! Thank you for the compliment. This reminds me of when I was studying at Hogwarts. But at my age, this kind of learning progress is not something to be surprised about. After all, I can do things like experience and experience. Leave those apprentices far behind."

Dumbledore smiled and touched the thick beard on his chin, and slowly walked out of the training ground.

"Yes. Experience and experience are valuable assets in life, and I have been its beneficiary."

There was a hint of emotion in Zuo Si's tone.

Because he had used this to get through the initial difficulties, he understood the meaning of the principal's words.

A mature heart that does not match the age on the outside is always the best disguise.

It allows others to lower their guard and lower their expectations of you.

"I plan to leave for Neverwinter in two days. Do you have anything to tell me?" Dumbledore asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, no, just enjoy the great adventure you are looking forward to.

If you can handle the crisis that occurred in Neverwinter, I will keep my promise and send the invitation letter to your old friend, so that he can come to this world to reunite with you and renew our relationship.

Oh, I almost forgot to ask.

Do you need some information or clues about this crisis? "

Dumbledore chose to refuse without hesitation: "No need. Since it is an adventure, you have to rely on your own hands to solve the mystery bit by bit and discover the truth hidden behind the scenes. I don't like playing puzzle games. Knowing the answer ahead of time will make the game less fun."

"Haha, it is exactly as I expected. In this case, I can only wish that you can create your own legend in this adventure, and then become a hero sung by bards."

After saying that, Zuo Si glanced at the principal's activated shield hanging on his waist with a strange green light from the corner of his eye.

You don't need to ask to know that this thing is made of Saronite iron and other materials.

Although the area is only the size of two palms put together, it can withstand attacks from magic weapons above +3, as well as all non-directional spells below the fifth level.

With the help of this thing, I believe that with Dumbledore's current mage level, he should be able to escape even if he encounters powerful magical creatures such as beholders and dragons.

"Terrible conspiracies, terrifying monsters, and epic heroic adventures, this is the life I have always longed for. Thank you for bringing me to this world, I think I have fallen deeply in love with it."

After saying these words, Dumbledore's eyes began to shine as brightly as stars. Then he said goodbye to Zuo Si and went to his room to pack his things. He planned to use the most primitive means of transportation - horses to go all the way north to enjoy the experience. Take a look at the scenery on the west coast of Faerûn.

Although there are already fast and convenient means of transportation such as airships, and you can also use the portal network between the Mage Tower and the Mage Tower, he obviously prefers this kind of slow-paced travel.

Zuo Si also came to his own room on the upper floor of the tower. First he drank a large glass of fat house happy water, and then without looking back he asked his most trusted follower: "How does it feel to return to the material world from the mechanical realm? Yes. Don’t you have the illusion of being in another world?”

“It’s not just like a world away, it’s like I’ve been reborn.

I simply can't imagine how the creatures living in this plane can endure such a boring world without any change.

Hopefully you've gotten what you wanted through my eyes.

Otherwise I wouldn't want to go there a second time. "

Davian, who had not been seen for a long time, sat on the sofa with a tired look on his face. He was completely inconsistent with his previous image of being always vigilant and loyal to his duties. He even touched a big cat raised by his owner in the room.

A series of complex emotions including nervousness, numbness and disgust can even be seen in his eyes.

And this is the result of long-term stay in the outer plane - the mechanical realm.

Fortunately, Davian is already an out-and-out powerful god-like power, otherwise he would very likely lose himself in the mechanical realm and eventually become a part of that plane.

"Don't worry, I did get what I wanted."

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and hooked his fingers at his follower.


One of Davian's eyes began to shine with a dazzling light, and then a gear that seemed to be constantly rotating was slowly separated from the pupil, floating in mid-air and constantly releasing some indescribable power to the surroundings. .

All the furnishings in the room were quickly rearranged in less than ten seconds, showing an almost perfect symmetry.

All the books, scrolls, tables, chairs, and magic lamps were all arranged neatly according to certain rules. The few pets walking around seemed to feel something, and they sat on the ground with their backs straight and stared straight ahead without moving.

"This is?!!!"

Davian suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at everything in front of him in shock.

"This is the real purpose why I asked you to go to the Mechanical Realm, to retrieve a trace of the absolute power of order from the Leo Bell Tower at the core of the entire plane."

Zuo Si carefully controlled the gear to slowly fall from the air above his head.

"Damn it! You never told me about this before."

Davian finally realized where his strange mental state in the mechanical realm came from.

No matter who carries the power of such root order in their body, they will inevitably be affected.

Zuo Si smiled and explained: "Of course I can't tell you about this, otherwise God knows how Singularity and the modrons under him will react. In fact, this move is essentially a bit of a gamble, but fortunately I won the bet. .See this gear? It represents absolute order and can help me neutralize the chaotic tendencies brought by the abyss fragments."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si embedded the gear directly into the back of his other hand.

The next second...

This power of order poured into the body and quickly suppressed the other demon's hand.

The two forces continue to collide and confront each other until a delicate balance is formed.

In this way, Zuo Si does not need to worry about the continuous expansion of the new bottomless abyss he created, which will have a great impact on his spirit, consciousness and camp tendencies.

After all, he doesn't want to one day become a chaotic and irrational madman like the Joker.

He wants to create his own abyss, rather than directly copying a bottomless abyss that is exactly the same as chaos and disorder.

"Well, you're right. If I had known the truth, I probably wouldn't have been able to fool those modrons who are somewhere between constructs and outsiders."

Being used as a tool, Davian could only show a wry smile and bow deeply to the master he could never figure out.

“So that’s what I’ve been stressing.

If you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.

Only if you believe that something fictional is true, then the people listening to you will believe that it is true.

You've done a great job on this matter, so take a good rest and relax for some time.

Because it won’t be long before we are busy again. "

While talking, Zuo Si put on another magic glove made of dragon skin, covering the gear-shaped pattern on the back of his hand.

He didn't want too many people to know that he had quietly stolen a ray of order power from the Machinery Realm.


Davian keenly grasped a key word.

Zuo Si explained patiently: "Because I have started to build a hyperspace beacon tower, and I will launch knowledge and information on thousands of time and space at the same time. Once those valuable worlds are discovered, I will immediately send manpower to confirm and explore." And you will undoubtedly be sent to the most dangerous time and space."

"I see!"

Davian showed a thoughtful expression for a moment, but did not express any opinion.

Among all his entourage, he has always been an excellent executor, not the type who is good at planning.

What's more, as long as you don't go to a ghost place like the Machine Realm, it doesn't matter if you are in a dangerous world.

In the next few minutes, Zuo Si showed this subordinate some of the major gains in Azeroth, as well as the golden storm, an artifact made from Zera, the Mother of Holy Light.

Since the power of this weapon was very similar to the power of the sun possessed by Davian to some extent, he did not hesitate to use his own power to repeatedly strengthen it until the golden lightning and flames were completely integrated.

On the other side, the floating city of Mutahar, far away in another world, has now become a huge construction site.

As a technical director, the Blue Demon Judge Jinji Tasha was directing his men to construct the foundation of the hyperdimensional beacon tower in an orderly manner through the stereoscopic projection in front of him.

Since the height of this thing must be at least two thousand meters, the foundation below must be very huge to ensure structural stability.

So many of Diary's favorite places for entertainment and special services were ruthlessly demolished.

At present, in the area near the center of the city, except for the central tower, basically all the buildings have been demolished.

A huge deep hole was dug into the ground.

Inside the pit, thousands of magical metal brackets were built in a spiral shape that ordinary people could not understand.

There is neither welding nor any rivets between the two metal strips, nor is it fitted together through a concave and convex structure. Instead, it is completely integrated directly under the influence of magic.

This also means that in terms of bearing force, unless the entire tower can be crushed at once, all external forces will be evenly distributed to each metal bar.

In just a few days, the part that was inserted deep into the underground of the floating city was almost completely completed.

The diary was sitting on a metal stand boredly, yawning, and controlling the numerous magic crystal towers to enchant it.

As a person whose life goal is to enjoy and vent his desires, what he hates most is this kind of mechanical repetitive work.

But the problem is that besides him, there is no other person here who can control so many magic crystal towers at the same time.

So no matter how reluctant I am, I can only bite the bullet and work honestly, and constantly use various excuses to comfort myself.

The most important thing is that this guy is different from Zuo Si who is eager to find those worlds with great value and potential. He just wants to collect more, more beautiful and sexy women to enjoy this absurd life with him.

The diary is very clear that it is not a "person", nor does it have a so-called "soul". It is just a consciousness condensed from a large number of diaries through magic.

He is not Zuo Si, and he is not even a clone. He is just an accessory of his master.

So he doesn't need to have any lofty goals or ambitions, he just needs to fulfill his responsibilities.

The rest of the time at your disposal is to enjoy happiness to the fullest and vent all the desires that have been suppressed by reason.

Only this ultimate pleasure can make it feel that it is real.

Therefore, the diary has always deliberately created a lively, noisy, and tempting atmosphere around it.

But now, he must give up his favorite entertainment activity and take the trouble to apply various spells to each metal bar.

Just when his patience was being exhausted bit by bit, Jinji Tasha's highly recognizable electronic sound suddenly came to his ears.

"Just five minutes ago, the foundation part was completed. Now, you can try sending a message or a signal to test whether it works properly."

"Now? Are you sure?"

The diary subconsciously turned around and glanced at the two planeswalkers Sparks left behind by Zuo Si.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

In fact, the most important part of this hyperdimensional beacon tower is the foundation.

Once it is completed, it means having the ability to transmit messages to countless worlds through the dark void.

As for the upper part, it is to allow the information to be transmitted farther and clearer.

Believe me, this is an epoch-making great work.

It is not just a tool for information transmission, but also a beacon that illuminates the dark void.

From now on, people from different time and space can communicate with each other.

Can you imagine the incredible reactions that different knowledge and technologies will produce in this blend? "

Jinji Tasha's tone was full of inexplicable excitement and enthusiasm.

In his eyes, this is not a super-dimensional beacon tower. It is an inexhaustible source of inspiration that can allow the blue faction he leads and even New Phyrexia as a whole to rise to unprecedented heights. .

Even if all influences are eliminated, this technology-oriented demon judge will become a loyal follower and believer of Zuo Si.

But the diary couldn't help but interrupt: "But the problem is how do we use one of the sparks to ignite another spark? This is something only a planeswalker can do. Are you going to call Zuo Si over? "

Hearing these words, Jinji Tasha suddenly showed a very strange smile, raised his sharp fingers like knives and shook them gently: "No, no, no, there is no need to disturb the great Xinfei with such trivial matters. Father of Rexia. You don’t think I didn’t do anything after getting the time bridge, right?”

"Oh - damn! You have not been to Kamigawa Time and Space, have you?"

The diary suddenly showed an expression of extreme shock and disbelief.

Because he remembered that New Phyrexia gained the ability to completely transform planeswalkers because it received some kind of inspiration in the Kamigawa space and time.

"Hahahaha! That's right!

I gained quite a lot of interesting knowledge and techniques in that world.

Through research, I've learned a lot about the secrets of the planeswalker's spark.

It is no longer mysterious and unknown to me now.

It is the power that can guide and control. "

As he spoke, Jinji Tasha walked directly in front of the two sparks, used some unknown device to touch one of them, and then took it in his hand.

Diary felt his scalp numb when he saw this scene.

For the first time, he realized how terrifying the chief technology and R\u0026D officer of New Phyrexia really was. He was simply an out-and-out monster.

All knowledge and techniques are not difficult for Jinji Tasha to learn.

This kind of semi-mechanical, semi-flesh life form born based on pure reason cannot be compared with the human brain and IQ.

As long as it is something it has seen, even without complicated disassembly and research, it can figure out its principles and structure in a very short time, and quickly make imitations.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to imagine that a guy with such a powerful creative ability doesn't even have a soul.

However, Jinji Tasha obviously didn't care about the reaction of the diary. He used the device in his hand to carefully bring the two sparks together, suddenly injecting huge energy into it at the moment of his control.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, the spark as a primer suddenly began to bloom with a dazzling light, instantly covering the entire Mutahar Floating City.

The power that penetrated heaven, earth and even the universe instantly caused another spark to resonate.

However, the second spark did not enter the overload state like the previous one, but continued to flicker.

When the power of the first spark was completely exhausted and began to slowly extinguish, the second one absorbed all the energy of the first one and became stronger.

Jinji Tasha raised his hand and threw it gently, throwing the spark into the deepest part of the huge foundation.

Before anyone else could realize what was happening, mysterious runes began to appear one after another on the surface of all the metal supports in the foundation.

When all these runes were lit, the falling sparks rose into the air and flew from below to a height of almost a hundred meters above the ground and remained hovering.

After all this was done, Jinji Tasha took off the spark control device, grinned and made a "please" gesture.

"Come on, it's your turn to perform next.

After all, only you have the authority to send knowledge or other information into this vast multiverse.

However, since the entire hyperspace beacon tower has not been completely completed, I suggest you not to send too long content.

Otherwise, parts may be missing. "

"You are really a madman! Do you know? If there is even the slightest accident in the process of igniting the spark just now, not only will you die, but this floating city and I will also disappear from the universe in an instant."

The diary glared at the blue demon judge fiercely.

Although he knew very well that he would not really die. At best, he would return to the cemetery with the cards and wait for time to resurrect, but those beauties he had worked so hard to collect were definitely hopeless.

Jinji Tasha sneered at this and said in a confident tone: "No, there will be no accidents. Because everything is in my calculations. Everything that just happened has been processed in my mind thousands of times After many simulations, all I did was recreate situations that had been successful countless times.”

"Hmph! Stop pretending here. If you are so sure, why don't you invite the master to do it in front of him? It is precisely because you are not 100% sure that you use this opportunity to practice."

The diary obviously saw through the blue devil judge's little thoughts at a glance, and let out a sneer full of contempt.

"Whatever you say, I succeeded."

Jinji Tasha acted like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Just like no winner will ever become a war criminal, no matter how low the success rate of a dangerous experiment is, as long as it succeeds, there is no need to worry about being blamed.

To a certain extent, he is indeed an extremely dangerous guy, and the devastating disaster he may cause is estimated to be greater than the other demon judges combined.

Fortunately, the diary did not intend to dwell on this issue. Instead, it made up its mind to turn around and go find Zuo Si to report. He walked to the flickering sparks and began to use this tool that could penetrate the dark void. Send lots of magic and tech content.

It's different from how long you thought you would have to wait for a response.

In less than ten hours, feedback information quickly overwhelmed him like a tide.

The diary couldn't even handle so many different languages, information and all kinds of strange questions at the same time. The brain stood motionless as if it had shut down. Only the pupils of the two eyes kept showing some strange reflections. .

"what happened to him?"

A perfected mechanical dwarf who was responsible for supervising the progress of the project asked his magic judge in an uncertain tone.

Jinji Tasha smiled and replied: "His brain structure is too simple to process so much information at the same time, and he was hit by the massive feedback and lost consciousness.

It has to be said that compared to the great father of New Phyrexia, this fake is really poor.

But it doesn't matter.

I've proven that the Chrono Beacon works.

Now, all we have to do is complete the rest. "

"Then what should he do?"

The mechanical dwarf gently poked the diary that had been unresponsive for a long time with his finger.

"Let him stand here. Anyway, this guy has experienced the baptism of shimmering oil just like us. Even if he stands here for a hundred or a thousand years, he will not die. What's more, he still has to deal with the broken magic crystal. With the fusion of such magical artifacts, it won’t take long for you to regain consciousness.”

There was a hint of teasing and playfulness in Jinji Tasha's tone.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave to check the precious data on controlling the planeswalker's spark this time, the motionless diary suddenly trembled, and the dilated pupils quickly began to focus, unexpectedly recovering from the massive impact of information.

"Tell me, what did you see and hear? Are there thousands of interesting worlds waiting for us to explore, conquer, and assimilate?"

Jinji Tasha immediately stopped and asked expectantly.

The diary rolled his eyes angrily: "Do you think other than gods and divine-like powers, any mortals can process so much complex information at the same time? I can't even understand the languages ​​I've never been exposed to, let alone Understand countless mind-boggling expressions. The multiverse is much bigger than we think."

"Well, it's my fault for having too many unrealistic expectations of you. Now let's work together to complete this hyper-dimensional beacon tower quickly so that its true owner can listen to this message from the entire multiverse. sound. I believe this will be an incredibly wonderful journey of discovery.”

Having said that, Jinji Tasha turned his attention to the time and space bridge not far away that he had brought from Mirrodin to the Mercury Sea.

As one of the very few artifacts that can allow non-planeswalkers to travel through time and space, using this thing to travel across time and space will cause huge damage to the flesh and blood of Phyrexian creatures, but it is far from fatal.

Moreover, he has invented many devices that can temporarily abandon the flesh and blood parts and allow himself to exist as a pure mechanical structure.

This is all thanks to the technology the Titans left behind in Azeroth.

Especially the completion of the high-level guardian Mimiron broke the last restraint of flesh and blood on the creation of New Phyrexia.

Although at the beginning, this made many magic judges feel uneasy and frightened, some extreme ones even thought that this deviated from the definition of "perfection".

But as more and more people realized the convenience brought by pure machinery, the objections quickly disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there is crazy strengthening and transformation.

The concept of mechanical ascension of weak flesh and blood has also begun to gain popularity.

Especially the blue faction led by Jinji Tasha...

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