A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 687 The Tau tribe falls into despair (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

As the most experienced military organization in the Human Empire fighting warp demons and Chaos forces, the Gray Knights undoubtedly have a huge database that far exceeds the imagination of outsiders.

It contains dense records of various demons, Chaos Astartes and heretics, including their characteristics, abilities, weaknesses and detailed countermeasures.

And these things are exactly what New Phyrexia needs most urgently.

Because in the previous battle with the Thousand Sons, Zuo Si found that although the Demon Judge he created was powerful enough, it was unable to use the spiritual energy of this universe due to the lack of soul, so it was easy for him to defeat Tzeentch who was good at spiritual magic. Sneak attacks, plots and restrictions prevented him from exerting 100% of his strength.

To ensure that a similar situation would never happen again, he accepted Roboute Guilliman's request for cooperation.

Among them, the Imperial Gray Knights provide their own huge database on the Warp and Chaos forces, while New Phyrexia provides some more effective enchanted weapons and ammunition.

It can be said that the two parties hit it off immediately after each got what they needed.

Although some of the more conservative Gray Knights are quite dissatisfied with forming an alliance with a group of "alien creatures" who don't even know what they are.

Especially the Skulltaker, the great demon of Khorne who was completely transformed by the Shimmering Oil, made these elite Astartes who had been fighting demons for a long time feel uncomfortable all over.

Although they knew that the power of Shuoyou could devour and control demons in the real universe, they were still a little bit unable to overcome the hurdle in their hearts.

However, under the strong promotion of the Imperial Regent, they took the opportunity to investigate the Thousand Sons Legion and gradually began to contact them from a shallow level to a deeper level.

It didn't take long for the Gray Knights to be dazzled by various ammunition, chain swords, power axes and other goodies filled with holy light energy and positive energy.

You must know that when dealing with subspace demons, these targeted and restrained weapons and equipment are much easier to use than those energy weapons.

Basically, it can tear apart the shield surrounding the demon's body in one move, and then shatter the originally difficult enemy into pieces in a matter of seconds.

At this moment, far away in the weapons testing site of the Gray Knight headquarters on Titan, the sixth satellite of Saturn in the solar system, a great mentor was watching with great interest his apprentices using the weapons that had just been shipped back. Demons were captured alive for testing.

In just a few minutes, this poor guy first experienced the unspeakable burning pain caused by bullets entering his body, and then he was torn into pieces by those same enchanted melee weapons, and his screams lasted even longer. It never stopped until the damage it received exceeded its upper limit and was exiled back to the subspace.

"how do you feel?"

A gray knight wearing a gorgeous silver power mecha was the first to break the silence and asked.

The Grand Master nodded slightly and replied: "In terms of weapon performance, it is very good, even at least five to ten times better than what we are currently equipped with.

Especially the ability to tear apart subspace defenses is simply unique.

From this we can see that our mysterious ally does hold some unknown secrets.

However, simply obtaining the supply of weapons and equipment is not enough. What we need is manufacturing technology and methods. "

"Sorry, Grand Master, these weapons are forged through some unreplicable technology and mysterious power. It is almost impossible to copy them. Not to mention us, even the great sages of the Mechanicus have not understood it until now. This knowledge that claims to come from another universe is still incomprehensible to this day."

The Gray Knight rejected the former's unrealistic expectations with a rather regretful tone.

"So how is the secret investigation going? Are you sure that this is not a conspiracy of a subspace Chaos Evil God against the empire and humanity?" the Grand Master asked calmly.

Obviously, these Gray Knights, who are wary of all corruption from the subspace, have never relaxed their vigilance, especially towards Zuo Si, an inexplicable outsider.

"I think the possibility is very low. Because judging from the current situation, he is obviously on the opposite side of the Chaos Evil God. And according to my observation, the original body and the Imperial Regent seems to have reached some ulterior deals with him. .”

The Gray Knight used very careful words to describe his inner thoughts.

You must know that since the rise of the state religion, both the emperor and his loyal heirs have been endowed with divinity. They are the kind of absolute political correctness that does not allow any form of doubt or refutation.

In addition, Robert Guilliman has been sleeping for almost ten thousand years. Even in the eyes of the Astartes warriors with nearly unlimited lifespan, he only exists in canonical stories, just like the modern society on earth listens to the myths and legends of ancient times. Same.

This means that they may respect and worship the Primarch, but may be suspicious of his orders.

Especially when Robert Guilliman tore up the Codex Astartes that he had promulgated by himself, many people who were accustomed to obeying the rules and regulations felt strongly betrayed.

Some people even doubt whether this "ancient man" from 10,000 years ago has a clear understanding of the situation the empire is currently facing.

Therefore, even though Robert Guilliman has become the regent with the highest power and has been recognized by most of the Astartes Chapter, there is still considerable doubt about his ability and level.

"A hidden deal?"

The Grand Master frowned and showed a very confused look.

The Gray Knight explained with a solemn expression: "The Regent talked alone with our mysterious ally for a long time, just like he went to the Golden Throne to talk to the God-Emperor after waking up.

I'm not sure if there's any connection.

But this seems to be related to the living saint Celestine, and it is very likely to involve the will of the God Emperor himself.

Moreover, the regent requires that we do not need to hide any secrets and can establish a trusting relationship 100%. "

"You mean...this might be the plan of the God-Emperor himself?"

The Grand Master turned around with shock and disbelief on his face.

The Gray Knight shook his head slightly: "It's hard to say, but the regent's reaction is indeed quite unusual. And I suspect that the laboratory hidden deep underground on the planet may hide some terrible secrets."

After hearing these words, the Grand Master fell into silence for a moment, and after a while he said: "In this case, let's stop further investigation. After all, so far, this ally who has always been shrouded in mystery has not It has not shown any danger, but we still need to continue to be vigilant and observant.”

"As you wish!"

The Gray Knight bent down and bowed deeply, and then signaled the apprentices who were testing the power of the weapons to stop wasting ammunition.

In about half an hour, a large number of new weapons and ammunition were transported into the tightly defended logistics warehouse.

If nothing else, those subspace demons will soon experience what surprises are.

At the same time, far away in the deepest part of the huge underground laboratory, tens of thousands of genetic samples of the original body are being cloned using high-level magic.

I saw rows of huge petri dishes, densely packed with huge humanoid creatures far exceeding the size of normal humans. The smallest among them was still a newly formed fetus, while the largest was already close to the size of a teenager.

Tubes connected to the Petri dishes feed nutrients necessary for growth into them.

It has to be said that most people will feel their scalps go numb after seeing this scene that directly breaks the bottom line of ethics and morality.

Because in front of these machines, human beings, who claim to be the "spirit of all things", are no different from farmed poultry and livestock. They are created as pure tools.

These devices that can greatly accelerate growth are the plural life womb systems used by the famous "Krieg Death Army".

With this set of devices, the Krieg Death Army created myths about mortal armies one after another with horrifying death ratios.

Even the mighty Chapters of the Astartes have a strong respect for these soldiers who have never feared death and are loyal to the Imperium and the Emperor.

As for the "Plural Life Womb System", even the Mechanicus considers it to be too extreme, cruel and inhumane.

But as a big devil, Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this and was admiring his masterpiece with great interest.

As a person who controls huge resources covering multiple worlds and even the universe, of course he is not limited to using only the original gene sample given to him by the human emperor. Instead, he mixes a lot of genes into it, and even not only to the human species.

And in order to give Tzeentch a big surprise who doesn't know when he will attack again, all of these are using Magnus' genes.

That's right!

The crazed Zuo Si planned to use "Thousand Sons" to deal with "Thousand Sons".

Because he knew that the original body of the Thousand Sons Legion was the most special one among all the original bodies, and he was also the one with the most powerful psychic genes.

Zuo Si is very much looking forward to what kind of monsters can be created after the fusion of magic genes and psychic genes, coupled with the completion of the shimmering oil.

"Master, according to your instructions, a million of them have been completed. The first batch of them will be fully developed in another week at most."

A mechanical head that looked like a woman descended from the ceiling of the laboratory, dragging a long metal spine, and reported in an electronic voice without a trace of emotion.

She is not only the controller of the entire underground laboratory, but also the second demon judge created by Zuo Si in this universe.

But what she is good at is not fighting, but coordinating and managing this huge and extremely complex laboratory, and she can even take over the entire planet if necessary.

You must know that the operation of the "plural life womb" is not easy. Just monitoring the vital signs and nutritional supply of the clones in the petri dish is a very complicated process.

Without the help of artificial intelligence, the Krieg Death Army relies on massive human resources to operate. Even with this, there is a very high mortality rate. It simply does not take life seriously.

It is indeed a death army that can continue to charge with a fierce firepower net when the death rate exceeds 80%.

What's more important is that this system has its own memory programming function, which can ensure that the people inside have complete memories and personalities. In other words, when they wake up, they have souls and are not just walking corpses.

This is also the most important reason why the soldiers of the Krieg Death Army are not afraid of death.

Because all they have been instilled in their minds is loyalty to the Empire. From the moment they open their eyes, they want to become the currency in the hands of the God-Emperor and sacrifice their worthless lives for the Lord of Mankind when needed.

Such an appalling system has even gone beyond the category of being anti-human.

Compared with the rulers of the planet Krieg, what Nazi Germany did during World War II was not even a fraction of what they did.

Looking at the tall, muscular clones with slightly sharp ears in the petri dish in front of him, Zuo Si nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. When they grow to the limit, they will be immediately injected with sparkling oil to complete them, and the latest model of power armor will be used directly." They are wrapped tightly from head to toe. I don't want these psychic warriors to cause dissatisfaction in the Empire."

"Don't worry, I have laid out all the steps to ensure that every warrior will become the sharpest blade under your command.

In addition, there has been some progress in the research on the Shimmering Orcs.

I discovered that subject No. 7361328 had an interesting genetic mutation.

This directly led to the fact that although he did not believe in Ge and Mao Er Ge, he still retained a little ability to resonate with the subspace.

Maybe this will be a good breakthrough.

Next, I will do a lot of breeding and breeding based on his genes. "

As he spoke, the Demon Judge controlled the mechanical tentacles and used the projection device on the front to display the corresponding orc experimental body.

Although this guy looks no different from an ordinary orc, who is equally manic and eager to fight, his green skin is densely covered with raised bumps, making him feel a bit like a troll from the Faerûn continent.

"Well done, please feel free to report to me if you find anything new.

do you know?

I actually once had a crazy idea, which was to directly create tens of billions of orcs, and then drive them all into the subspace to launch an unprecedented waaaaagh.

I believe that when those subspace chaos evil gods see this scene, their expressions will be very, very, very wonderful.

But later, considering the possible serious consequences, I finally chose to give up.

After all, I still tend to be lawful in the final analysis, and I hate this kind of force that can cause huge threats but is uncontrollable.

But if this group of orcs could be controlled by me, the situation would be completely different. "

When he said these words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with creepy expectation.

Although the completed psychic Astartes Legion was powerful enough, in his heart he still felt that it was the orcs in this world who had the greatest potential to become the ultimate biological weapon.

The Demon Judge responded without thinking: "I understand what you mean. No matter how many times it fails, the Shimmering Oil Orcs' plan will continue to advance until it reaches the goal you expected."

"In that case, I will leave the laboratory to you for now. I have some more important things to deal with."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si disappeared instantly.

As soon as he walked away with his front legs, the lights that were used to illuminate the head of his back legs were extinguished one by one, leaving only the electronic display next to the petri dish emitting a faint light.

Far away on the other side of the galaxy, on the home planet of the Tau, Shaskell is being questioned from the highest level.

Because the subspace protection system and hyperbeam engine she brought back, as well as the memory that recorded the truth about subspace, had caused violent shocks in the entire decision-making hierarchy.

Especially the part about subspace completely overturned their previous common understanding of the entire universe, and they also understood why the fourth star expansion ended in such a terrifying result.

You must know that those survivors who went crazy and were sent to other planets for re-education showed no signs of improvement until their death.

Even many of the personnel responsible for guarding and teaching them went crazy along with them.

"Have you read the contents of this memory?"

The leader, the Supreme Ether, pointed at the memory placed on the table and asked in an extremely serious tone.

Shaskel quickly shook his head: "Of course not. I know very well that the things recorded inside are definitely not something I can spy on at my level, so I locked it in the safe after getting it and never opened it from beginning to end. Pass."

This answer obviously made the Supreme Ether breathe a sigh of relief, and nodded with relief: "You did a good job, even far exceeding our expectations for you. Because the information recorded here is of vital importance to the entire civilization. Important. It is like a key, helping us to re-understand the universe and let us understand our dangerous situation."

"Thank you for your compliment. Everything is guided by the Greater Good."

Saskier hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply to show humility.

"Now let's talk about the mysterious creature that helped you. We really want to find out what he is and why he knows so many secrets."

The Supreme Ether directly shifted the topic to Zuo Si.

Although he, as the highest-ranking person, already knew the information about subspace and demons, this was the first time that he systematically explained the history and the power represented by several Chaos Evil Gods like in the memory.

Shaskell lowered his head to sort out his words, and then said in an uncertain tone: "The only thing I know about Lord Soth is that his body is entirely made of metal and that black grease. Become.

The density of his body is astonishing.

Even beyond any currently known substance.

At the same time, a weak gravitational field will be formed around the body.

And those shimmering oils under his control can transform a person into a half-mechanical, half-flesh slave.

In addition, Lord Soth also possesses many mysterious abilities that we cannot understand, including teleportation.

The most important thing is that he personally admitted that he is an ally with the Human Empire, but he is not hostile to us Tau people.

My fleet and I were able to come back alive thanks to the help he provided.

Without the powerful hyperbeam engine, it would be impossible for us to enter the subspace and directly pass through the territory of the Human Empire.

Without protection, those horrific demons would tear us apart. "

"Regarding the inspection report of the hyperbeam engine and subspace protection device, the technical department has given a report.

As you describe, these two things are crucial for us.

But compared to them, the black grease called shimmering oil is more fascinating.

Because this interesting substance seems to have nearly infinite possibilities.

Materials can be broken down and reorganized at the molecular, atomic and even smaller levels.

Do you know what this means?

This means that if you can control it from the source, you can have nearly unlimited resources, production and creative capabilities.

To some extent, this mysterious being who calls himself Thos is completely like an omnipotent god to us. "

The tone of the Supreme Ether suddenly became more solemn than ever before.

Saskel clearly realized something, raised his head and tried with surprise: "You mean... Your Excellency Soth is also the god of subspace?"

"That's right!

Can any civilization other than God create such a nearly omnipotent substance?

Who else but God could know so much about the subspace?

Who except God can make the density of his body reach a level exceeding that of a white dwarf star or even a neutron star without affecting the surrounding environment?

What else but God can stand against another God? "

The Supreme Ether smiled bitterly and expressed his guess.

Judging from the reactions of the other Supreme Titans around, this was obviously a consensus reached by the entire Tau Empire's top brass after discussions.


Saskier swallowed nervously and asked cautiously: "So we are dealing with a god?"

"Yes, at least from our perspective, he is equivalent to a god. But fortunately, from the current point of view, this god is well-intentioned."

The Supreme Ether answered in the affirmative very simply.

To be precise, the high-level officials of the Tau Empire present were shocked by Shuoyou's research report.

Many human technologies that have not been studied until now can be perfectly copied immediately after being decomposed by Shuoyou, and it can even improve the deficiencies.

In just a few days, the R\u0026D department has launched several new types of combat uniforms, as well as a variety of powerful ship-based weapons.

The most important things are the hyperlight engines and subspace protection devices that can be mass-produced.

With these two things, the Tau civilization will not be limited to this small area, but can travel throughout the galaxy to its heart's content.

If this is not kindness, then there is nothing in the universe that can be called kindness.

"Then what attitude should we take when dealing with a god?"

Saskier was obviously in trouble.

Because if Shuoyou is as omnipotent as the report given by the technical department, then the trade maintenance plan he originally formulated is simply a joke.

The Supreme Ether smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, child, we have prepared everything for you.

Since this god wants to help us, he naturally doesn't care too much about what we can give him, so an attitude that can clearly express respect is good.

Also, this matter must be kept secret from the outside world, and must not be known to too many people.

Because the horror of subspace is far beyond everyone's imagination.

If too many people know about it, people will fall into fear and panic and be unable to extricate themselves. "

"Understood, my crew and I will keep secret everything we encounter on this voyage."

Saskier solemnly gave his assurance.

Although she didn't know exactly what was recorded in that memory, she could guess a little from her own experience and the reactions of the supreme ethers.

"May you always walk under the guidance of the Greater Good. Now go and have a good rest, because it won't be long before you set sail again with an important mission."

Having said that, the Supreme Ether waved his hand to indicate that Saskier could retreat.

The latter bowed again and walked backwards out of the conference room that held the highest power of the entire civilization.

She just walked on her front foot. The Supreme Ether, which had been talking on its back, took a long breath and asked in a slightly depressed voice: "How far do you think our civilization is from being destroyed?"

“Maybe decades, maybe centuries, maybe tomorrow.

With the power we currently possess, we may not even be able to stop a black crusade from the Chaos forces of the Warp.

I really can't believe that the human empire has been able to survive such a horrific disaster for a full ten thousand years.

The only good thing is that our Tau souls are almost invisible in the warp, and will not arouse the interest of those daemons.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that we have basically not suffered from the erosion of subspace power during the years of our rise.

Even if it happens occasionally, it is only in the minority.

But with the fourth expansion of the sky, I think we have now officially entered the sight of the Chaos God. "

Another supreme leader expressed the pessimism and despair in his heart using titanium.

"No! We haven't lost hope yet! At least the god who calls himself Soth has conveyed goodwill to us. Maybe he will help us find a way to the future. If it doesn't work, we can still rely on the power of Shuoyou."

Another supreme ether expressed his opinion.

"But how do you know that those shimmering oils are not a trap?" the previous Supreme Ether asked.

The former retorted with a sneer: "Do you think we have other choices now? Rather than becoming the plaything of the evil god of subspace, I would rather be transformed by Shuoyou and become a slave. At least this way I can still retain my thoughts, consciousness and soul. ."

Seeing that the two were about to fight, the leader, the Supreme Ether, immediately stood up and interrupted: "That's enough! Don't argue! In any case, the most important thing for us right now is to confirm the other party's attitude and take precautions against subspace chaos. The invasion of evil gods. Remember, we are the last hope of the entire civilization, and the Jedi cannot be in chaos at this time."

"When do you plan to send Shaskill out again?"

The tallest ether sitting in the corner asked.

The former answered without thinking: "It will not take more than a week at most. During this period, I hope that all departments can work together to bring out the best things in our civilization. Because judging from Shaskel's description, this The god seems to hold some very important information."

"What about the reaction of the human empire? If that god is really their ally, I think they will not be happy to see us establish a stable connection with it."

"Then find a way to join this alliance. Compared with the threat from Kia space, the war between us and the human empire is nothing. What's more, since the god has shown goodwill to us, he will naturally have a way to persuade the human empire. "

"Well - I hope so."

With a sigh, the originally bright conference room suddenly became dark, and all the supreme ethers present turned into light points and dissipated in the air.

You know without asking that this is a holographic projection conference room.

All the top leaders of the Tau tribe who were present just now were gathered together by projection.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si's information about subspace is like a big mountain, which almost crushed all the top leaders of this new civilization.

If the Tau people were not naturally much slower than humans in terms of emotional fluctuations, they would probably have started smashing things hysterically and cursing wildly.

But fortunately, the subspace protection device and the shimmering oil gave them a glimmer of hope.

Just when the originally silly and sweet Tau Empire finally realized what a dark and crazy universe it lived in, Robert Guilliman was having the last conversation with Zuo Si in a closed room before leaving.

"Can you tell me what exactly my father wants to do?"

The imperial regent raised the question that had been bothering him for a long time in a very serious tone.

"Why, as a heir, don't you even know this?"

Zuo Si looked very surprised.

He thought he had learned everything during the long conversation with the Emperor of Mankind after the Primarch's awakening.

Robert Guilliman shook his head with a bitter look on his face: "No, I never know what kind of plan my father has in his heart.

He kept giving me orders but never explained why.

And I noticed that you seem to be building a civilization that is opposite to the empire in some way, but with humans as the main body.

Could this be another attempt by my father to save mankind? "

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "As expected of all the Primarchs, he is the most politically sensitive.

Yes, you guessed it, Your Excellency the Regent.

Because the empire's current dark, cruel and merciless ruling method will not reduce the power of the subspace evil god, but will continue to increase it.

The reason is also very simple. When a person is in a state of extreme depression, not only will his potential desires and emotions not disappear, but they will also become extremely intense.

In severe cases, mental illness and various twisted and morbid hobbies may occur.

And these things are precisely the food of the Chaos Evil God.

But if you do the opposite and satisfy the desires of most people to the greatest extent, then their emotions will tend to stabilize, and they may even become numb and indifferent to things that might otherwise be highly stimulating.

When a person can maintain a peaceful mind or be positive and optimistic for a long time, the good emotions he or she generates will have an impact on the subspace.

If humans, the most populous people in this galaxy, all become inclined to good, the evil in the subspace will subside over time, and even the Chaos Evil God will be turned into a neutral or even good god.

Of course, this is just an ideal result.

During this process, the forces of Chaos will definitely counterattack crazily and extinguish this flame that symbolizes hope.

So the Lord of Humanity and I also prepared some other means.

"So the decaying empire will fall victim to this plan?"

Robert Guilliman's super-brain instantly grasped the key points, while a look of shock and disbelief appeared on his face.

You must know that it is the galactic hegemony that the Emperor of Mankind and all the descendants of the Primarch established with great difficulty through the Great Crusade. It is an immortal monument forged with the lives, courage and blood of countless Astartes and mortal soldiers.

But now, his father, the master of mankind, actually plans to destroy it with his own hands!

Don't these sacrifices have any value in the eyes of the emperor?

"Yes, the Empire will fall victim to this plan.

Don't forget, the emperor is the emperor of mankind, not the emperor of the empire.

What's more, now that it has developed to this point, the empire has completely fallen into the abyss and is hopeless.

Only by completely destroying it can the human race be reborn.

This is not something that can be changed by killing tens or hundreds of billions of bureaucrats and the ruling class. It is a poisonous thought and culture rooted within the empire. "

Zuo Si unceremoniously criticized the current situation of the empire.

After all, even in the entire multiverse, the living conditions of human beings here can be considered quite explosive.

The most typical manifestation is that if you tell a "Hammer guy" that you wish him to travel to the Warhammer universe, then instead of being happy, he will think that you are cursing him.

To be precise, the more you understand the universe, the less you want to live in such a world without any hope.

Robert Guilliman's breathing became noticeably heavier, and it took a full minute before he continued to ask: "What about humans? What will be the future of humans? Is it just like the people in this city who have nothing to do and become a bunch of useless people?" waste?"

"No, of course not.

What you see is only temporary. It won't be long before they get tired of this material satisfaction and begin to pursue spiritual and spiritual transcendence.

At that time, they will learn all kinds of knowledge according to their own interests and pursue the purest dreams in their hearts.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people will choose to live their lives in confusion.

But no matter what, at least they are free and have the power to choose their own future, instead of being tied to a machine called the Empire as they are now, constantly consuming their lives and even souls.

You have to understand that the reason why this universe has become so crazy is that the pain of mortals in the real universe has been mapped into the subspace, giving birth to chaotic evil gods and demons.

The Chaos Gods and Demons in turn affect mortals in the real universe.

If you want to make a change, you first have to break this terrible cycle of deepening.

That's why your father hopes that I will become a disruptor and disrupt everything.

And using a relatively gentle way to bring the decaying empire to destruction is the first step to break the cycle, and it is also the most important step. "

Zuo Si expressed his attitude in a very straightforward way, which was also the attitude of the human emperor.

Because in the past, the emperor maintained the empire because he was afraid that after the empire was destroyed, humans would become wanderers without a home like the Eldar.

But now, humans have another way out.

Although it sounds a bit miserable to have your soul harvested after death, it is obviously much better than the current situation.

What's more, what Zuo Si harvests is people's souls after death, which will not have any negative impact on race and civilization.

"I have reservations about this plan for now. Unless you can prove it is feasible."

Robert Guilliman finally gave an ambiguous and neutral response after pondering for a long time.

As a prudent person, he would not pin the hope and future of the entire human race on someone based on just one word, even if that person is his father, the Lord of Humanity.

Zuo Si said nonchalantly: "Whatever you want, it won't be long before you see the changes here. Finally, I wish you all the best on this expedition."


Robert Guilliman stood up, nodded, and then disappeared at the end of the corridor leading outside.

Looking at his tall back, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and sighed: "It's really not easy for the only remaining primarch and regent in the empire.

From the looks of it, he probably hadn't slept much since he woke up.

If it weren't for the demigod's body and spirit, he would have collapsed long ago.

But it's no wonder.

No matter who wakes up after sleeping for 10,000 years and finds that the originally powerful human empire has become like this, his blood pressure will burst his blood vessels.

Moreover, he also had to deal with several Primarch brothers who had taken refuge with the evil god of subspace.

Oh, by the way, this guy went to meet with the human emperor when he woke up, so he might have been beaten by PUA.

I have to say that this thirteenth-ranked Primarch is really a bit miserable. "

After complaining about the tremendous pressure Robert Guilliman was under, Zuo Si quickly turned around and left the secret room. He stood in front of the window sill in the corridor outside, looking at the expedition fleet ready to go above his head, and began to guess what the empire would do next. The sector launches an attack.


He felt that a life form was quietly approaching him.

Although the other party did not make even a slight sound, it was still captured by the powerful perception.

Out of a subconscious first reaction, Zuo Si turned his head and aimed his two electronic eyes at the targeted area, only to find that it was a tall Eldar woman with a very exaggerated headdress tied to her hair.

"Are you...Everene, the leader of the Death Army?"

"Yes, that's me. It's a great honor to meet you before leaving this planet, Dear Lord Soth."

As she spoke, Efreni made an elegant etiquette gesture in accordance with the Eldar tradition.

"This is really a small surprise. But I'm curious, why did you show up now instead of coming to me as soon as you landed on this planet?"

Zuo Si looked at this woman with a mysterious halo all over her body with great interest.

Although many people have teased that there is some indescribable close relationship between Evrene and Robert Guilliman, in fact, it can only be regarded as mutual use at best.

After all, the latter can't even take off the power mecha now.

Even if I want to do something, I'm afraid I'm powerless...

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