A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 833 We are the real orcs! (Long chapter with 10,000 words, please subscribe)

"Boy! You are really brave!"

Gruumsh gritted his teeth and spouted out words one by one. He was obviously extremely angry. He had never expected that the other party would come to him before he took the initiative to attack.

You should know that the power of gods in their own kingdom can be greatly enhanced by the plane they are in.

To some extent, it is equivalent to the home and fortress of gods.

Normally, unless the difference in the level of divine power is particularly large, no god will easily enter the kingdom of another hostile god. That is no different from committing suicide.

Of course, mentally ill lunatics like Cyric are an exception.

So Thrall's behavior is equivalent to a lightweight fighter suddenly running to the doorstep of a heavyweight world champion to provoke.

Regardless of winning or losing, this behavior alone is enough to make the orc god lose face and even become a laughing stock in the world of gods.

Gruumsh's hatred for the challenger in front of him has already broken through the sky.

If he hadn't felt uneasy because he hadn't seen Zuo Si take any action, he would have rushed up to cut him into pieces and put them in the most conspicuous place to warn all enemies.

But unfortunately, because he had suffered several losses before, the more he looked like he could take down the enemy without any effort, the more he dared not take action, for fear of falling into a carefully planned trap.

After all, Zuo Si, the big devil, is now well-known. His actions over the years have also been dug out one by one and repeatedly studied, and finally came to an astonishing conclusion.

That is, every action he takes will be taken from two aspects at the same time.

On the one hand, he will strategically oppress the enemy, so that they will reveal flaws or make wrong judgments when they are in a hurry to deal with it, and then seize the opportunity to pursue them relentlessly;

On the other hand, he will constantly divide and disintegrate the enemy's internal forces, using means such as bribery, provocation, and alienation to create contradictions until the target is completely paralyzed and loses the ability to resist.

The most important thing is that whenever Zuo Si makes a condition to someone, the other party will almost always choose to accept it.

Moreover, his lies and deceptions are made up of specially selected truths, which cannot be distinguished by divine arts or divine power. Even gods or quasi-divine powers can be deceived.

Therefore, in addition to the title of "Prince of the Devil", Zuo Si now also has a series of titles including "Lord of Fraud", "King of Tricks", "Seven-Headed Dragon", "Supreme Tyrant", etc.

Countless dictators and tyrants, including those on the planet Toril, regard him as an idol or even a god to worship, hoping that one day they can also monopolize power and become the ruler of the entire country and even the world.

As for those secret organizations that like to make trouble, they will also place statues of Zuo Si in the form of a devil in their bases to pray for their plans to be implemented smoothly.

With the faith brought by these fanatical believers from different planes, Zuo Si can be transformed into a true god at any time if he wants.

Unfortunately, he himself is obviously not interested in this, and even rarely responds. He almost never grants divine arts or becomes the leader of a certain sorcerer.

Moreover, the Orc pantheon has shown very obvious signs of splitting, and enemies such as the Elf pantheon, Dwarf pantheon, and Mulhorand pantheon are constantly interfering with its divine power perception, so that Gruumsh has no idea who has been bribed and who is still loyal to him.

This is why he is so nervous.

Thrall obviously noticed this, and immediately sneered and provoked: "Why don't you attack? What are you waiting for? Don't tell me you are afraid! You must know that this is your kingdom, and your divine power level is many times higher than that of me, the new god."

"Where is Soth? Will he just let you die by yourself?"

Gruumsh narrowed his only eye and tested carefully.

"Haha, you are afraid indeed.

This is really interesting.

If I remember correctly, your doctrine is to let believers pursue powerful strength, firmly believe that the rule of the world is the law of the jungle, and the strong can take away everything from the weak at will.

When an orc begins to become weak, other orcs are qualified to kill him and replace him.

Now that you have become timid and weak, can I replace you as a matter of course?"

As the last word came out, Thrall's whole body suddenly burst out with divine power like a stormy wave.

Not only that!

This divine power also contains the power from the four inner elemental planes!

Before the orc god could react, he took the lead in raising the hammer of destruction in his hand and threw it out with all his strength.

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In just a moment!

This hammer, which was promoted to a divine weapon, instantly turned into a beam of light and flew out.

"Asshole! How dare you?"

Gruumsh roared and quickly raised the spear in his hand to block, but in the end he was still a step too late.

The white light formed by the Hammer of Destruction hit the chest of the heavy and crude black full body armor like a meteor.

The destructive energy was released instantly, smashing the artifact armor into pieces, and the chest was deeply sunken.

The next second...

This powerful orc god flew backwards uncontrollably, and a large amount of divine blood continued to spurt out from his mouth and nose during the flight.

The incomparable shocking scene not only made the gods of Faerun who were watching the excitement stand up and show extremely surprised expressions, but also made other members of the orc pantheon open their mouths in disbelief.

They simply couldn't believe that a mere new god who had just embarked on the road to immortality could take the lead in attacking this powerful god in the kingdom of Gruumsh.

Especially for the control of the four elemental energies of the inner plane, it was just like an elemental lord or prince.

Obviously, although Thrall did not directly obtain the "element" priesthood, his "shaman priest" priesthood contained the power of elements, souls and nature, which was a typical composite priesthood.

Moreover, the shamanism he created was not completely the same as the original "soul shaman" of Faerun.

The latter focused on the spirit, emphasizing the need to merge with the spirit's thoughts to gain power from it, and then maintain the balance of all things.

But the former focused more on communicating with powerful elements and souls, and then using their power and wisdom to achieve their goals.

For example, leading the tribe to survive better, and knowing the coming of danger and disaster in advance through prophecy and spiritual vision.

In the universe where the planet Azeroth is located, the elemental power generally comes from the planet itself, and its upper limit is at best the level of Ragnaros the Fire Demon, Al'Akir the Lord of the Wind Element, Therasane the Stone Mother the Lord of the Earth Element, and Neptulon the Tidehunter the Lord of the Water Element.

But in the universe where the planet Toril is located, the four elements represent the inner plane, and all the matter and energy that form the entire universe come from this.

It can even be said that they are the origin of all things.

Druids only borrow a little bit of the power of the elements to become the existence of the spellcasting profession second only to mages and priests. This shows how powerful the power of the elemental plane is.

In addition, in this universe, I have only heard of gods going to the city of Sigil to make trouble and confront the Lady of Pain, and there are also demons from the bottomless abyss that have set off a huge war that swept countless planes, but I have never heard of anyone daring to shout to unify a single elemental plane.

So Thrall, who was blessed with the power of the elemental plane, launched an attack far beyond his own divine power level.

The overflow of only a part of the energy created a doomsday-like scene around him.

Thousands of petitioners were burned by lightning, torn by whirlwinds, burned to ashes by flames, washed away by floods, or submerged by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an instant.

"Hahaha! Well done! This guy Gruumsh is really embarrassed this time. He didn't even show the most important courage as a god of war."

Tempus, who was sitting in the Pantheon watching the show, made a naked and undisguised mockery.

If it were him in the situation just now, he would have rushed up and swung his giant sword to chop the provocateur into meat sauce, and he wouldn't have wasted any words.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, doing this is very reckless and impulsive.

But if a god of war loses even the most important courage, what qualifications does he have to continue to exist and be believed by mortals?

Especially the timidity that the orc god showed unintentionally, which could easily make other orc gods have inappropriate thoughts and ideas.

"Great Lord of War, have you forgotten that Gruumsh's duties are only war, orcs and territory, and he has no courage or bravery."

Corellon pursed his lips and reminded meaningfully.


Midnight, the magic goddess sitting next to him, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Because she obviously heard that the elven god was indirectly scolding Gruumsh for not having courage and only doing things that bully the weak.

It must be said that the elves are worthy of being a symbol of art and elegance, and they don't even use a single dirty word to humiliate the enemy.

However, the powerful gods present knew that the combat effectiveness currently shown by Thrall alone was obviously not enough to pose a real threat to the orc god.

Especially since the battlefield is still in the opponent's country, it can continuously obtain the blessing of the plane power.

Just as the gods of Faerûn were laughing at Gruumsh's clownish performance, he had already climbed out of the deep pit created by the Doomhammer, transformed into a giant hundreds of meters tall, and roared, raising his +5 sharp chaotic evil spear that had grown larger together and stabbed it hard.

"Ahhhh! Die!"

"Humph! That only works if you can do it!"

Thrall, not to be outdone, also transformed into a giant and swung up the Doomhammer that had returned to his hand at some point.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by the fierce collision and impact of divine power, the two gods finally began to fight each other with all their might.

As a primitive, barbaric god who hates all magic and non-orc races and their creations, Gruumsh is the kind of guy who mainly uses melee combat and disdains to use spells, even though he himself has a considerable degree of divine spellcasting ability.

In contrast, Thrall is more balanced, with both melee and shaman casting abilities.

Therefore, the battle between the two did not turn out to be a one-sided crushing situation as the outside world imagined. On the contrary, because of Thrall's desperate efforts and the fanatical faith power accumulated in the previous war, he withstood the violent and fierce attacks of the orc god.

He almost hung his life several times, but he was not defeated.

His tenacious will and rich combat experience surprised the gods.

After all, Gruumsh is a well-known "vegetarian abuser". As long as his divine power level is not equal to or close to him, he can easily be taken away by a wave of people.

But now, he actually can't take down a newly emerged demigod.

"Boy! I don't care what your plans are, but if Soth doesn't show up, you will soon turn into a corpse."

The eyes of the orc god flashed with a fierce and violent red light, threatening him fiercely.

But Sal sneered and asked: "Guess what Soth was doing while I was holding you back?

In other words, do you think he will let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Or do you think that he put so much effort into pushing me to this position just to let you kill me to vent your anger?

No, idiot.

He's carrying out a bigger, grander plan!

He will completely destroy you!

And the orc pantheon you lead!

To tell you the truth, Inav has been on our side for a long time. "

As the last word was blurted out, the entire space in the country suddenly began to tremble violently and uncontrollably, as if something was squeezing in.

Upon seeing this, Gruumsh's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the ground that was being torn apart bit by bit, and said angrily like crazy: "Inavo!!!!!! You deserve to die!" The traitor who was cut to pieces! How dare you collude with foreign enemies to lure a wolf into your house?”

"Ha ha ha ha!


No, I'm not a traitor.

I'm just trying to save the pantheon and the entire orc race in my own way.

Don't forget, it's all your fault that things have gotten to this point.

It was you who dragged us into the abyss. "

The Orc War God Yinavu finally stopped hiding and stood up side by side with Thrall, clearly showing his alignment.

Because he had just completed his last mission, which was to guide a branch of the cave tree into the plane where the "Orc Land" is located.

The next thing to do is to wait for the "invincible army" promised by Zuo Si to come in continuously, completely conquer and occupy this place, and kick Gruumsh off the throne of the main god.

It would be best to behead them and send them to the astral realm to lie down to avoid future troubles.

There is no doubt that the God of War's public rebellion made other members of the orc pantheon no longer able to sit still. They all showed up one after another and began to seriously consider which side they should choose.

After all, if you choose the wrong team this time, there is a high probability that you will be liquidated after defeat.

"Even the second-in-command of the orcs, Inava, instigated rebellion? Soth is getting better and better at playing tricks and other people's psychology."

Midnight sighed lazily while dragging her chin.

She clearly remembered the childishness, restraint and politeness shown by Zuo Si when she first met him.

But time has passed, and the once handsome and cute boy with a strong thirst for knowledge and magic has turned into a great demon who can make all the gods change his mind.

Ogma, the God of Knowledge, smiled and corrected him: "No, my dear Mother of Magic.

This is not a conspiracy, but an outright conspiracy.

After all, there has always been a competitive relationship between Gruumsh and Inav.

It's just that under the leadership of the former, the entire pantheon was still on the rise, so they chose cooperation between cooperation and confrontation.

But as the entire pantheon was suppressed, more and more conflicts of interest emerged between the two.

Soth saw this, and then took advantage of it and offered a generous offer that Inava could not refuse.

The result was that he successfully planted a spy of his own within the orc pantheon.

If I guess correctly, the current strange situation within the orc pantheon is probably caused by Inava. "

"A two-pronged approach from both inside and outside? It's really scary."

Shuna, the goddess of love and beauty, stroked her long fiery red hair in a seductive movement, her two charming eyes flashing with blazing light.

Because she can appreciate all forms of beauty, including the beauty of wisdom.

Moreover, Zuo Si had a high degree of charm, so he immediately aroused the goddess's "sexual interest".


Talona immediately snorted and gave the other party a warning look.

You don't need to ask to know that Cupid's reaction aroused the jealousy and strong possessiveness engraved in her bones.

Shuna showed no sign of weakness and pulled down the white transparent silk nightgown she was wearing, revealing her snow-white shoulders without any flaws, her unfathomable chest and a large area of ​​skin on her back.

"Damn sexy bitch!"

Talona glanced down at her figure and could only curse in a low voice filled with unwillingness.

Although she is currently considered to have good looks and a good figure among goddesses, she is still far behind compared to the God of Love and Beauty.

You must know that the incarnation of Suna will have a full four times effect when casting all spells or abilities such as charm, emotion, suggestion, command, and persuasion.

This is undoubtedly a reflection of its inherent powerful charm.

It is said that no god can easily resist her love.

But while these two powerful goddesses were secretly competing, the dark girl Elytris, who was hiding in an inconspicuous corner, was silently observing this divine battle, and what she learned from it might be useful at some point in the future. experience of.

Because she could feel that her mother, the spider goddess Rose, seemed to be brewing some terrible conspiracy.

"Well, what have you considered? Will you join us to establish a new orc pantheon, or stay and be buried with Gruumsh?"

Inav issued an ultimatum to Shags, the god of darkness, and Idros, the god of plague and death.

Although he did not like these two guys, it was wiser to win them over and slowly deal with them for strategic reasons than to push them to Gruumsh's side.

As for Rusek, the mother of orcs, and Bagchu, the god of bravery, it was obviously determined that they could not be won over.

"Shags! Idros! Are you going to betray me too?"

Gruumsh asked angrily.

"Don't listen to Inav! The new orc god camp is lawful neutral! He will never tolerate the two of you!"

At the critical moment, the mother of orcs still stood up and tried to maintain internal unity.

After all, if even these two ran away, there would only be a family of three left in the pantheon.

Even if they could withstand this blow and get through the difficulties, they would still be in a tough battle against the sieges of the Elven, Dwarven, and Mulhorand pantheons.

Just as Idros and Shags were hesitating, there was a sudden bang on the ground in the kingdom, and a branch several hundred meters thick emerged from the soil and reached the sky.

Before anyone could react to what was happening, countless fully transformed Orcs of all sizes, armed with various weapons and driving all kinds of strange vehicles, rushed out.

"Ahahahaha! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Kill all these gray-skinned fakes!"

"Yes! We are the real orcs!"

"For the cunning and brutal father of the great New Phyrexia!"



Accompanied by a mess of slogans and excited roars, these guys who had already started to get excited launched a fierce attack on the petitioners in the kingdom.

Since the orcs in this universe were originally a group of barbaric tribes with little technological content and could only fight with the most primitive cold weapons, they had never seen such a terrifying scene of thousands of cannons firing at the same time, bullets raining down, and various high-tech energy weapons forming a dense firepower network.

Especially after the subsequent appearance of various powerful ancient giants, power mecha legions, fighters and airship formations, space waste ships, and battle moons, the entire country was completely in chaos.

Many warriors who were originally high-spirited and full of faith and loyalty to the gods had just gathered together, wanting to wipe out these invaders who dared to offend the majesty of Gruumsh.

But the result was immediately wiped out by various weapons such as "Death Ascension Cannon", "Gaze of the Father of New Phyrexia", "Chicken Gun", "Flame Weapon Splash Gun", "Giant Cannon Cluster Destroyer", etc.

What's more deadly is that it is unknown whether it is a nuclear bomb or a super-bomb that is made by "my thinking power" and causes a violent explosion based on some principle.

Often one shot will instantly raze an area of ​​more than ten or even dozens of kilometers to the ground.

The violent explosion even frightened the gods on the battlefield.

The battle moon that slowly drifted across the sky was like a huge fortress, constantly pouring out various weapons and ammunition, forming a rain of death.

This was not a war at all, but a one-sided massacre.

Except for a few priests who mastered high-level divine arts, ordinary orcs had no room to resist these green-skinned Orks.

They would be wiped off the map by the overwhelming long-range firepower if they couldn't even get close.

The gods who were watching this war of gods couldn't believe that Zuo Si actually got a group of more powerful, savage, bloodthirsty, violent, and warlike orcs to slaughter the orcs led by Gruumsh, which was a bit like giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Anyone who is not blind knows that this is definitely intentional.

On the one hand, he was mocking with full power, and on the other hand, he was showing his skills in public.

"Where... where did these orcs come from?"

Gruumsh was finally a little panicked at this moment.

Because he knew that the petitioners in his kingdom were no match for these green-skinned Orks.

Especially the battle moon above and the super energy weapons on the space wrecks. If they were hit head-on by the battle moon and the super energy weapons on the space wrecks, even gods would be hurt.

"Haha, it seems that you will lose this war!"

Inav grinned with a malicious smile.

Although he didn't know where these green-skinned orcs with amazing technology came from, he knew that as long as he could hold back Gruumsh so that he couldn't clean up these invaders, it wouldn't take long for the petitioners in the entire kingdom to be killed.

Perhaps the believers in the material plane could still provide them with faith and divine power, but their strength would inevitably be greatly reduced, and even fall to medium or even weak divine power.

Just as the orc war god was thinking about what strategy to adopt, a super orc appeared, several times taller than other Orks, wearing a super rune power armor, with two completely different wings behind him, one of which was the light wings of an archangel and the other was the bat wings of a hell demon.

No need to ask, this is the current supreme leader of the perfected orc army, and also the node of the waaaaagh force field.

He has been fighting with the angels and demons of the Sanctuary world for a long time, and even killed several archangels and hell demons with his own hands, so his strength should not be underestimated.

"Who are you?"

Ruseke, the mother of the orcs, stared at the strange guy in front of her with a wary expression.

Because as the mother of all orcs, she can't feel the slightest connection with each other.

This is obviously not normal.

After all, even if you don't believe in the orc gods, as long as you are an orc, you will inevitably have a connection with the divine system. This is the biggest characteristic of the racial gods.

A typical example is that Drizzt clearly dislikes and even hates the spider goddess Lolth.

But as long as the other party holds the racial priesthood of Dark Elf for a day, he will never be able to get rid of it, and he was even forced to become Rose's chosen one.


Are you the orc gods of this universe?

What a pathetic bunch of rubbish!

Far worse than the father of New Phyrexia we believe in!

You don't deserve to be called orcs at all!

Now we will let you see what a real orc looks like! "

Having said that, the perfected green-skinned orc directly picked up the super-enchanted power claw in his hand and launched an attack.

Ru Saike obviously did not expect that this stupid big man would take action at the slightest disagreement, so he quickly put up his divine shield and tried to retreat.

You must know that she is not a warrior god who likes to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, but prefers to hide behind and provide support including medical treatment.

But unfortunately, because she knew basically nothing about the Orcs, the mother of the orcs obviously overestimated the defensive power of the divine shield, and also underestimated the destructive power of the enchanted power claw decomposition field.

When the two collided, the invisible decomposition force field, strengthened by the waaaaaagh force field, tore a hole in the divine shield.

After all, "I think I can tear it into pieces if I can."

The upper limit of this "thinking power" depends on the size of the greenskin orcs, and how excited they are.

Obviously, they have already reached a certain critical point in terms of number and level of enthusiasm after defeating the high-level heavens and blazing hells in the sanctuary world.

Therefore, in the confrontation, the divine power of Ruseke was defeated, and the mother of orcs' stomach was cut open on the spot, and the divine blood, intestines and internal organs immediately flowed all over the floor.

"Pinch hahaha! God? Bah! I'm going to pluck your heads off one by one!"

This blow undoubtedly gave the orc leader great confidence, and it was also the biggest mistake Rusek made.

She didn't understand at all that the most important thing in fighting the green-skinned Orcs was to absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not let the opponent's confidence and morale rise.

Otherwise, when the waaaaaagh force field exceeds a certain critical point, it will really kill people if they block it, and kill gods if they block it.

"Mother! What's wrong with you?"

Bagchu, the God of Bravery, immediately rushed forward and asked with concern on his face.

The mother of the orcs used divine magic to heal herself, and said with a solemn expression: "Be careful! These orcs are not simple! Can they even resist divine power to a certain extent?"

"What?! But they are only mortals!"

The stupid Bagchu showed an expression of disbelief.

"This must be Soth's conspiracy! He deliberately created these orcs to target us!" Ruseke explained through gritted teeth.

But just when she was about to say something, a familiar voice suddenly echoed over the entire country.


Don't talk nonsense.

What does it mean to deliberately target you?

These orcs were originally biological weapons created by a super civilization in the ancient times of another universe.

I just brought them in and did a little research and modification.

As for using it against you, it is just a temporary idea. "

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Si finally descended from the sky and stood in the center of the battlefield, with a naked and undisguised mockery on his face, not taking the members of the orc pantheon seriously at all.

"What exactly do you want?"

Gruumsh instantly heightened his vigilance and stared intently at the big devil who kept a human form most of the time.

Zuo Si sneered and asked, "Who started the divine war first?

It doesn’t seem to be me, right?

So instead of asking me what I want to do, you should ask yourself why you want to do it.

There is a famous saying in my hometown.

You can decide the beginning of a war, but not its end.

Because only the winner gets to decide when it ends. "

"So you want to force me to bow my head and admit defeat and sign an alliance under the city?"

The orc god suddenly stepped forward and assumed an aggressive and threatening posture.

Zuo Si stretched out a finger and shook it lightly: "No, no, no, I think you seem to have misunderstood something.

I never aspired to get anything useful from you.

Quite the opposite!

All I want is destruction, destruction and killing.

I want you to watch with your own eyes as everything you own and value is destroyed bit by bit, and you are immersed in pain and despair and lose everything until you are abandoned by the orcs and become an island or continent in the star realm.

Of course, afterward, I will drag out the valuable parts of your body and use them for recycling.

After all, from the day you tried to kill me, the two of us have been fighting to the death.

The reason why I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble for you before was mainly because I was still too weak to crush you to death as easily as I am now, not because I forgot about it.


Do you understand your situation now?

Finally, please allow me to introduce you to these orcs from another universe.

They are different from the orcs in this universe. They do not reproduce through mating and viviparous methods. They cannot even be regarded as animals, but are closer to intelligent fungi.

The flesh, bones, hair, and skin that fall from their bodies will quickly be integrated into the soil and turned into spores.

It won't take long for these spores to take root, sprout and spread rapidly, and finally new orcs will grow out of the ground.

How about it, doesn’t it sound interesting?

Because this means that as long as they appear anywhere, they will pollute the area and continuously create billions of orcs.

And even if they are all killed, they will reappear after a while.

The most important thing is that all their knowledge and technology are firmly engraved in their genes.

As long as you keep fighting, you will soon be promoted from primitive cold weapons to hot weapons and even the space age.

These are just ordinary Orcs.

As for what you see now, they are the branches that I have strengthened using shimmering oil.

Not only do they have stronger vitality and combat effectiveness, but they can also build war weapons faster, and they can also inject shimmering oil into them to infect the entire world.

In other words, from the moment this orc army enters, your country is finished. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si immediately ordered without looking back: "Eonar! The power used makes the spores scattered in the soil grow rapidly, opening the eyes of these bumpkins and letting them understand what A real orc."

"As you wish, my lord."

After Eonar responded, she directly released her unparalleled power of nature and life as a Titan.

In a blink of an eye!

The entire country was enveloped in a large green energy, as if the god of nature, Silvanus, had arrived in person.

In just a few seconds, Gruumsh saw a terrifying sight that he would never forget.

I saw a large amount of bacteria blankets spurting out from the soil, growing and spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally connected completely to form a complex network structure with clear layers.

Then things like spore cocoons grew out one after another and continued to grow in size.

When mature, it will snap open and a lively orc will emerge from the inside, joining the army of green-skinned orcs that are advancing and killing crazily. As they kill, they will suddenly become stronger or smarter.

That terrifying exponential growth spread quickly like a green tide!



Even blocking and slowing down their progress is a luxury!

Moreover, these Orcs are not afraid of death at all, and are even inexplicably fanatical about war and death.

The stronger the enemy and the more vigorously they resist, the more excited they become.

If God hadn't intervened, the entire orc kingdom would have completely fallen into a paradise for these guys in a few months at most.

"You damn lunatic!"

At this moment, Gruumsh finally realized how terrifying the green-skinned orcs were, but unfortunately it was too late.

Even if he uses his divine power to wipe away those fungus carpets now, he will not be able to eradicate the mycelium network hidden under the ground.

What's more, the other party seems to have a powerful god who controls the power of nature to help, and can recreate this hellish scene in an instant.

"Soth! Control these guys quickly! They are actually attacking my territory!"

Yinafu was obviously a little panicked at this moment.

Because these orcs from another universe are so terrifying, there is almost no vegetation wherever they pass.

"Go and separate your country. I don't have time to control these guys."

Zuo Si gave a straightforward solution.

After all, the Completion Orc army is now completely waaaaaagh. Restricting them at this time will obviously dampen their enthusiasm and even cause the waaaaaagh force field to be weakened.

And the purpose of their creation is to just put them out and then forget about them.

If it were restricted and restrained, it would be better to pull out the devil Astarte from Baator Hell.

"Damn it!"

Upon hearing this, Yinavo immediately cursed in a low voice and disappeared without saying a word.

After a while, a rumbling sound and vibration came from a distant plot, and then it split apart to form a physical isolation barrier.

As for the Orcs who ran up above, they were directly thrown out by the divine teleportation, cursed and turned around to attack other places.

Although they were easily fooled, they also knew that this god was their ally, and they were just too excited to stop the car.

Attacks on allies like this are so common among Orcs that it's not worth making a fuss about.

Let alone allies, they sometimes even beat up their own people when they get excited.

Anyway, as long as fighting is fun.

It doesn't matter who he killed.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Gruumsh finally could no longer sit still and immediately launched all his divine power to charge, hoping to kill Thrall first and then turn around to clean up the army of green-skinned orcs who were massacring his followers without restraint.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si was well prepared and directly activated the divine power magic to launch a violent attack on this enemy.

In just a moment!

The overwhelming magic directly enveloped the orc god, leaving no room for the other party to dodge.

"Break it!!!"

Gruumsh obviously understood that it was time to fight to the death, and did not retreat at all, wanting to rely on divine power immunity and resistance to resist.


Zuo Si spit out two words from his mouth, and then flashed to block the necessary path, pulled out one of the artifact swords, and stabbed the other party's only eye at a lightning speed through time acceleration.

"Get out!!!!"

Gruumsh roared and pulled himself into the same fast time flow as Zuo Si, waving his spear to pick up the blade.

This is the most powerful place for the gods in the universe where the planet Toril is located.

They are basically immune to magic within time.

If a high-level or even legendary magician casts the Nine Rings Time Stop or the legendary magic Great Time Stop on a god, he will find that the god also enters the same super time flow as himself, or jumps out of the time flow.

Moreover, this ability is passive and does not require the god to control it through consciousness. Instead, it will be activated when the magic is activated.

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