A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 835: The winner has been decided (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Accompanied by a heavy breathing sound like a broken bellows, the young man who killed the mother of orcs slowly stood up from a half-kneeling posture, his whole body swaying as if he had just experienced a fierce battle and exhausted all his physical strength.

But he clearly just made a move of drawing the sword and stabbing it.

Moreover, the originally black hair turned gray in an instant, and the two eyes became extremely dim, giving people a feeling that he was dying in the next second.

There is no doubt that this is the painful price to pay for directly touching and destroying the spiritual essence of a god.

Of course, if it is replaced by other gods and quasi-divine powers, the result will not be much different.

The reason is simple!

If it is the same weak divine power, then after taking action, almost all the power will be lost, and it will take a long time to slowly recover.

During this period, all creatures with divine power, including hostile gods and their voters, can kill them effortlessly.

Only when gods of higher levels kill lower ones can they avoid being weakened to the point of being at the mercy of others, but they will also be seriously injured and may be taken advantage of by opponents of the same level.

This is why the fights between gods rarely escalate to the level of a war between gods. Basically, they play proxy wars, that is, let mortal believers, priests, and voters fight each other, and finally achieve a certain goal or crush the other party's conspiracy, which is a bit like "making friends with martial arts" and "stopping at the right time".

Otherwise, once a direct conflict breaks out between gods, it is very likely that it will no longer be a grudge between one or two gods, but will trigger a series of chain reactions leading to a melee among the gods.

At that time, it will be a chain of nesting dolls where the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is waiting behind.

It is this chain of suspicion that if you kill an opponent, another opponent may come to kill you that ensures the overall stability of the God Realm of the Faerun Continent.

Almost every time a god kills another god, it will inevitably evolve into a major event that can determine the direction of history.

But as the saying goes, all existing cognitions, rules, and signed contracts are, without exception, meant to be broken.

Although Zuo Si tends to be evil and lawful overall, he does not like to follow rules that are not in his favor. Instead, he will find ways to tear them apart and then establish rules that are in his favor or even completely under his control.

This is almost the common characteristic of all the devils in Baator Hell.

Otherwise, there would not be so many level lords, one by one, secretly forming a secret alliance to overthrow Asmodeus and become the new devil king.

"How do you feel now?"

Zuo Si came to the young man without knowing when, and gently pressed one hand on his shoulder, and then injected a large amount of life and soul power.

In a flash!

The latter, who looked like he might die suddenly at any time, had a pale face that was greatly relieved in the next second. He responded with a wry smile: "Sorry, Master, I'm afraid I can't continue to serve you. Because I can feel that the power of Nephalem in my body has disappeared forever."

"No, you have done very well, no need to apologize. Go home and enjoy your life now. I will ask Jinjitaxia to arrange a job you like."

After that, Zuo Si gently patted the young man's shoulder to comfort him.

He was obviously not surprised by this result.

After all, it is not an easy task to destroy the spiritual essence of gods. In the original plan, three or four Nephalem were even prepared to sacrifice at one time to achieve this goal.

But now it seems that the situation is much better than expected.

As the direct descendant of Anu, the creator god of the Sanctuary world, the power of Nephalem can completely kill gods, but the premise is that the spiritual carrier of this god has been basically destroyed and has no power to fight back.

Perhaps the only price is that this power will be completely consumed, causing the powerful Nephalem to completely degenerate into mortals.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Jinjitaxia has mastered the technology of mass production and awakening Nephalem.

That is to say, although this new type of god-killing weapon is disposable, it can be mass-produced.

"Thank you very much! It is my greatest honor to serve you in this life."

The young man bowed deeply with one hand on his chest, and then was teleported to the cave tree by magic, passing through the dark void and returning to the world where the floating city is.

He knew that his mission had been completed, and the rest was to enjoy an ordinary and rich life.

You must know that after so many years of development and construction, the once dead world has not only regained its vitality, but also the use of a large amount of magic and technology has made the productivity level extremely high, and education has been popularized by all people.

The most important thing is that the artificial intelligence and the new Phyrexian creations who are responsible for managing this planet are not selfish or power-hungry.

So the overall social environment is very fair and harmonious, making ordinary people feel like they are in heaven, and even the overall moral level is generally ridiculously high.

Because of the super high welfare, they have no fear of the future at all, and even the world where their souls go after death has been known in advance.

It is obvious that this is also a social experiment deliberately conducted by Zuo Si.

It tests how long a nearly perfect social state under the rule of artificial intelligence can be maintained, and what impact long-term living in this state will have on people's thoughts, consciousness and cognition.

After the young man who lost the power of Nephalem completely disappeared, Zuo Si turned around and asked the Orc God with a smile: "How is it, do you still think I dare not kill you?

Do you think I will take risks because of this behavior?

Don't be silly!

From the first day I came to this world, I have been thinking about how to resist the threat from the gods.

Guess, after so many years, how many means and methods do I have in my hands to kill the gods?

Remember, the real source of the immortality and greatness of the gods is not the power you have, but the pure thoughts, spirit and philosophy, which are also the recognition and belief of thousands of mortals.

Especially as a racial god, the first thing to ensure is the safety of the tribe and the basic guarantees necessary for survival.

Only Only in this way can their numbers continue to increase and bring more power.

In my opinion, this is equivalent to a sacred contract between gods and believers, and it is an obligation that both parties must fulfill to maintain the entire cycle.

Mortals have obviously fulfilled their promises, and they are constantly providing power to gods through prayers and practicing doctrines.

But the problem is that many gods have obviously forgotten this a long time ago.

They began to be proud and complacent, and began to think that mortals are just their playthings or tools to achieve a certain goal.

Especially chaotic and evil gods like you and the spider goddess Rose, what you do is not in line with the long-term interests of the entire race.

Otherwise, why do you think Thrall could so easily let hundreds of thousands of orcs abandon the so-called traditions of the past?

Is it just because of the guidance of shamanism?


Really The real reason is that they have long been fed up with the social environment where the strong prey on the weak and the high-pressure jungle law is practiced every day, and they are also tired of having to be vigilant and wary of everyone around them.

Any intelligent creature has a set of needs that progress in sequence.

These include the most basic physiological needs, the second-level security needs, the third-level social needs, and the fourth-level respect needs.

But the question is which of these does the orc pantheon you have established satisfy?

Under the cruel oppression that only the strong are qualified to dominate everything, most ordinary orcs simply cannot fill their stomachs, and they cannot get treatment for injuries and illnesses and can only wait to die. Even their reproductive rights are completely deprived, and they can only watch the strong occupy those young women with the best fertility.

And you cannot meet their physiological needs.

Secondly, when the strong are in power, Under the absolute ravage of the weak, ordinary orcs don't even have their own property, so how can they feel safe? They may be thrown into the battlefield as cannon fodder at any time.

This means that you can't provide them with security needs.

As for the remaining social needs and respect needs, they are infinitely close to non-existence in this society where power is supreme.

After all, orcs with high status and strong strength don't need to communicate at all, let alone respect anyone, they just need to give orders for others to obey.

And those orcs living at the bottom have to endure all kinds of insults, beatings, torture and sarcasm day after day.

In this case, if it were you, would you continue to believe in an evil god who supports the strong to continue to oppress and enslave you, or would you support a new god who is willing to give you respect and equality?

I think anyone who is not a fool will choose the latter without hesitation.

So you think all this is a conspiracy I am secretly promoting, but in fact I just slightly took advantage of the huge rift and contradiction between you and the bottom orcs.

As for Thrall...

His success is not accidental, but the inevitable result of objective facts constantly moving forward. "

As these words from analysis to conclusion came out, Gruumsh's originally livid face suddenly became even uglier.

Although as a chaotic evil god, logic has never been his forte, but he also knew that the other party was right.

If the ordinary orcs, who are the largest in number and suffer from exploitation and oppression, have a choice, they will definitely not be willing to become his believers.

Because they can't get any benefits from faith at all, but only endless pain and torture.

Perhaps the only thing that can make these ordinary orcs happy is to go out to plunder and vent the resentment and anger accumulated in daily life through violence.

And this huge rift between believers, as the main god of the orc pantheon, I have never noticed it.

Similarly, this was the first time that Gewushi clearly realized how terrifying Zuo Si was.

This terrifying thing did not refer to his bottomless strength, but to his mind that was good at observation, analysis, and could always grasp the key weaknesses, as well as his thinking mode that could always peek into the deep contradictions behind the appearance.

What was even more terrible was that every action and plan of Zuo Si was not like the battles between the gods, which were about stopping at the right time. He was more inclined to dig directly at the foundation of the opponent, and clearly wanted to solve the enemy once and for all.

Looking at this young man standing there with a faint smile on his face, Gewushi felt a chill in his heart for the first time in his life.

He knew very well that since the other party dared to tell him all this openly, it was because there must be more tricks.

After a short silence, the orc god finally gave up all unrealistic fantasies, raised his head and stared at the one eye and said slowly: "So you came today to sentence me to death? You want to humiliate me in this way? "Torture me and make me cooperate with your performance like a clown?"

"Haha, why, isn't it possible?

After all, I said from the beginning, this is my revenge for you trying to kill me.

I want you to witness the destruction of everything you created, and I want you to feel pain and despair.

Rusike's death is just the beginning!

Next, you will also see the deaths of Bagchu, Sagasi, and Idras, as well as the disappearance of the petitioners in this country.

I will take everything from you and weaken you to Thrall's level, but I won't kill you right away.

Because only when you are alive can you feel the pain, and realize that you are constantly weakening and being abandoned by your people bit by bit, until one day Thrall grows up enough to crush you like a bed bug.

And this is the price for being my enemy. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly drew power from the dark void connected by the planeswalker's sparks, completely distorting the matter and energy within a few kilometers of him as the center, forming a terrifying void isolated from the surroundings. It was obvious that he planned to Get serious.

After all, the purpose of creating a void is to cut off the opponent's connection with the entire country and plane, so that it no longer has the home field advantage.

This behavior itself is equivalent to turning a small area into an environment like a dark void, which is not without danger.

If he had not mastered the mutual transformation of matter and energy of Spirit Dragon Wujin, he could ensure that the scope of the void would not continue to spread like vacuum decay. This alone would be enough to destroy the entire universe.

"This is……"

Gruumsh obviously also realized that his connection with the country and even all the orc believers was cut off, and his face was full of incredible horror.

This kind of ability has obviously exceeded the level of most powerful gods, and is already a bit close to the authority of a god, which even the gods cannot resist.

Of course, he was not the only one who had similar reactions, there were also the gods of Faerun who were watching the show in the Pantheon.

It's just that what they saw was the moment when the void was created. Immediately afterwards, all the prying magic and divine power failed, and they could only see the absolute darkness formed here.

It is like a sphere, standing in the middle of the orc kingdom. Anyone who wants to get close will be sucked in instantly and torn into pieces by the chaotic energy and primitive matter, or the soul and body will be twisted into something that cannot be described in words. of void creatures.

"Is this the Dark Void?"

Midnight, the goddess of magic, leaned forward slightly and stared at the huge sphere with wide eyes that even she could not understand.

Ogma, the God of Knowledge, shook his head and explained: "No, this is not the real dark void, but simulated by Soth through his own power.

Otherwise, Gruumsh's divine spiritual essence would have collapsed in an instant.

Because the chaos in the dark void is absolutely disordered, without any logic to support the existence of gods.

But even so, it was enough to greatly weaken Gruumsh's power.

Just watch, it won't be long before this divine war reaches its final conclusion. "

"You mean, Soth will kill Gruumsh and destroy the entire orc pantheon?"

The corners of Tempus' mouth rose crazily, revealing undisguised excitement and joy.

Because the death of a powerful god of war is undoubtedly very beneficial to him who aspires to become the only god of war in Faerun.

Although the orc war god will continue to exist for a long time in the future, Yinavu is obviously far behind Gruumsh.

And as the new main god, Thrall obviously wants to lead the orcs on a path of relative peace, development, and civilization.

This will lead to the fact that the status of the God of War in its pantheon will not be too high, and there will also not be much room for development.

"Kill Gruumsh?


You really don't understand my Soth very well.

He won't kill Gruumsh.

Instead, just like Cyric, he will be turned into a weak divine power and thrown to the new god to slowly play with, torture, and humiliate. "

When saying these words, Talona raised her chin slightly, her face full of pride and pride, and at the same time, she did not forget to stare provocatively at the thin man squatting in the corner with strong hatred and madness in his eyes. figure.

If it had been the time when he had obtained all the power and priesthood of the three gods of death, Cyric's sickly and twisted character might not have manifested itself immediately.

But unfortunately, now he is just a weak divine power at the bottom of the god's ecological niche, and due to his previous madness, he has offended all the gods.

Nowadays, there is an existence that anyone can step on and spit on, and his situation is even worse than that of Gruumsh.

Especially his old enemy Kelanwo, who would knock on his door every now and then and beat him up.

The reason is also very good, that is, Cyric made a mess in the world of the dead during his tenure as the God of Death, and the mess he left behind will be discovered every once in a while.

In this regard, other gods expressed their understanding, and even the most just Tyr did not stand up to speak for Cyric.

Because this guy totally deserves it.

Just feeding the souls of the gods' followers to the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif was enough for Cyric to receive several beatings every day.

What’s more, Talona is not a broad-minded goddess.

At this time, if Xirik dared to make a little angry move, he would be waiting for endless humiliation and revenge.

So no matter how angry he was in his heart, he chose to bow his head and admit his defeat, and did not dare to respond at all.

The other gods saw the extremely cowardly performance of the "Dark Sun", the most powerful in the country, and immediately understood what Talona meant.

Especially the gods who valued "revenge" very much, such as the god of revenge, the goddess of abuse and torture, Laovita, the god of tyranny, Bane, the goddess of the sea, Umber, the winter girl, and Auril, obviously appreciated and agreed with Zuo Si's approach.

After all, the essence of forgiveness is hypocrisy and incompetence.

Because only when a person or a group of people need to flaunt their own moral level, or have no way to deal with the enemy and cannot afford the serious losses caused by revenge, will they choose to forgive, the most cowardly and despised way to end the grievances between each other.

Otherwise, even if you want to forgive, you have to wait until the enemy is defeated and the settlement is completed.

In other words, I can forgive you from the moral high ground, but the premise is that your life must be in my hands and I will decide your life or death.

But this kind of hypocritical forgiveness or pardon that is talked about in modern society on Earth has no market at all in the continent of Faerun.

Even a lawful and kind god like Tyr, the god of justice, will support and encourage believers to kill enemies who hurt themselves and their families.

So there is never a shortage of people who take up arms and embark on adventures because of hatred in this land.

From the perspective of the gods, from the moment Gruumsh wanted to kill Zosi, all the revenge measures taken by the latter were reasonable and legal.

Whether it is supporting Thrall to tear apart the orc pantheon, or personally destroying the entire country.

Of course, the premise is that Zosi has the power to achieve all this.

While most of the gods in the Pantheon were paying attention to the development of the situation, the dark girl Eilistraee quietly came behind the spider goddess Rose and asked in a low voice: "Dear mother, you have suddenly become quiet recently. Are you planning some terrible conspiracy again?"

"Humph! What, are you scared?"

Rose turned around and asked with a vicious smile.

As biological mother and daughter, these two mothers and daughters of the dark elf pantheon are obviously very similar in appearance and appearance, but the temperament they exude is completely opposite.

Among them, Eilistraee is obviously more lively, pure, and kind, and is full of primitive and wild beauty from head to toe.

Rose is more mature and sexy, with malice towards all things in the world and endless pursuit of desire in her eyes.

If you don't know the history of the elves, it's hard to imagine that they once spent a beautiful and harmonious time together.

And the culprit for all this is the Crown War that caused the elves to lose their hegemony over the continent of Faerun.

It is no wonder that Corellon, the main god of the elves, has been strictly guarding against the evil tendencies within the elves since then, and will never allow similar situations to happen again.

Because the Crown War not only brought about the decline of the elves on Toril, but also a great split in the pantheon that affected thousands of planes.

You must know that Lolth and the dark elves’ hatred for the surface elves is not unique to Faerûn, but also in other worlds such as Greyhawk.


Eilistraee shook her head gently.

"Maybe I would have been worried in the past.

But now I have seen your most fatal weakness through this war of gods.

Like Gruumsh, your monopoly and control over the faith of the dark elves is not as strong as imagined.

On the contrary, there is a most fatal flaw, which is that it cannot meet the physiological, safety, social and respect needs of the lower-class people.

Especially men who have been oppressed for a long time, if they have the chance, they will definitely find ways to escape from that oppressive social environment.

So as long as I continue to promote my own existence and the doctrine of openness and tolerance, the lies you have woven will be exposed one day.

Then I can replace you to redeem these poor people and let them live again. Bathed in the sunshine, becoming a member of the elf family. "


You are still the same as before, without any change at all.

My dear daughter, you don't understand what the real war of gods is, let alone the real secret behind Soth's victory.

What you have observed are the parts that he deliberately showed, which are full of temptation, and you have not seen any of the reasons hidden behind them.

Sometimes I really wonder why Corellon pushed you out to be my enemy.

Doesn't he understand that you are not worthy of being my opponent at all? "

As she said, Rose raised her hand and gently stroked her daughter's cheek and her beautiful silver hair like a waterfall, looking like a loving mother.

But Eilistraee knew very well that the mother wanted to strangle herself immediately in her heart.

It's just that in this place where the gods hold meetings to discuss major events or make secret alliances, the power of the gods is greatly restricted, and no one can exert their power here.

But Zuo Si may be an exception.

Because the power of the planeswalker spark is to connect different time and space.

"I will definitely defeat you and save all the dark elves! I swear on my life! "

Eilistraee's tone revealed an extremely firm determination.

In her eyes, Zuo Si had shown her how to tear apart the foundation of a race's faith in gods through this war of gods, as well as the biggest weakness of Rose's brutal rule.

All she needed to do was to copy and slightly modify it.

After all, the huge city under Dragonspear Castle had completely established its foothold and was constantly absorbing dark elves who had fled from the Underdark.

Although not all of these people were inclined to be kind, they all showed deep disgust for the traditional society's relationship of female superiority and male inferiority and the large number of lies about the surface world.

Some of the more suppressed guys took the initiative to join the patrol team after arriving, fighting with the hunting teams sent by the traditional drow families, just to be able to personally kill a few high-level priestesses of Rose in the most cruel and painful way.

Eilistraee believed that as long as these people had more contact with their allies in the surface world and understood what kindness and normal life were, they would definitely abandon the dark past bit by bit and embrace a hopeful future.

In any case, the pursuit of a beautiful, comfortable and cozy living environment has always been the instinct of most intelligent creatures.

Even evil monsters like the Mind Flayer that feed on brains are no exception.

"In that case, let's wait and see. Because you will get such an opportunity soon."

After Rose left a meaningful smile, she quickly activated the portal to return to her deep pit magic network in the bottomless abyss.

"Will I get a chance soon?"

Eilistraee's face showed a puzzled and puzzled expression.

Because of the gap in the level of divine power between her and the Spider Goddess, it is impossible to win easily without a tug-of-war of hundreds or even thousands of years.

And the fight between the two is not limited to the continent of Faerun, but all the material planes connected to the elven kingdom of Arvandor.

However, even if she didn't understand, the dark girl decided to find time to talk to Zuo Si after the end of this war of gods to see if she could get more help.

While the mother and daughter were talking, the battle between Thrall and the orcs' god of bravery, Bagchu, finally came to an end.

Although the latter's incredible brute force, strength and terrifying magic resistance caused him a lot of trouble, he gradually gained the upper hand with the blessing of the power of the elemental plane, and swung the hammer of destruction again and again to give the enemy a violent blow.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every blow would leave serious bruises on the huge body of Bagchu.

And Thrall used the rock armor formed by the combination of the power of the earth and the power of God to resist the opponent's fist.

At this moment, the weakness of the orc god of bravery who didn't like to use weapons was fully reflected.

Although his fist was still very destructive and could instantly smash a terrifying deep pit with a radius of more than tens of kilometers on the ground, most of it would be absorbed after encountering the rock armor, and when it finally broke and hit Thrall, it had little power.

This means that Thrall didn't need to dodge at all, and he could just go up and exchange injuries with the opponent.

Anyway, he was only slightly injured, and he could still be healed by shaman spells, but every blow from the enemy was a heavy blow from the Hammer of Destruction with elemental power.

At first, Thrall thought that Bagchu did this because he had some extraordinary divine power that could only be exerted after being hit.

But after a while, he realized that this was entirely the result of the other party's stubborn mind.

You should know that Bagchu's priesthood really has "stupidity". He is a typical god who uses IQ to exchange for power. He can't do any rational and slightly deep thinking at all. The only thing he can do is fight and swing his fists to hit people.

But he is not useless.

For example, he is immune to all magical effects that absorb strength attributes, ensuring that his strength in battle is always at the theoretical maximum.

For example, his fists can ignore protective magic, making spells including Stoneskin and Shield ineffective.

But this ability obviously does not work for a rock armor that is one meter thick.

Because this thing cannot be considered protective magic at all, but should be considered a wall.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm going to crush your bones!"

Bagchu, who had long lost his mind and turned into a beast, struggled to get up from the ground, hugged Thrall's waist and wanted to throw him down and start a ground fight.

Unlike a strictly trained warrior, his fighting style is more like a barbarian without any rules, so he uses a lot of fighting techniques such as hugging, wrestling, and noose.

Especially the beating after throwing the opponent down is the key to his victory.

It's a pity that this orc god of bravery met the battle-hardened Thrall this time.

As early as the slave period, he had fought various competitions as a gladiator, and he was very familiar with how to deal with these close-fitting ground techniques.

At the moment he was hugged, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he used the shaman's elemental magic to create a large piece of hard rock like a hill behind him as a support, so he didn't fall down easily.

When there was a point of leverage on the back, he immediately raised one leg and used his knee to hit the vital point between Bagbar's legs.


Just for a moment, the intense pain made the latter bend down uncontrollably and clamp his legs.

"Sorry, big fool, the game is over."

Thrall took the opportunity to raise the hammer of destruction in his hand, which was shining with silver lightning, and declared victory.

The next second...

The dazzling divine lightning fell from the sky and hit the hammer, and the hammer fell down at a lightning speed and smashed Bagchu's head to pieces.

When the latter's brains splattered and the headless body fell to the ground and twitched unwillingly, the orcs who were still resisting desperately finally began to collapse on a large scale.

Because in their eyes, the god of bravery is a symbol of strength and one of the most powerful gods in the pantheon besides Gruumsh.

But now he was defeated by a newly rising new god in public with fair means.

Although his spiritual essence as a god is not dead and he is still trying to repair his body and continue fighting, this struggle is obviously futile.

Before the head was repaired, Thrall swung his hammer again and smashed it into a pool of meat paste like he did to the mother of orcs.

Not long after, another Nephalem came to the center of the battlefield with the help of the cave tree and completely wiped it out at the cost of permanently losing his own power.

So far, the two most important and most loyal helpers of Gruumsh are gone, and only two fence-sitters are left struggling under the fierce attack of the God of War.

"Hey! Inav! Do you need help over there?"

Thrall, who was pouring out his hands, asked loudly to his ally and future subordinate god.

"No, no, just leave these two rubbish to me. You know, I have long disliked them."

Inav licked the blood of the gods on the blade, his face full of satisfaction.

Although he had tried to win over Idros and Shags, it did not mean that he liked them.

Quite the opposite!

He despised Idros's weakness and hated Shags for revealing his ambition for the throne of the main god of the pantheon. Now was the time to take revenge.

"Okay, whatever you want. I can take a break and catch my breath."

Seeing that the god of war didn't need his help, Thrall was happy to sit on the ground and observe the situation on the battlefield.

Although the last hero god in the orc pantheon, Jedreg, was doing his best to resist the fierce green tide, and even destroyed a battle moon very close to the ground with his own power, the impact on the direction of the war was minimal.

Especially when the twins found this more delicious edible object, they immediately rushed over and launched a siege.

At the moment, Jedreg had no time to deal with the perfect orcs rushing in from all directions, and could only desperately resist these two little devils with dark hands and vicious mouths.

Needless to say, the reason why he hadn't given up was that he was expecting a miracle to happen, that is, Gruumsh could repel Zuo Si and drive out all the invaders.

But unfortunately, this unrealistic desire is ultimately just a bubble.

Although the area covered by the void is pitch black, the outsiders have no idea what is happening inside.

But after a while, all the audience saw a bloody eye thrown out from inside.

The only remaining eye of Gruumsh was also dug out? !

Was this unintentional or intentional to pay tribute to a certain god?

All the gods in the Pantheon turned their eyes to the Elf God.

Corellon nodded in response with a polite smile.

Of course he knew that this was definitely intentional.

With Zuo Si's character, if he decided to take revenge, he would definitely do it to the extreme and let Gruumsh taste the most extreme humiliation before his fall.

And this eye is just the beginning.

After all, Gruumsh's believers and priests have been promoting that his lost eye was not lost in battle.

Because no one can take down the eye of the great orc god.

The truth is that it was stolen by the despicable Corellon.

What Zuo Si had to do now was to let all the orcs see with their own eyes that Gruumsh's other eye was dug out by himself, so as to completely destroy their spirit and faith.

"Boring. It seems that these ugly beasts are about to be finished."

The Goddess of Love and Beauty, Suna, yawned first, then stroked her long fiery red hair, stood up and summoned the portal and disappeared without a trace.

She was originally full of disgust for war, which would destroy beautiful things. The reason she showed up today was just to see Zuo Si, the famous planeswalker, and to confirm whether he was her type.

Now that she had gotten the answer, there was naturally no need to stay any longer.

"Another glorious victory. It seems that I should prepare a small gift and give it to Soth as a congratulations later."

Tempus also lost interest in this war.

Because he was the god of war and warriors, not the god of victory, the war with a confirmed result had no appeal to him at all.

In contrast, he was very interested in the Orcs, and wanted to try to see if he could get some from Zuo Si and plant them in his own country.

In this way, the green-skinned orcs could fight unprecedented wars with their followers every day, and there would be new fun to watch every day, and he could even join in and enjoy endless happiness.

It must be said that Tempus's idea was indeed a bit dangerous.

If he fails to control the dandruff, hair, and nails of the fully transformed green-skinned orcs and lets them scatter to other planes, it won't take long for them to become a disaster or even replace the demons of the Abyss and become the biggest scourge of this universe.

Just as everyone was staring at the black sphere in the center of the battlefield, the main brain that had obtained the spark of the planeswalker also began to launch a mental offensive against all planes that the orc pantheon could reach according to the original plan.

Through the powerful psychic power comparable to that of the god of the mind flayers, Ilshensin, she directly let all the believers of the orc gods see this ongoing war of gods, and broadcast the death of the two gods and the process of Gruumsh's last eye being thrown out through extremely shocking pictures.

Although many priests claimed that this must be an illusion created by evil demons and enemies, they should never believe it easily.

But soon they found that they could no longer obtain divine arts, let alone get in touch with the gods they believed in...

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