A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Black wizard?

"Miss, go in!" The short fat man was shocked, and he pulled the carriage curtain down, and then his face changed to stare at Green, and sighed: "You guys..."

"Adult, we haven't seen anything, you can rest assured." An old fritter wandering knight interface.

Then the short fat man looked at Green several people. After several people in Green were stupid, they all passed the check. After a cold sigh, they drove the team away from the city.

"Afraid of anything, anyway, after arriving in Baikal City, I will become a formal wizard apprentice..." The little girl in the carriage grumbled and faintly passed into the ears of Green. Green glimpsed, is there a formal wizard who plans to accept this little girl as a disciple?

At night, five wandering knights were sitting around the fire and drinking wine and eating dry food. The other short-skinned and little girls were surrounded by another group of fires next to the carriage and ate the prepared fine food.

After half a day of contact, plus more than 20 days after the task, several of the three big five rough wandering knights also mixed familiar, began to laugh and haha.

Among the few people, the guy with the strongest body is called the violent bear. The bright head is carrying the dry food while blowing his own adventures. It is nothing more than something like black wizards and mutant monsters. The name of the wandering knight, his contact and imagination are limited to this. Another guy who looks like a sulky person doesn't like to talk. Now he knows that his nickname is a cobra. The rest are twin brothers, nicknames, iron axes, and two broken mouths. There is no end, and there is a lot of meaning to meet the violent bears.

Green poured a sip of the spirits handed over by the violent bear, and the brow wrinkled and swallowed, which was really exciting.

"Haha, the tyrant boss is refreshing enough! This augmented wine is a specialty of my hometown. The alcoholicity is too strong. When people smell it, they are drunk, hahaha..." The violent bear laughed and bit the bite. Dried meat. After Green had thrown the unlucky man out of Liwei beforehand, Green's long-lost guy was directly nicknamed by a few tyrants and became the boss of five people.

Green did not speak, but instead poured a sip of spirits. At this moment, Green seems to have completely abandoned the wizard's etiquette, drinking like a knight with a bag of rice and eating a big mouthful of meat. This image is seen by several people, such as Lafite and Binghamson, and the eyeballs fall out.

In Green's heart, it is another idea.

Alienation is uniquely camouflaged, not only requires the shape of the wizard, but also requires enough "acting skills." In some ways, Green at this time is also a kind of camouflage experience.

"Hey, you said that..." The iron axe began to break again. After eating and drinking, the content was nothing more than a woman, and the whole camp was a woman, a little guy. Of course, such a small guy, a few wandering knights, will not be interested, just interested in this "witch" identity.

"Bastard, you are not alive, can the wizard master talk casually?" The hammer slammed his brother's head and snarled in a low voice. He didn't know that the little guy was not a wizard.

At this time, the cobra stood up and did not speak, left directly, it seems to be to practice martial arts next to it, which is the only way for the Cavaliers to exercise and kill. The violent bear, the hammer and the iron axe said that it was not over. If Bin Johnson could talk to these three guys here, Green didn't have much interest.

Suddenly, Green's eyes lit up, maybe learning martial arts with these knights, and helping them to develop their physical abilities. Thinking like this, Green simply went to the cobra...

After ten days, the team has not been disturbed by any disturbance. Green, as the boss of several wandering knights, really regarded himself as a wandering knight. He kept warning of possible dangers after running. This makes the other wandering knights who are lazy and sitting on the van can't help but admire, but I don't know Green is exercising in this way.

This "alert" seems to have really played a role. On this day, Green, who was in front of the team, suddenly reached out and gestured to stop the team behind him.

"The tyrant boss, what happened?" The violent bear shouted, and the short man behind the team also poked his head out of the carriage.

"The front is not right." Green faint. Green is like a veteran experienced knight who has been bleeding for many years. It seems that he has seen more of this scene and calmly calms down. There is a dense jungle in front and there is no city nearby. It is a good place for thieves to ambush.

The hammer and the violent bear ran over, and the hammer frowned. "In the past, there should be no robbers in the vicinity. Do you know that the boss is not right?"

Green nodded, and he certainly wouldn’t say that he was aware of the group of guys in front of him.

Soon, there was no need to probe anything. The bandits in the woods came out themselves, and a total of fourteen people surrounded the team faintly. Several people in Green also took up their weapons and stared at the guys in disgust. Both sides refrained from acting.

The short fat man smiled and walked out, holding a small bag of silver coins in his hand and threw it at the head of the bandit. He said: "The money should be invited to drink by the brothers. Please also make it convenient."

There is a potential rule between the robbers and the wandering knights. If the merchants do not hire a wandering knight, then the robbers will certainly not be polite, just a pot. However, if you hire a wandering knight and the killing of both sides will cause irreparable damage, you will usually let the Lord spend some money to eliminate the disaster. After all, everyone is hanging on the belt and eating it. There is no need to die.

The robber’s head smashed the purse and looked at the caravans of the caravan. He shook his head and said, “If it is the past, let you have a way of life. But unfortunately, an adult here today needs you to stay. So..." The robber’s head smirked and waved his hand, and more than a dozen robbers rushed over and laughed.

The short fat man was shocked and suddenly panicked and looked at the bandit leader unbelievably.

"Mother's leg! Really we are watching? I'm dying you guys!" The violent bear roared, and the axe was about to rush. The cobra and the iron axe and the hammer were red in the eyes of despair. Obviously, this group of robbers "unruly" has inspired a few people's blood, and they have to pull a few backs.

Suddenly, with the **** scene between the two sides, both the robbers and the caravans were quiet and quiet, and they all looked at the big sword with blood.


The screams of screaming, the "dwarf" of the robber's head could not believe that his hand interrupted the sword and the body that was shackled, and after a desperate scream, the upper body cried and struggled to crawl backwards with both hands. The blood and internal organs of a place seem to be desperately trying to escape the devil in front, and the scene is extremely bloody.

Green also stunned.

Just Green looked at the robber's head and rushed because it wouldn't be martial arts, but instinctively waved a sword toward the leader of the bandit. The robber's head saw Green's tender attack, did not care, and even prepared for the counterattack after the defensive attack. The "novice" like Green did not know how much he killed.

However, just as the robber’s head blocked the Green Sword, with the incredible power of the great sword, the robber’s head exploded, only to reveal a moment of ecstasy, then 嘣The sound of the sword in the hands of Green directly cut off the long knife in the hands of the bandit leader, and then Yu Wei did not reduce the leader of the bandit.

The psychological activities of Green and the bandit leader, other people do not know, whether it is the robbers here or the caravan side, only see Green is so "free" a sword, the next time the robber head was blocked A good and easy-to-follow look.

"You...Nima, this...the tyrant boss...this..." The violent bear stuttered and didn't know what to say. The big bald head looked at the "crawling" half of the robber head and even produced a sympathy. I don’t know if I should hold the axe in my hand, and I shouldn’t cut it to the group of thieves who have been stunned.

The hammer, the iron axe, and the cobra have already prepared for a desperate battle, but who knows that there has suddenly been such a big change, and the huge gap is simply a breakdown.

Green didn't know what to do at the moment.

I thought more and more than the robbers here to kill for a while, anyway, there are alienation techniques, as long as the head is not cut off everything is easy to say, just to explore the potential of physical fitness. As a result, it seems that these days of experience have already worked, Green Power has exceeded the normal Cavaliers level too much, and the result is so "inadvertent" caused such a result.

Green touched his nose and hesitated. He didn't know if he should continue to kill these robbers.

"The legendary knight! He is a legendary knight!" There was a scream from the robber, trembled at Green, full of fear. It seems that only such an explanation can convince myself that the leader of the bandit was solved "easy and freehand" by the other side.

The violent bear, the cobra, the iron axe, and the hammer all looked at Green with a respectful look. The cobra blinked more. He kept silent and he couldn’t help but ask: "You are really a great Legendary knight?"

Legendary knights, humans who exercise their flesh and blood to their limits, can inspire their blood power in battle. As long as you have this power, the legendary knight will take the initiative to follow some wizards as servants, gain the power of the wizard's mysterious transformation, and then you may embark on a powerful road that truly belongs to the knight.

Of course, this road is just a desperate way to die. At least the wizarding world has been able to reach the legendary knight of the level of the four levels of witches from the ancient times. Both hands are counted.

"Oh... that's it."

Green simply admitted that, after entering the city of Bergal, several people were separated, and there was no possibility of seeing it again. (Whether it is the concept of space or the concept of time, the wizard apprentices and knights are not a level, the wizard apprentices have a minimum of 200 years of life, and the knight’s words look at the meal...)

Hearing Green admitted that both the robbers and the caravans had a shocked expression. The legendary knight, which is a rare variety that is rarer than the wizard, is also the ultimate goal of countless knights fighting for life.

"Hey, legendary knight, that's great..." A concealed, evil geek laugh came from behind the robber, with this ridiculous figure appearing in the eyes of everyone, except those who were named because of the legendary Knight of Green. The desperate robber, the people of the caravan suddenly screamed in disbelief: "Black wizard!"

One of the biggest characteristics of the black wizard is that there will always be a gray deadness around the body. (Low-level black wizards, senior black wizards can suppress with mental power.) This seems to be because after killing too many humans, it absorbs dead humans. Some of the mysterious energy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This "mysterious energy" seems to be a negative emotion, similar to the strange negative energy of howling, mourning, despair, fear.

It is said that only the Holy Tower has the ability to completely conceal this negative energy manifestation, so the "black wizard" cultivated by the Santa is no longer a black wizard, but a hunting wizard.

This black wizard has a tender face, about sixteen or seven years old, but no one has any other thoughts, and some are just absolute fears! The black wizard is synonymous with death for the Muslim mainland civilians.


The girl in the carriage suddenly ran out, panicked with a strange black sign, did not know what it was, but the sudden black wizard saw the brand, but stunned.

On the other hand, Green is actually stunned.

The reason why Green was stunned is because this black wizard... seems to be... too weak?

Even his 30-point mental strength can overcome his perception, and he has not even realized that he is a wizard apprentice until now! What happened to this wizarding world, so weak black wizards dare to walk around the wizarding continent?

Green looked at the black wizard who suddenly came out from the opposite side like a rare species.

Perhaps, should this cherished experimental specimen be completely preserved? (Using a black wizard to do experimental specimens, do you know if there will be other black wizards to retaliate?) Or cut off the other's head as a task task branch to the instructor?

After all, this is the legendary black wizard...

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