A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 15 Chapter 707: Local elementization

After fifteen hourglass hours.

The low, sly, mysterious witchcraft spells with the low voice of Green, melodious reverberation, through the uninterrupted preparation of fifteen hourglass forgotten truths, space-time seals, countless magic runes from The Book of Truth Flying out, spurting toward the yellow liquid in all directions.

It seems to be a natural phenomenon that occurs in different time and space latitudes.

The existence of these magical runes is not affected by the yellow liquid and the rules of the wizarding world, and is not restricted by the material rules of the wizard world. It runs through the yellow stinking liquid, the eroded houses, the trees and plants, until the edge of the yellow liquid spreads. .

Finally, after the preparation of these fifteen hourglass times, the forgotten truth-time seals and the rules of the rules of the foreign world have reached a balance, and the runes that incite the forgotten world have covered all the diffuse edges of the yellow liquid.

In fact, this long-term seal preparation is the first time for Green, but compared to some worlds in order to resist the invasion of foreign world terrorists, the world's power to prepare for months or even years of horrible seals In terms of surgery, it is nothing at all.

Of course, not all worlds can master the techniques of time and space seals.

Even for the Wizarding World, time and space seals are extremely cutting-edge high-end wizarding knowledge. They are regarded as the strongest witchcraft mastered by the wizarding world. Although the seals of the general world are strange, they are mostly physical seals. Nature.

The magic runes enclose the entire area of ​​the rules of the exotic world. For Green, the magic used in this time-space seal will never be lower than the magic consumed by the seal.

At the foot of Green, the huge body of a thousand-eyed crab is blown up!

The eyes of the huge body are full of numb eyes, all the eyes are spinning indiscriminately. From time to time, a red light spurts out and dissolves in the midair with the invisible odor.

As a third-level creature in the world of wizards, the thousand-eyed giant crab is not as common as humans in the city of Bisser. Can be killed by these odor creatures at will.


Three high-grade odor creatures leaped out of the yellow odorous liquid.

One of the scented creatures has more than ten meters of body length, and the shape is like an irregular large amoeba. The body of the yellow scented liquid sticks to dozens of corpses from the residents of the small city of Sur, and rushes toward the thousand-eyed giant crab.

The other scent creature is similar to the high-level scent creatures that Green encountered before. The body is hidden under the yellow odorous liquid, driving the odorous liquid to extend as a body, turning into a long tail and rushing toward the green.

The last scent creature, turned out to be a strange black scorpion form, is only three meters long but is very solid. Black lacquered, like the source of the darkness of Green, the surrounding light shines on his body without any reflection, it seems to be a change in the smell of the creature, there is an indescribable fragrance.

As the source of the extremely obvious smell over the city of Bisser, the thousands of eye-catching crabs protected Green’s time-space seals, and the number of attacks they suffered was countless, and these so-called advanced scent creature attacks also reached Nearly a hundred times, there is nothing special about it.

After a crab claw is opened. Turning into a shadow and breaking through the sky, the first amoeba-like odor creature was shredded.

"噗", this scent creature seems to be as confusing as the ink falls into the initial state of clean water, and it will be aggregated in the future. In the crab claws, an energy net was sprayed to bind it.

Immediately afterwards, the energy screen was sent to the entrance by thousands of giant crabs, as if the noodles were swallowed into the stomach.

Another long tail attack consisting of a yellow odorous liquid is hit by the red light spurred in the eyes of the giant eye crab, and the yellow liquid is fixed in the long tail and midair. After a sway of swaying around, the slamming of "嘭" was a stinking waterdrop, and it fell on the top of the house and made a "squeaky" sound.

call out!

Only the last black scent creature. The action is very flexible and extremely flexible. It is not comparable to the general scent creatures. After dazzling and avoiding the many red beams of thousands of giant crabs, the tongs and the crab tongs are in the opposite. The big one and the small ones are indistinguishable. The giant crab screamed, and it turned out that the long black tail pierced the body of a thousand-eyed giant crab.

Green, who is forgotten the truth of time and space seals, looked at the situation under the eyes of the truth, but because of the inability to do any help on the way to the seal, there was no way to distract, so he had to regain his gaze and re-enter the new In the book of Truth, which keeps flipping pages of the book, I devote myself to it.

The magical spell of Xuanmiao’s mouth is getting higher and higher, apparently reaching the final stage of the witchcraft preparation period, and it is about to start showing.

"Xiaowan, look at it, without our help, it really doesn't work, and the young master is so trusting on it! Hey, my grandfather, I don't care about the villain. You used to disdain me, don't listen to the command, each All kinds of uncomfortable things are not at all in my heart. Come and ask for the Eight Lords. Maybe I am happy when I am happy, and Xiao Wan will help you, hehe!"

Said, Xiao Ba actually took out a small book, began to swear by the thoughts of the once-thousand-eyed giant crab to make Xiaoba all kinds of unhappy.

It turned out that this guy said that he didn't put it in his heart, and he remembered it all!

Thousands of giant crabs struggled to maintain their own stability and could not disturb Green's display of seals. At this time, it seemed to be irritated by Xiao Ba.

After a roaring, the huge crab claws swept away, and the black scorpion sneaked away. Several red lights touched the black scent of the black scorpion. Suddenly, a blue spot flashed, and then it was passed. The black scorpion’s struggle is coming.

I saw a crab claw of a thousand-eyed giant crab turned into a blue ice crystal state, and stretched a few tens of meters to clamp the black box, letting the black box struggle and escape. This is even bigger than its body. Crab claws.

It turned out that the crab claws that were regenerated by the Thousand-Eyed Giant Crab had undergone partial elemental variation after the treatment of the Green Snow Line. It formed the body of the pseudo-element ~www.wuxiaspot.com~噗!

The black scorpion was smashed into two pieces by the thousand-eyed giant crab, and then the red light was densely covered with these black smoke, which gradually dissipated.

Breathing, the thousand-eyed giant crab "snapped" and saw the horrified small eight eyes of the mysterious million-headed bird. Several crab eyes shed red tears, slipped into the wound caused by the black box, and repaired the withered flesh tissue. .

"Cut, what a sigh!"

The little eight is not good.

Beside the little eight, Cappuccino, who has gradually become conscious, looks at the mysterious wizard standing on the thousand-eyed giant crab. He is painful and awkward, licking his lips and regretting that he has not listened to his grandfather’s teaching and wasted time and fun. With.

凛凛 凛凛 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (To be continued.)


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