A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 92: Hessota Mystery (middle)

Distorted forest, this is a low thorn bush with black safflower.

However, if you look closely, you will find that these so-called black safflowers are all composed of a small insect, so that the spots that make people feel scared and jumped in the mountains and plains.

Ge took out a test tube bottle and carefully collected some "spotted worms", each of which had only one tenth of the size of the little fingernail, except for a half of the body's mouth and a black poisonous needle. The legs of the body have degenerated and become something like a sucker.

"Well, this creature has never been seen before, and then look at its toxicity to become a voodoo that can be improved into a mixed poison." Think of this, Green will throw the test tube into the space pocket.

Green was about to turn and leave, and suddenly the heart moved, the body silently shifted a few meters, and escaped a sudden attack on a branch of "Spotted Beetle". Green’s face was amazed: “Oh? It’s a symbiotic relationship, and it’s no wonder that the legs of this bug have degenerated.”

The Hydra sword was drawn, and a branch of green "blood" fell.

After a thunderous force, the "spotted insects" on the broken branches fell, and Green once again made the broken branches that were still struggling into specimens and threw them into the space pocket.

Looking around, Green was flying in one direction and moving forward again.

After a few thousand kilometers of Green's rapid flight, several small creatures unique to the world's debris were captured and specimens were made. A giant tree that was much larger than other trees in the vicinity appeared in front of Green.

This giant tree is three to four hundred meters high, and even in the twisted forests of the entire towering giant trees, it still looks extremely huge.

The rumor that the wizard is known to be the tallest plant is the "world tree" found in a wonderful world. It is said that the giant tree is the "guardian god" of the world, the world that is supported by it, and the life of the world is also centered on it. It is similar to the seven-ring Santa tower for many surrounding witch schools. The same importance.

Then there are many legendary life plants that are already well known. For example, the tree of life in the wizarding world is said to be thousands of meters and tens of thousands of meters. However, as far as the knowledge of the wizarding world is concerned, all these giant plant life must have a characteristic, that is, there are absolutely no other large-scale plants in the periphery, which is determined by the nature of life.

However, this special giant tree in front of you...

After thinking for a moment, Green began to walk around the roots of this giant tree. The roots of this giant tree also had a diameter of forty or fifty meters. After a while, Green found two or three meters above the root of the tree. A small tree hole, the width can only force a person to drill in.

Without rushing into it, Green could see a green secluded "eye" in the huge space of the tree hole by the inexhaustible flame.

吱, 吱, 吱...

A group of butterfly-sized green bats flew out of the tree hole, seemingly afraid of the light, escaping the light of the flames in the hands of Green, and an empty tree hole in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Green.


The black, non-slip autumn stones floating in the middle of the tree hole attracted the attention of Green. These stones were round like pebbles, and they kept a little repulsive to all the objects around them. Green refutes the force but does not feel any It belongs to the power of the earth.

"Hey? Is this bald keel?" Green stayed.

The so-called bald keelstone is a transliteration of a different world language. It is a malignant material that the black wizards make their bodies gradually enlarge after they make horrible sutures, cursing beasts, and mutant beasts. But for the life of nature, Something with "toxicity". (This poison is not a voodoo that tempers cells, it can be understood as something occult.)

I just didn't think that there was a natural life in this world fragment that adapted to this malignant material, and there was a huge variation.

Some surprises, this material is of little use to the current Green, but it will not be possible in the future. Green is unceremoniously taking away all the floating bald ridges in the tree hole and throwing them into the space pocket.

"Oh? No, the faeces of these bats seem to have some special life fluctuations. Maybe some special plants are used later, such as those that explode mushrooms..." Thinking like this, Green does not care about dirty things, directly Grab the bat feces and knead them into a group, then throw them into the space pocket.

After a busy time, Green is not willing to delay time to rest. After all, every time in this world fragment that may be thrown away at any time, every time is precious.

Thinking like this, after Green's body repelled the force toward the earth, it flew to the sky and flew directly toward the canopy of this giant tree.

"Hey, this is... yin butterfly?" Green gave amazed voice.

At the top of the canopy, Green saw thousands of butterflies flying in pairs, and Green would not forget the strange creatures recorded in this "Hunting and Scent Map". This is a wonderful creature that survives by collecting odors, and the wizarding world has long since disappeared.

Under the attraction of the palm, several butterflies were taken up by Green and made into specimens, thrown into the space pocket, and then Green looked at the golden fruit of the top of the canopy, and ... the big bird's nest.


Sucking his mouth, Green sneaked into the top of the canopy and sneaked in the past, faintly hearing a snoring sound above the bird's nest. From the diameter of the bird's nest more than 30 meters, Green can imagine what kind of big monster is living in it. Green can't be interested to say hello.

There were about seventy or eighty golden fruits on the top of the entire canopy. After taking a deep breath, Lin grabbed a fruit and stuffed it into the space pocket. When the second fruit was being picked, a group of children grew up. The crying sound suddenly broke out in this quiet space.

"Wow... Lili Ya'an was taken away, hehe..."

"Come on the bad guy, he took Lilia and grabbed it, help, oh..."

Green stared at the golden fruit above. At this time, these little fruits not only have a facial expression, but also a fluent wizard. The world language is crying and noisy. The voice is like a child of three or four years old. The tears are constantly flowing, and they are afraid. Look at Green.


Suddenly, Green felt a burst of creepy breath and looked up. A huge one-eyed red-crowned head on the bird's nest was looking at himself with fierce eyes!

At one time, the atmosphere was somewhat repressive, as if the air had solidified!

I almost didn't even think about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A twist in the space before the green disappeared in the same place. The next moment, another space, a space twist, Green disappeared again. The strange thing is that this "big bird" did not mean to hunt down Green. Instead, it made a loud scream and echoed in the vast twisted forest sky.

Later, in the sky, a night owl, a three-eyed monkey, a double-headed dog, a six-winged python and other messy creatures gathered quickly and then flew in the direction of Green's escape...

This "big bird" is probably one of the senior soul slaves of the Black Sota Tower.


When Green flew to the point where he couldn't see the giant tree at all, this slammed into a clearing, screaming at a small tree. The creeps of the moment just really scared Green, and the big bird was at least a powerful creature of the third-level wizard level!

Fortunately, this time is in the secret of the Black Sota, if it is a strange world, Green will die.

After a little slower, Green suddenly noticed a protruding "stone" at the center of the open space. Some strangely walked over. As Green's hand touched the stone gently, he suddenly became surprised. It turned out to be metal and crystal. The texture of the thing, obviously with the skills of the wizard's alchemy processing.

Is it... an ancient ruin somewhere underground?

Not right...

According to the master of Youquan, the ancient ruins are guarded by the soul slaves of the main sect of the Black Sota Tower, but there is nothing here, just a small-scale open space that distort the forest, and it is unremarkable.

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