A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 163】Conan's new title, Kang Na's luxurious bento!

Did she recognize her identity?

Conan's heart trembled and he almost exclaimed.

Fortunately, the head teacher, Chengko Kobayashi, suddenly spoke up.

"Huh? Does Conan-kun know Conan?"

"Well, I've seen it in the amusement park."

In the face of outsiders, Kang Na is always concise.

"Then you can get along well in the future.

Sumiko Kobayashi didn't care and arranged a seat for Conan.

What a coincidence~

His desk was next to Conna, a little over half a meter away.

"Kana-chan, what does Puxinnan mean?

After Conan was seated, Kang Na's tablemate asked curiously.

This is a girl with slightly curly brown hair, wearing a petal hairpin on her head.

"In short, it's a guy who has no ability and is overconfident, and likes to chat with girls, Lizi, remember, stay away from this guy in the future."

Kona turned her head to stare at her new friend and said earnestly.

Cai Chuan Riko nodded in understanding, then looked at Conan in disgust, like seeing a cockroach in the kitchen.

The boy who is so cute Kangna would hate, must be a very bad guy.

It was only at this moment that Chuan Riko was absolutely convinced.

"My God, has the new classmate ever harassed Kang Na-chan? It's unforgivable to actually attack such a cute girl!

Kojima Motota sitting in the back row of Conan was filled with righteous indignation, and while clenching his fists, he stared at Conan's back with a bad expression.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko held his chin with one hand, tsk tsk admiringly said: "It's really unbelievable, with glasses and gentle appearance, I didn't expect to be a scum."5


Conan, who didn't even sit on the hot buttocks, immediately noticed the strange eyes and cold words behind him, and suddenly he wanted to cry without tears.

What the hell did he do to be in the same class as the kid next to the bastard chef.

If it weren't for the purpose of hiding his identity, he would not have accepted Dr. A Li's suggestion and came to study in some bullshit elementary school.

Ever since he met the food truck owner at the amusement park, Conan felt bad luck.

First, he stole the limelight when he solved the case, and was inexplicably smaller when he tracked the man in black.

It's more than that~

The unscrupulous bastard chef actually called the police when he met him.

can you believe it?

The guy didn't ask anything, he just chose to call the police.

Conan was almost out of lung cancer.

It was the first time he was brought to the Metropolitan Police Department for something other than a case.

Thank goodness he was smart.

It was only after loading the car that I had to go to the mobile phone to call Dr. A Li.


With the assistance of Dr. A Li, Conan was able to leave the Metropolitan Police Department and temporarily stay at the other party's home.

Thinking of the bizarre experience in the past two days, Conan felt that his life was covered with a dark color.

Those damned black-clothed men didn't even let go of their cell phones after drugging him.

Children can't hide things in their hearts.

Just one morning.

The title of 'Pubxinnan' has already spread to Class B of the first grade.

The name was taken by Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, who thought it was a good fit for Conan.

In fact, Conan did not expect Kang Na to be so popular in the class.

I heard that she also transferred over last week.

It's because of Kona's popularity.

Now everyone believes that they are scumbags who like to casually approach girls.

Conan, who was completely excluded and isolated, was a little dumbfounded.

However, his purpose in coming to Didan Primary School was not to go to school, nor to make friends with primary school students.

No interruptions, just what he wanted.

lunch time.

Classmates who are close friends gather in groups of three or five to eat lunch.

Conan sat alone in his seat and opened the bento box that Dr. Agasa prepared for him.

Eel sushi and sandwich bread.

Very simple lunch, no big fish or meat, no hot soup or rice.

In fact, Neon Student's bento is basically like that.

There is no way to heat rice, sushi and bread that can be eaten cold have become the first choice.

Kang Na sat at a table with Cai Chuan Lizi and Yoshida Ayumi.

Kojima Motota, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, and Hori Sota sat around the table behind them.


Connor pulled out her bento box.

When seeing the 'huge' three-layer bento box.

Cai Chuan Lizi and Yoshida Ayumi both showed exaggerated expressions.

"Kanna-chan~you~~Are you going to eat so much for lunch〃"?"

Cai Chuan Lizi covered her mouth, her eyes full of incredulity.

"Three~Three-layer bento~~ This is too much, aren't you afraid of hurting your stomach?"

The kind-hearted Ayumi Yoshida was shocked, and began to worry that excessive eating would cause discomfort.

Full of love and responsibility, Ayumi always thinks of others first.

"It's alright, it's not much.

Kona shook her head slightly without explaining too much.

It can't be said that the food intake of the dragon family is very large.

Open the top layer of bento boxes.

Shrimp slippery egg and mapo tofu were presented in front of everyone.

White tender shrimp mixed with pale yellow egg gravy.

It is like an ink painting dotted with many white snow.

A faint scent wafted.

Cai Chuan Lizi and Yoshida Ayumi just found out.

The shrimp slippery egg in the bento box was still hot.

The aroma of mapo tofu is even more charming.

The spicy taste rises with the heat.

Kojima Motota and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko sitting in the back row,

Almost at the same time, he swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

Kojima Motota stared at the sushi ball in his hand.

His all-time favorite eel sushi.

This moment suddenly became unpleasant.

The same is true for Caichuan Riko.

She has a wealthy family,

Every day lunch is very rich.

Today's purple gold seaweed sushi,

It was specially made by Liko's mother according to her taste.

Sushi rice balls made with seaweed and seaweed and beef.

Just looking at it makes me hungry.

But now~

Caichuan Lizi silently put down the rice ball in her hand, looked at Kang Na with envy, and said: || Your brother is so kind to you, he prepared such a sumptuous lunch. ""

Yoshida Ayumi nodded again and again, her smile a little embarrassed.

She suddenly found that she could no longer eat the cold and dry bento when she smelled the strong aroma of vegetables.

She took out the shrimp slippery egg and mapo tofu and put them on the table, and Kang Na opened the second layer of the bento box.

There was only a whole box of abalone stewed with potatoes, which was also steaming. As soon as it was taken out, everyone could smell the tempting aroma (Wang Haohao).

The fresh aroma of abalone mixed with the aroma of potatoes.

The gluttonous Kojima Motota was already drooling unsatisfactorily.

The bottom layer is a box of black rice.

Chu Feng uses the best black rice from Longguoyang County.

Since ancient times, it has been known as medicinal rice, tribute rice, and longevity rice.

The cooked Yangxian black rice has its own fragrance, and just smelling it makes people's appetite.


Shouldn't it be so exaggerated?

At this moment, the little friends widened their eyes one by one.

They just took out the dishes one after another, and they didn't feel that something was wrong.

When all of them were taken out of the bento box, I was surprised to find that...

Connor's lunch alone filled the entire table.


Cai Chuan Riko, Kojima Motota, and the others have only one feeling at the moment.


It's so extravagant~

Although there are only a few dishes.

But it gives them the feeling of facing a luxurious meal in a star-rated restaurant.

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