A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

[Chapter 019] Thousand-fold crit, fierce bull and green dragon slash!

"Boss Chu, why don't you just create a KK group?"

Kobayashi Rentian's eyes turned and Tamako asked with a playful smile.

Now, if you want to come across a food truck with a strange whereabouts, it all depends on luck.

Just like today.

If not the little peach clamoring for Baumkuchen.

She also won't come to this side of the commercial street.

Who would have thought.

Food trucks will appear two kilometers away from Tōtsuki.

And in front of him, this strange and incomprehensible Boss Chu.

He won't change those weird behavior rules because of himself.

When he thought that he had waited for an hour in vain today, Xiaolin Rentian didn't get angry.

"KK group?"

Chu Feng had heard a little about this thing.

Neon is a popular chat software in recent years.

When he went to buy a mobile phone this morning.

The big sister in the business hall specially downloaded one for him.

He also eagerly asked to be friends with each other.

But Chu Feng only wanted to make money.

Of course, he justly rejected the other party.

The main reason is that he is too old and does not meet his aesthetics.

Well, building a KK group seems like a good idea.

For high-quality customers like Kobayashi Gentian and Tadokoro Megumi, it is better to keep in close contact.

He happily took out his newly bought mobile phone, Chu Feng and Xiaolin Gentian became friends with each other, and then set up a group by the way.

The name is "Gourmet Food Truck", which is easy to understand.

Of course, Tadokoro Megumi, who had just finished eating six prawn noodles, also volunteered to join the group.

Kobayashi Rentan glanced at Tadokoro Megumi, who was a little familiar, and felt as if he had seen it somewhere, but didn't care.

There are so many students in Tōtsuki, and they are two different years apart, so it is normal that they do not know each other.

Just look down.

good guy!

This girl even drank the noodle soup cleanly.

The whole bowl felt like it had been licked and probably didn't need to be washed.

Is Boss Chu's Six Prawn Noodles better than yesterday's Takoyaki?

With doubts, Xiaolin Rentan happily ordered two bowls.

"Xiao Linzi, I can't eat it anymore."

Akakubo Tao covered her stomach and said with a moved face.

Sure enough, she is her good best friend. For such an expensive thing, she ordered it for herself without blinking an eye.

"It doesn't matter, if you really can't eat it, I can help you..."

Xiaolin Rentan felt that if he opened his stomach to eat, he should be able to make two bowls.

Akane Kubo Tao: (⊙0⊙)…

I didn't expect you, Xiao Linzi, to be like this.

Have you already started planning the second bowl of noodles before the dishes are served?

There are such girlfriends.

She felt deeply powerless.

Also very curious.

The young food truck owner in front of me is really so delicious?

At the risk of dying, Xiaolin Gentian wanted to eat one more bowl.


Two bowls of noodles are ready in no time.

Tadokoro Megumi left contentedly.

Although I don't know if my cooking skills have improved.

But she was very satisfied to eat such perfect six prawn noodles.

A simple girl is always easy to be content with.

With the Six Prawn Noodles in front of him, Xiaolin Gentian quickly picked up his chopsticks and started to act after blowing the hot air.

Akakubo Momo sat on the plastic stool with her feet propped up, holding the puppet bear in her arms, looking unhappy.

The plastic stool is a bit high and a bit sulky, and she is not used to sitting.

But the appearance of this bowl of noodles in front of me is really beautiful.

It's like a gorgeous piece of art.

"Your cooking is so cute~~"

Akakubo Momo rarely gave a compliment.

When you think something is very beautiful.

She would use the word "cute" to describe it.

Although the stomach is already very bloated.

The Loli girl is still ready to try it out.

After all, this bowl of noodles looks appetizing.

And the sound of 'chilling' that kept ringing next to her was like a devil whispering in her ear, constantly tempting her.

Just hold on.

Can't survive anyway.

Akakubo Momo picked out a bunch of noodles and slowly stuffed it into her mouth.


[Congratulations on getting a chance to draw skills...]

[Local cuisine, culinary aesthetics, nutrition, savvy, knife work, hanging cutting...]

[Congratulations on your winning skill: Hanging Cut! 】

[Trigger a thousand times the critical strike return...]

[Congratulations on getting the secret skill: Bull and Green Dragon Slash! 】

Chu Feng was stunned in place, and his heart was also excited.

Bull and Qinglong Slash!

In "Little Master of China", a stunt circulated in the dark cooking world.

It is possible to dismember the entire giant cow instantly without shedding a drop of blood or juice.

Chu Feng was not surprised that Tadokoro Megumi had hanging cutting skills.

Born in a fishing port, they have been dealing with big fish since childhood, and it is normal to be able to hang and cut.

It's just that Chu Feng never imagined that today's luck is overwhelming...

While triggering a thousand-fold crit, it can also deduce the hanging cut into a fierce bull and green dragon cut.

With this skill in hand, it is much more convenient when handling large meats.

Tian Suo's sister, she really deserves to be the Emperor of Europe!

Not only is he lucky, but it can also bring good luck to him.

Chu Feng decided that the next time he met each other, he had to smile more and not keep a straight face.

What if I scare the 'Emperor' away? *

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