A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

[Chapter 203] Xiaohui's Selection Of Ingredients, Yukihira's Secret Sauce Beef!

The two people on the cooking table are serious about cooking.

The conversation of the judges, the two turned a deaf ear.

Not even feeling 'offended' at all.

In the autumn selection finals, which is the most important for first-year students.

Brainstorm another chef who has nothing to do with the event.

It is a sign of disrespect to any contestant.

If Chu Feng is not discussed at the jury table but someone else.

Even Tadokoro Megumi, who has a gentle personality, will most likely be angry.

But since it's Boss Chu...

That's fine.

I vaguely heard words such as 'salted pig's trotters' and 'fried gluten'.

Tadokoro Megumi felt his glutton hooked out again.

I haven't had time to eat food truck food these two days.

After the game is over, be sure to enjoy it.

no more~

Thinking of these made me even more hungry.

Tadokoro Megumi shook his head hastily.

Then he looked up at the figure in the VIP room on the third floor.

Boss Chu was watching there, trying to make himself feel better.

Tadokoro Megumi secretly cheered herself up.

Vow to make the most perfect dishes.

the other side~

A look of helplessness appeared on Yukihira Sōma's face.

873's expression was a bit dumbfounding.

Finally made it to the finals.

The judges seemed completely uninterested in his cooking.

Now I don't even look this way.

'Just wait and see, Yukihira's secret beef sauce will definitely surprise you!'

Yukihira Sōma is confident in this moment.

He tried his best to improve this dish, almost completely abandoning the traditional method.

Beef sauce is a dish that takes a lot of time.

Similar to stewed pork, it needs at least five or six hours of cooking before it can be cooked.

But the autumn selection finals only lasted three hours.

I want to make sauced beef in such a short time.....

It is almost impossible to complete without a special stewing method.

The auxiliary materials and spices chosen by Tadokoro Megumi are also different from ordinary braised pork.

Common auxiliary materials such as potatoes and radishes are not selected.

There are no spices with strong flavors such as five spices and thirteen spices.

Her materials are simpler, and can even be called ordinary.

"Mushrooms and spring bamboo shoots? Why did Xiaohui choose these two auxiliary materials?"

"The shiitake mushrooms are thick and tender, but they are easier to absorb the taste. Isn't (agdf) afraid of affecting the taste of the beef when using this kind of ingredients?"

"The spring bamboo shoots have no hidden dangers in this regard, but the light taste does not match the mellow beef at all."

"Could it be that Xiaohui made a mistake for the characteristics of the 'White-haired Syndrilla Cow' when making dream ingredients for the first time?"

"The characteristics of the white-haired Sindilera cow? Is there anything special about this ingredient?"

"The school provides the essence of the white-haired Xindi Leila beef, which has the most collagen and the thickest gravy. If shiitake mushrooms are added, it will affect the taste of this dish instead.

"How could it be? Could it be that Xiaohui, who advanced to the final with a perfect record, will lose to the transfer student who stumbled over?"

Some fans of Tadokoro Megumi looked at each other for a while.

And Yukihira Sōma, who made the dishes in an orderly manner, also attracted the attention of many people at this time.

"Three hours to make beef stew, are you going to speed up the stew with honey and lemon?"

"Star anise and cinnamon, licorice and fennel, it seems that Yukihira Sōma intends to make light beef sauce."

“Spicy is the soul of sauced beef, it is bland and tasteless, it is an insult to this dish!”

"Are you from the Jiuwo Research Institute? Your president has now switched to studying Chinese cuisine and other cuisines. Why are you still clinging to Sichuan spicy food?"

"But there is one thing to say, the taste of beef in spicy sauce is really yyds~~"

"I agree with +1~"

The two cooking tables are full of heat.

Those who watched the game were also not idle.

VIP room on the third floor.

Senzaemon and Chu Feng stood in the middle in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Calmly watching the unusually busy Tadokoro Megumi and Yukihira Sōma.

Suddenly, I heard that the space gate of the gourmet world began to expand.

After being a little surprised, Chu Feng didn't think about this question any more.

Even if fantasy ingredients are popular, he can still do his own business.

Anyway, there is a points mall, so there is no shortage of dream ingredients.

Even if it is really lacking, just take Thor to the gourmet world for a walk.

Erina and Alice are beside Chu Feng.

The main Senzaemon side is Dojima Gin and Seki Shouping two bad guys.

Compared with them, it is more comfortable to bring Chu Feng by his side.

At least it looks good~

Take a look at Tadokoro Megumi's selection of materials.

Erina couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Didn't Xiaohui seriously read the information we sent her? She actually cooked white-haired Xindi Leila beef with mushrooms and spring bamboo shoots?"

Erina was obviously surprised too.

Alice doesn't know much about the properties of this ingredient.

When in Northern Europe.

Her parents kept her out of fantasy ingredients.

After all, he is still young and his level is still low.

Premature contact with high-end ingredients will do more harm than good to any chef.

Seeing Tamako wandering around twice, the eccentric Alice suddenly said: "Chu Feng, it seems that my grandpa has a better vision, and Yukihira Sōma has a better chance of winning.

It's not that she has a bad relationship with Tadokoro Megumi, she's just down to earth.

Although both of them choose to make Chinese cuisine, Yukihira Sōma's choice is more reasonable in terms of material selection.


Facing Alice's words, Chu Feng just chuckled lightly, and said casually: "You all have to look at the weight of Xiaohui's selection of materials first."

Erina: (0)...

Alice: (⊙_⊙)?

A hint of confusion and bewilderment appeared on the two pretty faces at the same time.

serving size?

They could see clearly just now.

Tadokoro Megumi just randomly picked some shiitake mushrooms and spring bamboo shoots.

Could it be that she has calculated the weight of the ingredients long ago, and just pinched it with one hand?

But even if all these are planned...

Can the flavors of several ingredients be fully integrated?

Tadokoro Megumi is not the man in front of him.

Can she do such an incredible thing?

At least in Erina and Alice's mind.

Only Chu Feng can combine any ingredient to perfection.

Erina didn't believe that Xiaohui had reached such a level, her red lips parted slightly and said, "Then tell me, what's so special about her selection of materials?"

Alice's burgundy eyes also stared straight at Chu Feng, her fair face was full of curiosity.

"Two catties of beef, two liang of bamboo shoots per catty, eight liang of shiitake mushrooms, the weight of the main material and the auxiliary material are the same, do you still think this is a coincidence?"

Chu Feng said the answer casually.

"How do you know so clearly?"

Alice, who has always been impatient, interrupted and asked.

Erina stared at Chu Feng strangely, her eyes were also full of puzzlement.

If I remember correctly.

Just now Tadokoro Megumi did not weigh in.

There is no staff to record this little thing.

Could it be that this guy can accurately see the weight of the ingredients with the naked eye?

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