A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

[Chapter 205] Beef In Spicy Sauce, Xiao Hui's Support Team!

A strange fragrance emanated from the venue.

As expected.

Yukihira Sōma was the first to serve the food.

In front of five beautiful judges, he lifted the cover of the meal.

Stacks of evenly thick beef slices are neatly placed on the dinner plate.

"Yukihira style secret sauce beef, please taste!"

Yukihira Sōma spread out one hand flirtatiously.

The smiling face is full of confidence.

"It's the first time I've seen the sauced beef with smoked and browned on the surface, so I have to taste it."

The graceful Leonora gently picked up the chopsticks and directly picked up a piece of beef.

The meat of the white-haired Sindilera cattle.

Although Yukihira Sōma is not cut too thin.

But under the light, it still looks like a layer of light red tulle.

It does not have the mellowness of ordinary beef, but only the ultimate tenderness.

At the judging panel, Lei "Zero Four Seven" Onora was the first to taste it.

The entrance is both a slightly spicy feeling.

The tip of the tongue was numb for a while.

The sense of suddenness is less distasteful.

"Pepper pepper!?"

Who is Leonora?

Not only the director of the Nakiri Institute of International Studies.

He is also the first chef to be promoted to nine stars by virtue of molecular cuisine.

At the same time, he is also a representative of Nordic molecular gastronomy and fantasy food research.

With such a superb level of hers, it is natural to instantly determine the source of the spiciness.

Herbal peppers are not peppers.

It is a kind of Zanthoxylum bungeanum specially used as medicine.

Compared with other similar hemp.

The numbness of the pepper is not strong.

Instead, it has a slightly spicy taste.


Inui Hinako, who took a sip, laughed and continued: "When you roast the beef with a high-pressure flame, you sprinkle a little pepper powder evenly, right?

I didn't expect to use only this kind of spice to give the whole dish a spicy taste. "

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded slowly, and said blankly: "It's a good thing you can think of using pepper to stimulate the freshness of white-haired Cindy Leila beef.

The taste of spices such as star anise, cinnamon, pepper and fennel, combined with the rose-like fragrance of the beef itself, is really eye-catching. "

Affirmation by Inui Hinako and Fuyumi Mizuhara.

Immediately, Yukihira Sōma's confidence increased greatly.

An uncontrollable joy appeared between his brows.

But what Tsunozaki Taki said next was not as pleasant as the first two.

"The combination of ingredients is a bit like Boss Chu's braised pig's trotters, but the combination of ingredients and spices is far behind.

Your dish only stimulates the three layers of spicy, floral and meaty flavors, and it is far from the limit of these ingredients..."


Yukihira Sōma looked confused.

How do you compare this secret sauce beef dish with Boss Chu's dish?

You are really looking at me a little too high!

The expression on Yukihira Sōma's face was a little hip-pushing.

I really want to complain, but I dare not.

And not just because Tsunozaki Taki was a judge for this final.

Anyone who faces that 'fierce' face and the gaze that seems to be 'eating people'...

It is estimated that no one has the courage to put forward opposing opinions.

Yukihira Sōma confessed from the heart, and stood there without saying a word.

"Taki-senpai, although Yukihira-san's cooking is not perfect in some places, but at his age, it is already very good...

Kikuchi Sonoka, who has a beautiful heart and a sweet voice, resolves Yukihira Sōma's embarrassment in time.

Everyone is a group of friends, so we can't watch the seniors make the juniors down.

Kikuchi Sonoko smiled sweetly, and continued: "At his age, we can't cook this kind of food.

Tsunozaki Taki turned his head and glanced at the fierce school girl, but surprisingly did not refute, and finally muttered something in a low voice.

"Hmph~~ I didn't say that he did a poor job, and we didn't have fantasy ingredients to try at that time."

In fact, Tsunozaki Taki has no bad intentions.

It's just that Yukihira Sōma deliberately 'imitated' Chu Feng's cooking, which is a little bit annoying.

Of course she also knows.

This is not considered imitation.

After all, Yukihira Sōma had never eaten the braised pork trotters that day.

The other party just listened to the descriptions of the group of friends, figured out a little superficial.

Just this imagination beyond his peers has already amazed Tsunozaki Taki.

However, Tsunozaki Taki, who has a violent personality and has been obsessed with corporal punishment since he was a student, has never been good at complimenting others.

In addition, I still haven't forgotten the taste of Chu Feng's braised pig's trotters.

Yukihira Sōma uses very similar materials.

Tsunozaki Taki naturally compared the two subconsciously.

The result can be imagined~

The braised pork trotters of the fast food truck, at least get rid of Yukihira Sōma's sauced beef from several continents0

But overall, this dish was unanimously praised by the five judges.

"The transfer students are so good? The judges' evaluation is very high!"

"This is the first time I can cook with dreamy ingredients to this extent, this guy really has two brushes.

"Integrating the spicy and spicy beef into the beef in a special way has not destroyed the original taste of the meat, which is indeed a bit powerful."

"Sure enough, beef in spicy sauce is yyds~"

"Fuck off, stop preaching your ideas

"I just want to know now, is there any chance of Xiao Hui's light 'beef soup' winning?"

"I guess it's a bit difficult. Burning beef in clear soup is difficult to produce a rich taste."

"Don't look at the judges who seem to look down on the triple-taste beef sauce, but many of our students, even with ordinary ingredients, can't make such a complex taste..."

"Do you want the transfer students to win the final championship? Just thinking about it makes people uncomfortable!"

"Xiaohui, come on, don't lose to this egomaniac.

Smells a light spicy aroma wafting from the center.

The atmosphere in the auditorium climbed to the extreme at this time.

Many supporters of Tadokoro Megumi shouted.

Especially the group of middle-aged men and women in the southeast corner had the loudest voices, almost beating gongs and drums.

This group of people comes from Futian County, Hokkaido, a small and unremarkable harbor city.

That's right~

They are all from Tadokoro Megumi's hometown.

Standing at the front is a woman with a 5.6 tail tied on a single horse and a white dress.

It was Tadokoro Megumi's mother.

Tōtsuki Gakuen Autumn Selection,

The audience is not limited to the teachers and students of the school,

There are also celebrities from all walks of life and the families of the contestants.

It is clear.

This group of fishermen and housewives is an aid group.

I made a special trip to cheer Xiaohui up.

Futian County is a small place.

There have never been any celebrities.

The only famous...

Perhaps it is Tadokoro Megumi's grandfather who is good at hanging cut.

Able to reach the finals in Tōtsuki Gakuen's autumn selection.

Tadokoro Megumi has already created the history of Fukuda Prefecture.

Such a genius came out of his hometown.

How can the simple villagers wait for the news at home?


A strange support group was born.

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