A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 213】Gourmet Illustrated Book, Let's Eat Hot Pot!

"Ah! What is this?"

A large materialized saber aura up to five meters long.

Let Gu Linbaqi stay where he is.

Faced with this sense of oppression that seems to be materialized.

He couldn't move at all.

at the moment~

Gu Linbaqi no longer had the ridiculous idea before.

How can the young man on the opposite side know no fighting skills?


Is it a big move when people make a move?!

The sense of crisis of death came.

There was endless fear in my heart for no reason.

Gu Linbaqi could only watch helplessly as the saber energy streaked across his chest.

very fast~

It seems to pass by in a flash~

He didn't even feel the slightest pain.

Consciousness has begun to gradually blur.

At this moment he finally remembered Starkin's warning.

"If you meet Chu Feng, don't make him your enemy, otherwise you will run away as far as you can."

He finally understands now.

Why would the proud Starkin say such things.

turn out to be.....…

The opponent has long known Chu Feng's strength.

‘But, this time I really didn’t take the initiative to pick things up???

On the verge of death.

Batch Gu simply hated Jerry Boy.

It's all the fault of that outspoken bastard.

Actually he didn't know.

Even without the jerry boys.

Chu Feng will not let him go.

Gu Linbaqi is in the culinary world.

But notoriously notorious.

There are not a few people who criticize 813 in the IGO forum.

It's just that Gu Linbaqi is powerful.

He is also the deputy chef of the food club.

Many people have nothing to do with him.

"Does this count as eliminating harm for the people?"

In the snow.

Chu Feng muttered to himself.

Then he walked towards the body that had been divided into two.

Just now, I didn't fully use the holy sword Excalibur.

Chu Feng deliberately controls the power and angle.

It just cut Gu Linbaqi's chest obliquely.

Anyway, this guy has nothing on his upper body.

Most of the useful things are in the trouser pocket.

Chu Feng never forgot to look for the gourmet illustrated book from the beginning to the end.

A pool of blood was sprinkled on the crystal clear ice.

I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Chu Feng began to touch the corpse.

Gu Linbaqi only has a strange 'brand' on his body.

"Is this the prop made by the phone snake shell?"

The thing is only the size of Kang Na (agcj) palm.

On the front is the pattern of the phone snake itself, and on the back is a strange inscription.

Seeing Thor who had changed back into human form approaching slowly, Chu Feng directly threw this thing to the opponent.

Keep it for now, maybe it will be useful in the future.

"It's strange, the deputy chief chef of Tangtang Gourmet Club doesn't have a gourmet guide?"

Chu Feng couldn't help frowning because he found nothing on Gu Linbaqi.


Thor smiled and showed the album in his hand.

"Jerry boy?"

Chu Feng patted his forehead.

Since Gu Linbaqi didn't bring a gourmet illustrated book.

The people under his hand will definitely bring it.

It's impossible for them to keep all the information of dream ingredients in their minds.

Open the album.

Most of the records in it are fantastic creatures of pine forests and ice hells.

But compared to the introduction of 'products' in the Points Mall.

The information held by the 'natives' of this world is not perfect.

【Name: Snow America Leopard】

【Capture level: 17】

【Habitat: Ice Hell】

[body length: 10 meters]

【Height: 5-6 meters】

【Weight: 5 tons】

[Price: The meat is too rough to eat]

[The ferocious beast inhabiting the Ice Hell has a white and smooth body, with sharp teeth turned outwards, and has a violent temperament and is extremely fierce. The agile speed makes the Ice and Snow America leopards dispatched in groups become one of the overlords of the Ice Hell. 】

【Name: Icefield Dragon】

【Capture level: 55】

【Habitat: Ice Hell】

[body length: 85 meters]

【Height: 55 meters】

【Weight: 41 tons】

[Price: The meat is too hard to borrow

【Known as the gatekeeper of the ice hell that freezes everything, it spews out a breath containing a lot of water from its mouth to attack, and the cold air will instantly turn into a huge blizzard...】

The information given by the system is obviously more complete.

Flipping through the album.

While comparing the search results from the Points Mall.

Chu Feng couldn't help being a little depressed.

Ice Hell is rich in products.

But there are not many edible things.

However, the century soup recorded in it is quite interesting.

This kind of natural cuisine can only appear in the food window of the extremely cold place.

Known by the world———century soup!

An aurora is said to appear above the finished bisque of the century.

This kind of 'mark' is enough to make the iceberg shine brightly.

look around!

Chu Feng's complexion gradually became strange.

There are many icebergs in the ice hell.

Coupled with the peculiar natural environment.

There are quite a lot of icebergs in this ghost place with strange halos.

"It's no wonder that the people from the food club have searched for so long and haven't found the century thick soup.

Chu Feng complained for a while, and became very interested in Liu's Century Soup.

It can make delicious food chase after it.

Even at the expense of sending a deputy chef.

It can be seen that this natural cuisine is precious and delicious.

"Feng~ Kangna and I discovered a lot of ingredients just now~~"

Just then, Thor pointed to a tent not far away.

"The ingredients collected by the gourmet society? Let's go and have a look!"

The ingredients that can be collected by the deputy chef of the gourmet club must not be low.

Chu Feng temporarily put aside the idea of ​​looking for the soup of the century, and followed Thor towards the huge tent.

Anyway, it's still a long time, and it won't take one night to ride Thor around the entire ice hell.

"Silo mushrooms, tundra, ice field bison, golden tuna...

"Except for sirloin mushrooms, none of the ingredients collected by this group of guys is lower than level 10!"

Carefully identify the mountain of ingredients.

Chu Feng has a deeper understanding of the executive power of the food fair.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being an extremely evil organization that collects fantasy ingredients by any means.

Smell the strange fragrance that fills the whole space.

Not only Thor and Kang Na, but even Chu Feng was a little hungry.

Although it’s not long after dinner, it’s difficult for people with gourmet cells to maintain a sense of satiety for too long.

As for Thor and Connor

The appetites of the two dragon ladies are much bigger than Chu Feng's.


Snapping his fingers, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Since there are ready-made ingredients, let's have a hot pot first."


Thor's expression became strange.

Although the long life of more than 40,000 years made her used to seeing death.

But eating in the place where the dead body has just been buried always feels a bit irritating.

Just now she kept Chu Feng's advice in mind, and did not let Kang Na see the blood. These people were all buried by her own hands.

"Of course not, take the things away, let's cook hot pot in another place."

Chu Feng covered his nose to hide his embarrassment.

He won't admit that he didn't think of this at all just now...

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