
The 0th Habitat Staff of IGO, one of the gourmet national treasures on earth.

In terms of her understanding of fantasy ingredients alone, she can be ranked among the top five in the world.


Merisman is more aware of how shocking the scene before him is.

The strength shown by those two girls is not human-like at all.

'I'm afraid the president doesn't have such strength to hang and beat the ice dragon, right?'

When this idea appeared, Merisman himself felt incredible.

After all, the chairman of the IGO is one of the three most powerful people recognized in the world.

"Who is that person?"

Alu suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and forced himself to calm down.

Soon, I found a man with his arms crossed, leaning against a big rock not far away.

"Chu~ Chu Feng~~ new super chef!"

Following Ah Lu's gaze, Xiao Song quickly recognized the man's identity, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Super chef, that is what he pursued all his life.

Chu Feng, who became a special chef at the young age of 20, is regarded as an idol by him.

After all, he is already twenty-five years old, and he is only an eight-star chef.

If other chefs knew his thoughts, they would probably vomit blood with anger.

How many people in the culinary world can reach eight stars in this age group.

"The guy who killed Bucky Wutz in one move?"

Alu was surprised.

For this rumored fast food truck owner, he only heard his name but never met him.

After all, he has been entrusted by IGOs ​​or other rich people, and has been in the food industry all year round. He rarely returns to the human world.

"Who are those two girls?"

Looking at the two dying Icefield Dragons, a look of panic appeared on Alu's face.

"The older one is Chu Feng's waiter, and the other is his younger sister, who is now in first grade.

Merisman directly stated the information he knew so far.

IGOs have been paying attention to Chu Feng.

Get to know the people around him.

But same as Chu Feng.

The origins of Thor and Connor have always been a mystery.

As if suddenly appearing in this world.

"Small, elementary school student?"

Xiao Song at the side was shocked.

The super existence that hits the ice dragon as a target.

You tell me this is a primary school student?

Are you kidding me?

At this moment, Komatsu didn't know what expression to make.

But look at that petite body.

It seems to be very suitable for the setting of elementary school students.

Ah Lu's focus was on the blond maid.

Such a person is willing to work as a waiter in a fast food truck?

Then how strong should Chu Feng be?

Alu couldn't figure it out.

What happened in front of him has exceeded his cognition.

Mingshen Zhongsheng and Mingshen Huchun came to the three of them quietly.

The father and daughter, who were lying on the back of the rock, did not dare to take a breath at this moment.

Yaowan Zixianliu's personality is very strong, but he is not conceited to the point of ravaging the ice dragon.

Father Ming and his daughter were very self-aware, and tacitly waited and watched what happened, and even planned to evacuate quickly.

In fact, when Merisman was hiding.

Chu Feng had already discovered the existence of these people.

After all, he has been paying attention to the battle situation, and his mental power will occasionally sweep to the rear inadvertently.

The moment Chu Feng saw Alu, Chu Feng was a little dazed.

I didn't expect to meet the protagonist of "Gourmet Captive" here.

After all, that anime is also one of his childhood memories.

But that's what it feels like.

Pay a little attention and stop paying attention.

As long as this group of people don't compete with him for the century soup.

Chu Feng was too lazy to answer.


Frown frivolously.

"Why are people from the Wu family here?"

With Chu Feng's mental power, he discovered that three more people came out of another cave.

One of them was Wu Jialou who appeared when Ayumi was kidnapped.

The Wu brothers and sisters had just arrived at the scene, and they were also shocked by the scene before them.

Even Wu Lei'an, who has always been fearless, looked dull at this moment.

Even if he is ten times stronger, he is not qualified to participate in this kind of sky-shattering battle.

"Hey, who are these people?"

Wu Fengshui covered his mouth, trying not to make too much noise.

Especially when he saw the two girls who had just left the dying ice dragon, and their clothes were not wrinkled.

Wu Fengshui was shocked and speechless.

"Are all people in the food industry this strong?"

Wu Lei'an turned to look at Wu Jialouluo, who was still calm, and asked suddenly.

"They should be regarded as special cases, right?"

Wu Jialou is also not very clear.

After all, he is still young.

The family rarely dispatches tasks related to fantasy ingredients.

But she recognized it now.

Chu Feng was the man who appeared on the roof opposite that day.

Although Wu Jialou didn't see it very clearly at the time.

But her intuition told her there was nothing wrong.

The killer has always trusted his instincts.

When Yujiro Fanma solved the last ice dragon.

Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Let's go, Century Soup is already ahead."

In fact, there is no need to remind.

Everyone has already smelled the alluring aroma.

0...seeking flowers...0

Yujiro Fanma grinned and said, "Don't worry about those guys?"

"No, as long as you don't steal our things.

Chu Feng glanced at the red-haired man in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Yujiro Fanma, who only exercises his body, has such a keen perception.


The four disappeared into the cave ahead.

Ah Yao, who was hiding behind the rock, came out and said angrily:

"What he said just now, is he actually speaking to us?"

"Otherwise? Do you think he's warning the three little fellows over there?"

Merisman glanced at the opposite rock, his tone quite helpless.

"What? Are we going to just give up on century soup?"

Aaron was a little dissatisfied.

He has already made it a soup in his life menu.


"What else can I do? I can only keep up and see if I can exchange a little bit with him?"

Merisman did not use affirmative sentences, but interrogative sentences.

Chu Feng's character is very strange, no one can figure it out, and the other party seems to have no shortage of dream food.

For a while, she couldn't think of what to use to trade with the other party.

Just when several people passed by a big rock.

Naruto Tadakatsu spoke suddenly.

"Brothers and sisters of the Wu family, come out."

"You are, Shenyin?"

Wu Fengshui walked out first with a sniper rifle on his back.

She had seen this man with a square face before her.

The Patriarch of the Naruto Clan.

A man who enjoys the name of Thunder God in the martial arts world.

Mingshen Zhongsheng nodded with a smile, and continued: "Mr. Wu and I are old acquaintances, this place is too dangerous for you, you should go with us.

Wu Fengshui heard the words, and quickly said: "Thank you so much."

She has already deeply experienced the horror of this ghost place.

Now that a big boss took the initiative to take them, they were naturally overjoyed.

Wu Lei'an and Wu Jialou came out with expressionless faces.

Although I don't believe that there are good-hearted people who don't ask for anything in return.

But when it came to their own lives, neither of them tried to be brave.

Narugami Huharu, hanging at the back, stared at his father's back.

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

The old thing is playing nice again.

It is estimated that they have already begun to figure out how to bring the Wu family into their pockets.

Among the ancient martial arts family, the overall strength of the Wu family is still very strong.

Mingshen Huchun was very clear about his father's plan.

Naruto wins!

It has always been a dream to unify the martial arts world.

To paraphrase an old saying of the Dragon Kingdom, his daughter-in-law is the homepage of the Wulin League!.

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